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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 143 KB, 358x387, room_service_demands_tip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6933888 No.6933888 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6933893
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>> No.6933896
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>> No.6933899
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that spic is never coming back, suck it faggot.

>> No.6933903
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>> No.6933907
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>> No.6933911

I miss you, meido...

>> No.6933916
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>> No.6933918

I pray moot picks me. Unlike Meido, I am actually autistic and have all the time in the world to kill.

>> No.6933923
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>> No.6933928

Yes. I despise shitty rule-breaking threads, even if I am amused by the content in them, such as THIS VERY THREAD.

>> No.6933929
File: 43 KB, 360x225, zunbar has a panic attack when he sees this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous of Canada

>> No.6933931


>> No.6933933
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>> No.6933935

He said he was autistic and I am not autistic.

>> No.6933936
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>> No.6933937

>calls a spic janitor meido
nope, you aren't qualified.your kind is worse than /b/tards.

>> No.6933942

You are very stupid.

>> No.6933947

Oh, /jp/, you're one of a kind.

>> No.6933949
File: 214 KB, 642x1083, 1265878022471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6933955

Remember when /jp/ was good?

>> No.6933959

Not really.

>> No.6933960
File: 302 KB, 879x541, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6933970

I just linked a picture of it you fucking fool.

>> No.6933971

/jp/ has actually been pretty tolerable lately. Maybe all the cancer has moved on to the canv.as beta

>> No.6933998
File: 29 KB, 400x400, suicidestick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny how the cock suckers who loved the janitor are the worst shit posters around. also, the front page is all /jp/ related except for this post by a janitor cock sucker. funny how that works, eh? you fags are worse than /b/tards because you stick around for a while. seriously get the fuck out of /jp/. my picture is a suggestion where you should go. >>>/b/ is another suitable place for you, go have "epic meido" with moot, mods and those janitors. i'm sure moot would love you to suck him dry.

>> No.6934006

I fucking hated that guy.
Rest in pieces AoC

>> No.6934027

Faggots that had their unrelated or awfully shit deleted are still with their butts in pain I see.

Yeah, just look how awesome /jp/ is right now. Surely the gold time of the board. Christ, why do I even reply to a samefag hater.

>> No.6934051

nearly every page is filled with /jp/ related content. take a note from your leader and get the fuck out of /jp/ too. i'm sure half of the content which isn't related to board was posted by you, or one of his followers. hey, retard... in case you haven't noticed this thread isn't related to the board and brings down the quality.

don't like the board? fuck off, son. your leader bailed so should YOU. my threads weren't deleted either. learn new vocabulary, is that all you followers can say?

>> No.6934067

What the fuck are you talking about?

There are many unrelated or irrelevant crap on the board around. But you are certainly one of the "this is the otaku board ^_ ^" people. Who actually think /jp/ is about Otaku culture. People that are fucking new here. People that don't even know how things work in here. People that are flooding in and dropping the quality like hell.

Give up on your retarded logic of "all the shit on the board is posted by people I dislike, they are all angry trolls".

Stop this "leader" bullshit. You are fucking retarded for supposing everyone that enjoyed his work as a janitor suck his balls. Stop acting like a spoiled child.

>hey, retard... in case you haven't noticed this thread isn't related to the board and brings down the quality.
What the hell are you even trying to say with this? I'm not bumping this shit, I'm not the one who made this shit. Again you are being senseless.

>don't like the board? fuck off, son.
I like this board, I DO know how to enjoy the good things it has. I'M NOT saying it's a bucket of shit and even hate those who think like that.

And please start to capitalize your posts, it's disgusting to see it.

>> No.6934158

The worst offenders are being banned, spam is no longer at problematic levels and we actually have 15 pages most of the time.

I told you things would stabilize eventually. There are a couple lapses now and then, but it's what you'd expect from human moderation.

I'm just glad that they can balance the load instead of going overzealous.

>> No.6934165

Too bad they are leaving a lot of shit that shouldn't be here. Anime discussions and ">/jp/" comes to mind.

Old /jp/ is dead, this will become /a/ 2.0.

>> No.6934181


That can change right now if you want. Anime is /jp/ related, deal with it.

>> No.6934188


What is /jp/-related? I'd like to read your answer.

>> No.6934198


Take your meta-shit to the ghost board. Your answer is waiting there.

>> No.6934199

Oh ths is going to be fun.

>> No.6934202

I'm tempted to believe that the AoC-hater in here is actually somebody reverse-trolling to make the people who didn't like him look like retards. It seems more plausible to me than the idea somebody out there is genuinely that dumb.

