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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 800x551, Meido-cleanup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6990586 No.6990586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well done.

>> No.6990588

This thread isn't helping

>> No.6990596

They can delete it. Just wanted to tell them that they're doing a good job and I thank them for it.

>> No.6990601

a bit skeptical of what was selected for deletion, but whatever.

>> No.6990603 [DELETED] 

There's still this one though.

Come on, you lazy ass maid!

>> No.6990602

It's a shame they stopped precision deleting rather than just scrubbing entire pages regardless of content in said threads.

>> No.6990606

They did a good job deleting that awful Sanae thread.

>> No.6990621 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 117x107, 1295140231818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the deleted the flockdraw thread, too.

Ten days of hard work...

>> No.6990616

I agree. 5 pages gone and we still have party shit on page 0.

>> No.6990618

he just needs to request a ban for you op and he's job will be finished. report submited, hopefully you get a ban for off-topic thread.

>> No.6990620

Reported for illegal content.

>> No.6990622

Terrible job in my opinion. Front page is not the entire board, there are still thread that should be deleted still up. Both raid, and non raid related.

Still waiting for official janitors.

>> No.6990627
File: 114 KB, 499x372, 1295326257967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they deleted the flockdraw thread, too.

Ten days of hard work...

>> No.6990633
File: 720 KB, 2272x1704, 1298175424281..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still waiting for official janitors.
Janitor selection process.

>> No.6990629

At least they didn't delete a thread you've been keeping alive for more than two weeks waiting for the relevant content from PD to finish downloading.
And it will be quite sometime before I get an excuse to post that in a another thread, I imagine.

>> No.6990634

stop being a damn ingrate

>> No.6990636

You missed this one meido >>6858339
disgrace of a /jp/ thread

>> No.6990638

Meido you missed one

>> No.6990639

As well as nonsensical off-topic threads on the other pages.
Three on page 8
Three on page 7
Seven on page 6
Seven on page 5
Nine on page 4
Seven on page 3
Four on page 2
Three on page 1
Two on page 0

Most of them on pages 4-7 are party threads too.

>> No.6990640

Not like it can be helped though, some losses are inevitable, I suppose.

>> No.6990642

missed one janitor.>>6990586

>> No.6990645

What, did we finally get a new meido or something?

>> No.6990648

Why even bother becoming a janitor or a mod if you wont do your job correctly, its just a wasted spot. You can tell the guy who cleaned up only browses the faster boards on the site, given how he does not care in the slightest about the rest of the pages.

>> No.6990650

Sorry, but there's no gray area here. If a janitor deletes /jp/ related threads along with the spam, then he's a bad janitor.

>> No.6990652

Meido is alive?!

>> No.6990655

>Not /jp/ related

Full retard.

>> No.6990662


>> No.6990670

OPs image is cute, so I don't mind the thread.

>> No.6990672
File: 65 KB, 752x509, janitorsuicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you autist. Just your fellow handicap brethren on their daily autistic trip. His name isn't meido, autists. He's called a janitor and if he allows shit threads like this, then he does a bad job.

Complain and cry about metathreads nonstop, but create them to fellatio the janitor and call him a meido. You've unlocked complete mongoloid mode, congratulations!

>> No.6990679

My god, you are really pathetic.

>> No.6990672,1 [INTERNAL] 

You're doing God's work, son.

>> No.6990675
File: 50 KB, 960x398, raidspeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't understand these folks.
The sad part is how they all waste incredible amounts of time into these sorts of stuff.

>> No.6990677

What the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.6990683

Since we have a new meido, shouldn't we get a new meido-tan?

>> No.6990685


It's still the weekend, I expected no less.

>> No.6990682

Funny coming from a stupid cock sucker like you! Call someone pathetic when you don't call a guy meido and fellatio him, okay? I'd call you a loser but that's be to good for a mongoloid like you.

>> No.6990688

I am saddened that none of them have been deleted yet.

Must have been a mod reacting to the CP and not the new janitor to our board.

>> No.6990691

No. Plenty of mods and janitors, as long as they dedicate time on /jp/ they earn the title. No need to differentiate, otherwise we'd need a shitload more.

Also, what's wrong with a little gratitude? We're a terrible board to moderate, the fact that someone came down and cleaned for us is something to be thankful for.

>> No.6990696

No, because this one is kind of useless. Also, it's not a janitor, it's a mod deleting threads right now.

>> No.6990693

Explain how sucking the janitors cock is related to this board? These threads are the same as anime, or any other kind of spam. You autistic animals just can't figure that simple fact out.

Want the board clean? Great! Start by deleting this thread, otherwise you're the same as kuroko spammer, autist.
