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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 500x325, JETProgrammeLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6990834 No.6990834 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to interview with JET this week and I hear one of the questions they ask is "Why Japan?" When I think of my answer to this question I find that I will not be able to repeat some of these things at a job interview.

So I ask those of you who love Japan, want to go there, or live there and love it, Why Japan?

>> No.6990845

Just give a typical response. It will be all about the delivery and how you present it to the interviewers. If you don't give a proper delivery, you will be short listed and be deemed another weeb fag. GL!

>> No.6990846

They know full well why

>> No.6990848

>"Why Japan?"
why not

>> No.6990853

Say "because Japan is an extremely modern country that still manages to keep it's traditional cultural identity in spite of rapid progress. Alongside towering skyscrapers and high tech train systems are ancient shrines and spiritual grounds. The mix of old and new, past and present, are unlike anywhere else on earth."

That'll get you in for sure. You can thank me later.

>> No.6990858

because the age of consent is 13

>> No.6990861

my response that hides power levels considerably is this:

they have a culture that values politeness and pride, showing respect to all

they are ahead of the curve in robotoics/transportation and consumer electronics

say either of these two really interest you and you wanted to see what it would be like to witness it first hand

>> No.6990867
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That will fail. You only described what Japan is and hardly gave any reason why YOU want to Japan.

>> No.6990871

Because it has four unique seasons, you know.

>> No.6990874
File: 77 KB, 600x497, Penis Festival - Kanamara Matsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese penis festivals.

Cocks, cocks literally everywhere.

>> No.6990875

Get out

>> No.6990878

I thought that was kind of self explanitory. Yknow, you want to see it for those reasons?

It's what I put when I got into JET. It worked.

>> No.6990886

Wow you are really bad at making image macros

>> No.6990895

Because you wanted to visit a place with a culture that's different from that of home in the West, and Japan is the most developed and high-tech of the Asian countries.

>> No.6990899

Because the age of consent is thirteen.

>> No.6990900

Had my interview earlier this week, they didn't ask me why Japan, but why JET instead. Basically just say whatever you said on your SoP and try to sound excited and genuine no matter what your reasons are.
If you're a typical /jp/ anon, you're better off working more on speaking loud and clearly looking good.

Hope I run into you at the Tokyo Orientation so I can punch you in the face for shitting up /jp/ with this thread.

>> No.6990903
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But I didn't make it, true story.

>> No.6990940

OP here. I guess I'm overthinking this, but what I don't want to happen is to say something like "because the history amd traditional culture fascinates me" and then have them ask me "in what way?" because I don't know shit about Jap history except they sliced each other up with swords at a time when the rest of the world was building steam engines.

>> No.6990956

Tell them you are looking for a wife.

>> No.6990960

>because I don't know shit about Jap history
>Jap history

I wish I knew who the interviewer was so I could just send him this little gem to disqualify you immediately

>> No.6990961

don't try to talk about shit you don't know. what did you say on your sop?
you can focus mostly on why you want to go live in another country (not specifically japan) and then maybe just have a few things to say about your previous exposure and how you felt about them. You do'nt have to limit yourself to traditional culture either, if anything i think that sounds irrelevant and fake.

>> No.6990970

Well, don't mention the traditional culture or history. You could say you'd be interested in learning more about the traditional culture or history through experience, however. I still would avoid that route, though.

>> No.6990973
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above: casual
below: for the interview

No futher questions will be asked.

>> No.6990988


>> No.6990993

my teacher in high school got raged at this one kid who wrote jap as an abbreviation of japanese class. you needed to get signatures from all of your class teachers for field trip forms and the box wasn't that big where you put the class name. she was 50s-60s. i never did ask how old she was.

>> No.6990999

I swear to god, he looks like Morpheus with those glasses.

>> No.6991003

Only if you're a natural born citizen, and they're fazing it out in most places anyhow. Japanese law is ridiculous in the face of foreigners, you may never even see a proper trial.

>> No.6991018

I'm typing on an iphone. Gimme a break.

>> No.6991021


You could always say cultural things like literature.

Kokinshu, Tale of Genji, Manyoushu, Pillow Book, Kagerou Nikki, etc etc.

>> No.6991029

I don't know shit about that either...

>> No.6991046

maybe you shouldnt go to japan.

>> No.6991050

Use Wikipedia. Become a master.

