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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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No.6936521 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is now a mansion and every single one of you get to be whoever they want in this mansion.

I just want to know if anyone would NOT choose to be a little girl (loli mistress/loli maid/loli librarian/loli gate keeper).
Would anyone choose to be themselves and enjoy the harem?

I would be a loli mistress.

>> No.6936526
File: 555 KB, 1096x1602, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to know if anyone would NOT choose to be a little girl (loli mistress/loli maid/loli librarian/loli gate keeper).
Why would anyone not want to?

>> No.6936528

I want to be the little futa

>> No.6936531

I would be myself, but would prefer not to have a harem.

>> No.6936535

Sorry guys, but I'll bite the bullet here.
I'd be the butler. I will endeavor to be the classiest motherfucker possible, and treat all you lolis as gently as glass.

>> No.6936539

does the mansion have a computer?

>> No.6936543

I don't understand... Why?

>> No.6936544

It is everything you'd ever want, inside a mansion.

>> No.6936545

Nope. I want to be one of about 20 lolis serving our onii chan.

>> No.6936547

I'd want to be a tall, flat chested, beautiful kuudere woman. Watching over the others, protecting them, helping them, but making sure not to get too close emotionally.

>> No.6936548

This is my fetish.

How would you fight off the lolis that want your dick?
You can't possibly take your mistress' virginity, no matter how much she wants your cock.

What do?

>> No.6936550

This does not sound like my kind of place.
I wish to be a pure maiden, not a slut.

>> No.6936551 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 730x750, ae1a84c7cb0dcd07bdf03d30a04aba98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y...You come here and fuck my pussy right this minute! That's an order!

>> No.6936552

For one, you don't use what do.
But more on topic, you have illicit relations with the female servants. It's all the better if they also happen to be lolis.

>> No.6936555

I would be a loli librarian.

>> No.6936556
File: 51 KB, 499x500, doushio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... can I just be myself and live in the mansion with mai waifu?

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind becoming a little girl.. but mai waifu loves me the way I am, just as I love her.

>> No.6936557


Because that's just what I am. Forever alone. But loving it.

>> No.6936558

harems don't have to be sexual

>> No.6936559
File: 99 KB, 730x750, ae1a84c7cb0dcd07bdf03d30a04aba98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y...You come here and fuck my pussy right this minute! That's an order!

>> No.6936563

Is there room for two loli librarians in this mansion?

>> No.6936565

Almost totally off-topic, but are there other works from Naruko Hanaharu aside from Nene and Shoujo Material out?

>> No.6936569

So while all the lolis are having tea in the gardens, etc.
You will stay cooped up in your own room, telling the maids to leave your meals outside of your door?

And even that one maid that's had her eyes on you the whole time, shyly blushing every time you look up at her, you ignore that?

>> No.6936570

>Would anyone choose to be themselves and enjoy the harem?


I'm sure all those Anons turned into little girls would fuck with a fat, ugly and smelly guy rather than with other little girls.

>> No.6936573

O...Only if it's you.. Anon oni-sama

>> No.6936575

Can I use one of the maids as a chair? Also, on a hot day I would have two of the maids fan me with giant leaves as I watch animu and sip on exotic fruit juice.

>> No.6936577
File: 249 KB, 600x800, 1292245806752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if I choose to be a shapeshifter, I can be anone or anything I want. Choosing just to be the little girl is underrated.

I see this eventually devolving to a Maid RPG-esque thread, though.

>> No.6936578
File: 166 KB, 465x581, Pink_oni_Noh_mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon oni-sama

Yeah, anonymous is an ogre, but I think you can drop the suffix ...

>> No.6936579

Hey, you'd be surprised what people are into.
I mean, I'd only go for other little girls, sure, but you've got plenty of people like >>6936573 too.

>> No.6936580

I wouldn't turn into a little girl. I love my strength and my aggressive male intelligence too much. I'd make sure everyone one of you turns into a beautiful lady and evaluate all potentials boyfriends and girlfriends.

