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6988293 No.6988293 [Reply] [Original]

So this was a cool VN, don't get me wrong.

It's just that everything after the brother twist was irrefutably shit and anyone who argues otherwise is a faggot.

Also that there was no Tokita route is a tragedy.

>> No.6988297 [DELETED] 

>Also that there was no Tokita route is a tragedy.

God yes. If it's any consolation, the Mizuha bad end is hardboiled as fuck.

>> No.6988302

Babby's first disappointment

>> No.6988307

But I've been disappointed with all but 2 VNs

>> No.6988314

what? how? I don't get it.
Do you not like good drama, OP? because that's what it was after the twist. great drama nonstop.
I can understand if it makes you FEEL like shit, but it wasn't shit in itself.

>> No.6988348

No, sorry, the twist is completely retarded. I actually figured the final twist when it was 'revealed' that the MC was Maou but then immediately discarded the thought, saying to myself that it was way too dumb, even for a japanese VN.

>> No.6988314,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sympathizing with OP. Brother twist just hemmoridged all the plot and development until then and turned it into clusterfuck of badness. But I guess I saw it coming but prayed they wouldn't use it. Oh well, just play for the sexy times.

>> No.6988702

What was the daughter's name?

>> No.6988746



>> No.6988754

How do you know?

>> No.6988778


>> No.6988802

Here's what I don't understand. How come every time he would get that head ache Maou would appear. And how come that one time he had a headache in his apartment and we were supposed to think he turned into maou, he went out of his apartment and met Tokita along the way.

And how come during one of the side routes maou said "This will likely be my last headache, I've found something else blah blah, love

>> No.6988814

yeah, but the stuff after the twist was great drama, even if retarded logically.

>> No.6988828
File: 28 KB, 1013x381, G-Senjou is bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you bother with this

>> No.6988842


I have more than 3 brain cells

>> No.6988888

Haru's route is shit. The only good thing about it is the epilogue. I'm not saying that Haru is shit.... just her route.

>> No.6988914


The whole game except for the other girls' actual routes was her route.

>> No.6988922


Hell, the only good thing about the entire game is the Epilogue.

Do I regret playing G-Senjou? No. Is it better than Sharin? No. Is the game really worth sitting through just for the epilogue? No. Would I recommend this to anyone else? Also no.

It's just a very mediocre VN that was overhyped by the /jp/ secret club. End of story.

>> No.6988975

Granted, it was overhyped and not as good as everybody thought it was, but it was still an enjoyable read. At least for me it was.

I would recommend it to people but it wouldn't be on the top of the list.

>> No.6988983

Fuck you guys answer my question

>> No.6988990

I raged that there was no real closure with the heroines.

He basically tells them all he hates them and that's it

>> No.6989024


What, you mean about Kyousuke's daughter's name? It's most definitely 'Kiyomi'.


I kind of wish Looseboy had reused Sharin's structure, but I guess it wouldn't have worked with the epilogue at all.

>> No.6989030

How was G-Senjou overhyped by /jp/? Before its release, all anybody said about it was that it's a pretty good thriller. The hyping didn't start until /a/ caught wind of it.

>> No.6989035

How about using spoilers? It's really annoying how people seem to forget they exist when talking about this game. Posting the fucking ending CG in multiple OPs, even.

>> No.6989037
File: 193 KB, 500x495, 246173-HACTLBH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6989067


No, a lot of people were saying that it was way better than Sharin, had really good music, etc. etc. All of these people claimed to have played it in Japanese.


That's Kourin no Machi, isn't it? How was it, despite not being written by Looseboy?


Hide the thread if you haven't finished playing the game, then.

>> No.6989076

Nah I was referring to this post >>6988802

I don't get it

>> No.6989080

>Hide the thread if you haven't finished playing the game, then.
I can't hide it before being spoiled if the first time I look upon the thread your reply with spoilers on it is the last one and thus fully visible.

>> No.6989097

Filter it out then.

>> No.6989098

G-Senjou fags can't spoiler their shit. I knew she was knocked up before prison JUST from that one CG.

Fuck you G-Senjoufags. Spoiler your shit

>> No.6989118


Oh, that?

Kyousuke originally WAS supposed to be Maou, but they changed it when it became clear that there was no way to give Haru and Kyousuke a happy ending without aping Fight Club even more than they were already.

They just forget to alter most of the hints pointing the reader in what was now the wrong direction.

tldr; it's just bad writing and no QC whatsoever.

