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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 208 KB, 600x600, guaranteedreplies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6916119 No.6916119 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6916122

Because I'm autistic.

>> No.6916128
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 1296010830698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6916130

Why do not you have a girlfriend

>> No.6916133

The essence of /jp/.

>> No.6916146

Because lately i couldn't find any good girls into anime and all that and because it's a big part of my lifestyle it gets pretty boring after some months. There now i fill bad just because i answered this seriously

>> No.6916150
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 1295741341255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me.

>> No.6916154

I'm autistic and find close physical contact with other humans unnerving. Then again, I fancy chopping them into pieces, so maybe I'm a psychopath?

>> No.6916159

Actually I recently met a girl I'm kind of interested in at college, and I intend on throwing the charm her way.

Well the best I can, I mean I'm not very attractive till spring when my job goes back into full circle and my jeep gets back on the road, but intellectually I'm quite charming and physically I'm not the ugliest sod.

>> No.6916162

In /jp/, every thread gets replies.

>> No.6916175

I'm grossly underweight and socially awkward. Every girl I meet thinks I'm weird or creepy.

>> No.6916177
File: 93 KB, 800x450, 1296166757951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because superiorityof2d.jpg and pic related.

That, and it's too damn cold to walk to the library.

>> No.6916183

Not quite. I have a knack for making threads that are so dully /jp/ related that nobody even wants to complain about them before they crawl their way off the last page.

>> No.6916184

I can think of better ways to spend my money.

>> No.6916186

i do, and just got laid

>> No.6916191


>> No.6916198

I'll do you guys a favor and try to help you, maybe some of you change and finally get a girlfriend.

Hit the gym, women like men with muscles.
Get nice clothes.
Do something about your hair.
A nice cologne is always welcomed.
Stop being so immature and clingy.
Try to learn something about dating, most of you don't know the basics.
Stop being so insecure, women want assertive men, a man sluttering is a turn off to any woman.
Stop being so damn apathetic, your life needs some goals.
Stop being so bitter, yeah your life sucked until now but try to leave that behind.
Try to be a fun person to be around with.
Drop your standards, yours are too high.

>> No.6916224


None of these are a problem. That problem is why do I put in so much effort for a woman that sucks?

>> No.6916229

whats the point?

>> No.6916240


Because you are too stupid to fidn a nice girl?

>> No.6916242

because all of the few girls who aren't inferior to 2D are straight and taken, and i'm a lesbo.

>> No.6916304
File: 47 KB, 298x474, 1271288741898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging from the bloody hand print it's because I gutted her and am now wearing her skin.

>> No.6916312
File: 145 KB, 600x600, 1267399923629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I hit the gym with a bomb.
I got some nice fur clothes from the wolves I killed.
I shaved my hair off.
I bought the city of Cologne.
I'm now mature and I don't stick to anythin anymore.
I'm now secure with guns and swords and shit.
I set a few goals in my front yard.
I coated my self in sugar.
I was always fun, females just didn't see that because of the above reasons now that thats solved.
I dropped the standards, I won't eat normal food form now on, I won't take a bath, I won't clean the toilet and so on...

When can I expect a girl?

>> No.6916314

Living the dream

>> No.6916322

'cause i don't go outside and there are no girls on the internet

>> No.6916325
File: 26 KB, 691x591, 1295348902027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriend isn't videogames, anime, manga, VN or music, so I'm not interested in this 'girlfriend' thing.

>> No.6916334


>> No.6916337

>Friendzoned by girl
>like every other girl I've ever met
>She starts complaining to me one day about how there's no good guys out there or some shit.
>I rage like a motherfucker, start shouting and screaming and generally acting like a retard, lost all control to my emotions
>she gets pissed at me, cries
>I tell her to fuck off, then walk home

She seems to like me MORE than before, and more than any other girl ever so far. Thus: Girls are crazy and I don't need them

>> No.6916344

Get out Lunar scum!

>> No.6916348
File: 282 KB, 1440x900, standards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Drop your standards, yours are too high.

