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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6950657 No.6950657 [Reply] [Original]

Visual Novel Thread

Just finished G-Senjou no Maou

have to say that this is probably the best vn I have ever played even though only one route was outstanding

if you haven't played it I highly recommend it (prepare for some Sherlock Holmes shit)

>> No.6950668


>> No.6950667

there's a VN thread up already.

>> No.6950672

Man, you just copypasted it from /v/

>> No.6950670
File: 194 KB, 794x574, 1297519884446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my favorite VN too, OP. Haru is my VN waifu.

>> No.6950676


you forgot to add shitty ending

>> No.6950679

Recommend that VN too, one of the beast I've read.
Yes yes

>> No.6950680

general thread here: >>6940744

>> No.6950678

I hope that was a nokosage post. Because this thread doesn't warrant a bump.

>> No.6950682


>shitty ending
It had a great ending. What did you not like about it?

>> No.6950686

I recommend Sharin no Kuni for anyone who liked G-Senjou no Maou. Sachi's route is best.

>> No.6950688

How original.

>> No.6950691


Please use the already existent VN thread if you want to make a "Visual Novel Thread" instead of a specific title.

>> No.6950693
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>> No.6950698

He's right, I just went over there to check and it already has around 150 replies.

This should either have been posted in the VN thread or just not posted at all.

There's also the troubling fact that we're having a /v/ thread on /jp/ and it's actually getting replies

>> No.6950717

What the fuck are you doing, Haru? That's not how you hold a bow, you dumb bitch.

>> No.6950724

In the case you didn't noticed yet, we have several /v/ threads every single day getting replies since moderation does not react to them.

>> No.6950821

Yeah, please keep all the toehoe stuff in one thread too while we are at it.

>> No.6951512

how about no

>> No.6951750

Don't be retarded. There are many more threads than touhou than VNs, a lot more of different subjects.

Besides the OP said "Visual Novel Thread" and there is no need for 2 of that.

>> No.6951987


>> No.6952006

Please stop this "VN Vs. Touhou" rivalry shit, this is extremely stupid and unecessary.

>> No.6952017

Wonder why threads from /v/ happen to be the worst.

>> No.6952284


>the best vn I have ever played

Obviously this VN noob hasn´t read Ever17

>> No.6952401

I'd rather have this thread than the other. Specifically because I've been playing Galaxy Angel Moonlight Lovers which is very definitely NOT an eroge.

>> No.6952409

Derp, not everyone likes ever 17. I for one didn't.

>> No.6952410

The Val Fasc are a metaphor for penises.

>> No.6952412
File: 144 KB, 127x217, cloverjump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

999 > ever17

>> No.6952424

Not sure if trolling.

>> No.6952425

Lots of things are better than Ever17

>> No.6952430

How many?

>> No.6952445



>> No.6952450

Characters, setting, plot twists.

>> No.6952449


>> No.6952443 [DELETED] 


>> No.6952452

DS emulator?

>> No.6952454


I like it, but it's practically Ever17.2, it can't be better

>> No.6952459

Name of the games?

>> No.6952465
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I think you are delusional

>> No.6952480
File: 83 KB, 312x393, link_raep_face_by_linkrapefaceplz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks that 999 is better than Ever17

>> No.6952489

i think you are a delusion

>> No.6952489,1 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is fucking terrible. You can literally see the /v/ leaking over into /jp/.

>> No.6952505
File: 19 KB, 234x175, clovercrazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't greentext

>> No.6952506

I love threads like these, all I have to do is hide it and most of the bad /jp/ is condensed considerably.

Keep this thread up please.

>> No.6952520

Back to /v/ with you.

>> No.6952531
File: 173 KB, 366x366, TrollFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ faggot think that i can´t greentext

>> No.6952534

Back to /v/ with this entire thread.

I mean, really, this thread is a prime example of weekend /jp/.

>> No.6952541 [DELETED] 

>I mean, really, this thread is a prime example of weekend /jp/.
Seems you haven't seen >>6951425 and >>6948060

>> No.6952553

If you're going to talk about the state of /jp/, do it in the ghost board like

>> No.6952678

/jp/ only has Quality Threads

>> No.6953186

Man this is a really good thread. /jp/ has really high standards

>> No.6953222

That's enough, Mr. Troll.

