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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 165 KB, 1122x1600, 1296565107148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6903442 No.6903442 [Reply] [Original]

To the anon who posted yesterday about shaving then wearing pantyhose before cumming like a rocket:

I did the same except used smooth nylon panties and can't stop jerking off now. fuck you.

>> No.6903449

/jp/ - Crossdressed masturbation

>> No.6903465

I so want to hear your story bro.

>> No.6903468

Old news

>> No.6903476
File: 66 KB, 253x750, 1277015383348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamnit, OP now i have to masturbate again after seeing that picture and imagining wearing that

>> No.6903482
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kore wa Zombie desu ka - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.12_[2011.01.31_12.47.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6903492
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, [Underwater-Commie] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka - 04 (720p) [C91FD59D].mkv_snapshot_20.08_[2011.02.01_19.22.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you! I was just about to post that.

>> No.6903494
File: 81 KB, 372x375, 1288305908055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, tease me more mistress,\!
tell me what kind of loser pervert i am for getting aroused from weaing girlclothes!

>> No.6903511
File: 54 KB, 1282x722, 1296077110243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6903522

You're fucking sick.

You should be more normal like I am. I just take my imoutos dirty panties and jerk off in them before casually sticking them back in the hamper.

>> No.6903541

you haven't worn em? you haven't lived.

>> No.6903548

We had a crossdressing thread yesterday?

Damn, I must have missed it because of the power loss.

>> No.6903551

This better be pasta or I am seriously moving back to Africa.

>> No.6903560

You must be new here.

>> No.6903565

Actually I'm the JP police. You're under a rest. And now you're under a quarter note!

>> No.6903578

I creep into my imoutos bedroom at night, remove her panties, and then masturbate over her sleeping body whilst wearing the panties on my head.
Then I replace them and return to my computer so that I can tell the internet all about my incestuous perversions.

>> No.6903588

/jp/ - elegant little girls/general

>> No.6903590
File: 52 KB, 800x600, juni2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're under a rest.
>And now you're under a quarter note!
I see what you did there.

>> No.6903594

Elegant? I will fucking slam your asschecks together and make a Nigerian hotdog.

>> No.6903630

What do pantyhose feel like? I think I'd be to muscular to wear them.

>> No.6903672

>To the anon who posted yesterday about shaving then wearing pantyhose before cumming like a rocket

I was the OP for that thread, you're welcome.
But seriously try pantyhose, I think the more skin you encase in nylon the better it will feel once you get into the whole little girl thing.

>What do pantyhose feel like? I think I'd be to muscular to wear them.
It feels like your lower body is getting a tight hug. Rub your legs together and it's instant boner.

>> No.6903690

i almost feel like a little girl when im wearing pantyhose

>> No.6903738

been there done that, that's why i went for the panties. easier access to the cock. pantyhose feels too restrictive

>> No.6903744
File: 682 KB, 1200x2200, 1 (40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems relevant.
I wish I had your courage.

>> No.6903753

It isn't, you piece of shit.

Fuck off to /b/.

>> No.6903759

I've long left /b/ faggot.

>> No.6903764

I just have like three skirts, some kneesocks and tops I got from charity store... Damn, I need to buy something more. Should be easy to find clothes since I'm lightly built.

>> No.6903766

You post reaction images.

Even if you left it before /l/ was taken down, you still belong there.

>> No.6903782
File: 452 KB, 1000x1414, 94675a18eae136aa56a3fa874a3f3fbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I did it too. Do you have any idea what you've done? All of /jp/ is spiraling into an epidemic of leg shaving and girl clothes fapping.

>> No.6903783
File: 1.24 MB, 1430x2020, 14589829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont like boys in pantyhose then you dont belong on jp

>> No.6903811

You will never rub your dick against another /jp/ user while you are both dressed in pantyhose ;_;

>> No.6903812

You aren't hardcore until you masturbate in her panties while she's wearing them.

>> No.6903818

>You post reaction images.
you mean motivators?

>> No.6903820

>Feeling like a little girl with a throbbing cock

>> No.6903836

This thread lacks rude material, both textual and visual.

>> No.6903843
File: 278 KB, 475x471, 1294852049059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easier access to the cock. pantyhose feels too restrictive

Why aren't you using a prostate toy and cumming hands free? Some little girl you are.

>> No.6903850

how long does it take for leg hair to grow back?

>> No.6903864

Define "grow back".

If by that you mean, start growing after shaving, it takes about half a day for me. Shit sucks.

