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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 273 KB, 715x1000, Princess Waltz Angela and Saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7010062 No.7010062 [Reply] [Original]

This game needs more love.

Angela is the best princess.

>> No.7010068

Lun Lun, so good.

>> No.7010069
File: 444 KB, 796x596, LunLun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, you're misinformed.

This is the best princess.

>> No.7010070


in b4

>Hurrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrr number 2

>> No.7010071

What a shitty unimaginative game this was.

>> No.7010072
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>> No.7010073
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>> No.7010076

Daily LunLun is awesome thread.

>> No.7010078

Angela is one of only two princesses who like Arata for ARATA. Basically all the other princesses are going "we want to get Chris back too" or "we want to get Chris back because it's what you want" or "we want to protect you"

Lun-Lun is like "oh noes, I've fallen in love with Arata"

But Angela? Angela just straight up goes "Arata, I like you, I like you a lot. You better count your lucky damn stars, and you bet your ass I won't settle for second, either."

Fuck yeah Angela.

>> No.7010079
File: 92 KB, 944x640, Lun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst moment in the game bar none

>> No.7010088


I'm not going to lie.

I uninstalled the game at that point.


>> No.7010090

You are now realizing Lun-Lun had the most useless stats out of all the princesses.

Lun-Lun actually provided the highest stat boost total. But several points of it went into armor, and armor is a FUCKING USELESS stat.

>> No.7010094

No one cared about the gameplay.

LunLun is awesome. Everyone on /jp/ agrees, don't bother us about it.

>> No.7010095
File: 98 KB, 792x582, LunLunBlush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lun Lun actually likes him before she knows he's anything more than a normal human, to the point where she was confused if she even wanted to continue the fight for someone else.

>> No.7010097

This game's writing makes F/SN look god-tier.

>> No.7010103

The whole "I'll stay loyal to Chris" bit really entirely defeated the whole purpose of having other girls in the game to fuck.

>> No.7010104

I was really surprised to see that the propeller writer who wrote ayakashibito and the rest of the actiony stuff was actually one of the subwriters of this.

>> No.7010114

Not every game is going to be a literary masterpiece, and no one is going to claim this is anywhere close to the pinnacle of eroge writing. Just enjoy it for what it is.

>> No.7010117

Game had shitty writing in general.

But fuck if I wasn't on the edge of my seat for some of the fights. Liesel vs. Suzushiro and Lun-Lun vs. Angela especially.

>> No.7010121


But the visual novel 'Ulysses' by James Joyce has the best writing

>> No.7010123
File: 40 KB, 350x260, princesswaltz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem Arc?

>> No.7010129

> Lun-Lun vs. Angela

Best fight in the game

>> No.7010140

It's so good that people can't even recognize passages from it!

>> No.7010148
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>> No.7010206
File: 56 KB, 600x417, jamesjoyce-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool!
Do you know what you've done?!?!

>> No.7010220
File: 40 KB, 337x450, jamesjoyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't act like you don't realize that I did so purposefully.

>captcha: africanus tyrant


>> No.7010246

Best princess is Nee-san

>> No.7010275

I will never, ever be able to think of PW without thinking of the Arata/Shizuka sex scene.

"Nee-san, we're really having sex!"

He only notices this WHEN HE'S BALLS-DEEP INSIDE HER


>> No.7010279

Agreed. I didn't expect Lun-lun to pull up an awesome fight.

>> No.7010295

That's the thing about Lun-Lun. Everyone else in the Waltz has something tricky about them. Angela is just flat-out badass powerful. Liesel has lots of tech tricks up her sleeve. Suzushiro has her fucking hax martial art.

But Lun-Lun? Lun-Lun is by far the most skilled, experienced combatant. She's a few years older than anyone else in the Waltz (something like 17-19, when the others are 14-15? Someone back me up or correct me on this?), and she was either admiral of, or at least a captain in, a famous pirate-hunting fleet run by her country.

Lun-Lun makes up the power gap through sheer skill.

>> No.7010305

I'm more troubled about the Chris scenes. You'd think "straight gay sex" is an oxymoron, but they really were just that.

>> No.7010311

I think she's way older than that.
All her younger sisters are married.

>> No.7010315

You say that like getting married as a young teen or even an old pre-teen isn't common in royalty that actually rules its country.

>> No.7010319

That and fluids

>> No.7010323

I guess I'm the only one who is disappointed he didn't bang his adoptive mom.

>> No.7010327


>> No.7010328

It was pretty well hinted at that she's in her early 20s.

