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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7017012 No.7017012 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7017018

I wish I was Hibiki.

>> No.7017016

Story of my life

>> No.7017027
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>> No.7017037
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>> No.7017051


Is this futa?

>> No.7017074


>> No.7017079

it isnt even porn

>> No.7017093

A minor concern. I will fap regardless.
Whats the source.

>> No.7017096
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I had a Korean friend who had to eat lunch in the bathroom when she lived in Canada, because kids would throw food at her.

>> No.7017101
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>> No.7017105

yamanko i think

>> No.7020705

It's my wish to meet a nice girl that eats lunch alone in a bathroom stall.

>> No.7020714

I know what you're getting at, anonymous. Such a person must be truly wonderful.

>> No.7020724

I never understood this, why eat in the toilet?
At least a school shoud have a cafeteria, correct? So just sit with the unpopular kids then.

>> No.7020727


If you're that unpopular, even unpopular kids won't want to sit with you. I'd prefer eating outside though.

>> No.7020738

She's not popular enough for that.

>> No.7020740

I just can't imagine it, even I was the chubbiest fucking loser around and I sat around with my class in jovial spirits sharing our disgusting meatballs together.

>> No.7020751

It's Japan man, I ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.7020752


Well it happens. They could also be the kind of people that refuse to sit with other people.

>> No.7020770

I would sit with her.

>> No.7020773

It differs from place to place.
I can't say I ate in the toilet, but I did eat alone.
Kids are cruel. If you feel like shit, just make somebody feel shittier than yourself.

>> No.7020821

Joke's on you, OP. I never brought food to school.

>> No.7020869

I wish public toilets were clean enough to eat in them.

>> No.7020871

shit particles

>> No.7020876

>eating in the bathroom at school

For all years of school, except 8th grade where we had a brand new middle school built, the bathrooms were disgusting as fuck. I didn't even like breathing in there.

>> No.7020891

I was the chubby, long-haired loser who smelled of sweat most of the time, and for me, if someone from my class saw me, they'd sit down at my table out of pity. I don't hate them for it, they were just trying to be nice, but it's pretty inconvenient when you have no desire for their pity and you just want to sit alone and read a book.

>> No.7020900
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oh so that's what the HELL happened to [pic]

>> No.7020910

I'm a lucky bastard, i had the keys to the secluded school astral observatory on the very top of the building, where i sat by myself and stared out the window whenever i had nobody to eat with or wanted to be by myself.

>> No.7020929

>I was the chubby, long-haired loser who smelled of sweat most of the time

UGH. I fuckin hate people like you. Why can't you just die and disappear from the Earth? Fuck.

>> No.7020936

I've changed, man. All that is behind me.

>> No.7020942 [DELETED] 

Sounds like an eroge setting.

>> No.7021202

Same here. All the tables in the cafeteria were "full", so rather than sit at an empty table, I would eat in the bathroom... or skip lunch altogether and read in the library.

>> No.7021229

chubby long haired sweaty loser in school days reporting in as a chubby long haired beardy sweaty loser who hasnt showered in 2 weeks

>> No.7022166
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I ate my toejam during class.

>> No.7022229

I ate lunch on the steps to the outdoor classrooms. They had walls and faced sideways so I was shielded from view except to people coming one way, and very few people walked by during lunch. The cafeteria was very crowded and I never talked to anyone so it would have been awkward to sit there.

>> No.7022236

I had this go board that I'd bring in every lunch, and a few kids and I would play five in a row (the school banned poker decks).

I pretty much got reserved seating every day because of it (probably only because of it), which was good enough for me.

>> No.7022316

I played D&D in the library for a year or two, and then started playing MtG in the cafeteria.

>> No.7023512

Who's the girl in OP picture?

>> No.7023517

I was surrounded by friends in high school.

Now, /jp/ is all I have. NO REGRETS.

>> No.7023531
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>> No.7023539 [DELETED] 

I love the feeling of shitting eating at the same time.

>> No.7023540

I love the feeling of emptying one hole while stuffing the other.

>> No.7023544

It's not normal to vomit while you're having anal sex. You should seek medical help.

>> No.7023550
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>> No.7023552

I lived the NEET life in high school, I didn't have any friends and I used to go to one of the classrooms on the east block to each lunch so I could go on my laptop and steal wireless from one of the local houses.

Now I'm in Uni I have tons of friends and I'm really into athletics. Not sure how to balance watching anime and reading doujins with all this :/

>> No.7023555


>> No.7023556
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>> No.7023565

>NEET life in high school
>I have tons of friends and I'm really into athletics
so you've finally accepted your delusions and now everything's better?

>> No.7023576


The World God Only Knows.

>> No.7023578

>The World God Only Knows.
Worst "cool" depiction of galge players ever.

>> No.7023726

>NEET life in highschool

Neet: Not employed, in education or training.


You could be a neet and have lots of friends. Its being a hiki where you avoid people.

>> No.7023731
File: 321 KB, 800x800, f6a65df10190db33dc01d68b00fdb965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute, I want to hug you.

>> No.7023752

I only remember eating lunch in highschool once. I sat down at a table and tried to eat but I felt sick and went to the nurse. In the nurse's office she told someone who I hadn't spoken with in years to introduce me to some friends and keep me company until lunch was over. I only faintly remember him introducing me to some people who I recognized from elementary school. I think they invited me to do something with them afterschool but I refused. I don't know why that's the only time I remember eating lunch in highschool, or why the memory is so fragmented. I quit school shortly after.

>> No.7023950
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I wandered the hallways with my lunch. Lunch break was half an hour, so I would always get in the longest line to avoid having nothing to do after I finished eating. The building was four stories, and I spend most of the time walking up and down the stairs all over the building, since the stairs were the emptiest areas of the school.

Interesting nearly all of /jp/ has gone through the same thing.

>> No.7023968

NHK was just as bad.

>> No.7023990

I never went to school after 3rd grade. I was too much of a ruffinian.

Well, at least not if we're talking about "Standardized" ones. Google taught me more than any teacher ever could.

>> No.7023993
File: 453 KB, 1000x1282, 8adc585e12db71e30a89f3f7a5311458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to hug you too, but not in real life cause that's gay.

>> No.7024011

This board is quickly become /tg/2.

>> No.7024019

Hugs are not gay! Brohugs are never wrong silly.

>> No.7024022

I went home during lunch, like everybody else.

>> No.7024028

Must have been great living so close to home.
I'd hug you because its gay.

>> No.7024056

I was happy during the first half of high school and then my depression started setting in during the second half. Hasn't left me since then.
