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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6919212 No.6919212 [Reply] [Original]

the old thread disappeared

>> No.6919219

438 rolls total

Breakdown by Color:
129 gold balls (29%)
85 silver balls (19%)
106 bronze balls (24%)
118 red balls (27%)

By Result:

3 Lily Rain EVE (0.7%)
12 Lancerlot (2.7%)
20 Contradict (4.6%)
17 Garulabird (3.9%)
23 Psycho Formula Type-2 (5.3%)
27 Thorala Frazia (6.1%)
27 Jikun Long (6.1%)

19 Aquila Mk2 (4.3%)
14 Air Raider (3.2%)
19 Zero Saber Custom (4.3%)
16 Lucheer DP (3.7%)
17 Lucheer DB (3.9%)

30 Auto Beam Rifle (6.8%)
20 Raid Rifle (4.6%)
31 Buckler (7.1%)
25 Cheer Pom-pon (5.7%)

118 Slot Protector Alpha + Tune Up Set (26.9%)

I think EVE might really be a little higher but no more than 3%

>> No.6919236

Considering how many Eves I see around, it has to be higher than that.

Just go through ground/central areas on each channel and you'll find a couple.

>> No.6919247

why does the name of this game change every week? my filter is getting crowded.

>> No.6919251
File: 21 KB, 654x667, hawin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[14:53] tenth_techpriest: i'm still waiting for that >and then wulf and rynex have hot gay sex
[14:53] Wulfgar: I was hoping for now
[14:53] Wulfgar: first a pedo
[14:53] Wulfgar: now gay

Oh boy, irc clan drama.

>> No.6919295

I think those people must have spent a lot of money. the sample size is getting too big for statistical outliers to have much effect. I'd like another 500 results to know for sure but I highly doubt the actual rates are an order of magnitude higher.

>> No.6919895 [DELETED] 

NEW THREAD: >>6919856

>> No.6920229

Sorry about that. I thought this was the old thread, I was looking for it too.

>> No.6920245

> 30 Auto Beam Rifle (6.8%)
> 20 Raid Rifle (4.6%)

I'm glad I was one of the lucky few.

>> No.6920587

Occasionally I see some super long range missile that creates a huge blast radius that lingers for several seconds, damaging any bot inside.

I'm curious, what is that?

>> No.6920603

toybox's missiles

>> No.6920761


Just rolled my first gold ball in the UC gara after blowing 300K or so UC, mini sailor crim.

>> No.6920908

ok here's my predictions for the actual garapon rates: tuneups at 30%, weapons at 5% each, silver balls at 4% each, contradict, psycho formula, thorala, and jikun at 5% each, and the remaining 10% divided somehow between eve, lancerlot, and garula.

still need more data to see if I'm right.

>> No.6920963

Great success! Added an extra 108 ammo to my ABR.

>> No.6921039

Negative. Oddly enough, I had a shitton of Lancerlot while rolling for Eve. Half of Lancerlot's numbers were Garula for me.

>> No.6921119

The jig is up!

You've been spotted by the enemy artillery, raining down missiles and cracker jacks on you. You fly away for dear life as they give chase. You come within an inch of death, but you evade the grim reaper with a mid air dash and live to fight another day.

Which mid air dash saved your life?
A. Accele Roll
B. Air Loop

>> No.6921130

Run? No no no. If it's just one ART I come closer to it and circle around shooting at it. Activating my slayer bit when it's ready.

>> No.6921138


>> No.6921240

In this story, 'artillery' is plural.

>> No.6921254

anyone who uses acel roll over air loop on air doesn't know shit about cosmic break.

>> No.6921280

It would be air loop, but I haven't felt like paying for it and I got an accele roll cart in the login campaign.

>> No.6921305

Rolled once with offer rt. Got an Auto Beam Rifle (Mission Accomplished).

Not touching EVE Gara again as much as I want her.

>> No.6921325

My BEEEEEZ use their stingers. UC bot, free flee thingamajig.

>> No.6921415

>118 Slot Protector Alpha
Never have to worry about breaking slots

>> No.6921529


I love accele roll. Using quick jump to raise and lower the altitude while in mid air and accele roll to move faster in quick bursts.

And now I have 125 Rt and no offers are giving me any more. I've done all of the surveys and things that are left more than once with different information and still get nothing. The only thing left to do would be to set up a virtual machine and install the malware on it, but that seems like a ton of hassle for these points (mostly because I have no idea how to do it).

>> No.6921693

roll just lets you move a tiny bit faster. I don't even think you end up moving as far considering how much boost it uses so you have to land even sooner. air loop is undeniably superior since you can use it to flip over obstacles and climb onto ledges.

>> No.6921722


I know air loop is better, but accele roll is nice to have sometimes. And it makes you move much faster for that little bit. Your right about not being able to go as far though. But you can get across large areas more quickly with it even if you do have to land more often (maybe only when your fly gets to about 35 though. I noticed you move much further the higher your fly). Not so good for being surrounded or fighting more than one enemy at once.

Too bad you have to pay for them. Only used them in the beta and will probably never use them again. I can't justify spending Rt on something that disappears after time. Especially at the price it is at.

>> No.6922067

If only they had UC to RT... Guaranteed air loop/accel roll if you didn't want to spend it on something else.

I don't understand. We cannot gift AND we cannot have UC to RT? So which is it? CyberStep needs to make up their goddamn minds.

>> No.6922086

Does anyone know how breaker tune up works? Does it affect all of your weapons or just the one it is slotted in?
I've got an ABR with a Great Force Alpha in there, is the formula a simple 15 + 15*.25 = 19force (18.75 rounded up)?

Can't decide if I want to put that in there or more ammo, another great force alpha tune only increases dmg by 1 force which isn't worth it.