You can talk about how you're interested, loosely, in how Japanese culture changed over time. Long feudal period to ultra-fascism to post-war miracle period to MOE MOE KAWAII DESU, and the cultural aspects which endure this ridiculous transition. (System of honor and deference, the imperial household, cherry blossom festivals and company, tendency to commit suicide a lot, you know the drill.)

>> No.6991053


>> No.6991061

I'm not hoing to talk about Japanese committing suicide. That will disqualify me for sure.

>> No.6991062

On second thought, this probably won't work for you. It would only work for me because I'm essentially a history fanatic.

>> No.6991073

You sound mad.

Deal with it.

>> No.6991080

okay well what do you know?
do you just want to go to japan because hurr japan animu mangos?
hell, do you have any experience with kids or teaching in general?

>> No.6991104


Then mention shit like their technological advances, unique culture and societal differences.

News things. Show you're interested in the local happenings of Japan.

Off the top of my head, Akihabara opened up its roads again for people to walk on. They had this originally, but it was closed after a crazy guy ran over some people and gunned them down.

Sumo scandal. Sumo wrestlers and stable masters were caught gambling (again) and now sumo tournaments have been canceled until its resolved.

The low birthrate and aging population issue.

Uh...underwear that lifts your ass while you walk.

>> No.6991112

Yes to both. However, I think the real reason I want to go to Japan is because most people are essentially or actually atheists. And I'm sick of Christians running my own country.

>> No.6991137

Are you a closet homosexual?

>> No.6991145

Nothing closet about it.

>> No.6991169
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That's...a terrible reason.

I'm an atheist too, but the religious aspects of Japan were really fascinating. If you get the chance, visit a few shrines and Giant Buddha statues.

Pic related. As touristy as it was, I fucking loved going here.

>> No.6991174

so turn that around and say something like "I like the open-minded attitude of the people regarding certain things"

I don't know why I am helping you, from this thread you do'nt really deserve to go to japan.

>> No.6991180

To the anon who already had his interview-

Is it true they make you sing the national anthem, give a demo lesson, and introduce yourself in Japanese?

>> No.6991192

Hence why I made the thread. Did you think I wanted to go to Japan for the eroge!?
I can get that shit without making the trip across the Pacific.

>> No.6991203

Yes they do. So learn it

>> No.6991215

he's not trying very hard, not-so-nice reason or not

>> No.6991216

Maybe I'll just print out the lyrics and bring that.

>> No.6991220

Japan despises gay people, just for your information

>> No.6991224

What is wrong with being a country full of atheists? If anything that's a major advantage.

>> No.6991225

Nichome faggot, nuff said

>> No.6991229

Why are you telling me this?

>> No.6991250

don't worry
there's always fujoshi who love bishounen buttsex.

>> No.6991259


Because you seem to think Japanese people are going to be like "konnichiwa homo-kun XD .please visit our fine love hotels" No , Japan hates PDA. If you try any of the faggot shit over there ,they really will call the fuckin cops. Not to mention force you into an AIDS screening.

>> No.6991275

I'm not gay, though.

>> No.6991280


>> No.6991282

Don't be deluded into believing that Eastern atheism is coupled with the same types of progressive ideals in the West for one moment.

If that information was leaked out to anyone in your school, you'd be hounded endlessly for being a faggot.

Sure the Japanese like their lady boys in imagery but the culture has extremely rigid sexual orientation beliefs and actively shuns both outside foreigners and especially even stranger foreigners.

>> No.6991286

Man if this guy is my competition for a spot in JET, I am much more confident about this Wednesday.

>> No.6991309

I felt the same way (last year), but it seems for every one of these guys, there's some bored CEO's son with too many degree's waiting in line for who knows what reason.
Bring everything you have to the table, you might see nothing but people like OP far sweating and wearing a metal headband, nut there will also be some asshole in a nicer suit than you who went to a better school, and would steal your girlfriend if you could make one.

>> No.6991316

Since when did atheism = gay?

>> No.6991325

When people openly complain about Catholics in their country ruining everything, that typically is only tied to a very few specific issues, either with abortion rights or homosexuality and repressed communities

>> No.6991327

OP here. Why do you think I won't be wearing a suit?

>> No.6991344

My beef with Christians is their anti-intellectual orientation. They are basically the reason you get people taking Sarah Palin seriously and the reason Texas biology textbooks carry tge disclaimer that evolution is "only a theory."

>> No.6991348

Because, it would just look silly with your neko gloves and boots.

