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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6940744 No.6940744 [Reply] [Original]

Time for the eroge/VN thread.
Last thread hit bump limit: >>6914014
Continuing here
You know the drill:
What are you reading? What did you last read? What are you expecting? Talk about what you are reading and your opinion of it. Hype stuff you are waiting. News of eroge world, etc.

Just remember to take it easy and have fun

>> No.6940752

DL'ing BLOODY+RONDO right now?
Am I making the right choice?

>> No.6940753

Currently going through Persona 3. Waiting on Catherine.

>> No.6940758

My last read was Sayoko, good stuff, recommended if you at elast like Sayoko as a character corrputing people, in good ways.
Still reading Air, Kano route, KEY's slice of life is pretty boring, but at least the pacing picks up the last week of the girls routes.

>> No.6940766

I suppose I should post this here instead, then.

I just finished Makoto's route. I had a huge scroll of text rattled out, but I figure I'd cut down a bit. Delirium is fun.

I teared up during quite a few sections, such as when it was revealed Makoto inadvertently put Sora in harms way, Gilbert shown to be not so different, and Agent's departure.

That's just from what I remember recently, mind you. Earlier sections were quite good as well.

Makoto's romance, on the other hand... Agent's earlier comment about wanting to make Makoto happy even if she had to intervene in the simulation sounds like a writer in-joke. The route felt more like a proper Chinatsu route with Makoto sorta... thrown in except for some plot points, but those weren't related to romance. I felt extremely cheated at having Chinatsu get character development in a route that was not her own. Still glad for it, however. Oh, and Koh is an asshole, I realized I was more frustrated at him than Sora in the reminiscence.

Ending was dumb, but at least I can imagine a harem ending and not "Seaside Cottage room for 2 only sorry other emotionally dependent heroines you should've struck sooner!

Oh, and...

Sora's up there thanks to not being so fucking annoying unlike in previous routes, and Chinatsu gets a lot of sympathy points due to Koh being nearly as dense with her as he is with Rain.

By the way, I hear to unlock Sora's true route I also need to unlock every other heroine's good ending. Is this correct?

>> No.6940768

Referencing Baldr Sky.

>> No.6940790
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To get Sora true end you have to activate plug-in you get from finishing normal route. But if you have finished good end in certain route you get some bonus scenes, I think it was like that. Or if it was so that you get the plug-in only when you have the good ends too. But you'll see once you finish the route for first time if you get the plug-in.

Well you if your character taste is like that, you'll probably like Sora more in her route. as there are only minor annoying points to her in there.

And yeah, the final agent scene was one of my favorties too. more so when linked to certain thing in Soras route.

>> No.6940851

Just started out the Sora route and...

Daaamn. That is all for now.

>> No.6940858

yeah I know that feeling, having no idea how they'll do her route, and then pulling that. the begining parts of Sora route were some my favorite moments overally. dat sense of isolation and being confused as hell what going on here. those feeling were superb

>> No.6940870

Just started playing princess waltz,

What the fuck? The prince changed into a chick? Or was she in disguise all along? Doubt so since she goes all " YOU CALL URSELF A PRINCE " during the fight with the first gardener

>> No.6940876

Can anyone tell me what are the requirements for all the routes/endings for DIVE2?

I'm stuck at Aki's route for some reason.

>> No.6940892


>> No.6940893


>> No.6940894

You have to finish the reminiscence to open Makoto's route

>> No.6940948

lol, now that I read those ending lists, never realized that there was good end to Sora route, always took the good end as part of true end. as true end is just extension of good end.

>> No.6941231

Uhm, really no offense toward you Baldr guys, but would it be possible to have your usual 100+ posts conversation about it in a thread made exclusively for that?

>> No.6941274

well this discussion is almost at the end so there is not much point to make one anymore (if new thread would be made it probably would only reach about 20+ post and then die). lately there has been bit of BS discussion due to few different people playing it. it'll calm down soon.

>> No.6941537

Just started Kusarihime.
Am I supposed to be lost and don't even know what the fuck is happening, right?

>> No.6941593

Figuring out what's going in is part of the fun.

Rereading Kusarihime myself, seeing if I can pick up anything I missed the last time I read it.

>> No.6941607

So I'm not supposed to know, great.
At least Kurame when she's with Itsuki is kind of cute, shame I know what she is, more or less.

>> No.6941674
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I finished Kono Uta ga Owattara yesterday. Hilariously enough, I didn't realize it had horror in it until I was already in the thick of it, but in retrospect the logo and the intro screen really should have tipped me off. Not really what I was expecting, but I guess that's fine too once in a while.

Today I started playing Hana to Otome ni Shukufuku wo (pic related), and it's been pretty neat so far (from the tiny bit I've played, at least). I've never read a VN that featured a crossdressing protagonist before, so hopefully it'll turn out to be a decent enough read.

>> No.6941739

The beginning of that is interesting then it becomes rather dry. After I got about 2/3 into the game I was ready to shoot myself.


>> No.6942160
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Started the second chapter of Extravaganza. The flowchart is pretty fun.

>> No.6942169

All the people discussing Baldr Sky made me want to play it, but fuck if I start that it's going to be a month before I play anything else again.

>> No.6942226
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hey, it's all worth it, go for it.

>> No.6942227


>> No.6942238

I wouldn't say so, but 糞 is involved at the very least.

>> No.6942261

fuck you, Extravganza is great, haters gonna hate

>> No.6942266
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>> No.6942417
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Huh, that's kind of a bummer. Oh well, I can handle the tedium if it means I get to tenderly embrace Seika-sama in the end.

>> No.6943123

sisters~夏の最後の日~ seems to have been delayed, why am I not suprised

>> No.6943347

Shizuru is the best heroine.

>> No.6943374

Dammit, and here I was hoping it wasn't a vaporware. ;_;

>> No.6943711

Just finished Milky Holmes on PSP, if that counts.
You'll never get to know what Kobayashi's toys is. ;__;

>> No.6943755

I only played the blond girl's route and 1/2 of the time you're in the President's office making artificial flowers. I think if you go down the President's route (the girl in your picture) it will also be 1/2 of your time spent making and discussing the making of, artificial flowers.

I don't know about the other routes, I got so bored I uninstalled the game without even getting through 1 route so take my opinion only lightly.

>> No.6944280
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Baldr Sky

So apparently, I have to read through all the recollections before I can get to Makoto's route. Is there actually any new text in here, or is it all rehash?

>> No.6944499

No, it's got new sections and a few new CGs.

>> No.6944611

You get to play all the fights there yourself and there bit more new stuff after each fight. altough most of the new stuff is at the end.

>> No.6944627

fun game but way too short. Hercules is just as adorable as in the anime. Kobayashi's shouts were pretty funny.

I started playing under the moon and it has very good erotic element indeed. damn I never knew kazane and other big name VAs cast heroines of otome games. It's just like an eroge with one girl....

>> No.6945271

I'm thinking of giving CURE GIRL a look, but I can't find the trial on their site. Feels confusing, man.

>> No.6945499


>> No.6946118

>> No.6946540

Anyone tried the new Leaf?
From the comments in 2ch it seems to be the worst shit ever

>> No.6946794

The votes for that game on EGS are pretty polarized.

>> No.6947855

leaf makes shit and rehashes nowdays, not that suprising it would be shit. They should go and try to make something like kizuato, shizuku or kusari again and they might get their old touch back. but they are stuck on fluffy mode now and don't make good new stuff anymore.

>> No.6947904

Does replaying Super Robot Wars J for the girl's route count?

I'm sick of the gameplay (too many reinforcements), so I'm literally just playing it for the words.

>> No.6947952

Playing both Baldr Sky and Sekai de ichiban ng na koi at once.
For NG I'm currently on chapter 8, already got Kaya's ending.
Well it was more of an afterthought than anything, the game focuses a lot on the main heroine Mitoko.
Quite good so far, the relationship stuff is done really well, could have been a bit better on the humor side though.

Baldr Sky I finally started due to all the recent posts about it, it was on my backlog for too long anyways.
Currently on Nanoha's route, I'm really really liking it.
Gameplay is awesome, story is very interesting, characters are pretty nice.