>> No.7010338

Maybe so, but she's going to be pretty old if all her younger sisters were already married a long time ago.
I bet she's in her mid 20s.

>> No.7010350

Nee-san route is canon isn't it?

>> No.7010356

>/jp/ disdaining pure loli Suzushiro and praising older girls Angela/Lun Lun

That's an omen of apocalypse if I've ever seen one.

>> No.7010358

It doesn't matter what the canon secondary girl is, since Chris is canon.

>> No.7010362

Boxing leprechaun is an exception. She's almost universally disliked, and for good reason.

>> No.7010368

She's annoying as fuck.

>> No.7010372

Suzushiro is a spoiled little bitch and I hate her guts.

The only redeeming thing about her is that her sex scene had anal.

>> No.7010395


>How to get /jp/ to love you:

>1. Do anal


>> No.7010403

Yes, lets all cheer for a girl who acts like a bitch towards you and who is only fucking you for the sake of Chris.

Well, its not like the main character isn't sticking it in her ass for the same reason.

>> No.7010410

It is.

>> No.7010411

Oh, yeah, that reminds me /jp/ really likes slut route in Crescendo too and she has anal scene.

>> No.7010413

I can't imagine the cum there would have been if Kaho, actually if any of the other ones did anal too. The lack of anal in translated VNs gets to me sometimes.

>> No.7010418

I'm more disappointed that he didn't bang his childhood friend. That ending scene is pretty sad.

Anyone have that pic of Nodoka in princess garb?

>> No.7010421
File: 186 KB, 600x600, 15689309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7010452
File: 11 KB, 251x216, waltz_05s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The large version of this image specifically.
I can't find it anywhere. ;_;

>> No.7010457

I can't be the only one who wants to see a sequel with Lun-Lun and Angela as... buddy cops, or an Odd Couple type duo, or something

>> No.7010462
File: 482 KB, 1664x1429, 1259014293218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7010493

That was one of the good things about Suzushiro "route", the "number 2" thing is reciprocal anyway so you don't have to rage about the MC being an jerk to the girl (and leaves room for imagination about a 3-way in the future). And I found Suzushiro's h-scene the most fappable, only Chris's scenes came close. Generally speaking, I found the h-scene fappability inversely
proportional to the overall quality of the character.

I'm pretty sure Lun Lun is in her 20s; when she joins the class she's talking like she's nostalgic about being back in school, when she admits to Arata that she's older she agrees all anxiously when he suggests that she's his sister's age (pretty much implying that she's actually even older and settling for him thinking that... and I believe his sister's a high school senior). Plus it's just not as interesting to believe that she's only a couple years older than him, who really gives a fuck in that case.

>> No.7010498

So basically what you're saying is Lun-Lun is a borderline shotacon.

brb fapping like the fist of the north star

>> No.7011034

LunLun has the moe whale, but Angela has the amusing dragon.

Its a tough choice.

>> No.7011106

Heh.. I remember playing this game long time ago.

Felt like the H-scenes were just hastily thrown in there just so it could be called an ero-g.

Lilianafag reporting

>> No.7011143
File: 146 KB, 888x590, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is the reason why half my bros at the dorm think i'm gay
i've got a sister who visits once in a bit, and i let her install stuff on my terminal so she doesn't get bored and fuck a mate or something while shes here

one day, she installs this horseshit on my computer, and leaves it while she answers a call or something
cut to me staring at my screen wondering wtf THAT gay transformation scene is, then a couple of blokes walk in
the rest is history


>> No.7011184

> Wesnoth

I approve

>> No.7011189


>> No.7011193


>Modern Warfare 2
>Black Ops

This just in: Call Of Duty players LOVE Princess Waltz and Touhou.

>> No.7011199

What I want to know is what you're doing on /jp/.

>> No.7011203

Its okay to have diverse tastes

>> No.7011219

Of course, I was wondering how the fellow reconciled his BROTIME lifestyle with the cross-dressing, doll-appreciating erotic literature connoisseurs of /jp/.

>> No.7011230


he is probably one of those dudes who goes to the gym wearing panties.



>> No.7011245

They should remake this game with proper routes.
Chris sucks as a main heroine.