>> No.6936581

>No one with medical training

>> No.6936585

I will shut myself in my room all day playing video games, visual novels, eating junk food and sleeping, regardless of gender. It would be nice to have an en-suite bathroom too so I can stay clean.

>> No.6936586


Yes. I might change my mind though.

>> No.6936587

Fine, I'll be the loli nurse.

>> No.6936590

You would ignore the tea parties outside?
Even the random shrine maidens busting in and causing a ruckus?

>> No.6936596

I have no social skills but would still leave my door unlocked... just so they don't break it down, okay?

>> No.6936621
File: 276 KB, 987x1500, 1275455505765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would stay myself, but become the gate guardian of the mansion, keeping my dear lolis out of harm's way by capturing intruders.

>> No.6936624

Why would anyone choose not to be a little girl?

>> No.6936632

Somebody's going to have to make the sacrifice so little girls can experience the pleasure of being cummed inside. Not that I'd really call a being a guy with harem of little girls a sacrifice.

>> No.6936655

I'd be the fabulous butler, no down about that.

>> No.6936660

Too late. Actually, twin fabulous butlers sounds like an interesting concept.

>> No.6936662

I think I'd opt out of being a little girl.

I'd take on the administration tasks of the mansion, and I could drive if the mansion has a car available.
I'm sure the lolis would have a need to go to the city every now and then, and it'd be necessary to have someone who could legally sign documents regarding the mansion and such.

If all that isn't enough, I could double as tech support. Depending on the amount of lolis, they'd probably have some problems popping up every now and again.

>> No.6936665

When considering scenarios like these, do people see themselves as 2d little girls, rather than real ones? How many people would back out of this arrangement if they actually had the bodies of real little girls?

>> No.6936667

When all the little girls grow up into teenagers some serious shit is gonna go down

>> No.6936669

i'm going to be the busty tsundere maid.

>> No.6936670

Don't be silly man, us beautiful little girls would never age.

>> No.6936674

I want to be the little tsundere trap ojousama with a tiny penis and an anal fetish.

>> No.6936677


Pretty sure it was stipulated that we'd all be compelled to remain at the mansion, and that we'd stay little girls

>> No.6936678

Pretty much this, give or take.

Now, does said mansion have a lab room?

>> No.6936684

If we're talking 3d, I'd probably want to be a bit older.

>> No.6936687


That's what futa is for.

>> No.6936692

I wouldn't really consider myself a true little girl if I was a futa little girl.

>> No.6936695

I would be the loli that is locked in the basement.

>> No.6936714


>> No.6936718

I want to be the incompetent and lazy maid whose breasts are small, but not 100% flat. Because of that, both the healthy maids and the flat maids make fun of me.

>> No.6936719

i'll be a young trap. though i have nothing against beeing a little girl as well

>> No.6936721

I can't, I'm locked in a basement.

>> No.6936737

Of course, a lab and a dungeon, though the lolis know nothing about the dungeon.
It is fitted with torture rooms, etc. I mean how else are we going to feed everyone delicious loli meat?

>> No.6936742

i'll be a shy little boy who serves as a buttler. than it's gonna turn out i don't actually exist and i'm just a delusion of a crazy maid with gender issues.

>> No.6936745
File: 325 KB, 1140x1586, moe44384anacoppolaichiggn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D little girls are gross. Obviously we'd all be 2D.

>> No.6936747


>> No.6936749

I'm scared now, I don't want to be the bandaged amputee loli maid with no eyes/tongue acting as a footstool.

That's a lie.

>> No.6936751

So you wouldn't be game if you were 3D?

>> No.6936753

Can i be a little cuta gay shota buttler?

>> No.6936755

No, I would be, being a 3D little girl in this situation is far better than being a 3D guy in my current situation. But 2D is always superior.

