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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 312x445, 1299222701172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7042036 No.7042036 [Reply] [Original]

its overrated and not even that good, I dont get why this is so expensive

>> No.7042040

You missed /tg/, but a blue card and 1 life just to pitch a hard counter is so good, it's almost broken.

>> No.7042057

It's a counter that costs NO MANA. If you can't understand how awesome that is, kindly stop playing blue.

>> No.7042058

Imagine this. All your islands are tapped, and the opponent thinks, fuck yeah, I'm going to cast a 21 mana fireball using 4 dark rituals and lots of elves with his red/green/black fireball deck. AND THEN YOU COUNTER.

>> No.7042087

It's thrusting your massive blue dick into their spells for no mana.

>> No.7042092

anything that costs 0 mana has the potential to be broken

>> No.7042099

Fuck, I just learned they stopped printing counterspell to make it one mana more expensive.

>> No.7042102

Did you know that instants became interrupts?

Weird, I know.

>> No.7042109 [DELETED] 

Instants and interrupts are the same. Nothing changed.

>> No.7042112

isn't it the other way around?

>> No.7042135

We should totally get counterspell back. Power creep is so terrible these days anyway.

>> No.7042400
File: 76 KB, 312x445, Blatant_Thievery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing multiplayer casual yesterday when I played this card. It was countered by a FORCE OF WILL. I was kinda pissed, since I had nothing useful on the table and the only other two things in my hand were a Talisman of Dominance (mana artifact) and a Decree of Annihilation. Guess what happened the next turn.

>> No.7043678

I have no idea what the fuck you nerds are talking about.

>> No.7043689
File: 39 KB, 500x375, 1297273537557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys play blue?
Good job guys

>> No.7043920
File: 31 KB, 223x310, pyritespellbomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, I play all colors (although I don't have green in any of my decks at the moment), but mostly artifact/red/blue. (I know artifact is not a color, but it's so significant in my decks it counts; I even have a completely colorless deck.) It really fits my playing style, too: I make all kinds of awesome combos and manage to do all kinds of neat stuff (Blue), but I simply do everything I can without saving things for the long run, and while my combos are impressive I often manage to lose even with near-infinite life, creatures, card drawing, and so on (Red).

>> No.7043942

I usually hear people say that having too much life is not a good thing; it just shows a poor build.

All my builds have green. Green creatures are my dependable, broad-shouldered aniki.

>> No.7043999
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 128954773270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am at /jp/ too but I am not a nerd

>> No.7044152
File: 65 KB, 312x445, Sun_Droplet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in multiplayer it isn't, and especially not in casual multiplayer. You'd be surprised how easy it is to gain life when 'for every opponent' or 'every upkeep' suddenly become '4 times' instead of 'once' or 'twice'. Your opponents' decks generally aren't constructed to easily kill somebody with a high life total, as instant-kill methods of victory generally only work against one player - and often leave you defenseless against other players afterwards.

Pic related: This card is quite good as long as your opponents don't deal a lot of damage every turn (since you can gain a life at the beginning of EACH PLAYER's turn). Use two of them with something to damage yourself with, and you have an insane life-gainer. Even if you can't damage yourself, your opponent will know better than to attack you unless he can destroy the droplets or kill you immediately.

>> No.7044174

I stopped playing Magic when Progenitus (or whatever the fuck it was called) came out.

Protection from everything. Proof that they're becoming lazy and Magic is dying.

>> No.7044226

That thing is fucking ridiculous. At least you can't equip or enchant it or anything.

>> No.7044230
File: 29 KB, 223x310, progenitus..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.7044234

I can't believe we are actually having this thread.

>> No.7044246


>Protection from everything

They were making a unique monster and didn't want to have to type out
"Protection from White, Blue, Black, Green, Red, and Colorless".

>> No.7044244
File: 77 KB, 312x445, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It costs *two* mana of *every* color. Good luck casting it. It's not even that strong for how much it costs, since it still dies to wrath.

Pic Related is way better.

>> No.7044251

Aha, the first step to merging /tg/ and /jp/ so I dont have to visit two places.

Also, magic died with planeswalker cards.

>> No.7044280

No, I am a nerd too, but this is just... these are the nerds among nerds.

