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7035135 No.7035135 [Reply] [Original]

If you were going to live for thousands of years like a God, how would you spend your time?

>> No.7035142

Quietly being silent and letting my followers contemplate what the hell it takes to pleases me.

>> No.7035138


>> No.7035146 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 538x314, izaya_add_HATERS_GANNA_HATE_to_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the HELL would i spend my time? well...i would WHO NEET? filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler

>> No.7035145

Post on /jp/ obviously

>> No.7035143

probably still not enough time to download everything on pixiv and add tags

>> No.7035155

Killing people I dislike, favoring people I like. The /jp/ related industry would be safe, and I would rage war and cause disasters and destroy human symbols just for fun.

>> No.7035165

Become a sage that holds all of the knowledge of the world.

>> No.7035167


>> No.7035168

Tea parties

>> No.7035169
File: 255 KB, 1000x1191, 14615781_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be spending my time living simply together with a fellow god as my lover and life-partner, satisfied with having her and her alone by my side.

At times we'd reminisce about the past, and silently we'd both wish how we had another tie to this world than just ourselves, but we still find the comfort and satisfaction we need in supporting and understanding each-other, thinking that "maybe, someday...."

>> No.7035173

Mermaid flesh guy? You around?

>> No.7035174

Devote my life to my beloved immortal little girl. I am not sure if she is going to be my adopted daughter or lovely wife. That would be determined by wether or not she is into sex.

>> No.7035178

Too much of that would drive even a god to suicide.

>> No.7035179

Build a pyramide on my own.

>> No.7035176
File: 88 KB, 438x600, 1295573490906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get my own website with the dot com

Your mind is so complex when you're Based. 32 levels.

>> No.7035182

I'd be the great Hobo Wise Man spending his time finding a way into Gensokyo while helping people and myself find enlightenment.

>> No.7035299

I'd probably be like Omononushi. This is the great snake god of curses worshipped around the Miwa mountain, said to be the sakimitama and kushimitama of Okuninushi (ironically, those are said to be more peaceful aspects of a deity, and Omononushi is nothing if not fierce) The most famous story about him is that of the red arrow, and in it 'Nushi finds a beautiful princess, Seyadatara by name, taking a shit. Since shitting loli princesses (I don't know Seyadatara's exact age in the story, but about 10-15 would be a fair guess) are amongst the most appealing creatures known to man and god alike, he is instantly smitten with her, and is determined to make her his wife. He decides that the best way to go about it is turning himself into an arrow and propelling himself up her maidenhood (remember that Seyadatarahime is still relieving herself at this point and is very much exposed) with his divine might, and since being struck in the genitals homing deity arrows was nothing unusual at the time, Seyadatarahime takes the arrow back home. Omononushi takes this opportunity to become a handsome man and reveal his nature to her, and they become a happy couple of little girl and giant snake. From their union, Himetataraisukeyorihime is born, and the modern imperial line of Japan is said to descend from her and Emperor Jimmu.

In another case, Omononushi makes another of his wives stab herself in her genitals with chopsticks (haah haah) until she bleeds to death, just for disappointing him, and he's known to make his demands in a very succinct manner - despite being a god of curses, instead of threatening his folk with disasters, he just tells the reigning Emperor that he's going to give him retarded children if his will is not done. So overall I'd be this giant snake god who curses local rulers with creative congenital disasters when I'm pissed, and I'd take several loli wives, whom I'd kill horribly by forced self-mutilation if they aren't faithful to me.

>> No.7035314
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>> No.7035318

I would devote my life to my love, just like I do now.

>> No.7035319

Create a parallel world
Call it Gensokyo
Invite zun and all of /jp/

>> No.7035396

Oh, and Okuninushi is said to be the god of matchmaking, so I guess I'd also be a Japanese Cupid of sorts, but judging from the red arrow story, I suppose my arrows would be aimed at places where no arrow is meant to go.

