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693940 No.693940 [Reply] [Original]

Japan should never have declared war on the U.S.

>> No.693945

If we didn't they wouldn't have invented technology

>> No.693941

We don't care.

>> No.693952

The Nazis would have won WW2 if the Japanese didn't bomb Pearl Harbor, so yeah.

>> No.693956


Unlikely. FDR was itching to join in on WW2.
If the elevens didn't bomb us, he'd have found something else.

>> No.693959

The US had made it clear that any further expansion would not be accepted. Japan had three choices:

1. Stop expanding.
2. Expand, and face war from the US.
3. Attack the US first, hopefully cripple their fleet bad enough to keep them weak for the time being. Expand and fortify like crazy, and hope to have too strong a position for the US to attack by the time they have their fleet up and running again.

Remember, Pearl Harbor was supposed to be far more devastating than it actually was. The plan *might* have worked.

>> No.693961

Not much of a WW2 if the japs didnt come in...

>> No.693960
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>> No.693969

Poor poor Japan.

>> No.693972

Even if USA of A didn't A-Bomb Japan. The Soviets and the Chinese are would be more than happy bum rush Japan.

>> No.693974

They should've chosen option 2. Most people don't realize just how isolationist and anti-war America was back then. Pearl Harbor was the biggest mistake they made because it killed all anti-war sentiment with the sneak attack, but if they had invaded as planned without attacking U.S territory, FDR would still run into a lot of opposition from isolationist anti-war politicians in Congress.

>> No.693976

Chinese? Are you stupid?

>> No.693979

It's all KOREA!

>> No.693982

This is why Japan constantly sucks Germany's cock.

How fucking hard is it to figure that out?

>> No.693983

Japan vastly underestimated America's ability to churn out ships and planes. They assumed they had a few years to fortify while America recovered from Pearl Harbor.

>> No.693984

No. They were holding off pretty well actually. Of course, much butt raped ensued prior.

>> No.693987

>the Chinese
I'm sure they would if they where not busy being conquered by japan.

>> No.693992

I didn't thought China actually caused massive Japanese casualties at first either. Thought it was total rape. You know, with them war crimes and all. But apparently, the Japs were very easy to trick because of their superiority complex. Often, they charge underestimating China and get surrounded and Chinks. (Btw, China was actually using German technology, which was actually better than most Jap rifles.) Japan manpower is often low in China, hence craploads of Chinks would just flood out of the Jap encirclements.
Fun stuff really.

>> No.693997

The idea that Japan could have conquered AND HELD China even if the US didn't intervene is laughable. Remember, China was in the middle of a civil war when Japan invaded, and the two factions were more interested in fighting each other than the invading Japanese. Both factions were holding back from fighting the Japanese with full force because they wanted to preserve their numbers for the ensuing civil war. They correctly assumed that the US would step in and fight the Japanese so they wouldn't have to.

The Communist PLA were far superior fighters to the KMT, and they barely ever fought the Japanese. If the US didn't intervene after all, they would have been a handful for the Japanese. No matter which way you look at it the Japanese got too greedy and spread themselves too thin, just like Germany did.

>> No.694002

Dammit China! You were just fucking lazy all this time.

>> No.694019
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this would be awesome, if the US didnt intervene against Japan.
More epic swordfights and CQB on the great wall ensured...

>> No.694043
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>> No.694050
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>> No.694059

Delicious Engrish, albeit your arguments are completely flawed. OM NOM NOM.

The Japanese military was vastly superior to any resistance the Chinese could muster at the time. It was mostly the Soviets who drove the Japs out of Manchukuo, and without a staging base of operations, the remaining Nips in continental Asia were forced to either retreat or surrender.

Also, as to Pearl Harbor, America was supplying the Chinks with weapons and other commodities and had placed an embargo on Japan. It hardly needs be said why the Japs did what they did.

>> No.694069

Nah, Lern2history a bit more.

>> No.694070


lol everything i leik.

blood, violence, raeg. dirty meele fights with swords and bayonets.
angry chink in nazi helmet and the killing of weaboos.


>> No.694092

lol chink attempt at historical revisionism

China was getting its ass kicked, get over it. No matter what your sinocentric education may claim, nothing can change the facts.

>> No.694100

Holy weeaboo bullshit.

You kiddies don't know shit about history.

Thread failed here, HARD.

