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6895710 No.6895710 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck it, i got tears in my eyes


>> No.6895714

Oh boy, another thread about it.

>> No.6895715

Spoiler that shit yo

>> No.6895719

Kyouhei's kid is adorable.

>> No.6895720

What the HELL is that anime about amyway

>> No.6895726
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>> No.6895733

About a boy struggling through a severe case of Amnesia.

And classical music.

>> No.6895735

ななさい おおとうさん

>> No.6895741

I'll fucking kill you.

>> No.6895748

penis scarf

>> No.6895749

Goddammit that fucking Epilogue.
I was half way through breaking everything in my room.

>> No.6895755

I can't really top this.
No matter what.

>> No.6895757

N! T! R!
N! T! R!

>> No.6895762

Kyousuke would be fucking devastated, I mean holy shit.

>> No.6895768



>> No.6895780

Don't be stupid. We all know that in Japan you must show your legs if you are a girl at all times, no matter the season. Children are, but not necessarily, exception.

>> No.6895787

You gotta keep stylin' man, even if your ass is freezing off. Are you a busta or something?

>> No.6895803

We all know Kyouhei is a mass incurred delusion made by Haru and the entire thing is her dream

Haru is in fact Kyousuke's mother

>> No.6895808 [DELETED] 

Dude, I'm in for some serious weather shit too. Wanna play gmod?

>> No.6895812

I got hnnnnnng in my eyes from your pic OP

>> No.6895817

So does that mean that the daughter's name is Kiyomi?

>> No.6895836

I'm wondering why Kyousuke didn't give half a shit about his real Father, but constantly brought up Gonzo.

>> No.6895852

Why is Japan so retarded, how do you get 8 years for killing a internationally wanted terrorist?

>> No.6895897

He never cared for gonzo as a father either. Up until gonzo dies and haru reasons his action.
kyouhei was never identified as the terrorist. They never even knew how he sounded. Everyone that knew anything got blew up in his last hideout, and yuki never got related to the incident.
The police is pretty strangely portrayed in g-string - conveniently incompetent when it comes to maou.

>> No.6895928

Iwai survived.

>> No.6895938

I don't know why, but I cried more during Mizhua's route.

Still, I wished I'd left Haru's route for last. Man would I've been shocked...

>> No.6895948

If it was America and he killed Bin Laden, he'd be hailed as a new jesus.

>> No.6896027

Uhh, the detective that was interrogating kyousuke said it was Maou and was identified, they identified him during the bus shootout incident, he was presumed dead though.

He was sent to 8 years because
1) He was in possession of a illegal firearm
2) He killed a man indiscriminately, in cold blood, and it wasn't self-defense, who had no weapon[but this one is utterly retarded as he could have argued that he didn't knew someone like Maou was unarmed, what was he supposed to do? Search his body to get gutted?]

As said, it doesn't make sense.

>> No.6896199

Kyousuke used a shitty lawyer. If he actually wanted, he probably could have gotten away scott free.

>> No.6896221

Oh boy, someone else from /a/ finished the game, made the same thread as everyone else from /a/ made and it is getting the same replies as /a/ lurkers see one of their kin and feel like they can finally post. How nice.

Go on easymodo and read a thread on this if you want.

>> No.6896291

dat wedding dress ;_:

>> No.6896313
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can't find myself to trust haru after this scene.

>> No.6897070 [DELETED] 


Time to fail some tuneups I guess.

I really want another Pacifar with an ABR for this. That thing was ridiculous. ~400 HP, 20 TGH, Sniper Sight, Stealth System, Accelleroll, ~35 Fly, ~30 TEC. If I get that back, I will never die again. Too bad for the Accellroll though. No way I'm paying for that.

I need that flag. Double Stardust Gwyain is also pretty good, but I probably won't get another Stardust unless I sell my soul to CyberStep. Maybe just a rush of everyone using hopping frogs. That would be the best tournament ever if we won doing that.

