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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 123 KB, 861x848, 1271735453932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7012232 No.7012232 [Reply] [Original]

If we pretend to be lesbians, can we be popular now?

>> No.7012235

>Sion's not pretending

Isn't it sad, Sacchin?

>> No.7012240

You are already popular.
In my heart.

>> No.7012245

But WE ARE lesbians!
What silly things are you spoutingf oP!

>> No.7012247


Sion might be with Roastbeef, but Sacchin still loves Shiki.

>> No.7012248
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>> No.7012256
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we're just lipstick lesbians

>> No.7012276

Actually, both Sion and Sacchin still love Shiki. Roastbeef is the odd one out.

>> No.7012287

Don't tell them that. Their dreams might get crushed.

>> No.7012302

roastbeef would love Shiki too if Sion did, if she were still alive.

>> No.7012317

What's a roastbeef?

>> No.7012332


Riesbyfe Stridberg, Shield Knight of the Church. Assigned bodyguard for Sion Eltnam Atlasia when she sought out the Night of Wallachia 3 years before the events of Melty Blood, was devoured by Wallachia. Revived as a TATARI image in the events of Melty Blood Actress Again.
This girl. >>7012256

>> No.7012338

That chick with the weird musical instrument, right?

>> No.7012353


A shield/pneumatic spear combination package, the sacrament True Apocrypha. Also called the Holy Shield Gamaliel.
Never really explained what's so special about it, but it's apparently good at killing vampires since that's what she does. Shaped like a cello.

>> No.7012365

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

>> No.7012378

Who is that girl Sion is kissing?

>> No.7012407

My penis

>> No.7012466

Tohsaka Rin

>> No.7012470

she's from tsukihime, one of shiki's childhood friends.
she dies early in the story and doesn't get a lot of screentime, but for some reason she has a lot of fans

>> No.7012501

I dont remember seeing her in the game?

>> No.7012526
File: 81 KB, 701x800, 1537833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who you are new guy who seems to like sacchin, but you're cutting in on my femalefriedu.

>> No.7012527


That's the biggest slut in the universe. She's a fucking cock-magnet.

>> No.7012529
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>> No.7012598

More like a stake magnet.

>> No.7012605
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What do you mean, she didn't even get staked once.

>> No.7012611
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>Meanwhile i got promoted to servant!
Is'nt it sad?

>> No.7012623
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I enjoy tamamo no caster as well though her dialogue was fun.

>> No.7012658
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Oh she got staked by Nero. ALL NIGHT LONG.

>> No.7012669
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Nero only wanted to teach her to be a proper dead apostle, its why he left after they sparred in melty blood, instead of devouring her.

I mean she was clearly outmatched.

>> No.7012679
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Well she was his dead best bro's spawn.

>> No.7012680


Like hell it will happen. I have been waiting for 5 fucking years now.

>> No.7012700

Sacchin's life may suck(Get it? Suck!), but she's going to be a fucking beast in a few hundred years or so.

Hell she already has her own reality marble.

>> No.7012715

Time will never pass if it doesnt get written up

>> No.7012724
File: 209 KB, 608x896, 7804391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends.

Melty blood sacchin is already turning into a fucking beast, she only needs to eat once a week and can already go out in the sun.

"Canon" sacchin is supposedly just lucky and had her circuits in the right spots which gave her the ability to turn into a dead apostle instantly, but she doesn't have any great magical strength.

I mean we'll probably never see pic related but Meaty Bread Superhero Sacchin is a ton of fun.

>> No.7012788

What. when did she get a reality marble?
I remember in tsukihime, it said that she had a lot of potential as a vampire, but I never heard about any of this stuff.

>> No.7012795

Arc drive in Melty Blood

>> No.7012808

It was mentioned in some side material, coupled with some information of her route that was cut.

>> No.7012809
File: 563 KB, 2039x2893, 7417421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its call depletion garden it basically destroys all the mana inside of it leaving the landscape barren around her. see >>7012669

It fudges your opponents gauges in melty blood.

>> No.7012810 [DELETED] 


>> No.7012813

Lesbians, sadly, are not /jp/ related. This isn't QUALITY.

>> No.7012821
File: 675 KB, 1200x1600, 1945220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you can have your cow waifu but I can't enjoy a sacchin thread?

Thats not very nice.

>> No.7012826 [DELETED] 

It was Tsukihime whining, so I figured it was "Close enough", like most quality threads.

>> No.7012845
File: 2.05 MB, 1100x1525, 6228726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentleman, How do we kill all the other heroines.

>> No.7012870

Touhou is /jp/ related thus are lesbians, too.

>> No.7012951
File: 68 KB, 322x469, ArcueidBrunestud2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't kill the planetary embodiment itself.

>> No.7013010
File: 136 KB, 375x600, 2007604_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archtype earth maybe not, Arc you could though.

