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6905621 No.6905621 [Reply] [Original]

Added another UC Gara

x20 UC Gara, more likely than you think

>> No.6905631

Old Thread >>6880850

>> No.6905637

Peanut Labs has a discover card offer for 650~ RT

>> No.6905638

Watching the spin animations 20 times must be so fun~

>> No.6905644



>> No.6905655
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> Robot Cube from UC garapon

>> No.6905656

>3 slot cactepus head


>> No.6905675

One out of probably 25 items, not so easy to get that.

>> No.6905683

better odds then the english one.

I've rolled the UC garapon 100+ times and I have yet to see a gold ball.

>> No.6905685

True. And now that I think about it, it probably only gives non-RT/garapon bots.

>> No.6905707

But look at all of those not shit items like enCB.

>> No.6905713

Yeah I know. Why is jpCB so awesome?

>> No.6905721

probably a 3slot version of a shop rt/uc bot I guess?

Look at that magnificent 3 slot plasma gun i want so badly

>> No.6905732

and yeah, this gara doesn't have red/blue balls

>> No.6905745

Oh my god. Brb, leaving usCB.

>> No.6905789

Someone should post this on CB website.

>> No.6905801
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In case you were curious for some of the lesser stuff.

>> No.6905818

Wow, and all their accessories are slotted. Meanwhile in CBUS everybody is cumming bricks about our pathetic UC garapon that happens to have a bot in it.

>> No.6905821

I did one 20x roll of that. No cubes. Only 2 things that weren't bronze balls. I have a feeling that I could use all of my UC there and not get a single cube.

>> No.6905823

What's that second rifle?

>> No.6905838

Pisu meka

I don't read engrish.

Cost +105
Tec -1

>> No.6905846

hahaha ohw ow

weekly UC garapon has Shining Feather and Miracle Ammonite

The other UC garapon has a bot in it and other bot parts to boot.

CBUS seriously got the shaft.

>> No.6905865


I'll take a wild guess that they might be going for peacemaker

>> No.6905887

The probability settings on the new UC garapon are abysmal, and the UC price per roll is outrageously expensive. It will probably take you literally days of solid grinding to get anything of any value whatsoever out of it. Meanwhile, the JP server is still spinning more expensive Rt garapons with shittier lineups and lower probabilities than the ones on the EN server.

But hey, the grass is always greener, so go play JP CB if you want.

>> No.6905897

Also, CBJP doesn't have any weapons in the weapon shot that sell for RT. And they have way better selection of weapon for UC.

>> No.6905906

Peacemaker sounds right so it's not a rifle I guess
accel gun maybe?

>> No.6905918

>complaining about UC

Shit man, UC is INFINITE in CB. The only limit to UC you can get is how much you want to play.

>> No.6905929
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>mfw when I just gold balled on garapon for free on CBJP without having to grind offers that never go through

>> No.6905931

By that line of thinking, Rt is infinite as well since you can get it from the UC garapon. All you have to do is keep grinding.

>> No.6905948


You don't even have to grind for the RT. You just wait for the bazaar and sell red/yellow/black chips for 1k each. Then roll the UC garapon again. Get even more chips. Roll again. Repeat

>> No.6905949

You guys aren't realizing that, while all those slots and items are nice:

1. You're playing against 2000Rt value bots owned/tuned by half the players.
2. The odds are shit.
3. It's extremely expensive to spend that much on the rolls.
4. The odds are shit.
5. The odds are shit.

Time is money, man. Even with a McJob you would be able to roll twice as much as if you grinded, and in the real Rt garapons, not the UC one.

>> No.6905961

I get about 1k UC per match.

You're seriously comparing that to 1RT from Garapon?

>> No.6905977

>1. You're playing against 2000Rt value bots owned/tuned by half the players.

That's worse than playing against 2000RT value bots owned/tuned by a small select group of players in BRD?

>> No.6906011

Is it me? Or is it obvious who's defending CBEN?

I'll give you a hint: none of the /jp/ers in-game think that way

I still play, but I wouldn't be caught dead saying it's in a better state than JP

>> No.6906027

Here's another hint: nobody cares, you paranoid twat

>> No.6906046

Fuck you guys with the chibis who are actually skilled

You are so fucking annoying

You are like flies buzzing around me, spamming me with your little guns, then you run around too fast for me to hit you. I try to just ignore you and go about slaughtering your teammates, but my health just keeps inching lower and lower until I have to blanket the entire area with missiles to get you to die or run away.

lol I'm kidding; I find the whole situation hilarious. Especially if you manage to kill me

>> No.6906055

It's too bad they don't get short boost.

My favorite set up is long range weapon + range circle

>> No.6906057

I'm sure you've taken polls of all the /jp/ players to be able to make such a definitive statement. Stop making yourself look like a upset fool.

No one was really defending it anyways. Some people don't like the metagame in JPCB, some might want to play in English, some might enjoy getting far more Rt from free offers than anyone has in months of playing JPCB.

>> No.6906060

Oh, god, hopping chibis. That really would be the end of CB.

>> No.6906067

Even if you had a 3xGreat Range Tune vanilla rifle, it's still not far enough.

Koko needs some binoculars.

>> No.6906092


I rolled ouka garapon and got TWO tesladona (wtf), maril march, blue ball and fire rod.
Thank god I didn't spend real money, but feels like a waste of survey hours.

>> No.6906116

guess how many times I've rolled Ouka gara?


>> No.6906142

Actually, single tune range Rifle + range circle out-ranges Saggy's railgun

At that range I don't even get any lock-on circles, all I see are player names on the right of my screen that lets me know I have a lock on.

>> No.6906158

1600 RT for switching to DirecTV.

>> No.6906194

Been considering using a chibi. Is a scouter's rifle a viable weapon? The range is a lot shorter than a regular one, but Koko has range circles.

>> No.6906198

Beware of ammo shortage. ammo circle only recharges 10%

It's not enough for rifle.

>> No.6906206

Scouter has 380 base ammo. If you tune great range on at the cost of ammo, you still have plenty especially if you use the long range circle.

>> No.6906208

I like the rare situations when I'm using my chibi (or even my Lily) where I get into a one on one type ranged fight with an enemy and they are just shooting missiles or rifles, but it's slow enough that I can just dash back and forth and dodge everything. I've always had a lot of fun just running around avoiding incoming stuff like that, and the people firing at me seem to enjoy it, too, since they rarely ever advance or increase the attack unless more of our teammates show up. I like to think they find it amusing to watch me run and jump and dash for my life

>> No.6906209
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So far the best I've found for Chibis are the wide beam guns. They have plenty of ammo so if you survive a whole battle you shouldn't run out of ammo but they do more damage and hit more often (because they're, you know, wide) than beam guns.

The only other thing I've been mildly successful with on chibis are beam machineguns.

>> No.6906211

I thought scout rifle was a burst fire weapon. It's single shot like rifle?

>> No.6906222

The chibis I've encountered usually have burners

>> No.6906256

It's single shot, 8 shots per reload I believe. It shoots at a faster interval than rifle. Burst shot ones are assault rifle and raid rifle.

>> No.6906310

Suddenly all the good 3 slot weapons became worthless on the bazaar, good job Cyberstep!

>> No.6906348

I like cross shooter for mini robots. it's a small weapon so it doesn't clip through their body or the ground like most other weapons. plus it has a lot of ammo so even if you're using burst fire it lasts a while. flamethrowers are good too but those are faggy weapons so I don't use them.

