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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6955814 No.6955814 [Reply] [Original]

If i die how big is the chance of me ending up in Gensokyo?

>> No.6955820

Nobody knows because you can't talk to the dead.

>> No.6955818
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>> No.6955830

So how many gensokyo/suicide threads do you make a day OP? 10-20? Going for a record?

>> No.6955834

kill yourself and find out,.

>> No.6955828


Really big, do it now.

>> No.6955839

This is my first one this month

>> No.6955841

Strange, could have sworn it's the samefag making these.

>> No.6955850

If you don't die, there's 0% chance of making it to Gensokyo.

>> No.6955852


You go to the afterlife of whatever you believe in most. That's why there's so many religions.

>> No.6955854

Zero. Assuming you live, as many /jp/ posters do, somewhere in North America, there's no opportunity for the released soul to migrate to Gensokyo, which is anchored somewhere in Japan. Your best chance would be to do the deed somewhere near the border, and hope that the magical concentration within sucks your soul over the boundary. Even then, though, you'll just be a ghost, trapped in the Netherworld at best, and in the worst-case scenario you'll just go to the Buddhist judge of the dead, like you would normally after death, and go through the reincarnation cycle again.

And this is all assuming, of course, that Gensokyo exists.

>> No.6955862

It's stupid meme that these threads are made by 1 person, something like that there are 2 polish posters and 1 Lithuanian samefag bumping their threads on /int/.

>> No.6955868
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Let's assume you'd know for sure, there's a portal on the moon. how would this influence your life? would you become even more frustrated? i mean you could never reach it.

not that i know anything about it.

>> No.6955872

Brb becoming an astronaut.

>> No.6955872,1 [INTERNAL] 

100% chance, you will be greeted by Komachi once you arrive. Do it.

>> No.6955895

Your only problem now is to kill yourself. Try to catch one of more serious suicide threads, preferably after normal-fag hours, or they quickly get filled with stupid memes about "portal to gensokyo". And remember to don't try doing portal from ammonia and bleach - it will hurt as hell and most likely you will end in hospital but wont kill you.

>> No.6955933

Most belief systems punish suicide with an unfavourable outcome or reincarnation. I'd think twice.

>> No.6955947

Gensokyo doesn't exist.

>> No.6955951
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>> No.6955990

Nothing's bad with reincarnation.

You could ask the nice Yama to allow you to have your memory of your previous life, how fucking cool would that be?

>> No.6956000
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>> No.6956025
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>You could ask the nice Yama to allow you to have your memory of your previous life, how fucking cool would that be?


>> No.6956039
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>> No.6956043

Zero. Nothing happens after death.

Best thing to do is live long enough until your memories can be dowloaded into a machine, and make your own Gensokyo or come join the /jp/ (or future /jp/ derivative) Gensokyo and we can exist as consciousnesses in a virtual world. Shit will be extremely awesome, I'd very much rather not die since there is a very high chance of this becoming a reality within our lifetimes. There are already researchers out there that have a robot that's controlled by a suspended rat's brain for example.

>> No.6956046

les anananas ne dance pas

>> No.6956057

That actually made me cry :*(

>> No.6956067

guys what happens when we get much older

I personally can't see myself feeling comfortable hanging out on 4chan when I'm 40+ years old

but if i left it I would literally have nothing

what are our lives for? where are we going?

>> No.6956073

One day you will become a normalfag. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.6956079


There will probably be something way cooler than 4chan eventually, or in X years moot will pull the plug and we will agree to all migrate somewhere else.

>> No.6956085

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6956088

Pray that virtual reality technology has advanced far enough where you can live the rest of your life in your dream world.

That or the world ends before then.

>> No.6956132

Fuck your shit Yama's are nice if you buy him a beer or three.

>> No.6956156

Not much since /a/ came.

>> No.6956195

The thing that sucks is that the older you get, the more you notice that the adult population on various online communities is very small. There's nowhere to graduate to; every online community is full primarily of people younger than you. But, I don't think I'll ever stop lurking messageboards though.

>> No.6956200

I'm ready to die if I can't adjust back into normal life, by sitting around pleasing myself and pursuing my own interests without worrying about work I've already lived more in 23 years than most people do in their whole lives.

>> No.6956231
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Y'know, I wonder about this every day as well. I'm 23 now......will I still be coming here when I'm 25 or 30 or 40? Hell, will this place still exist when I'm 30? Will I still be watching anime, playing Touhou, reading/playing VN? Will I eventually grow out of the 2D SUPERIOR phase? Will I eventually see that having a 'waifu' is childish and ignorant?

"Sorry Okuu, I know you're not real......you'll never be real. You're just some flat, made up, drawn character with no REAL emotions, feelings or conscience or soul. You cannot love me. I guess...it's time to move on"

I mean, if I cut this place and the hobbies I listed above out of my life right now........................I'd be a very bored and lonely man.

>> No.6956245

I couldn't finish all the manga/anime/VN's that i want to finish before I'm 60.

By that time we'll be able to connect to virtual worlds made from our brain, FINALLY GENSOKYO.

I'll die a happy man then.

>> No.6956255
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All things must pass.

>> No.6956260

Please leave.

>> No.6956447

Oh wow you guys are fucking pathetic /jp/ must be the most ronery losers on the internet, I pity you all.

>> No.6956452

Abuse us more with your harsh tongue.

>> No.6956476

Fix your appearance and social life and meet a woman, get over being a fucking weeaboo loser.

>> No.6956484
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Go back to /r9k/, oh wait

>> No.6956492
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>> No.6956514
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>still talking about Touhous
This place is really slow.

>> No.6956549
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that's really ironic coming from a board that forced a meme based off a fucking antique inuboshi manga

>> No.6956567
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C'mon, you can't compare Inuboshi to Touhou.

Touhou is like babby's first japan culture

>> No.6956583
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You guys do know that the only way to get to Gensokyo is via a black hole.....right?

>> No.6956591

i have an erection now

>> No.6956606

Is it just me to find this picture scary?
It gives feeling like that black point was getting bigger the longer you stare on it, but somehow it reminds me that Yukari is waiting for me to kill myself so she could give me silly hat and explain me my new youkai powers.

>> No.6956686

It's like 3 months old. That's hardly old... The final chapter was in December too. I always see you whine about it being old.
