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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.18 MB, 1026x2655, 1298099841957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6981556 No.6981556 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ in 20 years.

>> No.6981558
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>> No.6981563


>> No.6981564
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I'll just dump pics of this poor guys house. He died with the things he loved around him, all alone ;_;

>> No.6981567
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/jp/ in 350 years.

>> No.6981568
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>> No.6981571
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>> No.6981573
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>> No.6981574
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>> No.6981580
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>> No.6981583
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>> No.6981585

Slightly off topic, I find white text on dark backgrounds really difficult to read. It strains my eyes a lot, is this me or my monitor being bad?

>> No.6981596


Your monitor.

>> No.6981600


>> No.6981619
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>> No.6981622

Post more pictures of the body. Dead bodies are so fascinating.

>> No.6981623

Poor bastard.
Where'd you find these, OP?

>> No.6981624

This is really disturbing. I have to do something so I don't end up like this man.

>> No.6981628

Sion's house

>> No.6981631

I hope I get a flu and die

>> No.6981638
File: 44 KB, 392x500, doyoureallyexpectmetoread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6981640

Dying like that is a terrifying thought.
...I think I just got scared straight. Christ.

>> No.6981642
File: 65 KB, 227x219, didn't read lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6981643


Seconded. Where did this all come from?

>> No.6981646

What are those things on his face

>> No.6981647



>> No.6981651

He's in Gensokyo now ;_;

>> No.6981652
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Last shot of body.

>> No.6981657


>> No.6981666

Pretty snazzily dressed for a dead NEET.

>> No.6981668

There is no Gensokyo after death. Only this. Everything you ever were in life in the end all comes down to this.

>> No.6981669

I'm not going to die like that. I'm not going to die alone, found my some random mooks weeks after said death. I don't know exactly how I'll go about it, but that's not going to be me in 20 years. No way, no how.

Thanks, /jp/. This might be the best thing you've ever done for me.

>> No.6981671

...What the fuck? He looks like he just sat down there and waited, patiently, until the moment he'd die. Must have been a strangely peaceful death, judging by his pose.

>> No.6981675
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>> No.6981676

Those wartime posters and trains make me sad.

He was probably some guy who felt like he was born in the wrong part of history.

His trains were probably as important to him as our waifu figures, and his posters were escapism into a simpler time when he felt at least his country needed him.

Godspeed, sir.

>> No.6981680

Looks like he died from the flu, as seen from the notebooks.

>> No.6981690

I don't understand the purpose of this thread.

>I have to do something so I don't end up like this man

You're going to die eventually no matter what you do, and your corpse will be just as ugly one year later.

>> No.6981692


They didn't find his corpse for a year, not a week bro. He cut himself off from his family.

>> No.6981704

reading this made me want to be cremated

>> No.6981713


I'm pretty sure that all a crematorium would need to do to increase business is hand old people brochures with pictures of corpses.

Although, bodies to be buried in full service funerals, at least around here, get embalmed now and basically totally preserved.

>> No.6981715

anybody care to sum it up?

>> No.6981721

I think he meant that he doesn't want his corpse to be found by random strangers two years after its death.

>> No.6981723

guy dies alone, they find him a year after his death
I don't know what the deal is, in my country it happens so often it's not funny.

>> No.6981725

The future of /jp/ is some long winded post that doesn't relate to Japan? Why wait? The future is here today!

>> No.6981729


I know he meant that. Who cares? You're dead, and you lived how you wanted.

>doesn't relate to Japan

Lurk before posting/

>> No.6981730

Would it be funny if it happened less often?

>> No.6981735

>Who cares?
He does.

>> No.6981739

When I first read this and saw this, it just made me realise how far away I am from reality.

>> No.6981743

Why, what is reality? What the majority believes to be true?

>> No.6981746

Reality is reality. Stop trying to be all philosophical about it.

>> No.6981749

The concept itself is philosophical.

>> No.6981759


You misunderstand. I mean that I live in my head too much. Normal things like giving birth, death etc I haven't really fully understood, but seeing this dead guy close up solidifys my thoughts. I am safely tucked away inside my mind.

