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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 120 KB, 500x375, wallscrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7025647 No.7025647 [Reply] [Original]

All right boys, explain this for me. What the fuck is the appeal of wall scrolls? When I used to go to cons, I used to see these all the time. I can understand a little kid buying a wall scroll. But a grown person?!

Seriously, I don't get it. Why would anyone want a tacky piece of plastic and sheet as opposed to a fine, framed, poster? People buy them because they care about their living environment right? (in b4 poor)

>> No.7025664

It's cool to see your favorite characters when doing something as boring as walking through your room.

Plus, it's not like your friends are going to see it.

>> No.7025661

My preferences > your preferences

Thread over, let's go home.

>> No.7025680

I came for a reason, not a dismissal.

But that's the thing! When one has company over, wouldn't a poster far more... tasteful than a wall scroll?

>> No.7025696

>When one has company over
This is were all your points will ultimately break down at. Please go back to whereever you came from.

>> No.7025703

I don't fucking get it. Didn't /jp/ used to be /japanese culture/? Since when did it turn into /ronery/? So, you like wall scrolls?

>> No.7025705

Wallscrolls are favored by /a/ users who want to become japanese. Anyone who calls himself a true NEET shuns them like the plague.

>> No.7025706

Nobody looking at your room decorations should honestly give a shit whether the same picture is in poster or wall scroll form. People who do are probably retarded.

>> No.7025709

They're usually larger, look less cheap than posters and they're less of a hassle than posters (that is to say, with posters, you have to break the paper's mind in order for it to remain flat. With wall scrolls, gravity already takes care of that).

And framing posters...? Putting aside that the frame would probably at least as expensive as the poster itself, I'd be worried about have something that heavy hanging on my wall.

>> No.7025719

I came for a reason, not a dismissal.
Well, fuck, bro, you have a TV? Why? You can do all the things on a TV on a computer, so why waste money on a TV?
You have a dog? Why not a cat?
You have short hair? Why not long hair?
You wear pants? Why not shorts?
You like boxers? Why not boxer-briefs?
You like posters? Why not wall scrolls?


>> No.7025726

I don't actually give a fuck about wall scrolls.
I also don't see what "japanese culture" is supposed to have to do with this thread, even when ignoring the fact that /jp/ never was about japanese culture in the first place.

>> No.7025735


Confirmed for newcomer.

/jp/ is not, and was never, receptive to /a/-level "WHAT IS IT LIKE TO HOLD A WOMAN IN YOUR ARMS SO RONERY ;_;" threads. We are not closet normalfags that secretly long to be accepted by sluts, fratfaggots and pseudo-intellectual college scum. We are NEETs that have chosen our path of parasitism of our own accord and have no need for 3d people beyond how much we can use and steal from them. If you don't understand this, then you don't belong here and need to go back to /a/, /b/, /v/, /soc/ or whatever terrible board spawned you.

>> No.7025747

>Confirmed for newcomer.
Pretty sure you didn't need to wait for that post to tell.

>> No.7025757

holy shit. gg.
okay, to each his own I guess.

>> No.7025782

don't worry, i hate wallscrolls too. remind me of maps at school.
of course you can cut the wallscroll to make it into a poster easily, so no problem.

>> No.7025819

Wall scroll is entry level

>> No.7025861

Wallscrolls are easier to handle, more versatile and have longer life expectancy. Also, I prefer the textile over some shitty paper.
I have neither though. The ones I came across looked shit and I don't even have enough free wallspace.

>> No.7025952
File: 8 KB, 116x150, TinyPatchouli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you move frequently, it's easier to transport a wall-scroll without damaging it. They're also easier to hang on a wall without using nails than a framed poster and more durable than an unframed poster.

If you wanted to be real classy, you could take the cloth part out and frame it. It's almost like having a canvas print, right?

But most importantly, my preferences > your preferences.

>> No.7025981
File: 31 KB, 241x299, reimutapestry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm, I would prefer framed prints or tapestries, which I do have more of, but there's a couple wall scrolls that I just can't get rid of due to sentimental value. I have a Nanoha A's one that I got from Akiba a few years ago that I just can't give up and yeah, it's kinda tacky.

Also, I think "caring for living environment" is way too vague. I have the ones I have because when I look at them, they remind me of characters that I love and can take some of the sting I sometimes feel from life not turning out exactly as I had planned.

Pic related, it's my Moe Damashii Reimu tapestry.

>> No.7026003
File: 95 KB, 354x1000, 4125623574634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally have a wall scroll of this.

