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7040040 No.7040040 [Reply] [Original]

Why is FSN prologue so much better than the rest of game?

Pic unrelated

>> No.7040059

because you play as Rin

>> No.7040064

Because it's actually not. Reading Rin's monologue was so boring, I almost dropped the game.

>> No.7040065

Is this your first playthrough? UBW route is good all the way through. First forced route with boring Saber is pretty shitty until the end. Heavens feel is meh.

I've only played each route in F/SN once, so I'm no expert on it anyways. Tsukihime was more to my liking.

>> No.7040074

I like your style

>> No.7040075

>Because it's actually not. Reading Rin's monologue was so boring, I almost dropped the game.


>> No.7040081

Prologue: You are introduced to a cute, but believable and expert magi,she summons her badass servant. Her dialogs are cool and her chemistry with the servant is very good. Shit gets real soon


>> No.7040107
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Rin should've been the playable character the whole time.

>> No.7040116
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>Heavens feel is meh.


Sakura is the superior heroine. No arguing.

inb4 slut[/spoiler


Plenty of VNs (and anime) have drawn-out cooking scenes. It appears to be a hugely integral part of Japanese culture for some reason.

>> No.7040117 [DELETED] 
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The last ten or so minutes were pretty good too, along with the whole Hercules mess. Kitchen time is only boring during Sabers route.

>> No.7040125


Well that spoiler failed utterly.

>> No.7040130

I disagree. The part as Rin was so boring. I couldn't wait to get reading as Shirou.

>> No.7040132
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You mean that poor bastardized copy of Akiha?

>> No.7040140


Don't compare the shitty tsundere called Rin to MAI Akiha

>> No.7040145


All of Nasu's characters are copies of his earlier characters. He builds on the same archetypes throughout his stories.

This is why Rin is a more solid character than Akiha. The only thing the latter really has going for her is her crazymode and we only get to see that for like twenty minutes.

Those twenty minutes were the only good part of Tsukihime.

>> No.7040142

You mean HF.
Along with just about any scene that had Sakura is in.
Oh well, at least it redeemed it self with that ending, Sparks Liner High. Shirou finally proving his worth, and willing to push himself all the way to the limit , no holding back, if it meant he could save someone. His last line was great too.
Though the fact that it just left off with Saber going, "I wonder, can you save her in time Rin?" was sort of annoying.

>> No.7040151

Go back to spamming Kuroko

>> No.7040153


This is why UBWfags are scum.

>> No.7040155
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only good part of the prologue was all the lancer service.

>> No.7040172

>lancer service.
Exactly why UBW > Fate > HF
Or it may be Fate > UBW > HF. I can't remember which was better in terms of Lancer. I mean UBW had that whole sequence starting from the Castle, but Fate had that "Oh sorry, Gilgamesh, my hand slipped" bit.
Shame we didn't get the original plan with Saver or maybe we could've gotten a full blown Lancer route.

>> No.7040175

Lancer was infinitely more GAR than Archer. Damn good character, wish he had more spotlight.

>> No.7040181

So one character who barely appear can tip the balance between routes.
Well I guess it show that FSN just isn't that good of a game.

>> No.7040183


Wait about ten years for F/HA then.

>> No.7040195


Akiha is a character, not a shitty archetype with no character development or progression whatsoever, a bitchy aptitude with zero dere moments and that only serves as an giant talking encyclopedia for all the game.

And this, my friends, it's the truth about Rin.

>> No.7040193

UBW was lancers best show, though as much as I like the guy I wouldn't want to be on the receiving side of his gae bolg.

Also if they made Cu a girl I think I would have flown to Japan just to kick nasu in the balls.

So lancer route was out of the question.

I would however accept dp'ing bazette route.

>> No.7040192

>So one character who barely appear can tip the balance between routes.
So naive Anon.
So so naive.

>> No.7040198

>What are opinions?

>Implying kitchen time during HF wasn't even more boring because it was literally just a retread of earlier kitchen times, Shirou angsting, and backstory that could have been included in supplemental material

Pretty much this. It's easily seen as early as KnK.

>> No.7040202

>Also if they made Cu a girl I think I would have flown to Japan just to kick nasu in the balls.
>So lancer route was out of the question.
Did you completely misunderstand what he meant by Saver?