If you mean back to how it was before you shaved, if you haven't shaved your legs in your life before, a few months.

>> No.6903867

Smooth legs will likely become prickly in a day or two.

>> No.6903868

And how long does it take for them to become noticeable?

>> No.6903870

It grows back way too fast. Try epilation instead.

>> No.6903871
File: 231 KB, 1286x1286, 12124508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are traps so delicious?

>> No.6903884


If you mean noticeable to sight, a day or so. You'll be able to feel the prickliness as soon as they grow back though.

Use an epilator if you can. Painful at first, I've heard, but smooth lasts longer (weeks, or months even), and hair grows back softer than before.

I heard epilators can be really loud, though. Seeing as I'm a shutin living with my parents, I'm too afraid of racking up more disappoint points with father-dearest to use one.

>> No.6903912


>> No.6903917

For anyone who may know, how fast is the job when done using an epilator? Is it a very slow process, or about as quick as shaving?

>> No.6903921
File: 1.16 MB, 1800x1196, Kyaaa~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6903940


seriously though, what is the psychology of this? co-ed inadequacy? the feeling that there's less of a threat of rejection if it's another guy?

>> No.6903942

come back to us chisame ;-;

>> No.6903945

>he feeling that there's less of a threat of rejection if it's another guy?

Well, I'm not attracted to boys, but I can see that being a reason.

Bitches is cold, man.

>> No.6903948

I had a dream I was pregnant, /jp/... Thanks.
And I came in my sleep.
Fuck my life.

>> No.6903950
File: 241 KB, 711x472, Kyaaa~ 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He never left :>

He lives on in the heart and soul of /jp/~

>> No.6903953

pretty boys dressing pretty

>> No.6903958

Femininity is sexy. But most women are bitches. So yeah.

>> No.6903959

Let's face it, if in clothes, a male and a female body vary only slightly. And you know how a penis works really well, don't you? That's why another pecker won't repel you from the other, fuckable features.

>> No.6903964

well then, snugglenuts to you all.

>> No.6903965

Most men are bitches, too. Little girls are the best.

>> No.6903967
File: 235 KB, 960x1280, kyaaa~ 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6903972

You're crazy.

>> No.6903987
File: 250 KB, 472x711, kyaaa~ 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6903998

X-dressing to me is a solo thing. Actually seeing another guy doing it is a boner breaker

>> No.6904004

guy's feet are gross

>> No.6904008

You wouldn't cum on Chisame's feet?

>> No.6904010

Because I find little girls are more attractive than other men?

>> No.6904024

Just find a perverted little girl who will make you dress up and then step on your penis.

>> No.6904040

*shakes fist in the air*


>> No.6904050

I am not sure that such a girl exists.

>> No.6904051

No, because you're claiming that little girls are less bitchy than men.

>> No.6904057

My 6 year old little cousin threatened to kick me in the nuts if I didn't do what she says. I'm sure she'd be delighted.

>> No.6904067

Who would you rather have as a neighbor, a little girl and her parents or a bunch of frat boys?

>> No.6904089

There's a difference between stepping on and kicking.

>> No.6904092
File: 552 KB, 952x1400, diet_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6904101

I did this once and learned that my sister's hygiene is horrible. It ruined panty sniffing for me.

>> No.6904103

Who would you rather have as a neighbor, a bunch of little annoying brats, or me?

>> No.6904109

Am I the only one who's done that, except since I have no sister I used my mom's?

>> No.6904114

I don't know much about you personally, so I'm going to assume that you'll be listening to loud music at night and keeping me awake, while the brats will be asleep at 8 PM. So, I'll go with the brats.

>> No.6904115


also, nice double digit dubs

>> No.6904120

If he's anything like me, he's quiet and keeps to himself.

>> No.6904122

I use a headset everytime I listen to music. I'm very calm and silent. You know who isn't like that? Kids.

>> No.6904128

See this is what happens when threads like this are allowed

>> No.6904130

I must admit, I never saw a preteen girl listen to rap music.

>> No.6904138


>> No.6904140

I didn't say that kids listened to rap (although a few actually do). Also, music isn't the only way to make noise. Kids love to scream, for example.

>> No.6904148

Kids have their parents to keep them in check, while young adults don't, yet still have the same maturity level as little kids.

>> No.6904150

pantyhose = delicious snugglenuts

>> No.6904151

But she used to me as footrest and generally liked to sit on me.

>> No.6904161

>Kids have their parents to keep them in check
Maybe 60 years ago, but not anymore. Now, parents bitch at teachers for disciplining their kids.