>> No.6906395


I like Cross Shooters. Too bad they are Garapon only and I have awful luck. It took so many rolls and almost all of my free Rt to get something good from my rolls. And I never once got a good weapon. Bots are better I guess, but a good weapon would be better than having 3 Misty Hollow SIN, 3 variations of Crimrose, a few Lazflamme, and a few Jikun. I would use these land bots, but I am awful with them. I guess I could learn. I thought I was bad with support and artillery, but after trying them again since the beta, I'm much better than I was before.

But I still need a good weapon. I don't even have a Scout Rifle. Everybody seems to be done with bees forever.

>> No.6906448

kitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa RIRY RAIN EVEEE

>mfw sale extended again

fucking chumps

>> No.6906493

I'm pretty sure they just do this to make people spend more when they think it's going away.

>> No.6906503
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>> No.6906510

what were the two offers that guy did to get 850 rt for 15 bux? one was gamefly and I think the other was renting a server or something but I can't find it. did they remove it?

>> No.6906512

3S weapons are already worthless on the bazaar, except Stardust Cannon, Ballistic Launcher and the like. The obsessive players sell gigantic hauls of them for maybe 5000UC each all the time.

But holy shit, I can't wait for this month's bazaar. I have a ton of chips to sell, so I'll do that and start rolling this, provided it still stays by that time. I need Alstroemeria or Bloomeria and that's pretty much my only chance at them. That increase in 3s Mini Bazookas probably won't be nice for my Thoarla, I need to switch back to S AIR.

It gives any bot. It doesn't matter if it's Garapon, shop, drop or exclusive promotion. You could even get Lily Eve, but maybe she was manually removed.

>> No.6906513
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EVE-gara is the mother of all garapons.

Bronze Balls: Auto Beam Rifle, Raid Rifle
- I don't care if I don't gold ball at all, just getting a couple of these two would be awesome.

Crap Balls: Actually not crap, all of them include slot protectors + cosmos sets!

I think the worst thing you can get from this garapon are the non-Lily EVE bots themselves.

>> No.6906534

I got an Ouka and a Maril March from my first set of 5 rolls. Ouka's melee is obviously fantastic, but getting her there in the first place without losing more than half your health is difficult. After putting on an extra ace braver backside and blast and melee guard her survivability is up quite a bit, and boost run tops it off. Alternately stun regain or tough runner might work.

I actually get more kills chasing down low health air bots and using the slicer blade than actual melee; arty do seem to clump when a wild Ouka appears.

>> No.6906587

oh goddammit I think the prepaid card I was going to use had all of the money on it removed for upkeep fees. why the fuck would they put a 2011 expiration date on it if it was going to run out of money before then?

>> No.6906596


Play ouka like an assassin or like butterfly or something. If you can't get in without anyone noticing, run and try again in 1 min.

>> No.6906599

are the new weapons any good?

>> No.6906600
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February 24th.


>> No.6906610
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I generally prefer to farm a load of items and disrupt enemy lines from the rear, doing only minimal damage then luring off foolish individuals to cut them up - I'm keeping Ouka to lvl5 only and so don't have stealth system or sniper sight.

>> No.6906626

Other info:

Bug Fixes, Sale Endings, etc.

The following new features have been added:

- It is now possible to add stage names and comments to custom stages. This may be done by clicking the new Stage Name button in the top right corner of the stage editor window.

The following minor bugs have been fixed:

- Sorting order problems when sorting parts by range or speed have been fixed.
- Bug in which old boost stats were occasionally carried over into new Arcantus Quests has been fixed.
- Bug in which Arcantus scores were not showing up on the Ranking when players returned from Quest Mode immediately after obtaining treasure rewards has been fixed.
- Bug in which rank points from Arcantus were not showing up properly on the Profile screen has been fixed.
- In Relic Towers, robots are no longer able to enter inside of certain objects.
- Bug in which Bugsycait BS's built in slicer shield sometimes failed to block enemy bullets has been fixed.
- Object display bug when moving the object VILLAGE_GATE_01 in the stage editor has been fixed.

The following balance adjustments have been made (minor adjustments carried over from the JP version of the game):

- Boiledeck AM's built in weapon's accuracy has been slightly increased.
- Aquila BD's built in blaster has been slightly improved so that all bullets now have the same power as the center bullet.

The following sales have ended as planned:

- Ouka Garapon has been removed.
- The 50% off sale on last week's new weapons is now over (other %50 off sales have been extended).

Other changes:

- Code involving the user interface has been optimized, so the Garage should load slightly faster than before.
- Quest Mode layout has been shuffled.

>> No.6906627

ok so I have 40 rt right now. if I can get a new card with money on it I might be able to get 280 from gamefly. that would be enough to roll 10 times. should I even bother or am I better off rolling once and quitting while I'm ahead?

>> No.6906631

New Rt Weapons

More new weapons added to the Rt section of the Weapons Shop. New weapons are all %50 off until next week's maintenance!

Main Weapons
Accel Beam Gun (1 slot) 20 Rt 10 Rt (50% OFF)
Boost Gun (1 slot) 28 Rt 14 Rt (50% OFF)
Linear Cannon (1 slot) 32 Rt 16 Rt (50% OFF)

Sub Weapons
Battle Boomerang (1 slot) 16 Rt 8 Rt (50% OFF)
Oar Edge (1 slot) 28 Rt 14 Rt (50% OFF)
Photon Saber (1 slot) 32 Rt 16 Rt (50% OFF)

Hmm... How does the Linear Cannon handle? Does it have a charge time? Can you hook it up to the Maxis to burstfire all railguns at once?

>> No.6906652


i rolled twice, i got ABR and lancealot

fuckin DONE with that gara, all i wanted.

>> No.6906656
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>> No.6906658

My EVE-gara wishlist:

- garulabird for his arms
- raid rifle
- a couple of slut protectors

>> No.6906660

only got 804 points on the eve mission. does doing it on hard give more points? I probably could have done better too if I had realzied the mission lily came with float dash sooner.

>> No.6906666

so this moron spent almost $300 to get that? on the other hand some fag I ran into just now said he got one on the second try. fuck I don't even want to try now.

>> No.6906671

wait I just saw he rolled 30 more times on the next page. that's $384 from one faggot. it's so retarded I want to kill myself.

>> No.6906673

Some dude in Japan spent the equivalent of 1,000 USD trying to get a bot. So could be worse.

>> No.6906685

yes, do it on hard mode

i got a ABR, didn't like it much.. i like my LPG more.

>> No.6906686


>Clan Tournament

Is Frogglue still happening?

>> No.6906691

Is the UI laggy as fuck for anyone else? There's like 2 seconds delay between pressing a button and actually something happening.

>> No.6906696

There aren't even enough Hotglue still around to fill a team anyways.

>> No.6906725

so one cannot solo the whole tourney?

>> No.6906789


The auto beam rifle's in?

>> No.6906894

120 rolls total

Breakdown by Color:
32 gold balls (27%)
22 silver balls (18%)
28 bronze balls (23%)
38 red balls (32%)

By Result:

3 Lily Rain EVE (2.5%)
2 Lancerlot (1.7%)
4 Contradict (3.3%)
3 Garulabird (2.5%)
3 Psycho Formula Type-2 (2.5%)
12 Thorala Frazia (10%)
5 Jikun Long (4.2%)

7 Aquila Mk2 (5.8%)
3 Air Raider (2.5%)
4 Zero Saber Custom (3.3%)
4 Lucheer DP (3.3%)
4 Lucheer DB (3.3%)

8 Auto Beam Rifle (6.7%)
2 Raid Rifle (1.7%)
9 Buckler (7.5%)
9 Cheer Pom-pon (7.5%)

38 Slot Protector Alpha + Tune Up Set (31.7%)

>> No.6906957

my review of the things you can get

>Lily Rain EVE
obviously what everyone wants. with those rates you probably aren't going to get it though.

decent pull, even if you just want his shield

has anyone gotten this? it sounds like a slightly better destructor

some people like his gun arms but overall I think it's shit

>Psycho Formula Type-2
is this supposed to be good? I never see them

>Thorala Frazia
useless variant of a shop robot

>Jikun Long
shop robot

>Aquila Mk2
another useless variant of a shop robot

>Air Raider
seems kind of shitty. maybe the parts are good.