>Implying our standards are too high

All it takes to break a /jp/er is a nice 3D girl or maybe some sort of 3D Ojou-sama type who are also decent looking. It's not hard to crack those standards. Any girl who isn't ugly as sin or big as a whale can crack that.

>> No.6916358


This! bitches tell us our standards are too high, but if you ask them what they look for in a man, they give you a fucking shopping list of traits.

For me, I'd be happy with a pretty normal, not hidious girl. that's about as generic as can be, no? yet I get nothing but friendzones because i'm not a 6ft 2 musclebound jock with a degree and a 6 figure salary at 21, have no dating history and thus can't have backups to cheat on this girl with. girls love all that.

>> No.6916359

it's like i'm really in /r9k/

well i guess they all had to go somewhere

>> No.6916371

I think a large amount of these posters are people who just returned from a bar/club, where they got turned down and so now to make themselves feel better they are now posting on /jp/.

>> No.6916381

Because it's impossible to find a nice virgin girl over the age of 20.

>> No.6916395

/jp/ - Aztec Culture

Actually, a priestess of Tezcatlipoca would be prime wife material. Since Tezcatlipoca is associated with death, clergy of Tezcatlipoca were chosen from children with poor health, so she'd be a shy, sickly little brown girl (since it was also a custom to paint your skin to reflect the deity's association with the night) of whom understanding of "devotion" involves wounding herself and offering her blood to you.

Modern 3D is pig disgusting, but I'd definitely take a girl like that.

>> No.6916407

Would the relationship culminate with her cutting out your heart on top of a pyramid during an eclipse. After giving you a loving kiss she then opens her own throat and thus you both petition the Gods for a good harvest season?

>> No.6916409

Because I don't leave my house.

>> No.6916410

>This! bitches tell us our standards are too high, but if you ask them what they look for in a man, they give you a fucking shopping list of traits.

That list? It's all lies, just what she's been conditioned by our sick society to claim she wants. In truth few women possess the self-insight to know what they actually want in a man.

>> No.6916430



>> No.6916436
File: 159 KB, 600x867, 1277143415741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one. We're happy together, thanks :)

>> No.6916453
File: 174 KB, 539x715, 1278113816458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Because it's impossible to find a nice virgin girl over the age of 20.

Maybe you should lower your standards then.

>> No.6916454
File: 984 KB, 1100x1192, 1271188739813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6916456

I'd rather remain a virgin for the rest of my life than settle for second hand goods.

>> No.6916459

I'm fucking a pair of bitches right now.

r u made /jp/?

>> No.6916460

Females are people, not goods.

>> No.6916462
File: 47 KB, 480x360, emowall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the point
>I find close physical contact with other humans unnerving

/jp/ - Emo teens

>> No.6916463

My experiences do not suggest this.

>> No.6916467



>> No.6916468

so whats the point?

>> No.6916469

>I'd rather remain a virgin for the rest of my life than settle for a non virgin whore.
Is this more to your liking?

>> No.6916477
File: 166 KB, 850x1133, sample-1743f6d991de9afcf58cf39cb2aec7a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should at least try talking to a girl once anon. It's not that hard. They can be really nice if you are.
You'll never get the opportunity to Grope Komachi's rude tits

>> No.6916493


I refuse unless they want to play some Monster Hunter or something, no matter how many rude touhou tits I won't touch.

>> No.6916502

Women reject me, not for my appearance but for my personality.

>> No.6916506

Is it just me or does this logic come into play with most women. Beautiful girl = Dumb as a rock, Ugly girl = Dumb as a rock or average person, Average looking girl = Spin dat wheel of fortune.

>> No.6916509
File: 67 KB, 400x830, 1197509547744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I meant by "lower"

I meant you should broaden your range a little bit from >girl over the age of 20.

>> No.6916525

I want a shy nerdy (in the sense of long haired, long skirted, glasses, sweater, bookish) girl but I'd have to break into their house in order to even meet them.

>> No.6916534

Why don't you all go back to /soc/?