And incidentally, in other sources Seyadatarahime's mother is said to have another daughter called Tamagushihime or Mizokuhihime, who is married to a sea deity called Kotoshironushi in form of a bear shark about 14,5 meters in length (assuming that Kotoshironushi's genitals are that of a shark, his claspers would be about 160cm long, and since Tamagushihime is probably also a young girl, I suppose her husband's "penis" would be larger than her.) and gave birth to Himetataraisuzuhime, who is listed as Jimmu's queen in place of Himetataraisukeyorihime. While being a giant bear shark with a little princess wife would be nice, I'd rather be the princess in this situation. Being a little girl and taking my bear shark deity husband's oversized claspers within my small body is my fetish, this is pretty much what I want to become:


Another good route to take would be that of Yotahime's - she's a shut-in river deity in form of a wani (crocodile/shark/dragon/snake, what wani meant in ancient context is not clear), who lives isolated on top of a mountain and is visited once a year by her husband, a sea deity who swims upstream to mate with her. Yotahime demands clay figurines from her worshippers, and since she lives in isolation I see her something of an ancient /jp/ user (since PVC figurines didn't exist in her time, she collects clay ones.) Remove the sea deity and add a lesbian shrine attendant who loves her despite her being half giant crocodile and it'd be a perfect life. Too bad I'll never be a half crocodile shut-in deity with a devoted shrine maiden "wife" who loves me and doesn't mind my terrifying crocodile half ;_;

>> No.7035433

thousands? i'd aim higher, to become a supreme god of all existence, existing forever, even long after the universe collapses into itself, and not just be some small time local earth god.

i'd take the form of the little girl of my choice and live in my own created paradise, fully separated from the rest of existence.

>> No.7035440
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I'd take residence over a country, damning its denizens unless they make weekly offerings of virgin loli daughters to me. I would get the know them over the first six days, if they are not to my liking nor lovely enough, I'd send them back intact. If they are pure beutiful girl whom I'd like to be with forever, I'd mercilessly rape them while devouring their flesh. Unleashing gallons of semen in her sliced up virgin vagina while her screams bring terror to the local villagers. If I devour her she will always be a part of me, never to leave me, and it is all best done while in the second best way to unite with a person you love, and that is during sex.

>> No.7035450

this is why we can't have people live for thousands of years like a God

>> No.7035465

All those crazy stunts Zeus used to pull, or Charly Sheen.

>> No.7035656

Zeus was a terrible God. Almost as bad as what this guy wants to do.

>> No.7035717

Go to space. Look for aliens.

>> No.7035771

Why? His dream is beautiful and pure. Isn't it a desirable thing to be connected with your beloved for all eternity?

Though, instead of rape and murder, I think it'd be more appropriate if the girl's body and mind connected with the deity's, so that they are both aware of each other's feelings and thoughts, the girl's mind and body effectively becoming that of the deity's as well. And every month, the deity would add more pure maidens to his body, until he ends up with an entire kingdom of cute, eternally young girls, perfectly aware of each other's feelings and completely devoted to the deity, who lives in each and every one of them. He wouldn't even need to have sex with them - since their minds are shared, eventually the maidens that form his body would become as perverted as he is, and every night, they would hold loli orgies (after elegant tea parties, of course), where he can feel both their sexual pleasure and the pure love they have for each other and the deity, experiencing everything personally because his mind is now identical to theirs. Rather like Kenkou Cross' queen slime, but their bodies need not to be connected, since the deity would provide this link.

>> No.7035817
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I would sleep 100 years and than welcome my new loli-sex-clone-waifus. The next 900 years i would have fun with them.

>> No.7035826
File: 693 KB, 1240x1659, I WANT YOU TO DIE large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live among mortals, live their everyday lives. Change identities where I see fit. Influence history where I find it amusing.

