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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7022164 No.7022164 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7022176

No one cares that you just found about about CLANAAD, Sion.

>> No.7022190

Oh, come on, with Sion's lack of taste he'd probably be all over Nagisa or something.

>> No.7022194
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>> No.7022195

Nagisa is the best, only faggots with no taste dislike her.

>> No.7022192
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>> No.7022201

No one in Clannad is rude enough for Sion to post.

>> No.7022212

It carries out and is w

>> No.7022241

Nagisa is quite possibly the most generic moeblob with self-esteem issues I have ever seen.
Doesn't help that she's the polar opposite of Tomoyo, who was the best girl.

>> No.7022262

>>Nagisa is quite possibly the most generic moeblob with self-esteem issues I have ever seen.
>>Tomoyo, who was the best girl.

>> No.7022265

Nagisa is far from being a "generic moeblob with self-esteem issues" only, her route isn't even mainly about her self-esteem problems.
And her and Tomoyo aren't that different, actually Tomoyo is far more dependent.
You are just a retard and a faggot, it happens.

>> No.7022271

I don't like talking about Clannad on /jp/ because you don't like nice things and having fun.

>> No.7022275

Nagisa's development was admirable and the best thing about it was that she also helped Tomoya grow up in her own way.
Sure she isn't a flashy character but the healing type like her is good once in a while, I usually don't like the doormat archetype but I really liked Nagisa.

>> No.7022285

/jp/ used to love Clannad but it seems like lots of new kids from /a/ are here these days and think they can judge the game with the anime.

>> No.7022317

no man i saw the first 2 episodes of the anime i know what i'm talking about

>> No.7022330


I don't really remember /jp/ loving Clannad but I do remember people being more vocal about liking it and less people being jerks about it... maybe that means /jp/ loved it. I don't know.

The show wasn't that bad, though. I enjoye it quite a bit. I'd even say it was a great adaptation... or at least I felt that it was faithful to the source material.

Then again, I liked the movie so maybe I just have bad taste.

>> No.7022422

/a/ hates Clannad too, granted they hate everything that isn't current season. Oh yeah, green text mfw... reaction-image.jpg.

The only place where you find love for it is on /c/ and maybe that guy that goes all out loving Tomoyo on the collage. I think the Nagisa hate comes from her being a somewhat ordinary girl. It makes her seem bland in comparison to the other more outlandish girls. Tomoyo is still the best heroine

>> No.7022573

>Not that different
>Entire route was Tomoyo wanting to be like Nagisa


>> No.7022662

lol what the fuck was wrong with that route
first, if you wanted to get with delicious kyou you had to go for her boring sister plus at the end she cuts her hair losing her charm. so sad.

>> No.7022674

>lol what the fuck was wrong with that route

>> No.7022893

minimal spoilers

Clannad is the most emotional VN I've read so far. I loved every route -- a few of them are big tearjerkers -- and I was touched by the After Story. Most of music is phenomenal and really sets the mood, especially the piano pieces. The voice acting is nice too.

I had a few disappointments such as barely seeing the usual characters in After Story, even a few of them seemingly not existing any more in After Story as if you never helped absolve their issues.

I find it hard to grasp why a VN fan wouldn't enjoy Clannad

>> No.7022982

typical maeda shit involving inexplicable returning to life bullcrap

ok fine he got me pretty good at the end of little busters...QQ damn you kyosuke

but angel beats... never forgive. never forget.

>> No.7024032

If you really wanted Nagisa to die then you shouldn;t have collected all the light orbs

>> No.7024041

Just wait till Ryukishi07's route puts Romeo's to shame in Rewrite

>> No.7024057

There's always one bad route in KEY games, not that bad.

>> No.7024125 [SPOILER] 
File: 778 KB, 640x480, kyou ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol what the fuck was wrong with that route
Writers vary per route. Kyou route had a terrible writer that couldn't even write the route character properly.

You will never have a proper Kyou route. ;_;

>> No.7024155

It should of been just fucking sunohara getting her, that route was so fucking long and it went nowhere.

>> No.7024220
File: 1.00 MB, 1600x1200, Konachan.com - 52642 clannad fujibayashi_kyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame that Kyou had the worst route when she was the best girl.

>> No.7024225


Shut up, Sudo. Go shit on someone else's thread.

>> No.7024244
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x1200, Konachan.com - 52641 clannad fujibayashi_kyou furukawa_nagis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a legitimate reply is shitting up
Nice logic.

>> No.7024250
File: 43 KB, 480x640, cb1b2ac6ff740c84c1b7377668e2995e3f0fac8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems you selected the wrong image there.

>> No.7024249


Thread ruined.

>> No.7024263
File: 194 KB, 516x729, 36e341183565f0c736756704d2ebdcc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I posted the right one.