>> No.6981779

This man accomplished great things and should be praised. Six cans sick and he still died with his pants on.

>> No.6981783

>feeling horny
>see this thread
fuck you /jp/

>> No.6981785

We love you too Anonymous!

>> No.6981786

I hope I don't end up like any dead person, don't see why this guy is so important. Also, people who own train sets are crazier than any /jp/ individual.

>> No.6981793

Maybe he should have taken them off, his jeans are stained with his piss.

>> No.6981795

>people who own train sets are crazier than any /jp/ individual.
I was reminded of this thread.

>> No.6981798

I'm going to die in a way that instantly destroys anything recognizable about my physical form and makes the detectives scratch their heads. That would imply it will be a suicide, but I don't care. I can't let myself waste away. I can't get old.

I'm talking filling a rented Cessna with acetylene cylinders and crashing it into a mountainside. Something like that.

>> No.6981800

Dying like this would be awful.

My cat would starve to death, alone. ;_;

>> No.6981802

Cats are quite resourceful, unlike dogs. I'm sure if you left a door or window open before you passed on it would be able to survive on its own.

>> No.6981803

Fuck off Peta

>> No.6981804

He lived and died the way he wanted to. I don't see the problem. Although his eating habits were complete shit. Hell they look like mine when I let my parents decide what I eat.


No wonder the idiot got sick. This is nothing to get emotional over.

>> No.6981806

I despise PETA. What are you getting at? I didn't tell him to let it go while he was alive.

>> No.6981807

Nothing wrong with that choice of food.

>> No.6981810

>unlike dogs

Bullshit. My dog used to bring pieces of food home on a regular basis when he was still alive ;_;. And I can't even begin to conceive how much he found and ate outside. Sometimes, he wouldn't eat at home for days.

>> No.6981816

Peta likes to tap kittens

>> No.6981821

just look at the last page of the journal
he was certainly really sick to move or something, if you are too sick for school you are too sick for video games

>> No.6981823

Both animals are resourceful or neither would be a successful species today. Clearly you have only been around the derpest dogs imaginable, or have some kind of cat complex brought on by looking at neko porn for so long. Don't even get me started on the 'man's best friend' shit. When is the last time you saw a rescue cat or a seeing-eye cat? Right, never.

>> No.6981858 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 300x439, rofl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a rescue cat
> lulz ;_;

>> No.6981872

This thread is bad and op is stupid. Go away.

>> No.6981878

what does MEIJER mean?

>> No.6981884

Maybe he just thinks that dying alone like that wouldn't be fun. If I ever think about how I'd like to die, I certainly don't think about death itself - rather, I think about the whole situation in my life and how bad the time just before dying would feel.
Oh, and the man of this story might still be alive and well had he not been alone.

>> No.6981899

He had lost his life already before he died.

>> No.6981903

That, precisely, might be the reason many people wouldn't like to end up like him. Of course it is impossible to know - maybe he did enjoy living alone like that. But many people wouldn't like a life like that.

>> No.6981911


He might have been alive and well if he visited a doctor or A+E. This thread is shit.

>> No.6981914

And not being alone might have made him do that.

>> No.6981926

At least he didn't shoot himself over a fucking stolen iPod.

>> No.6981931

It's a grocery store chain

>> No.6981935

Now this is a good way to die. I would want to go out like this, only rather than sitting there doing nothing, I want to die with my headphones on while listening to Miku. Two years later they will find me, I wont be recognizable, just a rotting hunk of refuse still listening to my greatest love.

Only problem is my hard drives are fully encrypted, they wont know the glory of what I was listening to. If I catch the flu, ill start listening to my mp3 player, just in case.

>> No.6981944

Died of a flu... That's some Japanese spirit.

>> No.6981945

He died waiting for OP to deliver.

>> No.6981948


>> No.6981956

I see another problem. I dont have any figures....

Id like to die surrounded by Miku and BRS figures. That way my oozing husk will cast a huge contrast against my immortal figures. They will radiate next to my revolting corpse.