>> No.6989123

I oddly found the heroines in GSen more likeable than Sharin. Outside of Ririko and Mina from the Fandisc anyways.

>> No.6989133

I don't believe they fucked up that bad. That was huge.

The only reason I was convinced Kyousuke was maou was because that one scene were after he fell in love with kanon he said he didn't need to become maou anymore.

And yeah there are other things that just don't add up, but I can't bring myself to believe this was all the result of bad writing.

>> No.6989137


Oh, sure, the heroines are probably a little better. But at least Sachi and Natsumi (and even Touka to a certain extent) offered something to the plot.

In G-Senjou, the only important characters are Haru and Maou. Everyone else could have been written out of the story with no consequence whatsoever.

A while back someone came up with the idea of setting up G-Senjou's story within the Sharin universe and I think the game would have been much better for it.

>> No.6989149

G Senjou and Sharin both had two good heroiens

Touka and Ririko
Tsubaki and Mizuha

>> No.6989151


That's the only reasonable explanation, though.

There's red herrings and then there's just blatant dishonesty, which is what this ends up being.

>> No.6989158

>Good heroines

>> No.6989161

Sachi is a lot better than Touka.

>> No.6989162

how? OP doesn't include any relevant keyword.

>> No.6989163

Man Mizuha was adorable.
What's your problem?

>> No.6989171

Sorry, I'm the OP. I really should have but G-Senjou somewhere. I was careful not to pick a spoiler CG since the ending was spoiled for me with only THAT one CG. Still when I want to avoid spoilers I use a filter as well as instantly hide any thread pertaining to it

>> No.6989180
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She's annoying

>> No.6989183

Do people honestly believe this? Wow.

I like to bash the game as much as the next person but that's just stupid

>> No.6989193

What's your explanation for those plot holes?

>> No.6989204 [DELETED] 

Except they are no actual plotholes. Some of it is extremely convenient but none of it is straight up contradictory.

Well, except for the character routes which were stated by looseboy to have been an alternate universe of sorts.

>> No.6989214

Except there are no actual plotholes. Some of it is extremely convenient and almost meanspirited but none of it is straight up contradictory. A couple tricks they used even required some bit of literary wit, like the scene with Tokita speaking with Maou

Well, except for the character routes which were stated by looseboy to have been an alternate universe of sorts. They had no choice but to be done that way for obvious reasons(it would spoil the last chapter otherwise)

>> No.6989215

There was scene were Kyousuke has a headache in his own apartment. "he" wakes up and is at this poitn maou. He walks down the street and finds Toriko and Toriko confirms he is different. What's that about.

And still, why would maou say he wouldn't be getting any more headaches now that he has found love?

Plot holes

>> No.6989224


>> No.6989249

>Well, except for the character routes which were stated by looseboy to have been an alternate universe of sorts.

Damage control much?

"Oh shit, those scenes I should have changed or removed made it into the final product because I was too drunk to remember to do anything about them. Better make up some bullshit about 'alternate universes'."

>They had no choice but to be done that way

Yes, yes there is another way to do it. You'd simply have to remove some of the more overt headache scenes, and add something in about the headaches going away in Chapter 5, because it's astoundingly convenient how they never show up again.

There are plenty of ways to pull a twist like this and the way it was done here was horribly unfair and dishonest.

>> No.6989257

>There was scene were Kyousuke has a headache in his own apartment. "he" wakes up and is at this poitn maou

No, he is presumably in a fugue state at this point, due to his psychogenic amnesia. Nothing to do with Maou.

The POV switches to Maou once Kyousuke leaves his apartment, and they have a conversation. Maou, being extremely cautious, is a little unnerved by an unplanned encounter on the streets by someone he knows, and Tokita catches on to it. The game takes advantage of the fact that the player doesn't know Tokita and Maou meet regularly and use a POV switch to fool the player into thinking Kyousuke is Maou. It's a pretty cruel but in someways, clever red herring.

It's not the first time they use a meanspirited POV switch. The one with Kanon stepping into Kyousuke's shower and then switching to Maou POV who coincidentally has Yuki in his shower, for instance, is pretty underhanded as well, but not a plothole.

>> No.6989266

This alternate universe bullshit is madness.

So in these alternate universes, he really is maou?

Fuck that

>> No.6989284

>who coincidentally has Yuki in his shower
That was never actually said.

>> No.6989310

>The one with Kanon stepping into Kyousuke's shower and then switching to Maou POV who coincidentally has Yuki in his shower

No, that one is most definitely a plot hole. There's nothing in the game that supports it being Yuki and given that she's a virgin I have no idea why she'd be in his shower to begin with.