>> No.7044281
File: 36 KB, 201x290, bullshit colossus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this piece of shit so much. A unimaginative, one-hit kill creature that can be cheated in to play that totally obsoletes one of the most beloved cards in the game. It's a 22/11 indestructible trampler with wither that you can have out on turn 3. What the fuck.

>> No.7044297

But that's not what everything means.
It has protection from all colors (including colorless,) all card types (creature, instant, etc,) all creature types, all abilities, anything that has a name.

>> No.7044303
File: 133 KB, 525x440, 1298315857607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 players match.

>> No.7044319

Thankfully no one in my group has drawn any of these yet because no one feels like dealing with it.

>> No.7044334

New cards are so outrageously overpowered compared to earlier cards from the 90s sets, it disappoints me so much. MtG is like a shounen anime, the only way they could think to keep people interested was to just keep upping the power levels into absurdity.

>> No.7044345

You see people talking about learning a whole language just to play porn games, dudes dressing into girl's clothing, guys baking awesome cakes to imaginary girlfriends, and you find a card game "nerds among nerds" stuff?

>> No.7044358


When you have protection from colors, the rest don't matter.
Everything in magic is either colored or colorless, so you only need those 6 protections.
Everything else can be ignored, because then either the Protection applies (targeting Progenitus) or the Protection does not apply (world effect)

>> No.7044369

The new Mirrodin set is such a god damn tragedy. The only thing it has in common with the old Mirrodin is the focus on artifacts. No sunburst, no modular, no affinity. Yes, Mirrodin was an overpowered set, but would it really be as overpowered now days considering how bad power creep has gotten? Wasted opportunity if you ask me.

>> No.7044387
File: 596 KB, 400x580, RaigekiBreak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if it didn't have protection from everything, you would be able to kill it with the upcoming card from the next UN set that lets you play a card from another TCG.

>> No.7044486
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, 1276897870344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because in the earlier sets you were able to get a first turn win, not as op as these new cards eh?

>> No.7044504
File: 67 KB, 300x432, Relentless_Rats..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044512
File: 33 KB, 312x445, Iridescent Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You left a couple years too late, it seems. See picture (2001). Darksteel (2004) also introduced indestructible, and shroud (can't target this creature) has been in the game since Mirage (1996).

I think Progenitus was actually a brilliant card. They had decided to make one 'most powerful thing in the world' creature, and the simple way they've done it was very elegant: 'Protection from everything'. That said, the card isn't that bad. It hits the table every now and then here (usually through trickery, hardcasting is rare), but it dies to everything that doesn't target and is a legend (so it also dies if somebody decides to clone it).

I'm personally more concerned about 6 mana 6/6, can't be targeted unless (2) extra is paid, when it enters the battlefield and whenever it attacks, tap and freeze target permanent...in BLUE. It's allowed because it's a mythic rare, is their justification. Seriously, what the hell.

>> No.7044513

>interacting with people in real life

>> No.7044514

Unless you have twenty rats out, it isn't a problem. And then the opponent can just play a card that wipes out all monsters.

>> No.7044518

I thought people just looked at the cards and came up with strategies. You mean people actually buy these things and participate in actual games?

>> No.7044522
File: 34 KB, 223x310, memoricide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044532

>my face when progenitus, emrakul are killed by wrath of god

>my face when you path to exile blightsteel

>> No.7044535


>> No.7044543 [DELETED] 

>killed by wrath of god

>> No.7044555

Wait a minute I thought this was /tg/


>> No.7044565
File: 66 KB, 312x445, Consecrated_Sphinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raigeki Break doesn't do anything in Magic. First of all, there's no zone named the Field, so there are no targets. Even if you were to count the Battlefield as the Field, there are no cards on the battlefield, only permanents. Cards can only be in hands, libraries, graveyards and exile.

Magic had a serious balance issue with the first sets (Alpha, Beta, Unlimited). After those sets, the balance was fixed, and the game remained at a more or less constant balance until Urza's block, which started the period known as the 'combo winter', where one turn kills were again possible due to design flaws (not direct balance issues; the cards were used in ways they were not intended to be used). After Urza's block, balance remained more or less okay, with a slight power creep, continuing until Mirrodin block, where again cards were used slightly different than intended resulting in a way too powerful set (this period is sometimes called the second combo winter, although it was nothing like the actual combo winter).

