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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7015966 No.7015966 [Reply] [Original]

Question /jp/.

Why is it that you focus on this part of Japanese culture (otaku), but not the traditional Japanese culture? What's the real difference between walking out a shop with a traditional Noh mask instead of a Touhou statue to decorate in your house?

>> No.7015973

Otaku Culture ≠ Japan/General
fuck off

>> No.7015977

because "/jp/ - Otaku Culture"
you might as well ask /v/ why they only talk about video games and not games in general, or why /h/ doesn't contain any futa.

>> No.7015979

you are now aware that every touhou post on that board is a shitpost

>> No.7015978

The difference is that traditional Japanese culture is fucking boring and doesn't involve little girls. Even if it does, I'm not willing to sift through piles of runes to jerk it to something someone came up with a thousand years ago when I can find terabytes of Touhou porn at the click of mouse button.

>> No.7015988

>/v/ why they only talk about video games and not games in general
>why /h/ doesn't contain any futa

>> No.7015992

Why should I give a fuck about japanese culture?

>> No.7015994

>Why is it that you focus on this part of Japanese culture (otaku), but not the traditional Japanese culture?

>> No.7015999

Simply by being here and not as a troll, you kind of are.

>> No.7016002

The sole reason /jp/ was conceived was to get rid of the Toehoes in /a/

>> No.7016004
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Well that's why I asked it here, since I doubt otakus are that much in /int/.

>> No.7016008

Japanese are not white enough for /int/.

>> No.7016014
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How ironic.

>> No.7016053

Chinese master race reporting in.
Because japanese pop culture is actually pretty cool and we like to fap.

>> No.7016068

I have about as much interest in traditional Japanese culture as I do in the traditional culture of any other nation.

What I'm really interested in is geek culture, and part of that is otaku culture.

>> No.7016082

Putting white paint on a Japanese woman and calling her "white" is like putting white paint on an Argentinian.

>> No.7016128
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>Putting white paint on a Japanese woman and calling her "white" is like putting white paint on an Argentinian.
>is like putting white paint on an Argentinian.

>not white

>> No.7016141
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>> No.7016158

It's like I'm really on /int/!

Which in turn is like I'm really on /new/!

Which in turn is like I'm really on Stormfront!

Fuck you for making me a Nazi, /jp/.

>> No.7016173
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Nazi thread?

>> No.7016223
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moar nazis, plz!

>> No.7016241

I don't know. I guess I find touhous, anime and such things more interesting/fun than traditional Japanese culture? Or more like traditional Japanese culture doesn't offer much entertainment easily available for download.

>> No.7016253

And then if we do focus on traditional Japanese culture you will be in here again with the same image asking why we're such weeaboos when Japan basically copied China. Go back to /b/sp/a/v/ or whatever miscellaneous normal board you come from.

I also want to see a greek/roman version of this, it would be much funnier.

>> No.7016258

>What's the real difference between walking out a shop with a traditional Noh mask instead of a Touhou statue to decorate in your house?

You can't cum on the Noh mask and post pictures on the internet.

>> No.7016266

sure you can, dont be stupid

>> No.7016300 [DELETED] 

Traditional Japanese culture is okay too. Except the fact that it was socially acceptable for men to cry in Japan, so some texts can get rather creepy. The worst offender is Heike Monogatari, where there's a mention in crying in literally every other page, my favorite is the part where some warrior beheads another and suddenly breaks down crying because he feels sorry for killing him (but he killed him anyway because it can't be helped.)

>> No.7016322
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>> No.7016329

Oh, I don't know, maybe because discussing our hobbies is more interesting than, say, threads about tea... or how to prepare rice balls...

...or creepy ass geisha.

>> No.7016343

There's not enough new content from traditional Japanese culture.

>> No.7016352

Traditional Japanese culture is okay too, except the fact that it was apparently not a big deal for men to cry, so some texts can get rather creepy. The worst offender is Heike Monogatari, where there's a mention about crying in literally every other page - my favorite is the part where some warrior beheads another and suddenly breaks down crying because he feels sorry for killing him (but he killed him anyway, because it can't be helped.) In fact, you can make a drinking game out of Heike Monogatari: A shot every time a man starts crying, two if an entire gathering of men start crying in unison, three if they cry so much that their tears stain the sleeves of their robes. Additionally, a shot every time someone becomes a monk, every time that "the latter days of the Law" is mentioned, every time Enryaku monks throw a temper tantrum, and every time Kiyomori decides to do something stupidly reckless but changes his mind at the last moment (Kiyomori's immediate reactions usually involve death, torture or rebellion against the Emperor.) You won't survive past Chapter 3.

Their mythology is great too, the stories of Yamasachihiko, Omononushi, Okiku and Miyata Akinosuke are my favorites. The first ended up going down to the Dragon Palace, married a crocodile/shark/dragon in form of a little girl and had a child out of her; the second is a giant snake deity of curses who punishes sluts by making them stab their genitals with chopsticks until they bleed to death, the third is a shy ghost maid with low self-esteem who manifests either as a swarm of beetles in shape of a maid or as a half young woman, half giant maggot apparition, and the last is the story of a man who married an ant princess and lived 23 years with her without noticing she was an ant.