If Looseboy confirmed it, again, it's just damage control on his part. Give it up, G-Senjou didn't have the QC it should have had.

>> No.6989336

Well whether or not it's Yuki is a moot point. The fact is that he apparently had someone in his shower and it may as well have been Yuki since a lot of extenuating circumstances add up for it. The only thing of importance is that it wasn't Kanon.

>> No.6989352
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1245743027652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't filter/hide threads about VNs they haven't finished

>> No.6989364


Wasn't it? I dunno, given the amount of explaining we have to do to justify it NOT being Kanon, I'd think that the real answer would simply be 'plot hole'.

>> No.6989367

Read that scene again. You'll realize Tokita never says the name of the person he speaks to.

>> No.6989381

Why can't I find art on pixiv of this.

Is it ok to search for G戦場ヘヴンズドア?

>> No.6989394

i doubt it
try 線上

>> No.6989395

Except you can't filter them if the faggot OP doesn't put the title name or something or they post the fucking ending cg with just ";_;"

>> No.6989417

Baffles me why you'd even come on /jp/ while you're reading a VN. Coming on here, knowing full well what gets posted on this board, is your own damn fault.

>> No.6989439
File: 192 KB, 600x600, 6556456_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6989446

No good art on pixiv


>> No.6989468

But yeah, most of the scenes, from a construction standpoint, give off a very strong vibe that they are there purely to trick the reader. Some of them just feel weird otherwise(even if you were to read them from the standpoint that Kyousuke was meant to be Maou). That's why it's pretty obvious to me that this wasn't just some lazy leftovers of a plot that was changed. There are signs of clear deliberacy all over

>> No.6989521

Then why would Usami in a crazy mindset instantly assume Kyousuke must have been Maou when the Stocks disappeared from the suitcase when she clearly knew otherwise? It took her a fucking week to think of the police man theory.

>> No.6989529

I enjoyed G-string a lot, as always a very vocal minority bashes the game just for its fan base, however some lovely anonymous show up sometimes and we have a good discussion about it. Although there are some convenient things happening for the plot it isnt nearly as much as /jp/ thinks... like all those headache -> maou shows up scenes... it was never stated they occurred at the same time or immediately after one another.

>> No.6989567

Yeah, I guess that's one of the more forceful things.

The game does clarify that she she said those things as a joke and that she never actually suspected him, but that's one of those "HURF DURF LOOK GUYS KYOUSUKE IS MAOU, I SWEAR" tricks that the game really could have done without.

>> No.6989589

Honestly, I thought people hating on G-Senjou were typical faggots hating on anything popular at the time, and I was going in expecting to enjoy it and be a good game.

I ended up not thinking much of it.

Sharin no Kuni was far superior.

>> No.6989598


This. How the hell could Haru have thought that they were the same person? Maou is ten years older than Kyousuke; she knows this, she's met him, although it's true that she didn't see his face.

And don't anyone give me bullshit about how 'she was injured and in a daze'; when someone kills your mother you don't forget those kind of details.


Only scene this really applies to is the one with Tokita in Chapter 4.

>> No.6989626

>she said those things as a joke and that she never actually suspected him

Bullshit she was perfectly serious at the time.

>I ended up not thinking much of it.

Exactly my thoughts. It's a generic and poorly-constructed thriller, making it pretty much the opposite of Sharin.

>> No.6989673

Yeah it was pretty poorly constructed.

Honestly I would have preferred if there was no "real" twist and it turned out that Kyousuke really was maou and he spent the VN trying to kill Gonzou through an alternative personality.

The personalities could be merged, or they could keep conflicting with each other leaving room to make the VN more interesting

>> No.6989685

>Bullshit she was perfectly serious at the time.

Considering the game constantly goes out of their way to make Haru into a nutball who always says those kind of jokes, as well as putting in several references to how you can't tell when she's being serious or not, you can't really say that and completely shut down the game's explanation. The game covered for itself pretty well there.

>> No.6989833

I'm going to go ahead and bump this thread over the raid a few times. Not the best thread we've ever had, but certainly not the worst

>> No.6989875


We're being raided again?

Fucking god damn it I hate this board.

>> No.6989928

Yours is a opinion I can respect, accept and agree to some extent. G-Senjou, in my opinion was a good game, it just wasnt a flawless masterpiece as some were worshipping. In my opinion people who read a story to the very end and dont find anything good or redeeming qualities in the whole work are either obvious trolls or too goddamn dumb to have their opinion accounted.

