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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 42 KB, 640x356, Umineko_no_Naku_Koro_ni_Rondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7022369 No.7022369 [Reply] [Original]

will the PS3 umineko be hacked and translated?

>> No.7022383

Buy it and learn Japanese you cheap, lazy bastard.

>> No.7022387

No, but people will make patch to PC version with all of PS3 version's contents.

>> No.7023189

More like with most.

>> No.7024371

Speaking of, I had a tab that had the thread about the ripped sprite and backgrounds, but left clicked instead of right clicked and lost it. So, does anyone know if the guy also ripped the music or if he was going to do a full patched release?

>> No.7024379

Why would you want to play it on a PS3?

>> No.7024396

Not likely.

>> No.7024405
File: 599 KB, 752x1211, wal_a11 evil laugh 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a few more expressions, and I figure I'd like to at least play through a version with the PS3 sprites to see if they actually capture the same mood or not. I don't think they will, but it couldn't hurt to try. Besides, did you see Virgilla's new sprite? I thought that looked pretty good.

>> No.7024438

Because I have PS3, duh.

>> No.7024458

I sure can't wait to be disappointed again!

>> No.7024575
File: 559 KB, 782x973, lam_a12 surprized 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


huh? why dissapointed?

On another note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_QXC8hnTKY

The receipt scene with PS3, graphics and voices seems a lot more epic. I'm loving Eva's voice here!

>> No.7024588

Well if the guy hacking the game is here I finished a good majority of the image editing just missing the EP3 and EP4 end scroll:

Since text_006 doesn't seem to exist for the PS3 version I'll download the sprite pack and pick out the Chessboard CG and work on that as a replacement. Alternatively someone who has the sprite pack already please upload that CG so I can just do it real quick.

>> No.7024590

God my oh!

>> No.7024611


Chessboard CG? do you mean this one?

>> No.7024636

Yeah, thanks.

>> No.7024710

Here's a revision for end_2a. Someone pointed out two typos I missed when checking over it myself so use this version instead. I think I'll have someone else just take a second pass when I'm done with these from now on.

>> No.7025173

I posted some corrections for that video. Probably went a bit overboard, but oh well.

>> No.7028370


There's no problem correcting mistakes.

>> No.7028563

What was the site that the guy who was working on the patch made?

>> No.7028672


This one I think although its pretty empty right now

>> No.7028678

aorf? he still posts?

>> No.7028869
File: 539 KB, 2176x1336, different_space_1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patcher guy here.

Actually, the number of *expressions* in new sprites is even LESS, than in original (assuming all sprites were ripped). And that causes a little problem when matching to originals. What they have more is poses and, sometimes, clothes. The same with backgrounds. Fewer different ones, but more details in existing.
Their only redeeming features are hd size and maybe quality, if you like that style.

Thanks. I'll check these later.
Could you also do the system buttons? For now I use x2 resize of original elements, so they look a little blurry. They must be exactly this size, down to a pixel. If you would rather use the originals, I've included them too:

Thanks, I'll correct the cgs. As for sprites, for now I'll use the same amount as in the original, so their poses won't match PS3 version sometimes. Should only Battler slide from the right with standing blue bg or his bg too? Damn, I hope the script would be ripped soon, so I wouldn't need to ask such questions.

Also, there seems to be this bg, that is simply resize of the original 640x480 bg. Is THAT really used? Can ps3 guys confirm it? It's in ???? of ep1.

>> No.7028870

regarding the voice/cg/sprite patch. I sure cannot wait for the EP4 one. So many epic scenes I want to hear with voices!

>> No.7028874

>Actually, the number of *expressions* in new sprites is even LESS, than in original (assuming all sprites were ripped). And that causes a little problem when matching to originals.

Have you also downloaded the link with the 'missing sprites' (that wasn't included in the torrent)?:

I'm not the one who ripped the sprites/cg and etc So I don't know if there are more sprites that have been misssed

>> No.7028897

Both slide and I'll get to work on those menus tomorrow along with the two final scrolling end cards. Here is the text006 though.

>> No.7028930

Just checked about that upscaled photo by the way and it's not used once.

>> No.7028960
File: 288 KB, 1191x3000, result.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but it doesn't change much. Generally, it's at least -1 expression for every emotion, sometimes more.

>> No.7028962

why would you want it

>> No.7028985

I'm still waiting for that video of first few minutes of gameplay someone promised to help me decipher script.


>> No.7028988

How did you check it?