>> No.6947973

Debating whether I should read more of the Polyphonica VNs that I've started reading or go download a random nukige to entertain me for the night.

>> No.6947979

Nanoha route starts developping the actual setting, Rain route is mostly presentation stuff.
also you don't waste so much time over where is Sora

>> No.6948135
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I felt the humor was rather funny myself. Bit different than the usual tsukkomi shit I'm so sick of. The tenants living there and Sasaki was rather hilarious, and some situations made me laugh hard. Comedy goes less prevalent later on though (from about where you start the ojousama's route).
Anyway, Asami was so great. I loved her. Of course game tries forcing Mitoko on you everywhere, but I still feel that the resolution and their reasons there were pretty great regarding her.

>> No.6949836
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>I felt the humor was rather funny myself. Bit different than the usual tsukkomi shit I'm so sick of.
This, it tried to be "proper" humor instead of slapstick shit (which is funny in particular situations, mind you, just abused), which gave the whole game a bit of a "realistic" charm. I kept thinking how the scenario could have worked just as well as a live action or something.
Though yeah, the heroine routes feel more like Mitoko bad ends than anything else, it's a bit of a shame but then again, without Mitoko the overall theme of "ng love" would fly out of the window

>> No.6949920
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I think I\ve had enough with imopara, if I play it anymore it would destoy my dick. must let it rest for while now. but damn its some great stuff. altough it has one sin, as nukige if there is some outfit in tachies, then there better be h-scene with said outfit, but nooo where the hell is my pajama sex in the bed at nigh under the sheets!?!?!?!?!!

>> No.6949990

Just finished Da Capo 2. Anzu's rout just made shed tears. I just can't hold them back. Yume's route was also a bit heart rending.

>> No.6950004

i never get to play this because im afraid of cheap drama shit

prime example of cheap drama shit is kiminozo

please tell me this game doesn't have that

>> No.6950008

I'm not sure what you mean by 'cheap drama'.

>> No.6950015

dunno bro
i cant explain it
instead ill list games i find shit instead

- kiminozo
- hantsuki
- air
- kanon
- clannad
- little busters

>> No.6950023

It is a bit dramatic at times (obviously, as the point is a love which shouldn't be), but nothing really OH LOOK HERE HOW THE CHARACTER SUFFERS PLEASE FEEL SORRY FOR HIM AND THINK THIS IS AWESOME WRITING PLZ.
It didn't feel forced at all to me, if that's what you're fearing.

>> No.6950026

thanks bro
finally i can get to play this

goddamnit i have a phobia for shitty dramas

>> No.6950049

Don't play it bangkok, it's not a nukige.

>> No.6950065

So I played the Nekonade Distortion trial, not quite sure I understand the hype.

>> No.6950073
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>> No.6950091

for some people "I don't understand shit" = "best game ever!" Add philosophy citations to your liking and you have hype.

>> No.6950096

Reading: Nothing
Last read: Angelos Armas
Expecting: Secret Game Code:Revise, Daiteikoku, Rewrite

>> No.6950113

Honestly, knowing your taste you won't like it anyway.

>> No.6950128
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yep i have good taste
you have bad taste
thats all right in this world

>> No.6950147 [DELETED] 

Is there plans for an Axanael translation project? I'd really like to read it.

>> No.6950157 [DELETED] 

Actually, Yes.

Support JAST localizations of Nitro+ games!

>> No.6950169 [DELETED] 

How much of it is done?

>> No.6950175 [DELETED] 

Not telling because of shills.

>> No.6950185 [DELETED] 

Ah, okay. I might as well delete my posts

>> No.6950191

Currently installing some Wanko to Kurasou, I expect doggirls in heat

>> No.6950218

I'd like a VN with gore and horror elements, as well being able to make me cry myself a river as I hopelessly shake my computer monitor screaming "Why?", that isn't Saya no Uta.

>> No.6950220

That's nice, I'm sure you'll find one.

>> No.6950226

I mean, I'm looking for suggestions.

>> No.6950229

extravaganza would fit pretty well. It isn't that heavy on gore, but has other all-kinds of fucked up shit in it.

>> No.6950231


Try >>6942160 maybe.

>> No.6950232

The fuck back to /a/

>> No.6950238


Now you will never have to ask /jp/ silly questions again. You have leveled up in life.

>> No.6950291


The whole setting seems interesting and characters are nice, and yes the mystery of "why the fuck is this happening" is a plus.

It's not like it was really hyped before, and some of you guys should get over your "philosophy citations" phobia

>> No.6950319

For the humor I may have been a bit harsh but I am currently doing a Maruto marathon and therefore I read Chocolat and Parfait before NG.
And they both felt quite a bit funnier to me despite the similar kind of realistic humor

I'm really liking NG though, Maruto really is the king of romance eroge.
Can't wait for Kono Aozora after this

>> No.6950375

Eustia's site began a weekly wallpaper countdown, just warning so people who care won't miss it.

>> No.6950768
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don't too often check the official sites, thanks for the notice. ah, only 6 weeks untill the release, can't wait.

>> No.6950948

I find VNDB mostly lacking. They have less than 1/4 of what comes out in Japan and their tag system is shit because it's hardly updated. If you look up the wedding tag for instance, there's a shit ton of VNs with weddings in them, perfect example Princess Bride which has a wedding in every route (I mean dear god the word bride is even IN THE TITLE) yet it's nowhere on the list. Also weddings are more common in VNs than the 16 titles they have listed.

Plus 2/3 of those games look like unplayable shit. I tried going through each game they had under the 'angel' tag and came up with shit VNs every time.

It's a poor way to find what you're after. I guess it's good if you're for opinions on translated VNs but if you're looking for something in Japanese it's rather poor.

>> No.6950960

That's because people are lazy bro.

>> No.6950981

I wish they'd release an stunning city view.
morew like something with their characters.

>> No.6951005

people who keep up with japanese releases are maybe 1/100 of the whole userbase. As for the tags, it's up the users, the thing is most of them just want to feel like they're adding something without caring how precise the information is. I've seen 3.0 tags for shit that had like one scene about it in the whole game.

>> No.6951070 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 800x600, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last, I got Sora's true ending. Took me a minute to figure out I had to use mouse3 for the scenario chart.

Honestly, I was HIGHLY surprised. Like a tsundere, I've warmed up to Sora immensely since she first appeared. She's still not anywhere near Rain or Kuu's level for me, but she's definitely up there with "NTR for girls" Chinatsu.

I was expecting a torrent of bullshitty "I WANT MY BELOVED TO BE HAPPY", but thankfully they kept the eventual outcome as ambiguous as they did on every route save Akis. I don't count Rain's route even though it ORIGINALLY ended similarly to Akis because of, yknow, the multiverse-wide infodump.

Also, World 7. Hell yeah for Sora keeping the ambiguous harem alive on her own!

Now then, a ranking of every route-

Sora's Route>Rain's Route=Makoto's Route(STORYWISE, THAT IS. FUCK OFF KOU, YOU -DO NOT- DEFILE MAKOTO'S PURITY. KUU AGREED, DON'T BOTHER HER.)=Nanoha's route>Aki's Route>I feel your pain about Sora but bitch why'd you make me kill Rain route

As for the heroines themselves?

Rain=Agent Kuu. Both are fanatically devoted to Kou and do everything they can to help him.>Sora=Chinatsu=Nanoha>Aki.

nooooooooooooooope, I did not forget any purple-haired pure girls.

Man, that was intense. One question- Correct me if I'm wrong, but by their own standards of "Fake love", wouldn't Kou's love for Sora be fake because his simulacrom met her first...? Not sure what the difference would be between that and Kuu meeting him first if that's what it takes to call it fake.

>> No.6951087

It's like about less than 10 dudes actively updating it, of course it won't be as extensive as you'd want.

>> No.6951258
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well, let's see with the whole "fake love". It's not like that they "fell in love in first" sight with their simulacras.
This is how I see it: young simulacras are basically mirrors of the soul/heart of their original. And the action that Kuu/simulacra-Kou took was just that our original prefer this kind people as they "understood" people better trough the link to AI network and the thing they did was such because they didn't know how to properly express emotions. And if their originals would ever meet and spend time together it would be extremely likely that they would fell in love.So it's not like they "fell love in first sight", if I remember correctly that explanation was given by Eve and AIs don't really understand human emotions properly, so it was Eva using human terms that she didn't yet understand properly and couldn't give distinctions.
. Thats how I see it, if that explanation makes any sense.