We don't even have the new janitors yet, so calm down.

>> No.6934212

oh my, you can capitalize letters? i didn't know. grammar is so complex! i didn't capitalize them on purpose you tool, so why would i do it on your suggestion?

you didn't tell us anything, cunt. you're a mongoloid who thought you could "shape" /jp/, how delusional are you? spam increased 30000% because you're such a dumb fuck deleting /jp/ related threads and 7 pages for no reason.

persona was posted here since the boards creation, but suddenly, you a mouth breathing mongoloid decide to delete them. so, what happens next? well some guy starts spamming /jp/ with persona pictures all the time, gee, thanks you dumb faggot.

you should kill yourself like your blog post suggested you would.

>> No.6934213

I'm afraid we will never have janitors, anon. Unless a wave of spam or something like that start.

>> No.6934220


Why would anyone want to go to the ghost board? It's fucking awful.

>> No.6934221

This clown is freaking hilarious.

>> No.6934223

metathreads should be a bannable offense unless started by moot or 4chan staff

>> No.6934225

He took a bunch of janitor applications, and we've been overdue for one for a while. We will probably get at least one when they make the announcement.

Being filled with /jp/ users, that's unavoidable, but it's not that shitty.

You singlehandedly do more to make AoC look good than all of his supporters combined.

>> No.6934228


hello chie spammer

>> No.6934235


The ghost board was created for meta-shit. Why don't you go join Sudo and his gang, they're waiting for you.

>> No.6934246


Why this idiot hasn't been permabanned yet is completely beyond me. Even CurryButt wasn't this bad.

>> No.6934262

1 - AWESOME 4chan moderation as usual.
2 - Changing your IP is not hard.

>> No.6934263

I am starting to think of spam on /jp/ as a natural catastrophe. Nothing will stop these retards.

>> No.6934266

you must be mentally ill if you seriously believe that. no one with two braincells would think that. well, unless they're like you, someone who already has his cock in their mouth. nothing i say will change your opinion since you're a faggot addicted to his cock in your ass.

>> No.6934272

Stop trying to make yourself look good, AoC.

>> No.6934277


Range ban?

>> No.6934290


Range ban would include 4chan servers.

>> No.6934293

derp, keep repeating. maybe, someone will believe it. i seriously feel sorry for you. honestly if your brain actually conceives such ill thought-out conceptions, you must have brain damage. also, i don't know which anonymous is aoc, but keep your trip on. stop being so pathetic, aoc. everyone knows you were the one making self-praise threads as anonymous and samefagged in threads before you deleted them too.

>> No.6934294

It's something like flooding.

Yes, it's a natural disaster, and expected idiots to stop being idiots is against logic, but that doesn't mean it's illogical to bemoan the fact that the idiots multiplied, or that the natural floods increased for the year.

>> No.6934300

That's enough now.

>> No.6934314 [DELETED] 

are you tears?

>> No.6934318

are you in tears

>> No.6934321

I'm actually smiling. How about you?

>> No.6934323

Put your trip back on already and drop the accusations, AoC. This is embarassing.

>> No.6934330

Does anyone have a screen shot of the meido's last post that's not blocked out?

>> No.6934331

Accusations, accusations everywhere.

In fact, according to you faggots, AoC has been samefagging THIS WHOLE THREAD all along! My god! You people just can't get any more delusional.

Keep entertaining me. I'm bored and probably am AoC too.

>> No.6934339


Go to the archive retard.

>> No.6934342
File: 145 KB, 359x330, 1297177234669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't use easymodo

>> No.6934343


nice triples OP

>> No.6934344

>implying you're not AoC

>> No.6934345
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>> No.6934349
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>> No.6934351
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 27b65db57809649d7f68ba106625c8fi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>59 posts and 13 image replies

>> No.6934353
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>> No.6934354
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>> No.6934355

I just said I AM AoC! Do you not understand the principles of sarcasm?

>> No.6934358

Eh, believe what you want. Although you're right on a single thing, spam is lower now that it doesn't get deleted so quickly. Deleting harder and faster only served to exacerbate the situation.

I made mistakes, sure, but I have already apologized plenty. Let bygones be bygones and be grateful that the moderation now is more lax but still handles a lot of the real problems.

Also, http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/347/mootjanitor.jpg I'm not quite mentally stable, that explains a lot of those last months of zealotry.

Let it go already, and stop bumping this. It's an eyesore.