>> No.6936757
File: 44 KB, 412x540, bf801842c6769989a8932b201022c1dfe99713aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be Battler Ushiromiya and I will fondle all your loli chests.

>> No.6936759

I'll just kill 13 people so to resurrect my waifu, OH DESIRE!

>> No.6936760

But Jessica isn't a loli...

>> No.6936763

I'll be a vampire that only drinks loli blood.

This is perfect.

>> No.6936766

>I'll just kill 13 people so to resurrect my waifu

What is this a reference to?

>> No.6936769

I want to be the loli beekeeper who tends to the apiaries surrounding our mansion, doing my best so that my fellow maidens can eat delicious honey. I wouldn't interact much with other people and gladly stay in the background, since I'd be happy from the mere thought that my /jp/ sisters are enjoying the product of my efforts. But if anyone visits the apiaries, I'd gladly give them information about anatomy of bees, subspecies of the honeybee used in modern apiaries, history of beekeeping, apiary products, raising of queens, the Colony Collapse Disorder and the virus/fungus team that causes it, bee reproduction (parthenogenesis, egg production from laying workers and intra-hive fights that follow, nuptial flights), pollination (and how pollen can be used to gain information on early human development), hive "politics" (authority pheromones from mandibular/tergal glands, cheating workers, communication) threats to the nest both in wild and captivity (honey badgers/honeyguides, bee-eaters, wasps, death's head hawkmoth, beelice, waxworms etc.), plants used in honey production and the taste they impart and so on.

Hopefully, I'd have a fellow little girl who tends to mansion's gardens, who'd ask my help in order to pollinate the vast fields around the mansion. Of course, I'd gladly comply and we'd work together to cover the entire garden, and since no /jp/ denizen can resist a cute girl, eventually a pure romance would develop between us. We'd then become a couple and continue our self-imposed jobs as shy but cheerful and hardworking maidens, trying our best in the shadows so that other people can be happy, only seldom joining tea parties and spending most of our free time in the library. So after a tiring day of moving colonies and pollinating the mansion's fields, I would get back to my room, where my loving sister and lover would be waiting; and I'd get to pollinate her fields in a different manner.

If only ;_;

>> No.6936770

I think I would decline living in the mansion. Living life surrounded by little girls doesn't sound like my kind of thing. I never understood this thing about /jp/ wishing to be the little girl.

>> No.6936771
File: 218 KB, 480x660, 527ec32dd8de1d27f3e44f07e04a1860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be the tall elegant loli who's just a little bit older than everyone else and acts as an oneesama.

I'd also never open my eyes, being mostly like a loli version of Virgilia.

I'll help everyone I can, my beloved little sisters~

>> No.6936774
File: 47 KB, 848x480, 11976625_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll be the loli that stop you!

>> No.6936775

That's beautiful

>> No.6936776

Suddenly, Umineko everywhere

>> No.6936777

I play males in games with Hotglue for that exact reason.

>> No.6936785
File: 111 KB, 400x500, ca5ad7ae4bdf14cedfe1e4e1161c5994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I came to my loligilia identity on my own independent of other posters.

>> No.6936786
File: 27 KB, 492x365, sheikuunddiedrogen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this thread.
I like the Mansion.
I'd be the guy who sells the Condoms, Cigarettes and Extacy.
Who wants to be my little sister?

>> No.6936793

Are we forced to stay pure?

>> No.6936796

I'm so proud of /jp/.
More than half the people want to be useful and contributing lolis. They all have a sense of duty and want to protect /jp/.

That said, I'd be loli cook, I'll make 5-star deserts, specializing in Flan.

>> No.6936799
File: 237 KB, 770x2747, Beriberu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to be a Hina Ichigo type loli, ever since I saw this scene. Is there anything more moe than a naive loli quest? I don't think so. I'd like to be completely uncorrupted to the outside world, and live my life as the youngest and smallest loli, doing my best to help everyone but screwing up somehow, and then later cheering them up with crayon drawings.

