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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6986970 No.6986970 [Reply] [Original]

Does it sadden you that'll most likely never get an actual cute imouto to cuddle, hold hands and call you Onii-chan?


>> No.6986991

I have two little sisters.

It's nothing like you'd expect.

>> No.6987000

Used to have a little sister. About 15 years ago. Now all she does is stink the whole house with her cigerattes, hang around with her art college "friends" and make mom worry.

shits not what its like in animus ;_;

>> No.6987002

Not as much as it saddens me to watch a cute little sister grow into today's generic slut.
I can't keep my autismal self from burning up when I see guys consumed with yellow fever coming to my house

>> No.6987005

i already asked my parents to have sexual intercourse in order to procreate. they are over 60, so i don't know if they'll make it.


>> No.6987009

I actually have one of those, minus calling me 'Onii-chan'.

People who say things like 'it will never be like in anime' obviously didn't raise them properly.

>> No.6987015

It's not the same thing at all. Just the visual fact is enough to cause a huge disappointment.

>> No.6987016

Why are you people on about 3D?

>> No.6987017

I like them the most when we're hundreds of kilometers apart.

It saddens me more that I'll never have two daughters who will grow up into fine ladies.

>> No.6987020

You can always adopt someone if you want that so badly.

But for that you will need to change your lifestyle drastically and become "normal" for the sake of your daughter, at least 70% of your life would become like that. Are you willing to make such sacrifices anon?

>> No.6987022


Fair enough, but one could say it's an adaption faithful enough to be satisfied with.

>> No.6987027

Replace sister with daughter and onii-chan with papa and I agree.

>> No.6987031

No because 3D women are corrupt

>> No.6987039

It could work.
I don't have the economic foundation to support a child (or two for that matter), so that's going to to be a problem.

One daughter could work as well, I guess.

I think you need a wife in order to adopt, actually. Not that I've looked into it, but it seems rather unlikely that they'd let single guys adopt anything.

Fuck it, I'll just go for a house and a cat first, and then see where it goes from there.

>> No.6987041

I have a inmouto (11 years old). But I wish I didn't have one. 3DPD, etc

>> No.6987045

It's harder to adopt as a single father, but still possible. You have to prove that you can financially support a child, though.

>> No.6987067

>Adopting a daughter as a single male
Good luck with that.

>> No.6987074

What if you can prove your homosexual? Would that make it easier or harder?

>> No.6987079

Usually 3D girls only get bad when they become teenagers.

>> No.6987084

You would still need to be in a relationship.

>> No.6987089

what if I ask my cousin to act as my lover?

>> No.6987093

I would like to raise a daughter with one of you guys lol

>> No.6987096

That would give the impression you are into incest.

>> No.6987097



>> No.6987101

I would not trust a jpedo with my charge.

>> No.6987108

If it isn't more than three steps removed it is incest.

>> No.6987109


I bet you wouldn't trust yourself either.

>> No.6987115

Yes, a sweet little girl who tells me she loves me every day would be too much temptation.

>> No.6987124
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I'd be so devastated if I got a son. I'd remind him how disappointed I am every day.

>> No.6987129

You'd be a terrible father.

>> No.6987140

Unless you live in China, just have another child.

>> No.6987143

Give her to me.

>> No.6987149


My father's told me a few times before that he would have preferred a daughter.

Maybe this is why I'm on /jp/.

>> No.6987158
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Only one option left if you get a son.

>> No.6987168

My fasther told me that he doesn't find breasts sexy and that pedos don't have choice in the matter. I guess I take after him.

>> No.6987169

A son would be the worst thing second only to a handicapped child.

I wouldn't know what to do with a son that I wouldn't rather do with a daughter.
Just hanging out with my daughter would be much more fun than with a son.

In the best case, my son would grow up to become much smarter than me, but oh how I'd hate to raise him into a normalfag.

It's not that bad with girls as long as she likes me. I'd take great care of explaining a lot of things to her, always treat her with respect and reason.
Sure it could be done with boy, but I just don't think I'd ever find the motivation.
It'd be much more fun to get a girl interested in computers, take her shopping, go fishing, etc.
Dunno what my wife would like to do, but it probably wouldn't be far from what I would want. At least we'd be able to persuade each other from time to time.

>> No.6987170

can't be helped I guess

>> No.6987174

The closest I've gotten to any of that is the "what did we do wrong?" from my mother.

Hell if I know what they did wrong. I think it's been better lately, though.
My mother is still pretty annoying, but I guess that's where my sisters learned after her.

>> No.6987180

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you guys, but my parents are pretty impressed with me.