>> No.6897135 [DELETED] 

I've told tempura how much I hate garapon here, on the official forums, and in game but it hasn't done any good. I don't think the gms can do anything without their mihonian overlords telling them do.

>> No.6897151

Yep yep ending's good and whatever, but the innecesary tragedy (see >>6896199) was kind of annoying.

>> No.6897224
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I hated how they tried to make Gonzou look as a sympathetic character. In every route he was an asshat whom you couldn't reason with other than trying to blackmail him, but when he died he was like a saint. Trying to save Kyousuke was a stupid thing to do too, because he wasn't in a danger for numerous reasons which Gonzou should have been aware of.

>> No.6897244

Nice spoiler bro

>> No.6897252
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At first I thought her name was Tenshi.
But that wouldn't make much sense, because her parents are not really devilish characters, albeit they had their issues and the description would fit at them.
Then I realized that she is Maou's daughter.
And then sense was made.

>> No.6897313

Babby's second VN. Also, reported for unmarked spoilers.

>> No.6897386 [DELETED] 

Gonzou thought Maou is Kyousuke, and he's off to the hunt.

When Kyousuke arrives using taxi, Gonzou realized his own mistake and get off the car to berate him "KYOUUUSSUUUUKEEEE!!!"

And then *blam* just as keikaku'd.

>> No.6897388

Gonzou thought Maou is Kyousuke, and he's off to the hunt.

When Kyousuke arrives using taxi, Gonzou realized his own mistake and get off the car to berate him "KYOUUUSSUUUUKEEEE!!!"

And then *blam* just as keikaku'd.

>> No.6897400

Would this work as an anime? If they obscure maou's face a bit and use jun fukuyama for both roles

>> No.6897560

Too bad Bin Laden has been confirmed dead for about 4 years by various secret service agencies and its obvious doubles in the videos.

>> No.6897599

Headache -> Grey eyes close -> Backdrop -> Red eyes open

>> No.6897613

Laughed and wet my pants at that part

>> No.6897627

Gonzou protected Kyousuke. If he didn't get out then Kyousuke would have went over there and gotten himself killed. Haru's reasoning was pretty spot on, it's hinted in other routes too that Gonzou actually cares for Kyousuke, just in his own way.

>> No.6897730
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Chapter 5 was a shitfest of forced drama, shitty character revelations and terrible, predictable plot twist. Crazy because the plot twist didn't change a single thing to where you knew the story was going.

Game turned to complete shit on the screenshot that introduced chapter 5, oh, and don't get me started on the music.

>> No.6897771
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>> No.6897898

>oh, and don't get me started on the music.

By all means, please enlighten us.

>> No.6897920

I would like to know this as well.

I won't touch on the rest of your post, but saying that the music is bad is a really big statement.

>> No.6897956
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I don't get it. They were both in relatively safe places and when Gonzou realized that Maou's identity was just a diversion he should have also realized that killing Kyousuke wouldn't be beneficial for him.
He didn't protect Kyousuke. At best he protected the knowledge that Kyousuke is not Maou.

The more I think about it the stupider that scene seems.

>> No.6897961

He's an obvious troll.

>> No.6898003

This got me good, the game would have been markedly better if he was Maou.

afterall, Kyousuke was a pretty high class individual himself

>> No.6898010

>when Gonzou realized that Maou's identity was just a diversion he should have also realized that killing Kyousuke wouldn't be beneficial for him.

No, because by setting a trap in which he's making his identity known, he's already making the 'diversion' irrelevant and that doesn't apply? Gonzou was safe in his car because he knew there was a sniper and the windows were tinted. Kyousuke was a sitting duck since he didn't have either of those things. The only way to guarantee Kyousuke's safety was to out the sniper by using himself as a target, stall for time with his speech, and then and have his men find them.