As for other stuff, good to see you ended up liking Sora after all (you are now good guy in my books) and whatever you think of Kuus matter with Kuu, Agent and Sora being the same character or not, is up for interpretion. Personaly I saw them as same character in the end (for me if I deny that, would be like denying that Sora routes Kou wasn't Kou), but it's fine to see them as different characters too, whats with them being same and not same at the same time (as they grew their own identity more strongly than simulacra-Kou, altough they still were "Sora").

and Cheers for finishing it, did it become anywhere near your favorite eroge? Also you probably should check diveX too it has some good Rain scenes and few good Kuu moments too. Also Chris.

Also Noi was best non-Heroine character. agree?

>> No.6951303

Go Sora and Kuu as same character or go bust

>> No.6951553


Way ahead of you man. Definitely liking the return of autistic Kuu. Although between her and twintails Rain, I almost lost control of my heart.

It's a shame they didn't bother redesigning the portraits.

And yeah, I felt that Kuu became her own person, albeit one that strongly resembles Sora. Game pretty much says so when Kou asks her if she's jealous of Sora, after all.

I'm definitely not a pedophile, but I agree that Noi is the best non-heroine character. Too bad there was no Gilbert route. Maximum tsundere.

>> No.6951614

Eroge general? More like Baldr general!

>> No.6951616
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well thanks a lot, now that mental image is not leaving my head at all, but it makes sense now why Gilbert was so buttmad all the time, he was just hard tsundere towards Kou and was angry to all the girls who stole Kou ass from him. He really should be more straight foward with his feelings.

>> No.6952320

I'm really sorry to keep up the Baldr Sky talk, but this is what my current walkthrough recommends Rain normal -> Nanoha bad1 -> Rain good -> Nanoha bad2 -> Nanoha normal/good -> Chinatsu bad/normal/good
is this a good order? Am I going to have to play the game 9 times, really?

>> No.6952354

You don't have to, just use a save to see the good and bad endings.
And don't forget to install Dive 2 before playing Dive 1

>> No.6952356

well the skip function is pretty powerfull in BS, so only real slowdowns would be the battles. But you can leave some ends unfinished if you want. Or just save just before the branching point of ends to see them quicker (most of the normal and bad ends are better written than the good ends so they are worth seeing), altough its recommendable to have the good ending unlocked when you go to next route.

>> No.6952372

Yeah, in Chinatsu's route, her end feels so much like a joke compared to her bad one.
Rain and Makoto aare the more even between god/bad ends and how believable they are.

>> No.6952374

>You don't have to, just use a save to see the good and bad endings.
Isee, I will try to find one I guess, so it's just the final part that changes? And yeah I installed Dive2 and did the save porting thing before starting as everyone said in previous threads, thanks.

>> No.6952407

I dont see how savedata would help. As you cant jump around the scenario chart untill you finish the last route anyway and with the skip you can just to jump one scene before the branching without a save. And if you dl complete save you can easily get spoilered if you arent carefull and lose fun of the gameplay as you probably would have maxed weapons.

>> No.6952435

Well, I thought that's what he was saying I should do. But >>6952356 made me realize he was probably talking about saving before the forks.
I'll see how it goes, for now I'll just play the game. Thanks for the help to everyone.

>> No.6952488
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have fun, hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as most of us did. and if you need help just ask.

btw, Sora is mai waifu so keep hands of her

>> No.6952814

95 posts and 31 is Baldr Sky posts out of this. If you guys really keep this up then I guess you really will reach the 100 posts by the time this hits the bump limit.
Uhmm, does the favor I asked earlier at >>6941231 still seems unreasonable? I'm pretty sure all you fellows could fill up a thread halfway through before it dies or so. Shame about the "hurrdurr, where's the translation??? Is there a translation for that??? Why translators are fags for not translating this???" and the alike, but just take it easy and ignore them.

And for the record I was not >>6951614 .

>> No.6953169 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure I'm going to uninstall DiveX. Rain had screentime for all of 7 scenes, 3 of which were her being way too bitchy. The rest was Chinatsu, Chinatsu, Chinatsu, NEW HOTNESS CHRIS, Sora, and Kuu. If this is how they were going to treat the "Favorite heroine", I guess Sora has been at the top of my list all along!!

You let me down, man. You promised riches, and I got shambles.

>> No.6953265

Late, but I just finished G Senjou No Maou.
Even if I didn't like Haru as much as Kanon, Yuki, and Mizuha, holy shit.
the visits everyone made to Kyousuke ;_; it was heartbreaking nnngh.
Also, if i'm not wrong, the daughter's name is Kiyomi, right? I read it off somewhere, but how did people originally get the idea it was Kiyomi?

>> No.6953299

I take full responsibility for instigating Baldr Sky discussion by posting about my impressions here. Rest assured that you can go back to your regularly scheduled VN discussion within the week. Or at least soon afterwards.

>> No.6953457

I thought G-Senjou no Maou was alright.
One thing that really bothered me was how nobody could oppose Maou. His plans worked everytime.
Also, why does he stop his plans when Kyousuke goes out with any girl other than Haru?
I was also a bit disappointed it turned out that Kyousuke isn't Maou.

>> No.6954494

Soooooooooooo, I downloaded this nukige called Dokidoki oyako lesson

WHY? Because I was all, holy shit, MOTHER/DAUGHTER incest? I gotta see this!

So, this isn't much of a nukige for the first 6 hours where I'm reading about how I'm teaching these two girls who both have mothers with HUGE fucking tits. Like twice the size of their heads tits. I like a nice pair of tits but dear god man, that's just too much.

So I stick with it, reading about how I'm tutoring these girls and how they and their mothers keep getting jealous of each other, spend time with the daughter, the mother gets jealous and blah blah blah. So, both mothers are married and talk about their husbands, one golfs a lot. So that's cool I guess, I'd love to NTR some dude from his wife, that's some cool shit when you aren't on the receiving end.

So, after I go through 7 weeks of lesson content and always choosing one pair of mother/daughter rather than the other I end up on their 'route' I guess. So the mother is sick, her husband is off playing golf, the daughter comes over because she's worried about her mother being alone while she's at her club activities. So I go over to her house, see that she's asleep in bed, AND I RAPE HER.

What the fucking hell is this bullshit? What the holy fuck is this? Who in hell wrote this shit? Did they think I wanted to get this woman all hot and bothered for 7 weeks where I get to see her blush every time I walk in the room just to pull down my pants at the first opportunity I see her unconscious and jam my dick in her?

Fuck this shit, I'm out of here.

>> No.6954774

I downloaded Axanael, installed it on my PC, but when I click the icon, I get some authentication thing that requires a 20 digit ID, how do I get around this?

>> No.6954798

There is a crack for at least version 1.01. I think its on hongfire if i remember correctly.

>> No.6954815

>Also, why does he stop his plans when Kyousuke goes out with any girl other than Haru?
Hmm...I just tough of 2 alternatives for this question
By seeing Kyousuke date the other girls Haru realized that Kyousuke wasn`t the guy for her and then...
A: Put more effort into capturing Maou, and did so before he set Hell into town
B: She gave up on her quest to slay Maou and his plans worked out smoothly without her interference
Yeah...I know my answers sound cheap and they do note even work in all of the routes...But i am sure they are at least not as cheap as LOL parallel realities

>> No.6954827

Found the patch, I dropped it in the folder. What do I do now?

>> No.6954904

Well, it seems that I can get pass the 20 digit ID thing, it says it needs internet connection to activate this product or something, I click it and it says "The authentication is not available." What do I do?

>> No.6955288 [DELETED] 

Oh god, once again BS has made me remember why I hate protagonists to have eyes in ero-scenes. It's so distracting!

>> No.6955423
File: 56 KB, 800x600, bsdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now then, finished the backstory "route". Aww shit, was Agent trying to warn Kou to get the hell out of there?