>> No.6916543

Because I don't like fat chicks as much as them.

>> No.6916549

Oh I see, then I apologise.
You're probably right, but finding younger girls is rather troublesome.

>> No.6916576

Because society frowns on men in their 20s like me having relationships with little girls in grade school. I partially want to be a little girl just so I can naturally be around other little girls - when I remember what I look like and picture myself doing the things I want to do to a small girl, even I am disgusted.

>> No.6916586

Not even /jp/ is safe from normals. Can't you people just get out and leave us one board? Just one? What makes you think you're allowed to enjoy the things I do, when at the same time you're going behind the back of beautiful 2D girls and trying to get with the vapid whores of the real world?

>> No.6916588

Grow up, kid.

>> No.6916627

If by 'growing up' you mean 'seeking bitches to fuck only to be drained of your happiness in the long run', then no.


>> No.6916635

Can't you lifeless losers just leave 4chan already?
I mean it's because of people like you I come here to troll. when it's late at night where you live

>> No.6916636

>implying human trash like you deserves 2D waifu

>> No.6916648

I've been on /jp/ almost 4 years ago, while you're probably a secondaryfag from gaia going XD CIRNO MAI WAIFU SO KAWAII and thought you fit in here. Get out, /jp/ has never been a place for autists like you.

>> No.6916656

I have to picture you while reading that. And what I see is a skinny babyfaced child who would never speak up to anyone in real life and so has to do it over the internet. /jp/ is not a place for you to feel like you're the tough big man. Why don't you go play in the sandpit.

>> No.6916662
File: 25 KB, 602x437, 1232892911659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he complains about a thread filled with 'normals' as if being normal is somehow bad
>he rants about how they should get out
>yet he still bumps the thread
>mfw me, a supposed "normal" saged it and you bumped it

>> No.6916666

>61 posts and 13 image replies omitted.
What the fuck, /jp/?
What the fuck.

>> No.6916671

Samefag, lots of it.

>> No.6916676

you know what's even worse?
He could also be a 30 years old, stubble beard face fatguy. Sitting in front of his monitor fapping to cirno porn right now with a tear in his eyes for being mentally raped by some anons.

Thanks /jp/ I still love you

>> No.6916680

I don't think I've ever seen someone get owned that thoroughly.

>> No.6916681

Get back to /r9-
Oh wait, fuck.
Normalfags were never welcome here, and /jp/ and 4chan in general turned to shit when you people showed up.

>> No.6916692


>He could also be a 30 years old, stubble beard face fatguy. Sitting in front of his monitor fapping to cirno porn right now with a tear in his eyes for being mentally raped by some anons.

That thought made me laugh, thanks anon.

>> No.6916694

/r9k/ flooding in.

>> No.6916701
File: 50 KB, 400x559, weak3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the worst threads in a while. Normals are starting to gather together and feel accepted in /jp/ lately. I think it's about time we round them up and finish the job, no normals left alive.

Since when could, "normals", talk back to the, "True NEETS"? Seeing these normals get uppity made me angry, any other, True NEET, feel the same? This sage is rude, by the way.

>> No.6916703

No, it's not 'owned'. It's representative of the sad state /jp/ has fallen to.

/jp/ wants a girl that isn't a slut. In modern society, those are extremely high standards.

>> No.6916707

>/jp/ wants a girl that isn't a slut. In modern society, those are extremely high standards.

There are quite few of these, outside of your basement.

>> No.6916708
File: 214 KB, 444x414, 1280181493488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This sage is rude, by the way.

>> No.6916709

go back to /r9k/ betas.

>> No.6916714

How's that butthurt from the universal [x]told treating you, 6916586? I'd bet good money you 1. don't know what neet means or 2. even know that its an acronym. Go look it up. I'll wait.


Yeah, that's what you're saying you are with pride. See the problem?

>> No.6916722

It's like a plague, a few years ago 4chan was regarded as the gathering point of all sort of weird people and nowadays it has become facebook 2.0.
It won't be long before /jp/ takes the same route, if it doesn't took it already.
Better go to tohno/bun/desuchan/etc before that happen![/spoiler)

>> No.6916724

No, you get out. There are plenty of groups on Facebook for you to fawn over women who'd have nothing to do with you.