>> No.6989965

It's not a raid. Some asshole is going around posting some shit about a party here. I just came from /tg/ and there was one there too.

>> No.6990001

Agreement and tolerance!? on my /jp/!?

>> No.6990024

I still find it hard to believe that Kyousuke and Haru didn't talk at all for 7 years

It's possible that Kyousuke just refused to talk with her, though, since he was worried about her career

>> No.6990041

He didn't want to talk to her. He hated her whole family for what they did to him and his family

>> No.6990060

It's the latter. Note how he did pretty much the same thing to the other 4 girls in the epilogue as well. Though, with them he did give them some closure.
Was he keeping in touch with Eichi?
I seem to remember a letter from him during the epilogue but I can't place when during the epilogue that was.

>> No.6990067

I meant during prison

>> No.6990066 [DELETED] 

Considering Kyousuke spent all of his childhood constantly on the run after she left, it's not that odd. He had a lot of other shit to worry about

>> No.6990176

Believe it or not I find /jp/ a very pleasant board to lurk. At least on the time I usually browse it... Some people are very polite, especially in the Liar-soft threads.
I believe after their last encounter, Haru went to germany or something and kept traveling, without knowing Kyousuke's address, as he was homeless with her mom and mith more in mind than finding his old childhood friend/love/waifu.

>> No.6990341

agreed and bumping.

>> No.6990567

I couldn't fap to the ero scenes because the feet weren't drawn. Well a few of Mizuha's toes were drawn in one of the CGs but that's it

They're just lazy is what it comes down to

>> No.6990611

Are there any non-translated Akabei Soft2 VNs worth mentioning?

>> No.6991695

>Note how he did pretty much the same thing to the other 4 girls in the epilogue as well. Though, with them he did give them some closure.
>Was he keeping in touch with Eichi?
All of my rage. There should have been a second epilogue where it shows his relationship with everyone else

I hate how they left it

>> No.6991703

agreed. akabe can't into finale

>> No.6991719


More like they can't into entertaining side routes. The finale is fine.

>> No.6991725

Side routes were all great. Finale was just bad. The main twist was silly and they forgot to cover the plot holes the twist introduced

>> No.6991729

Annoying is better than being a bitch

Tsundere is not an excuse either.

>> No.6991736

She wasn't a bitch though. She was adorable. Even when she was acting "bitchy"

>> No.6991740


I don't give a shit about plotholes or logic, that shit was boring until chapter 5

>> No.6991750

>I don't give a shit about plotholes or logic
Yeah I can imagine that people who like the finale don't care about the VN making sense.

Everything after the twist was just lame

>> No.6991770

>they forgot to cover the plot holes the twist introduced

And yet no one has been able to name one yet.

>> No.6991773


I want to be entertained and not be bored by shit that makes sense but is fucking boring. The ending was entertaining for me. At least I didn't waste my time like you did, huh?

>> No.6991792

Since we on the subject here, I've finished all routes, except for Mizuha. Is it worth going back for her route even though I've already finished Usami's route?

>> No.6991802

Touka is a bitch most of the time. She's always screaming at you and calling you names. Being lovey dovey some of the time does not make up for it either.

Mizuha is a better example of a tsundere. Her tsun is cold and distant instead of in your face and whiny. And once Mizhua shows her dere, she nearly stays that way. She doesn't have constant mood swings like Touka.

Touka is an awful character and I don't see why people like her, let alone think she's the best Sharin heorine.

>> No.6991813

Where is it written that good tsunderes go from tsun->dere and stay that way?

>> No.6991831
File: 518 KB, 800x600, gsen3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Mizuha's route is really nice.

It has the most meta humor and Mizuha is adorable.

>> No.6991842

>And yet no one has been able to name one yet.

Because the Looseboy Defense Force keeps popping in with absurd justifications.


Even after Eiichi said that I couldn't believe that Kyousuke actually went ahead with it.

Best joke in the whole game, sad as that is.

>> No.6991848

We named them already

The shower scene, maou was in the same apartment as kyousuke.

And in Kanon's route maou said he wouldn't be getting any headaches (implying he wouldn't become maou anymore) because he found love

>> No.6991857


Don't forget how the headaches are never even mentioned again after the twist is unveiled.

>> No.6991874

Not to mention if the headaches are induced by stress he should have been getting them nonstop in the last chapter

>> No.6991881

>The shower scene, maou was in the same apartment as kyousuke.

Except he wasn't...

