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File: 76 KB, 640x480, droplets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941874 No.6941874 [Reply] [Original]

So, we had worst touhou thread, but what are the worst bullets? Personally dislike the square droplet bullets that Murasa and Byakuren use.

pic related

>> No.6941884

Heart-shaped ones.

Rather, their movement.

>> No.6941881

I don't like the bullets that hurt me.

>> No.6941889

Lasers. Motherfucking lasers.

>> No.6941888


>> No.6941893

The ones that aren't Suika's wisps. God damn I love those things, but even so I don't see them being used outside of DS, sadly.

>> No.6941900

Knives and flames.

>> No.6941904

All of them.

>> No.6941910

Sakuya's Knives

>> No.6941925
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>> No.6941928

Reimu's guided o-fuda.

>> No.6941934

this, motherfucking curvy lasers.
close second are blue talismans from reimu in IN, but that only really fucks you up once or twice when you think you're about to get some points.

>> No.6941936

I like the ones with some give to them. Ones that have a hard edge hitbox suck. I mean I'd prefer the hitbox stay the same size and the sprite be larger, they're easier to dodge for me as long as I know where the deadly part is.

>> No.6941953

More often than not the deadly part of the bullet is the white circle in the middle of it.

>> No.6941955


>> No.6941971

Patchy's Metal fatigue bullets.

I don't know what it is about them, but I always get hit when it seems like I'm a mile away from them.

>> No.6941972

I hate the old style lasers more, the ones that are made from stretched bullet sprites. The ends are all fucked up w/r/t the hittable area where it tapers off.

>> No.6941996
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>> No.6941997

Oh and if we can go back this far, the little white round bullets in all the PC-98 games.

That was not a good idea!

>> No.6942012

Knives, Shinki and Mai/Yuki'ss cheetos lasers. Shou has nothing on them.

>> No.6942054
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Can't believe nobody's said these yet.

But I love Embers of Love... it's such a fun card.

Cheetos lasers were horrifying the first couple of times she brought them out, but they weren't so bad when you get the way you need to move to misdirect them down pretty well.

>> No.6942058


>Can't believe nobody's said these yet.

See >>6941881

>> No.6942059

I'm sure we all thought it, I did.

>> No.6942068


i swear that card is fucking bugged

>> No.6942077
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I wonder why I ran into them so often until I got that spellcard right the first time. They're fucking hypnotizing for some reason, I was running right into them for some reason.

Also, these are my favorite bullets. I want them to be in the next game.

>> No.6942100
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The tiny ones with the huge blast radius that Sariel shoots

>> No.6942106

Those are ok on their own, but I remember one card where they're combined with other bullets and it all turned into a white hellblob and I couldn't tell where things would be a second or two in the future.

>> No.6942126
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I really dislike the swivel bullets that Youmu and Yuyoko use sometimes.

I'm not a big fan of Remilia as a character, but every spellcard she has is perfection. There is no stage I've cleared and keep clearing more often that EoSD stage 6.

>> No.6942127

Play on fullscreen.

>> No.6942131

Swivel bullets? How d'you mean?

>> No.6942151

Stars, motherfucking stars.

>> No.6942157

Stars themselves are fine though, they've got deceptively small hitboxes. It's just that there are SO MANY of them.

>> No.6942187

I've not played PCB in a long time, so I may be wrong. But the most recent example of swivel bullets I can think of is Byakuren Maelstrom. Those types of bullets scare the hell out of me.

If I had to specify one type of bullet for love and hate, I'd place Remilia's thousand needles blur bullets in love, and all of those swivel pricks in hate.

>> No.6942446


>> No.6942528
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>> No.6942701

There it is. Fucking swivel bullets.

>> No.6942732
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Oh, curvy lasers? I don't think Youmu or Yuyuko use those, but I do know Letty and one of the Prisimrivers do.

>> No.6942755


>> No.6942770

Letty's pretty easy, but every once in a while I'll get near her curvy bullshit and get fucked.

I'm serious, every once in a while I screw up on Letty

>> No.6942782

anything that moves in a zigzag pattern

>> No.6942794
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Remember this?

>> No.6942795

I think they mean bullets that swivel around any spot in general, the curvy lasers in one of Hijiri's cards clearly are orbiting coordinates off the screen, and Yuyuko generates a lot of bullets around specific spots in the field that orbit around them before spreading out.

Curvy lasers means lasers that change directions relatively suddenly, one of the reasons Shou is such a bitch is because she'll generate a lot of lasers that move very quickly, but you can't predict their actual path very easily until the last moment. Specifically they'll spin clockwise around her, then switch direction before they spread out

>> No.6942816

Any bullet that comes up from the bottom of the screen. I've gotten used to every other bullet type, even curving banana laser bullshit, but every time I get nailed by something that comes up from under me I get the strongest urge to punch my monitor.