>> No.7028992


hmm then most likely there are still more missing sprites. We need to find the anon who extracted the sprites.

>> No.7028996 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure we do not. Wait a bit, I'll post more about this.

>> No.7029000

I'm pretty sure there aren't. Wait a bit, I'll post more about this.

>> No.7029001

Actually did it but my camera's quality is horrible and you wouldn't be able to see the text. The beginning script should mirror the PC version's Japanese script exactly in terms of text though. I could upload it anyways if you wish though.

I went through the teaparty myself. There are three BGs used one where three tables and a chair are visible, the purplish swirl, and one focusing on the ceiling light.

>> No.7029022

Err... meant three chairs and a table. I'll get some sleep now.

>> No.7029026

>The beginning script should mirror the PC version's Japanese script exactly in terms of text
The text is probably the same anywhere, but I don't believe something like this will fit in one ps3 text window, like it does in pc version.

@ 頼む、姿を見せてくれ!!@ いるんだろう?!@ 聞こえていながら姿
を消し、今もこの部屋のどこかで私を嘲笑っているのだろう?!@ 私の前
にもう一度現れてくれ、そして微笑んでくれ!!@ なじってくれてもいい
、望むならお前の手で私の命を奪ってくれてもいい!!@ このままひとり
で死にたくないッ!!@ お前の微笑みを再び一目見るまでは絶対に死ねな
いのだ!!@ あぁ、ベアトリーチェ、ベアトリーチェ!!@ この命はくれ
てやる、お前にくれてやる!!@ 後生だ、ベアトリーチェぇぇえぇえぇッ

>> No.7029029

No, no, no, upload the video before you go to sleep. I don't care how runny it is, hand it over with all speed.

>> No.7029037

Alright uploading now and the estimated time for upload is about 18 minutes. It covers the first 3 minutes of the game starting after the disclaimer.

>> No.7029039

I don't care about text, I can see it in scripts very clearly. I just need to see what other stuff from scripts that isn't text is doing with game.

>> No.7029089

Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fRQpAEVeYs

It looks pretty bad, but hopefully it's helpful.

>> No.7029100

I had someone run the rain performance test with this build and here are the results:
Intel i7 920, 9GB of RAM, GTX 260
slideshow rain

>> No.7029125

Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted. Is that you painfully sighing at 10:00?

Well, it's no wonder, no one thought about performance when writing onscripter (they actually added mmx and later support for some things while ignoring other possible bottlenecks). I won't touch that code.

I could try and write an ad-hoc implementation of nscripter in java for just running umineko, and lip-sinc will be easy to implement in this case as well, but don't expect it any time soon.

Well, I actually have nothing more to say. Yes, not all of original sprites map to extracted ones. Still, this is all we got. I released source code for the tool I used so if you're in doubt you can go check yourself: http://umineko.jbcs.info/?p=15..

>> No.7029134

>9GB of RAM


>> No.7029136

Could it be that it's just that snow.dll that is causing it? Could you look at it or write a similar dll?

>> No.7029138

Probably is! I took the video right when I got back home so I was pretty tired. Going to have to do a repeat of that Wednesday-Sunday so if you need anything else taken care of that requires pictures or video tell me and I'll take care of it when I get up.

>> No.7029192

Can someone upload the scene where Jessica sings Suisui☆Sweet? Even just the song is enough.

>> No.7029204


>> No.7029208


Here's the song: http://jbcs.info/Umineko/Suisui-Sweet.mp3

>> No.7029229

Thanks a lot.

>> No.7029232
File: 305 KB, 1746x2880, crying eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, Alchemist? Seriously.

>> No.7029255

Haha what, does she only have one sprite?

>> No.7029258

Yes, only one crying sprite.

>> No.7029261

It suits her personality more.
She is supposed to have a lot of pride.

>> No.7029275

Maybe if it is in an argument with Natsuhi. But I really doubt she would pull out her fan when she sees george frigid body on the ground.

>> No.7029280


>> No.7029284
File: 402 KB, 510x1118, eva_b32 in tears 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Eva wakes up in her own room*

>"Dear......!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! Dear, where are you?! You're there, right? Answer me!!"
>The sound of a loud thunderbolt woke Eva from her nightmare.

>> No.7029288
File: 23 KB, 294x262, 1291756467245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that would be awful.

>> No.7029294


please.please. PLEASE tell me that there are missing Eva sprites because that is just fucking hilarious and ridiculous

>> No.7029308

It suits her personality, that her crying sprites are used only 7 times, 2 of which are in Golden Land as a joke, but where did her ep3 gun suddenly go, for example?