>Zero Saber Custom
does anyone really want this?

>Lucheer DP
>Lucheer DB
they look like about as good as the maid robot you can get from arena and arcantus drops

>Auto Beam Rifle
>Raid Rifle
good weapons

can't you get this from haku?

>Cheer Pom-pon
joke weapon

so basically you have a 1/8 chance or so of getting something decent with the rest being stuff you could just buy from the store or complete trash.

>> No.6907004

I don't care what crap they shoved in the garapon, they gave us this and now we don't have to stumble around in the dark like blind people finally.

>> No.6907099

>roll EVE gara x5
>get shit
>"Fuck gambler's fallacy"
>charge $20
>roll EVE gara x5
>2 EVEs

>> No.6907103

I don't really care that much about Eve, there's other shit in there I want.

>> No.6907106
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Jpcb garapon has given me a Chainsaw, Naginata and now jet hammer.. but I'm useless with melee ;_;

>> No.6907118

There's always time to learn. Also, different weapons handle very differently. I was absolutely shit with Ivis in beta, but my Ouka's doing ok now.

>> No.6907146

So is this CS last method in getting people to charge RT before shutting down the server?

>> No.6907156

the calendar has the bunny girls on it and there's still ivis left. I'd give it until may at the most.

>> No.6907170

>>6907146 before shutting down the server?
We have paid the server bills for the next 5 years already.

>> No.6907171
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>attempt eve mission hard
>delgers appear
>they're like harmless oukas running everywhere at high speeds being stupid

Oh well I got 1808 so I should be fine.

>> No.6907176

what is score based on? is it just time left or is accuracy and not getting hit important too?

>> No.6907185

I don't know why people think ENCB is dying. The game is obviously generating buttloads of money, and despite all the bitching about Rt and Garapon the user base size still hasn't dropped down as low as it was during several of the beta tests. If anything, the game is expanding.

It's just too bad that most of the /jp/ers are quitting, and being replaced by gaiafags. For every intelligent player that quits, 10 gaiafags are waiting to take his place.

>> No.6907192

Tempura's a faggot.

>> No.6907194

It's a sign it's dying when JP CB has 50% more population during peak times.

>> No.6907203

Has the Ouka mission stopped as well as Ouka garapon?
>captcha: construct apport

>> No.6907208

Ouka mission is still there.

>> No.6907233

Except JP goes down to below 100 after that. US is usually around 250-300. There was around 600 a week ago.

>> No.6907241

Weekly UC garapon rates on JPCB

total 652 rolls
Gold 11 (1.7%)
Silver 19 (2.9%)
Accessory 2 (0.3%)
Bronze 620 (95.1%)

Haha oh wow.

>> No.6907267

Funny, I did a x5 Eve gara roll and got all those things on that wishlist.

>> No.6907277

Haha, wow. Underaged poorfags in the CB community got fucking TOLD. Keep filling out them surveys, bitches.

>> No.6907283
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Has there been any word on what the new RT charge rewards will be? I want to charge some, but if the rewards are going to be better next week I'll wait.

>> No.6907287


>> No.6907288

>Underaged poorfags
That's funny because most of the people buying root are underage kids using their parent's card.

>> No.6907295

Anyone tried saggy with two linear cannons?

>> No.6907320

Better luck than me, I only got one Eve out of 90 rolls. Oh well, good enough.

>> No.6907323
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>jpCB is "better"
- Bastagant tickets
- no UC versions of Jikun/Lily Rain/Shino Exroad/Izuna
- only blonde seraph is available in UC

You guys are spoiled.

>> No.6907328

When I get back from work I'll blow the rest of my RT on EVE and see if i get them or an eve or both. I'll certainly give it a shot.

>> No.6907332

I will not even bother replying to you.

>> No.6907345

don't run away bro, you can beat him

>> No.6907348

I'm just tired of saying the same things over and over showing how bad USCB is compared to JPCB. The things he/you listed are nothing compared to what you can have on JPCB.

And you are not on /v/, "bro".

>> No.6907355

At the rate they are releasing these new bots I'll just wait for lop sisters or ivis but mostly lop

and oh god I want a ABR those things are great

the railgun in shop is ok it as strong as fully upgraded cart saggi but with shorter range 420 to 380 and can fit an a M size art

>> No.6907406

Can you fire them at the same time as a saggy?

>> No.6907483

Cool story bro. I have 6 slot protectors omega in JPCB.
Too bad I have nothing to fucking use them on.

>> No.6907492

You don't know how to make decent builds and use the bazaar properly I see.

>> No.6907594

And I see you're a fucking moron.
You don't need to spend money to play in the arena at all.

If you're autistic enough to find that style of playing "fun".

>> No.6907604

>EVE chibi
>Ivis chibi lurking on the bottom right corner

>> No.6907606

You don't seem to understand what I'm trying to say here. Please read the past posts again.

>> No.6907619

I would play a private server of this game

Who else?

>> No.6907644

It's you who doesn't seem understand.
Go back to hopping with your friends, or spamming Izuna wisps while lagging like a faggot.

>> No.6907691

Oh, so you mean you can't play the game with it has to offer? The only way you can have fun is having RT bots that only have their stock overpowered abilites like Ouka for example?

>> No.6907711

Yes they fire at the same time

>> No.6907715

As for Rance, it has innovative gameplay ideas that would allow Alicesoft to compete on handheld or dlc markets with ease as long as they put a budget behind it and didn't try to make it run in a vn-based engine.

>> No.6907758

>>6907691 overpowered abilites like Ouka

Yeah, sorry for not being so autistic as to find running 3x Accel Saber with handy bazooka fun.

>> No.6907867

>lol u autist xD
Yeah, that proves my point completely. In fact, you shouldn't be even posting on this board.

>> No.6907998

I've been here since its creation.
Cry me a river, faggot.

>> No.6908095



When is the next one, anyway? Are they held on a specific day every month?

>> No.6908100

Third Saturday of every month I think.

>> No.6908101

Yeah sure. Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.6908235


how do you get 1800+ on eve?

>> No.6908259

Does the ABR drop from the EVE mission?

>> No.6908266
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I usually don't talk to myself.

Because I'm not autistic.

Like you.

>> No.6908304
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Hai gaise
I just downloaded this a week ago and I'm stuck on the Gigan Busters mission since i don't know how to get there.
Can someone help me out ?

>> No.6908382

You don't know how to do missions? Go to central area using the teleport column.

>> No.6908730

>succeed in filling half my sub garage with Air Raiders, Aquilias and Zero Saber Customs
>Not a single EVE

>> No.6908733

On the plus side I have enough garulabird arms, ABRs and raid rifles to make a rifle fort.

>> No.6909334

was anyone here a huge enough faggot to roll 50 or more times? I want more data for my calculations.

>> No.6909416

Meanwhile in cyberstep's HQ

In before IVIS

>> No.6909420
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forgot my pic

>> No.6909424

How do you compare? Don't reply to a random copypasting faggot, he's just taking messages already posted elsewhere in this board and changing one or two words.