>> No.6922091

I heard breaker doesn't actually increase damage and it's really the chance that the attack says BREAK! when it hits. I have no idea what that means though. I thought it meant parts breaking but apparently it's important for getting high scores in missions too or something.

>> No.6922104 [DELETED] 

It tells you in the tune up window how much it increases. You don't have to do any math. It does it for you.

>> No.6922107

I wouldn't get breaker tune up on it. The details are sketchy, don't want to waste anything like that.

Personally I put 2x Great Supply on my ABR. Well worth it. Wish I could put more!

>> No.6922121

Nevermind, it apparently just increases chance of breaking enemy parts. Pretty useless considering none of my weapons ever broke an enemy part...

>> No.6922129

Even breaker-type weapons never break anything.

But get hit once by an Ouka or an Adone and BOOM, there goes your head.

That's so stupid. They should up the rate of breaker-type weapons to actually break stuff. Though I don't care anymore because I use a Raid Rifle now.

>> No.6922132

Doesn't break influence critical rate or countering enemy TGH? I'm not really sure

>> No.6922152

Break tune up is so bad. Even if it doubled the break rate it would be bad because there are no weapons that break reliably. The breakers should actually break things. Then they wouldn't be so useless.

>> No.6922172

つ[Titan Bazooka]

>> No.6922173

I always just thought of them as sniper rifles

>> No.6922542

Domiclown's arm claws breas and chop off parts like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.6922563


I mean ranged weapons that actually break parts. There are plenty of melee ones already.

>> No.6922764
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I'll never figure out how the scoring works.

>> No.6922771

Looks like you were attacking the PS.

>> No.6922791

Has anyone done that Yahoo! web hosting thing? Can you cancel it right away?

>> No.6923249
File: 75 KB, 460x142, epochfail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something tells me WIZ is going to be dead last this week.

Hardly surprising with all the good clans disintegrating.

>> No.6923322
File: 740 KB, 800x600, kaching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current Contenders for the Fanart Contest:
Kgolley in before kgolley wins for being so stupid he is a genius

And you thought the contest was that terrible. Maybe it is, but we got some good stuff out of it.

This picture is by tourist.

>> No.6923350
File: 578 KB, 800x600, vinvis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've liked every single picture by Tourist in those threads, he had better at least get honorable mentions, if he doesn't take the victory.

>> No.6923365
File: 23 KB, 451x316, wordscannotdescribe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must you tease me with Reniroppu. CYBERSTEP, TAKE MY MONEY ALREADY!

>> No.6923412
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Bees are kinda cool. Of course the other 9 matches I played I didn't do half so well but it's fun when you rank high with cheap UC bots (I rushed the enemy PS a few times killing injured bots)

>> No.6923439

Just wait a week.

I hope they put in Vanguard Fencer with them

>> No.6923476

>Vanguard Fencer

Enjoy your ranged shieldless Byne. He can hit you through walls for 100 damage per swing.

>> No.6923478

Take my money, all 1000 usd of it

>> No.6923514

I will name mine Guts.

Also I'm having a field day watching BRD buyfags copypaste builds from the JP server and doing barely better than people with UC builds.
Looks like you can't buy skill after all.

>> No.6923570

To give them credit due they probably didn't get around to tuning yet, but yeah, it's pretty sad.

>> No.6923623

What builds are these?

>> No.6923651

Frog Lander w/ default legs/head, 1 arm + rage machinegun + short boost

>> No.6923705 [DELETED] 


Protip: Use Beezle arms inside of froglander arms. Trades strength for tec, costs the same. You get an extra 1 damage/shot for nothing lost.

>> No.6923717


Protip: Use Beezle arms instead of froglander arms. Trades strength for tec, costs the same. You get an extra 1 damage/shot for nothing lost.

>> No.6923788

The recent airs with Asura, cross shooters, Frau arms.

>> No.6924013

They're Frau arms? I thought it was beam accel gun. Though I guess it doesn't matter since they're both beam accel guns.

>> No.6924185

I guess everyone's watching the super bowl. CB is empty as fuck.

>> No.6925598
File: 183 KB, 600x791, 1296459987745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to take a look at that fanart thread in CB community and it was terrible...

>> No.6925605

Aw yeah, CB userbase. So shitty.

>> No.6925853

hello >>6923322

>> No.6925919
File: 274 KB, 409x507, ScreenShot_20110206_2049_55_964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't change anything.

Also, nice game CyberStep. These are the only rooms available. One underpopulated DOS room and 3 shuffles.

I have a feeling Cosmic Break will never recover. This makes me sad that I will never see the people I liked playing with ever again.

>> No.6925924

Eh? Last time I checked the under level 5 rooms were healthy.

>> No.6926224

just go to an empty room you want and wait. Eventually someone will join and after 1 or 2 matches, more will come. Be a leader, not a follower. set the trend instead of jumping on the bandwagon.

>> No.6926525
File: 3.00 MB, 550x342, 1293602973533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily Rain > Lily EVE

>> No.6926531

I do that sometimes, but usually they see my name and leave instantly. Or it's just some random marble that has no idea how to play.

>> No.6926549



>> No.6926585 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 400x400, CB-MH-SmallWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really glad my name made it on that list, even if it was near the bottom, and even if it's just like, your opinion man. It just might be the little boost I needed to continue working on my second entry.

>> No.6926904

are those parts available in cb en?

>> No.6926943

In a fit of insanity, I've spent the better part of $300 using X5 rolls trying to get an EVE.

No luck. Drop rates hate me.

I got 5 Lucheer DB or whatever one time, too.
My sub garage is nearly full of the spare bots.

Yes, I realise I am a huge faggot.

>> No.6926976

rifle arm joints + gunarms arms + hand guns + trance skirt + some bs I don't know

post all your results I need more data. I'm up to 577 reported now.