It's pretty nice, and I've positioned it in a way so that sunlight shines through it.

>> No.7026015

Aaah I really wanted that one, but it's sold out at my usual place. I think I'm going to buy the Remilia one now.

>> No.7026409

All right boys,
>implying we are boys

What the fuck is the appeal of wall scrolls?
>Implying I have wall scrolls

When I used to go to cons
>Implying we go to cons

I can understand a little kid buying a wall scroll. But a grown person?!
>Implying you are grown

Seriously, I don't get it.
>Implying you own anything

Why would anyone want a tacky piece of plastic and sheet
>Implying your bedsheets aren't plastic

as opposed to a fine, framed, poster?
>Implying you are a fine poster
>Implying I am a fine poster
>Implying fine posters exist on /jp/

People buy them because they care about their living environment right?
>Implying we aren't undead

(in b4 poor)
>Implying money exists

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

>Implying this post isn't reported

>> No.7026491
File: 643 KB, 1600x1200, canvas_prints_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to buy wallscrolls, but I've moved on to the much superior framed canvas prints.

>> No.7026526

Wow where can I get that BRS one?

>> No.7026573

Fuck that, where did you get that Shinobu?

>> No.7026607

I find wall scrolls easier to put up, more visually appealing, I hate the shine of posters, and posters tear so easily. But I do have both. If it looks good on my wall, it looks good on my wall.

>> No.7026636

These are fucking lovely, where did you get them?

>> No.7026713
File: 548 KB, 1600x1200, canvas_prints_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use http://www.photosprintedoncanvas.com/.. Basically you just need to find a high resolution image you want to get printed, upload it, and select the stretch/frame type. The bigger the size, the bigger the image needs to be though. A good site for high resolution images if you didn't already know it is oreno.imouto.org.

These are the other two I got from there.

>> No.7026741

Speaking as someone who has about 5 wall scrolls in his room...

If you're the type of person to get a bunch of anime posters, you aren't the type of person who will care what people think, or even have people coming into your room.

Plus, frames are hella expensive, and they don't make posters look any better. If anything, they make them look worse because it makes it seem too gaudy

>> No.7026743

How's the pricing and shipping costs?

>> No.7026751


Shipping is quite cheap. If I recall correctly it was only $20-30 for 4 24x36 framed prints.

>> No.7026756

Most wall scrolls are shit and have really low DPI but that doesn't mean they're all bad.

I managed to win an official wall scroll in a raffle and it looks really nice and top quality. They're also ten times the price though.

>> No.7026770

I'm as newfaggy as you can get but this is amazing.

>> No.7026777

One of my buddies in college had a nice looking Utena wall scroll. I think they look nicer than wallpapering your room with magazine cut-out posters like some people here.

>> No.7026780

reported for viral marketing

>> No.7026785

it's time for you to experiment with different types of frames now. Different frame sizes, designs and colors can make a picture look 10 times better or 10 times worse. Strange, but true. Kinda like how a skinny guy with a fat ugly tie looks like shit but a fat guy with the same tie is passable.

>> No.7026799

It looks like its $155 for a single 24x36 print...

>> No.7026811

With the exorbitant amounts people on here pay for figures I'm sure that's not a big deal.

>> No.7026814

real men have naked anime girl wallscrolls

>> No.7026817

Wallscrols are for children.
if real men want to hang pictures on to their walls they use frames.

>> No.7026837


no, im pretty sure frames are for people who want to act mature and make people think they have class

nobody who is mature or has class would be having anime on their wall in the first place

>> No.7026843

wallscrolls are fabric, so they have a softer feel than a shiny poster. they also sway gently if you have a ceiling fan.

>> No.7026846
File: 2.25 MB, 2480x1753, 1297393171050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a printer that prints 13" * 19" but I might try to get this printed. That pic or one of my many other okuu pics.

>> No.7026854
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1200, 1281526646589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frames simply look superior to plain pictures.
Deal with it.

>> No.7026864


For artsy pictures, like photographs, paintings, etc. Sure. But for the majority of anime stuff which is fanservicey pics or promo pics? Nah.

>> No.7028770

Do they ship outside of US? Europe etc.

>> No.7028799


Where's that Horo pic that looks like an Oil Panting when you need it?!

>> No.7028823

You can always just buy the unstretched canvas and use it as a tapestry. Or if you have some skills and access to a staple gun, you can buy some stretcher bars and do it yourself for ten dollars or so.