>> No.6904162

I've heard more men screaming then children, especially college students. What's worse is that college students scream either at midnight or 3 AM in the morning. Children scream in the middle of the day, so it's no big deal.

>> No.6904183

My neighbors listen to some godawful music on their outdoors speakers. It's either rap or dubstep. It wakes me up every Saturday afternoon. Their dog is constantly running up and down the sidewalk doing whatever it wants. Within the first year they moved in, they accused me of making obscene gestures at them like running my hands over imaginary breasts. I've never done anything of that sort in my entire life. It really makes me mad that they're even alive. Before they moved in this neighborhood was nice.

Atleast it's still quiet during the days. It's actually very nice during the days. I can hear the school bells and the wind blowing in the trees when I have my window open.

>> No.6904184

>/jp/ claims to hate sexual promiscuity
>/jp/ shaves its legs, posts pictures of itself wearing women's clothing and brags about how it uses prostate massagers/onaholes
/jp/ - Hypocrisy/General

>> No.6904196

I already said that I'm very calm, though.

>> No.6904201

>outdoors speakers.

These things should be illegal.

>> No.6904204

You like the mugi better so far from what you have seen posted on /jp.

>> No.6904205

Well, maybe you're the exception. It's just that usually men I run into are obnoxious and loud, while little girls just smile at people and play with the water fountain.

>> No.6904222

I have to agree with this. In the two times I've tried college I've been in a class consisting entirely of girls and one consisting entirely of men.

I much preferred the peace and quiet of the all girl class.

>> No.6904245


>> No.6904351

This is how much you'll cum when you shave your legs and fap

>> No.6904600


...any more?

>> No.6905018

Holy shit. That is a lot of cum! I wish I could cum that much.

>> No.6905029

It's stated in the comments that this guy pumped his bladder full with some white liquid and is simply pissing it out. That seems a lot more plausible than cumming that much.

It would be great to cum that much though.

>> No.6905034
File: 55 KB, 500x382, eglide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good, I found the crossdressing thread. I have a question. Do electrolysis rollers really work? They seem too easy and inexpensive to be legit. There must be a reason why I haven't even heard of them until recently.

>> No.6905042

Is there any way to cover up the smell of Nair? It's so much easier than shaving but last time I did it my mother asked what the smell in the bathroom was next morning.

>> No.6905048

yes, do it in your own place OH WAIT HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.6905052
File: 19 KB, 283x223, 1255310634080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't laugh at feminine neets faggot!

>> No.6905054


>> No.6905074

>men I run into
See, here's the thing. /jp/ does not go outside, therefor you never meet them.

Also OP, epilate!

>> No.6905080

because of electricity, such things didn't existed back in the 50's you know....

>> No.6905087

Do you sometimes fantasize about being sodomized?

>> No.6905100

Then under that same logic, you could say shy little girls who never leave their homes are even better.

>> No.6905106
File: 35 KB, 600x480, 1398425562_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have the original of this? iqdb fails me and I know there's an uncropped version somewhere where you can clearly see a wig and a boner

>> No.6905119

I like male crossdressers.. it makes my invisible cock harder.

>> No.6905136

I go outside. I stick to the quiet places like the park that no one goes to and the library. The backyard is nice too.

>> No.6905148


What about foxes?

>> No.6905188

You guys that are shut ins should really consider an internet job and than purchase your own house.
I bought land for $5k, cut down a few trees myself, ordered a shipping container for $2k shipped, dropped it on some cinderblocks, and built my home inside of it. I think I have spent a grand total of $10k and now own my own house that is not near anyone else.

I can freely walk through the woods and not worry about running into anyone. The only downside is that you do need a job to upkeep yourself, the upside is that all I really need is a couple hundred a month so shitty internet website ad revenue pretty much keeps me afloat.

I trap in true seclusion and enjoy the shit out of it.

>> No.6905191

>I so want to hear your story bro.
well, i took a shower and after soaking in the steam, shaved my legs and my pubes. then I dried off by patting down gently with a fresh towel.

once I was dry and smooth I went to my bedroom and sat on my bed, grabbed my satin panties and slowly drew them up my legs one at a time. once I got them to the top of my thighs, I stood up and ever so slowly finished putting them on. first I pulled them over my butt, then gently, I pulled them up over my now quivering boner as best I could. since they were low rise panties the head clearly poked out over the top waistband as if more attention needed.

Obliging, I slipped my thumb into the side of my panties and behind my penis, while my fingers curled around the outside, allowing me to flick the frenulum with my thumb while caressing the belly of my dick while covered in silky smotth nylon.