>> No.6936801
File: 50 KB, 546x366, Bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's a mansion full of lolis can I be this guy?

>> No.6936804


Nope, you may be the Hanyuu to any /jp/ girl who wishes to be Rika.

>> No.6936808

i would be the loli who makes sure to dissuade other loli from eating dangerous food like grains, starchy lectins, processed foods, grain-feed red meat as opposed to grass-fed grass-finished. i will make sure every other loli is eating far more protein and fat than they are sugar

>> No.6936812

I want to be the dad, the director of the mansion watching over my lolis and be sure that they fuck their onii-chan. I would be a classy guy playing video games and visual novels all day while watching over you people.

>> No.6936813


>> No.6936814

But okashi are the main diet of lolis! How do they remain sweet without sugar? You're just a crazy killjoy loli.

>> No.6936815

Can I be the ghost of a girl who is still alive somewhere in the mansion?

>> No.6936817

/a/ has arrived. Thread was fun while it lasted.

>> No.6936818

Trying to coerce people into eating healthy food is her charm point.

>> No.6936819
File: 46 KB, 476x656, 1287744070506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, if a genie would suddenly appear and would grand me a wish, I would wish for this to actually happen.

>> No.6936829
File: 110 KB, 1024x819, c7c739e58568397fd96cc37fdd3f5fe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok if I is adult Feito instead of a loli?

>> No.6936830


Fujou Kirie?

Try not to cross any Ryougi Shiki lolis who may take up residence.

>> No.6936831

thanks to my efforts every loli will have healthy teeth

>> No.6936832
File: 106 KB, 420x608, ea9ad986089234014d04823850a4438dc7cbc323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be the loli robo-meido. But I'll need a mechanic.

>> No.6936833

I'd keep a thread open for like 24 hours and then grant every serious wish with my one wish, it would basically be: 'I wish for all these people to live in a manor like they want to be' I hope that counts as one wish, though.

>> No.6936840

It probably wouldn't. When you boil it down, it's basically like pointing at a list of wishes you've got and saying "My wish if for all things on this list to come true"

>> No.6936842
File: 77 KB, 495x644, 2b1c8082b8a3a9525e7e638d13046e7772766104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli maid with abnormal amounts of strength.

Also, the entrance hall/room of the mansion better start with twin sprial staircases on both sides, kind of a dealbreaker for me.

>> No.6936844

Then you can wish to become a god or something equivalently powerful, and grant those wishes manually.

>> No.6936849

sup jp, /b/ resident here. why are there like three threads wishing to be the little girl? why do you care? i was a little girl, it sucked, you have to deal with periods and shit.

>> No.6936850

As I understand it the genie probably can't make you something more powerful than a genie.

>> No.6936854

You don't have to be a _human_ little girl.

>> No.6936855

Little girls do not deal with periods. Now get your post-pubescent disgrace out of here.

>> No.6936857

Disney's Aladdin's genie doesn't agree.

>> No.6936859


Little girls never hit puberty, silly.


Make you a genie-equivalent without being bound by slavery rules. Gotta make sure you don't fall into Jafar's pitfall.

>> No.6936871

I think I'd instead ask for something like.. being a magical girl who has the power of granting a wish to whoever has protected their virginity. That wouldn't be cheating, right?

>> No.6936889

You'd have to keep it on the low down. I get this feeling opportunistic normals will abstain from sex just so they can take advantage of wishes, then go back to fucking full force. Makes me sick.

>> No.6936906

What if I wait until they are 30? No normalfag would be able to wait that long, so it would be a good test of someone's purity. Of course, I wouldn't let it be known that you're guaranteed to get your wish granted if you overcome the challenge, but it could be a myth for those with a pure enough heart to believe.

I think it sounds like a nice way to live. At daytime, I'd hang out in the mansion that someone eventually wished for and just relax, and during the night, I fly around and visit virgins to fulfill their wishes.