>> No.6981982
File: 101 KB, 640x480, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sion's house
I lol'd.

>> No.6981992

Who cares how he died. If he was a true /jp/edo he probably didn't care either.

>> No.6982001


>> No.6982007

>a way that instantly destroys anything recognizable about my physical form
There's no such way, except something like nuclear bomb.

>> No.6982028

I dont think he said anything about every particle of his body being vaporized.

As for recognizable. There is always fire. The only evidence would be your dental records. Acid, enough of it to dissolve your body before being diluted and enough time for it to work its magic. Throw your self in to a volcano. Take your boat out on the open seas, discard any devises they could track your coordinates with then sink your ship, far far away from any logical location, sea life would eat every trace of your body.

There are but a few choices.

>> No.6982039

Clown makeup. Nobody wants to get near a live clown, let alone a dead one, so nobody will want to get close enough to identify your body.

>> No.6982042
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>> No.6982054

what's that yellow shit on his face? maggots?

>> No.6982056

I wonder how much more horrible the OPs picture would be with clown makup? Or if he was in the middle of a fap when he died.

>> No.6982064
File: 24 KB, 355x401, Malboro Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6982069

But then why aren't there any cats in the Zone?

>> No.6982071

Joke's on you, I don't plan to live for 20 more years.

>> No.6982076

Don't die Sudo-kun, we need you on /jp/.

>> No.6982080


Why don't you just go ahead and die now so we can have good figure threads again. Or at least stop using the infantile self-confidence/need for identity (and hence fundamental lack of understanding what an anon board is) training wheels, that is a tripcode.

>> No.6982084

All of you

>> No.6982086

>understanding what an anon board is
It's not an anon board. There are plenty of true anonymous imageboards out there that don't allow tripcodes or names. If you don't like 4chan's system, feel free to vacate and go to one that better suits your needs. There were no problems with the figure threads until that one guy who can barely speak English kept repeatedly derailing them with his childish personal attacks. No one else ever said anything to me or had any problems with me posting pictures of my purchases, because I wasn't even the first to do it.

>> No.6982093

How high are the chances of dieing from catching a flu

>> No.6982094


Don't you understand that having a trip is like strapping a giant lightning rod to yourself, because you're one of the only names people could actually remember out of a sea of anons? That it's fucking stupid to keep using one when people specifically start saying you're a shitty trip, because you can never undo this stigma and negative bias?

Why do you think basically all trips are shit? The only ones here that aren't are ones that don't abuse the function and actually have a specific tagging purpose with it. The only one I can even think of who does this properly is Hong, he barely says anything besides uploading a new translation, he never talks about random stuff that's irrelevant to his role as a trip and hence no one gives him shit. If you don't have a real reason for having a trip then you're using it as training wheels because you think you're special and not 99.96% genetically identical to me and everyone else here and hence actually not that special because humans tend to have synchronous thoughts.

>> No.6982096

There's a correct way to use a trip?

>> No.6982098

>no one gives him shit
Plenty of people do, because they're not even his translations. I don't have any problems with him, because I don't even like or care about Touhou, so I don't read his image dump threads. If you can't handle people people having an identity. I suggest you download the Firefox add-on that makes everyone Anonymous, or going to one of the actual anonymous imageboards.
>If you don't have a real reason for having a trip
A "reason" is unnecessary. Like I said, it's not an actual anonymous imageboard. The fact that you can be anonymous is a choice.

>> No.6982100


Going further off the lightning rod analogy, it's more like a lightning rod tied to a generator that spews shit the more power goes into it. Trips don't suddenly become good again once they're hated e.g once they've said enough things that ticked off enough people. If you say something nice or in agreement, people won't particularly remember your name and so you're fine. But if you say something that annoys someone they might remember. Your views in the eyes of the anon public can only perpetually go downward; your e-peen meter on 4chan starts at 0 and can only go negative, that is the critical flaw that people seem to miss. The only way to not get branded as a shitty poster is to take off the lightning rod eg the trip, that way you're simply stuck at zero. That's the real beauty of anon, there are no biases or brownie points based on names or first-glance appearances, we're all equals.

