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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 217 KB, 940x533, 1298009934720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7017897 No.7017897 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7017903

Fuck off I'm watching America's Greatest Otaku

>> No.7017911

you're looking at him right now.

>> No.7017921

That's funny because Danny is a douche.

>> No.7017930

I actually near the same area as him for about a year, I always prayed I'd run into him in the streets so I could punch him in the guts and run away.

>> No.7017932

Fuck off Danny Choo. Your dad's shoes are nice but you're a goddamn tool.

>> No.7017941

/jp/ couldn't possibly get more jealous.

>> No.7017949

I'm jealous of the girl in front of him. I wish I could be half that pretty. She's probably doing it with the dude on far left.

>> No.7017961

why are the japanese so disgusting

>> No.7017963

looks like she's play ing with herself and the guy is watching.

>> No.7017991

Counts the guy on the right behind her too.

You seem much more active during the weekends.

>> No.7017998

You guys are completely overlooking the main character near the back window.

>> No.7018003

I don't get it.
What is there to be jealous of? Please explain.

>> No.7018007

Im only jealous that he gets figures shipped to him for free

>> No.7018009

>>7017941 is probably a figfag and they always spew shit like "u jelly mad poorfags?" everytime their hero Danny Choo comes up it's best to just ignore them.

>> No.7018055

Oh my god, he's in the seat and he's even doing the "I don't give a fuck, I'm too awesome for this shit" pose

>> No.7018067

OP, nobody here gives a shit about him, take it to >>>/a/

>> No.7018075
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>> No.7018967

is this from a movie?

>> No.7018970

danny's so random

>> No.7018975

back right is /jp/

looking down to avoid the camera, minding their own business as not to bring attention to themselves

>> No.7019026

me at the back right not giving a fuck

>> No.7021833

Is there any link to download the tv program of Danny: CultureJapan?!?

>> No.7021862


Deliver this /jp/

>> No.7021891

Danny Choo's a pretty cool guy. Didn't seem like a douche when I spoke with him in person.

And yes, I'm jealous.
>getting your own tv show, getting free figures from companies, (at one point) getting free photography equipment, hanging out with voice actresses

This too. Could never find a torrent of the shows anywhere.

>> No.7021917

Tool of a tool

>> No.7022091

haha wow
just kill yourself

>> No.7022117

Jealous that they'll never transcend their sadlife and live like Danny.

>> No.7022137
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>> No.7022146

Keep on dickridin'!

>> No.7022163

More sadlife than I expected, you're pretty bitter.

>> No.7022172

Can you please explain what exactly I'm supposed to be jealous of?
Just fucking list it please.

>> No.7022185

He's smarter and more successful than you'll ever be, and he makes all the money just doing what he loves. That should be enough.

>> No.7022205

So he is the symbol of the unattractive 害人 with creepy hobbies and will be out of a job once your plastic toys are no longer a fad?
That's great.

>> No.7022210

I can say that i'm not jealous because none of the things you mentioned were things that I care about.

>> No.7022216


>>7021891 here. Honestly I think that whatever he's doing right now is just awesome. When I think of the word "success", one of the first people that comes to mind is Danny.

Living in a fairly large house in Japan, getting free shit and making appearances all over the media beats being an ordinary college student living with relatives any day.

But I suppose that if you already have all that fun stuff, there's no reason to be jealous at all.

>> No.7022219

I don't see how you could not care about being paid to do what you like, but if that's the case, more power to you.

>> No.7022227

What the fuck was that?

>> No.7022231
File: 59 KB, 221x247, yumad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...But /jp/ does get paid to do what it loves
Sit around being doing nothing while collecting welfare and bullshit disability checks

>> No.7022233

It means "The pleasure of being cummed inside".

>> No.7022239

I doubt he's smarter than me, and I'm not really jealous of his ability to photograph himself in costume.
The only thing to be jealous of is his rich daddy, really.

>> No.7022244

>>Living in a fairly large house in Japan
Implying I want to live in Japan
>>getting free shit and making appearances all over the media
Implying I want to be portrayed as the unattractive 害人 with creepy hobbies
Implying I give a shit about plastic toys

Honestly, it can't be helped that you're this much of a weeaboo. People don't have the same priorities as you. Just kill yourself and maybe you'll be reborn into what you wish

>> No.7022250
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>> No.7022252

How much of a prick you have to be to disturb a class with your antics like that?

>> No.7022259


>> No.7022257

>with creepy hobbies
>on 4chan, /jp/ no less
I think you're in the wrong place brah.

>> No.7022264


>i doubt he's smarter than me

I really dislike Danny Choo but he's out there making money while you're here wasting your day away on an anonymous imageboard.

Also, you're probably ugly.

>> No.7022272
File: 73 KB, 400x600, f8acf82d18303305d31d7428bd66dc17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who taught you how to put some motherfucking Danny Choos on?

>> No.7022280
File: 361 KB, 570x858, pie02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danny Choo hit this
prove me wrong

>> No.7022281

You're unemployed right? Sucks to be you.

>> No.7022286

/jp/ will make it big someday, I tell you.

>> No.7022292

If I remember correctly, he made a shitton of cash working for amazon.co.jp, not as a result of him having a rich daddy.

>> No.7022299

I have no idea who he is, and have even less of an idea as to why I should care.

>> No.7022301

jfc just go fly to japan and beg him to fuck you in the ass already
you want that sweet cock right? not gonna get any closer posting here

>> No.7022304

You should care because he likes making threads about himself on /jp/.

I guess.

>> No.7022306

you're retarded

i thought this was /jp/?

>> No.7022314

That was my first post in this thread. Umadbro

>> No.7022321

I hope you both fall in wells that spontaneously and mysteriously appear below where you are sitting right now and drown.

>> No.7022395

>implying I'm sitting down