You are simply unqualified to do this, and if you can't wing an interview, wheat will you do in a room with thirty children? Don't think they will sit quietly and let things go as you have them written down. You also seem to lack self confidence.

>> No.6991349

So how is defending a repressed minority becoming one of them? If I help an Irish guy on the streets, does it make me an Irish sympathizer? Does it mean I want to be Irish? Besides, organized religion does a lot more stuff than just bash on homosexuals.

Ugh, I don't even want to have this argument.

>> No.6991359

Don't bring up evolution theories in Japan either.
And it's not like you are going to be permanently living there, JET is temporary, by the time you get back to the U.S. things could be worse.

>So how is defending a repressed minority becoming one of them?
It's very rare to see people take a true ideological stand on /jp/, especially when coupled with a JET thread.

So if you are doing this based on principle then I commend you but if this stage 2 of your closet defense then let me be the first one to help you express your homosexuality on /jp/

>> No.6991364

He never implied that. If your interviewers can dig up the truth about your knowledge of Japanese culture, your reasons for going there, and what seems to be your cognitive faculties as demonstrated in this thread, the quality of your attire will hardly matter.

>> No.6991378

>don't bring up evolution

Um, I don't know what rock you're living under, but 4/5 people in Japan believe in Evolution

>> No.6991383
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You actually think that any of the JETs they hire have any experience with teaching students "English"?

>> No.6991384

OP here. To clarify, I don't give a crap about gays. I have teaching experience. I have a teaching certificate. Additionally I can speak Japanese. You'd be wrong to guess that I'm not qualified, and a fool to take everything in this thread seriously. I have some reasons as to why I want to work in Japan. Not all are related to animu. I started the thread to get more ideas. It has helped. Thank you to people who have replied intelligently.

>> No.6991390

I'm doing on principle. Life just taught me that treating a group of people like crap because they're different is a bit of a dick move.

But if you think I'm a closet homosexual, then go ahead. I can't change your opinion. I don't care if you think I am, because I'm not a homophobe. (Not implying you are.)

That's good. Go for your dreams!

>> No.6991424

>people like crap because they're different is a bit of a dick move.

You must really hate the Japanese then huh.

>Japan believe in Evolution
I was referring to their views on race evolution, they aren't as delusional as the Koreans but they are that xenophobic.

>> No.6991439

I don't restrict it purely to the Japanese. Besides, other cultures and ethnic groups can be as racist and xenophobic.

It's not a little racist and xenophobic thinking that all the Japanese are racists? It's a two-way street, after all.

>> No.6991479

If you aren't OP I don't really care.
If you are a decent looking white woman who can speak some Japanese, you'd do alright in Japan.

But prepare for the blatant sexism and patriarchal society in your face.

>> No.6991504

the difference is that other JETs can probably handle transitioning into teaching
this guy can't even handle figuring out how to bullshit an interview question and couldn't even give a good reason

>> No.6991514

>It's not a little racist and xenophobic thinking that all the Japanese are racists? It's a two-way street, after all.
No, it's honesty.

>> No.6991529

stereotypes are based on something; it's not a 100% chance but there is enough of it to get the ball rolling

>> No.6991533

Huh, so using your brand of logic, I can come to this conclusion: Because the United States of America has the largest prison population in the world, all Americans are dirty criminal scum who seek nothing but the torment and pain of others.

Reasoning is a bitch, isn't it? I'm not even pro-Japanese, don't even think of throwing the weeaboo card. I'm pro-lets-treat-everybody-like-humans.

>> No.6991539

/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.6991543

Let's use your brand of logic and an equally retarded analogy: because some Nazi weren't racists (and given the laws of average, there was definitely some), the Nazi party was not racist.

>> No.6991545

And it feeeels sooo goood

>> No.6991546


>> No.6991550

You're honestly comparing an organisation with deep-rooted ideologies to a country?

Just accept you're a racist bigot.


>> No.6991552

Also, Godwin's Law.

>> No.6991558

If that's the case, you will hate the Japanese.

They didn't get their xenophobic street cred from nothing; they earned it.

Be a foreigner who gets arm-barred away from restaurants and clubs. Be a foreigner who gets arrested for trumped-up charges and forced to guilty plea or face worse punishments because no gaijin walks out of Japanese court unsentenced. Be a foreigner who suddenly realizes there's no habeas corpus in Japan. Sit down for a night of Japanese TV where black men are paid to do the same minstrelsy shit they were forced into in turn-of-the-century US. Hell, just walk around any district of Tokyo and hear people complain out loud about the influx of "dirty Koreans" into town.