And trips exist here because we have such a goddamn huge variety of boards, that they could actually be useful in some very specific cases, and so it's better to have them than just force anon, since people like having choices/options for those rare cases.

>> No.6982104

>that they could actually be useful in some very specific cases, and so it's better to have them than just force anon
No, that's actually just you confusing your own personal opinion with fact, again. Good job ignoring my previous reply, too.

>> No.6982105

I suppose you fancy yourself some enlightened teacher, giving Sudo advice from your throne way up in heaven?

I would imagine Sudo is well aware that using a trip is going make people judge him before they read what he actually posted, along with any trip on here that didn't just fall off the side of the earth a week after they started using it.

TL;DR, he already knows what you're trying to tell him, so you're wasting your breath unless you just like to talk

>> No.6982107

I love trips, Lets me filter shitty posters.

>> No.6982112


Personal opinion? For many years, that was the specific fucking stated purpose of tripcodes in the fucking 4chan rules. Just because the rules were abridged doesn't mean that we're going to conveniently forget what they really are meant for.

>> No.6982116

Why won't you just use the filter? It'll solve all your problems. I personally don't think I can handle /jp/ without using filter as 3/4 of the board is already filtered. Less stress and saves me time.

>> No.6982119

>For many years, that was the specific fucking stated purpose of tripcodes in the fucking 4chan rules
Like I said, it's just your opinion. Things change over time. Nothing is constant. I suggest you stop caring so much over insignificant things like the name field. If moot wanted 4chan to be completely anonymous it would be, period. It's not going to change just because you don't like it.

>> No.6982127

Stop arguing with them. Most tripcode users are faggots who'll never really fit in here and never be able to understand the advantages to anonymous posting and the comradery felt between fellow Anons.

Watch, one of them will now target my post and tell me to "get back to /b/ with that Anonymous is Legion shit".


PS good job derailing the thread

>> No.6982130


>> No.6982136

Here's my take, obviously I'm not infallible but then who is.

You're just venting, even if you're not angry maybe its just for amusement, whatever the reason. You vent on trips because doing so on anonymous is like punching a pool of water, not very satisfying, a trip is like a real person as they are distinct from the rest, so its more satisfying to think you're getting to a real person. It makes me wonder that if at any point, there was someone who made a trip just for the sake of being a punching bag.

Hey, I might be wrong even, but that's fine, I learn as I go

>> No.6982138

In other words, getting attention.

God, why can't you guys simply admit it? It's not a sin you know?

>> No.6982143

Hey I admit it, I want attention at times, I even want to be judged some, have a rep.

But then, that's only natural, making a name for one's self and being known.

If I want to post without being judged, I just take off my trip, its not like I keep it on with every post I make.

>> No.6982144

Why can't you admit that you can't handle people having an identity?

>> No.6982152

Sometimes when I lash out at a tripcode user I'm venting, yes. And I'm more likely to lash out at certain tripcode users because I disagree with the way they use tripcodes. But I vent by lashing out at Anonymous as well, and sometimes it's just as satisfying if not more.

It doesn't change the fact that I feel like most tripfags are missing the point and most of the fun that comes from posting on an anonymous board. I can understand people that play a certain character with a trip as a troll or a joke, and then post normally without a trip. But I can't understand why anyone who's not a complete attention whoring faggot would post with the same trip almost all the time 4chan.

>> No.6982153

nope, I will kill me in a spectacular way in front of someone I hate so he ends with a trauma that will leave him sleepless, so my found will rotten underground, were it should be.

>> No.6982158

This terrifies me... what if I die suddenly and someone gets on my computer and takes a look at my files?
If I ever get seriously ill I will take out my HDs and backup DVDs and smash them

>> No.6982162

Having a trip is fun as well.

besides, what makes you think we aren't using these trips for the sake of joking/trolling, its not as if you can see through the computer to our true intentions. Just food for thought

>> No.6982163
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>> No.6982165

>what if I die suddenly and someone gets on my computer and takes a look at my files?
None of that will matter when you're dead. The dead don't get embarrassed or care what people think about them.

