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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7004951 No.7004951 [Reply] [Original]


You're a shutin. Okay? So you don't leave the house. Ever. You don't interact with people (other than maybe your parent(s) who are burdened with you).

Your only source of information about the outside world are the news on TV/in newspapers, or the internet. Other than that, the entire world is pretty much drifting by as you sit in your room.

So from this perspective I ask you a question, /jp/

What exactly makes the "real world" any more "real" than Gensokyo?

>> No.7004955

want to make a portal with me?

>> No.7004965

I presented a pretty similar argument to my cripplingly normal sister a year or so ago concerning dakimakura covers.
Her response was "but that's wrong and you're stupid because it's still not a real person."

>> No.7004969


>> No.7004968

Well she's right

>> No.7004972

I start to suspect that I lost contact what should be "real world". From longer time I noticed that more and more strange and suspicious things are happening. And I believe Gensokyo is real. Now I just want to create portal to there and get my frilly dress with funny hat and live as youkai girl playing danmaku with rest of touhous.

>> No.7004978
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/jp/ - Solipsism/General

>> No.7004991

When a tree falls in the forest, all alone, it still makes a sound.
The world is real even when you close your eyes, Anon.

>> No.7005013
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It's not solipsism. I'm not claiming the real world DOESN'T exist -- sure it does, it's out there somewhere. My point is more that if you are not "out there" in it, and if your only exposure to it is through exactly the same medium as your exposure to Gensokyo - that is, the internet - then I can't think of very much that actually makes "our" world more "real" than Gensokyo. See?

>> No.7005023

"The real world exists just as much as something that doesn't exist" sounds pretty much like solipsism to me.

>> No.7005024

You can go into the real world whenever you choose to leave your house. You can't walk into Gensokyo whenever you choose.

Unless you make a portal. Want to make a portal?

>> No.7005027
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Of course, you could apply the same logic to any fictional universe really. I'm just trying to keep it on-topic.

Even further than the "exposure" thing: the world as you perceive it is not really the world itself, right? It's your brain processing the world and showing it to you. It comes from within you, in a way. That is; if there was no brain (in your head), there would be no world.

But you perceive Gensokyo in the same way you do the real world. In fact, in two ways you perceive it exactly the same -- sound and sight.

Touch is an exception, of course, and smell I guess. And I forget the other sense. I'm sure there's five... umm

>> No.7005032


>> No.7005041
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oh shit yeah

Hmm okay. 2/5. But then they are arguably the 2 most important.

>> No.7005039
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Sounds like solipsism to me. I'm not criticizing you or anything, though.


I've said this a few times before. Perception of reality is as important as reality itself. You control perception; you control reality. Think it, believe it, feel it.

Of course, that would mean you've gone completely off your rocker.

>I don't really come from outer space.

>> No.7005043

I'd be lying if I said I didn't believe there might possibly be other worlds out there, containing our fantasy characters...

But it's not likely.

>> No.7005046
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You can control reality in the sense that you can control how you personally construe reality -- that is, you don't have to accept the common interpretation of certain events, I guess. In that way, you can "control" your own perception of reality.

But you can't really control what you see or hear or smell -- it's just kind of there. Even listening to music isn't "controlling" sound; you're still only going to hear what the musician played, you can't change that.

Unless you go mad, of course. But then we're all mad here. You're talking to a cat, after all.

>> No.7005052

Out of curiosity - yes, I want. Are you going to post some new method or something interesting about it?

>> No.7005054

I'm of the mindset that perception shapes reality. It's kind of the only thing that has kept me going in life. Life can suck, and that is real enough... but only I can determine how bad it sucks, i.e. how negatively I perceive it thereby creating the gravity of a situation, at least on a personal level, and defining a crucial element of reality.

I don't consider it lying to myself. I'm just not a pessimist. I do consider myself a realist, but due to the interpretation of subjective criteria described above my realism is individual and personal. Likewise, the way other people define it is individual and personal to them.