>> No.6909499

email the results if you're too ashamed to post them here

>> No.6909529

What do you guys think of the new rt shop weapons?
Are any of them worthy buying?

>> No.6909537

Rolled 2 times

3 Red balls

1 Auto Beam Rifle
2 Raid Rifle
1 Buckler
1 Cheer Pom-pon
1 Jikun Long
1 Aquila

Not ashamed if they're free offers

>> No.6909541

5 rolls:
Luncheer DB
Jikun Long
Thoarla Frazia

>> No.6909652
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5 rolls:
Lily Rain EVE
Lily Rain EVE
Lily Rain EVE
Lily Rain EVE
Lily Rain EVE

>> No.6909943

damn those little fast enemies in the hard mode mission are annoying.

>> No.6910008
File: 45 KB, 128x663, greatcapa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great capacity tune

>> No.6910014

best get to grinding boof

>> No.6910028


and fail with 90% success rate

>> No.6910080

Red numbers are what you need?

>> No.6910120




On my ouka roll I got a winberle, misty sin, blue ball and 2 fire rods. That's two gold, one blue and 2 whatever fire rods are.

>> No.6910127


Anyone got any tips for the eve mission? How do you get over 1800?

>> No.6910132

The test of true Autism.

I fully expect Kanbarra to get one.

>> No.6910146

Jesus christ. How much CAP you get from that? Holy shit CB devs were tripping balls hard when they made that.

>> No.6910159 [DELETED] 

Only to have +50 capacity (100 - 60 COST) if successful.

>> No.6910165

Only to have +50 capacity (110 - 60 COST) if successful.

>> No.6910372
File: 602 KB, 2000x1414, 14842492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6910423
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Oh my, haven't seen this map before

>> No.6910560

rolled about x80 times on that, not a single gold ball, man, the odds were way worse than the normal UC garas.

>> No.6910588

do you mean the eve gara? post your results here or email them to the address here

I want to see if the results within categories will even out with a bigger sample size.

>> No.6910616

rolled 4 times on single roll on the EVE gara

got 2 psycho formulas, 1 contradict and a jikun long

Can someone tell me why the fuck is jikun long on a GOLD ball in the eve gara? there's nothing good or different about it

>> No.6910629

basically it's filler. if the only gold ball was lily rain eve, then it would be really obvious how low your chances are because you would never see any gold balls come out. if you put in filler shit like jikun and thorala though people see that they're getting gold balls and think the odds are better than they really are.

>> No.6910632
File: 420 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110105_2239_35_384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when we did the all cannonballer Hotglue team fight rounds. The Cannonballer Derby was funny as hell.

I guess the CBDevs got wind of it or something and decided to have an event.

>> No.6910648


Only way Tempura to say "fuck you" without sounding like it.

You want Eve? lol, no. Fuck you, have a Jikun.

>> No.6910748

I lol'd

>> No.6910749

Which are the super cheap offers? I found a Yahoo web hosting offer, but it's like 30 bucks for 308 root, so... basically the same.

>> No.6910786


Now this is fucking hilarious, they're so desperate for people to play their dying game they've added prizes to try and convince people to play.


Pissing off your player base sure was a great way to start enCB wasn't it cyberstep?

>> No.6910795 [DELETED] 

The gamefly and blockbuster offers are pretty cheap. Gamefly gives 280 rt for $7.95 dollars. I forgot how much the blockbuster offer was but I think it gave 240 rt.

>> No.6910798

You're like two weeks too late, genius.

>> No.6910801

Also, in previous thread http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/6880850#p6890221
This person says you can cancel your gamefly account. In the offers page it says they can revoke the RT. They don't revoke it? Experiences anyone?

>> No.6910827

You can cancel after they charge you the eight dollars.

>> No.6910896
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 1286901825943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denied DiscoverCard for being NEET (insufficient credit history)

>> No.6910983

270 rolls total

Breakdown by Color:
75 gold balls (28%)
52 silver balls (19%)
59 bronze balls (22%)
84 red balls (31%)

By Result:

3 Lily Rain EVE (1.1%)
7 Lancerlot (2.6%)
15 Contradict (5.5%)
7 Garulabird (2.6%)
8 Psycho Formula Type-2 (3.0%)
20 Thorala Frazia (7.4%)
15 Jikun Long (5.6%)

14 Aquila Mk2 (5.2%)
7 Air Raider (2.6%)
10 Zero Saber Custom (3.7%)
9 Lucheer DP (3.3%)
12 Lucheer DB (4.4%)

16 Auto Beam Rifle (5.9%)
8 Raid Rifle (3.0%)
18 Buckler (6.7%)
17 Cheer Pom-pon (6.3%)

84 Slot Protector Alpha + Tune Up Set (31.1%)

>> No.6911040

i wants them more then eve

>> No.6911043

2 raid
5 buckler
6 pompoms
10 slot protectors

3 jikun
3 lucheer
5 psycho formula
4 zero saber
1 air rider
2 aquila
2 contradict
2 garula bd
4 thoarla

less than 1%, maybe i'll just stop.

>> No.6911196

>>6906658 here

My EVE-gara wishlist:

5 rolls, got Jikun Long (PIG DISGUSTING), Psycho Formula (Already have one, could be worse), Midoro set (Just what I wanted!), Auto Beam Rifle (YES!), Raid Rifle (YES!!)

Can't believe I gold balled twice. Maybe I'll want to be a Jikun fag later.

>> No.6911233

your chance of getting a gold ball is pretty good. it just probably won't be a lily rain eve in it.

>> No.6911331


I hope you get your rt through offers.

>> No.6911338

>buy directTV 2 year package a month ago
>browsing cosmic break offers
>"get directTV, get 1800 RT"


>> No.6911347


>> No.6911351

I got an Ouka on my first roll.

Eve? Not so much.

And that bot is the one I really want.

>> No.6911372


unless you want her because she's moe, she isn't a good bot. A amatus with 5 weapons > eve. Hell, my ama scored 1700 damage with no deaths and this guy with 2 of them did 700 with 3 deaths.

>> No.6911379


good reason to not roll gara at all

>> No.6911381
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>just one


>> No.6911399

but she looks like kos-mos and has funnels

>> No.6911411

I'm a lot better being mobile and not burst firing. Thus, one powerful weapon trumps multiple good weapons, because I get killed that much faster. I've got a Lily build already with misside arms and so forth, but I want something that plays more like a small saggy.

>> No.6911418


I will NEVER roll RT garapon, holy shit.

>> No.6911435
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CAPA tunes, not so good.

>> No.6911442


Try it with an ama. The core weapon is a very fast stunning missile. If it hits, all of your other weapons have a much higher chance of hitting. My build is 2 misside arms and 2 bazooka's you get from steel riders. I generally do my cost+ in damage every match and usually end up with game warrior.

>> No.6911465
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Is that yours?

>> No.6911469

I wouldn't call 'fast' the core weapon. It's slow, though it has a bit of homing.

>> No.6911480

I'll give it a shot. I've had good runs with my multiarm destructor, so it shouldn't do that badly.

...Actually, I think I've seen an amateus bouncing around destroying everything and evading my Ouka. Might have been you, actually.

>> No.6911482

Yeah. Didn't spend anything for her, just took advantage of every Rt/level up event. Now I'm waiting for the star coin limits to reset so that I can buy a pair of slot protectors and finish up the shield/ABR, I have 5 harmonics gamma ready for it already. The only difficult part to get was the Izuna BS/kindergarten hat, I was pretty lucky to get Izuna and Crim-chan on Garapon.