Poor Rain. At least she had some cute h-scenes.

Also, I presume that's the last of the Rain-centric stories. That one locked story showing "sisterly love" looks interesting,, but I distinctly recall someone mentioning a Kuu h-scene in one of the routes? Anyone mind telling me which it is?

>> No.6955463
File: 190 KB, 800x600, 00047_VISUAL_OTHER_04A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably. Altough they showed agent at "real world" at the very end looking down at Kou. Which kinda made me think that, that last scene was actually from world-0 and implying that agent/Kuu carried simulacra-Kou to that place to prevent Kous death in other words by interfereing with the link they have. well thats my theory atleast

And yeah, one of the dream stories has Kuu h-scene which ends inadvertly in 3p with Makoto as she just happens to stumble upon them and Kuu just got good ideas about how about everyone being happy, just read them all, most of them are pretty fun stuff. Besides you need to read them all to unlock NIRA QUEST!!

Also how'd you like Chris? She was pretty nice with her "antics".

>> No.6955519 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 800x600, chainsawmoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a feeling that's what happened just from the "Preview picture".

Chrissu?I want a 3P scene with her and Rain. No need to inform me if my wish is granted or not. God DAMN Gilbert, your school really IS filled with superior beings!

>> No.6955606

More and more companies keep going for an April release

>> No.6955668

Twincest with Carnelian art in April, waiting for sure.

>> No.6955682

I don't have the source, so you can take it with a grain of salt, but I've heard that in all of the non-Haru routes Kyousuke is actually Maou, and only in Haru's route is his brother Maou.

>> No.6955687

you mean kimi to boku to eden no ringo? It's not Carnelian, though it does resemble her style in a way, especially the eyes.

>> No.6956524
File: 94 KB, 800x600, wholesomesiblingouting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell... Kuu's "route"... I don't think I'll be fapping for weeks.

All of my darkest fetishes and hopes burst free from their cages.

The original "literally bells and whistles" outfit finally gets used for h-scenes, and YES, it's used for Kuu.

And then! I have a huge fetish for corruption, especially the type where one girl is seduced and then corrupts the other girl later on.

And prostate massaging. Literally bucketloads.

Hey, since Kuu is a copy of Sora's personality, that means Sora really IS a total nympho who wants to share him with Rain! Possibly the rest of the harem depending on how honest they are with their feelings! I'm a believer, Sora is just as good as Kuu and Rain!

Rain=Kuu=Sora=Nanoha=Makoto=Aki>Chinatsu. Greedy bitch, why are you so hostile to sharing him?

I came at least 8 times to Makoto.Oh dear, it seems I have to reverse my previous statement entirely.

>> No.6957316
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1440, 失われた未来を求めて2 1920×1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Ushinawareta. Definitely not a must-play, but a solid read nonetheless. It could’ve been better if I actually cared about most of the characters as Yui was the only one I truly felt sorry for.

The encounters with the judo club and the repetition of some dialogue annoyed the shit out of me though. And the only end I found good was the true end while the rest were quite sub-par. Damn I'm a sucker for timeskips.

>> No.6957477
File: 177 KB, 800x600, 00267_VISUAL_TREASURE_28A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, Kuu is evil, corrupting pure little girls like that. I dread what would happen to worlds little girls if Kuu and Noi (when shes on right mood) joined forces.

Also wasn't it clear that Sora swings bit in that way, with the whole 0-route with she and Rain "Licking each others wounds" if you know what I mean. Also 0-world route FUCKING WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6957506

Well, Eustia trial seems cool so far. I like the atmosphere. Too bad I'll have to wait a month to play the game after finishing it.

>> No.6957517 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 812x647, thefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I recently started Asairo.

And then, pic related happens.
Now this is far beyond the "gentle and good guy MC", this is more like I'm supposed to be Jesus Christ.
I hope this MC gathers some kind of, uh, manliness or something. If the story continues this way I would rather have a female MC.

>> No.6958243

Like someone else already said, it's not Carnelian's art. It's some artist named Cube and to me it looks like a cross between Carnelian's and Izumi Tsubasu's art. Carnelian is only supervising it.

>> No.6958267

Sure is BALDR SKY and Eroge General around here.

>> No.6958403
File: 448 KB, 806x648, quartett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you guys recommend me something similar to Quartett!?
I finished it some days ago and fucking loved every second of it.

>> No.6958707
File: 995 KB, 806x648, wizard girl ambitious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clepsydra ~Hikari to Kage no Jujika~
Not exactly what I was looking for. Vampires and such, not Edward kind of vampires (THANK GOD) more Ann Rice. After awhile I quit to read some reviews of it, found out there's no romance in it, the writers were expecting to make a sequel or something so I dropped it.

Maybe I'll get to it later, I'd really like to finish another Otome game.

Gonna start Wizard Girl Ambitious instead. It's been sitting on my computer forever.

>> No.6958723

GOOD. Get other untranslated littlewitch stuff for fun.

>> No.6958921
File: 115 KB, 810x632, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I just looked it up, but this girl doesn't have a path? If so, I feel sorry for her, her love will never be fulfilled ;_;

Does she get a path in the afterstory FD?

>> No.6958963

Currently playing majide watashi ni koi shinasai. Wish that they released the patch for Momoyo though...

Planning on following that up with Da Capo 2... I want to do Otome's route, but I really don't want to finish other ones first...

>> No.6958971

>Does she get a path in the afterstory FD?
No. It's what makes me the most upset about Oretsuba.

>> No.6959022
File: 415 KB, 817x635, cannot have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the cool characters never get their own path.

I want to be verbally and physically abused ;_;

>> No.6959085
File: 113 KB, 412x539, 1285997686182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything navel ever

>> No.6959107


Just wait for OreTsuba Essence+.

>> No.6959216
File: 149 KB, 800x600, 04_really10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asa Shigure in shuffle, shuffle from Navel.
I don't think so.

>> No.6959236

Only have to do one from each side to open Otome's up. I did Nanaka's and Anzu's. Nanaka's and Otome's were my favorite out of the 5 or so routes I did, still have to do Amakase's at some point but I lost the steam to finish it.

>> No.6959262

Awesome. Without spoilers, how does the VN relate to the anime? Didn't really enjoy it cause there wasn't enough Otome and it was full of evil sakura tree drama.

>> No.6959269

she looks like every other girl from that artist

you like her because of that shit anime

navel confirmed for shit

>> No.6959275

this gave me an erection

>> No.6959468

Ahh, that I can't really say I haven't seen the anime. From the wiki summaries though it kind of blends bits of Koko's and Otome's together. The bit about the trees is explained in Otome's route though.

>> No.6959497

Even the voice is enough. Asa doesn't even need sex scenes.

>> No.6959508

if anyone is has not noticed yet, everyones oh so loved eroge bloggers put their monthly oh so great opinion laden previews up.

>> No.6959594
File: 93 KB, 800x600, hanaoto_seika_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the Seika route of Hana to Otome yesterday, and after what that guy said about spending half the time making artificial flowers I was positively surprised to find out that this wasn't nearly as bad as it was made out to be, at least not on her route. Once I had gotten to the scene where Seika first kisses "Akiko" I really couldn't put the game down until it was all over.

The portion of the game that was seen from Seika's POV appropriately engaging, too. I even felt my chest tighten at a couple of places, but that might just be my undying love for elegant and heartbroken ;_; onee-samas speaking.

All in all I thought it was quite enjoyable, not amazing or anything but good enough that I didn't quit out of boredom or felt let down in the end.

Now then, on to Miyako's route...

>> No.6959653

My apologies, it was my #1 memory of that game, those damned artificial flowers. Like I said though, I never finished even 1 route so take my opinion only lightly.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked it.

>> No.6959719

I appreciated the warning, actually; thanks to that I was positively rather than negatively surprised when I actually got to that point of the game.

>> No.6959740

You know, thanks to this post of course
I'm going to be forced to replay it anyway. Perhaps the time away will have been good and I can have a positive experience this time.

>> No.6959869

>Also, the cool characters never get their own path.
>cannot have.jpg
You do know there's an Umeko sub-route where you can fuck her, right?