>> No.7040208

>And this, my friends, it's the truth about Rin.
Ok so, we're basically ignoring her entire conflict with magi vs human nature, her trying to live up to the Tohsaka name, her developing feelings for someone she realizes has a stupid ideal, and her becoming more warm in the ending and shedding her 'perfect' image.

This my friends, is a prime example of a Rin hater. I would call you a Sakura-fag, but that's just being mean.

>> No.7040232
File: 129 KB, 450x338, dark_sakura[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are opinions?

Nah bro, Sakura really IS superior. You're just jellymad because Rin only got one H-scene in her route and Sakura got like thirty.

>> No.7040234

They're not even that similar.
You either didn't even read the VN or are illiterate. Rin had plenty of character development and was more dere than tsun after a while. She was only harsh with Shirou when he was being an idiot and deserved it.

>> No.7040242

Thats why I said I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of his penis.

Playing fate as a girl would have been weird.

>> No.7040248
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You're trying awfully hard to make me rage.
I'm a Saber-fag.

>> No.7040249

Don't mind me just waiting for Caster route patched in any day now. Yep, any day now.

>> No.7040254

Don't worry, it'll happen in the Fate Remake in 10 years, just like how the Sacchin route ewas added in the Tsukihime Remake!

>> No.7040257

Fate - 5/10 boring as shit route but I give it some points for having the best fight scene (Saber vs Rider when you first see Excalibur)

UBW - 7/10 better than Fate and has the best heroine but nothing special

HF - 3/10 boring shit with the worst heroine

Overall, pretty boring game.
Product of gay fans of the anime and 中二病 fags getting excited over cheesy fight scenes and one-dimensional protagonist.
This is why Index (the anime) is also shit.

>> No.7040260

>character development
She has no character development. She is a one dimensional mary sue wish fulfillment garbage slut. Enjoy your whore

>> No.7040259


Wait, you're lying. There are no Saberfags because everyone hates the Fate route.

I was a Saberfag before HF too.

>> No.7040261
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>> No.7040265

>because everyone hates the Fate route

>> No.7040266

>mary sue
You clearly don't even know what that term means, please stop using it.

>> No.7040267
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Isn't it sad, anon?

>> No.7040272
File: 50 KB, 350x350, 050801saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saber fan master race, in my /jp/?

The Sakura and Rin fans seem to automatically assume that if your favourite character isn't their slut of choice, it must be the other one.

>> No.7040275

Oh look Sudo is mad again because his slutty mary sue got called out for what she is.

>A Mary Sue (sometimes just Sue), in fanfiction, is a fictional character with overly idealized and hackneyed mannerisms, lacking noteworthy flaws, and primarily functioning as a wish-fulfillment fantasy for the author or reader.
>overly idealized
>hackneyed mannerisms
>lacking noteworthy flaws
>wish-fulfillment fantasy
Super yes

That settles that

>> No.7040276

You aren't thin enough to criticize others, Sudo.

Lose about three hundred pounds.

>> No.7040280


You know, there are people who like that stuff on its own merits (being imaginative if paradoxically unoriginal and simply fun to read) right?

>> No.7040286

Saber vs Rider was pretty boring. The entirety of the Hercules fight starting from escape from the castle to returning home was the best chunk in the entirety of the Fate route

>> No.7040283
File: 33 KB, 517x801, 1202877866345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean that poor bastardized copy of Akiha?
Playing as a fake Akiha will always beat playing as a real !Akiha.

>> No.7040291

Try reading (>>7040208) before you make even more of a fool out of yourself. Rin isn't overly idealized. She has several flaws, and if she was "wish fulfillment" she wouldn't even have a tsun side.
I wouldn't exist if I lost that much weight.

>> No.7040297

That's not the scene in the basement of the church, where Shirou has his revelation.

>> No.7040298

>doesn't think tsunderes are wish fulfillment
You really are autistic

>> No.7040301
File: 300 KB, 500x682, 1297058016713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have a cute, half-demon imouto whose sole wish is to forever be with you and make you happy.

Your life is a wretched existence which will meet its end in a maw of absolute despair.