>> No.6911483

...Also, what can I do with an army of Air Raiders? It's a shame Helingal's arms are stuck on, they'd go great with the Air Raider's body weapon.

>> No.6911490


It has 310 speed at max core upgrade. That is very very fast for a homing weapon.

I should also not that the ama's core sub weapon is very good against air. It sucks on land, but for some reason is good on air. Try it.


Probably me or tori. Tori is probably the best ama user in the game. Watch him play sometime. He doesn't use misside arms, but probably has a fully tuned ama. I use misside because I can't afford tuneups.

>> No.6911496

You should get FLY up to 34, because there's a break point there.

>> No.6911507

Yeah, the final build is 32TEC/34FLY, the former is also the break point for Jupitizer, Izuna BS and ABR damage. I have Heart Earrings to replace the Halloween Bat, and after tuning Technique and High Fly on the shield I exactly hit that with 1STR/1WLK and 20CAPA left for wonderbits/tuning the ABR.

I'm a shit player but at least I know how to tune.

>> No.6911517

>You should get FLY up to 34, because there's a break point there.

WLK and FLY stats have "break" points? How do you know this? More importantly, why hasn't it been mentioned before?

>> No.6911615

Haven't upgraded the core yet. My build is misside arms, box launcher, and blast bazooka. And I replaced the head with sturbanger's.

>> No.6911642

Same idea as STR/TEC, speed rounds up. 34 WLK/FLY gives you like, let's say 15.1 speed, which rounds up to 16. 35-40 WLK/FLY gives you 15.2, 15.3, and so on, so there's no point in adding more.

>> No.6911654

How can you tell the base speed of a bot?

>> No.6911658


I've never heard of this. Citations?


Your weapons should kind of have a sngery.

>> No.6911669

Synergy of weapons is one playstyle that, while efficient against one type of bot, will be minced by other types. E.g. a destructor with 2 misside arms and 2 box missiles will toast most air but land will eat them.

A destructor with missiles and beam weapons might fare a bit better.

>> No.6911676

I'm fairly sure that STR/TEC round to nearest integer. In fact, they seem unique in the game for that, everything else rounds up.

>> No.6911704

Nah, I prefer going hybrid. If I go full blast, I end up doing like 5hp/hit to lnd.

>> No.6911783


Is there a list of numbers for this?

I bet I've wasted so many tune ups trying to get my bots to go faster.

>> No.6911805


I have a couple misside arm/zooka(or box missiles) spamming bots and it's still like 50-70 a volley on LND types.

>> No.6911853

Wow so basically is going anything past 34 wlk/fly completely useless then? I know of the str and tec formulas which are dependent and round to whatever weapon you're using, but is 34 the magic number for these stats then?

>> No.6911857

You only get so many volleys. I tend to end up out of misside shots fairly early on, and then I'm left potshotting lands chasing me with my box missiles.

And then spend the rest of the match using my destructor missiles to annoy all the enemy fliers.

>> No.6911867

Been looking at the RT charge rewards and saw something I didn't notice before:
>Cosmo Harmonics DELTA x2
Only available if you charge $100 or $200, so it must be pretty good, like a 50% increase maybe? Anyone know?

>> No.6911868

If that is true why is 40 fly clearly faster than 34?

>> No.6911883


I think that every single point makes a bit of a difference, but maybe there are points where it jumps. I know I have been moving just a tiny bit faster than someone else flying before. 2 Izunas with mine ending up just a bit further after we both take off at the same time going in a straight line.

>> No.6911888
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I know for a fact that 40 fly is more than just a little bit faster than 34. My Frau has 34 fly and it very noticably lags behind the 40 fly Seraphs when I try to chase them.

>> No.6911923

Well, seems that CBJP now has missiles that can be equipped by AIR. They're the AURA attack of Genbu AMs and require another AURA AIR to be used, but they're nonetheless a step up from mini bazooka.

>> No.6911937

Missiles are pretty much only useful when firing at an opponent heading towards you though. They're too slow to catch up to fleeing tuned bots, or they just miss at close range if you can't turn fast enough.

>> No.6911939


That's what I mean. Each point seems to do something, but maybe at certain points it also rounds up and counts twice as much or something.

>> No.6912027

38 is next. Going above that is pretty much a waste though.
29 is earlier.

Basically, those are points where there's a very noticeable difference in speed compared to the previous value.

>> No.6912028

bazooka (except blast bazooka)/missiles aren't full/high blast weapons

>> No.6912068

can't wait for EverythingsFine to win tourney now that Hotglue is out of the picture =]

>> No.6912073

Delta = 40%

>> No.6912119


I'm pretty sure Hotglue will enter.

But all the autism in the world can't stand up to the thousands of dollars that those idiots payed. Paying is one thing, but paying that much is just stupid. This game isn't even that good.

Either way, it will be fun. I hope Hotglue wins just for gloating reasons. Hopefully the bracket will be set up so Everthing's Fine, EFB, and Hotglue can get the top 3 spots like they deserve. It will suck if they fight early on.

>> No.6912177

I doubt Hotglue will even gather 10 players willing to play. Even more 10 decent players.

This is sad, the previous tournament was much fun.

>> No.6912217
File: 48 KB, 600x616, hotglue butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck hotglue, you better win this tournament, and with all UC builds too. I know you all have it in you.

>> No.6912236
File: 2.40 MB, 2000x2400, 1296068784822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they used nothing but UC bots they would be ridiculed as the biggest faggots in the game. The competitive UC builds are all extremely cheap and usually exploit flaws in the the game mechanics to achieve success.

>> No.6912261

Yes, but hotglue already is a bunch of faggots

>> No.6912264

It's not like it's their fault for not having money to buy shit.

Also, the UC only builds are not as good as you say. You need parts from RT beots and RT weapons to make the really good builds. Also, it's much harder to play with them than stock abilities from RT robots.

>> No.6912287

>not their fault they don't have money

Uhhh, yes it is.

>> No.6912322


No need to troll a mostly good thread now. Go complain about people not having jobs in those dozens of NEET threads.

>> No.6912343 [DELETED] 

You brought it up. And even if they did have money and didn't want to spend it on CB, it would still be their fault they don't have RT bots to use.

>> No.6912348
File: 3 KB, 300x57, you neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captcha thinks I should. What do you say, Captcha?

>> No.6912350

You brought it up. And even if they did have money to spend on CB and chose not to, it would still be their fault they don't have RT bots to compete with.

>> No.6912364

Not that guy and this is just my personal view but spending real money on games is kind of stupid. But don't mind me.

>> No.6912384


You realize you are defending people spending $400+ on an MMO that hasn't even been out for 2 months, right? Sure, it's nice for them to pay for the servers for the rest of us, but to say that it's everyone else's "fault" that they don't have the same things is stupid. It isn't a fault to NOT pay $400. It's a choice and most people would rather buy something more worthwhile to them instead of virtual currency for a game that will probably be dead within half a year.

>> No.6912401
File: 160 KB, 1200x1600, 7282801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The minimum payment is 10$. Quit over exaggerating to try and make your point.

You can easily spend $30 dollars on this game and be just fine. Less money than if you had bought a retail copy in a store.

And of course it's their fault they don't have the RT bots. Who is keeping them from it? CS by actually charging money for their product?


You've never bought a video game in your entire life?

>> No.6912408

Yet they have money to spend on figures? Or other shit.
How many people on /jp/ have no job and yet still somehow get money.