After a couple minutes of stroking, a bead glistened and instinctively, I dipped into it with my free hand so I can periodically lick and taste my oozing pre cum, further driving the anticipation of what is yet to come.

>> No.6905200 [DELETED] 

Where in the world did you find land for 5k that had fiber anywhere near it

Unless you walk 50 miles into the nearest town to use a public library

>> No.6905208


Where in the world did you find land for 5k that had fiber anywhere near it

Unless you walk 50 miles into the nearest town to use a public library

>> No.6905216

These are important:
Running water (can live without)
Some internet line (that isn't satellite or dial up)

These are nice:
Accessibility for Food
And the whole heating/cooling thing for the changes in seasons.

>> No.6905225

My Mom's friend sold it to me cheap since she wanted me out. South Carolina.

>> No.6905236

Actually, I want to know too.
How did you convince anyone to put you on the grid?
Typically what you're doing is considered illegal and most companies would rather avoid dealing with something like that.

Care to share how you did it? I've considered doing something like this myself but the points mentioned in >>6905216 held me back. Also the whole money issue..

>> No.6905241

more! That just made me so hard! You are good at writing sex stories.

>> No.6905242

Well water and a pump, corner showers can be had for $300 from home depot
Town runs electricity to your house switch box
Internet is slowish

Drive 10 miles to market, hence need for internet job and gas
Plug in A/C and heater. The damn thing is 20x8ft, my PC is usually enough to keep it warm in the winter.

One of the more expensive things was a septic tank since I didn't want some portapotty sitting outside.

>> No.6905249

Do you just make a nasty ad ridden site and trick people into clicking on it?

>> No.6905252

They had no qualms about giving your "home" a switchbox?

Aren't there laws demanding your place meet certain requirements?

Not an insult, but I just want to make sure I'm understanding this right.

>> No.6905253

>How did you convince anyone to put you on the grid?
Live out where nobody will spy on your house and tattle that you live in a metal box, being surrounded by trees with only a little walk path to your house helps. Bribe the electrician $400, since he most likely works for someone else and that's almost what he makes in a week.

>> No.6905255

If he's in the middle of the country, he doesn't have to meet city housing requirements.

>> No.6905256

What hellish place would have laws against putting a house on a plot of land in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.6905257

South Carolina? I live up in Surfside, if I were into traps I'd pay you a visit, too bad you did not end up being a confused young girl. I'm sure there are plenty of jealous anons though. Likely you live very far from me though.

>> No.6905259

Time to get on SSI, live with my parents for a few more years, and save up for my very own metal box in the woods.

>> No.6905260

Yes what I am doing is illegal. Bribe anyone who sees your house.

I am currently working on weather proofing my box and than trying to bury it to make it look like a little hill. It's pretty fun to dig when it's nice out.

>> No.6905262

He probably lives in a third world country. Most likely America.

>> No.6905263

I'm not socially competent enough to bribe someone. ;_;

>> No.6905266

Most of the US doesn't do that, just the affluent neighborhoods populated by anal old ladies who are hell-bent on 'preserving' their 'quaint communities' that are really just bulldozed strip developments with a bunch of mcmansions like everywhere else.

>> No.6905269

/jp/ sociopathic traps living in secluded containers.

seriously, this is movie shit. do you penistuck to the tune of goodbye horses in front of the mirror?

>> No.6905270

You are not supposed to live in anything without it being inspected by the city anywhere. I did not want to pay all sorts of assessment fees and make the yearly tax I had to pay any higher, not to mention have to pay for all sorts of top line safety items that I couldn't afford.
You hold out a wad of cash
"$400 to not tell anyone"
He grab it and the conversation moved on to
"Where do you want the box"

>> No.6905272

You like it, it likes you.

>> No.6905277

Somehow I get the feeling he'll just laugh at me just like everyone else and take my money anyhow.

Still this is a great idea. Maybe for the stronger, this can be someone's salvation.

>> No.6905279
File: 252 KB, 850x1225, 1274236111372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know anything about penis tucking? I'd like to know.

>> No.6905285
File: 85 KB, 500x267, 1796282869_009c032b70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6905301

goodnight /jp/, there's a pair of black tights waiting to catch my juices on the way to dreamland.

>> No.6905310

Just wondering, /jp/, uh, how much would you sell your semen for?

>> No.6905316

So wait, are tights/pantyhose really pleasurable to wear? I might pick up a pair tonight if you guys are really serious about this. I know the feeling of shaved legs rubbing against pants, is it like that but more intense?