Xenophobia and racism may not be exclusively Japanese, but that does not excuse the treatment they dish out any time they have the power and the motive.

>> No.6991562

Listen, Japan's xenophobia is based upon demonstrated fact, don't get emotionally huffy.

Look at the population ethnic spread, access to hi level positions of power, wealth, access to citizen rights, voting rights and power.

After you've accepted you will forever be a gaijin on the bottom you then have to accept both the obvious and subtle cultural shunning of foreigners in pretty much all walks of life.

Are there exceptions to the rule, sure, but name the number of big time foreign celebrities in Japan.

And inb4 someone says Koreans, those people blend in better than other types of foreigners.

>> No.6991565
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Whatever Brostoevsky, you're the one going, not me. Get your hopes as high as you like.

>> No.6991600

OP here.
Wonderful logic. Because I wanted help with one question in an interview, I'm incompetent scum. That will get you far in life, I'm sure.

>> No.6991601
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>> No.6991613

>JET thread
>83 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
What happened to you, /jp/?

>> No.6991642


Did you see the other threads in the first few pages? It's the weekend.

It's impossible to get used to so I understand your frustration.

>> No.6991646

I agree, it's just like /jp/ is acting like the board it was supposed to be. Disgusting, isn't it?

>> No.6991655 [DELETED] 

If anything this thread helped open the eyes of OP to at the very least search the reason to Why Japan.

In face I would like to run a weekly series on /jp/ called Why Japan, hosting it with several other guests of honor.

>> No.6991668

OP here.

>> No.6991674


>> No.6991696

/jp/ should be the real interviewer,
so OP, Why Japan? 200 words or less

>> No.6991704

Hmm.... ummm.... so, like... I want to be able to buy awesome Japanese porn really conveniently. Is that a good enough reason?

>> No.6991731

If you get in, I will be so pissed off...

>> No.6991749

OP is roleplaying with himself. How kawaii.

>> No.6991752

Protip: Getting into JET isn't some sort of life transforming event. In most cases you came face to face to the debilitating reality of mismanagement, horrible curriculum planning and terrible worker hierarchies.

>> No.6991757

It is when it's your first real job.

>> No.6991769


>> No.6991775

Hmm, I guess for some, just the thought of working there is appealing.

Bottom line is though, you better want to teach and not think it is some free license to cultural trip because it is not.

>> No.6991806

I already clarified this.


>> No.6991819

But you still really haven't answered the question, have you?

>> No.6991820

Just be honest and tell them you're doing it to score some slut asian pussy, and that if they higher you as an english teacher in japan you will most certainly be successful.

Conscience clean.

>> No.6991823

You didn't ask a question.

>> No.6991836

Can't cut teaching in the states, want to teach some liberal bullshit to the nips who would never truly appreciate what it is all about.

>> No.6991839

It's not Ucchu Senkan Yamato?

>> No.6991856
File: 11 KB, 288x356, Spic_does_not_give_a_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good one. Let me write it down.

Actually, my answer has too much personal information in it and there's too many people I know who lurk 4chan who might do something like post my real name, or interview city, or do like >>6990960 said and track down the interviewers.

I do have an answer, though. It's just not as good as I want it to be.

>> No.6991858

Tell them you're a weaboo.

>> No.6991861

I wouldn't even know how to pronounce the word.

>> No.6991870

If you just say Otaku instead you'll impress him with your knowledge of the Japanese language.

>> No.6991873

You can admit you just want to take advantage of the 13 year AoC.

That's the reason a good 1/4th of the people sign up for JET.

>> No.6991875

It's pronounced (weha-boe)

>I know who lurk 4chan who might do something like post my real name
Fucking cop out man, just state you don't have what it takes. Especially if you can't express it anonymously on /jp/

>> No.6991910

On average, how much do you get payed when you are in japan over the jet program?

>> No.6991914

Alright. Basically, I plan to focus on language and say that the language has opened up a new door for me, and the most I learn about Japan, the more I want to know.

¥3.6 million

>> No.6991922

So $43,000? That's it?

>> No.6991930

It's a lot if you compare it to a lot of other entry-level English teaching jobs. Especially jobs where you're not expected to actually teach. ALTs are treated like human tape recorders and their main job responsibility is to pass out papers.

>> No.6991932

>and say that the language has opened up a new door for me, and the most I learn about Japan, the more I want to know.

