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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 808x739, shiiisapedo4fp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7005413 No.7005413 [Reply] [Original]

remember when shii got perm'd for this

lol forever shii

>> No.7005454

rapberry heben

>> No.7005957


>> No.7005985

Unban Keep it real

>> No.7005989

I have an SA account but I never post with it. Goons are too "UGH ANIME PEDOS NUKE JAPAN AGAIN" for me to want to get involved with their community at all

>> No.7006008

YCS is the only good SA forum

>> No.7006024

10 dollar avatars

>> No.7006034

also normalfags everywhere

>> No.7006041

You pay 10 dollars to have people on the internet treat you like shit.

>> No.7006042

It's like /jp/ but you pay 10 dollars!

>> No.7006044

I paid 10 dollars for the files forums. Of course later they were deleted and mentioning them is a bannable offense. Incidentally SA's traffic nosedived after that

>> No.7006051

SA used to be good, believe it or not

>> No.7006055
File: 100 KB, 808x739, 1298521171174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7006060

Yes that's the point

>> No.7006062
File: 549 KB, 1000x900, 8232356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid $600 to have Iori treat me like shit. What's the problem?

>> No.7006063

Way back when All Your Base was funny...

No, wait, they still think it's funny, don't they?

>> No.7006065

No. In fact mentioning it will get you probated

>> No.7006066

Before 4chan was created, sure.

>> No.7006067

It hits me how every SA threads are the same.

>> No.7006069



>> No.7006068

So what's the point of SA anyway ?

>> No.7006071

It's a mediocre internet forum that you have to pay to make an account on, which hasn't been worth doing for over 5 years

>> No.7006079

The Let's Play subforum

>> No.7006083

You could just bookmark their youtube channels you know

>> No.7006086

but what about the screenshot ones that never end up in the archive

>> No.7006088

Then I guess you are fucked

>> No.7006091

What the fuck kind of anime forum bans people for liking loli? I have never posted there ever

>> No.7006095

The mod there wouldn't even allow Oreimo discussion because of incest undertones. Literally the worst forum

>> No.7006101

Serves you tasteless faggot right.

>> No.7006107

If you can't agree that Kirino and Kuroneko are delicious then get out of my face. Of course saying that on SA would get you branded a pedophile and banned

>> No.7006109

Kirino is shit

>> No.7006114

Lucky Star clones go to /a/, faggot. Why don't you go there? Or maybe you prefer your local school animey clubs?

>> No.7006120

If you want to know how truly bad SA is just read any given thread in GBS

>> No.7006126
File: 123 KB, 666x720, ura32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average ADTRW poster

>> No.7006130

ADTRW is funny because it is really obvious that everyone there is like us, yet they continue to act like they arent so they can stay on their shit forum

>> No.7006133

Does anyone actually read something awful's articles anymore?

>> No.7006138
File: 271 KB, 616x791, Lucky Star - Konata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool reaction image, bro. How's your girlfriend doing? Is she kawaii epick anime fan like Kirino? She looks sugoi in this pic, can you post more of her on you facebook ^^?

>> No.7006141
File: 11 KB, 188x231, ura23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're too GBS even for the average ADTRW poster

>> No.7006152

It's like Gaia Online for adults

>> No.7006154
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, brar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible, this thread is so bad. So glad I never wasted a second of my life on that shit forum. Paying money so you can be insulted and banned from a forum on some loser moderations staffs whim? How bad can you get? This is obviously below /jp/, you mind moving yourselves to >>>/b/

>> No.7006156

buttdevestate dat dis thread is more jp related than ur shitty cartoons

>> No.7006164

>incest undertones

Wait so mentioning something like Tenchi Muyo would get you banned too?

>> No.7006165

I see, frustrated that you spent a considerable amount of time there, eh? Well, it's in the past(hopefully?) move on. It's not my cartoon either. The show isn't particularly that good but I thought I'd post that image because she's cute, deal with it.

>> No.7006169

I'm not sure what you mean with those abbreviations, is it some shitmouto speak? Are you trying to trick me into buying shitty show merchandise? Sorry, I'm not planning on suicide, I have no need for "kwaii imouto who plays eroge just like me xD" bodypillow to help me reconsider.

>> No.7006171

Do they bam Sailor Moon too since the show implies lesbians?

>> No.7006174


Fix'd, I am a retard.

>> No.7006180

But it's not pedophilia, Osaka isn't that young!

>> No.7006186

moot and most of his moderators come from there.

>> No.7006190

Now, all of this hate is just silly.

>> No.7006191

does moot still shitpost in there?

>> No.7006196

What, there are people who don't know that ?

>> No.7006204

I say 95% of /b/.
Hell most, if not all of them, think 4chan is an original creation by moot.

>> No.7006206

These passive-aggressive posts are redundant and tiresome to read.

Get the hell out.

>> No.7006207

Anyone who hasn't been lurking enough don't know that. Why would they worship moot then? That or they themselves are coming from this pathetic forum.

>> No.7006221
File: 41 KB, 500x500, GIVEONEFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but that doesn't have a relationship to what I said. He stole his idea from futaba and improved on it. I could careless about him, or what he did in the past. I know the history that he went there, but that doesn't change the fact the site is worthless garbage.

I only wonder how that faggot moot learned about 2chan, honestly. That part is pretty perplexing, I'll admit. I guess one of the moderation staff can speak moon?

>> No.7006224

Shii has a victim complex.

Stalkers looking for him, everywhere.

>> No.7006228

He found out about futaba via ADTRW.

Hope this helps.

>> No.7006244

>He stole his idea from futaba and improved on it.
I don't think moot did one thing to improve 4chan to make it better than futaba.
If anything 4chan has been getting more restrictive and is degrading in quality by the month.

>> No.7006246

Well, my life would probably be better off without 4chan. So, I only have one more reason to dislike that site. It does help though, so thanks for the information.

>> No.7006254

don't forget about no catalog

or thread specific IDs

>> No.7006273

I think the interface is better, that stupid side bar shit is annoying. I don't use the 4chan home page either. 2ch is the worst interface of all though, fuck it's frustrating trying to look through boards on that site. 2chan has it a better, but it's just something about their websites that annoys me. They look like they're from the 90's, not that I like web 2.0 or whatever but damn their sites look like shit.

>> No.7006288

"I wrote the suck-ass anonymous message board software that they still use today, despite never having taken a programming class ever. "
I'm confused about moot and shii. Who did what?

>> No.7006299

Does futuba even have an archive set up by people, not the admins, for specific boards?

Or is archiving every thread, regardless of their quality, on specific boards just a "mentality" we have over here?

>> No.7006307

Does futaba's admin actually care about his/her board, unlike a certain homosexual ?