>> No.6912412

There is a clear difference between paying for something once and enjoying its full potential to the end of your days and paying constantly.

>> No.6912413

Well, if they don't pay up, they shouldn't complain about not having RT bots.

>> No.6912427

There is a huged ifference between owning something that you can touch, feel and hold compare to a pixel and epeen that is useless in a few months time.
There is a reason why /jp/ called all mmo fotm.
They dont last long.

>> No.6912435


Oh, well as far as only putting in a little bit of money goes, I've done that myself.

It's more along the lines of the people having tons of money put in to tune up their bots. The only way to compete with that is TONS of grinding and the game hasn't even been out that long yet, so most people would be much worse off unless they payed a lot of money.

Even some of the cash bots are cheap and pretty good, but you still can't get more than one or two Garapon bots or weapons that you want without spending way more than most people are willing.

Complaining about Rt bots is one thing. Complaining about people having 3 fully tuned Rt bots with Garapon weapons (also tuned of course) is another.

>> No.6912439

No one is complaining about not having bots, specifically. People are complaining about the game becoming like that.

>> No.6912445

>The only way to compete with that is TONS of grinding

Actually, you can't compete with that because you don't have slot protectors and you will never reach the tune up status you want without them.

>> No.6912466

>>6912427 There is a huged ifference between owning something that you can touch, feel and hold compare to a pixel and epeen that is useless in a few months time.
No, considering that said thing you can touch is also useless, not really.

>> No.6912467
File: 369 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110115_1723_50_925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to base things on random amounts of damage in one bot life, with so many uncontrollable factors, then, clearly, Saggy is the best bot in the game.

Too bad he isn't moe, no matter how pink I color him ;_;

Tori uses/used a full Amateus commando with asura arm setups. He often ends games with 3000-4000 cost as well, ignoring the star/crown modifier.

>> No.6912470


Except that isn't what that build is. Art sucks with beams anyway.


You already are full blast and even then you do a ton of damage to land because you're using 5 weapons.

>> No.6912472

You pay as much or as little as you want. You do not have to constantly pay to keep playing. Once you own the bots on your account they do not go away or anything. The game does not force you to keep spending money.

The reason those people spent 400$ was to buy a whole lot of bots. You only need 3 to be competitive and you can easily buy 3 good ones for $15 from the shop, not even relying on gara.

Tuning up you'd do the same thing the UC players do. And you can't even buy the really important tune up mats like Shining Feathers. That's all autistic talent that gets you enough of those for tune ups.

>> No.6912488


I'd be fine with the game if we didn't need slot protectors. Having a chance to tune is fine, but also destroying the slot if it fails? You would need to keep spending Rt to get more parts to replace the broken ones or only tune UC parts. And if you did that, you might as well just play UC bots because the core is the only Rt part that you will end up using.

Tuning up Rt parts is expensive no matter how you look at it. You pay for the part and then either keep paying for the part again as you break it or pay for slot protectors and keep paying for them as you break them. There is no cheap way to do it.

>> No.6912494

Oh great, now I have fucking huge UI lag again.
I didn't have it in the morning so I thought it was just temporary.

>> No.6912497

Oh please, don't insinuate that the best bots and parts in the game are not in Gara.
>Once you own the bots on your account they do not go away or anything.
That's a problem when Garapon comes to mind.
Of course no one is forced to play or pay, but when people who spend a lot being it on robots, being it on tune up materials or being it on garapon for weapons and other things for their entire commando (which should be much bigger than just 3 bots) it's clearly different than everyone paying a quantity of money on a game and playing.

Not to mention that as time goes on new bots come, new weapons, new everything. Forcing you to buy more stuff in order to improve your builds, etc. Example of that would be using outdated Jikun when there is Ivis around destroying your score. You are paying constantly, yes.

>> No.6912528


Except it isn't random. That was simply the stats of the round against another player who I knew had Eves. Tori must have changed his build since I've stopped playing. I would have known if I saw him with asura arms.

>> No.6912529

>Someone using EVE sucked.
>lol EVE is shit.


>> No.6912540




Most of the rt shop bots don't compare with garapon bots and garapon has stupid odds.


No, we can. A fair number of sdgo players joined hotglue, though they don't play including the top sdgo player from the tourney. If we can get all of the best players from both guilds to join for the tourney we'll win easily. Most of the top players from snowflake and everything's fine aren't even that good.

>> No.6912546


No, she is. Her psyguns have horrible homing and her main has horrible dps compared to an art with tons of guns.

>> No.6912552

I might login to see the situation then.

>> No.6912571
File: 977 KB, 2000x2773, 9679789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a load of shit and you know it. A Byne is barely worse than Ouka, find me an art in the Gara better than Saggi, Seraph is a UC bot and probably the best air in the game, and I can't think of a Gara support better than Bugsy.

Gara bots hardly blow away shop bots.

>> No.6912578

Seraph is only good when fully tunned. Oh and let's not forget weapons and such too.

>> No.6912580


An ouka is a billion times better than a byne, but you're more or less right about the bots. How about the difference in garapon and rt shop weapons then?

>> No.6912613


This reminds me. Why don't people use shadens?

>> No.6912666

I wonder what kind of dumbass would muster up this sort of remark without doing research into the game. RT bots outperform UC if they even bothered hopping, which most don't because everyone is bad.

>> No.6912679

Blast bazooka comes to mind. It's a bugged weapon dealing 2.2 modifiers. There's also barrier joints which make shit worse, and let's not forget the biggest offender - lancelot shields.

>> No.6912683

When I said hybrid I was referring to not going all missile weapons or all bazookas.

>> No.6912720

Garapon was such a neat idea at the time...


>> No.6912876


Best Bazooka: Blast(Gara), Large(Arcantus)
Best Beam: Stardust(Bosses), ABR(Gara), Plasma(Shop)
Best Melee: Haku(Boss), Squealer arm(Arcantus(, Byne am(Shop), Ouka am(Gara)
Best Rifle: Garulabird am(gara), Scouter Rifle, (Boss)

What am I missing?

List doesn't look very Gara dominant.

>> No.6912888

>best melee
>not slash blade
>best rifle
>not raid
hahaah oh you

>> No.6912925

Who the fuck uses slash blade?

>> No.6912935


a lot of people who manage to get it.


This list is horrible. Do you even play the game?

>> No.6912942

which bosses drop those three weapons?

>> No.6912961


bee, and they're not even good weapons. the scouter rifle is crap.

>> No.6912965


Berz 2*.
At least it used to.
Over 200 Berz runs and never got one.

>> No.6912972


You have horrible luck. Anyway stardust can only be used by l air, which tend to not do so well in arena.

>> No.6912995

Did you get one?
How long did it take you?

>> No.6913088

Not that poster, I think I have 4 or 5 on JPCB with 300h playtime.

>> No.6913117

Damn it.

>> No.6913303

listing RT stuff:

railguns, blast zooka, ABR, oukas, air ivis, raid rifle, assault rifle, misty, gathima missile am, gathima breaker am, amateus, domniclown am, mighty byne am, lancerlot shield am, sexraptor am2, baltheon, slash blade, combo dagger, force barrier, cross shooter, shuriken gun, gaywayne, shaden bs

every one of these are a big step up from anything that can be obtained for "free"

>> No.6913325

>air ivis
who now?

>> No.6913606

Frau Adone

>> No.6913615

How bad is she?

Also, that "what doughnut are you" quiz was well worth the 8rt

>> No.6913620
File: 180 KB, 560x740, ouka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6913637 [DELETED] 

frau adone

>> No.6913662

Large chain of air kicks that is hard to get out of/dodge.
I've heard that you can slow tune it too.