>And in Kanon's route maou said he wouldn't be getting any headaches (implying he wouldn't become maou anymore) because he found love

Which makes sense since he is Maou in Kanon's route.

These aren't plotholes these are just things you don't like. There's a difference.

>Don't forget how the headaches are never even mentioned again after the twist is unveiled.

After he found a reason to live(Haru) and the path of his life became clear, the cause of his headaches(stress) that was caused by his noncommittal attitude through the rest of the game, disappeared. Ironically, almost the same reason they disappeared in Kanon's route.

>> No.6991888

>Except he wasn't...

Actually, I seem to remember a line that made it really obvious he was... either way, it's absurdly convenient that someone was in Maou's shower at the same time as Kyousuke's. That may not be a plot hole, but it's really fucking dishonest and no red herring should be like that.

>Which makes sense since he is Maou in Kanon's route.

...Which is clearly a justification made up after the fact to explain a plot hole. Since we're not given that information in the game itself, it's still a plot hole.

>After he found a reason to live(Haru) and the path of his life became clear, the cause of his headaches(stress) that was caused by his noncommittal attitude through the rest of the game, disappeared.

Please show me where this is, stated, suggested or indicated.

>> No.6991896

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Those are some lame ass attempts at justifying that shit.

>> No.6991908

>Please show me where this is, stated, suggested or indicated.

The same place where the name of Haru's daughter is Kiyomi is stated. It's a conclusion you come to after playing the game. It's what happened in every other route and getting with Haru and finding purpose to his formally noncommittal life was the stopping point, and they said the cause was stress. Put two and two together.

It's not, you have to have a brain.

>...Which is clearly a justification made up after the fact to explain a plot hole. Since we're not given that information in the game itself, it's still a plot hole.

But it was still obvious enough without looseboy's statement(I, at least, came to that conclusion before ever knowing looseboy ever stated it officially) That's good enough

>> No.6991988

>After he found a reason to live(Haru) and the path of his life became clear, the cause of his headaches(stress) that was caused by his noncommittal attitude through the rest of the game, disappeared.

Why did his headaches stop in the other routes?

>> No.6992003

>But it was still obvious enough without looseboy's statement(I, at least, came to that conclusion before ever knowing looseboy ever stated it officially) That's good enough
You knew it was a different universe where he was maou? Come on, the game was supposed to be consistent with that throughout all the routes. That's the most important revelation of the game

>> No.6992004

>That may not be a plot hole, but it's really fucking dishonest and no red herring should be like that.

>> No.6992017

Wasn't the daughter's name haruna since it contains the kanji for spring? That's what was hinted at anyway

>> No.6992029

>You knew it was a different universe where he was maou? Come on, the game was supposed to be consistent with that throughout all the routes. That's the most important revelation of the game

Plot points being different between routes is a fairly common device in the visual novel format, so yeah. It's one of the first possibilities that pops into your mind. Especially when it explains things better than anything else you can come up with.

>> No.6992056


Oh, sure, you can justify it all you want after the game is over, but my point is that you have to justify it in the first place.

Plot twists should flow naturally. You shouldn't have to constantly explain away little inconsistencies just to make them work.

>> No.6992074

>Plot points being different between routes is a fairly common device in the visual novel format, so yeah.

Different? Yes. Inconsistent? No.

If in one route a character is revealed to be the protagonist's long-lost blood-related sister, and in another route she's revealed to be his immortal great-aunt, that's nothing more than fucking stupid.

It's the same here.

>> No.6992076

Sharin had a shit and lame ending.
also I hated the part in g senjou where how the girl that doesn't have a route(forgot name) seemed really smart and a mastermind, and like 3 seconds later she was shitting on the floor. it made no sense. also why the fuck did they give the random guy who was helping maou in the beginning so much character development, just so he can be caught and done with forever.

>> No.6992083

>Sharin had a shit and lame ending.

Son, do you have any idea what the words 'open-ended' and 'ambiguous' mean?

>> No.6992090

I'm not here to tell you that G Senjou had good plot twists and clever red herrings.

I'm here to tell you that you're all retarded for calling it a plot hole.

>> No.6992142

If it's not a plot hole it's even worse.

Forgetting to cover up something is one thing, intentionally writing it that terribly is another.

>> No.6992148

>It's what happened in every other route and getting with Haru and finding purpose to his formally noncommittal life was the stopping point, and they said the cause was stress.

He had ten times more stress after the plot twist.
Don't try and pull this shit

>> No.6992160


I agree with these guys.