Yes they are different.

>> No.7013031

Best thread in /jp/ right now

>> No.7013042

all you have to do is kill the planet, and its embodiment will eventually go too.

>> No.7013046


How do you suppose we "kill" the planet?

Pollution and greenhouse gases will take ages to do any significant damage

>> No.7013052

Shiki did.

>> No.7013053

Nuke Antartica.

>> No.7013060

stab its dot like shiki did.

>> No.7013061

You can kill it "locally" with the eyes of death perception, Shiki did this

>> No.7013065
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But we're still just trying to kill Arc, which is easy(in relative speaking to killing the planet), just kill all the earth around her and then her with like true magic or some shit.

>> No.7013071

You can't take it easy like this.

>> No.7013072

That actually wouldn't flood the entire planet, there isn't enough ice. Places that are maybe 400 or so feet above sea level or lower would be underwater, but everywhere else would, for the most part, be unaffected. Earth may be thrown into an ice age, though.

Source: Wikipedia, ZUN's Twitter.

>> No.7013094
File: 432 KB, 640x480, TrueAncestor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes they are different.

Nope, same entity. Just read her profile in MBAA. Also, Arc lacks a concept of death on the night, whether she is using 30% or 100% of her power it doesn't matter. Because even if she is using 70% of her power in order to control her impulses, that power is still there, she just won't use it for combat.

Easy? What are you smoking? The only way to kill her is by using the MEoDP on the day, and maybe Ea. There is no other way, since killing all the Earth around her won't work, you need to conceptually kill all the Earth around her.

tldr: Arc is an eternal existence, always. A weapon that might kill her simply does not exist in the modern world.

>> No.7013096

Arc can't loose a battle in the end.
She can only loose control.

>> No.7013120
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I'm sure there are more ways to kill arc we just don't know about yet.

Killing a planet now thats just a pain in the ass.

But can we just get back to posting sacchin, I like posting sacchin more than I like powerlevels.

>> No.7013133

This is like an American pretending to be Japanese while posting on an American board.

>> No.7013139
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welcome to 4chan.

>> No.7013149

She is the being closest to perfection on earth.
There isn't.
You can never hope to kill the planet either.
The Beasts of Gaia and Alaya would react at the slightest move.

>> No.7013151

Jp/ is the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.7013156
File: 49 KB, 400x353, 1266362853414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what exciting new information.
Why did it need to suck type moons dick if it had these things already?

>> No.7013175

I'm pretty sure Nero would have killed her if shiki hadn't intervened.

>> No.7013213
File: 62 KB, 280x325, 1266569387556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one else is posting sacchin.

>> No.7013230

As far as Earth's definition of perfection goes, there is no other living organism more perfect than her. She herself stated that she is the one with the longest lifespan on the entire planet. Since as Earth's living embodiment, her lifespan matches that of the Earth, and celestial bodies live on a scale far larger than any human might comprehend, which is why she is immune to the MEoDP; though this only happens on the night, since she needs the power of the Moon.

The Earth sucks by itself. The Earth cannot make a Type by itself. However, the Moon and the Earth worked together in order to create an Ultimate Being. This is why Arcueid is only a truly perfect lifeform under the Moon, because she is a cooproduction of both the Earth and the Moon. She is still far better than anything the Earth might be able to create by itself. This makes her worthy of the title of Type Earth, the planetary embodiment itself.

>> No.7013239

We don't know that. Though Nrvnqsr sucks, he could only do that because she was weakened, and she still managed to sit below his Soil of Genesis for the entire duration of the fight.

>> No.7013252
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That always had me wondering what she would do after Shiki died.

Just sleep forever or something, how boring.

>> No.7013269
File: 67 KB, 480x640, 12039941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but he didn't use his full strength either.

Shiki killed him when he was getting ready to do the whole 999 nights of chaos or whatever his super form is called.

>> No.7013275 [DELETED] 

What if you obliterated the moon?

>> No.7013319

she would probably permanently lose her immunity to death, like she does during the day.

>> No.7013320

Well, she can always find herself another human. Though she'll probably become Crimson Moon, and she'll regain her original powers, since it was stated that Shiki was the only reason why she hasn't succeeded the Crimson Moon.

>> No.7013329

Unless Arc was asleep I think she would see it coming, I mean a mass scale project like blowing up the moon would be in the common knowledge download thing she does.

>> No.7013345
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Question is, do we keep derpy burger control arc or Get Insane transgender moon king.

>> No.7013416

Who knows? Though CM!Arc is still Arc. That's what CM!Arc's profile states:

>Not an alter ego of Arcueid, but one and the same as the normal her.

You can't really compare her with Roa. Since Arc (and all the TA) are already an incarnation of CM, so in a way they are the same entity. And it was stated in KT that CM was going to come back as a New Moon, anyway.

