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File: 53 KB, 616x464, Aozaki_akinator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7008923 No.7008923 [Reply] [Original]

So, it's about Aozaki Aoko.
I often bump onto threads etc where people talk about her like...there is a lot of related information.
And it makes me ponder, where did they get it. Since her only appearances known to me are MB (I doubt one might dig a lot of info about someone there, lol) and Tsukihime (...).
Magecraft Night or something is yet to be released, so where is the sauce of all that shit?Just fanon wild imagination plus some "oficial" desultory?

>> No.7008938

I think there are some notes and stuff that nasu wrote. Never cared.

>> No.7008950

So it's the last, huh.

>> No.7008955

Things known about Aoko from just Tsukihime and MB

1. She's a Sorceress, her magic is called Blue
2. She's a master at destruction
3. She can make things indestructible
4a. What I mean is that she's called the Magic Gunner and she fights with mass beams.
5. Her hair is brown but she dyes it red because she doesn't like being called Blue. Despite both her names including blue, her magic being blue, and her nickname being Ms. Blue.

>> No.7008960

6. She is a virgin and will always be one.

>> No.7008966

>(I doubt one might dig a lot of info about someone there, lol)

Not really, she has an story mode in both AC and AA, plus she is the final boss in RE (for all the characters), so you can see how she interacts with every single one of them. That's more than enough to get a full grasp of her character.

>> No.7008967


6. She hates her sister Touko.

>> No.7008983

"Hate" is a strong word. She just really doesn't like her.

>> No.7008990
File: 225 KB, 700x700, eb5bd262fc0660897d0e3f5fa3c9ebe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not a virgin and she stole a boyfriend from her sister.
Anyway Touko is superior.

>> No.7008995
File: 973 KB, 1680x1050, 1286862173679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7008998

...not a lot. Just some general knowledge about her magic and appearance. But, oh well.

Of her character only.

>> No.7009011
File: 19 KB, 300x309, Rage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cow tits

>> No.7009019

So one guy banged both Aozaki sisters.

Luckiest man alive.

>> No.7009023

Be careful. Secondaries may not recognize fake spoilers and spread shit.
I don't want a LOLOLOSLUTXD-Aoko-thread.

>> No.7009032

umm she always had tits sir..

>> No.7009047
File: 1.35 MB, 1423x2500, 1285592201981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasu's self insert?

>> No.7009053

Yeah, but that picture is her as a teenager. They're bigger there than in most pictures of her as an adult.

>> No.7009057
File: 251 KB, 496x700, e4a41aec615df9c08895b67397b81c0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He inserted, alright.

>> No.7009061 [DELETED] 

Fanservice, etc.

>> No.7009071

The one in charge of the Mahoyo art isn't Takeuchi. That's all.

>> No.7009095

Aoko is his self insert though.

>> No.7009103

Blue is a title, just like Touko's Red is a title. Her true magic is unnamed.

>> No.7009146

Yes, and never call Touko a dirty red.

>> No.7009159

wasn't Touko orange?

>> No.7009176

why doesn't touko like being called red?

>> No.7009189


Touko's title is Orange.
She hates her title of orange.
Orange is a "dirty red color".
Callinger dirty red is an insulting way of calling her orange, stacking insult upon insult.

>> No.7009204

Nasu wrote a book about her but only made like 4 copies or some shit, thats supposedly what the new STATIC visual novel is based on isn't it.

>> No.7009280


>> No.7009278


>> No.7009275

is witch on the holy night going to be voiced at least? I can forgive not having multiple routes as long as there's sugoi sugoi

>> No.7009289


VN voices fucking suck. I turn them off whenever they have them.

>> No.7009304

Why there is no Touko on characters option in official website? i mad.

>> No.7009317
File: 2.90 MB, 4680x3149, f77db8f51874f6c6b1aea81a337d8261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason there's no Touko in this game.

>> No.7009392

for all that is holy in the world, i demand sauce on this game!

>> No.7009409
File: 16 KB, 300x500, 405575-aozaki_180_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new here... poor thing...

>> No.7009419

a tad new, i dont go on 4chan very much, and i spend even less time on /JP/

>> No.7009434

Battle of the Sluts.

Of course, TM wins that.

>> No.7009457

Can Aoko beat Zelretch in a fight?

>> No.7009543

No. He has a penis and therefore has the ability to rape her.

>> No.7009550

i'm detecting mild sarcasm

>> No.7009553


Canon says Zelretch can do that lasery-death beamspam. In Rin's hands, it could defeat Servants.

Nasu said Caster would defeat Aoko in a battle of magecraft.

>> No.7009561

that implies caster is a better magus than aoko, which while possible, is highly improbable

>> No.7009562

Well she does only have one magic circuit.

I guess its a good thing true magic isn't magecraft then.

>> No.7009564


In sheer power, Medea is the single most powerful magus known to the Nasuverse.

It doesn't help much since she's a fucking idiot.

>> No.7009565

Shiki raping Arc is canon.

>> No.7009568

actually. true magics are still forms of magecraft,

>> No.7009567 [DELETED] 

>since she's a fucking idiot.
I like how that's what most TM powerlevels boil down to.

>> No.7009578

modern Magecraft remains far inferior from that of the past. So much that someone like Medea, who comes from the Age of Gods when Magecraft was much more powerful, would seems like a magician to the eyes of a modern magus, even though what she can do is not really Magic.

>> No.7009580

true true. but sheer power mean nothing without skill.

>> No.7009583

Sarcasm how? Seems pretty correct to me.

>> No.7009590

on an off note. since it's still deemed that there are five true-magecraft users alive, but the user of the first magic died a long time ago. Who the fuck is still using the first magic?

>> No.7009596

a dead apostle

>> No.7009600


>> No.7009605

really? didnt know that. is it one of the 27 ancestors?

>> No.7009716

I'm guessing so since they "aren't alive" and theres some numbers that aren't accounted for.

>> No.7011695

Is there MBAA on PC?