>> No.7016363

Here are the full texts, if you want to read.
Omononushi: http://www.scribd.com/doc/3832857/The-Raging-Deity-of-Japanese-Mythology
Yamasachihiko: http://eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp/modules/xwords/entry.php?entryID=64
The Dream of Akinosuke: http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kwaidan/kwai15.htm
Bancho Sarayashiki/Okiku summary: http://www.artelino.com/articles/ghost_story_okiku.asp

I'd gladly hand over my soul for a VN about those last two (though Jingai Haruman 2 is good enough for all antgirl fetish purposes), the end of Dream of Akinosuke is particularly touching (the princess dies and Akinosuke wakes up, eventually finding the dead body of his wife as an ant ;_;).

>> No.7016366

So now the "Argentina is not white" meme spread to /jp/?

>> No.7016391

It's a meme? Which board would coime up with something that...?

>> No.7016394

Your average /jp/er barely has interest towards his own country's culture, let alone Japan's.

>> No.7016456

>implying Go is japanese, not chinese

what the fuck am I reading.jpg

>> No.7016503

I don't think that the image is implying that Go is native Japanese.

>> No.7016513

/int/, apparently if you aren't 100% of scandinavian descent you aren't white.
Not even fucking Germany is considered white there.

>> No.7016514

Except it is. It's saying that Japan copied weiqi into their own version, go. But go is also a Chinese game, through and through. And not in the "lol u weebu its just a ripoff of china" sense. In the it actual is a Chinese game sense.

This image is retarded. What next, Portuguese is a rip-off of Spanish?

>> No.7016518

Actually, it's retarded, but not for the reasons you're saying. Go is the fucking JAPANESE NAME for weiqi. That's like saying football (referring to soccer) is a soccer ripoff.

>> No.7017436
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I agree, Korean is better.

>> No.7017486

There's interesting stuff coming out of there like anime and VNs.
Why the fuck should I care about their traditional culture? That's just a weeaboo flag right there...

Fuck weeaboos. Let me enjoy my anime in peace.

>> No.7017519
File: 28 KB, 413x395, 1297268520202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck weeaboos
Why so much self-hate or is /jp/ just in denial of their weeaboo status?

>> No.7017521

Cool pic bro.
So I gotta be a weeaboo to watch anime now?
The fuck are you spouting out you piece of shit.

>> No.7017540

Taking interest in anything that has any relation to Japan makes you a weeaboo.
Being a weeaboo means that you are interested in everything that has anything to do with Japan.

Flawless logic.

>> No.7017542
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Why so angry? I'm not judging you weeaboo.

>> No.7017544

I fucking hate weeaboos

I fucking HATE them.

I started studying Japanese at university last September, and I can say with no exaggeration: the ENTIRE FUCKING CLASS is weeaboo. See that vaguely non-faggot looking guy in the corner? HE IS STILL ONE OF THEM. At the very least he watches anime on a regular basis.

See that cute girl knitting and not paying attention to the teacher? She's into yaoi. They're all the same. And they all have their stupid little fucking inane cliques where they sit around and talk about stupid fucking inane singers and manga as though they're world-changing life or death issues and pretend to get all excited about mundane shit and, and, and dskjdlkdjfslkfjd


Ukiyo-e? Haiku? Bashou? ...Mishima? What? Who's that, man? We're talking about Death Note here, please be quiet.

And if these insolent little retards ever do pay lip service to "real" (sorry, but I'm using that term) Japanese culture it's only because they've seen a temple or an onsen in some fucking stupid manga or whatever.

GOD I am MAD. I didn't even read this thread, but I need to vent. I am MAD as fucking FUCK about this BULLSHIT. I am MAD that these WINDOWLICKERS are the future of the academic study of Japan. I am MAD that I cannot speak to someone about Japan or Japanese without the word "anime" cropping up within 5 minutes. Goddamn do everyone a favour and go fucking hang yourselves, all of you.*

*My class, not /jp/

the worst part is that I like anime and manga. But I don't tell anyone anymore. If they explicitly ask I say I don't like it at all. I am not fucking discussing any of that shit with anyone IRL ever again.

The end.

>> No.7017550

>>Being a weeaboo means that you are interested in everything that has anything to do with Japan.

Because me watching anime makes me interested in everything thats Japanese amirite?

How are you even replying to my post with that level of mental handicap?

I feel them same man.

>> No.7017552

>40 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Have you ever notice how /jp/ starts to get REAL SHITTY right around this time?

>> No.7017561


7017540 is a sarcastic post that was agreeing with you, idiot.

>> No.7017572
File: 35 KB, 416x300, Japanese naked festival - Hadaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a weeaboo is also loving anime, collecting shitty dolls and play "kawaii" games.

Lol @ weeaboos saying that having interests and indulging in Japan's actual culture makes one a weeaboo while ignoring their own interests. Sad.

>> No.7017579

>implying I don't focus on both.

The modern stuff tends to be cheaper, tho.

>> No.7017581

Why? How are you better than that?

>> No.7017587
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>> No.7017588

If you are some white kid with a strange attraction to traditional Japanese culture, chances are, you are fit the definition of a weeaboo.

"Loving anime" =/= interested in anything and everything Japan related

>> No.7017597

Deviantart in a nutshell
