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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7069391 No.7069391 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite books about Japan, Japanese culture, stories heavily embedded in Japan/its culture, etc.? I've had a recent resurgence in my dormant inner-wap and would love to read about that kind of stuff and since I just got a new android device I have no excuse now.

>> No.7069393

>/jp/ - Japanese culture

>> No.7069400

Wanko to Kurasou

>> No.7069401

>/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.7069405

Because being an otaku has nothing to do with Japan.

>> No.7069415

1/10, you guys are finnally starting to do some research on the board you're trolling. Next time, come up with an original idea.

>> No.7069420
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>> No.7069429

I guess you guys think I'm trolling? I thought Japan and Japanese culture fell under the otaku umbrella. Sorry, I guess.

>> No.7069440

No and don't forget to delete your thread before going out.

>> No.7069444

nah I'll leave it here in hopes someone less dickish finds it

>> No.7069455

I don't read books anymore, but I do like Tetsudo Fan, Tetsudo Journal, and any train + travel magazine in Japanese.

>> No.7069458

fat chance, i'm the nicest guy on this board and I dont even feel bad telling you how shitty this thread is.

>> No.7069464

We stopped being Japan/General what...2-3 years ago now?

>> No.7069467

well if you're gonna throw a shitfit at me could you at least tell me what this board is ACTUALLY about then? Like, what I can post to not get bitched at

>> No.7069473

NSFW material without spoilers.

>> No.7069475

Why can't you show some politeness and, at least, sage? Are you too dumb to delete it? Fucking rude other boards, get out of /jp/ and don't wonder if /jp/ is rude with you again !

>> No.7069472


little girls

>> No.7069471



>> No.7069476

I still don't see how Japanese culture isn't included in otaku topics. The rules just say otaku culture with no real defined rules so I dunno

>> No.7069478

I use wikipedia!

>> No.7069482
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>mffw op is 2 asspained 2 deleet he's own shite thred aftr jp butpomeld him

>> No.7069484

okay try this:

think of whatever you think epitomizes the phrase "otaku culture"

post the exact opposite of that.

>> No.7069492
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>> No.7069495

What about you fucking learn to read, fucking dumbass? It's about otaku culture which means "which touhou is the best dancer" and "Did you fuck your sister /jp/"?

>> No.7069498


Try maybe..browsing the first page or two and taking a wild guess?

>> No.7069502

So like... I'm not actually violating the board rules, just the established board culture?

I just don't see how asking about books about Japan is not relevant to the board topic.

>> No.7069511

Not possible, other boards are way too dumb to realize that's how you should do it and they must get their answers within 5 minutes and be the most rude possible at the same time.

>> No.7069512


But you are off topic and too fucking arrogant to figure out why.

>> No.7069520
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>> No.7069514
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>> No.7069523
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>> No.7069528
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>> No.7069530


>> No.7069531

There is as much link between fucking your sister and Venezuela or Japan. See where I am going with this? Of course not. Fuck off and go away, you are too dumb for this board.

>> No.7069532

I have to be getting trolled. I'M being rude? I haven't said one mean thing while everyone else is hurling insults at me.

I still refuse to believe this is not a board-relevant topic. How is it not?

>> No.7069535


Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.7069538

>1. This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.

Oh, and >>>/int/3203487

>> No.7069545

because people who spend hours after hours every day are telling you it's not.

>> No.7069546

Thanks. That's more helpful.

>> No.7069547

It was said what? 3 times? And you are still not sageing. Write sage in your e-mail field would be a good first if you don't want to be rude. How fucking hard is that? Do you want me to do it for you? Jesus Christ. That's why you are called a dumbass. Get a fucking brain!

>> No.7069548


Acutally, now that it's veered completely away from any kind of worthwhile content, off-topic or otherwise, and reverted into a vacuous meta-discussion circlejerk over what belongs on /jp/ and why you're a cunt, it is now a typical /jp/ thread.

>> No.7069553

Have you ever read any stories by Haruki Murakami? I got into his work a couple of years ago and really dig it. They take place in contemporary Japan, at least from the mid-20th century onwards.

>> No.7069555
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>MFW OP samefagged to hied hes traks

>> No.7069559

You know. Normally when you're getting kicked out from a place after your opinion has been analyzed and evaluated, you just get the fuck out.

It's pure instinct. What's your point on staying here? go back to troll the shit out of you board.
Maybe you prefer to stay here because basic trolling it's easier (for kids like you).

>> No.7069565

I usually prefer early 20centruy stuff like Souseki, but Murakami's a fun read.

>> No.7069567

No, but thank you. Glad to see at least one good thing came of this thread.

>> No.7069570


get out of /jp/

>> No.7069573

What these gentlemen are trying to say is that you should lurk and learn what a board is about before posting on it. Widespread failure to do this had dire effects on other boards.
Also, every board you go to has probably raided /jp/ and you've given no indication that you're not intentionally trying to rile our autistic population up.

>> No.7069587
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>geten butrangd over unlimitd onw wrks

ur no tru /jp/er

>> No.7069592

I see what you're saying. Sorry I stepped on anyone's toes.

>> No.7069595

I just took a shit on the floor so you have no right to say I'm not a tru NEET.

>> No.7069598

True NEETs are not welcome here.

>> No.7069620
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>> No.7069714

i lold

>> No.7069721

Not even contemporary VNs can top Torikaebaya Monogatari when it comes to sheer fap value, so you should go for that.

>> No.7069778

I love how when OP questions why he is wrong you give roundabout and/or illogical replies. It almost makes me think OP wasn't in the wrong after all.

Just another day on /jp/. I swear, you people do this on purpose.

>> No.7070112

>50 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Tell me about it.

>> No.7070554
File: 221 KB, 774x1024, oreimo32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry OP. You have to understand lots of people here are sad sacks of shit and have never amounted to anything and deep down it pisses them off. Yet they say they embrace it.

Given that.. you should have posted this in /lit/, though.
