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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 195 KB, 900x1125, vlomoshiro016482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6990896 No.6990896 [Reply] [Original]

All cleaned up I see /jp/

>> No.6990908

Are those maggots?
Oh, the things people will do.

>> No.6990910

I just got online. Did somebody post "party in /jp/" across all boards again, or what?

>> No.6990907

is that porridge?

>> No.6990916

No jesus. It's just natto.

>> No.6990920

Maggots would be preferable!

>> No.6990922

Jesus christ, it's just natto.

>> No.6990926

I've never had any. It can't really be as bad as they say, can it?

>> No.6990930

Is the party over? >:

>> No.6990932

I honestly don't know what would be worse, bathing in maggots or bathing in natto.
It's disgusting either way.

>> No.6990935

No, it isn't. It doesn't really have a strong taste at all. Some people say it smells bad but it doesn't seem to smell very bad to me. Seems pretty normal. Seriously natto has been trolled to hell.

>> No.6990943


>I want to become natto.
>Ueno Eshin-kun (11)

Oh, Eshin-kun, you so crazy.

>> No.6990946

Yea, it was pretty fun, seems /k/ had the best party thread

>> No.6990954

I don't think anyone on the planet is insane enough to voluntarily bathe in a bathtub full of maggots.

I hope not at least.

>> No.6990967

Are you fucking kidding me, there probably is a JAV of that very thing, inb4 the search begins

>> No.6990969

How naïve of you.

>> No.6990979

Then again, this is Japan we're talking about. If you look hard enough you probably will find it.

As for bathing in natto, how is that any different from those oatmeal baths or therapeutic mudbaths people take?

>> No.6991010

I remember seeing a JAV cover of a slut covered in maggots/wide variety of bugs of all kinds.
There really is a whole lot going on in this world that we're better not being aware of.

>> No.6991095

you got a link?

>> No.6991114

Nope, sorry.
It was just a cover posted on /a/ a couple years ago, I don't even think a link was posted.

>> No.6991350
File: 369 KB, 1000x670, 1205880888248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Date taken: 3/5/2008 5:48pm

>> No.6991367


>> No.6991371

Truly the imagery of hell

>> No.6991401

That's the one!

>> No.6991415

What the fuck? This had to be one of the weirdest 3D porn I've seen.

>> No.6991490

You've seen it?

>> No.6991496

inb4 SAND MASTA kid

>> No.6991512

In the /a/ thread where this was posted, I remember some guy explaining the hot part was about how far someone would go for the sake of sex, or something like that.