Not good enough, not specific enough not distinctly thought out.

It's actually less than that.

>> No.6991938

I'm being vague because I don't want people to identify me. I do have specific details, although I admit it's not well thought out enough

According to Google a few minutes ago, 3.6 million Japanese yen = 43 304.4 U.S. dollars

>> No.6991953

¥3.6 million in Tokyo and ¥3.6 million in the States mean entirely different things.

Where did you put your location preferences OP?

>> No.6991955
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>> No.6991978

Some random prefectures I don't know anything about.

>> No.6991986

No really. It rhymes with 萌え

>> No.6991989

HOLY SHIT MAN, you really don't know what the fuck you are doing, do you?!

>> No.6991990

Sure I do. Why don't you think I do?

>> No.6991993

The unofficial national anthem of Japan

>> No.6991998

This thread; so much fail.

OP, if you some how get into JET, you will find your self board as fuck, stuck in the middle of nowhere, teaching piss ass teenagers. If you put Tokyo, Osaka or any of the major cities as your preference city, you will be denied.

Some people like it, some people don't, but the most of them usually leave after 1-2 years. You will probably be just another statistic with overly unrealistic expectations.

>> No.6992007

At least I'll have lived in Japan and been paid for it while you are still living in your mammy's basement wanking it to cartoon porn and working a shitty telcom job.

>> No.6992010

Dude if you have Hokkaido anywhere on your list I honestly feel sorry for you.

Kind of what >>6991998 stated, big cities vs. rural areas are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT pictures of Japan life and culture.

>> No.6992014
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>> No.6992016

You don't like the Japanese countryside? That's the reason I'm going to Japan. Big cities stink.

>> No.6992020

You post; so much jelly.

Does it really bother you that much that I got an interview, but you didn't even attempt to apply?

>> No.6992036

That post is like boasting about getting a salaryman position, you don't even know the fucking angles.

>> No.6992043

HAHAHA, no. You couldn't pay me enough to be a teacher, I'll stick with my IT job in Tokyo. But seriously, having lived in Japan and talked to actual JETs, INTERAC, NOVA (when it was still kicking) teachers, I have to say you're in for a big disappointment.

Assuming you even get past the first set of interviews that is. And even if you do, I doubt you will last more then 1 year, 2 years tops.

>> No.6992054


Jelly as fuck.

What you wouldn't give to get paid $43,000 a year to hand out papers and recite English words.

>> No.6992058

>Assuming you even get past the first set of interviews that is.

There's only one interview. Educate yourself better next time.

>> No.6992062

I know eh? Actually I'd rather be a teacher at Gaba then a fucking salaryman. Lesser of two evils

>> No.6992065

I'd like to visit rural Japan. It sounds like a fun place to visit. You could always visit the big city on your days off.

There are days off, right?

>> No.6992067

ITT: 5 different OP's progressively stepping the troll meter up

>> No.6992070
File: 2.15 MB, 2560x1920, P7120263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't nothing wrong with rural Japan.

>> No.6992073

>japanese work force
>days off
Yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.6992078

It may surprise you but some people actually want to teach English in Japan. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: enjoy never leaving your home country. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my life. To each his own.

>> No.6992080

You don't know what its like n00b. The novelty wears off after the first 3-4 months.

Meh, same difference. It's not like i'll ever be applying to a dying program anyway

>> No.6992082
File: 17 KB, 310x206, anta full baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling people they don't know what it's like
>"not like I'll ever apply"
>doesn't know what it's like himself
>full retard

>> No.6992093

You dont get it. You are not a "teacher" in the traditional sense in Japan. All you are are a novelty, a human tape recorder regurgitating the same fail lesson plans over and over. Lesson plans that do little to teach any good English to the learners.

>> No.6992095


Funny, it's like there's an echo in this thread...

>> No.6992096

That generic response doesn't even approach any of the specific implications of my post.

Listen I don't want to knock your motivation to teach, that shit is awesome and I applaud you for it but if you go in thinking that it will be just be paper shuffling and English reciting, then you are gravely mistaken.

Especially if you think the same situation occurs regardless of the location you are at. The rural teachers are expected to perform a whole added list of daily routines and exercises you would just brush off in the city life.

>> No.6992097

Na man, I've heard a lot of stories from former ALTs and its all the same.

>> No.6992103

>your post

Pick two.

