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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6904365 No.6904365 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, /v/irgin here. Any of you have any experience with JET? Got an interview today and want to know if there's anything special I should do or just treat it like any other professional matter.

>> No.6904374


The way that was worded was a bit muddled. They posted the successful applicants who got an interview today. No idea when my interview is actually going to be. It's going to be at the LA embassy, that's pretty much all I know.

>> No.6904378

Do your best.

>> No.6904379


>> No.6904400

Isn't this the board to go for Japanese and Japanese culture? I don't know what other board I would find people who have experience with the JET program specifically.

>> No.6904402


>> No.6904403

In a word, no. >>>/trv/

>> No.6904404

Yes and we've had very specific threads about the exact methods and rules not to not get eliminated at the interview.

>> No.6904405


>> No.6904425

If you're determined and the thread doesn't get deleted, though, a bunch of people on /jp/ have gone through those interviews so someone might have something useful to say.

>> No.6904427

You are trying way too hard now, son.

>> No.6904433

Does this looks like /jp/ - Japanese culture to you?
And I really don't see why you feel the need to mention you are from /v/. In particular that you guys are horrible posters most of the time. I ask this in every thread and I still have no answer. Why for Christ's sake? Why?

>> No.6904445

I think they think it's a "sorry if I don't understand the customs of this board but..."
The thing is, one of our customs is not saying you're from another board, particularly /a/, /b/ or /v/.
Either way, it's only a matter of time until people start posting bad experiences with JET and put OP off.

>> No.6904448

Fuck off autisit, I know you are same fucking faggot saging and fucking complaining in every god damn thread on /jp/, go back to be a non existence on /jp/

>> No.6904456

Make sense. I guess my views are really narrow.

>> No.6904460

Hahaha he is not the only one anon. But your usage of "autist", "saging", etc clearly shows what kind of poster you are.

>> No.6904457

Fuck off weeaboo faggot.

Japan does not need anymore retarded white kids leeching the system there so they can teach half-ass English.

>> No.6904459

Okay well I wasn't attempting to troll. I've never been to this board before and my thought process was as follows: JET > Japan Exchange and Teaching > /jp/ > Japan > people who might know something about Japanese culture regarding interviews that I might not be able to find somewhere else.

As for the guy saying everyone from /v/ is an asshole, I couldn't tell you. I never actually post unless I have something to discuss, mostly related to a press/media release. We are not a hive mind who all think and post the same collective material.

For the guy who informed me of the culture of not saying what board you are from, thank you. I didn't read around to see what style you guys posted in and I didn't want to make an attempt and look like a fool and be called a newfag, thus not getting an answer to my question. I thought that saying I was from another board would have cut me some slack (guess I was wrong on that account), duly noted for next time though.

There was a thread on /int/ though to whoever linked me there, thanks.

>> No.6904467

Go back to /b/ already.

>> No.6904469

Well, at least this time you have shoes.

>> No.6904471

Indeed I sage all my posts and can't be reasoned with. I am also one of the only 3 poster on /jp/, fuck you saw right through me.

>> No.6904473

Nobody gives a shit reported.

>> No.6904477

I know how you faggots work, I know the method you are trying to use. You are the ones who are intentionally using sage the wrong way. As if it is that hard to see that all of sudden there was a constrant stream of very quick asperged whining sage complaints about threads people who fucking respond in the first place.

>> No.6904480

>you faggots

You just killed your last chance of being helped by any of these "faggots".

>> No.6904483

Shut up, #chilly.

>> No.6904486

He isn't OP, just a troll.
Though I rather not have OP too.

>> No.6904484

I'm not the OP, cancerous tripfuck

>> No.6904488

u mad? u jelly? u frustrate? DEAL WITH IT

>> No.6904490

>implying u didn't burst him into his face treats

>> No.6904501
File: 119 KB, 392x325, burst into treats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6904517


>> No.6904563


If you are interested in /jp/ even more, OP, here is a perfect view of shitposts. Don't forget to add mine to the list.

>> No.6904862
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he doesn't know who white ren is