Thats a picture on an Otaku, and WOW LOOK WHERE YOU ARE

>> No.6916730

Everything in this post is all that is wrong with the world.

>> No.6916731
File: 35 KB, 330x649, 111601_littleBritain_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every girl I meet is a slut

I wonder what circles you guys sozialise in.

>> No.6916738

Just leave.

>> No.6916740

I don't want to date a muslim girl though.

>> No.6916747

>girl I meet

wut ?

>> No.6916748
File: 82 KB, 564x613, the finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means Not in Education Employment or Training you fucking faggot, I saw your post dripping with beta male condescension and had to weigh in.

Its no wonder you have to argue here, no woman wants someone whos head is so firmly planted in their own ass.

>> No.6916753

> <waits>
Just get the fuck out.

>> No.6916754

>Oh no, I'm socially retarded because of dawrin's law at work
>Wait, if I make it look like I'm proud about being so socially inept I can't even leave my room without mommy holding my hand, it's all okay again!
>even better, how about I make it look like people who aren't socially retarded are the ones in the wrong!
>A job well done! Now let me just watch my internet porn which is my only contact with women and wonder why all women are such sluts

>> No.6916755


Wow, people in America must be shitty.

>> No.6916762

>Drop your standards, yours are too high.

Woman sharing my interests would be my standard. And while not high, it most likely are too narrow. Far too many women want to "act" like adults, so they don't allow themselves to enjoy cartoons past the age of 15. (Which might be why people turn into lolicons when they are otaku.)

>> No.6916763

I don't understand why the image is written in blood and has a bloody handprint

>> No.6916764

>Each reply minutes apart
>All illiterate in the same way as you

hows that samefag going for you

<uses brackets to emote like a fucking faggot>

yeah dats whot I thought u mad?

>> No.6916766

When are you people from animesuki going to understand that we don't want you here? You have animesuki. We have /jp/. Why do you have to infest our board?

>> No.6916768

Sure is /r9gay/ in here, since when you beta faggots were welcome here ?

>> No.6916770

European girls are just as slutty as american girls, I think it's probably all western women that turned into mysandric sluts.

>> No.6916772

>I'm wrong and can't spell so I use a strawman argument


>> No.6916773

The message was written to OP by his yandere stalker.
I think she's hinting at something.

>> No.6916775

/jp/ - Betas vs Omegas general

>> No.6916777


>>6916714 's status:

>> No.6916786


No, thats your internet porn goggles that are telling you that.

>> No.6916781
File: 205 KB, 500x500, 1296912905813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cos I love only Takano-sama.

>> No.6916788

Betas get out, go cry about getting owned to the girl whos been whining to you about her life on MSN all night but will never sleep with you.

>> No.6916790

West-european girls have the same horrible personalities, but not quite as much body fat as the american ones.

>> No.6916791
File: 29 KB, 200x200, Takano_hug_Hanyuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cos I love only Takano-sama.

I wont see her nice smile and hold her bloody hand. Real humans cant be so cool like she.

>> No.6916793

>Why don't you have a girlfriend ?
Dating a 5 years old isn't allowed in my country :/

>> No.6916799
File: 41 KB, 425x425, wn08001605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Takanus anon! Shooto!!

>> No.6916802

I'm talking about the fact that you used a 'rude sage', not for telling OP to fuck off (the latter is fine). It shows how you are relatively new to /jp/ and don't understand the unwritten rules of the board (although in your defense, they've been trampled on so much that half of the posters don't know them anymore). Sage is for indicating your post does not contribute to the thread, and there is no justification in bumping the thread. You do not sage as a way to tell somebody their thread isn't wanted on /jp/.

>> No.6916804
File: 416 KB, 1280x720, 1284796902558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r9k/ status

[ ] told
[ ] not told
[x] Buttdevastated

>> No.6916806

Takanon has spoken, this thread may die now.