>> No.6936908

I'd still be myself, thank you.
Dem lolis deserve someone to be loved and taken care of and fucked, of course.

Not fat


Not trolling

>> No.6936914

I will be a non-loli maid. I will have sinister underground laboratory where I build an army of robotic maids, purely for the puprose of helping me with my work, of course.
I will also sexually harass our guests and drink a lot.
I'm sorry, I'm not a very good maid.

>> No.6936916

I will be a completely normal loli, surprised at everyone's secret agendas.

>> No.6936918

Is it sad that I read this thread as if it will come true?

Just wish for something like having a hidden manor that only you can reveal the location of to people, otherwise no one would find it, and detail the manor specifically to have magic elements, like a library with a book that turns you into a little girl, or a butler or whatever, and a spring of eternal youth.

>> No.6936920
File: 59 KB, 640x640, 0misato070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love 2D girls who drink a lot.

>> No.6936925
File: 15 KB, 500x500, 1280502180940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you could have it in the rules that a wish is a magical contract that forces you to stay a virgin to work? If you lose your virginity, by any means whatsoever, you will die there and then, and any lingering magical effects will vanish.
I doubt most normals could go without sex even until they made the wish, but to go their entire life? Not happening.

>> No.6936933

does sex with your hands and/or mechanical contraptions count?

>> No.6936935
File: 220 KB, 700x700, d83685867031f64ec4f73e82a3cc313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be satisfied by just being the gateguard. I hope my easygoing, laid-back, yet loyal personality provides any help the mansion need.

>> No.6936943
File: 94 KB, 496x700, da ze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called dibs on loli librarian in the last thread.

>> No.6936947

Could we call it GUY-Hime?

>> No.6936950

I will come by every night to throw rocks at the windows.

>> No.6936959

I think to be honest we have to draw a line in the sand and cut off all future /jp/ers. It's too risky that normals will find out if you can grant wishes forever, and it will ensure all current /jp/ anons have their wish granted. No one else will find out about it, /jp/ will suddenly be empty. Also obviously virgins to keep any current posters like Ryan out. You have to have played at least three Touhou games too. Any other criteria?

>> No.6936977

How strict is the virginity criterion? Does having anal sex with your onii-chan when you were young qualify as losing it?

>> No.6936983

That's a tough one. I'd say if you never orgasmed from sex you are still a virgin as a man, but that's only because I just remembered that when I was 7 I put it in my older sister... I regret it to this day, moreso now.

>> No.6936984

>You have to have played at least three Touhou games too.
played or beat? i did play at least 3, but i suck so much i never managed to beat a single one. ;_;

>> No.6936993

what if i orgasmed from masturbation? i never even kissed or anything but i sure did fap.
damn, now i feel all unpure and un/jp/ish.

>> No.6936994

Oh yeah, just played and devoted some time to is fine. Also completed all routes in like 5 VNs too, but not YMK. Any other VNs we should exclude?

>> No.6936999

Fuck that shit, I'm a goddamn magical girl, I should know better than anyone how to seek out those with a pure heart.

>> No.6937005

I'm pretty sure there isn't one /jp/ anon here who hasn't orgasmed from masturbation. It's only natural for a young girl to discover that that part of her body feels good.

>> No.6937007

umineko but it doesn't have routes anyway.

>> No.6937008
File: 585 KB, 1105x1600, 0090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I was receiving. He never showed me the pleasure of coming inside however, so I guess I'm still good?

>> No.6937010
File: 191 KB, 664x799, 15792474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to be the loli detective of the mansion. Solve cases whenever BOOF consumes someones panties or the white rens make a loli cry.

>> No.6937015

I think being gay raped by your older brother means he stole your purity from you. That means you can't come. Blame your brother

>> No.6937018


That's true, by having it be by a guiding hand rather than any automatic criteria means our mansion will be VIP truelolis.