>> No.6960057

Going through Mugen Kairou since I read here and there it had a surprisingly good plot.
I would enjoy it more if I was into femdom I guess

>> No.6960107
File: 246 KB, 816x638, bloodyrondo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960111

what's the ratio school life:plot?

>> No.6960137

1:5 I'd say. Then again, I'm only probably halfway in since I don't have the time to play at the moment.

>> No.6960138

I think I'm going to try out the lover able trial after reading it has customization to see how it feels.
I mean being able to get a heroine to change hairstyle or clothes sounds awesome, but influencing even their personality to a great degree (one of the examples was a girl being really shy or healing onee-san type) what's even the point of having different heroines besides seiyuu?
I'm really curious on how they'll go about it

>> No.6960216 [DELETED] 

If you're >>6960107, you're less than 1/4 into the game.

It's more like 80%.
They only cut down on the slice of life late into the character route, but even then they still have freakin slice of life even if it doesn't make sense. No matter what the crisis is, they still have time to attend school.

It's a shame really, since the game is pretty enjoyable during the action scenes especially when they're up against innumerable enemies.

>> No.6960219

If you're >>6960107, you're less than 1/4 into the game.

It's more like 80%.
They only cut down on the slice of life late into the character route, but even then they still have freakin slice of life even if it doesn't make sense. No matter what the crisis is, they still have time to attend school.

It's a shame really, since the game is pretty enjoyable during the action scenes especially when they're up against innumerable enemies.

>> No.6960251
File: 563 KB, 1876x1840, 102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloading 魔界天使ジブリー 1 to 4, what should I expect, and which one should I skip?

>> No.6960264


>> No.6960278

You seem to know this game, Anon.

>> No.6960484

I was. And now that you've told me that, I feel like I'm spending too less of a time playing eroge than normal. Oh god something is wrong with me...

>> No.6960492 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 816x638, ohdear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last, I finished up DiveX aside from Nira Quest. Glad to see Rain got a large number of CGs, but ALL of the h-ones were her just trying to please Sora-less Koh. That just made me feel bad and kinda nullified the large amount for me. Every other character had some amount of affection attached to their scenes, even Chris. I just can't get it up to pity sex, sorry. Actually, even Sora got an affectionate CG in the "Joke world" !

Speaking of which, I was highly disappointed with the "Dream world". Really now? Rain barely gets her feelings acknowledged and then gets reverse-NTRd by the girl who once held her hostage with a chainsaw? No h-scene with her dress(one ecchi scene in dive1 doesn't count for me) OR twintails element that had been introduced?! You don't just introduce a major erotic element like that and then do nothing with it! Sora gets a new outfit, Sora is going to get fucked in said outfit at some point or another! Pic is an actual case of introducing a justification for a later(or sooner, depending on how soon you unlocked the route) erotic element!

I bet Rain would've got better treatment if the fandisc had focused on Sora instead.

Oh well, at least I got delicious tosh Rain.

And yes, grumbler, you can expect the BS discussion to die down soon enough now that I've completed the games.

>> No.6960568
File: 88 KB, 800x600, that dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last, I finished up DiveX aside from Nira Quest. Glad to see Rain got a large number of CGs, but ALL of the h-ones were her just trying to please Sora-less Koh. That just made me feel bad and kinda nullified the large amount for me. Every other character had some amount of affection attached to their scenes, even Chris. I just can't get it up to pity sex, sorry. Actually, even Sora got an affectionate CG in the "Joke world" !

Speaking of which, I was highly disappointed with the "Dream world". Really now? Rain barely gets her feelings acknowledged and then gets reverse-NTRd by the girl who once held her hostage with a chainsaw? No h-scene with her dress(one ecchi scene in dive1 doesn't count for me) OR twintails element that had been introduced?! You don't just introduce a major erotic element like that and then do nothing with it! Sora gets a new outfit, Sora is going to get fucked in said outfit at some point or another! Pic is an actual case of introducing a justification for a later(or sooner, depending on how soon you unlocked the route) erotic element!

I bet Rain would've got better treatment if the fandisc had focused on Sora instead.

Oh well, at least I got delicious tosh Rain.

And yes, grumbler, you can expect the BS discussion to die down soon enough now that I've completed the games.

>> No.6960652

Ah, downloaded a completed savefile. Some nice guest CGs here.

>> No.6961117

I played the 3rd and 4th and they were highly fappable. Dunno about the first 2.

>> No.6961594
File: 446 KB, 806x632, AkiXRain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this scene had lot of Rain affection in it. Also Sora centric fan-disk pleeease. just because it would definately have route-0 in it.

>> No.6961627
File: 85 KB, 800x600, ohdear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just made me sick to my stomach, man. Damn it, that felt like NTR for both Kou and Sora.

WHYYY did the only double titfuck scene have to be with Seira and Aki? My god, I can't fap to THESE eyes!

I would kill for one with Sora and Rain. Possibly of the "X number of Milena later" variety(AKA when they "wake up") with her waiting on them the whole time or something while defending herself from Masa the rapist.

>> No.6961673

baldr sky fans = rance kids

>> No.6961686

Jealous much? Go get your butthurt elsewhere

>> No.6961701

go make your own thread retard

>> No.6961702

It's not like there's any other discussion going on, and there's been a few games that monopolized the thread before this just as well with no one whining, just let them have their discussion.

>> No.6961707

this has gone for 3 threads

>> No.6961719

And it didn't bother other discussions.

>> No.6961721

are you sure? quite a few people have complained before me

>> No.6961725

Just like the Artemis Blue trial or whatever other big name title that garners attention. They didn't cut in any other important discussion if I remember right, mostly because we're all just waiting the february releases.
Let's not bring that kind of juvenile rivalry and name-calling into these threads, please.

>> No.6961743

but artemis blue is an upcoming release - that's perfectly normal because people are anticipating it. discussing an old eroge like baldr sky is like discussing ever17 or rance 3 threads straight

>> No.6961748

Yeah how dare you guys discuss eroge in an eroge topic

>> No.6961751

People are actually discussing an eroge in an eroge thread, how awful.

>> No.6961755

i never said you couldn't discuss it. just realize that baldr sky fans = hyperventilating rance kids

>> No.6961758

Out, troll.

>> No.6961763

This thread isn't limited to upcoming releases, though. Actually, at first it was mostly old games discussion and just a few release anticipation.

>> No.6961782

>people start talking about a VN
>more people read it
>more people want to talk about it
And it's basically the only thing avoiding these threads from dying down instead of being able to start a new one weekly.
At least till there are new releases, we'll talk about nekonade and Artemis a lot, probably.

>> No.6961791

Old? Dive 2 came out not even 1.5 years ago, and Dive X just a few months ago. And you're comparing it to Ever17 which came out 9 years ago, and Rance which came out 4 years ago? Not to mention the thread isn't limited to upcoming releases.

>> No.6961837

That's real cool, but >>6960568
>And yes, grumbler, you can expect the BS discussion to die down soon enough now that I've completed the games.

Who the fuck are you kidding, though? You've been the only one whining about it.

>> No.6962797


>> No.6963599

The point of this thread is to have place to discuss any and all kind of eroge related topics that would die on their own after few posts if someone would make own thread about it or would mostly end up being about bumbing constanly (hell even this thread ends up being bumped). And one of the point of this thread is also to people to posts about what they are playing and their opinion of it as they proceed to ignite discussion and maybe make other people interested about them.

>> No.6963630

>>6941231 + >>6952814 here.
The rude guy complaining is not me.
That said, he does have a point that there's more than enough people and discussion for an exclusive baldr series thread (that could include older games of the series). In the past it used to happen like that when there's a game with too many discussions centering on one game, overbearing everything else in the general thread.

>> No.6963800

you are right to certain degree. Sure it's possible to have exclusive topics of popular stuff that can survive on their own. But there are some conditions that don't always match and those threads dont happen that often because of that. Usually such thread to survive it needs several people who are currently playing said title or have just finished them and have interest of discussing it. Or if they are mood for discussion of it. These things don't happen often outside of newly released games. Take this baldr discussion for example it was one guy playing and then me commenting on stuff they said and then them maybe replying back and sometimes there might been someone else dropping and saying their opinion. so it was us two to three people going at it and that really isn't in my opinion enough to keep thread alive without constant bumping, thats why I saw it fit to have the about ~60 post long discussions in this thread, instead of making new one as this discussion we had fitted this threads purpose.

