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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7000876 No.7000876 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Japan side with Germany in WWI after we had been so nice to them?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.7000891

That question doesn't make any sense.

Japan sided with the allies (US/UK) in WWI.

>> No.7000894

Japan actually invaded some German colonies and suchlike during WWI. What are you on about?

>> No.7000897

Would you fuck a Smurf /jp/?

>> No.7000899


>> No.7000904

Probably meant WWII.

>> No.7000907

>implying the US did anything in WW1.

>> No.7000911

But that can't be, we were embargoing Japan and everything prior to WWII. That's not really nice at all.

>> No.7000914

>implying you know shit

>> No.7000915

Why did Germany start WW2 after the allies had been so nice to them?

>> No.7000916 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7000920

>>implying I won't fuck you

>> No.7000925

They were being Yandere and we left them, so they got revenge.

Since when is extracting huge reparations nice?

>> No.7000926

>implying France did anything

>> No.7000933


America was reinforcing the British/French military with the so called "Lusitania". That's why the German Navy sunk it.

>> No.7000941

The French did a whole lot of dying and ruining of British plans.

>> No.7000959


Battle of Verdun.jpg

>> No.7000977

Did it not occur to you that maybe if the Japs weren't constantly trying to fuck over the Chinese, the US wouldn't have had to do that?

Think before posting.

>> No.7001007
File: 521 KB, 1886x2800, k78053_UK P WW1 Take Up the Sword of Justice for the Lusi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WWI would make a goog setting for a VN y/n

>> No.7001057

Wow, /jp/ knows its history way better than most boards here.

I'm pleasantly surprised.

>> No.7001062


Glad you're impressed, please delete your off-topic thread and return to /int/. Thanks.

>> No.7001086

But /int/ doesn't know history. All they do is bitch about racial purity and if certain ethnic groups count as white.

They don't take it easy like /jp/.

>> No.7001116
File: 33 KB, 194x193, 1212093693896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WWI would make a goog setting for a VN y/n

Day 112: Still in the trenches. The rain has softened the soil enough that the mud reaches my hips when I stand up straight. I can't feel my toes any more. Rations are low, Pvt. Johnny ruined his boots chewing the leather off them. I wish the mud wasn't so deep; then I'd be able to reach my own boots.

Day 117: The weather has turned cold, and all the mud has frozen. I am currently trapped up to my belly in the frozen earth. I'd like to dig myself out, but Johnny's using the only good spade to expand the trench. My left lower leg feels funny.

Day 131: It's a Christmas miracle! The Krauts have ended the war on this holiday. Men from both sides are dancing and caroling in No Mans Land. I wish I could join them, but I am still stuck half underground. That faggot Johnny just dropped the spade right were he was standing when he went to join the others on the field. I'm shouting out "Oh Christmas Tree" as loud as I can in an attempt to join in with the other carolers. I don't think they can hear me. That damn spade is just out of my reach. Some good news, my leg stopped hurting.

>> No.7001132
File: 3 KB, 126x121, ChokanGames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 133: So much for peace. Everyone's back to shooting at each other. I am no longer trapped, as my legs have thawn off. I requested medical leave, but Sarge said that I'm still good for a fight. Johnny said I should just "walk it off." I hope a bullet finds him.

Day 138: My legs were exploded. Fortunately I was in a separate foxhole at the time. Johnny lost an arm in the blast. Amputation's not so funny now, is it wise ass? This months rations came in today: two cans of tuna and a small jar of "Jiffy" peanut butter. I am considering killing Johnny and adding his fortunes to my own.

Day 139: As I bit into my can off tuna fish I learned a shocking medical truth: I am allergic to fish. I feel my throat hiving up, and can no longer breath. I have died.

Brittania Sensei says: Don't give up, Charles-Kun! Next time, don't pick up the quarter on day 52, and you might see that things turn out differently for you!

>> No.7001164


No German route? It will be shit.

>> No.7001169

Go back to jacking off to Koishi

>> No.7001173



>> No.7001192

>No German route? It will be shit.
There is, but the split is way back in day 23.

>> No.7001195
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