>> No.694108

Uhh, the Japanese were stretched thin all over China and were pretty much tied down due to much stubborn resistance. And often Chinese ambushes were successful because of overconfidence on part of many Japanese commanders. Chinese forces were actually putting up a good fight. August Storm and and the Atomic bombs are something else altogether and certainly did bring the Japan's expansion goals to an end. However, it would be silly to demerit Chinese achievements against Japan. No matter what, Japan was heading to shitter by even agreeing to join the war. Having America against them only accelerated the process.

>> No.694111

Hey guys remember when the japs threw plague carrying flees out of an aircraft at the chinese. Damn that was hillarious. And it worked quite nice.

>> No.694114

Look, face the fact, kids.

WWII was almost over by the time the amerikkkunts joined. Soviets would of fucking raped the Nips after they were done with the Germans.

>> No.694116

For fucks sakes, I bet you're a stupid yank. I never said Chinese forces were performing splendidly and kicking ass. I'm only saying that managed to hold their own in many different situations and the DID cause heavy casualties against. And your a fucktard for assuming that the PRC brainwashed me since it was ROC that took the blunt of Japanese forces. Take your ignorant shit elsewhere. Lern2history before actually talking.

>> No.694117

I think everyone knows this.

>> No.694121

see >>693952

>> No.694130

Sage for my fellow stupid Americans not knowing history.

>> No.694140

There were other funny things too.

Remember that there Unit 731?

Funny shit man. They should make that into a horror movie.

>> No.694157
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>> No.694159


God you people are dumb. I don't get angry over stupid shit like that. Troll harder. And actually read some fucking history, it's written everywhere. I'm just trying clarify some history.

Jeeeez, I'm a idiot for even participating in this shit over an imageboard.
Fuck your shit and your black and white history, I'm out.

>> No.694169

We're actually not angry.

I actually thought it was horrible but in a I lol'd way.

Oversea chinks hate mainland chinks anyway.

>> No.694171
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Butthurt ape spotted.

>> No.694172


lol why black and white history?

We kinda find all this sino-japanese war thing amusing and entertaining. especially the war-crimes where really worth of an average /d/-tard and create epic lulz.

so chill out anon, 'kay?

>> No.694177

yellow monkey, back to work for the GREAT AMERICAN EMPIRE.

>> No.694179


oh wow, this photographer sure is lucky to get this one-in-a-million shot of an live decapitation done!

btw. what this woman holding? Her child or wat? Well, if so, his skull got also chopped a bit - a prove that a katana is sooo sharp that it can cut through a tank.

>> No.694182

Usually takes two strikes.

>> No.694184

Only if it has its fucking sheath

>> No.694183

Indofag reposrting. The Japs did train us which helped in fighting the clog wearing, tulip eaters long enough until the UN cried foul but I've read that if they had it their way, they would've sent us to fight the Russkies. So, I don't know how I should feel about this.

>> No.694186

You faggots are fucking useless.

>> No.694191


a well. sheath to create vacuum etc.

>> No.694193

Fucking folded millions of times

>> No.694192

She's holding the remains of her neck, damn lucky she didn't have her fingers cut off in the process.

>> No.694205

What a glorious country Korea is.

All hail Korea!

Long live Korea!

>> No.694204

Her left leg.

>> No.694218

That mound between her arms is her right breast, that thing above her hand is her neck stump.

>> No.694232

ITT Americans flaunt the history knowledge they learned watching hollywood films.

>> No.694266

Ben Afleck would be proud.

>> No.694284

As much as the Japanese whine about the A-bombing and subsequent occupation, they really lucked out in not being invaded by Russia. They'd be a third world country still trying to get its shit together after the Soviet collapse at this point in time. And Stalin DEFINITELY would've had the emperor killed. (our biggest mistake I think)

>> No.694288


>> No.694309


There was still a fuck-ton of anti-war sentiment after the war broke out. But then the media turned into a propaganda machine for the US and was censored to all hell.

>> No.694312

We also save the world from Skynet and it's Terminators.
And I think an asteroid once or twice, I don't quite remember.

>> No.694339

Why the fuck didn't we just hang the whole royal family in the first place?

Fucking useless.

>> No.694349

Because America asked for the surrender of the armed forces, not of the whole government so there was no legal basis to execute the emperor.

>> No.694354

Was he not technically considered commander in chief? (Serious question, I don't know about WWII Japanese military structure.)

>> No.694381

The IJA was a fucking joke of an army.

Couldn't coordinate with the navy at all, shitty officers too.