But really enough of this discussion, as the BS discussion will now die down as no one is playing it at the moment or if is doesnt seem to mind posting about it so strongly.

Now something more on topic.

This months release day is one and half week away. Have to start redying my body.
So what else this month is worthy to look on besides Artemis Blue and NekoNade Distortion? As White and Sisters both got delayed.
I have heard that Grizaia might be good too, but anyone know why and have information of it?

>> No.6963844

Yeah. There was a long series of Baldr Sky threads back before Dive2 was released.

>> No.6963858

too bad miracle like those threads don't happen anymore. At that time there were many people playing it. Hell I was one of the pretty active poster on those threads back then. those times were some good stuff (damn one of those theories of mine of yet to be released D2 were stupid).

>> No.6963890

Yeah, I was one of the active posters there too.
What's hilarious is that I still haven't played Dive2.
My expectation of Dive2 was so high I was afraid of it being a landmine that I ended up putting it on hold.

I guess I'll read it today. Or maybe I should replay Dive1 first since I've forgotten most of the details.

>> No.6963907

I want to play Baldr Sky so bad, but I don't understand Japanese for shit.
Maybe I should start learning.

>> No.6963947
File: 9 KB, 261x255, 1286263470716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lesson a day keeps TLWiki away!

>> No.6963954

How long will this shit take until I'm fluent enough to handle VNs?

>> No.6963957

I'd say about 3 months, if you use ChiiTrans.

>> No.6963964

A lot shorter than I expected.
I'm a chink, so will kanji be easier for me?
I guess I'll do this.

>> No.6963966

Shit dude, being a chink you already got the hardest part down. Just go learn the grammar and you're fucking set to enjoy VNs.

>> No.6963968

Don't worry, it wasn't landmine if you haven't figured that out yet. also it has quick recap of main plot points at the start, if you have forgotten stuff and don't want to play dive1 again. and you wont finish it in a day.

learn basic grammar and hira&kata, and use electronic dictionaries as you read. its a bit of shortcut, but you'll read sloooooooow.

>> No.6963971

At what point do you learn vocabulary?

>> No.6963977

Use AGTH+Translator Aggregator as a temporary crutch while you're learning it.

>> No.6963979
File: 178 KB, 1440x861, imoparachiitrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be probably related to the kanji, but if you use ChiiTrans you can just let it translate it for you. Just remember to use it as cruch to learn the language, and don't rely on the automatic translator.

Picture related, nukige makes a very decent studying material.

>> No.6963982
File: 885 KB, 820x662, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished G senjou no maou about 20 minutes ago, doing Haru's route last, and it was worth the wait. If only the CD dramas were translated... (unless there are plans to do so already?)

but yeah, I dont think ill be able to pick up another VN for a while, this one left me feeling so empty inside, especially since Haru's route wraps up around Valentines day.

on an unrelated note: are any of the other VN's by Akebei soft2 any good?

>> No.6963988

Just Sharin no Kuni. Their good writer left after G-Sen.

>> No.6963990

Is run of the mill moege good material as well?

>> No.6963993

Sharin no Kuni is good, in fact I like it better than G-Senjou. A-Profile is good too, but not translated.

>> No.6963994

Thanks guys!

>> No.6963996

I can't say it for sure since I'm not a fan of moege, man. But sure, why not?

>> No.6964019 [DELETED] 

Thanks niggas.
I'm well on my way to the dark side now.

>> No.6964031 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 1024x579, 6792045720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently finished Steins;Gate. As a result, preparing to dive into Chaos;Head Noah for the PSP. Because of that, about the only thing I care that's coming out in April is the anime adaption of Steins;Gate.

Steins;Gate...a refreshingly solid VN (besides a number of PC porting issues), even if the plot twists were unexpectedly easy to predict. Was expecting a mind fuck of sorts on the level of Chaos;Head (or my impression of it from a few early episodes in the anime)...

>> No.6964033
File: 37 KB, 587x603, axanael.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a screenshot. Anyone know what's up?

>> No.6964102
File: 443 KB, 646x505, ojousama-hiragana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just heard about this game called 学園お嬢様奇譚 (Gakuen Ojousama Kitan) from C's Ware. Apparently, as evidenced by the screenshot, it includes furigana. This interests me greatly, but any torrents I can find for that particular game are long dead.

Regardless, are there any other games that include furuigana? It'll be a great way to fool myself into thinking that I'm improving my Japanese.

>> No.6964125

very few eroges have furigana, if they do they are usually just for harder words. But if you want furigana, you can get programs that give furiganas for kanji (like TA), so you dont have to look specific VNs and use that instead

>> No.6964129
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 1291064155879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant to my interests. I can read/listen and understand a good amount, but it kinda blows when I'm unfamiliar with a 2-kanji word that completely stops the flow every 10 lines. Bit of a boner kill.

>> No.6964131

This is good and all, but let's not turn this thread into a language one. Unlike old eroge, that's kinda outside the thread range.

>> No.6964337

Shoot, in an effort to get this thread back on track, I'll bring in my final tally for heroines and routes(as well as the side-stories), which I somehow forgot to mention before. Sorry BS grumbler, I've been doing this before and I just wanted to make sure I had the final entry in.

Main routes(Including Dream World)

Sora's Route>Rain Route>Makoto Route>Nanoha Route=Aki's Route=Chinatsu's route(Fucking greedy monogamous bitches)>Dream World, aka "Let's give the character the fandisc was supposed to focus on the least amount of screentime and no additional romantic resolution! Oh, and give EVERY OTHER CHARACTER additional romantic resolutions". Fucking bullshit.

And the side stories...

KuuxMakotoxKou(Only disappointment was that there wasn't another one with Pimpcoat Sora and Rain.)>Chris rape(But... Really? The Dream World ends with fucking reverse-NTR? Every single other side story focuses on another world or the original world? Fuck you, GIGA. Oh well, serves Rain right for not being more direct.)>Saucy Chinatsu>Detective Nanoha=Joke world>Cecil reverse-NTRing Rain>Yet ANOTHER Noi CG set also featuring Nanoha=Disgusting Eyes and Aki threesome(I've whined about this already, I know, but why the fuck did they ignore a Rain and Sora threesome? Huhhhhh? Was there one of those "Inverse rules" in place for determining some of these side stories so the two heroines most likely to have a threesome wouldn't be picked?)>The "Prequel" story. Mother fucker, what a huge waste of CGs! We already knew Rain functioned as his living onahole previously. Every one of those CGs was meaningless to me. As far as I care, Rain has only had a measly 3 ero scenes from Dive1.)

I have no clue what you meant when you said Rain had too much focus in DiveX in those earlier BS threads. She had about the worst treatment out of all the heroines and got the least amount of screentime.

And that's that.

>> No.6964342

If you find it, please post it here.
I, too, would like to play that game. Looks like a good learning tool.

>> No.6964343

Because of field limit, heroine tally:

Rain=Sora=Kuu=Chris>The others

Goodnight and good luck.

>> No.6964389

Where do you guys download eroges from? And what's a good one to begin with?

>> No.6964413

how long is steins; gate?

>> No.6964434

The scenario writer of Dengeki Stryker (new eroge by Overdrive) is the same guy from Baldr Force and Sky.

2011 just got more awesome.

>> No.6964437

Around 25 hours.

>> No.6964449

Is it really worth playing? I've been holding it back because I've got other things to read, but since the anime is coming and whatnot I might pick it up.

>> No.6964465

Yeah it's great.
Characters are very enjoyable, the story is really solid if conventional and the drama is pretty hard-hitting.
Don't expect the best thing ever or a plot that will blow you away and you should like a lot.

>> No.6964479

Sounds better than C;H at least.

>> No.6964484

What's that game about?