>> No.6942834

The medium sized orbs. I don't know why, but I hate them. I also hate the ones used in that generic swirl-out-from-the-boss pattern. They're just so generic and they're never going to hit you anyway, it feels like you're wasting your time. Usually red and blue round bullets.

I also hate the pine tree shot. I really hate that pine tree. Magic Missile my ass.

>> No.6942843
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Marisa's goddamned star bullets. Too much extraneous motion, combined with an uncertain bullet border.

>> No.6942844

I don't really have that much trouble with that card, don't the large bullets slow down a lot before the shrink? and then you just need to use tiny movements to get through the gaps, and there's really like 4 configurations of bullets. Although every once in a while they're spaced perfectly so the holes are fucking tiny.
I wonder about Kanako being a snake and people referring to some cards as hypnotizing. I invariably die or need to bomb on her first non-spell, which is like the simplest configuration but makes me freak out every time.

starts at 18 seconds here:
this guy even bombed at the very end for no real reason (although both of us play on normal, guess we're both terrible by default)

>> No.6942882

>(although both of us play on normal, guess we're both terrible by default)
Oh come on, you sound just like this guy I know. There's nothing wrong with playing on Normal. If that's the difficulty level you're comfortable with, then play it. We all started there at one point.

>> No.6942888
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Now that I think about it, quite a few of her shots are hypnotizing, including her final spellcard. I don't know why, I can't stop staring at that card, it's so beautiful, but then I die because of it.

Also, I hate these, these are my least favorite bullets, whatever you'd call them. They're small, but they always deceive me so. I'm afraid to get near them and then I get smacked by something else because of their trickery.

>> No.6942895

No, seriously, curvy lasers.

>> No.6942903

These are easy as fuck. The hitbox is like 1 pixel large.

>> No.6942909

Always made me think of those thorny things that stick into you when you walk in grass barefoot.

Fucking hate those things.

>> No.6942924

Those are the same as the tiny round white, but spinning. I also get owned by those sometimes.

>> No.6942982

>walk in grass barefoot.

What kind of country side do you live in when you walk barefoot? Also how hairy are your legs that burrs stick to you? If anything they'd cling to you less without fabric to stick in.

>> No.6943003

You make me sad, anon. When in Gensokyo you can walk barefoot all the time.

>> No.6943031

It's little thorny seeds that stab in and hook under the skin so it's hard to pull them out.

>> No.6943100

You mean fly around right?

Sound like little bastards

>> No.6943103

I always think of them as casino chips, I have no idea why, it's just what they look like to me.

>> No.6943130
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all of them.

>> No.6943142

>no idea why
probably because when you notice the white outline that removes the spiky look, they look exactly like casino chips.

>> No.6943162 [DELETED] 

At the moment it's this shit. For some reason my eyes can never properly track the motion of these lasers; the just seem to fade in on top of me without my even realizing it.

Half of everything Yugi throws at me is a close second.

>> No.6943165
File: 16 KB, 192x224, Th11sc108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the moment it's this shit. For some reason my eyes can never properly track the motion of these lasers; the just seem to fade in on top of me without my even realizing it.

Half of everything Yugi throws at me is a close second.

>> No.6943197

those can be a bugger, I always do things like that by filtering out one set of them going one direction, getting safe from those, then looking at the second set and make myself safe by moving along the axis parallel to the first set.

I think that was a weird way to explain it, just dodge them one set at a time ahead of time, then wait for them to pass by.

>> No.6943342
File: 85 KB, 640x480, th11e 2011-02-10 13-24-17-82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate them too..

>> No.6943355

Had the exact same problem. Seemed like they'd just appear on top of me before I knew what was going on.

>> No.6943362

Curvy lasers. I'm looking at you, Merlin.

>> No.6943371

I guess that's what they were invented to do.

>> No.6943382
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You reminded me of something else I hate. The butterflies. Specifically, the ones with curved paths. You're just dodging the ones coming at you then blam, right from behind.

>> No.6943450

Fuck that part so hard. It would be really fun U streaming that unfocused if there weren't thousands of tiny dots everywhere to run into. It's like ZUN avoids normal STG gameplay on purpose as a rule.

>> No.6943451

>that card
Why is it INFINITELY more difficult than Yukari's actual card...

But yeah, that and Unreasonable Butterfly Storm. Ugh.