>> No.6934360


For once someone actually used the word "imply" right. With your super witty sarcasm you are implying you're not actually Colombia despite saying "I am AoC".

It's funny how that works, huh?

>> No.6934362


Moot is right, you were a good janitor but you were good just because you have autism and that made you over-zealous.

>> No.6934363


Explain why my threads only last 10 minutes.

>> No.6934369
File: 1.05 MB, 1861x1992, 329489232304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see black guy
>he fucked you're touhou
>wake up
>your aoc
>wat do?

i jump impale myself with a spoon. being aoc means being a mexican, and we all know that waking up as a mexican is the worst thing possible.

i'm feeling bored obviously. i don't get satisfaction from making aoc suicidal.

>> No.6934370

How's it feel to know that if you didn't quit, you would've been bumped to a mod with the rest of the janitors?

>> No.6934371
File: 53 KB, 310x180, become a wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was banned for starting a thread with this picture a while back.

Secrets of life moderation staff doesn't want you to know! Its a conspiracy!

>> No.6934374

What fascinates me is how the staff bans randomly like that.

>> No.6934379 [DELETED] 
File: 671 KB, 1280x720, 0kme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Answer me faget

>> No.6934383

And here we have a fine example showing the good moderation we have: >>6934377

That thread will not be deleted and OP will not be banned.

>> No.6934384

i doubt moot ever planned on letting him be a mod, but moot calls him a nut. i doubt he thinks highly of him. he probably meant he was a "great" janitor because he's a loser who spent 10 hours a day deleting spam. yeah it's his fault /jp/ got spammed so much, he showed real fortitude for being so autistic. if moot actually gave a shit about him, he wouldn't need a 3rd parties(which, is probably fake) screenshot to prove. also, if moot actually liked him(he didn't) he'd still have been asked to become a moderator.

>> No.6934389

It's okay hater-kun. We can detect your deep sated grudge from afar. You have some cool speculations right there.

>> No.6934393


He doesn't look like a hater.

>> No.6934395

I like /jp/ better without staff. Sure, there is more spam, but there also isn't some fuckwit who has a damn heart attack whenever he sees a thread he doesn't like. If you don't like a thread, just hide it and it will die naturally.

>> No.6934402

He is clearly the same guy whining over and over. Even the way he types is the same.

Fuck yeah /b/ 4.0

>> No.6934403


>just hide it


>> No.6934407

>Fuck yeah /b/ 4.0
It's a different board culture. Just keep the weird shit up and the normalfag shitposters will stay out.

>> No.6934422

what a detective you are... clearly i don't type in an obvious manner. check my spoiler for a hint. all lower case letters you must read umineko since you're such a smart panties like battler xD. learn what whining means you retard. this thread was started by a whiner, so making comments opposing his view isn't whining dipshit.

>> No.6934429

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... oh wow I was needing that.

>> No.6934436

I really wish Colombia would tell me why he singles out my Kuroko threads.

>> No.6934438

I really wish to know why the hell you think he is still deleting anything.

>> No.6934441
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>> No.6934445

He posted an answer on the ghost version of this thread.

>> No.6934446
File: 538 KB, 600x800, 5e89379db60229a09b1a188d502d0de3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't like a thread, just hide it and it will die naturally.
That will never happen. And besides, hiding it isn't helping at all.

Imagine taking a shit and you don't want to smell it. You decide to spray something to cover up the smell. It may not smell as bad (or even at all), but the shit that you just shit out is still there, and it is shitty up your floor. But what kind of person would shit on their floor? That isn't normal!

>> No.6934453
File: 56 KB, 366x389, typical jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen, buddy. this board is filled with floor shitting true NEETs, okay? we can handle the smell of a little shit. if /jp/ doesn't have the stench of waste, then what will keep the normalfags out, huh? HUH!! give me your /jp/ visa, i'm revoking your true NEET status.

>> No.6934455


>> No.6934466

仕方が無い ┐(´ー`)┌

>> No.6934469

And posting in a shitty thread is like burying your own shit in the shit.

>> No.6934481

The faget you call Canada. He will always be Colombia to me.

>> No.6934488

Aha, but these normalfags, they are like flies you see, and are attracted to shit so they may vocer cover it in their vomit and lay eggs in the pockets of air in the shit.

Shit will only attract more, just as furry cyber threads in /vp/ only attrack more furry cyberers from other boards.

We must clean up the shit, disinfect it all, and do continuous upkeep to ensure the festering flies do not cause an infestation in our home.

>> No.6934496

So it is like a dog pissing on an area of its territory that has been pissed on by another dog, yes?