>> No.6937023

Good point, but I hope the power doesn't go to her head. I still think that it's a bad idea to keep admitting new lolis, I mean we don't want to suffer character bloat right?

>> No.6937035

Where would our mansion be located?

And why the hell was OP's pic deleted? It was pretty sfw.

>> No.6937048


The mansion has infinite space and supplies.

Like Gensokyo, we can accommodate an infinite amount of little girls and have them associate however they please.

Since many of us will eventually probably retire to our rooms indefinitely only being serviced by our butlers, a slow but steady income of lolis would help keep the mansion active. Meanwhile, us who stay in our chambers can observe and chat with the others with our magicomputers that are linked up with terminals throughout the mansion grounds so we can all stay friends.

>> No.6937058
File: 320 KB, 1920x1200, season2where.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli nipples aren't safe for work, unfortunately.

>> No.6937062

I say the mansion and grounds should be comprised of about 10 manors, a new one added for each new generation. That way lolis are encouraged to meet up and talk. If the area is infinitely big it would be difficult to arrange loli meetups to play hide and seek etc.

>> No.6937072

I like how worksafe imageboards work. Thread is reasonably active for 3 hours, people just discussing normally, and then suddenly someone realizes that there's a nipple visible in the OP pic, and that this atrocity cannot stand.

>> No.6937077


Well I meant "infinitely big" to mean that it would expand once it hit a critical capacity more than it's already unlimited in all directions.

>> No.6937079

Last thread?

>> No.6937083

Oh yeah, I meant that too. I just mean it would be useful to have a large number of fixed loli manors of about say 10 lolis each, so as to create a community.

>> No.6937090

I think I beat you to it, actually.
It's OK, though, any decent library will need more than one loli librarian. We can share the job.

>> No.6937101
File: 258 KB, 823x1200, chi014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I presume its more we didn't have any moderation in that time, then one wandered in and deleted the pic. Maybe someone reported it, I don't know. It's not like the nipples were hidden away or anything.
What I find amusing about the whole worksafe board thing is that more tasteful, "artistic" nudity like the OP is verboten, but anything can go so long as the vagina, anus and breasts stay covered.

Also, does the other place automatically delete pictures that get deleted here now, or is it manual?

>> No.6937119

A boy, unfortunately ;_;

>> No.6937131

Is it from the anal rape that has made you want to become the little girl?

>> No.6937136

You got raped as a shota by your onii chan? Lucky.

>> No.6937141

what anime is this?

>> No.6937151


Rozen Stay Night Desu Ka

>> No.6937172

Can we have a loli security force?

I want a loli captain hat.

>> No.6937173

So, like Yima expanding the earth?

Actually, it'd be nice if all current /jp/ users are transported into a single mansion, and after /jp/ is repopulated by new users and a proper culture befitting /jp/ (characterized by a fervent desire to be a young girl) emerges, the entire board would again be transported, this time to a new mansion. This would happen, say, every five or ten years, so eventually /jp/ users from the past and future would be able to meet together, with us helping our younger sisters to adjust to their new bodies and lifestyle, as well as their relationships (after five years, I expect all of us to bud into pure and elegant lesbian maidens.) I'd like it if the mansions were mostly isolated from each other and lolis from past and future /jp/ mansions merely stayed over in each other's abodes once in a while, since after all, one must be able to entertain her guests in order to be a proper young lady. I'd expect it to be a rare event, with all of us from this iteration of /jp/ preparing our best food and tea (hopefully I'd be in charge of the honey and mead) in order to leave a favorable impression on our little sisters from future versions of /jp/. This would also be our chance to hear about the future world from the new generation of /jp/ users, and we'd all be eager to catch wind of new VN releases and the like (in order to better devote our time to each other, I'm hoping the /jp/ mansion would only have internet connecting the denizens' computers, new VNs would be presents from those honored guests.) I can almost hear current and future /jp/ users as young girls, conversing while elegantly drinking tea with the pinky finger extended.