>> No.6898024

Not the same guy but that doesn't make any sense because Gonzou and Kyousuke talked to each other while sitting inside different cars through windows. I really can't see a reason to get out of the car as soon as the taxi Kyousuke was in ran off the place. Unless I'm missing something very important here that was ridiculous.

>> No.6898032

>Gonzou and Kyousuke talked to each other while sitting inside different cars through windows

There's nothing saying this happened

>> No.6898040

There's nothing saying this didn't happen.

It's a Devil's Proof.

>> No.6898041

Well, that's what we can see from the damn CG. Two cars next and very close to each other and one of them (the taxi) sets off after a moment while Maou keeps wondering what that is about. Then when the other car is gone Gonzou steps out of his car to be shot, so they obviously talked from within the cars.

>> No.6898051 [DELETED] 

Uh, what? Why is that obvious? It's unnatural if anything, it's a tinted car so Gonzou's not going to roll down his window, and Kyousuke isn't even going to be sure he's in there or he could hear him, etc. Having a conversation between cars isn't something you do for no reason, Kyousuke is going to want to step out first to talk to him. And if you ask me, it's pretty obvious from the fact that Kyousuke never mentions a word about anything Gonzou said to him before he stepped out of the taxi that there WERE no words

>> No.6898055

Uh, what? Why is that obvious? It's unnatural if anything, it's a tinted car so Gonzou's not going to roll down his window, and Kyousuke isn't even going to be sure he's in there or he could hear him, etc. Having a conversation between cars isn't something you do for no reason, Kyousuke is going to want to step out first to talk to him. And if you ask me, it's pretty obvious from the fact that Kyousuke never mentions a word about anything Gonzou said to him before he stepped out of the taxi that there WERE no words. If Gonzou had said anything to him there, his motivations for what he did wouldn't have been such a mystery to Kyousuke after the fact.

>> No.6898063

One question though: whose footsteps did Maou hear after he shot gonzou and ran away from the docks?

>> No.6898066


>> No.6898080

So why didn't the fucker do anything at that time? He almost let Haru die.

>> No.6898090

This doesn't make any sense either. How the fuck Kyousuke was there if the taxi never came back? And I doubt he would manage to get back there running. I supposed it was from one of Gonzou's men.

>> No.6898093

To be fair, he DID take the best possible course of action at that point.

He wasn't as hot-blooded at that point as he was by the end of chapter 5 so he didn't just run up and get himself killed. Though even if he was as hotblooded at that point as we has by the end, I wonder if he would have run up and got himself killed anyway. He's generally smarter than that, as long as someone isn't in any immediate danger anyway

>> No.6898100

I don't know how he managed to track him that far, but it's the best answer, seeing as it's the answer the game DIRECTLY STATES.

>> No.6898639 [SPOILER] 
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>by setting a trap in which he's making his identity known, he's already making the 'diversion' irrelevant and that doesn't apply?
I reread the scene and it clearly states that the taxi drove away. I was under the impression that Maou was surprised that Kyousuke appeared and both him and Gonzou remained in their cars. So yeah, I was wrong and you make sense.
But, Maou didn't make his indentity known for certain. I mean he could still be pretending to be Kyousuke while he hired an assassin to take Gonzou out. Gonzou was making a rash move by thinking that Kyousuke is not Maou, because he just appeared before him. It'd also be possible to hypothesize that Kyousuke and Maou are accomplices.
Maybe Gonzou also thought that Maou would likely to solve the matter by his own hands and wouldn't hire an assassin, thus Kyousuke is just a bait.
But Maou was in fact surprised that Gonzou ran out of his car. But it was never stated why he was surprised. By the fact that Gonzou ran out or by the assumption that Gonzou understood his scheme?
Maybe Gonzou's idea was to suprise Maou and let his men and Kyousuke get away, which actually worked.

This is a clusterfuck. I don't see it explained why Kyousuke showed up in the first place.
Anyway, now it's clear that Gonzou tried to shield his men and/or Kyousuke. I still can't like the guy though. It's a nice phrase that he cares for his son "in his own way", like not starving to death the cow you're milking. His action still seems out of character to me.