>> No.6943467

>Unreasonable Butterfly Storm


>> No.6943474



>> No.6943500

I hate curvy lasers, but that is one of my favorite spellcards.
It feels a lot like Curse of Tepes. I do recall bombing CoT plenty before I decided "fuck it". It was actually pretty easy, and is what made Remilia my favorite fight. Its a crime to bomb any of her cards.

>> No.6943526


Huh...That's strange. I don't mind curvy lasers too much but I hate that card. Then again, it's probably because the lasers don't smack me from behind. Anything that comes at me from behind scares the shit out of me.

>> No.6943596

Dude, no shit. Any vertically-scrolling shooter that makes enemies pop up from the bottom, or the bottom third of the sides. I don't fucking care what kind of warning you gave me why are there enemies not in the direction I can shoot?

>> No.6943622

Lasers followed by knives.

Mostly because of hitbox issues. See >>6942054.


>> No.6943636
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>he doesn't play on the iPhone and zip around the screen arbitrarily fast!

>> No.6943702


Why would I own an iphone? Explain this to me. I am a true /jp/ resident.

>> No.6943726

iPhones are for social people and hipsters. Also, they suck.
The true /jp/er would probably use a pay-as-you-go phone because they barely talk to anyone and therefore use no minutes.

>> No.6943743

Well, I don't either. But you should get an iPod touch. DoDonPachi Resurrection and ESPGaluda II are so incredibly great on the iPod it's almost disgusting. Plus stuff like Higurashi and that one waifu simulator, as well as portable Touhou music. Plus they're not all that expensive if you find them on sale.

Also Bug Panic, but I hear that's not so great.

>> No.6943745

Oh god how did you know?
I use a tracphone, and I only buy the 30 minute cards for when my mom or sister call me. I never get calls from work, its great.

>> No.6943801

Every fucking kind of LASER
Goddamn FISTS with their wonky ass hitbox

Everything else is easy mode for the most part

>> No.6943809

Chens spell card with the fast snowballs always gets me.

>> No.6944237

I love Marisa's stars. Honestly, Marisa in PC-98 and IN are my favorite fights in Touhou right now.

My hate is when there's more than one type of bullet coming diagonally (i.e. most of PCB and DS). I can deal with diagonal attacks, diagonal lasers, patterns that involve sequences of diagonals... but you start mixing 'em up and having diagonal bullet type 1 from the left + diagonal bullet type 2 on the right + bullets down the middle... I HATE that.

A good example is Yuyuko's first card. Oddly patterned bullets coming at a steep angle from one side and a laser sweeping in from the other. Or Parsee's wanna-be Yuka spellcard. Normally, I'm very good with the large bubble bullets that have deceptively small hitboxes, but when you start adding in diagonal bullets into the random burst of bubble bullets, I fuck up.

>> No.6944262
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those bullets that propagate diagonally in expanding concentric circles, you'd think it would be simple to find a method of dealing with that shit but I can't seem to manage it
I don't even mind curvy lasers

>> No.6944295

In Yuyuko's first card not only are the bullets diagonal they're in a damn curvy wave pattern. Does PCB have the most curvy bullets out of any game? It feels like it to me.

>> No.6944298

Do you mean where it's like a circle of crossing bullets that expands toward you? I'm still bad at that.

>> No.6944303

these are like pure extacy

>> No.6944305
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They're only a problem if the background makes them hard to make out, like in stage 2 or 4 of Mystic Square. Also most hated is probably none.

>> No.6944318

Addendum. I hate those stars that Marisa likes to use. They're disorienting, what with the spinning, and how there's lots and lots of them.

>> No.6944321

Marisa's fucking stars in IN, as far as bullets I just hate in any pattern. Also those big oblong bullets that seem to have way too huge a hitbox.

Also crossing patterns of circular bullets, because they perfectly overlap when they cross and my eyes can't follow them. Koishi's Rorschach for example.

I don't particularly hate them, but the medium sized circular ones really can be a bitch. The thing is they have NO leeway at all as far as hitbox, which is unusual for bullets of their size. Compare to the huge bubble bullets that let you get away with massive overlap, it feels like like you should be able to do the same thing with the medium ones but NOPE.

I like the lasers that give you a warning line then appear, but I dislike the needle lasers

And any bullets that have directionality in their shape are good because I can read their movement so much faster than symmetrical bullets. For that reason the rice pellet bullets are my favorite small ones.

>> No.6944742
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I heard you kids liked lasers.

>> No.6944776

Diamonds. Had the hardest time when I first plyaed MoF because of the diamonds.

Also, twisting bands of circular bullets (cranberry trap, genetics of the subconscious)