>> No.6927070
File: 97 KB, 700x1000, 0000sss1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offence, but this game is shit. It punishes players being UC and don't want to spend a minimum of $50 on their shit just to be any where better than shit. Fuck that if I am going have to spend $300 just to be able to stand toe to toe with everyone else that burn their money to make a good bot.
BTW, pic related

>> No.6927101

I tried searching for these items but i could not find them...
Are they available on the English server?

>> No.6927124

Money is power.

>> No.6927130

When I get back from work I'll give a list of how many bots and weapons I got and how many cosmo harmonics I have, any other data? You should be able to work out the number of rolls from that.

>> No.6927134


That's right kid. Stay in school, once you graduated. Find a decent job and pwnd some asses.

>> No.6927137

I'm afraid I will never be a kid anymore... I will never graduate and I will never pwnz anyone's ass.

That's why I know about the power of money.

Have money. Be powerfull. Have thousand of enemies around you. Own them buying minions to protect you.

>> No.6927142

some of them maybe. gunarms was in the beta but you can't get it right now.

>> No.6927201

I love when buyfags use this "kid" offense when clearly 70% of people wasting money on this are underage kids using their parents cards.

>> No.6927297

Here's what I got
Gold 2
Garula 1
Psycho 1

Silver 3
Air Raider 2
Lucheer DP 1

Bronze 3
Raid Rifle 2
Buckler 1

Red 7

>> No.6927309

So what does that make you, a kid whose parents don't throw money at them or a poor adult who becomes angry and depressed at people with a disposable income?

>> No.6927322
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>> No.6927386

A NEET that gets upset and frustrated at retards spouting bullshit about money.

>> No.6928069
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>> No.6928152
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pew pew pew , lagkuns will hate

>> No.6928245

only if you can see them!

>> No.6928252

That is brilliant; I need to make that for myself.

All that's needed to make it perfect is for CS to release the M-size railgun.

>> No.6928254

If Lily Rain Eve weren't so damn sexually appealing I wouldn't want one.

>> No.6928261

Asura arms
Rt only

Yeah, you aren't making one.

>> No.6928290

Asura AMs drop from somewhere IIRC

>> No.6928295


You recall incorrectly

>> No.6928308
File: 8 KB, 158x152, slap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You replied wrong. >>6928252 wanted to make EVE skin for Lily Rain, not the asura monster.

>> No.6928379

Oh ... so I did.

>> No.6928695

K folks, I'm a noob, any guild I should join?

>> No.6928722

He's not wrong, they drop from your wallet.

>> No.6928992

No one can match the might of BRD's autism, not even Kanbara.

If you look at top 10 ALL, 7/10 of it is BRD.

>> No.6928997

>no one can match NoFagsAllowed and EverythingsFag's autism

Fixed that for you bro.

>> No.6929002


I want to say it's Rt buyer's remorse, but chances are they really are that autistic.

>> No.6929014

Lilly eve boobs

so saggy

>> No.6929021

>No one can match their money power

Fixed it again.

>> No.6929082

Kissril's boobs are saggy-er.

>> No.6929126
File: 3 KB, 300x57, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a difference

>> No.6929132


I sure hope this is supposed a positive alias. We take it easy over here, and we did back in the beta when we were in WIZ with you guys. I won't comment on the other clan though, they're open to interpretation.

Then again I think I know who this is, so I'm not surprised they think that way.

>> No.6929467

I don't really care about what BRD does. I can avoid any problems by simply not joining BRD rooms.

My biggest problem is that none of my friends log on anymore. That sucks big time. Is everybody playing a new MMO I don't know about?

>> No.6929514
File: 702 KB, 800x600, Mae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went back to visual novels.

Currently reading Achimuite Koi. Come join me, become a cute trap.

Picture related, that's the MC getting forcibly dressed up and having his picture taken.

>> No.6929519
File: 748 KB, 800x600, cbaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


awesome work, I'm working atm in my draws, I'll hope give competency

>> No.6929533

That pic looks really cool

>> No.6929546

You say as if I'm in WIZ, tool

>> No.6929574

Pretty awesome. Her right arm is awfully thin by the way, maybe you should work on that again.

>> No.6929591


A swing and a miss, I guess. But I still don't see what you have against us.

>> No.6930145


90% of these threads nowadays are Rynex and his companions who take cosmic break far more seriously than they should.

>> No.6930642

Actually, that's not her entire arm, that's only a small portion of skin you can see. Look at her left arm, then look at her right arm.

I thought the same as you, but then after looking at it for a couple times I finally saw her entire forearm. But her right hand is pretty weird. Looks like a foot.

>> No.6931059

he is all serious business, he thinks to have control of DOS

>> No.6931081
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>> No.6931155

So I was in this under level 5 room. Then a Lily EVE hits me twice for 100+ damage to my AIR while flying evasively.

>> No.6931187

Don't complain, my amateus gets hits of 80 from eve.

>> No.6931283

Oh boy here we go again.jpg

>> No.6931314
File: 81 KB, 300x300, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st prize WHOOO 30 fucking dollars and useless joint parts

the prizes are really shitty

>> No.6931337

They're basically the same as the prizes from the last tournament, plus the 30 bucks. Considering how much hotglue bitched about losing their precious flags in the wipe I'd say the prizes must be pretty good.

What did you expect, that they'd give away a bunch of broken parts to players who have already proved themselves to be the strongest in the game?

>> No.6931361

Finally got enough free Rt to roll EVE Garapon.

Pom-Pon (weren't these in the JPCB UC Garapon with 3 slots? This thing only has 2.)
Raid Rifle
Zero Saber Custom
and a garbage ball

That K-Shield would be nice if I actually used hoppers. I really wanted the ABR, but the Raid Rifle is nice too.