Gensokyo is real. It is a place you can visit. Imagination occurs therefore it is real. However intangible, my interactions with Gensokyo and Hakurei Reimu are real by the criteria only I set for reality. The only drawback comes in the interaction with different aspects of life. Aspects that are shared with other people or intrinsically derive from objective criteria are somewhat immutable. Take for example, say, my family couldn't meet my waifu because their perceptions are different than mine therefore she is not real to them. A set of variables which do not influence my perception of her, but I must accept as valid because I am open-minded and can accept other people's attitudes, even if they drastically differ from my own.

>> No.7005059

I found that moving

>> No.7005063

define: Gensokyo

>> No.7005065
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>> No.7005066
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to put it another way

If I happened to go outside and meet a busty old hag there's nothing stopping me, in my mind, from perceiving her as Yukarin if I wanted to. I could totally just attribute all my wildest fantasies onto this unsuspecting woman, and I guess if I did it long enough the illusion would get stronger. So in that sense you can "control" reality through perception -- by selectively choosing how to interpret what you perceive, and putting your own spin on it.

But I cannot "control" reality to such an extent that Yukari - in full 2D form - will walk into my room right now and sit on my bed ;_;. That would go past perception and into mental illness, I'm afraid.

>> No.7005074


although it would be fucking sweet

>> No.7005069

Idunno, it seems like a pretty decent conversation going on here.

>> No.7005072


Thanks! It makes me feel good to hear that. I really do believe this. I have given it a lot of thought and it doesn't contradict any standards of behavior or sanity in my opinion. I mean, I know I'm not gonna open to front door to my house and Reimu is going to be standing there. However, if I open the doors of perception there she is.

>> No.7005077


>sages anyway


>> No.7005080


Hi five, Anonymous.

>> No.7005086

Unlike you, I use sage when I deem my post not adequate enough to bump a thread, now had I actually replied to someone in the thread while staying on the thread's topic, i wouldn't sage

>> No.7005087

Hello stranger. Please learn about the board before posting.

>> No.7005090


>That would go past perception and into mental illness, I'm afraid.

That's exactly what I meant with

>Of course, that would mean you've gone completely off your rocker.

>> No.7005093

That's cool. I sage shitty threads like this one.


>> No.7005097
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>> No.7005099

Though if you think about it, what you'd call mental illness or "off your rocker" may just be that your own perception is so shifted from what society considers right that you and others consider it a flaw.

>> No.7005101

bumping to scare off normalfags visiting this board.

>> No.7005106


>> No.7005111

Stuff like that makes me think that maybe we're all insane, and those we call 'insane' are the only ones who can truly see the world around us.

>> No.7005120
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That's certainly one way to look at it. I don't really mind being kind of unwell in the head, though. Not if it means I can have meaningful relationships with fictional characters. This trip isn't just for fun, after all.


>> No.7005124

Everyone is a little insane in my opinion, we all just have varying degrees of insanity and they are either bearable or they aren't. Things like "quirks" are, for example, a sign of lesser insanity. Tics are lesser but more intrusive than quirks, and so on.

But society considers it bad because this shift of vision (usually) doesn't allow someone to live their life normally, even if your life consists of being a shut-in.

>> No.7005127
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>Implying I didnt go out and get shit faced at the club last night
> . . . Implying I had the guts to chat up any girls there

>> No.7005128


If that was the case then why haven't all these enlightened insane gathered into an organisation? They're usually loners. Plus it's not like they call us "sane" as an insult or something, in the way that we (well, some people) call them "nuts".

>> No.7005140

Sony blocked it on my country ;_;

Oh well, I will just fire up Iron Maiden on my playlist.

>> No.7005148

I have the urge to say "define normal", but thats just going back along with "its what the majority deems as right/wrong, or is made to believe is right or wrong.

and it is indeed possible to not be able to function as a biological and mortal being.