"Dear, from which year are you?"
"2495, onee-sama."
"Is Otome Function out yet?"
"I'm sorry, onee-sama, but I'm afraid not."
"A shame. Is any Grand Unified Theory proven, then?"

>> No.6937189

>(after five years, I expect all of us to bud into pure and elegant lesbian maidens.)

Lesbians are disgusting. This part of /jp/'s little girl fantasy has always confused me.

>> No.6937190


I'd think our magicomputers would still be linked up to the world if we wished to be familiar with new releases and such.

>> No.6937193


I technically can't accept the word "lesbian" because I'm pretty sure that precludes attraction to futanari.

>> No.6937199

I would be a moderately endowed early 20s woman with infinite regeneration, so I could receive endless torture and sleep with groups of lepers at a time with no permanent damage.

>> No.6937201

I'd like to help with mead/wine/homemade alcohol making too. I've got some wicked fermented and distilled alcohol skill arleady.

>> No.6937206

No, that developed separately, and later. And it wasn't rape, I enjoyed it. And if you go by legal standards, neither of us could consent, so it would be mutual rape which makes no sense whatsoever.
The pleasure of the experiences led me to enjoying anal masturbation not much later than I started regular masturbation, so I'm thankful for that.
I'm just disappointed he didn't do anything like dress me up as a girl before having anal sex, I wasn't very masculine at that age so it could have worked quite well, and who knows maybe I could have developed a taste for being the little girl when I was at an age I could actually pretend to be one convincingly.

Looking over this post again I probably really am too impure to enter the /jp/ mansion ;_;

>> No.6937218

I particularly hate how the equate carpet-munching with being a pure, young maiden. Purity doesn't work like that at all.

>> No.6937219

Disgusting is a bit strong but yeah to be honest I wouldn't want to be doomed to eating out vaginas all day. Stuff's actually pretty gross. If I were a little girl I would probably not be a lesbian. But on another hand it has a certain erotic appeal too, in fantasy anyway.

>> No.6937226

No, you're not. They're all very lewd and would like to do lewd things as little girls.

That said, this thread is an eyesore. It's not something a pure maiden should even read. Far too vulgar.

>> No.6937240

And I hate how you equate romantic relationships between pure young maidens with carpetmunching.

>> No.6937243

Yeah, I'd rather just live out my life being elegant. If I wanted sex, I'd probably just get a butler to service me, but I'd rather be a pure girl who didn't even comprehend sex, and just gets dressed up in frilly dresses. That's why we need to stay little girls forever. It's like Ichigo Marshmallow but in a manor with frilly dresses.

>> No.6937259

No tripfriends have posted here, wanting to be lolis.

Are they all asleep, or just don't want to be lolis?

>> No.6937267

This poster is right. We are all too lewd to comprehend being little girls. Little girls are pure and never have sex. The reason that spirits haven't given us this chance is because of you lewd pervert lolicons who are dragging the purity of /jp/ in the mud. It's despicable. You people need to understand that /jp/ mansion is a place to innocently tend the gardens, sip tea with your sisters and read in library, innocent and pure tasks that help the mansion as a whole, not have massive lewd little girl orgies.

>> No.6937276

I am sorry to impose on your tastes. I do find love between two girls sublime, especially if if they are devoted to the point they're happy to do something they'd normally consider disgusting (I am not too fond of vaginas, myself) for their partner's sake. That being said, you are entitled your opinion, and I enjoy this thread far too much for it to be turned into a yuri/anti-yuri shitstorm. Can't we go back to our fantasies about being cute girls?

>> No.6937278


I prefer to think it includes all of that, just that we alternate every week or so.

>> No.6937284

I'm not worthy to be apart of the /jp/ mansion ;_;

>> No.6937294


I still cannot support love without a penis.

Males not required however.