>> No.6931374

No, I expected them to give even more RT to the RT spenders... oh wait.

>> No.6931395

> Considering how much hotglue bitched about losing their precious flags

Hotgluers barely complained. I think that if we actually complained a lot, Tempura might've given us our prizes.

To be honest, I only miss my flag a little, since I could put pictures and stuff. That's always fun. As for the scarf and dance joint, I never used them once.

Pennant and Fan look fun because you can put drawings in them. Magic Neck looks amusing at best. If we had gotten these prizes instead during beta, I would've used all 3. They look more fun that the beta tournament prizes.

>> No.6931423

Flag was only good for flying around with drawn loliginas on them.

>> No.6931426

If we had a representative that was vocal and complained we might have gotten our stuff back.

But no, everyone in hotglue is afraid of social situations.

>> No.6931493

Fucking kill yourself.

>>6931395 Hotgluers barely complained
Maybe you should look through previous threads.

>> No.6931523

You are visibly upset. Consider not being upset for the duration of your day.

>> No.6931528


I complained plenty. I wasn't even the only one. CyberStep wouldn't have given us anything no matter how much we whined at them.

I just wish we had our prizes for more than a week. We were going to have a full month for the 3rd beta, but then suddenly it was only a mini beta and a wipe right afterward. So it cut the time we had our prizes super short.

Even if we somehow won the next one we still can't get our old prizes back.

>> No.6931535


Who is playing in the tourney?

>> No.6931587

/jp/ could probably squeeze a second place if they put their minds to it. But I don't think Hotglue can muster 10 players and 5 alternates. Players of WIZ might have to pool their best players into one clan for the tournament.

>> No.6931592


limited edition Lily Rain EVE fan accessory + Deluxe Tune Up Set!

What are those?

>> No.6931825

I can't wait for EverythingsFine to win that tourney with their wallet carried bots. HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL?

>> No.6931833

I probably am unless something comes up that I won't be at home (which is usually never as I never go outside)

>> No.6931838


I want to play, but I have no good weapons other than the Raid Rifle. No bots to use it though. I could always give it to my Majalis. I have no weapons for her anyway.

I also have Herr Victor, but I am horrible at melee. Maybe I should try playing it more instead of giving up on it.

I want that ABR. I can finally make a tiny stealth Brickgale have something useful with that.

>> No.6932047
File: 79 KB, 360x360, download-spyware-win-free-rt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932053

Damn, that made me laugh more than I was supposed to.

>> No.6932296

I'd consider joining forces, if this is a formal proposal from Hotglue. However, keep in mind the new rule changes to limit substitutes in the second paragraph. That four person clan entry isn't getting any last minute backup this time. Hotglue would have to keep those players until the tournament was over.

>> No.6932341

Are those rewards customizable?

>> No.6932515

>implying Hotglue won't get the 1st place again.

UC bots + skill > Rt bots + no skill.

Everything'sFine will lose to Hotglue. You guys heard it here first.

>> No.6932520

Shut up troll-kun.

>> No.6932528

but >>6932515 speaks the truth.

>> No.6932595

Both Victory pennant and Festival fan are skinnable.

>> No.6932634
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>> No.6932646

Air Raider being a retard

>> No.6932779

I'm feeling pretty good about the tournament

We've got more autists than expected willing to come back just for the tournament, and I was given an account with fully loaded rt fagbots for the tournament.

I think hotglue's got atleast second place, and maybe even a shot at first if all goes well

>> No.6933274

So that hacker guy's legit?

>> No.6933526


>> No.6933528

You know a bunch of DOS players got banned for RT hacking already, right? The hacks do exist, but they are ready to ban whomever they find doing it.

>> No.6933557

I thought the plan was to just use a team of faglanders for the tournament.

>> No.6933604


Nope. Florette already donated $100 yesterday.

>> No.6933954


How boring.

>> No.6933995

I think some of their players are actually quite skilled. I think that combination of skill + cash whoring is what makes things so devastating.

>> No.6934086

Has anyone got the Rt from the Gamefly offer? I want to make sure beforehand.

>> No.6934143

I have. It's legit. The only problem is that it takes too fucking long to finish processing. Be sure not to cancel before the transaction finishes processing.

>> No.6934152

Wahoo, just got 120rt for 5 rolls on the flyvis garapon

>> No.6934175

Good luck on getting Frau

frau + slashblade is a pretty scary combo

also elecgun+paralyzer tune is so delicious really good on airs or support hoppers

>> No.6934176

People thinking ambush ganking is skill is the main reason I don't PVP in mmos.

>> No.6934364

5X rolls in unit one
>4 shine busters
>fag with the midriff

You have 24 hours to return 120rt to my account tempura.

>> No.6934414
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>> No.6934459

Did he get anything good?

>> No.6934487

How many people still play? Any major changes since the betas? Hotglue still around?

>> No.6934499

BOOF make a big O skin for your victor

>> No.6934580


I got a kshield and garula ams with which I have been fagging up whatever room kanbara asks for assistance in

And I didn't even pay any money for it, spending money is for people who work

>> No.6934694

You made RT from the spywares and such?

>> No.6934739

I want garula arms so much.

>> No.6934751


And you are? And who's playing in the tourney? Who wants to play?


I'll feel bad for flor if he did. You can get a much better deal in the pay rt offers.

>> No.6934775

He already replied on this very thread.

>> No.6934899

So this Air Raider... he hits hard as fuck. The only downside I've noticed so far is ammo runs out too quickly.

>> No.6935137

Air Raider is bloody awesome. It's ike a Seraph with a side order of Helingal pulse missiles. Carry the usual limit plasma gun + mini-bazooka and you need never fear running out of ammo.

>> No.6935229

Is air raiders core worth upgrading?