>> No.7040302

>All of Nasu's characters are copies of his earlier characters

None of the Tsukihime characters are, except for maybe Akiha (see Azaka).

>> No.7040303
File: 775 KB, 1280x1024, Konachan.com%20-%2065854%20dark_matou_sakura%20fate_stay_night%20fate_unlimited_codes%20matou_sakura[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The term "mary sue" has been overused to the point where it is no longer applicable. Please leave.

>The Sakura and Rin fans seem to automatically assume that if your favourite character isn't their slut of choice, it must be the other one.

That's because it's usually true.

>> No.7040306

First of all you mean two-dimensional, things that are one-dimensional only exist as a mathematic theory. Secondly, a two-dimensional mary sue would still be a pleonasm. Next time you start criticizing characters atleast try to sound less stupid.

>> No.7040307

The entire revalation was silly. What kind of idiot Would choose a bunch of people he's never met over having a wish for himself? Lucky I chose not to save them for my selfish reasons though, that would have been a bad end since the goblet of fire was cursed anyways.

>> No.7040310

>I wouldn't exist if I lost that much weight.

Do you promise?

>> No.7040309

Well for some reason I just can't stand it. It gives me shivers because I find settings like this extremely cheesy.
It was the scene that left the biggest impression on me. I don't even remember any of the other fight scenes.

>> No.7040311

You're trying too hard.

>> No.7040313

>That's because it's usually true.
More like it's the same two people arguing Sakura vs Rin in every FSN thread.

>> No.7040314
File: 230 KB, 544x800, 835f041a28d9cdd9d53c6d86aa23788df9312227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Akiha
>Heroine only contains one true ending, with another "normal" end.
No good end for Akiha has still pained me for all these years. That and the lack of Illy H scenes. Why would they do that.

>> No.7040316

Azaka, Akiha, and Rin are all based of of Aoko according to Nasu.

He cannot go one work without including Aoko.

>> No.7040317


Kohaku's true personality is identical to that of the BEEENNNNNNDDDD bitch, who was also later reused for Sakura.

Arcuied is very similar to Ryougi's male personality, George Nakata shows up in both stories, Tohno and Kokutou are the same fucking character... there's even a proto-Arihiko who shows up about twice.

>> No.7040318

She got an expanded okay end in kagetsu, deal with it.

>> No.7040320

You are too harsh
Fate: 6/10
Suffer from being the first route and therefore have to introduce lots of things and unfortunately Nasu love to walloftext for his expositions, Saber's story had potential but it was badly presented and expended.
Overall very bland but readable

UBW: 7.5/10
The Caster arc was pretty terrible but everything after that wasn't bad at all.
This route really shed light on Shirou's character which is the most interesting thing about the game but the whole dilema with Archer felt like it could have been done better. Not bad.

HF: 7/10
In this route it feels like Nasu both had too much and too little ambition.
Him trying to show a darker and more morally ambiguous side of the war was welcome and pretty interesting.
But it also felt like in the end he took the easy way out so the "morally ambiguous" theme felt pretty shallow in the end.

In the end it's a pretty straightforward eroge but Nasu did try to do something pretty interesting with Shirou, whether he failed or not is in question though.
Being an eroge and therefore for "adults" he could have done a bit less 王道 and show things with more shades of gray but I guess lots of people like straightforward story like this, for people like me there are stuffs like Muramasa or Coμ I guess

>> No.7040322

I didnt personally have a preference in terms of routes. They all had their ups and downs (although the second two had a bit more action in them, meanwhile the first one just seemed like saber fanservice). I suppose I liked the second two routes because shirou wasnt being babied by saber and ends up facing some hard choices.

For example, saber gets taken from shirou in the second two routes which bitch slaps him back to reality, forcing him to actually do something.

In terms of characters, I liked shirou rin and saber the most (mostly since those three actually showed personality). Oh, and Illya too... she seemed like one of the more tragic characters in the game. Archer seemed like more of a mentor type character to me, since he was always someone actually helping shirou (even though he wanted to kill shirou...derp). Lancer, I admit was a cool character, but didnt really get enough screentime. Gilgamesh was a goddamn broken record. Castor was another tragic-ish character with an extreme lack of screentime. Shinji was a completely useless twit.