>> No.7035852

Come to think about it, I think having a yorishiro in form of a tree would be great too. I suppose if I were a deity, I'd make my home in a remote village and my body would be that of a great sandbox tree (cherries and enju are worthless compared to sandbox, for the tree can expel its seeds like a shotgun, sending its organic shrapnel about a hundred meters away. So when my worshippers displease me, I'd just blast their faces with exploding seed.) Every year, there'd be a fertility ritual where my worshippers would pray for a good harvest, but this prayer would take the form of every able male gathering around my tree, sticking their dicks to the ground and ejaculating until they can't spill another drop, in effect they'd be watering my tree with their cum. It's said that cherry blossoms are red because they drain blood from the corpses beneath them, and that would be the case for my tree - despite sandbox trees normally blooming red, my tree's flowers would be pure white thanks the semen left by my worshippers and absorbed by my roots.

If they please me with the taste of their thick, warm cum; I'll reward them with good harvests and virility, otherwise they may be punished with ruined crops and shotgun fruit. Of course, I'll have an avatar in form of a young girl too (with sperm-white hair, most likely), but she will remain pure and untouched by men because fertility deity or not, cute girls should only form relationships with other cute girls. Instead, I would have a single, eternally young priestess who'd serve as my attendant and act as a lover for my human form.

>> No.7035864
File: 27 KB, 300x400, billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solve some millennium-problems. Train my body. Learn japanese. Get pregnant.

>> No.7035882

Be like Suwako obviously.

Have a husband every generation to enjoy sex with and have many human offsprings as a result.

>> No.7035916

She'd live in a small shrine near my tree and would normally be unable to leave our shrine, because it'd be her task to satisfy my desire for human sperm when the village men prove deficient in semen volume, and in order to accomplish this task, she'd have an obscenely large penis, far larger than what any girl can take and meant exclusively for supplying semen to my roots (needless to say, she'd normally hide it under layers of frilly ceremonial robes, so I'd be the only one who knows her "secret.") So after every year's harvest festival, when my tree is completely abandoned, I'd call for my beloved attendant, kissing her gently with my human form and helping her move to my tree (since even walking would be difficult with her massive dick, I suppose she'd use a wheelchair) where she'd plant her oversized penis into the ground and water my tree with her semen for hours, letting out cute moans while I grope and kiss her, telling her how much I love her and that I'm sorry for being a perverted, semen-obsessed girl and forcing her to do this every year. Of course, she'd answer me by smiling gently, telling me that her body exists for me and that it's enough for her to be happy if she can please me. And after she's drained of sperm, I'd help her back to our shrine, where I'd properly act as her lover in my human form, tasting her maidenly juices this time instead of her seed, until the next year when she has again accumulated enough semen to compensate for the villagers' meager volume. We'd continue like this for all eternity, enjoying each other's company as something in between husband and wife, deity and attendant and elder sister and younger sister.

If only ;_;

>> No.7035969

Gay sex all day erryday

>> No.7036207


You are fucking retarded.

>> No.7036243
File: 556 KB, 1748x2480, 15978212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dreamt that I was her hat.
I rode her head everywhere.
Outside. Inside. Over hills and over fences.
It was the most beautiful dream that I ever had.

When I woke up and realized that I could never be the hat, I was filled with a sadness that I had never felt before.

tl;dr: I wish to be the hat.

>> No.7036249
File: 707 KB, 1200x1695, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were just asking for it.

>> No.7036289


Reported for NSFW.

>> No.7036294

I posted it because it contains no explicit content. Enjoy you ban for frivolous reports.

>> No.7036299


Yeah, way to show that hat.

>> No.7036669

>where she'd plant her oversized penis into the ground and
and then ants and germs enter it, infecting it and making it get inflamed.

ends in amputation.

>> No.7036785

Would you mind telling the source of that? The usual places to search are giving me no results.

>> No.7036800


>> No.7036816


thank you, based god

>> No.7036835

Thank you very much.