>> No.6935236

Of course. Personally, I use nothing but missiles. His missiles do like 40+ to LND fully upgraded

>> No.6935551

Where do you get misside arms?

>> No.6935581

Random drops in quest area, maybe in Arena too

Server down for unscheduled maintenance. Wonder what its about... Perhaps more banning of RT dupers like >>6933528 mentioned?

>> No.6935588

I didn't even know you could hack that sort of stuff. Do we have any names?

>> No.6935591


>Has the GM team forgotten what happened at the end of the last tournament? I suggest a small consolation prize be provided to the 4th place semi-finalist as well.

ex-Loyalty member still mad

>> No.6935594

No, it's just so the data center can change around some hardware or something like that. We had to shut down all our games.

Don't screw around with credit card generators and whatnot guys, it'll get you banned, and possibly party vanned as well. Seriously, just don't do it.

>> No.6935641

Is it possible to pay once for both of these Blockbuster offers from both Peanut Labs and Super Rewards?

Maybe pay for one and then login using the second link?

>> No.6935901

Oh wow, and here I was complaining for getting two tesladonna. There's always someone with worse luck than you (except in your case boof dohoho).

>> No.6935911

If only I could stick Helingal's arms on Air Raider...

Shit would be so cash.

>> No.6935949
File: 244 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110209_1059_29_515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post all your results I need more data. I'm up to 577 reported now.

Air raider 8
Lucheer DB 11
Lucheer DP 13
Psycho Formula 6
Contradict 10
Garulabird 10
Jikun Long 9
Lancerlot 8
Aquilia 9
Zero Saber Custom 10
Thorala Frazia 7
ABR 10
Raid Rifle 15
Buckler 11 (I think they were all from garapon, haven't run any bastagant bosses at ALL)
Cheer pompoms 16
Slot Protector Alpha 35

Lily Eve 0 ;_;

I sad. I doubt I'll be spending any more, unless my paycheck comes through. Even if I'm getting great exchange rates, it's still not worth dumping THIS much money into cyberstep.

>> No.6935998


Just one Garulabird or ABR would be nice. I have no long range Air weapons other than UC shop crap and Brickgale's beam rifle.

Victor's arms are fun though.

>> No.6936084
File: 176 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110209_1144_48_671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less effective than one might think.
Sure, you get a range bonus, but arty still outrange you and you have to sit still to let off a volley. That and garulabird arms run out of ammo so very damn fast.

>> No.6936138


Try the medium double beam shotgun and a micro or whatever bazooka on an izuna. I got really good results with it. It's very easy to aim, does very good damage on crowds and good damage on single targets. I like her alot better than my plasma crim.


And you are right. The arms only have 180 ammo so that means 35 volleys. The arms are med so you really should take it off and give it to a smaller air.

>> No.6936143


If that's you kanbara, you can get much better deals by using the pay rt offers. Giving money directly to cyberstep is a bad idea.

>> No.6936194

So I just saw a person with $400 wings.

I have evil wing BS and I would be too ashamed to be seen with them, let alone $400 wings. To me, they're like a flying freakshow. 'Point at them and laugh' sort of thing.

>> No.6936212


I have a $50 scarf and never put it on anything. I don't want to blatantly show people I payed money so they will target me. I know I do that when I see those $400 people. They have nice bots so they should have a challenge, right?


I'm switching between using the limited plasma and a Victor arm right now. The limited plasma is clearly better, but Victor arms are more fun. Garulabird arms would be nice on cheap air bots so you just die when you run out of ammo. And ABR is just amazing.

>> No.6936359

765 rolls total

Breakdown by Color:
227 gold balls (30%)
178 silver balls (23%)
187 bronze balls (24%)
173 red balls (23%)

By Result:

4 Lily Rain EVE (0.5%)
28 Lancerlot (3.7%)
38 Contradict (5.0%)
33 Garulabird (4.3%)
36 Psycho Formula Type-2 (4.7%)
41 Thorala Frazia (5.4%)
47 Jikun Long (6.1%)

43 Aquila Mk2 (5.6%)
27 Air Raider (3.5%)
36 Zero Saber Custom (4.7%)
38 Lucheer DP (5.0%)
34 Lucheer DB (4.4%)

45 Auto Beam Rifle (5.9%)
41 Raid Rifle (5.4%)
51 Buckler (6.7%)
50 Cheer Pom-pon (6.5%)

173 Slot Protector Alpha + Tune Up Set (22.6%)

>> No.6936454


where are you getting your numbers? 4chan might not be a good source.

>> No.6936477


Some were from here, but most are from the official forums and the fan forums.

It's skewed either way though. There are more people that keep rolling and complain about it by posting what they got than all of the people who actually got EVE and didn't bother to post about it because they are busy playing.

Stupid EVE. Why does she have to be so good? Getting hit for 100 damage isn't fun. And I'd be so good using one too.

I have all these melee Air things except the Frau legs. Maybe it's time I switch to melee. That ABR will never show up for me.

>> No.6936480

The EVE numbers seem very suspect. There's only about 600 people playing the game and there's plenty of EVEs running around. I wouldn't put it past some trolls to just make up data for you to add to that to make it look like EVE is impossible to get.

And for the record I know of someone that rolled exactly 1 time and got EVE.

>> No.6936499


These numbers are probably true, but they mostly represent the people who didn't get EVE and decided to complain about it by posting what they got. Those that got EVE probably didn't bother posting at all because they don't really care about the Garapon anymore after getting what they wanted.

>> No.6936603

they're probably a little low but I doubt it's by that much. the 30% gold ball rate isn't going to be affected by any kind of confirmation bias. the ~5% rates for non-eve/lancerlot balls are probably legit too. that only leaves around 5% for the remaining two balls, so it's a pretty safe assumption that your chance of getting eve is somewhere in the area of 2%.

if a lot of people are running around with EVEs it either means that a lot of people spents tons of money and don't want to admit it, or the machines are rigged with some kind of quota.