>> No.7013464
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I wasn't comparing Crimson moon to Roa I just find that image funny.

You know because the original Crimson moon bumstead was a guy.

>> No.7013517
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Fuck, how the hell did I miss a Sacchin thread start up?

>> No.7013518
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>> No.7013528
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She's not popular enough for you I guess.

>> No.7013534
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Have you guys ever stopped to think that maybe the author just makes stuff up as he goes along and he cares more about telling a interesting story rather than remaining consistent?

>> No.7013543
File: 41 KB, 459x640, Satsuki184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her popularity has nothing to do with my love for her. I'm just incredibly sad that I wasn't around for the start of the thread.

>> No.7013561
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Maybe that or he cares more about demon souls and cosplaying prostitutes.

>> No.7013577
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But really who can blame him.

>> No.7013616
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>> No.7013625
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I am not sure what you mean by this in the slightest.

>> No.7013628
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All that Fate merchandise money had to go somewhere.

>> No.7013635
File: 93 KB, 650x460, Satsuki017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own any Fate merchandise, though.

Also quit speaking in riddles. It's hard for me to keep up.

>> No.7013638 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 600x857, normal__604f7ee9de62b7fbcfde4d8137a11adb_saha-back-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. _Pretend_
Whatever you say.

>> No.7013644
File: 160 KB, 620x877, 3339859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not talking in riddles.

Nasu has openly admitted to spending like a bazillion hours playing demon's souls on the ps3 and the prostitutes well thats obvious.

>> No.7013649
File: 110 KB, 500x464, 1146879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't that one turn to futa? Does that even count?

>> No.7013650

Oh, derp. I didn't realize you were talking about Nasu and spent the past while thinking you were talking about me.

And now looking back I realize it wasn't even my post you quoted to begin with. Boy do I feel like a moron.

Polite Sage as a result ;_;

>> No.7013668
File: 97 KB, 480x632, 725583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its okay, you can get away with all kinds of dumb shit when you post as anon.

So don't feel bad.

>> No.7013672

Good futa is just lesbians with a fleshy strap-on.

>> No.7013674
File: 296 KB, 538x900, 1160484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=8879294

>> No.7013675
File: 100 KB, 595x850, Satsuki185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still reasonably new to the whole imageboard thing (Well that's a lie. I do a good deal of lurking, but I tend to ignore the metathreads, drama, etc) but I feel like I understand a little more now why anon is such a jackass.

>> No.7013698
File: 386 KB, 1200x1189, 16661554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Yuri has a flavor all its own though.

Some sion/sacchin yuri

Main reason I namefag is it keeps my post quality above drooling trog. I mean I know its terrible to begin with but now I think a little more before I post.

>> No.7013755
File: 42 KB, 500x500, boxfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna build a fort.

>> No.7013764
File: 157 KB, 1000x1311, 15036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't long hair DA sacchin be in a game?

It'd make an awesome bad/dead end in the remake but will never happen.

>> No.7013768

Yuri is all about the atmosphere. Futa's about girls ploughing each other.

>> No.7013792
File: 137 KB, 600x442, 1244024621739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sums it up pretty well.

Though Yurifags tend to think of it as art or something.

>> No.7013820

Nothing wrong with a little emotion in your sex if that's what gets your hull flooded. The only unnatural sexual behavior is none at all.

>> No.7013840

As a yurifag I'd like to give my definition

Yuri is about women (Of non-hermaphroditic nature.) in a sexual or romantic relationship with each other, with no males involved in said relationship.

>> No.7013841

Wasn't Sacchin like... 5th in the latest popularity poll?

Also, fucking Nasu, if you don't give me a Sacchin route on the remake... I swear I'm going to Japan and find you. And she'd better have long hair at some point like in those DAA sketeches.

>> No.7013867
File: 307 KB, 1202x865, Isn't it Hellcanon Sacchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the latest.

>> No.7013870

time for transformers more sacchin later.

>> No.7013887

You can only say that because you don't know very much about futa. Sure, that is true some of the case, but not always. Not 100% of yuri is all rabu-rabu pure love either.

>> No.7013993

The same could be said of all porn.

>> No.7014248

My point exactly.

>> No.7014259
File: 497 KB, 595x842, 231243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must all good sacchin threads come to an end?

Do remember when we did these in /a/ erryday before the split?

Good times.

>> No.7014622
File: 57 KB, 266x369, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a paper to type and I'm doing it on the offline computer.

Night guys.

>> No.7015029

>Yeah but he didn't use his full strength either.
No, Shiki killed him when he WAS at full strength. He charged Shiki when he was at full power, but Shiki killed him even with that.

>> No.7015033

Power up don't fucking matter to shiki.

To arc it might have meant something.

>> No.7015048

well to an Australian it looks as though she's finally getting a Root*!

*Root=slang for screw

>> No.7015051

Who the fuck are you?