You know, if we could achieve some state where we were relieved of things like requisites that go along with being a carbon-based lifeform, what sorts of feats could we accomplish with perception alteration or similar, to some extreme

though rereading this over, I'm practically saying killing yourself is the way to go, not quite what I intend.

>> No.7005150

mind telling us what the name of that is, or some other detail, silly sony restrictions.

>> No.7005160

>Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden grants immunity to forms of future attacks. Use this card wisely.

>> No.7005163

It makes me think though

How can we actually trust that other people AREN'T insane? Well, "insane" is a little extreme.

But more like; how can we trust that other people see things the same as us? Colours, smells (inb4 hurr can't see smells, you know what i mean), trees, dogs, whatever. It's easy to work out that we see roughly the same thing (cause we can be like "yo this dog has four legs doesn't it" "yeah" "okay cool i agree") but how can we know we're seeing EXACTLY the same thing?

Since we can only see from our own two eyes, there's really no way to ever know...

>> No.7005166

/jp/ - Philsophy of Perception/Realism General

>> No.7005176

Touhou is the most dangerous mind-altering substance ever produced by man and this thread proves it.

>> No.7005175
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you can see/smell/touch/taste/hear the real world

>> No.7005179
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Im I real? Do I exist? What is reality?...

>> No.7005183

Things can happen in the real world that can hurt you and make you die. How can you have a subjective experience of anything, without an underlying reality?

I accept "reality" is real, but everything I know about it is subjective and deeply flawed so I don't take my opinions or perceptions too seriously. We use words to describe and form opinions of things, and we use words to let us know what the words mean. Its pretty silly.

As for insanity, when you deal with an insane person, they are actually insane. As in, if they think the government is out to get them or aliens want to abduct them, it just isn't the case (most of the time). I don't know what "real reality" they would have seen to make them like that.

Delusions are usually the result of egotism after years of worthlessness. "I must be so important the government wants to get me", pretty much.

>> No.7005185
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>Everyone is a little insane in my opinion, we all just have varying degrees of insanity and they are either bearable or they aren't.
You missed the one that makes life livable anon.

How I wish I could sit down with /jp/ and just listen to them talk, listen to what's keeping the none-normals going, living a life that is continual punishment, arguably worse than any hell they could face in death.

Then hug them and tell them I love them. and it'd be the truth

>> No.7005187

I don't know, I'd applaud it for giving me some direction to think about alternate possibilities/realities

Normally I'm a person who thinks a ton due to have little to do, there was a time when I ha run out of things really to think about, enter touhou, and there's a whole new world to think about and all that comes with it.

>> No.7005191


You can see and hear Gensokyo too.

>> No.7005193
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"Can I Play With Madness?" by Iron Maiden.


I post it for your enjoyment, Anonymous.


It's only natural. How else could some of the guys here, myself included, actually believe they're in romantic relationships with pretty cartoon girls.

>> No.7005227

I've been thinking these thoughts since I was twelve. I'd say it's pretty "normal" and has nothing to do with Touhou.

>> No.7005236

How does one achieve this madness? It's something I don't understand. I can't fool my mind. I wonder about such questions but I don't really believe in them, and even if I try to I eventually find out it's just me trying to trick myself.

>> No.7005262

You need to lurk more, son.
Then you too will come to understand.

>> No.7005263

Dont worry my friend, eventually, madness comes to you...

>> No.7005279

ิbut you cant smell/touch/taste

Gensokyo is as real as morning cartoon.
you can see it
you can hear it
but you cant touch, smell, taste it

>> No.7005283


You people actually believe that? I thought it was a joke like TRUENEET

>> No.7005289


I feel as if I can understand it, but cannot attain it. I once had it, but no longer have it. It's a strange feeling.

>> No.7005290
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traveler from /v/ and /x/ here

guys lucid dreaman could help in meeting fictional characters/going to fictional worlds from anime etc

I'm trying to learn how to lucid dream now so I can go around on missions with the major and Section 9 ;-; mitebcool

>> No.7005298


You know what they say if you gaze too long into the abyss.

