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6934707 No.6934707 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you make from disability /jp/

>> No.6934713

Nothing because my country does not support people like that.

>> No.6934718

Most entry-level jobs that I could do(guard, production work, light physical work etc) around here actually REQUIRE you to have at least some degree of disability, since the government pays a big part of the salary if you employ a disabled person.
So I can't get a job even if I want to, precisely because I'm theoretically healthy.

>> No.6934725

I am a working member of society and I pay into social security.

U MAD /jp/?

Also, get this shit into one of the NEET\Hikki threads. There was no need to make a new thread.

>> No.6934722

Take your meta-shit to the ghost board.

>> No.6934731

>I am a working member of society and I pay into social security.
>U MAD /jp/?


>> No.6934732

I don't think you know what meta means.

>> No.6934733


I am a working member of society and it fucking sucks.

I jelly of you glorious NEETs who don't have to fucking bother with being around people.

>> No.6934747

0 dollars

If I could fake a disability or have angelic parents like some of you, I certainly would. But as I am now, it looks like I'm either going to be dumped into regular society or become homeless in three years.

>> No.6934761

Around $800 a month.

Being disabled sucks.

>> No.6934773

Once my parents force me to see a shrink (and they probably will soon) then I'll talk up how "I don't know how I can support myself when I'm so afraid of leaving the house". Then hopefully the shrink suggests I try to get SSI, then it's all easy street

>> No.6934780
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$3 000 a month.

>> No.6934788

No, the shrink will suggest you use ~magic pills~ to cure your autism, then you use that diagnosis to get SSI.
You think taxpayers want to pay for your hotglue targets?

>> No.6934791

Fucking this. I wish I could be a NEET again, but my parents demand $430 from me every month for rent and they treat me like crap, and I can't move out because even the cheapest apartments in this area are too expensive for me. And as of today I'm in danger of losing my job because my boss doesn't like how I don't talk to every fucking customer that comes strolling my way as I'm stocking the shelves and he also isn't happy about how I can't work at superhuman speeds. If I end up jobless my parents will kick me out. I'd get a job somewhere else but no one is hiring. I'm trapped as fuck ;_;

>> No.6934798

I'm pretty sure Asperger's and clinical depression and severe anxiety disorders are enough to get an SSI. I guess I could try playing it up and seeing what happens if I were willing to give up all pride.

>> No.6934801

*aren't enough, derp.

>> No.6934802

$889 a month plus health bennies (inc dental, vision)
i think i can get food stamps too but ive never bothered.

>> No.6934812

That's almost 3 times what I'm probably going to earn once I finally get a job.
I wish I'd lived in a glorious socialist country like you ;_;

>> No.6934830


>> No.6934837

Get out.

>> No.6934838

They are enough. I know a few people from /jp/ who collect from it

>> No.6934850

I have SAD, severe depression, and I'm pretty sure schizophrenia. Autism/aspergers likely as well. How can I get me some delicious SSI if I live in the US?

>> No.6934865

Flag down sudo, he'll tell you everything you need to know!

I'm making around $450 but I'm planning on requesting an increase in a few more months.

>> No.6934936


>Asperger's and clinical depression and severe anxiety disorders are enough to get an SSI.

Like another Anon said it is,you just need to sufficiently explain how its affecting your life and prove that you actually have it.

Which for the most part should probably be easy. Just say "I like spending time around inanimate objects rather than real live human beings" which if you're a true jp'er is true anyways.

>> No.6934967

Can you get SSI if you're employed and/or in school?

I'm not a NEET, but I have clinical depression, ADHD, and severe social anxiety disorder (all actual diagnoses, not self-diagnosed faked). But despite that, I'm going to college and have a part-time job (my parents wouldn't support a NEET). It is *extremely* uncomfortable for me to be around other people even though I am forced to be around them almost every day. Sometimes it makes me feel bad enough that I think I'd rather kill myself. However, I already tried once and failed (jumped out of a building, resulting in me being bed-ridden for a few months and in a wheelchair for about a year... it wasn't a skyscraper, but it also wasn't just some 2 or 3 story building either). So I'm afraid that if I try to kill myself again I'll manage to fail again but be permanently disabled or something, incapable of enjoying myself while alive and incapable of actually killing myself, and that'll be even worse.

>> No.6934981

>not self-diagnosed faked
not self diagnosed OR fake*

>> No.6934986

SSI in our case is about the "healing process", as you're already out and about you won't be able to just sot around at home all day and collect checks (get worse) you may collect some assistance, but don't expect more than $200 a month.

However, if you were to get worse..

Say have an episode at school and be forced to move back in with the folks or face homelessness it would be an entirely different story all together. it's all about how much you NEED it.

>> No.6934995

Indeed, build yourself a case first. Spend some time in a hospital. Scream and cry in a crowded place and be forcefully escorted out of the building.

make a scene, and look about "uncle reemus" in the archive.

>> No.6935012

>Flag down sudo
He was banned for shitposting.

>> No.6935016

I'm pretty sure I could get SSI since there's obviously something wrong with me. I have never had a job and never got a license, which are already indicators I'm a shut in, right?

>> No.6935017


>Spend some time in a hospital. Scream and cry in a crowded place and be forcefully escorted out of the building.

I don't think that'll get a person SSI,just a jail cell.

A warm,cozy Jail cell.

>> No.6935023

That's not even close to enough. At most you'll get job assistance, I think.