>> No.6936637

I hope they have a quota. They keep track of how much you spend because of star coins.

If I put so much money into the garapon I would hope to get a guaranteed eve or something.

>> No.6936666

it would probably be something like giving X per day, or per rolls done globally.

>> No.6936681
File: 39 KB, 670x410, seraph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in JPCB

>> No.6936690
File: 147 KB, 553x599, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you got 400 bucks

>> No.6936706

Those are nice. That's why I dislike games with this system. They some awesome stuff you will never have.

>> No.6936709
File: 269 KB, 806x626, seraphpromo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, I just got one too.

>> No.6936728

I didn't get anything good for like 20 days now...

>> No.6936792

I want my gold big mantis back from jpCB. Slow and heavy, armed with twin stardust cannons, couldn't survive 12 seconds against the japanese but oh what fun.

>> No.6936803

Well, same with me, except suddenly Seraph Promotion.

I have an ABR out of it though, so I cannot really complain.

>> No.6936807

Is this the new reward for spending ludicrous money on this game? The CB website isn't updated with that yet, that info should come this thursday according to the event calender.

>> No.6936835

Oh my Item Cubes as login on enCB. Today is a good day.

>> No.6936838

Enjoy your acid gel.

>> No.6936881

I keep getting Rainbow Chips from them.

>> No.6936884

IMPORTANT: Up to 16 clans may participate. If more than 16 clans apply, the 16 applicant clans with the highest Union Wars CP contribution as of the 2/17 scheduled maintenance will be given priority (In order to view the Clan Contribution Ranking, click on Show Details from the Channel Select screen). CP from this week, as well as CP from next week (up until the 2/17 deadline) will be counted, so make sure to play lots of Union Wars with your clan mates in order to ensure that your clan gets a place in the competition!

Current listing of clans attempting to enter the tournament as of 02/09:
Exection - Unlisted it's probably spelled Execution, the person who wrote the entry is an idiot in which case it's 2075CP
Danmaku_Unlimited - 1951CP
O.S.F - 4932CP
ZeronLuna - 3927CP
Function-Rambunction - Unlisted

Strangely, the only clan I am worried about right now is Danmaku_Unlimited, really.

>> No.6936926

Well my plans just went down the toilet. Guess what I'll do is see if Swimsuit club wants an extra hand if they plan on joining the tournament.

>> No.6936960

Yeah, but in the JP server.

I hate how we never get info about the update BEFORE the update. The JP updates are always on onlinegamer.jp before they are live.

>> No.6937069

Its true that I would have stopped rolling as soon as I got an EVE. Rolls are always going to be nonaveraged.

Then again, I still didn't get her ;_;

Was it on an air raider? If it was, that was probably me. Considering I've spend a ridiculous insane amount of money on this game, I might as well prance around like a pillock anyway for jokes and to draw everyone's fire.

>> No.6937165
File: 327 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110209_1825_50_875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat sideboob

>> No.6937171
File: 474 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110209_1844_48_953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get the last core upgrade, but I don't have enough cap. Suggestions?

>> No.6937454

Cost Tune ups and parts.

>> No.6937468 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.30 MB, 1100x1200, 3fbccec73bed989f50c21fe2ed6fc2b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sideboobs, you say.

>> No.6937550

>Cost Tune ups
That's impossible, I don't have enough rainbow chips.
I'll see what parts could be replaced with cheaper ones tuned.

>> No.6937682

Is Notglue still around? And are there enough people active in Hotglue who aren't participating in the clan tournament who would like to?

I got all excited for a froglander team and it seems it isn't happening. If enough people want to migrate to notglue or form an entirely new clan for the sake of trolling the tournament, I think that would be fun.

>> No.6937712

Guys.. why the hell is BRD in first?

What happened to DOS? WIZ is expected, but BRD. Really?

>> No.6937934

Clan entry is prioritized by CP (insert Chris Hansen joke here). There's no way NotGlue could get enough points to get in by the deadline without grinding the entire time.

>> No.6937946

Through model editing, would it be possible to replace Baltheon's head by Thoarla's (visually)?

>> No.6937948


>> No.6937959


why not?
he can edit the HD, he could just remodel it as thoarla's

>> No.6937969

It's going to be all deformed though.

>> No.6938225

I doubt there are enough polygons in Baltheon's head to do it.

>> No.6938248

Ah, so the polygon number is hardcoded?

>> No.6938267

Yeah, as are mesh topology and texture coordinates. All you can really do is move vertices around.

>> No.6938289

I wish you could model psycho formula type 2's head.

As like, a cheeseburger bouncing around.

>> No.6938397

Hm, EVE kinda sucks. DGirl seems to do her job as a long range unit better.

>> No.6938407

1 Lily Rain,
3 Garula
1 Lance lot
1 pom pom
3 reds
1 Raid Rifle

>> No.6938419


No, eve is much better. Her gun does like 80-120 damage a hit.

>> No.6938428

do want

to bad im not in wiz

and im poor

and thats too much money

>> No.6938559

They do different stuff. Dgirl spams missiles and anti-airs. EVE for the most part just shoots at anything from a decently long range and is a threat to any unit with her high single shot damage.

>> No.6938595 [DELETED] 


More of them Rynex loyalists.

>> No.6938598


More of them Rynex loyalists.

>> No.6938823

how many times did you roll?
is this you?

>> No.6938847

BRD autism, heavy rt buying, and increased numbers. You decide.

>> No.6938906

To answer your question

These two are me. 2 5x rolls. Dat sideboob isn't me.

>> No.6938928

it's definitely suspicious. the calculated rates for everything else seem legit. it wouldn't make sense for lily rain to be like 10% while everything else is in the 4-5 range.