>> No.7024264
File: 191 KB, 800x600, 1235529234471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Fujibayashi Ryou:

-Uses her position as class representative to approach the main character.
-Cannot shuffle cards.
-Explains everything off as "maiden's inspiration."
-Even though she might not even be a virgin.
-When she tells your fortune with cards, everything turns out the exact opposite.
-Likes the same person her older sister likes.
-Consults her sister about this even though she knows her sister likes him.
-Uses her sister and manipulates her into playing cupid.
-Her cooking can be considered a harmful substance to mammals.
-Her fashion sense is bad.
-Makes the main character go to her favorite shio tonkotsu ramen place instead of her sister's tonkatsu.
-When she realizes that she has lost, she quickly plays good and tries to help her sister.
-She will suddenly drop her feelings for the first guy and start going out with someone she has only met once in the past.
-Even though they hadn't discussed having children yet, she pretends to be pregnant and tricks her boyfriend.
-She may have the popular knee socks attribute, but so does her sister.
-She doesn't move around enough anyway, so there aren't many chances for her knee socks to be seen.
-Getting with her is actually technically a BAD END; this is a message from the creators saying "don't go out with just anyone."

Nice Bitch.

>> No.7024266

Silver hair girl was the best girl.
Not good enough for me to remember her name though.

>> No.7024502
File: 75 KB, 500x791, 1229990146742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Nagisa was the best character in Clannad.

I don't know why so many people dislike her so much.

>> No.7026960

Because thinking of her makes people sad.
Look at a picture of her and listen to "Dango Daikazoku"
Tissues may come in handy.
Also, Tomoyo is still the best heroine. Kyou, was close, but was kicked down.

>> No.7026987

fuuko is obviously best

>> No.7026988

I liked Tomoyo, but her route was fucking boring. Fuuko and Kotomi routes were the ones I liked the most, mostly for the baaaws.

>> No.7027001

More like Tomoyo fags have inferiority complexes.

>> No.7027018
File: 100 KB, 450x600, 15803361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kotomi the best

She's very nice

>> No.7027023


I'm not alone? Thank God!

>> No.7027047

Official Clannad fanbase power rankings (these rankings are only somewhat related to the quality of the girl herself)

1. Kotomi/Yukinee
2. Kyou/Fuko
3. Tomoyo
4. Nagisa
5. Ryou

>> No.7027052
File: 107 KB, 356x600, 999756c4f20514a41e45a5b47fb29699a152f219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I suppose some people like stuff like mushrooms on their pizza, too.

>> No.7027096

This is obviously a waifu thread in disguise. People here are saying "I hated this girl's route but I love her anyway." Then start badmouthing the other heroines.
Just admit you love your heroine and not talk shit about the others.

>> No.7027103


1. When was the last time you saw a Kotomi/Yukinee fan shitposting about someone else's favorite?
2. Kyou/Fuko fans are okay generally, Kyou fans especially only shitpost when provoked by Tomoyo fans saying mai waifu > your waifu
3. See above, insecurity leads to them calling out Kyou fans in particular
4. Fucking shat up every other fanbase with their HURR DURR ONE TROO LUV faggotry, especially around December '09
5. Like the only girl in the VN that is genuinely in a bad person, defend her with ad hominem

>> No.7027126

i liked Kyou's route
idunno why so many people hate on it

>> No.7027132
File: 143 KB, 799x599, 1292902209818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a disgusting slut.

I hope she gets hit by a bus after she rapes our innocent hero and gets impregnated by him.

>> No.7027133
File: 190 KB, 471x640, 00kyou kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7028866

Fuck you.

>> No.7028866,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey he's right.

>> No.7029094

>I hope she gets hit by a bus after she rapes our innocent hero and gets impregnated by him.

This just made me laugh. In one way or another.

>> No.7029106
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>> No.7029109
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>> No.7029111
File: 283 KB, 697x1000, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.
Who's copying who?

>> No.7029122

play the game and find out, there's a proper explanation

>> No.7029137

If you're talking about Subarashiki Hibi... well, there's a reason for that.
Otherwise, ignore me.

>> No.7029181

>not the superior twin

Not a single fuck was given

>> No.7029227
File: 342 KB, 1286x825, 1277904020934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I think about it, Kotori will be the first Key main heroine who isn't a complete boke.
Well she does have a side like this but it's more because she likes to joke around, not because of the "retard moe" stuff.

>> No.7030123

Kotori actually has a personality...
April 28 couldn't come any faster.

>> No.7030126 [DELETED] 

Implying you are not sexy as fuck and your waifu doesn't love you volunteerily.

>> No.7030294

There are plenty of Key heroines that aren't 'retard moe'.