>> No.6992113

You really should inform yourself a bit more about japanese society and especially about how the school system works before you start bragging. Teacher in Japan already sounds pretty horrible in itself and you're not even going to be anything near a "teacher" as a JET.
Not wanting to piss on your parade, you're just a bit too eager if you ask me.

>> No.6992124

What board are you from? /v/? /a/?

>> No.6992131

Do you ever read reviews on Amazon.com? Do you know why products attract only glowing reviews or only hate reviews? Really, whenever there's some product that is reviewed by voluntary surveys, your outcome is entirely dependent on the users.

In the case of product reviews, the people writing them have a reason to write them. They had a bad experience. They had a great experience and want to buy more. You rarely hear from level-headed people with thoughtful balanced reviews.

JET isn't much different from that. As you may know, JET accepts many applicants with no teaching experience. They get over to Japan expecting city life, but find it's just the "boring" country. They play video games all night and post on the internet when they're not playing video games. Of course you're going to get negative feedback if you only listen to these people.

>> No.6992138

Actually, teachers in Japan are highly respected and well-paid. However, I'm aware that English teachers don't get the same cred or pay. That's why I want JET on my resume. So when I apply to a better job at, say a university, I will have a better chance of getting it.


>> No.6992139

>If you put Tokyo, Osaka or any of the major cities as your preference city, you will be denied.
Elaborate on this.
Is it simply because of a large amount of people applying for these areas?

>> No.6992144

He doesn't know what he's talking about. Tokyo and Osaka don't have many JET positions to begin with (in fact I don't even remember them being options you could pick as preferred cities on the application). The reason JET exists is to fill English assistant language teacher jobs out in the country (i.e. not Tokyo) where foreigners rarely settle in. By definition, you don't sign up for JET to get placed in Tokyo, although some people are placed around it.

>> No.6992147

Its because highly urban areas are filled by contractors outside of JET.

>> No.6992152

>Actually, teachers in Japan are highly respected and well-paid
Highly respected? Maybe by everyone who isn't a) your student or b) your superior. As a JET? Well, good luck.
Highly paid? I don't know where you heard that, maybe if you teach at some fancy private school or something. Again, not as a JET, nope.

If you really, _really_ want to teach kids about your glorious english langauge (as if), you should try to see if there isn't a better country around for doing that.

>> No.6992154

>So when I apply to a better job at, say a university, I will have a better chance of getting it.

Oh do humor me, what universities do you intend to apply to after JET?

>> No.6992157

Yes, but my point was that the schools in the urban areas can get away with using the non JET contractors, which pay less, and are cheaper, because there's a higher supply of hakujin there more willing to work for less.

>> No.6992161

Just stop talking. It's really embarrassing - for your sake.

>> No.6992171
File: 27 KB, 367x451, 1297216291572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh, he's speaking the truth, unlike you, all you seem to do is spout out insults without contributing to the thread.

>> No.6992175

I'm the OP. He's an idiot.

>> No.6992180

I'm sorry for insulting your glorious nippon.
Have fun with your animey-loving peers and all the respect your students are going to shower your.

>> No.6992188

The truth? All he's doing is reciting the typical weeaboo reject jargon of "you should not go to japan, they don't like white peoples, they made fun of me when i tried to say genki desuka to one of them, at least i think they were making fun of me, it was in japanese and i can't understand..."

It's really sad to read your all's posts in this thread. It paints a clear story of social rejection and anguish.

>> No.6992196

So is there a particular age range ALTs teach? Or is it across the school spectrum?

>> No.6992199

East Asian Master Race

>> No.6992201

I'm pretty sure you haven't been reading the same thread that I have.

>> No.6992203

no I'm the real OP!

>> No.6992204

I'm pretty sure that I'm the OP and have been following the thread since the start.

>> No.6992206

No you're not.

>> No.6992208


Indeed, all the former JET participants I've talked to throughly enjoyed the experience.

>> No.6992211

In no post have I been insulting japan as a country or the japanese as a culture. I've only been trying to warn you about the school system, which is just horrible, for students as well as for teachers. I'm sorry you're too blind in your wapanese ways to properly try to inform yourself. You're probably going to be end up either one of the few JET participants who kill themselves each year, or one of the many ones who decide to fly back home after a few months or being disappointed, but hey, that's not my problem at all.

>> No.6992212

This sounds awesome. I've only got a 2 year degree now though. I hope they're still around when I graduate.

>> No.6992217

Ask not why Japan, ask why not Japan.