>> No.6982169

How do you know Sudo, you're not even dead.

>> No.6982171

Judging the quality of the posts by the name field instead of the post itself?
Oh my, how low has /jp/ fallen, maybe next week we will start using sage as an insult.

But I agree, Sudo is a terrible poster and he has to be a fucking retard to not realize he's shitposting all the time. Someone should tell a mod on IRC to ban him for some time so he can get some rehab or something.

>> No.6982173

Its more a fear of what people think of you after you're dead, which does matter since you're still alive, thinking these things.

People do put a decent amount of sentimental importance to how they're remembered

>> No.6982174

It could hurt my family though. I don't want them to remember me as a pervert

>> No.6982176

It's only natural, I still think that those who can stick to Anonymous identity are "superior" (please don't take that word seriously, it's just the best thing I could think of) since they can surpass the urge of getting attention and all like that.
But I even use a trip too. I only use it when it's relevant though. You are way too defensive to notice I'm actually not offending anyone here.

>> No.6982177

Because it's common sense. Once you're dead, you're dead. Nothing matters anymore.
>Someone should tell a mod on IRC to ban him for some time
I've been banned twice, and neither time was for shitposting. Speaking of shitposting, it's such a great word, isn't it? It can be used to describe anything you don't like!

>> No.6982184

Spamming an entire thread with reaction images is shitposting, Sudo-kun.
And if you didn't get banned for it, it must be because mods didn't see you do that.

>> No.6982186
File: 145 KB, 359x330, face5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been banned twice, and neither time was for shitposting.
So you are saying it's not shitposting as long as it is you posting. Haha wow, get out of your bubble Sudo, you make me sick.

>> No.6982190

I use a trip and post anonymously, best of both worlds, I think.

Though I would wish to put the point forward, people who use anonymity may or may not use is because they can resist the urge to gain attention, they can also use it to say whatever they want and not suffer any consequences. Though putting it that way makes anonymous sound like a coward, which is not quite what I'm trying to say.

Besides, who's to say suppressing the desire for attention makes a person superior, evolutionarily speaking, its not favorable to be a person no one remembers.

>> No.6982192
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1271698026357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If all the idiots that spammed "reported" in response to those images actually reported me, then they saw it.
>So you are saying it's not shitposting as long as it is you posting. Haha wow, get out of your bubble
I never said anything of the sort. Don't put words in my mouth, please.

>> No.6982209

Evolutionary speaking, it's not favorable to prefer 2D drawings over actual members of the opposite sex either, but that doesn't stop 2D from being superior to 3D in most of our minds.

And with me, I'm not repressing the "desire" for attention because I have none, as a matter of fact I hate attention and typically avoid it at all costs. I've created a few pieces of "original content" that are well liked on /jp/ and in a few other communities as well, and I've never had any desire to attach a name other than "Anonymous" to any of them, because I wouldn't want people complimenting me in places unrelated to that creation. I have a job, actually, where I have to hold an identity on the internet and interact with people, and sometimes I get messages from people complimenting me and saying how they think I'm doing a great job, such and such, and I really just don't like it at all, it makes me feel awkward. I'd much rather have people complimenting a post that I made or some project that I worked on, than have people complimenting me myself.

Of course, I don't like people attacking me personally either, but I can totally take it when someone flames some shitty post I made on 4chan. So yeah I guess you could say Anonymous posters are "Anonymous Cowards" for that reason, but I still think it's a better way to be.

Awesome metathread by the way.

>> No.6982216

Though still on the subject of evolution, people "prefer" 2D over 3D because 2D is made to fit the criteria of a person fit to reproduce with, our penises don't discern between details of whether or not its physically possible in the first place, thats the job of our cognitive half, which is proven not to have a very solid connection to our instincts.

Alas we have gone very far off track, and indeed, to metathread levels. I believe it is about time we stopped, since clearly it won't go anywhere, but it was a nice, refreshing, and educational conversation.