Aside from that, I have been in this somewhat confused state for months now where I want both a mate to fulfill my biological imperative to reproduce, and a daughter to dote upon and provide for... And it ends up getting all blurred together because I'm so deprived.

>> No.6987182
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I dunno, papa doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

But I really do plan on raising my own daughter some time.

>> No.6987183


Maybe I should just buy a dog.

>> No.6987184

But I had an onee-san that always played with me and even cooked sweets for me.

>> No.6987185
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>Aside from that, I have been in this somewhat confused state for months now where I want both a mate to fulfill my biological imperative to reproduce, and a daughter to dote upon and provide for... And it ends up getting all blurred together because I'm so deprived.

Everyone gets those urges, buddy. Now, unless you're talking pure 2D, chronologically speaking there's no way for those two people to blur together, so you should be fine.

>> No.6987186

I know what is wrong with me. I was born last so my parents no longer care about children anymore.

>> No.6987193

I was born first, and I often got the impression that my parents cared more for my sisters.

>> No.6987201

What do I do about my shameless imouto that walks around naked in the house?
Also likes to be tickled, yesterday she complained that I didn't restrain her hard enough while I tickled her... I'm not sure what that means.

>> No.6987202

That is because little girls are really cute while boys are not so much.

>> No.6987206

You will never receive a "best dad in the world" cup on father's day from your adorable daughter ;_;

>> No.6987210

You can always play bioshock 2 and be a big daddy

>> No.6987211

>she wants to fuck

My father tried, believe me. He had me do sports (swimming, running), and I enjoyed that, and I was also a boyscout for about a decade.

I guess it's just because my parents spent more time with my sisters because they had horses. So my parents had to drive them to places on weekends and shit.
This has led me to hate horses, and I swear that I'll never ever let any of my daughters have a horse no matter how much they beg.

>> No.6987213


>chronologically speaking there's no way for those two people to blur together

Quite right... In addition it's impossible to adopt as a single person (although ironically you can still get custody as a single person). I suppose the only way those two worlds could ever collide is if you were a rich fucker, moved somewhere in southeast Asia where you were the richest guy in town with the largest mansion, and then literally bought someone. Then you could dote upon them with the best of care, and make sweet love to them...


>> No.6987215

I don't even know when father's day is. Or mother's day for that matter.

Marketing bullshit at its worst. And I'll teach my daughter about that stuff when I think she's ready for it.

Birthdays and Christmas are way more important things to celebrate.

>> No.6987218

I'm not ashamed to admit this.

The only reason I bought Bioshock 2 was for the sole purpose of being able to interact with the little sisters.

>> No.6987221


Pics or it didn't happen.... No wait, forget I said that.
I still don't believe you though. You're clearly full of shit.

>> No.6987223

I would have to get more RAM and a better processor first.

>> No.6987224


Well duuh.

>> No.6987225

Do you actually have a little sister around in Bioshock 2 or only occasionally?

Now I feel like playing it.

>> No.6987228

You can keep her with you for as long as you like from what I remember.

>> No.6987233


A family is just a big money and time sink. Why would I ever want to spend my time and money on other people when I could put them into things that I'm interested in?

>> No.6987238

For some reason, sisters walking around naked isn't all that uncommon.

The oldest of my little sisters does it the most, and only from the bathroom to her room (which is now right across the hall from the bathroom).
And neither of us live at home anymore, so it's not like I see her doing it very often, but it happens if we're both visiting out parents at the same time.
I try to avoid it, though, because she's fucking annoying. Always plays the piano and sings at the top of her lungs when I'm trying to watch TV. Sings constantly around the house as well.
Ah, thinking of this makes me angry.

>> No.6987239


I would think of it as a weird sort of hobby... I'd certainly be interested in seeing if I could raise a beautiful andrefined young lady, able to kick ass at piano, physics, and biology.

>> No.6987240

Because you would be intersted in your daughter. Just imagine a little girl to buy little girl clothes for.

>> No.6987244

I say you should tickle her more. And tie her up next so she can't escape.

She's going to love you.

>> No.6987245

Dear god this, I hate when I have to lie at interviews when they ask if I'd like a family, denial at its worst.
If say "No, it's not worth the trouble" they start spitting all that bullshit about not being normal and just running aways from having responsibilities blah blah yadda yadda
It's like they don't want to admit they'd be 10x happier without a wife nagging them and kids sucking their money

>> No.6987246


Depends on what kind of piano. If she was good at the classics (Chopin, etc), I'd just turn off the fucking TV and listen to the great music. Same goes for the vocals.

Now if it's popular radio trash, punch her in the face.

>> No.6987248

So much this.
It'd be like one of those dress-up dolls with an advanced intelligence.