>> No.7029313


Anyone who has played the ps3 port and ep3. Does Eva only have ONE crying sprite?

>> No.7029330


>> No.7029664

How about using kirikiri (or a better engine) to make a 1:1 port? Instead of just replacing graphics from the pc version?

>> No.7029711


She sleeps with her fan, what's weird about it?

>> No.7029758

Go ahead.

>> No.7029782

any volunteers? it's a huge task for only one person

>> No.7029812

And what exactly do you plan to port other than graphics, voices and glorious rain effect? Animation wasn't even ripped yet and I don't know if it will be.

>> No.7030455

So alchemist decides to give the characters more positions but LESS expressions? what the hell? I already know EP3 will be a problem since aparently Eva only has 1 fucking crying sprite!

>> No.7032966 [DELETED] 


>> No.7033422

God speed my good men. Much love for this project.

>> No.7035107


>> No.7035160 [DELETED] 


EP3 is gonna be hilarious. I can already picture Eva crying in front of her husband's corpse covering her face with the fan.

Fine ladies don't look at corpses. itheled

>> No.7035162


EP3 is gonna be hilarious. I can already picture Eva crying in front of her husband's corpse covering her face with the fan.

Fine ladies don't look at corpses.

>> No.7035181

I'm pretty sure they just don't have her sprite showing at all during that scene, but I'll have to check when I get home since I played EP3 a while ago.

>> No.7035344


I'm still convinced that not all of the sprites have been uploaded.

>> No.7037792


>> No.7037994

b u m p

>> No.7038006

Problem with hacked onscripter.
I'm trying to load this huge image of ending scroll. When I do this with lsp command, the image is simply not displayed. getspsize returns 0x0 dimensions. getspmode returns 1, so it should be visible.
And when I do this with btndef, like in original script, onscripter simply crashes.

Both ways seem to work fine in the standard onscripter.

Also, error handling seems to be broken either. It'd be nice to see error messages when it crashes and read stderr.txt afterwards.

>> No.7038476

Yeah, I tried it out and it's the same.

Also people with lower resolutions worried about not being able to run it create a file called ons.cfg with the following in it:

>> No.7038489
File: 165 KB, 482x482, i dont get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the umineko-hype from the beginning. What is actually good in this VN? I read it untill EP4. To be honest, this VN has some potential, but the implementation from the umineko-idea is just terrible.

>> No.7038533


Change "Umineko" for "Touhou" and you get what I have been wondering for years.

Don't ask for logic. Stuff just happens.

>> No.7038541

People just enjoy some things, it does not have to make sense.
This guy has it right. You could switch "umineko" for pretty much anything.

>> No.7038556

Except Touhou is an actual series of games, pretty well done at that. It does the shmup stuff well and is more easily accessible than say the CAVE games.
And it has an evergrowing universe and lots of doujin work related.

Umineko is just a series of VNs among thousands with a shitty plot.
Nothing to obsess about

>> No.7038567

It is probably player remorse.
I have to admit umineko started with a lots of promise and great music, sadly the 2nd part of it is pure shit.
For some of them uminekofags, where they have spend so much time playing, analyzing and proclaiming it as the best shit ever, no matter how shitty the second half of umineko is, they will treat it like it is a great shit because of remorse.
As an analogy, it is like someone paying for a very expensive food and even though the food is shit they will proclaim it as a heavenly delicious food because of buyer remorse.

As for me, Ryukishi is a mediocre writer at best.
He should have stick with friendship conquer all instead of the bullshit nonsensical romance love crap. Virgin autist loser otaku should not write about romance when they have no love experience.

>> No.7038597

The battles are still amazing, otherwise I agree

>> No.7038647

>I have to admit umineko started with a lots of promise and great music, sadly the 2nd part of it is pure shit.

Yeah, Umineko took a turn for the worse with Chiru. I still foolishly believed that Ryu would deliver a brick shitting answer after EP5. Then EP6 went out...the rest is now history.
Fuck you Ryu, I just wanted a nice villainous mastermind with a decent motive.

>> No.7038652

This option doesn't increase the display area to show larger images. All it does is stretching that 640x480 window. That's why that hacked onscripter was done in the first place.

>> No.7038670

I dont quite understand what you mean by that.
A comparison between umineko and expensive untasty food? ehh?

>> No.7038696

He doesn't believe that people can genuinely enjoy something he doesn't like. Or probably just trolling.