>> No.6916807

I think him specifying that it was rude is enough to show he knows what its really for. This sage is also rude. This thread is shit enough for that.

>> No.6916813

Trying to fit in way too hard.

>> No.6916821

Ronery femanon here. All I really want is a fellow anon to be ronery with. We could quietly hold hands and read eroge together.

>> No.6916825

You know nothing about true love. This is not a feeling or desire of the heart. This is a profound respect for human personality.

>> No.6916826
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 1291432936262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/r9gay/ on /jp/

>> No.6916834

Even dead, /r9k/ is still fucking annoying.

>> No.6916835
File: 66 KB, 641x513, 1296832422696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful m'lady, many Black Knights roam these halls.

>> No.6916836

Hahahaha, no.
I'm not a neet, although I wish I was.
I still have to interact with people and as >>6916381 said, it's impossible to find a nice virgin girl in my age range (in her 20s).

>> No.6916839

Because I already am in love with someone.

>> No.6916843

Because I like being alone.


>> No.6916845

But that's obviously a tongue-in-cheek post by a man.

>> No.6916848



Lower your standards...also, virgins are bad in bed too.

>> No.6916849

With your hand? Your pillow, perhaps?

>> No.6916852

>114 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Can I join the fun too? please?

>> No.6916853

I do have a girlfriend actually. Not like some of these f5 spamming robots. (And no I don't mean /r9k by robots, I mean people who just do this all day like they have no lives)

>> No.6916854
File: 26 KB, 378x512, trolledhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this thread is filled with two or so /r9k/'s betas, who are wannabe normals. Attempting to troll /jp/, but they're arguing against posts which are trollish/trolling.... Just go back to /soc/ or /b/. You aren't trolling anyone, picture related, it's my feeling after making that True NEET post.
Have another rude sage.

>> No.6916860
File: 119 KB, 700x600, 10648445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly

>> No.6916863

Why can't /jp/ socialise?

>> No.6916867

>All I really want is a fellow anon to be ronery with.
Good luck with that, any actual "ronery" omega guy will be too socially awkward and misanthropic to even think about being in a relationship with anyone.
Have fun with beta nerds pretending to be ronery to get in your pants.

>> No.6916872

Because we are terrible people and the society hates losers.

>> No.6916873

Because I failed social studies.

>> No.6916874

Why would anyone want to ?

>> No.6916876
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, 1295169940634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can

<- /jp/ meetup

>> No.6916877

I like someone who is going out with someone else. The person I like is oblivious, while their significant other knows what I feel and is out for blood. They've even told me to back off. Feels sad, man.

>> No.6916882

Me. with the blue feathers.

>> No.6916884

I did. She left me because she "didn't feel the same."


>> No.6916887

Speaking of blood and obliviousness and backing off, why don't you have sex with your little sister (if you have one under the age of 12)?

>> No.6916889

It means they see you as a threat you "player"

>> No.6916894

You are a mind-reader.

>> No.6916903
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, japanese bird and his waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me falling in love

>> No.6916906

>Lower your standards
Why would I lower my standards, I don't want to settle for someone I don't even really like and am disgusted with.

>...also, virgins are bad in bed too.
Yes, and?

>> No.6916913

Sex withaut MY WAIFU is boring and lame. Oh, desire. All live withaut waifu is so... sad. Real humans is not so good ah she.

>> No.6916919

Too bad it'll never happen. We stay in front of the computer, silently hoping for that. While the male anons hope for the same thing, that a femanon will come to them. Both sexes are too socially awkward to ever leave their house.

>> No.6916924

>Yes, and?
From what I've read on /adv/ (don't blame me, I was linked there), 'love' is all about sex. So from that we could conclude that a relationship with somebody who isn't good in bed is an inferior relationship.
Modern society has decided, so that's how it is.

>> No.6916926

Can you please type in English.
I don't understand a word you just said.

>> No.6916927

"Lonely men seek companionship. Lonely women sit at home and wait. They never meet."