>> No.6964503

looks like hotblooded sentai story

>> No.6964720
File: 214 KB, 800x600, 00252_VISUAL_TREASURE_20A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you smoking? least screentime for Rain? sure it might been not the kind of screentime you wanted, but it doesn't invalidate the time shes on on the front. only character shafted on diveX was Sora wwho didn't even get her own side-story which would have focused on her. And I overally I felt that diveX was more a gameplay centric than story centric.

too bad it's overdrive, I for some reason can't just stand their artist at all as something just rubs me me wrong way in his art, but guess I'll have to now.

>> No.6964738

>Where do you guys download eroges from?
hongfire.com, share
>And what's a good one to begin with?

>> No.6964771

I'm referring to all parts besides the prequel story when I say "Least amount of screentime". Come on man, you gotta admit she had basically no presence in the "Dream World" besides getting stuffed into cute outfits and getting part of her original route rehashed.

But yeah, it was definitely more gameplay centric than story centric. A damn shame because I was completely worn out after doing Sora's route.

>> No.6964852

I've meant to ask this since I finished subahibi moe than half a year ago, I cecked some threads on easymodo but I still can't understand the end
Supposing Ayana is god and not a girl with a hyper-active imagintion, what did she do? se created the whole thing and made tomosane and hasaki remember it?
I really don't understand it.

>> No.6964879

So most of you can read Japanese?

>> No.6964904

Read Tsui no Sora, it goes more in depth about Ayana

Moon isn't that difficult

>> No.6964913

I foud this
how lon is it, seems pretty short

>> No.6964923
File: 82 KB, 800x600, thatfuckingeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's short, 5 hours long at most. Also get ready for a pretty shitty system.

>> No.6964929

It's not long, about 5 hours.
It's basically like the first 3 routes of Subahibi.
Not voiced and in pretty much the worst system ever though, who thought that using macromedia for eroge would be a good idea?

>> No.6964934

It can save, load and skip text, right?

>> No.6964935


>> No.6965085
File: 218 KB, 1026x770, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Mizuho's route in memories off 5.

After all the fucking drama, she either leaves the mc as she feel she causes him too much pain or gets hit by a truck and dies in her true end.

What the fuck

>> No.6965865


>> No.6966061

What good comedy eroge do you guy recommend? I'm in the mood of something funny.

>> No.6966106

Minna Daisuki Kodzukuri Banchou

>> No.6966215

If i choose from recent games, i recommend you “Hinomaru(ひのまるっ)” or “Acchimuite koi(あっち向いて恋)”

>> No.6967714

wasn't it made in flash instead of any proper VN engine? which was the reason it had so shitty engine

>> No.6969029


>> No.6969269

Why is Hanachirasu such a powerlevel shounen shit? I'm fastforwarding the battles like h-scenes and reading the h-scenes like meaningful plot.

>> No.6969272

You're a good man.

>> No.6969273

You've got to be kidding;
The fights of Hanachirasu are so far away from the usual powerlevel stuff it's funny.

>> No.6969280

Maybe I'm the weird one, but I thought Hanachirasu's kendo descriptions were one of the strong points of the game together with Narahara's writing style. Take those away and you have a really common revenge story, it was looking into how Akane struggled to surpass the physical limitations of a maken that made it memorable.
Sure, some of the shit like somersaulting was kinda hard to gulp down, but it felt as realistic as swordfighting gets, pretty much.
You don't have to read those scenes expecting fast pace fighting, but like a match of chess.

>> No.6969312

Well, they still bore me. They fight according to certain styles which I'm admittedly not aware of and therefore can't really appreciate, but the battle scenes and conversations in them seem very much like in shounen manga. Now that you say it the fact that they're slow-paced probably has something to do with it.
Still, I'm just at the beginning after the scene where Akane rapes that girl and talks with the Kenshin-like guy, but there were too much shit already. So far it seems like it tries tries to recreate the feeling of the Meiji Restoration in some modern epic.

>> No.6969335

>but the battle scenes and conversations in them seem very much like in shounen manga
I don't know what shonen manga you are reading.
Akane who is the one who fight and talk is really, really far away from the typical shonen protag.

>> No.6969338

>they still bore me
Yeah but as someone said, the fact they're highly strategical, slow-paced fights means they are about as far from "shounen powerlevel shit" as it gets.
>So far it seems like it tries to recreate the feeling of the Meiji Restoration.
Narahara is like that, he experiments a lot with alternate japanese history settings. It's one of his charms.

>> No.6969443

To be honest, I found the fights in Fate/Stay Night more mindgaming. In Hanachirasu they're highly technical, yes, but their train of thought is like a pipe. Strangely enough I liked the fights in Fate, because they weren't about fighting.
There are also the comments and small-talk before the fights. Also, many shounen tries to mimic actual martial arts so I don't really see how this would differentiate it from them.

>Narahara is like that, he experiments a lot with alternate japanese history settings. It's one of his charms.
Nothing's wrong with that, I meant it in the way that how epics are prone to exaggerations.

>> No.6969488

>To be honest, I found the fights in Fate/Stay Night more mindgaming
You have absolutely no standard then.
The fight of FSN are basically what one normal person would call shonen shit, there is absolutely no mind game in them.
Everything is about determination and hidden plot hax.

>> No.6969516

>Everything is about circumstances and hidden goals.
Fix'd. The fight is secondary to the plot, while it's the contrary in Hanachirasu.

>> No.6969529

We must have read two different games then. Enjoy your "shounen shit", or don't, I'm out before even this threads turns into pissing contests between games.

>> No.6969738

>Why is Hanachirasu such a powerlevel shounen shit?
>To be honest, I found the fights in Fate/Stay Night more mindgaming. [...] Strangely enough I liked the fights in Fate, because they weren't about fighting.
Type-moon fans.

>> No.6969878

Finished Sekai Dame.
Really quite a good game, the portrayal of the "ng" love was done in a really realistic and touching way.
The game got a lot more interesting for me starting with Himeo's chapters, last few chapters were just great.

>> No.6969961
File: 668 KB, 641x481, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally decided to pick up something to read after a while, and I noticed the old Symphonic Rain image I just left there dusting on my download folder.

Installed it with default directory and JP locale, then applied the patch in the game folder, ran game with the english executable, and no text is showing up.

Can someone play tech jocky here for me and tell me what I'm doing wrong? Using Windows 7 Ultimate, with the beta patch 2 I got off of TLwiki. The patch notes in the installer don't seem to have anything to say about this.

>> No.6969991
File: 139 KB, 1280x960, e17_x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, last chapters are truly great. I loved Asami's chapter the most myself (the way the reason is revealed was pretty cool, and I liked the resolutions of various issues like what'd become with Mitoko), + she was my favorite character. Isshiki really should stick to characters like that in my opinion. She makes adult women and MILFs a lot better than schoolgirls if I may say so.
The project page exists for a reason.

By the way
> Ever 17 X360

>> No.6970041
File: 579 KB, 641x481, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I took a swig of beer, closed my eyes and counted to ten and suddenly, everything works! Thanks, buddy!

>> No.6970183

Fuck yeah, I just finished downloading the trial of 恋ではなく.
Hope it won't disappoint.

>> No.6970199
File: 64 KB, 798x596, itatata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit of a sucker for age difference (maybe Léon left a mark or something), so I really appreciated the mature way they went about it, without falling in your average cheap tropes.
The main character and the other heroines are characterized really well too.

Anyways I'm kinda conflicted about Hotch Potch, I only read the WAB series mostly, so I'm not sure if I should read it only after reading all the source material or going in anyways for the delicious character fanservice.

>> No.6970954

mind posting your opinion of it once you finish the trial.

>> No.6971363

Played a bit already.
It's pretty promising I guess, a love triangle/polygon in a club.
The POV switch constantly between the main male and female character, though the prologue was narrated by another female character.
It's on the more serious side of pure love type eroge which is appreciable, Genjou from the same writer actually had some really well done relationships drawn as well.
Hard to say the direction it will take but so far I quite like it.

>> No.6971466

Finished Chaos;Head a few days ago, hoping that steins;gate will get a translation ~ somewhere in the near 10 years.

Gonna start on saya no uta these days

>> No.6972909


>> No.6973601

>> No.6973652

Reading 聖なるかな. Finding myself reading kinda slow, asking tons of questions, and learning shitloads of stuff. I don't know if that's good or bad, but whatever, might as well. Prologue is 100x better than EnA. I'm either going to stop and read something easier, or read this whole thing and come out of it a fucking beast.