>> No.7044570

After Mirrodin block the power took a huge dip during Kamigawa block, which was widely criticized as being both weak and too centered on cards from the block (spirits were hard to find outside of Kamigawa, arcane exists only in Kamigawa). Then it took a step up again in Ravnica (this started the land power creep, where lands started becoming increasingly powerful. Now for every basic land there's a superior replacement), but remained okay for a while after that. Then, and I don't know when exactly it started since I wasn't playing at that moment, they started becoming money-hungry and started a serious power creep. Planeswalkers were introduced, rare creatures were beefed up a bit, they introduced mythic rares, and with every new set, stuff started becoming stronger and stronger. This reached an extreme with the mythics from Magic 2011, which were often strictly superior to older cards.

Picture related, Mind's Eye was already a very powerful card in multiplayer, but if anybody's going to play this in my group I want to punch them in the face.

>> No.7044597

>>my face when progenitus, emrakul are killed by wrath of god
Progenitus, yes.

>When you cast Emrakul, take an extra turn after this one.
It kind of sucks when you can only play Wrath of God in your own turn. Even if you survive, you'll have to sacrifice 6 permanents, and unless your blockers weren't removed somehow in the second turn, you also just took 15 damage.

Emrakul is pretty much an 'I win' card.

>> No.7044599

It must be the wonders of having multiple tabs in the same window. I saw a 100% /tg/ style weapons thread in /a/ a few days ago without even a single anime picture. OP probably didn't double-check the board and nor did anybody else.

>> No.7044616

UN set, you idiot. Like unhinged or unglued. These are sets that have cards that can attack the turn before their played, can't be blocked if the defender is wearing jeans, need to be ripped to pieces to be cast, or force players to buy you drinks. A card that lets you play a card from another card game would fit right in.

>> No.7044647


Ah. Alliances. Perhaps not proof, but a strong hint that there was such a thing as the good old days.

>> No.7044673
File: 63 KB, 234x320, deathwish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. I'm just saying, even if you were to play a Raigeki Break in a Magic match, there's no way to determine what it does in Magic context. There's no 'field' and the only 'card's you can target are in the graveyard. They'll have to explicitly say that 'monster' will mean 'creature' in a Magic context, and so on. If they just print 'play a card from another game, interpret it using common sense' you'll get lots of disagreement among the players. Un-cards are not serious, but they must be playable.

Speaking of using cards from different sets, try to see how your group reacts if you use Death Wish to grab a Yu-Gi-Oh card, your debit card or a default playing card.
Unfortunately, 'card' in a Magic context refers exclusively to Magic: the Gathering trading cards legal in the current format, so if somebody looks it up, you can't actually do it.

>> No.7044714 [DELETED] 

>108.2. When a rule or text on a card refers to a “card,” it means only a Magic card. This includes both traditional Magic cards, which measure approximately 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) by 3.5 inches (8.8 cm) and have a “Deckmaster” back, and nontraditional Magic cards, which are oversized and have different backs. Tokens aren’t considered cards—even a card that represents a token isn’t considered a card for rules purposes.
>108.2a In the text of spells or abilities, the term “card” is used only to refer to a card that’s not on the battlefield or on the stack, such as a creature card in a player’s hand. For more information, see section 4, “Zones.”

I had no idea oversized MTG cards could also be gotten through Death Wish. I need to get some oversized cards. Looks like you can also grab Planechase, Archenemy and Vanguard cards with it, but you obviously can't play them.

>> No.7044718
File: 330 KB, 620x412, MM-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>108.2. When a rule or text on a card refers to a “card,” it means only a Magic card. This includes both traditional Magic cards, which measure approximately 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) by 3.5 inches (8.8 cm) and have a “Deckmaster” back, and nontraditional Magic cards, which are oversized and have different backs. Tokens aren’t considered cards—even a card that represents a token isn’t considered a card for rules purposes.
>108.2a In the text of spells or abilities, the term “card” is used only to refer to a card that’s not on the battlefield or on the stack, such as a creature card in a player’s hand. For more information, see section 4, “Zones.”

I had no idea oversized MTG cards could also be gotten through Death Wish. I need to get some oversized cards. Looks like you can also grab Planechase, Archenemy and Vanguard cards with it, but you obviously can't play them.