It's just Looseboy being retarded. I have no idea what happened to him after Sharin, but G-Senjou is way worse.

>> No.6992190

>He had ten times more stress after the plot twist.

>> No.6992194

His girlfriend was dangling from two cords with a time limit

>> No.6992202

Sure, but did you piss the part where Gonzou said it's common in people who BOTTLE UP their stress? It's because he tried to live on his own the entire time.

Finding a partner -> Sharing himself with them -> Reduction in stress.

>> No.6992252
File: 99 KB, 605x650, 1286705801818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you piss the part

>> No.6992266
File: 796 KB, 810x650, Screenshot (2011-01-30 at 08.28.10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what did they end up naming their Daughter? I must have clicked too fast at the end and missed it.

>> No.6992283

Something with the Kanji for spring

They mentioned more than a few times that spring would never comes

>> No.6992286

Kanon's route was best, if you disagree you're a faggot.

>> No.6992293

Tsubaki's route was the best since it had the best heroine

>> No.6992317

Man these guys know their shit

>The three side-heroines' routes are badly written and completely contradictory to the actual plot. The characters themselves are fine when they are used to further the story, but I'm not sure even the writers knew what they were thinking when they wrote Kanon and Mizuha's routes. Terrible stuff.

>Even more so when compared to Haru's character and her spectacular route. I didn't see the big reveal coming at all, and the scale of the events happening right afterwards had me questioning if I was still reading the same VN. And just when I thought it was all over, I was hit with just the most awesome Final Chapter and Ending. I have no words to describe how masterful those 30-odd minutes were (even the insert song was epic), so I'll just leave it at that.

In short, I loved it. I like it more than I liked Sharin, and the margin would've been even greater if the side routes weren't so awful. The ending made up for it all though, I suppose.

Oh, and epic BGM

>> No.6992332
File: 148 KB, 575x717, 1296750928568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking Ushio never felt so good.

> I didn't see the big reveal coming at all

And that's because, as I've said the entire thread, it's a terrible and dishonest twist.

You guys want a twist that will blindside you and yet still make perfect sense in retrospect? Play Ghost Trick.

>> No.6992352

Why do you even go there in the first place?
The side heroines and side routes are so shitty that I only did Haru route. And yeah it is downright mediocre before chapter5. It is not fun reading how a kid and a wannabe terrorist try to play tag.
It is also ridiculous that Haru suspected kyosuke as maou as she saw and talk to the bomber in russia.

>> No.6992356

The original Sharin ending I'll kind of give you that..but the FD? Fuck no that ending was awesome in spite of the cliff-hanger. In fact I found the FD in general to be better than the original, I shed bitch tears a few times.

>> No.6992358

I finally did some research on this game because of this thread, and there seems to be an imouto route. She's blood-related, right?

>> No.6992366

>It is not fun reading how a kid and a wannabe terrorist try to play tag.

But those were the best parts of the game.


No, but she's voiced by Ushio Okazaki, which makes my penis hard.

>> No.6992378
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Different? Yes. Inconsistent? No.

If in one route a character is revealed to be the protagonist's sister's insane brother, and in another route he's revealed to be an immortal undead priest, that's nothing more than fucking stupid.

It's the same here.

>> No.6992385

>not blood-related

Downloadan the HCG though.

>> No.6992396
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>> No.6992409


Yeah, there's a couple of other moments like that in Tsukihime too, most notably between Arc's Good and True ends. All in all it's about as mediocre as G-Senjou, especially when compared to F/SN.

umad because I don't like your first VN?

>> No.6992430

>he thinks Tsukihime, G-Senjou, or FSN was my first VN because I copypasta'd his post

>> No.6992464

Wow. This thread seems to be full of people who have only read 10-20 VNs. You guys really think this shit is good? Damn.

>> No.6992589

I've read 250+ and I think it's good. Not hyper-super-great, but good enough to play.

>> No.6992830 [SPOILER] 
File: 585 KB, 799x602, Holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6992847

Dropping the bandwagoning, the game isn't without merit. There were parts that were pretty well written.

>> No.6992887

G-senjou is a fun thriller, I remember it being a pretty fun ride.
People who consider it shit due to the "plothole" take it too seriously.

>> No.6992901

G-senjou is the best VN ever if you believe Asceai

>> No.6992905


So just because it's a 'fun ride' makes it immune to criticism?


I'm definitely willing to admit this. The Epilogue is amazing.