>> No.6935039

Always jail. Without a doubt, jail. Walk in a strait line, jail. Wake up in the morning, jail. Waiting for you in the basement, jail.

Enjoy getting turned down year after becuase you're just not disabled enough.

>> No.6935040

How do I have to act in front of a psychiatrist to convince them I have the various /jp/ mental problems? I mean I really do have them, but if acting a certain way will help my case then I'll do it

>> No.6935048

I actually have the autism and my mother constantly tries to push me into accepting disability aid.

I reject it every time, and threads like these give me the motivation to keep rejecting it. Folks who scheme or "Cheat" the system help send it crashing down far sooner. Thanks for helping my anarchist tendencies thrive!

Still not Otaku Culture.

>> No.6935053


>> No.6935058

I don't expect SSI and programs like it to survive the next decade. Extreme forms may linger on but the gravytrain is pulling into station get on while you can, save up and buy some college or something.

>> No.6935061

I don't think I'd have a problem getting accepted if I applied, but how do you bring up the subject of SSI with your therapist or psychiatrist, and how do you talk with them or ask them to recommend you for it? Considering the nature of the matter, I don't think being really overt about it would be a good idea.

>> No.6935064

Yeah, I want to ask my parents to help me get it but they already think I'm faking all my autism (like that makes sense)

>> No.6935067

I get prescribed adderall for "having asperger's".
This shit is fucking awesome.
Not as fun as ecstasy but a decent pill nonetheless.

>> No.6935071

If you're not even going to try we aren't going to help you.

The secrets of our SSI cult shall die with us.

hell it's fucking easy and your parents have no reason to ever even find out you're on it, make a damn phone call

>> No.6935081

but I live with my parents, and I was hoping the money could help me move out on my own.

>> No.6935087

I got it for ADD. you're right. shit does rule.

>> No.6935097

Adderall gave me ED.

I spend everyday buttmad and frustrated over it.

Antidepressants shortly turned me fat, and I think I'm pretty close to just giving up.

Got turned down for SSI four times, that six month wait you have to do before you can apply again is killer. Needless to say, I've stopped applying.

>> No.6935104

I make enough to buy whatever I want, and then some.

>> No.6935114

How? I really want to do this but I'm afraid to try

>> No.6935130

Unless you've been to therapists and been on meds, it's unlikely you'll get approved. If you have, go here for more info: http://www.ssa.gov/ssi/

>> No.6935141

Oh man, really?
I've taken Zoloft for about a week but stopped because it didn't work, and I avoided therapists because I don't like talking.
Am I still good?

>> No.6935143

How long do you need to go to a therapist/be on meds until it's "good enough" to try for SSI?

>> No.6935144

I took Adderall and antidepressants through middle school, I didn't find them useful at all and stopped taking them. May be to do with age, I dunno, but I'd rather not use drugs to deal with my problems at this point.

>> No.6935152

Possibly, it really depends on your personal history. When you apply, the government will pay for you to see a psychiatrist and get evaluated. The whole process of me applying and getting my first check took about six months or so.

>> No.6935189

I got tons of amphetamines, but they made me anxious and irritable. I'd start tweaking hard and have outbursts over stupid things. Now I get Xanax, that's more to my liking. Keeps everything leveled out and chilled.

>> No.6935206

So does one HAVE to have paid into SS to get on disability, or are there exceptions?

>> No.6935210


>> No.6935215

You can't get on Social Security without having worked, but you can get SSI. I've never worked and I'm on it.

>> No.6935216


I'll be happy to take those off your hands.

>> No.6935250

It takes longer to work, but still isn't the greatest drug.

>> No.6935578

Whatever percentage of $10,589 that goes into my social security every month.

>> No.6935614

ITT: proof China is going to rape America's corpse in 10 years. You fucks deserve death, ADD is made-up bullshit so parents have something to tell their friends about why their child is a useless cunt.

>> No.6935679

I am a working member of society and FUCKING HATE IT. The only thing keeping me working is that I make much more than a typical /jp/er on SSI. While I hate people who abuse welfare, the fact that a fraction of my income goes toward buying a /jp/er a fig of his waifu makes me happy.

>> No.6935686
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>> No.6935709


It takes a lot longer than that.

I've been off it for about 2 weeks now, dealing with some relatively mild withdrawal symptoms.

It helps a bit, mostly by making you not give a shit about much of anything, but once the contrast of being obsessive/not caring about anything cools off, the drug basically makes you how you were before with some slightly better social skills, a bit less anxiety, and a lot less libido.

The more hardcore the depression, the more effective SSRIs are.

If you have really bad depression, or OCD, start taking it again.

If you have mild depression, don't. If you moderate depression, such as myself, you probably shouldn't bother either.

>> No.6935734

0$, i'm astudent now, so i don't get disability benefits anymore.
my mothers gets i think 500zl(175USD) of some kinda benefit you get when you can't work because you care of disabled person. i have no clue how it's called.

>> No.6935738

"Dear Obama,
I was diagnosed with autism by /jp/ so please give me money so I can be a fat useless fuck like Sudo.

Wish me luck /jp/

>> No.6935762

i get 260 a week for unemployment. I have to apply for jobs though but i just write unreasonable shit on my applications so i never get called in for any interviews.

>> No.6935785
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>> No.6935791

>has ADHD and Assburgers
>can't take most meds due to heart disease
>aderall included