>> No.7044732

>play a card from another game, interpret it using common sense, you'll get lots of disagreement among the players.
That what's I was thinking, actually. Half the fun of playing it would be the disagreement/argument that follows. And hell, if the card says it, you do it.
Hm...I could see screwing around with the rules being a good theme for an UN set...

>> No.7044741


Nobody ever casts Emrakul. They either pull him out with zombify or polymorph.

That next turn ability only happens if you cast, not put onto the battlefield, so you still have 1 turn to play whatever.

>> No.7044754

How's he get in the graveyard?

>> No.7044766


>> No.7044774

>Emrakul is pretty much an 'I win' card.

If you managed to hardcast Emrakul you deserve to win

>> No.7044776

Cast Zombify with Vedalken Orrery or a similar card?

>> No.7044787

Turn three, channel, Emrakul, Chaos Charm. Instant win if it weren't for OP's card.

>> No.7044790


This is pretty much true. 15 mana, or 20 mana via Spawnsire of Ulamog, pretty much has every right to be "INSTANT VICTORY TRIGGER".

>> No.7044804



This card was banned everywhere for a long time for a reason.

>> No.7044803


Entomb, Fauna Shaman, etc etc

>> No.7044799

Oooh, ok. Thought it was the other kind of graveyard dodging where the card never reaches it.

Honestly, if I ever make an eldrazi deck, I'll be hard casting them. I figure it wouldn't be that bad with their spawn and locus lands and urza lands and whatnot.

>> No.7044801

He can be in a graveyard. You can target it with things that only target cards in a graveyard until the ability that shuffles it back into the library resolves because it's a triggered ability that uses the stack, not a replacement affect.

Blightsteel colossus can't be in a graveyard because it uses a replacement effect.

>> No.7044814

But we're still just trying to kill Arc, which is easy(in relative speaking to killing the planet), just kill all the earth around her and then her with like true magic or some shit. Let's go with the former anon?

>> No.7044817

Livin' in a card-board-box.

>> No.7044824
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>> No.7044825
File: 53 KB, 265x370, Nim_Deathmantle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you don't use the ridiculous method I outlined in >>7044787 , infinite mana combos aren't all that hard. It's no longer legal in any non-eternal format, but one of my decks contains the combo Nim Deathmantle + Composite Golem (6-mana creature that has sac: Add WUBRG to your mana pool). You sacrifice the golem for 5 mana, use 4 of it to return the golem, sacrifice again, etc. There's got to be a way to pull of something like this even in standard, or at least in extended. Naturally, that's not even considering the option of sacrificing permanents for mana, which is possible with plenty of cards. There's also cards that can double mana. Infinite mana isn't all that hard to reach, it's just difficult to have infinite mana AND something to do with all that mana. And Emrakul is basically instant-win if you have infinite mana, and it even wins in multiplayer. Bonus points if you have that much mana and a repeatable bounce; easy infinite turns for multiplayer.

>> No.7044832
File: 70 KB, 312x445, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044841


>(in relative speaking to killing the planet), just kill all the earth around her

And how the fuck do you accomplish this without the MEoDP or Enuma Elish?

>> No.7044856
File: 105 KB, 300x432, Proteus-Staff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically, Phage is completely worthless in casual multiplayer because of the huge risk of it somehow coming into play against your will (Warp World, Proteus Staff, etc).

>> No.7044859
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>> No.7044878
File: 27 KB, 223x310, Ornithopter_AQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it?

>> No.7044888
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>> No.7044899
File: 92 KB, 312x445, ujelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ballin erryday, niggas

>> No.7044962
File: 83 KB, 312x445, Gleemax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would totally hardcast this if only my group allowed Un-cards.

>> No.7044987
File: 71 KB, 312x445, 124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was easy!

>> No.7044996
File: 64 KB, 300x432, Doubling_Cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually hardcasted that one multiple times while I was still in high school (Kamigawa/Ravnica era).

>> No.7045056

Good times...

>> No.7045089

Mirrodin and Ravnica were amazing flavor-wise. Then they recycled material in Time Spiral, and then they suddenly stopped making anything interesting flavorwise. Each plane, no matter how insignificant, also has at least five planeswalkers now.

>> No.7045113

Shiki can kill Emrakul.

>> No.7045124
File: 44 KB, 375x523, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7045170

/jp/ - Traditional Games