>> No.6992908

Not criticism.
Just peole calling it "worse shit ever, people who like it only read like 2-3 VNs"

>> No.6992912

There are levels in between "shit" and "greatest eroge of all time."

>> No.6992915

4chan has a knack for turning everything into skub and anti-skub arguments

>> No.6993152

G-senjou is a 8/10 VN.
Definitely worth reading

>> No.6993170

4chan has a habit of hating anything even remotely popular and only loving things that are obscure that they can talk about secretly without ever explaining what it is they are talking about so they feel special. Even classic, universally praised, totally original stuff is hated for no reason most of the time. Sometimes it is legitimate though. Often, actually. But anyway.

In any case, G-Senjou wasn't that great. Twists were seen from a mile away and the plot holes in hindsight were so hideously cheap and stupid I was too disgusted to enjoy anything apart from the epilogue.

>> No.6993198

The side routes were better than the main route. At least it made sense and they were still interesting

>> No.6993200

The ending is the main reason it got in the mid 80's in egs really.
But damn is it a great ending

>> No.6993230

It's really a great VN if you are able to forgive it for the lame plot twist.
The last chapter and ending were amazing.

>> No.6993242

This thread telling me that G-Senjou = Code Geass.

fun ride with dozens of plotholes.

>> No.6993243

>Code Geass
>fun ride

>> No.6993246



>> No.6993248

G-senjou isn't that much of a trainwreck.

>> No.6993249

The ride was the worst part.
The ending was good, kanon's end was good, and that's about it.

>> No.6993250

I was quoting, that's not "greentext".

>> No.6993252


Potato, Pot-tah-toh

This thread said so.

>> No.6993254

The ride was good, you must have some absurdly high standards.

>> No.6993319

I wonder what that Sakurada tripfag thinks of G-Senjou considering his reaction to Sharin last year.

>> No.6993338

I brother twist is really rather easy to guess.

Just stare at Kyousuke's picture and realize that it's not him in the picture since he's too young.

I don't know what you're all upset about.

>> No.6993464

G-Senjou was fun to read. I wonder whats the problem with these guys who read to the very end something they entirely hate. I guess the natural would be for anyone to have only finished VN's they think are good, otherwise they would have dropped it. Is /jp/ tsundere for G-Senjou or something?

>> No.6993469

If you hate something you haven't read, you're a hypocrite.
If you hate something you have read, you're an idiot.

>> No.6993477

I agree. Looking back on it, that's a really, really cheap trick. Especially since the whole "Oh hey guys, by the way, they've been friends since they were little kids BUT YOU DON'T GET TO FIND THAT OUT UNTIL THE LAST CHAPTER, HAVE FUN THINKING YOU'RE MAOU."

>> No.6993507

If you have bother to read the whole thread, you will realize that most people think that 90% of the game is shit and the epilogue was what basically save it from the pit of shit.

>> No.6993517

> I wonder whats the problem with these guys who read to the very end something they entirely hate.
Reading something does not mean liking it. Actually, you can only make grounded criticism if your understanding of the work is complete. I don't see how not liking a work and finishing it anyways is in any way a problem.
You're just trying to defend the game from criticism with the "they must have liked it and are just hating on popularity/hype/whatever" scapegoat

>> No.6993519

That part was foreshadowed nicely though

>> No.6993523

Actually most people think it's a fun read with some blatant in coherencies and a really damn good ending.
86 on egs and in the top 10 of vndb show that most people liked it a lot anyways

>> No.6993530

Take out Haru route, the game probably score 50 on EGS. That is basically how good the epilogue is.

>> No.6993537

>the game probably score 50 on EGS
nothing gets an average of 50 points on erogamescape besides really, really bad nukige.
Oh and Umineko 8.

>> No.6993538

I've read a few reviews.
Most people praise chapter 4 and 5 and though most didn't like the twist they manage to overlook it due to what happened after that.
And they all love Haru.

>> No.6993551

Im not defending the game, I have my own opinion about it and couldnt care less what everyone else thinks of it. I just find it curious... If you read something you dont like, you read it only so you can criticize it? who would waste so much time?

>> No.6993555


Their parents knew each other.

You can make some correct assumptions from that.

>> No.6993568

NEETs have tons of free time. I wouldnt be surprised if most of the people here have read all the translated VNs irregardless of quality just to kill time. It is just like how some people watch every anime for every season not because they like them but because they can.

>> No.6993581
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I thought you were joking, so I went to check.

Because I want to see how it end. Since you already wasted like 10hours into the game you might as well finish it even though it is shit.