>> No.7038703

In the uminekofags case, they invested so much time on it that they feel the need to lie to themselves that the game is good.

>> No.7038742

Ah, ok. But using this marketing-gibberish for VN-readers ... well.

>> No.7038748


I'm not honestly much of a /jp/ fag, and basically play entry level stuff (Higurashi, Umineko, Ever17/999, Touhou etc.) but do you guys really hate all this stuff? Umineko's nowhere near perfect, and the question arcs are much better than Chiru, but that takes nothing away from the face value of both. It has some of the best music I've had in a while, amazing battles, and a story decent enough to hold it up.

Why so much hate?

>> No.7038755

I spent $80 buying ep 1-8 + shipping after I finished the entire series by pirating. What does that make me?

>> No.7038761


A good person, who'll probaly be berated within a few minutes.

>> No.7038789

A normal fanboy i guess.

>> No.7038795

You have no love. Not pun intended this time. Your arguments for what you like are "it's good" for what you don't like are "it's shit"

>And it has an evergrowing universe and lots of doujin work related.

Actually that's what I don't understand. You can look it at this way: it's the simplest kind of game, with better exponents of the genre, with awful graphics and typical old game music. The characters are just a bunch of bad drawn silly looking girls most of their personality facts fandom because the author doesn't care.

Even so it may be one of the most popular things I have seen in a long time, with the interest on it not decreasing between waiting for a new game periods.

Of course those who fully like Touhou can understand.
Well, I like Umineko and not gonna convince you it isn't shitty in a lot aspects but I like it. Deal with it and go and enjoy whatever you like.

>> No.7038798

I guess this practically confirmed the IQ level of the typical umineko readers.

>> No.7038832

Learn to read.
For one I'm not a big Touhou fanboy at all, but I can understand where its popularity come from.
A series of Shmup easily accecible with gameplay that rival with mainstream games.
Huge amount of doujin manga, games, music, arts so the fans always have something new to fanboy about.

That's why it's popular, comparing it with Umineko is fucking stupid.
Nobody care about the story or art in the Touhou games, they are GAMES after all.

>> No.7038844

>Why so much hate?
>>7038647 here
It's not hate, just disappointment.

>> No.7038854

>Huge amount of doujin manga, games, music, arts
That magically appeared out of nowhere, right? The question is why the fuck that huge amount of stuff on some crappy shmup was done in the first place.

>> No.7038857
File: 1.64 MB, 1360x768, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm using it with the hacked onscripter with that configuration file to scale it down to 720p. Just some information for people with around 720 displays.

>> No.7038860
File: 128 KB, 500x500, 1292556614579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you again resorting to "lol it has lots of fanwork"

Did you known? You have lots of fanmade stuff to fanboy over when people fanboy over something enough to make fanworks about it. It's a fucking circle.

Since you can't understand what I'm trying to say, wheter my English is horrible or you are retarded I pass.

>> No.7038861

>Nobody care about the story or art in the Touhou games, they are GAMES after all.
Actually, the stories of some opuses are decent, and, while ZUN's art is generally criticized, you must recognize that most backgrounds and patterns are beautiful.

>> No.7038863

Because it's not "crappy".
Touhou has been around since the late 90's, it didn't become popular overnight, it really took the time to build its fanbase.
Games you can buy for a meager price that rival with mainstream titles, how could it not become popular?

>> No.7038878


>Games you can buy for a meager price that rival with mainstream titles, how could it not become popular?

I'm sure every doujin game has the same popularity as Touhou does, right?

>> No.7038886

Most doujin games aren't even close to being as polished as Touhou.
That's why I wrote "rival with mainstream titles"
There is also the question of staying power, it took Touhou till Scarlett Mansion to explode in popularity, that's the sixth game. Most doujin game author don't have that sort of patience.

>> No.7038889

Now you just sound like an offended fanboy. Well, that's okay, I acknowledge tastes of others', unlike some in this thread.

>> No.7038891

I'm sure every doujin game is as good as Touhou, right?

>> No.7038890 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 600x600, 1279289724001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN-style = best style of art.

>> No.7039002
File: 17 KB, 309x313, 1288551558001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN-style = best style of art.

>> No.7039112

Hopefully when the full cg/sprite patch comes theres a way to resize it since theres no way my pc can handle 1080p

>> No.7040005
File: 39 KB, 487x550, 1296046739393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there even any *good* VNs?

>> No.7041366

Ryukishi07's love for his own game shines through in his art and can't ever be beaten, but what's this about voices??

>> No.7043754