How do I buy them? With other things?

>> No.6905319


Good bye horses.


>> No.6905333

My semen is not for sale, I value it way too much. It is not only delicious, and just the perfect viscosity; but I am a perfect human specimen, and my seed is only to be used at my discretion. If used for reproductive purposes, I'd need to find an equally impressive female. I could not bear to see a drop of my pearly juices go to waste. It must be either enjoyed orally or vaginally. I could never soil my seed inside a filthy asshole. If I ever did anal sex, I would always have to pull out and then enter a vagina or a mouth.

That's just me of course, a lot of /jp/ residents seem to have an inferiority complex, so they may not thing so highly of theirs.

>> No.6905341

Mokou, I would provide it to you free of charge.

>> No.6905348

>i am a perfect human specimen
I'm sorry, it seems that you are neither a non-futa girl nor 2D ;_;

>> No.6905356
File: 53 KB, 310x180, become a wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not. Those are both beyond this realm, I am only as perfect as I can be in 3D form. As I am also a virgin, my purity is still intact as well, so I might even reach wizard status perfect form if I continue to read my daily SICP for a few more years.

>> No.6905363

The closest thing to perfection in this relm is a little girl.

>> No.6905365

imagine not wanting to stop touching yourself, rubbing your legs together, swinging your legs in the air and feeling the diminished wind resistance energize yourself for more self-oriented playtime

>> No.6905373
File: 171 KB, 450x600, 1291551733524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a Jun doujin?

>> No.6905375

I take good care of my long hair for this reason. I still need to go outside in public though, so I tie it up in a ponytail and keep my facial hair at a decent clean length to keep masculine in public. I could never do the hair shaving though, I enjoy being a man, I just wish I could have sex with myself instead of having to emotionally compromise myself with another disgusting person.

>> No.6905377
File: 48 KB, 480x640, 1269213751068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With other things?
You'll want a swimsuit.

>> No.6905415


How can I find an internet job?

>> No.6905442


>> No.6905446

Is there a set of these somewhere to download? If i recall correctly there was one with a maid uniform too.

>> No.6905493

Am i the only straight guy that likes to do it for the feeling?

if only girls liked it too...

>> No.6905518 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 691x1037, 1294709007391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The maid was probably Kiyoko, who is cuter than Danbo.

>> No.6905520

Find a dom or nerdy girl

>> No.6905524
File: 274 KB, 691x1037, 1294709007391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The maid was probably Kiyoko, who is cuter than Chisame.

>> No.6905542

I just remembered it because of the chair from this:

>> No.6905557

Easier said than done...

>> No.6905559
File: 1.13 MB, 1800x1196, b0ae7d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That wall.

>> No.6905572

Oh god yes. Please tell me there is a set of these and their other outfits.

>> No.6905591
File: 154 KB, 960x1280, 27b9aa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never found the source.

>> No.6905671

Damn, hopefully ill find it someday.

>> No.6905718

I'm pretty sure I'm a straight guy but traps turn me on SO FUCKING MUCH and I cum buckets when fapping to traps.

>> No.6905737

I plan to crossdress. Is putting your balls back into your body hard? I've heard that you can do it in a /cgl/ thread.

>> No.6905743

I'm not big on traps but I want to fap in women's clothing to feel more ALIVE.

>> No.6905752

Nothing gay about traps, bro.
As long as you don't imagine yourself taking dick.

>> No.6905764

The best thing about traps is the trap seducing some girl and then revealing he actually has a dick.

>> No.6905806

I don't know if I did it right, but it wasn't very hard and my balls didn't actually disappear up into my body like I had thought they would. Without something to hold them in place they simply fell back down.

>> No.6905812

Ah, thank you; that's good to hear.

Probably just shave my pubic hair and slap some ducktape on there? (I'd take it off in the shower, don't worry)

>> No.6905816

I read that they can stay in place with a tight pair of panties.

>> No.6905829


What if one has a giant penis?

>> No.6905854


It's not massive but I probably couldn't fit it in panties

>> No.6905868
File: 17 KB, 288x298, Fig_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure there are ways to hide it. Just look at this guy.


>> No.6905874

Not the anon you replied to, but that's good to know.

fapping in girls clothes just turns me on...

Now im on my way to find a maid uniform the the one posted above but maybe full length. Anyone know of anywhere?

>> No.6905879 [SPOILER] 
File: 795 KB, 800x3684, 1290930636130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