>> No.6937299

>I enjoy this thread far too much for it to be turned into a yuri/anti-yuri shitstorm.
Dammit, I enjoy yuri but it has no place at the /jp/ mansion. Young girls have no sexual desire.

>> No.6937301

How will we get educated? Tutors/Servants?

Or does the mansion somehow contain a school?

>> No.6937302


I enjoy such a thought, also girls being shunned for behaving lewdly during innocent weeks.

>> No.6937321

I'm going to bed, I'll be looking forward to what becomes of this thread when I wake.

I'll be sure to dream of this mansion tonight.

>> No.6937334

Yeah, there are teachers. The whole compound has everything we need for a massive Slice of Life anime. There are schools, shops and beaches. There's also a street with 10 large manors on it. All the anons in each manor are sisters. To start with, there is only one anon in each manor, then next year another anon is added to be her imouto. When there are 10 lolis in each manor (none of the lolis ever age, but they know which ones are older), the cycle repeats itself and a new street of manors appears.

>> No.6937342

Other girls, probably. When it comes to academia, /jp/ knows a fair deal more than what it lets on.

>> No.6937354


Would we really need education? I guess the more intelligent users could teach, I for one would opt out of education though.

>> No.6937356


I can teach. Physics, Maths, the Sciences, etc.

>> No.6937364

You're going to be a young lady, it would be unbecoming not to devote your time to education. Most people would probably use the library, though.

>> No.6937368

It depends. If everyone is adequate in the skills they would be providing, then there is no need for education.
They could however, pass the skills along to the other residents.

>> No.6937373

Dibs on lead magical girl who teaches all the apprentice witches.

>> No.6937374

/jp/ has always come across to me as very intelligent, in fact it's probably one of the most intelligent boards in philosophy and general overthinking.

>> No.6937397


I've always liked learning things as it came to me instead of having to do it on a schedule. Perhaps that may be why I'm not very intelligent though. I believe that a library and simply asking for help would be enough rather than forcing it.

>> No.6937406
File: 295 KB, 1030x1428, 1291005161270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we run a school festival in our mansion? Seeing as we're all immortal little girls we need something to pass the time.

>> No.6937412

When anons arrive they can have a year free period, then education begins, for about 7 years they stay in school, then they have the choice to re enrol again or take seven years off. Then they have to start again. Education is important for a young lady, and it adds structure to her day.

>> No.6937422

>I see this eventually devolving to a Maid RPG-esque thread

>> No.6937481

Seems fair. But if the library has limited number of books, and we live forever, wouldn't we read everything there is?

I wouldn't mind being a librarian.

>> No.6937491


Seven years? Then more afterwards? I couldn't live like that. I've always hated school, perhaps another role that isn't a little girl would be better for one such as myself. Or at least a little girl that wouldn't need education or something of the sort.

>> No.6937495

It'd be constantly updated according to recent developments.

Besides, as eternal young girls, we'd eventually forget what we read 50 years or so ago and never used since. But for our chosen jobs I suppose we'd get frighteningly effective, since we'd have constant practice and knowledge influx for literally millennia.

>> No.6937501


We import from the outside world.

Eventually, being eternal little girls, we will have eventually caught up to everything ever, at which point you can just reread stories you liked or start writing yourself and so forth.

>> No.6937521

You probably only hated school because you were bullied. All the teachers at /jp/ school are firm but fair, and lessons are simple and easy, and well taught, broken up by long recesses.

>> No.6937545

Somewhere in heaven the Spirit of /jp/ records every post that is posted on /jp/ about becoming a girl, or our ideal life together. Once all these posts are collected, she compromises them into one solid wish, then grants it. All we have to do is keep discussing our wish, and it will come true.

>> No.6937553

All fellow /jp/ers that have passed on are waiting for us.

>> No.6937575

If a blind from birth /jp/er went to become a little girl, would they be granted sight? On one hand it could drive them mad, but on the other hand they'd have eternity never knowing how adorable they are.