Much more challenging to achieve a good score, so it really calls for immersion to fully enjoy the experience.

>> No.6987259

I'm actually very happy, mai waifu is like a twin sister to me. Much better than imoutos or onee-chans!

>> No.6987260


Problem is, if you fuck up you can't just reload the last save. You'd have to kill her and try again which takes too long.

>> No.6987262

All sorts of shit.
She does sing some modern tunes, but I think she fucking sucks.
The way she does "I believe I can fly" makes me wonder whether she's ever actually heard R. Kelly sing it, or if she just reads from the score.

And the way she sings when she walks around the house is just the same 5 lines of whatever song she has in her head at the time.

It's one of those electrical pianos where you can adjust the volume, but she cranks it all the way up and hammers the keys.

Yes, I MAD.

>> No.6987263

If only Mugen were here... He has a young daughter.
He should share advice.

>> No.6987266


Oh fuck.... dispose of her immediately. Or teach her how to be more refined and elegant. Also, get her a real strict asshole of a piano teacher to beat into her a sense of what's good and what sucks ass.

>> No.6987269

Hardcore players don't reload. Play through properly.

>> No.6987271

Here's where the interaction is pretty advanced.
The meters don't change drastically on important points, so of course she'll be angry at times, but it'll go back again.

You'd have to fuck up really bad in order to have any reason for doing what you're mentioning.

Actually talking to her about things is a nice way to improve stats. The same with taking her out and doing random activities (movies, shopping, sports, camping, etc.).

You don't have to be all over her at all times, of course.

>> No.6987273

Are you the same Brazilian Anon that was complaining about 12 yo girls singing Miku songs on the bus?

>> No.6987287

She's 22, and I think she's way beyond the point of where I can do anything.
And I don't even want to at this point, really.

No, I'm Danish.
I don't think there's a lot of people who even know about Miku.
She's been mentioned on a tech news site once (about 8 months after the 3D concert), and that's about it.

Honestly, I'd prefer it that way. I like Miku and all, but I'd prefer it to stay as my weird hobby rather than mentioning it in public at any given opportunity.

>> No.6987327

My stepsister is 12, I'm 26. She lives with her father and my mother, but her and her father hate each other, so she hangs out at my apartment a lot, since it's only a few blocks from her house).

Last week she asked me to burn her some anime. Koi Kaze was on the list.

>> No.6987331

Living the dream.
You could watch some ongoing series with her.

>> No.6987335

You should buy her a nice doll and present it to her.

>> No.6987340


So in other words, she's not this girl:


>> No.6987343


>> No.6987345

No, but I'll have a daughter that'll cry out 'papa! papa!' while I thrust my dick in and out of her.

>> No.6987346

/jp/ - Blog Culture

>> No.6987348

We've been watching IS, Freezing, Kore wa Zombie, and Merry.

I just burn her things so she has something to watch at her house, since I just have my TV hooked up to my PC.

>> No.6987351

Yeah, I liked Orpha's route, too.

>> No.6987353

You should watch 鬼父2.
Actually I bet you have watched it.

>> No.6987358

I haven't watched Freezing. What subs should I go with? I prefer quality over speed.

>> No.6987373

Ghost Dad 2?

>> No.6987375

my little sister can do that too

>> No.6987397

I can't believe people are still fascinated by young people who can play an instrument well. If you force your kid to stay inside and play an instrument 8 hours a day instead of getting to play with the other kids, obviously they're going to get good at it. It's just motor skills, requires no creativity or cognitive ability. If they could actually a tenth of the things Mozart did when touring as an 8 year old, I'd be impressed.

>> No.6987414


>> No.6987423

Most children only practice an hour a day.

>> No.6987456

Not the ones who gets pushed on stage to show how much of a "prodigy" they are.

>> No.6987465

Some children are just natural pianists.

>> No.6987490


So you don't agree that some people are just gifted? It's pretty clear that some people are just built for certain things... Some become world famous physicists, some become famous classical musicians, and some are savants that crap their pants and can't even tie their own shoes, but can play literally any piece or style you ask for with no formal training whatsoever.

>> No.6987492


I'm specially gifted at perversion.

>> No.6987522

Actually I've only played the VN, there's an anime too?

>> No.6987529

Well /jp/ let me tell you something. A child you raise will unconditionally love you as long as your not a fucking idiot. Even if they don't say it they still love you for who you are. I know I love my parents despite what they do.

The whole the child will rebel is a case by case basis. It depends on who they're involved with socially, and what they're interested in. I seriously wouldn't fret it unless they're endangering themselves or breaking the law. Its called growing up, and its called life.