>> No.7005304


heres the guide im using btw, its the method of entering into sleep paralysis and riding that out for a short while then entering a lucid dream but I havent been able to achieve it yet


fuck if I ever do lucid dream im definitely gonna be in star wars, GITS, WWII, SPAEC universes

>> No.7005312

The internet being as real as Gensokyo. Prove to me touhous are devoid of feelings.

>> No.7005326


I feel a bit differently about that. As if staring into it got rid of the madness. Instead of pretending like I used to, I long for it and appreciate it from afar. I feel tired, but not crazy so to say.

>> No.7005341

>Gensokyo is as real as a 3DPD
>you can see it
>you can hear it
>but you cant touch, smell, taste it


>> No.7005427
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>> No.7005459


Maybe you only believe it got rid of it. Perhaps you've become like everyone around you and that only makes you believe you're normal now, when in fact they were the mad ones all along!

>> No.7005483


I don't think I'm normal. Not at all. But I don't feel as if I'm mad. Tired and confused, perhaps, but certainly not crazy yet, or at least what is considered crazy.

>> No.7005509

By coincidence, I can't seem to touch, hear, taste, smell, or see gamma radiation.

>> No.7005565
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Well, if you're not normal and you're not mad, what are you?


Now you can!

>> No.7005593


/jp/ really loves their waifus

>> No.7005601

I don't know. Inquisitive, confused, unsure? Sure, there are characters I like a lot, but I wouldn't pretend to have a relationship with one, partially because it doesn't feel right to simply claim her and say she's mine. I don't know whether other worlds exist, nor will I claim to know. I'll simply admit to not knowing anything.

>> No.7005607
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Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?

This thread has been enlightening, thanks /jp/.

>> No.7005608

Science is real because anyone can observe it if they replicate the conditions

Religion is fake because nobody can observe it

>> No.7005626
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Now you know the secret of the universe. Your waifu is a creation of your mind. If you wanted enough you could probably meet her while your brain is dying and firing off it's last sparks.

>> No.7005639

Don't bring religion into this - this isn't the topic.

>> No.7005652


To counter this you could simply say what religious people often do -- God or whatever is beyond understanding; beyond observation, beyond our reach.

I am not religious, but that doesn't actually strike me as an inherently incorrect thing to say. To think that what "we" can observe constitutes EVERYTHING in the world is quite arrogant, you're putting a lot of faith in the human body (whose senses are often flawed or tricked).

I'm not religious by the way, just think you're being a little dogmatic there. Seeing is not always believing.

Please don't turn this into a religion thread, by the way. It's pretty good so far.

>> No.7005657 [DELETED] 

None of exist.

>> No.7005663

None you exist

>> No.7005667

Things that you cannot observe are fake until proven otherwise.

Observe means that there is a large body of physical evidence supporting its existance.

>> No.7005670
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What is 'real'? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can hear, what you can smell, taste and feel, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

>> No.7005673

The fact that I can, hypothetically, walk out the front door and directly interact with this esoteric "real world" is a quality of that world Gensokyo lacks.

Real is defined by how easy it is to enter the world. If it is easy, then that world is real. If it is difficult and/or impossible, then that world is not real.

>> No.7005709


Everything you see, touch, hear, feel. It's all just information being processed by the brain, you can't prove it's real. It might just be the most persistent delusion.

>> No.7005715

You can interact with Gensokyo too - you just need to kill yourself or at least do something with that intention. That means Gensokyo is part of REAL world.

>> No.7005725


or you could just dream it, dreaming is second closest thing to realan

>> No.7005731

>implying the dreams aren't what's real and your touhou waifu spends each and every day crying, wondering why you keep slipping into a comma

>> No.7005738

>Slipping into a comma

>> No.7005750


>> No.7005752

>slipping into a comma . . . . . . ,