As for sakura, I always hear that shes the true heroine and blah blah blah blah. I still hate her. Yes, I know that she was raped and tortured as a child, but even so she just seems like too weak/chirpy of a character. She apparently has a complex where she thinks everything is out to get her. So what does she do? "OH WELL, BETTER GIVE IN TO THE DARKNESS AND KILL EVERYONE AND BECOME THE MAIN BADDIE". I dunno, she just felt like a really linear character to me, and a weak one at that.

>> No.7040323

Oh look, you have no argument so you're pulling the "autism" card. I don't argue with meme-spewing idiots, so I'm not going to bother replying to you anymore.
Yes, so I'm not going to lose it.

>> No.7040331

Autism isn't a meme in your case, you're are notorious for being one of the most autistic people on the board in the medical sense. And tsunderes are wish fulfillment, stop being an idiot

>> No.7040334

>Would choose a bunch of people he's never met over having a wish for himself?
Did you miss the fact that entire point of Shirou's character was that he was broken as a "normal" person due to past trauma?

>> No.7040333

>Tohno and Kokutou are the same fucking character


If you say something like that, it's not even worth discussing this with you.

>> No.7040342

Not to defend sudo, but most eroge heroines are wish fulfillment.

>> No.7040350

lulz autism EPIC WIN meme XD

>> No.7040351

Fate: 5/10
Introduces too much shit, pacing is awful, repetitive as balls. Story is ok.

UBW: 6/10
A little bit more interesting but again it's too repetitive and not worth the length

HF: 7/10
Nice way to wrap up the game but it doesn't particularly excel at anything

Overall: 6.5/10
Not worth the length, repetitive, and horrible eroge. Heroines were all awful.
Nasu did a good job building a cool world, but outside of that there is no more merit to the game.

>> No.7040366

>Nasu did a good job building a cool world

And that is all that matters in a chuuni game.

>> No.7040379

>you're are notorious for being one of the most autistic people on the board in the medical sense
Only among idiots such as yourself who aren't even aware of what the word actually means. I've been to two psychiatrists and a few therapists, I'm not autistic.

>> No.7040385
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>I've been to two psychiatrists and a few therapists, I'm not autistic.

>> No.7040386

>I've been to two psychiatrists and a few therapists

Shouldn't you be seeing a plastic surgeon for your weight problem, instead? Or maybe a gastrointestinal doctor for a stomach clamp or staple job.

>> No.7040396

>Arcuied is very similar to Ryougi's male personality

WTF am I reading? No he is not. Arcueid has a girly personality, her mannerisms are those of a woman. Just because Male!Ryougi is cheerful doesn't mean they have similar personalities. Boyish =/= girly.

>> No.7040402

Yeah I did, but I acted as I would have, not as he would have.

>> No.7040414

If I actually had a weight problem I probably would.

>> No.7040446

Why is Sudo such a shitposter who ruins perfectly nice threads?

>> No.7040467
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I wonder.

>> No.7040478
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>he hasn't filtered me yet!

>> No.7040527

rofl i luv using greentext to ironically shitpoast XD

>> No.7040547

Shitposting is a pretty cool word. It can be used to describe pretty much anything you don't like!

>> No.7040610

Sarcasm and irony are pretty cool words. They can be used to describe pretty much anything that makes you look like an idiot!

>> No.7040615

Every thread that Sudo posts in becomes shit because there are people who make it their life's objective to troll him and he can't just ignore them like the idiot he is.

I'm also stopping by to say:

Fate/LE: Pretty good route, but suffers from being the 'first' route. Sets up everything nicely, has a healthy mix of character development/battles, and Shirou actually had a good epiphany or realization int he basement. Ending was tragic, and LE was a clusterfuck, but still satisfying. 7/10

UBW: Best paced route and isn't really Rin's route as much as it's Shirou/Archer's. Points out the flaws in his ideal more clearly and is entertaining in terms of battles. 8/10

HF: Amazing ending, but everything else was ho-hum. Tried to be grimdark, but only isolated most viewers. Heroine was pretty much 1-dimensional and set up as a pity character, which left a bad taste in my mouth. 5/10

>> No.7040622


>> No.7040640

Last Episode.