>> No.6992218

/jp/ - Japan / General

>> No.6992220 [DELETED] 

>which is just horrible
>blind in your wapanese ways
>you'll probably [kill yourself]
>[you'll probably] fly back home after a few months

There's a reason people don't talk to you. It's not because you don't know what the hell you're talking about buy act like you do.

>> No.6992224

>which is just horrible
>blind in your wapanese ways
>you'll probably [kill yourself]
>[you'll probably] fly back home after a few months

There's a reason people don't talk to you, but it's not because you don't know what the hell you're talking about but act like you do.

>> No.6992231

Yes, you have spotted the obvious troll.
Now lets see what you are capable of next

>> No.6992242

Rather then bore your self with JET, try getting in on of the major Eikaiwas. Kind of fail, lower pay, but at least its marginally rewarding as the students who sign up for them usually are there to actually learn.

But thats not the best part, the best part is your students, esp the womans. The policy with these schools is usually not to meet with them after their lessons. But fuck that. When I was a "teacher", it was not hard to chat them up, exchange info's, ask them to meet up for more "private" lessons.

Payed at your job, payed on the side, and usually sexing? Its a win win dude. Go for it

>> No.6992248

Tell them you have a schoolgirl fetish. They will end the interview right then and there. You will then become one of the elite JET members on your way to financial success and a secret Japanese school where all the students will call you "onii-chan" and let you have sex with them.

>> No.6992253

Can't blame him for trying to give advice on what its like now can you?

Pretty much what he says is true. The rose goggles will come off pretty quick if the OPs intentions are anime/otaku related.

>> No.6992256

That would be cool someday, but JET pays better and I have student loans to pay off.

>> No.6992264

Yes I can. He can learn how to better articulate himself. And I'm the OP and I already said that my interests aren't entirely animu-related.

>> No.6992267

Where did you go to school?

>> No.6992272

You're going to Japan, one of the most expensive countries to live in in the world, to work for the pay of a teacher's assistant, in order to pay off your student loans?

Hoo boy.

>> No.6992273

A university that, if I got too specific, it might identify me to other people I know who lurk 4chan.

>> No.6992277

What's wrong with rural areas? Just pretend you're in Gensokyo, or Hinamizawa

>> No.6992282

You've never been to Japan, have you? Only the big cities are expensive. The smaller cities and country is pretty cheap.

>> No.6992284

That was my point

>> No.6992289

Why is that a problem, what the fuck do you have to hide? This isn't /a/, where the truly pathetic weaboos dwell, we are all professionals here.

>> No.6992291

rather not

>> No.6992300

Send me it in an email, I might be able to help. Don't go bragging or anything either.

>> No.6992302

I wouldn't accept help from a stranger anyway.

>> No.6992306



>> No.6992328

Alright, why don't you humour me then.
Let's say one of the delinquent students in your class is interrupting your lesson. I don't even mean by chatting with his neighbour or not paying attention or anything like that. Let's say he's going around class bullying the other students, keeping them from learning. What are you, as a JET, going to do about this?
Scold and lecture him? He's going to find this really funny.
Kick him out of the room? Nope, japanese students have a right on education, you nor any other teachers are in the place to take this from them. No "go stand in the hallway holding these buckets!" for you.
Give them a bad grade? Nope, that's nothing you can do. It's also not something a normal teacher can do. Even if you could, it's not like they're going to care.
You know the best thing about japanese education? You can't fail a grade because of your grades. It's just not possible.
Call their parents about it? You'll get the choice between "my kid would NEVER do that!" or "that's the school's problem, isn't it?".
Any other sort of "unorthodox" methods? The PTA is going to be on your ass within hours, ready to deport your ass back to whereever you came within days.
So, what are you going to do? You're going to ignore that fucker, let him interrupt your classes and deal with it. Welcome to being a japanese teacher.

>> No.6992344


>What are you, as a JET, going to do about this?

I would probably be hurt feelings and butt-ranged. I might even cry.

>> No.6992348

>specific details
>no epithets or ad hominem
Was that really so hard?

To answer your question, the obvious answer is yes. The less obvious answer is prevent that from happening by taking measures in the beginning of the school year to set the tone fort he class and get the "delinquent" students under control.

>> No.6992362
File: 28 KB, 331x311, 1297211086546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the "delinquent" students under control.

>> No.6992364

'Sup OP, I went to great lenght to get you this post, why don't you read it before killing yourself out of a disappointment you brought upon yourself

>> No.6992381

This guy knows what he's doing.