>> No.6939062

suspicious in what way? I feel that EVE is undereported.

>> No.6939084




>> No.6939193
File: 827 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110206_0220_31_655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's me with 3 on the screen at once.

>> No.6939199
File: 775 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110206_0245_09_100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And an additional 2 about 8 minutes later. That's 5 different Lily Eve's in less than 10 minutes. I'm forced to agree with you, she's very underreported.

>> No.6939614
File: 114 KB, 804x606, Lily Rain eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my Lily Rain EVE.

Took only 11 rolls on the Garapon.

>> No.6939637

So, I went in to upgrade my Beezle for fly because I can replace parts for UC when they break, no need for slot protectors, which I don't have anyway.

15 tries at 40% each on the parts, each time one broke I simply replaced it. I got 4 parts to succeed out of the 15 and 11 failures, that's not 40%, that's not even 30%.(it's actually about 26% if you must know). I don't care if I have a 1 in 4 chance at success, I simply want them to TELL ME that I actually have about a 25% chance and stop lying to me.

One more complaint against the huge STACK of complaints against Cyberstep.

When I make my own game company, I won't make their mistakes.

>> No.6939720

she is...


>> No.6939732


You had bad luck and why didn't you use cosmos alpha?

>> No.6939735

>I flipped a coin 10 times and got 3 heads and 7 tails, the coin MUST be rigged.

Learn how probability works you dolt.

>> No.6939737


He's black and made a black eve. He also likes adolf hitler. Nothing strange.

>> No.6939741

That isn't how probability works. Do thousands of trials and then look at the results. Cyberstep has done quite a few things wrong but that sample size is way to small to say the shown % chance is lying.

>> No.6939744


It's random gen is actually poorly done.

>> No.6939749

it's suspicious because the calculated rates for everything else look pretty normal. the way I see it there's two possibilites.

1) for every EVE you see there's a hundred jikuns you don't know about. this is definitely possible since crap robots get junked and you'll never know they existed.

2) so far I've been assuming that when you roll the computer randomly picks a robot off of a list for you. it could be possible that there's a secondary process that checks other factors which determines what you get. for example, every roll made on the 7th second of every hour is programmed to be an eve ball. this could explain why eve seems like such a statistical outlier in the results I've found. I think casinos have similar not-completely-random systems for their slot machines.

>> No.6939750

And you know this why...?

>> No.6939766


Playing and upgrading in beta. Even in live I got 1 in 11 upgrades to work when the odds were 70% ea.

>> No.6939795

>mfw this thread is alive for weeks

>> No.6939835

5 days is not weeks, anon.

>> No.6939919

New player here, have tons of questions but i'm only throwing 2 for now.

Was playing around the missions and got to the one with the samurai-mechs, are any of them aviliable? I tried looking for them on the shop and garapons but no luck, liked the girl play style and the looks of the boss.

Als played the one with EVE, since I'm not good with artillery i didn't have much fun, but couldn't help but notice the improved character model. Why's that? how is it possible that starter robots look like dick and this new girl comes out on the same engine and looks pretty nice.

>> No.6939926

Samurai girl would be Ouka.

>> No.6939938


I suppose you're talking about Ouka. You can't get that anymore since they've replaced the garapon (=gamble away truckloads of money) with Lily Rain EVE.

And again, the more you pay the better its numbers/looks.

If you're cheap you can reskin a butt ugly bot and make it less butt ugly.

>> No.6940009

A1: Only Ouka, a garapon bot. She's not currently in rotation and thus unavailable.

A2: CB has been out for more than years in Japan and the bot models have improved as time goes on. The starter bots came out very early but the Eve came out very recently.

>> No.6940234

Hoppers is the cancer killing this game.

>> No.6940251


can't kill what's already dead

>> No.6940262

I can vouch for fucking terrible tune up rates that are lower than what is actually successful.

If you add everybody's respective tune up tries to get a good sample size, you might find lower than stated success rates.

>> No.6940271

That's an interesting prospect, I'll be upgrading a destructor soon, although with just UC parts that have 1slot, but I'll post results.

So what do you all think they'll add in this update?

>> No.6940278

EveryThing'sFine was here. Hotglue and everything else sucks.

>> No.6940286

Homepage updated with the new stuff. Looks like they added another UC garapon that you can roll 20x for. And a valentines day event...

>> No.6940288

Well guys, you bitched and you have it. What will you bitch about next?

And don't try bitching about the rates, we already know them from the JP community.

>> No.6940295
File: 245 KB, 1250x930, poly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I think Eve's model is bad, despite having higher number of polygons. The skin is also crappy, notice how there's no detail on her back.

>> No.6940298


>> No.6940301

Crap, I forgot to mention that the maintenance this week will effect the website as well for a brief period of time. Sorry.

>> No.6940306


RT UC conversion events and the lackthereof seems like a good place to start

>> No.6940318

I won't be satisfied until they remove gambling completely. I'll never be satisfied

>> No.6940357

how do I exchange bots that I don't want from garapon for something that is close to equal value?

>> No.6940370

GreenGiant here. I sent a message to funthings as requested.

>> No.6940374

Robot cubes looks like they listened to our begging probaly a .001 percent of getting one though

>> No.6940381

UC garapon? I never bitched about that, but okay I'll take it.

>> No.6940387

I don't give a shit, I have so much UC I didn't even know what to do with it. Now I know what to do with it.

>> No.6940393

Your autism is showing.

>> No.6940395

Yeah, I play a lot. But there's people who play even more. They probably have a million UC by now.

>> No.6940402

I'd probably have a million UC if I didn't spend it on making 4 seraphs and getting a bunch of other bots I hardly play to lvl8, and UC garapon.