>> No.6993584
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>> No.6993631

Well... I can't argue with that.
Whatever floats your boat... not my concept of fun though. Did you enjoy the ending?

>> No.6993721

It's one of the big arguments with Ever17. Some people just don't like it enough to read it to the end, and the people who love it will say their opinions are invalid since they didn't read it and haven't seen it's amazing true end.

To avoid this completely, you read the whole game through so you can effectively critique it and avoid the whole "Well you never read the whole thing, so obviously you don't know what you're talking about" thing.

Not saying everyone does it, just that it happens.

>> No.6993730
File: 336 KB, 1061x1500, e92682fee02abfa54c89d68abf7658aba7fef697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this problem with F/SN and Every17. They were so cliche and boring, but I knew my opinion would mean shit unless I finished them, so I did it out sake of duty.

>> No.6993739


I'm not sure why you think your opinion should matter that much to other people.

People are going to enjoy what they like and you're going to suffer through what you dislike.

Is it a "nofunallowed.jpg" kind of thing?

>> No.6993744

No, its more of "I wont really know its not very good unless I get the full experience"
So I did, and ended up right.

>> No.6993800


Only the "brother twist" part was shit.

>> No.6994074

I´m the only one that really like the "brother twist" with "Otoko no Hanamichi2 playing at the same time?

Fuck, i´m feeling bad...

>> No.6994077

* "Otoko no Hanamichi"

>> No.6994624

What, you mean the picture he has of his mother? Well duh, he states from the very beginning that he's the one who took the picture so of course he's not going to be in it. You're supposed to assume it's his dad in the photo(hell, it might really be, even)

>> No.6994632

It's his brother, I can tell by the terribly erotic collarbones.
And, I'm a Collarbone Expert.

>> No.6994634


Did we read the same games?

>> No.6994840

Not that guy but F/SN was not at all worth the length. Had horrible pacing and was really repetitive. The story itself just wasn't that good, Nasu is just good at building cool worlds.

Ever17 had some cliches I guess.

>> No.6994872


I love the Bgm, I listen to Saikai no Hi and Sayounara all the time.

>> No.6995234

I thought the immortal undead priest possessed the crazy brother. His whole "immortality" deal is that he moves from body to body whenever he dies, and the fact that he'd possessed his brother was also mentioned in Ciel's route, dunno if it came up in Arcueid's. Obviously, if you're running around with his daughter or the vampire chick he happens to be obsessed with, that side is going to be more likely to come out.

>> No.6995275
File: 588 KB, 800x600, ev_maou_03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Senjou is best VN. Prove me wrong. Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.6995298

How about this?

>> No.6995324

Do you have a better source than the a free dictionary?

I want a dictionary you pay for that says the same thing.

>> No.6995360

How about this? It really is the definition of the word.

>> No.6995370

I agree the second twist was really fucking stupid, and out of place. It would have been really interesting if Kyousuke had been Maou. We wouldn't have gotten that stupid sappy ending with random sex throughout it. Maou was an extremely interesting character, and to just pass him off as "IT WAS UR BROTHER" was horrible.

>> No.6995402

For serious.
I mentioned that here >>6989673

Also am I the only one that raged at how things were left with the other heroines?

>> No.6995438

Sure is pretentious fucks in here. Why don't you pseudo-intellectuals take this discussion to /lit/?

>> No.6995448

Pointing out plot holes makes us pseudo-intellectuals?

>> No.6995465

Weighing in on the merits of the Japanese equivalent of young adult fiction is as pretentious and pseudo-intellectual as it gets.

>> No.6995473

What posts is that being done in?

>> No.6995474

When will /jp/ be over this game?

Yes we know the ending sucked, yes the writing went downhill very fast about halfway through the game.

Just do what I did, black out all the bad parts and let your autism fill in the blanks to have the ultimate ending.

>> No.6995486

You think Clannad is good so who gives a shit about your opinion.

>> No.6996190

Stupid fucks need to stop translating this shit because obviously there is a pattern here.
English translated games tend to get overrated as hell. Honestly, threads like this are an eyesore.

>> No.6996267

Your favorite VN is overrated

>> No.6996284

I agree. It's like every good VN turns into shit after the translators get their subliterate, plebian hands on it.

>> No.6996288

How can a VN become shit after it becomes translated?

>> No.6996305

Because /jp/ is full of VN elitists who are the basement-dwelling flavor of hipsters.

>> No.6996312

Yeah because people going vocal that 'hurrdurr, g-sen sucks so much ass' are clearly the majority.
Protip: they aren't.