>> No.6992387

>The less obvious answer is prevent that from happening by taking measures in the beginning of the school year to set the tone fort he class and get the "delinquent" students under control.
See, and that's exactly the point where your expactations are ruining your shit. You're not going to be some sort of super teacher the bad students will suddenly look up to. Also, depending on the part of town your school is in you might have a lot of these kind of students in your class, you wouldn't even have to time attent to each of them even if you wanted to. And really, what kind of image would this display to the rest of the students? "The teacher is spending all of his time with the delinquents who bully us all the time, I guess no one really cares about the hard working students at all".
Those are common misconceptions of to-be-teachers who dream of a better world that aren't even exclusive to japan.

>> No.6992407

>would-be teachers

Didn't I say several times that I have teaching experience? It's not hard to get a kid to respect you. You just have to respect them.

>> No.6992411

>The less obvious answer is prevent that from happening by taking measures in the beginning of the school year to set the tone fort he class and get the "delinquent" students under control.

What makes you think that they'll listen? Just how will you get those "delinquent" students "under control"?

>> No.6992413

Good post. It changes nothing, of course.

>> No.6992425

It depends on how dead-set these delinquents are. What makes you think you can whip into shape people who six years of Japanese schoolteachers couldn't?

>> No.6992436

Oh god, I hope OP tries too. I'd love to see the outcome of it.

Btw, OP, anything you learned teaching in your country, will mean absolute shit in Japan

>> No.6992444

Did those "kids" you've had experience with go around school and smash windows? Bully other students during your lesson, in front of your eyes? Stealing their stuff?
The whole "no motivation to study because you'll advance to the next year either way" part is worse a problem than you think, I can't imagine you've had to deal with similar cases before.
I'm not saying all japanese students are like that, since a lot actually do realize they have to study to get a job later on, I'm just saying the ones that don't are a lot worse than what you'd see in other countries, because there's litereally no one who can give them shit that touches them in any way.

>> No.6992451

Because Japan is just like in your animes amirite

/jp/ - experienced teachers

>> No.6992466

Those "animes" understate and downplay those real life issues by far, actually, since japanese are really great at turning a blind eye to the real problems in their society. Nice try, though.

>> No.6992471

Kids get bullied in every country. You sound like a control freak.

>> No.6992472

>why not
and then stroke your neckbeard

>> No.6992481

>people trying to talk op out of going to japan
>op's interview for jet is next week

Somehow I think you people are wasting your breath.

>> No.6992483

You're not even reading anymore, are you?
And didn't you like throwing around your newly learnt "ad hominem" to sound smart until just a few minutes ago? Well, whatever makes you feel better.

>> No.6992496

ahahaha, animes. Its like I'm reading poo smeared on the back of a toilet stall's door.

>> No.6992503

If Azrael-sensei couldn't whip a bunch of whiny little shits into shape, I don't think OP - who wanted, really, a lot more help than is reasonable from /jp/, of all places - will be able to do it either. According to everybody's favorite black man, as a visiting teacher you will have absolute zero status and absolute zero power to do anything that involves actually disciplining students.

>> No.6992789

This was another anon. I'm the one waiting until I graduate. I'm planning to get a real job to pay off my loans but may start off with an eikaiwa. I'm going there so I can be immersed in Japanese culture. I don't care about being accepted. I just want to be there.

>> No.6992999

buncha fucking weeaboos that couldnt land a proper job out of school
too much time spent fapping to your anime and not enough spent worrying about the gpa and degree huh?
it's ok, it was pretty much game over the moment you fell back on that humanities degree anyway.
japanese major? hahaha LOL

you gotta feel for a country like japan sometimes, attracting all this unnecessary attention from the most repulsive type of foreigners imaginable (i apologize if you're not a weeaboo)

i hope you people know how english teachers are viewed in east asian countries before you go applying to this stuff.
have fun :)

>> No.6993005

Your're posting here, guy.

Projecting is the most baseless insult that you can forge.

>> No.6993018

You're trying to hard.

>> No.6993267

What are you smoking? Just stop being a fucking dick. It's really sad to watch you struggle to create put-downs.

>> No.6993273

"Because it's cool."

Then proceed to slump down in your chair and laugh.

>> No.6993489



That will get you in for sure.

>> No.6993504

thanks to this thread /jp/ is officially shittier than /a/ right now.