>> No.694384

Much easier for Macarthur to claim legitimacy afterwards. The Japanese really couldn't rebel against the occupation if even the emperor "supported" the Americans publicly. The emperor and other royals were really worth more alive than dead to the US.

Also the royal family had been planning for defeat for quite a while, and had set up an elaborate system of fall guys to ensure they wouldn't be prosecuted. Read up on David Bergamini's work for a good overview.

>> No.694408



Its the army's own fault that the navy won out in the end and ended up at war with the US and not the USSR, they were terrible


>> No.694437

How do you change history so that the chinks work for Americans... oh wai

>> No.694460

Why didnt battleships ever get into range to fire?

>> No.694467

care to narrow your search down a bit?

I'm pretty sure the Japanese navy showed some old Russian ships how it's done at some time during the war.
My WWII knowledge isn't exactly that great.

>> No.694537

Weaboo's were the NAZEs of ASIA, like the germans, they had many success in the first years, but they made the mistake, like the germans attacked the soviets, the japanese attacked the usa.
They simply failed on lunatic modo.
They even got bombed by the usa nuclear spellcard. end of war, end of teh kingdom

>> No.694726

Germany knew from the beginning that they couldn't defeat everyone at once. The plan was to strike Russia (the slower to organize juggernaught) first before they could properly join the war. Then after forcing them to retire, swing back and attack the rest of the Allies. They almost succeeded however the Russians managed to hold off long enough for the rest of the Allies (thanks to the cold winter the Russians were used to) to force Germany to focus on them. During this time the Axis did all sorts of crap to keep the U.S.A. from joining in, including attempts to have Mexico take back the southern US as a diversion. The message to Mexico was intercepted and used (along with innocent ships sunk by German U-Boats) to enrage the US populace to take action. Japan who was dominating their unindustrialized neighbors saw this as a chance to conquer the U.S. by destroying their pacific naval fleet in one sweep and attacking with their "superior" navy while America was fighting overseas. At this time they were building super battleships like the Yamato and were so full of themselves from all the victories they were having near home that this plan seemed fool proof. It wasn't.

>> No.694749

Japanese navy was far superior in terms of power but bankrupt when it came to anyone with fucking brains to lead it.

>> No.694754

then they wouldn't get any more iron :(

>> No.694841

You do realize that the Zimmerman Telegram was in 1917, right? That's world war 1.

Also, at Pearl Harbor the japs blew up American battleships left and right, but they missed one important target: CARRIERS.

And guess what? Battleships were more or less outdated. Leaving America with carriers only made it faster for admirals to realize that carrier battles were the way to go. Bringing about the swift demise of the Japanese. Although the japs themselves also understood the importance of carrier fleets as well.

>> No.694896

I wonder if any history buffs browse /jp/, or did these threads drive them all to suicide?

>> No.695617

They ARE making it into a horror movie. Or at least one Russian independent filmaker is. It comes out this July. I can't wait.


>> No.695634

They used to come here in the eraly days and they killed themselves after a few threads.

>> No.697740


>> No.697781

Well, the last offensive against the Japanese by the KMT Chinese was a major success. However, the war ended before the offensive was finished. Don't forget that most Japanese casualties were inflicted by the Chinese. For some reason the Chinese communists were not present at any of the major offensives (as noted by a Soviet adviser).

Also, the terms the US set for Japan before the war was giving Manchuria back to China. However at this time more than 100,000 Japanese already settled in Manchuria. Thus, it was impossible for Japan to agree to the US's demand, leading to the oil embargo.

>> No.697797


It's a shame. I like those guys.

>> No.697800

Well, considering that the communists weren't supplied by anyone and were basically guerrillas, it's no surprise that they didn't make any frontal assaults (except one or 2, which are pretty over-glorified by the CPC)

>> No.697823

Also, the better to win over the hearts of peasants behind the front lines (though they weren't doing any significant fighting).

>> No.697828

Churchill was a pretty cool guy; he hated Soviets and wasn't afraid of releasing German generals.

>> No.698092
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Finland should never have declared war on the USSR.

>> No.698099

Ripoff of Hearts of Iron.

>> No.698108

He loved his cigars. Thus he is awesome. Thank you Sir Winston for giving a name to our large gauge cigars. In fact I think I will smoke one in your honor right now...I think I have a Don Diego somewhere in my humidor that will fit the bill just nicely.

>> No.698120
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>>Superior Hearts of Iron

>> No.698125

So, how is this game called? And how realistic is it

>> No.698142