>> No.6913863

Auto-matching needs to be removed from the game. People abuse it to afk in arena.

>> No.6913964

>people arguing about RT/UC/gara bots

You guys are newbs. Pros don't give a shit about RT or UC bots. Pros only care about tune ups and special RT parts. And those are expensive as fuck in terms of RT investment.

Look at the players in BRD. It's not their RT or UC bots, it's their cashwhored tune ups that makes them untouchable. Compare Florette's current hopping to their hopping. They're totally different when one side has tune ups up the ass.

The team with the best tune ups will win regardless. You can't UC-hop your way to victory.

Check back beta when everyone had equal access to all the game's content. Then you will see who was truly the better players. Hint: It wasn't anybody from the current BRD

>> No.6913984

One more thing: Just because someone's rolling around with tons of garapon shit doesn't mean he has any advantage. RT and garapon bots are very nice, but they're not auto-win.

You just rolled an Ouka or a Lily EVE? Cool story bro, you're still gonna lose. You want to win? Start using all that money on tune ups instead of novelty garapon bots, that while nice, aren't winners all by themselves.

>> No.6914030

Fuck, I keep forgetting stuff.

Another thing: If you want instant win as AIR bot, get AIR LOOP.

It's basically hopping for AIR bots. Your performance will improve dramatically. By just using this monthly play2win item, you too can be an annoying fuck.

>> No.6914055

why does everyone only complain about wanting rt parts to be good? doesn't the fact that a lot of fun robots can only be gotten by gambling annoy you even more? for a group that's supposed to be about taking it easy you sure act like a bunch of tryhard faggots.

>> No.6914079

What the fuck are you even talking about? You're not making any sense.

>> No.6914122

>why does everyone only complain about wanting rt parts to be good?

2 asuras, 2 cross shooters, 2 accel beam guns, air loop

That's a current build TaeTae or KaiKai is using right now. It will totally rape your bot. You can't run away, it stuns too hard. Probably have double stun tune up on their weaps too.

Now do you see?

>> No.6914129

almost every complaint I hear is "hurr this game sucks because I can't beat kaikai without spending money." shouldn't the fact that you can't even try out over half of the cool stuff in the game without gambling be a bigger issue? there's tons of stuff in the garapons that I could spend weeks just experimenting with but I'll never get it because I don't want to pour money into a virtual slot machine.

>> No.6914134 [SPOILER] 
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The debate wasn't wether or not RT vs UC is better. It is if Gara vs RT shop is better.

And if you all think Frau is OP now, just wait til they finally fix the bug with her kicks. They are using tec to calculate damage right now, not str.

>> No.6914138

Well, a lot of us were in all 3 OBTs where we did experiment with everything the game had to offer, learned what we liked/didn't like and what was good and not good.

>> No.6914150

because you can never have fun in this game if your bots all get raped in under 10 seconds

>> No.6914158

That sad part is that WIZ pubs line themselves up en-mass to get stomped by BRD.

Back in beta when WIZ was top and BRD was bottom, all the BRD rooms were always empty and that's why a lot of WIZ players were angry.

But now BRD players have their cake and eat it too. They own WIZ and WIZ keeps coming back to give them all the fun they can have.

>> No.6914165

The sad part is you still care about this game when everyone else has moved on

>> No.6914167

The sad part is you're still posting in every single CB thread telling people you don't care about CB

>> No.6914175

I liked how the WIZ pubs were flocking to both 30v30 BRD rooms yesterday when they only had 10 WIZ each and BRD was at 25 each. When it becomes obvious there aren't enough WIZ to even reach 15 and not even the buff could save them, you'd think they'd switch to a 15v15 room instead of getting raped by 30 BRD all day.

>> No.6914200

I liked the level capped 15v15 room yesterday where DOS had half the people using cannon ballers and beat BRD repeatedly.

>> No.6914221

Are all these offers horseshit?

What offers have you guys done that pay out? I need 100RT

>> No.6914268


Most of the install this offers work. Most of the surveys don't unless they're the top surveys that come from peanut labs. The which one are you or win a gift card also sometimes work, but I haven't figured how how. If the fiesta offer is still up, you can get 18 rt from that.


My art would eat that for breakfast actually. Quad guns on air isn't that useful since you can't l+r well as air.

>> No.6914273

quizjungle offers on pLabs aren't horseshit, you just have to smash their door with a fake profile a lot until they open the door and give out the candy.

Seriously, those things are running on two year old software.

>> No.6914288


What? I've done like 10 junglequizes and only like 2 of them gave me rt even when I made it to the end.

>> No.6914331
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I joined one yesterday that was like 4v15 and already losing. Barely won, though. If only people would actually retreat when you spam retreat half of the game and fight only at the PS. That and learn to wait out the clock if there's ~40s left and your team is ahead. Also, WIZ players need to learn to not suck with stat boosts or at least how to abuse them well.

>> No.6914344

I simply like to laugh at you, it's pretty funny.

>> No.6914353

Where are you getting these numbers from? Just from what 'feels' noticable or some formula in the game's code?

>> No.6914379

I was too but that doesn't mean anything. they've added new stuff now like frau and eve. the pile bunker weapon in one of the machines looks like it might work great for the ciel robot I was trying to make in the beta, but I'll never know now. I can't even remake stuff I tried and liked during the beta without gambling.

>> No.6914397

I hate when my team thinks just because they have an advantage in numbers it's an easy win, so they all just rush the enemy powerspot and all get annihilated.

>> No.6914471

I never specified how many exact times you need to do it, I just said "a lot".

Probably would work if the entire team was Winberryls. In fact, I predict that if the winberryl clan enters the tournament, they'll probably make it to at least semifinals. EVE then ruins it all.

also despotic confirmed for internet tough guy

>> No.6914472


well the entire point with numbers is that you can gang on the opposition, that is 2v1s etc and keep their bots stunned

however, pubs are shitty and can't hit targets for shit and noone getting hit = no stunning. in the end they get raped by the the opposing teams good players who takes advantage of the stat boost. In even cases the team with more players would usually win.

games tend to end up half assed anyways, it's usually lol 18vs9 , half of the 18 team goes to attack while rest durr dick around on the map of course the attackers are going to get beaten. a lot of games are also OH NOES SOMEONE IS SHOOTING ME RETREAT and the entire team runs off leaving 5 enemy bots with less than 100hp in a corner healing up and the enemy with a 6000 BP advantage because everyone as BUSY TO FUCKING RUN OFF THAN KILL THE LOW HP BOTS

seriously the times I've made the team won games with a 3000-5000 BP disadvantage because I suicide rushed in and killed 2-3 how hp bots and the healing WB.

>> No.6914693

every time I've been in a 5vs15 game the smaller team gets gangbanged as soon as they spawn until they run out of bp. I haven't played in a while but you must be playing against some shitty people if they can't even figure out how to spawn camp.

>> No.6914842

I did a 2 vs 2 at the volcano, but one of the enemy was afk, so while my teammate hunted the other down, I spent the match pushing the afk guy into the lava and watching him burn to death

>> No.6914914

438 rolls total

Breakdown by Color:
129 gold balls (29%)
85 silver balls (19%)
106 bronze balls (24%)
118 red balls (27%)

By Result:

3 Lily Rain EVE (0.7%)
12 Lancerlot (2.7%)
20 Contradict (4.6%)
17 Garulabird (3.9%)
23 Psycho Formula Type-2 (5.3%)
27 Thorala Frazia (6.1%)
27 Jikun Long (6.1%)

19 Aquila Mk2 (4.3%)
14 Air Raider (3.2%)
19 Zero Saber Custom (4.3%)
16 Lucheer DP (3.7%)
17 Lucheer DB (3.9%)

30 Auto Beam Rifle (6.8%)
20 Raid Rifle (4.6%)
31 Buckler (7.1%)
25 Cheer Pom-pon (5.7%)

118 Slot Protector Alpha + Tune Up Set (26.9%)

I'm starting to wonder if lily rain eve is underrepresented in the results getting submitted or if the chances really are that low.