>> No.7011247

theres quite a few guys at my dorm who are into VNs and the like as well

woke up to microwave some leftover pasta or something from pizza hut once, found 2 burly dudes watching nanoha and the english dub of one piece on laptops

turned out they were pretty cool with pretty much any kinda anime and i think i gave em half a terabyte of clamp stuff once, just to mess with em

also, regarding >>7011193
you ever wonder why some /jp/ish stuff shows up as custom sprays once in awhile in them shooting games?
i'm guility of the above crime, as are a few other guys i know

>> No.7011285


>> No.7011545


Nope. You've got plenty of other VN/eroge stuff in there.

>> No.7011576

Stop reminding me that I played this.

I already hate chris so MUCH.

Isn't it sad sacchin? Or whatever your name was ;_;

>> No.7011592

Didn't she chase him to the magic world, and then beat up all the other girls only to have the mc say OH ITS AWESOME TO SEE YOU BUT YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO EARTH, YEAH.

>> No.7012056

Decent game. Waaaay too easy to twink the card battle system, but in a way it's kinda fun.

>> No.7012108

> No Chris route
There's really no point to playing this

>> No.7012114

the whole game is Chris route

>> No.7012126


You don't really even see him for most of the second half of the game.

>> No.7012189

Just the first half. And the only ending for Chris Route is a Bad End.

What's that tell you? Angela Superior.

>> No.7014825
File: 49 KB, 800x600, Chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game should have ended right here.

>> No.7014862
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>> No.7015021

Sure you do, she's just Gilgamesh.

>> No.7015388
File: 5 KB, 158x158, _hhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw lun-lun is the only route i didnt finish
>mfw you can already guess whose princess is loev to me

>> No.7015422

Too bad the 2nd half of the game consists of Arata being obsessed about Chris. I feel sorry for the rest of the heroines, especially Lun-lun.

>> No.7015424



>> No.7015740

It would have been a trainwreck.

One I probably would have fapped too

>> No.7015742


>> No.7015818

I think that would be the gayest case of straight sex yet.

>> No.7015846

He's saying that Lun Lun is at least Ciel Tier Christmas Cake (25 at the youngest), and yes, straight shouta action.

Also, you are now realizing Angela and Lancer would make the best teamup in the history of ever.

>> No.7015852

>Kagetsu Tohya
>Maple Story
>Phantasmagoria of Flower View
>Super Cosplay Wars Ultra
>Complaining about Princess Waltz making him look gay.

Sad news for you bro....

>> No.7015864

How is Kagetsu Tohya gay?

>> No.7015881

mmm christmas cake.

>> No.7015925

It's like a harry potter fanfic.

>> No.7015930

It's not gay but if you're talking about hiding powerlevels then a cat is not fine, too.

>> No.7015943

Heromine was pretty sexy when she was a kid.

>> No.7016531

If only F/SN had the awesome fight scenes like this game had.

>> No.7016535

besides angela and lunlun's fight princess waltz didn't have any awesome fight scenes.

>> No.7016542

Except for maybe the very last one, I enjoyed all of them more than F/SN's fights.

>> No.7016556

Than your opinion is stupid and you enjoy menial card battles.

But I can respect that.

>> No.7016557

Princess Waltz is bad and you should feel bad. How can you have a game with five different heroines but only one route?

>> No.7016565

I was loving the card game thing until the game forced me to change partners, fucking up my stats (especially with the black one, where did all my attack go?)
Also, Lun Lun was my favourite, and her battles stats were okay.
1 end? fuck.

>> No.7016653

I decided to play the game after one of the awesome Lun-Lun threads, but ended up with Liesel. No other character I've met could make me change my feelings from hate to love so quickly. For the record, Liliana and the maid were also really awesome, indeed.

Just what the fuck is wrong with the troll ending and the absence of any fan CDs. I know there's also a drama CD which continues the main story, but it seems to give you a cheap harem ending instead of separate routes for the princesses.

>> No.7016705

This game made me wish FSN had actually had a combat system to go with the stat-cards, classes and whatnot.

>> No.7016719

I remember getting pissed off when I got to this scene. Bad end and there's nothing you can do about it.

And another thing, I did a scan with malwarebytes a couple months ago, and it picked up some file called "relative.exe" in the Princess Waltz folder.

>> No.7017330

Do you have a link to the drama cd?

>> No.7018095

I don't have a download link, but there is more info at its product page.


I've also heard there was a written English translation of it, but I've never looked it up.

>> No.7018136
File: 38 KB, 491x349, 1292810703106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better fights than Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.7018650

The card battles have nothing to do with how the fights are written, bro.

The card game's just a distraction, and easily twinked the fuck out. But the fights? They're more interestingly-written than most of the stuff in Fate.

>> No.7018650,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who doesn't wear panties to the gym?