If your a good enough parent your child will always love you.

As for adopting as a single parent, especially someone of the opposite sex, good luck. Some agencies will flat out reject you, in fact its illegal in some states. It will be a long hurdle and even if you succeed, you probably wouldn't get a daughter. So my best advice is to have a strong support group, get any family and friends you have to back you up.

>> No.6987530

Of course some people are just gifted, what I'm saying is that it's completely irrelevant, as the main factor in how well they play is how much they've practiced, and anyone can, with enough practice, manage to play even the most technically advanced pieces as long as no musical creativity is expected of them, meaning that playing advanced pieces as a kid doesn't necessarily make you a prodigy. That term has become meaningless thanks to all those fucking Chinese families.
>but can play literally any piece or style you ask for with no formal training whatsoever.
This, however, is complete bullshit. The human body is not built for playing the piano. No matter what biological predisposition you have for fast development of motor skills and a good musical ear, you still need loads of practice in order to reach concert pianist level and play technically challenging pieces.

>> No.6987548
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>koi kaze
Damnit don't make me yearn for what I can't have

pic is any imouto finding kk on my lap top

>> No.6987551

>It depends on who they're involved with socially, and what they're interested in.
Unless you homeschool your kid, there's about a 99.9% chance they'll get involved with people who influence them to rebel against their parents. And homeschooled kids are plenty fucked up in their own way too.

I wish we still had respectable private schools.

>> No.6987554

Send them to a school full of Asians.

Problem solved.

>> No.6987589

I know jp get's rather angsty about starting non-touhou related therads, so I'll use this one to ask some questions I've wanted to for a while.

What is the average age of jp?

Your hikki/NEET status?

disposition towards social interaction?

belief in anything non-empirical (afterlife, ghosts, etc)

when did you become interested in young girls? Do you have erotic intentions or purely paternal?

>> No.6987599

Do your homework/work elsewhere.

>> No.6987600

I think the most realistic solution if you want to get a loli daughter is the following:
1. Move to a place where gay couples are allowed to adopt
2. Make another anon with the same goal as you move in with you and pretend to be gay. Actually being gay and having gaysex is optional.
3. Adopt a Chinese girl. Chinese girls should be easy to find, and it sure beats raising some black girl.

Are you dedicated enough to go through with that?

>> No.6987605

Oh, I forgot
4. Don't fucking have sex with her or anything, as her father (or mother, depending on who is the woman in your relationship with anon), you should protect her innocence, not rob her of it.

>> No.6987634

I'll just give you the average answers so you can go away.

>What is the average age of jp?
probably between 20-25
>Your hikki/NEET status?
hikky yes, neet most likely.
>disposition towards social interaction?
it's a burden.
>belief in anything non-empirical (afterlife, ghosts, etc)
>when did you become interested in young girls? Do you have erotic intentions or purely paternal?
moe is a perverse combination of those.

>> No.6987660

>4. Don't fucking have sex with her or anything,
Then what's the fucking point

>> No.6987667

More realistic version of Princess Maker, with much more advanced game mechanics.

>> No.6987736

Funny enough, the thing I remember most about princess maker was 3 digit weight=fat, at any age.

>> No.6988608

>3 digit weight=fat

Isn't that obvious? (Even with archaic imperial units.)

>> No.6988624 [DELETED] 

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.

>> No.6988715

Sorry, we were watching Strike Witches.

For Freezing, I've been watching Hiryuu, they have been pretty good.

>> No.6988741

>we were watching Strike Witches.

I hate you.

>> No.6989306

I have a 12 year old sister that has been into Touhou for some time since she saw me playing it/browsing touhou related stuff.

Some days ago she asked me if I knew what nico douga was, I told her that I did, then she proceeded to ask me if I could make her an account there so she could watch videos. She also listens to MyonMyon and Crow'sclaw.

I don't know whether I should be proud or ashamed of her.

>> No.6989566
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>> No.6989630

Both. But its up to you t steer her in the right direction.

I will never have a step sister that hangs out at my apt and watches strike witches with me. ;_;

>> No.6989660


So weak...i expected more from /jp/.

>> No.6989712

But... what is the right direction here anon?

>> No.6989768

Guy with the stepsister here. I have a real sister as well, but she's only one year younger than me, is a lesbian, weighs at least 400 lbs, failed out of *culinary school,* and is addicted to heroin.

So between the two, I'm choosing my fit, intelligent, anime-watching stepsister.

>> No.6989830

I have an eleven year old sister with whom I get along just fine. I live halfway across the state from her, though.

We talk about Pokémon sometimes.

>> No.6990520

Post-raid bump for answer.