>> No.6914944

Just imagine how hard it's going to be to get Ivis. Hopefully, Cyberstep has the common sense to delay releasing it by 3-4 months to let people's wallets recover.

Though, personally, I'd be just happy if Ivis never came out. It's bad enough getting Flyvis-ed.

>> No.6914971

It seems like there's a lot of EVE's out there so probably so

>> No.6915137

it's a little suspicious that a lot of people with them are claiming to have gotten them in 5-10 rolls while people reporting 100+ rolls are barely getting any. the stats for everything else looks believable.

>> No.6915229

Insider knowledge for tournament bets

Hotglue has managed to get back roughly 4 of the ten autists required to win the tournament with uc builds so far. This likely isn't quite enough to achieve first place, but you can expect to see them in second or third.

Everythingsfine will not have any of their most nasty hong kong players available due to timezones. Unfortunately, they have poured enough money into the game to acquire bugsycaits with crotchguards, which are plainly the best hoppers in the game.

Snowflake has been actively recruiting people who can actually play the game, further, Mr. Spent $2000 dollars on the game is personally loading each of them out. Not to be underestimated, may give hotglue a run for their money.

EFB is unsure if they will be able to have the required autists. Expect them to place fourth, possibly third if they get seated in a bracket where hotglue/EF/snowflake has to destroy each other.

MSBS seems to be planning something with some other big dos clans, presumably a swap of skilled players. If this goes through, expect another fourth place tier clan that may snag third due to bracket placement.

NoFunAllowed plans to enter once again with their four man joke entry. Expect to see them wiped out by any of the above clans, but manage to win against anyone else.

>> No.6915252


Herp, what happened to MoD?

>> No.6915290


MoD's more skilled players have either left the clan or left the game due to drama and rt. They can only manage 6 good players at their absolute best(Metal, Wulgar, NeoWulgar, etc).

It would take some serious bracket sillyness for them to place, or recruiting some tourney ringers

>> No.6915453

Any info on this MS-DOS clan?

>> No.6915625
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>> No.6915650


Absolute mediocrity. If you want to bet on them, you might as well bet on other mediocre clans that will enter, like Knights of Bladine.

I've watched their clanstacks underperform several times against a lone Kanbara, Luvia, Kaikai, and even a few snowflakes. They don't even have a solid idea if they want to enter yet, as far as I know.

>> No.6915706

One of the DOS clans I've noticed is the one with a lightbulb emblem. Enlightenment apparently. But I didn't think much of them.

However this screenshot >>6912467 made me worried a bit since it looks like 3 of their members are capable of surviving what looks like a 30v30 shuffle without dying.

How many members do they even have? And has anyone else noticed them?

>> No.6915762

Do you guys think the Clan Tournament prize items should be the same as before, or should the GMs pick new items?

>> No.6915792


They can't actually give stuff with good stats, so stuff for showing off that moe bots can wear would be best.

>> No.6915799 [DELETED] 

New items, I hope, or there'll be another huge round of pissing and moaning when flags go up for sale.

What on earth does Cyberstep give out as awards for the Japanese tournaments?

>> No.6915867

Flags, and Rt. There's no 3rd Place Playoff though, only participating members (not the whole clan) get the prizes, and I don't think 2nd place even gets any items if I remember correctly.

>> No.6915889

for some reason, i think cyberstep rigs garapon depending on how much RT you have and how much you roll in a single sitting

>stories of people getting EVE within 10
>stories of people NOT getting EVE within 120

>> No.6915910

The problem with prizes is that they're suppposed to be unique and exclusive. If Cyberstep gives out tournament prizes that are at some later point acquirable by non-tournament players, there's going to be some hard feelings. Given that all three items that were tournament prizes were Rt purchase campaign gift items in the Japanese version, it seems unlikely they would forever be reserved exclusively for tournament players.

What on earth do they give out as prizes for the periodic Japanese tournaments that occur?

>> No.6915940

The other bad aspect of re-using the same prizes is that it antagonizes the people who won the tournament in the beta. Why remind them of what they no longer have, especially given that the same clans are unlikely to win again?

>>What on earth do they give out as prizes for the periodic Japanese tournaments that occur?
>Flags, and Rt. There's no 3rd Place Playoff though, only participating members (not the whole clan) get the prizes, and I don't think 2nd place even gets any items if I remember correctly.


>> No.6915966

I started this game like a week ago and have not spent a single RT(and no tunes) and my highest level bot is a level 7 or 8 Crimrose.

Even I can go into Uncapped 30v30 not die a single time and place top ten. Hit and run(same for epochs too, although that usually means I'm not helping the team and just padding my score).

MoD on DOS btw, not that I'll even try to be in the tourney, no way my untuned shit can compete. Boost Run and Jikun scrubbing are pretty much my corner stones.

>> No.6915992

And to be clear, I want to say this is not a brag post.

By being a complete coward that runs from anything he'd(Of course give them a few shots as a parting gift) lose to, fights only when at an advantage, and refuses to die at all(optional, but don't rack up more than 1-2k) and will instead farm items/get healed... You too can get the to the TOP TEN!

>> No.6916035

I see your point. However one of them has 754 contribution and you don't get that amount of contribution that easily without dying once. Numot looks formidable at the least out of those three.

>> No.6916060

That's not a bug.

>> No.6916093

>>6915867 only participating members (not the whole clan) get the prizes
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6916704

Could somebody please tell that railgun33 fag to shut the fuck up?

>> No.6917056

AFAIK, Lethalflip is one of Rynex's minions.

>> No.6917569

> Rt quizzes
> Me being not from US or western Europe

Envy meters at max.

Although truth be told, I'm just in it to have fun, so I like my cheap-ass UC bots. There is a lot of cool stuff to get without paying a dime (or rouble, for that matter).

Anyway, a question. Is the Plasma gun really worth the +170 cost increase? I've been recommended to give it to my Crim, but I'll have to de-equip a lot of stuff for that.

>> No.6917730

how the hell do you max out STR and TEC on a seraph crim while leaving WLK and FLY at values more than 5

>> No.6917765

Why would you max out TEC AND STR?

>> No.6918210

I assume that the anon wants to max out the wonder bits or something.

Wonder bits have the longest duration if STR and TEC are at a 1:1 ratio. However, having a higher STR increases the wb's melee damage and having a higher TEC increases the wb's ranged damage. Therefore, if you want to have the max duration and an effective wonder bit at the same time, you want to have a high balanced STR/TEC.

...Of course, this is just for weapon wonder bits, misc wbs are only affected by duration.

>> No.6918334


plasma is shit, due to accuracy drop and stuff when you're moving. Either use wide beam gun or limited plasma.

>> No.6918351

Add Vizarz and Despotic to that list too.

>> No.6918432

reading too much into it

pretty sure he meant TEC and FLY

>> No.6918497
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>> No.6918600


looks like get stunlocked by psyguns and -1300 cost: the bot to me

>> No.6918645

And you look like one of those people that take beam and blast guards on Eve.