>> No.6953256

No seriously, you would think /jp/ would be happy with any board related threads seeing as how they don't get too many of those, but nope. If the thread was made by someone who hasn't played many VNs, it's shit.

Board name should be changed to "/jp/ - Cry Culture"

We would whine about things we didn't like all day. It would be awesome

>> No.6953267

What the hell is the ghost board

>> No.6953282

It's not for people who don't punctuate.

>> No.6953289

We are just trying to preserve our pedigree. /a/ and /v/ are examples of what we don't want to become.

And most of the threads are related but they obviously do not appeal you so you keep them hidden and only see the unrelated ones.

>> No.6953313
File: 232 KB, 1393x924, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure looks like /jp/ related.

Besides as it stands /jp/ is even worse than /a/ and /v/ since no one ever discusses anything related except for touhou...
You put all the VNs in one thread and it's still never on the front page

>> No.6953351

What, you can only browse page 0 or something?

Also 7 out of 14 threads there are related. including this thread. But this shouldn't allowed for reasons already said.

>> No.6953497

/jp/ isn't an ADHD board. The best threads only hit the front page every now and then. In contrast the worst threads are up on the front page for hours, because the participants are mostly from other boards anyway.

If you remove all the non-/jp/ posters then /jp/ is a very slow board, and that is perfectly fine.

You are mistaken, this is /jp/ - NEET & Hikikomori/General

>> No.6953509

It's definitely cry culture. You can tell because when there's a thread someone doesn't like they cry or spam it.

>> No.6955064
File: 28 KB, 1013x381, G-Senjou is bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit game is SHIT

>> No.6955067

This thread is bad and the OP should feel bad.

>> No.6955076

Actually I think /jp/ should be called Shitposting Culture, just look at
I think I'm missing a bit more, but that should give you the gist of it.

>> No.6955129

/jp/ official thread rating system:

5 - VN General threads + TL threads
4 - threads about a specific VN
3 - toohoo
2 - idols, dolls, merchandise, other weird fucked up shit
1 - everything else

>> No.6955153


>> No.6956283

Just finished G-Senjou no Maou
Did I read it right...? Azai's 'daughter' is 7 years old and he served 8 years in prison? You can probably guess what I'm getting at and why I'm confused.
And only 8 years for manslaughter, ties to the Yakuza and possession of fire arms? Are sentences really that lenient?

Was planning to start My Girlfriend is the President, it's of a completely different vein but I was wondering whether there's a recommended playthrough order?

>> No.6956295

What anime is this?

>> No.6956304

Please dont bump old /v/-crosspost threads.


>> No.6956317

Go ask your mommy about how babies are made. I think there's something about 9 months involved.

>> No.6956339

When you have sex with a woman, it takes 9 months for a baby to develop.

He killed Maou, who had just broken into his house. His confession was fishy and he had ties to yakuza. There were many factors that may explain why his sentence was not very harsh, but we'll never know for sure.

>> No.6956333

9 months =/= 1 year = 12 months

And it wasn't explicitly said whether the 8 year sentence was the official sentence as a result of his trial, or whether it included the time spent in police custody as he was interrogated.

>> No.6956351


Remember that guy kyosuke wrote a letter to.... yeah.

>> No.6956390


 Azai Kyousuke looked up at the sky.[l] A golden February sunset stretched out above him.[l] It had been eight years since he last enjoyed this scenery,

It wasn't an 8 year sentence, it was 8 years since he had been free.

Year 0:
February: arrested
Fall: baby born

Year 1:
February: 1 year since arrest
Fall: Baby turns 1.


Year 8:
February: released, child is 7 years old

>> No.6956405

When children are born they are not 1 year old, they start at 0. He could get out of jail serving "8 years" and she could still be 7 years old, as long as he got out before her birthday that year.

>> No.6956665

Even if he's not the father, I'm pretty sure he got some pity sex out of Haru. I mean he's providing for her and her kid after all.

>> No.6956674

>I mean he's providing for her and her kid after all
No he wasn't.

>> No.6956704

He/his parents did, at least while Haru's trying to get back to the music scene.

>> No.6956714

All of his parents are dead.

>> No.6956829

Aside from the side stories, G-Senjou no Maou really was a great VN, I'd give it an 8.5ish since music doesn't seem to fit that well and some minor plot holes can be annoying.
Definitely a must-read!