-Abraham fucking Lincoln

>> No.6916928

Actually, it's only the male anons doing that. The female ones actually get into relationships. The anons that pretend to be female and ronery are actually male trolls.

>> No.6916933

When I said 'mind reader' I didn't mean that i feel the same, but that a girl with that kind of mindset can easily get my affection.

Myself, I have already accepted that I will die a lonely person. I still look for signs of affection from others, but the idea that there will ever be someone for me beyond that is uncontainable.

>> No.6916937 [DELETED] 

Sex that isn't without Beatoriiche is meaningless and futile. Oh, desire. Just let me see your smile again! These pitiful women cannot compare to you, Uoooooh!

>> No.6916944

Sex that isn't with Beatoriiche is meaningless and futile. Oh, desire. Just let me see your smile again! These pitiful women cannot compare to you, Uoooooh!

>> No.6916951

I saw that. If you're going to translate, then don't introduce errors yourself. This is why all /jp/ translation projects are shit.

>> No.6916952

For sex, I go to whores.

If all there is in relationship can be gained by faster and cheaper means, Why should I bother with a significant other? In those times, love is meaningless, so I don't seek it.

>> No.6916956

>Modern society has decided, so that's how it is.
Well, I don't like it and believe modern day society is wrong.
If this means I have to stay lonely for the rest of my life, then so be it.
A man has to stick to his principles even if he's a "loser" like us.

>> No.6916958

Oh, but I say about Takano!..

Sorry, I can`t tipe more good than like in thous post...

>> No.6916974

It's so nice to see how threads like this one lately get blown up like a balloon.
Still in love with /jp/

>> No.6916990

But isn't replying to threads like this be the true meaning of being 'NEET'?
Justifying our way of life in front of outsiders, and practicing and learning new excuses to turn in on our family and concerned friends?
Well, friends of the family, that is.

>> No.6917005

No? As a NEET you don't try to justify it. You just don't bother and let people think whatever they want, as long as they don't bother you.

>> No.6917020

But people DO bother me. like my family. I don't have a real problem holding to my way, but I can provide aid to those who can't yet shake their family off their backs.

>> No.6917032

And yet those people don't want your aid.

>> No.6917045

Than there is no reason for them to look in threads such as those.

>> No.6917055

>154 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
teeh teeeeeeh teeeeeeeeeh

>> No.6917062

what's a "NEET"?

>> No.6917065

A miserable pile of secrets.

>> No.6917075

have at you?

>> No.6917076
File: 598 KB, 1280x720, [Derp]_Gosick_-_04_(1280x720_x264_AAC)[A3BD4ABA].mkv_snapshot_02.33_[2011.01.30_01.37.54].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>157 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.6917091
File: 477 KB, 1277x1430, 1295653830638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6917095

I've only met two women tha I would ever bother caring about.
Ones a dead loli, the others a lesbian (still a great friend though).

>> No.6917098

You know, the funny thing is that I posted with noko+sage this entire thread.

Just a thought.

>> No.6917099
File: 799 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Yumekui_Merry_-_05_[FC96B5E4].mkv_snapshot_07.29_[2011.02.03_22.31.45].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6917107
File: 287 KB, 1000x564, moe~.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6917107,1 [INTERNAL] 

best thread of 2011

>> No.6917107,2 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop feeding Sudo, guys.
Just ignore him.
Filter him if you have to.

>> No.6917107,3 [INTERNAL] 

>Quality Merry picture as finishing post

>> No.6917107,4 [INTERNAL] 

I encourage people to filter me if they feel my posting does not meet their /jp/ needs.

>> No.6917107,5 [INTERNAL] 

Which is the best way to keep them from filtering you.

If you will be like 'noooo i don't want to be filtered!' they will be sure to filter you.

Humans are... simple.

>> No.6917107,6 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pretty sure his post >>6917107,4 was him performing the reverse psychology you just mentioned.

>> No.6917107,7 [INTERNAL] 

Sudo-chan is so moe~

>> No.6917107,8 [INTERNAL] 