>> No.6940413


Did you guys know that's this tassimo brewbot offer that gives 300 rt? The thing with it is that they give you a 30 return policy so it's kind of a free 300 rt if you have a credit card. According to the internet it's a very good drink maker too.

>> No.6940417

Player rating rooms implemented in JP server.

>> No.6940444

>Talk to the moebots hanging around the Cosmic Ark
fuck this shit, I want a new Mate.

>> No.6940470


I've looked at my purchase history in the shop and it totaled to about a million UC halfway through January. I don't even play that much, but UC is really easy to get if you play at all.

>> No.6940492

is the server up yet?

>> No.6940493

Can anyone connect to the server yet? Its 20mins past 2am pst now, the new info is up there but I still can't logon.

>> No.6940501

Maintenance is just taking longer than usual. I'm sure it will be up eventually with all that content that we always wanted.

Well, it will be up eventually anyway.

>> No.6940516

does anyone know all the location of those girls for valentine event?

>> No.6940522

We have an entire week. It won't be hard just walking around to find them.

>> No.6940525

We can't even log on yet. So no. I can only assume they will be placed in the common areas.

>> No.6940537

I just realized that the moebots are actually called moebots.

Somehow, that surprised me.

>> No.6940539

>NOTE: This week's maintenance is running a little bit behind schedule. We apologize for the wait.

I hope we get something in compensation *cough*50RT*cough*

>> No.6940562
File: 217 KB, 383x1000, cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, CB valentine themes.

>> No.6940566

the hell?

>> No.6940570

Look at what areas those parts at the end are usually attached to.

>> No.6940589

Looks like we finally got JP UC garapon. Looks good.

>> No.6940609

They took out the Rocket Launcher.

Those bastards.

EVE Garapon rolling again:
2x Aquila MKII
Raid Rifle again (no, don't give me the ABR. This is EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED. AGAIN. THANKS A LOT.)

>> No.6940623

>Failed to connect to the server. Shutting down.
What the hell

>> No.6940635

UC Garapon 2:
more red than blue.

nothing else

after 45 rolls

>> No.6940637

112k UC so far.
5 accessories
3 weapons
3 gold balls (No Lucky Cube)

>> No.6940720

256k, still no lucky cube. I'll finish spending the rest of my UC tomorrow.

>> No.6940745

where are the moebots? I found winbell, lily rain, and crimrose. also ouka is at the points counter instead of crimrose.

>> No.6940755

3 rolls (I'm poor)
4 accessories and a cactus head

>> No.6940761



a ton of accessories, no weapons. Not a single gold or silver ball.

>> No.6940762


Do they give anything useful?

>> No.6940772


>> No.6940780

why the fuck did they take it out? it's not even overpowered
tempura confirmed for shitty air bot player

>> No.6940784


Is that you kanbara? There are a ton of rt offers that gives a much better offer than what cb gives you.

>> No.6940788

YOU are confirmed for shitty player.

>> No.6940803

Just spent all 122k of my UC on the new garapon.

3 gold
- 2 snow vulture BS
- 1 sand worm LG
5 silver
- 2 volcano grenades
- 1 peace maker
- 1 box missles
- 1 damascus knife
10 bronze
- 3 Ace of Heart Earrings
- 3 Flower Scrunchies
- 1 Black Layer Ribbon
- 1 C.S. Clip
- 1 Chinese Crown
- 1 Hana Kanzashi

Went okay I guess.

>> No.6940815

don't you need to ask your mom for her credit card again?

>> No.6940849
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1293608088680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because I have my own.

>> No.6940911


Stop automatically assuming everyone is Kanbara.

And I'm only using the offers. Like you said, you get more for your money. And even then, it's only worth it if you really want whatever the offer is giving you because the Rt isn't worth it unless it was tons cheaper.

>> No.6940925

Hmm, Frau is into scat apparently. She's currently in the middle of a huge scat gangbang where everyone is going after her chocolate. She also seems capable of pooping chocolate every 15 seconds. Her poop can also function as cosmos harmonics.

>> No.6940993

And all I see is lolflake, ETF and NFA.
Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.6940996

90 Choco Gammas later, she's still leaking poop.

>> No.6941012

Someone remind me what the odds are for the stupid UC Garapon 2.

>> No.6941049

122k is 280 rolls. So I'm guessing gold is 1% chance, silver is 2% chance, and bronze is 3% chance.

>> No.6941083

Don't be so optimistic, the thread on JP forums has averaged 300K for one cube.

>> No.6941112

And thus all productivity for Union Wars this week is lost.

>> No.6941118
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, 1291620979387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cat tail LGJ! Curse you, Cyberstep, you have found my secret weakness!

>> No.6941163

There's plenty of Hotglue here whoring it for all it's worth.

>> No.6941171

or not

good job! you have saved the world!

>> No.6941226



Consider him dead.

>> No.6941265
File: 254 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110210_0856_12_928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Removing [Ro] Cube Alpha from UC Garapon 2 would probably mean instant death to the game now.

>> No.6941277

>>6940996 90 Choco Gammas
Autism overwhelming

>> No.6941297

So which one of the three mad fags are you?

>> No.6941581
File: 149 KB, 1375x1320, arctanus map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing Arctanus for Packet's quest this week?

Have a partial map. At least I can do SOME things right.

>> No.6941609

The Gammas aren't even that amazing. +18%, IIRC.

>> No.6941634

I meant more the time standing there clicking RMB required to get them.

>> No.6941676

My game just locked up when rolling garapon. This is like the 4th time today something fucks up with this game.

>> No.6941682

How long will it be until they do a rollback and fix the gamma pooping?

I want to the roll the UC gara but don't want to waste my time and then need to redo it.

>> No.6941965
File: 171 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2011-02-10 21-01-14-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6942350

new thread >>6942180

>> No.6942367


what does it do?