>> No.6973659

For god's sake stop with the language learning blogs in these threads, it's annoying.

>> No.6973844

>Anyways I'm kinda conflicted about Hotch Potch, I only read the WAB series mostly, so I'm not sure if I should read it only after reading all the source material or going in anyways for the delicious character fanservice.

Same, I've only read the three raiL-soft games and have no plans to touch anything by Liar. When the fandisc was initially announced I was kinda hoping that there would be something akin to side/after stories for individual games/series, but sadly most of the promotional material so far seems to be about the crossover thingy.

>> No.6973878

How about you tone down your autism just a tiny bit and learn how to ignore those comments? I'm sure you wouldn't have to get so angry anymore.

>> No.6973895

So Vermillion trial was too chuuni or not?

>> No.6973910 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 1200x900, fuck yes tama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished clearing Mikoko! and the bonus scene was by far the best scene in the game. Delicious Tama end.

>> No.6973992

>have no plans to touch anything by Liar
Can I ask why, out of curiosity?

>> No.6974091
File: 200 KB, 800x600, snap331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've understood, their (more serious) games are more or less impossible to understand or appreciate if the reader does not have good knowledge of certain areas of literature (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and such). I've barely enough fiction to get through school, so they're simply not my cup of tea at all.

>> No.6974099

>I was kinda hoping that there would be something akin to side/after stories for individual games/series

I was hoping for the same as you - a collection of standalone side/after stories. I'm almost disappointed. It'd be nice to have stuff like Inganock/Sharnoth's web novels in a visual novel format, too.

>> No.6974124

Ah, I see. Well, leaving Forest (where literature plays a pretty big part) aside, the other games I've played weren't really impossible to understand without prior knowledge, the writer just makes a citation or two here and there.
That said, Sakurai's style does seem to bother many people so your decision to stay away from them is probably right anyways.

>> No.6974747
File: 381 KB, 1024x600, cherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does seem a bit unnecessarily focused on koolness at times, but it doesn't mean it's not enjoyable at all. There were a few intersparsed foreshadowing scenes which I guess will make sense only in the complete plot though.

>> No.6974893
File: 726 KB, 794x595, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading Cure Girl's trial right now. It seems... underwhelming. I'm not sure if it's the characters or something else, but it doesn't seem to be clicking with me at all.

>> No.6975063

I'm enjoying it, don't know why though, maybe because of the bgm. But I haven't read far, only until the end of the first day, so it's only a very early impression. A little bit annoying that apparently it's not possible to save in the trial...

The trial of Aiyoku no Eustia on the other hand couldn't motivate me at all. Who knows why...

These are the only two I tried recently. I also installed Great Hunting, the follow-up to Ku Little Little, but somehow no motivation to begin it.

>> No.6975275

Yeah, it was a bit... I dunno, empty? As far as I understand though it's not even a proper trial, just a pre-trial done for a certain collaboration campaign.
I'd guess the theme of fucked up humans needs to be developed a bit more to be effective, so I'm going to wait another trial release before judging.

>> No.6976479

No one?
Bump, I guess.

>> No.6976618


new Ooyari Ashito eroge!

>> No.6976940

Because it rapes history.

>> No.6977728

hmm... atleast Sab-- I mean Arthur looks better than that faggot imposter in certain other well known title.
And oh damn I have always wanted to fuck Ceasar and Alexander. FUCK YEAH, and who cares if it rapes history a bit

>> No.6977748

I guess this is a general eroge question, but how powerful is the eroge market in Japan? I'd imagine is damn huge considering that many eroge not only come out with the game itself, but there's OSTs, drama CDs, books, figures, dakimakuras, and other merchandise for fans to burn their money on. And with the frequency of games being released every month, I'm amazed that people can actually keep up with all that stuff. Then in some cases, the eroge get anime adaptations which then spurs off even more merchandise plus possible (all-ages) rereleases of the game. It seems overwhelming enough to be an eroge otaku let alone other otaku niches like anime/manga/touhou.

Just what is the state of the eroge industry in Japan? Is it getting stronger or perhaps getting weaker because of pirates?

>> No.6977756

I bet that the MC has an enormous dick.

>> No.6977792


Selling 10K copies is considered very very good.

>> No.6977998

Beat Steins;Gate recently.
If you haven't played it yet, just drop everything you're doing and go beat it... It's seriously worth it.

Anyways I tried to give Ever17 a shot now and I can't bring myself to play it... I'm not very far in and it's boring the shit out of me (only a little past the part when the complex gets flooded).

Obviously the game is supposed to be good because it's rated so highly on all rankings but when is this shit supposed to get more interesting...? On the verge of quiting here >.>

>> No.6978005

It's quite dull for the most part.
The slice of life is quite awful and the only good of the first four routes is Tsugumi's.
Coco's route is good, but I have some aversion to everything being spoonfed so easily, wish it had been mroe subtle.

>> No.6978028

>On the verge of quiting here >.>

Please stop sucking dicks and posting like a faggot.

>> No.6978034

>If you haven't played it yet, just drop everything you're doing and go beat it
Well, it's good, but not THAT good. Only two games made me do that so far, and SG wasn't one of them. Time travel is simply too abused as a plot device nowadays.

>> No.6978037

Thanks for that, all I needed to hear.

Recommend me those 2 games
I need something to play

>> No.6978089

ever17 is overated as hell. it has like 3 midpar routes, one good route and one great route. it's pretty much all build up for the twist in last route. And it like completely justifies the boring stuff before (no way it does). When people rate it they tend only to remember the good parts of it, and not the boring parts at all which it is mostly is. Still good but not nearly as good as people make it to be.

>> No.6978387

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.

>> No.6978407

Not him, what do you like? Favourite titles and shit.
That's important if you need something.

>> No.6978409

Not him, what I wonder if I like? We have got to get the details right. Personally, you like how offended he is by the whole thing. That's a good one.

>> No.6978435

Yu-No and Muramasa

>> No.6978453

Lancelot fighting for Japan and "Jehanne Darc" for Australia?

I want them to also rape my country's history, but since theres already an EU-faction this won't happen.

Whatever, I never knew that Kamehameha was a name of real person in Hawaii. This game already improved my knowledge of history...

>> No.6978493

>Steins;Gate fandisk
>still for X360

>> No.6978646

Is there an english translation of Koihime Musou?

>> No.6978649

There is, but it hasn't been released yet.

>> No.6978740

it'll come to the pc or psp eventually.

>> No.6978760

not sure it was mentionned but there a umeko sensei's route

>> No.6978782
File: 18 KB, 157x265, 1284461401297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lu Bu

Goddamnit japan. Hoping for a Lancelot and Arthur threesome scene

>> No.6978873

Alright cool. I had already heard good things about Muramasa and had it sitting on my HDD for a while now

>> No.6978943


Sorry. I was away for a while.

So hum. There is a translation, just that it haven't been released? Reason? not finished or?

Thanks in before hand.

>> No.6978949

Should be released soon, by MG.

>> No.6978964


That art style feels familiar to me. Can't remember where I've seen it before, though...

>> No.6978969

Tenko is basically Littlewitch's successor company, it's the same artist.

>> No.6978970


Since when do we care about 3D world's stuff?

>> No.6978971


Well, now I can't wait for this game to be released.

>> No.6979034

Oh boy, have Applique blocked out non-japanese IPs? Was gonna download the Artemis Blue trial, but that kinda pisses me off.

>> No.6979039

Just use holyseal, because they are following akabeisoft gaijin-block policy.

>> No.6979092

gaijin blocks shouldn't deter your opinion. you'll miss good stuff that way. sure it's annoying but theres always was to get past them.

>> No.6979369

ah, dammit this thread was already at bump limit, and someone went and made new one already: >>6979336

>> No.6979686

I have heard much about Sengoku Rance, so I was thinking about trying it out.

But anyhow. Is there any english translations for it? And what group made the translation/were can you get it?

>> No.6979783



>> No.6980660

Wow, that looks like a senguko rance clone.
Hope it actually turns out good.