>> No.6898677

> I don't see it explained why Kyousuke showed up in the first place.

Because he was the one called down there in the first place.
Maou called Kyousuke and told him he wanted to talk and to meet him by the harbor. Kyousuke then instinctively relayed this to Gonzou. That's what Maou had counted on, he used Kyousuke as bait to get Gonzou there as well, remember?

>> No.6898721

And yeah, it may seem weird that Gonzou knew the entire truth just because of that one phone call, but meh. Gonzou in general was built up to be the biggest presence in the story, IMO. Like in chapter 3 when Maou is pulling that silly scenario to kill him, and it turns out Gonzou had it all figured out from square one.

I think the game gives the impression that Gonzou > Maou overall, but he ends up on the short end of the stick due to certain circumstances, so him coming to crazy accurate conclusions only serves to solidify that.

>> No.6898731

Gonzou was a mary sue all along. He knew shit without any reason behind it just for the fact that people were supposed to think "oh my look how badass he is".

>> No.6898934

Oh right. I thought Maou called Gonzou because it was made to look like that at the time of the call. But still, it was an uncertain thing to count on. Kyousuke was on the run and wanted to kill Gonzou before he received the call. He freaked out, something he shouldn't be prone to do, then reported it to Gonzou because he was such a well trained dog or something? Anyway, for some reason Gonzou believed the story and even warned Kyousuke, who for another reason didn't heed the advice. It still seems dumb though.

>> No.6899405

There's really not much to say other the arrangements were really shallow and superficial mockups - not to mention often sounding very lifeless and uninspired as well (as ironic as that sounds). It's passable as generic eroge music, but is pretty much an insult to the originals in comparison.

Two of the worst offenders that immediately come to mind are the arrangements for Chopin's Revolutionary Etude and Orff's Carmina Burana:







(I was trying to find one that had started at "Dulcissime" rather than "Ave formosissima"; that sequence really works well for the final reprise)

It literally sounds like the dude was making some random eroge music, then the producer suddenly tells him that he has to incorporate the classical themes onto it as well. So how does he do this? No more than just haphazardly jamming the two together, producing a barely intelligible result that is worth far less than the sum of it's parts.

The other songs are as bad as these, but they do little better than just repeating the recognizable bits of the melody onto an bland synth arrangement. A really pretentious affair all and all.

>> No.6899417

I agree with that.

>> No.6899440

sowhat game is this? im out of the loop

>> No.6899488
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This remix of Gonzou's theme is pretty cool.

>> No.6899540 [DELETED] 

Does the sale continue for a day after the patch? Or does the patch hit and thats it?

>> No.6899571

I have to agree with that, however I liked the arrangement of Mussorgsky's Promenade. Sharin had a similar track too which I think was done better though.

>> No.6899591

Look at the OP image and read the bar.

>> No.6899593

You are fucking stupid, get out of this board.

>> No.6899596 [DELETED] 

The patch hits and that's it, unless there's another extension (not likely). Get your purchases in before midnight tomorrow server time.

>> No.6899701

>The other songs aren't as bad as these...A really pretentious affair all in all.
Fixing a few typos there.
Some of them sound less offensive, but really the whole idea to base the entire soundtrack on timeless classics was just bad from the start. It's like setting up a gigantic pedestal for yourself to overcome in the very beginning. Heck, you rarely even see accomplished classical composers try to attempt this, and when they do they do so very, very delicately. And there was definitely no such delicacy here - instead it felt like the guy decided to hack away at the pedestal until it was reachable to him. But at that point, is there barely anything left to value?
Funny that you should bring up the SnK soundtrack, as even though I'm pretty sure that the same person worked on the soundtrack, that one turned out a lot better than this. The composer was felt much more in his own element, and outside the obligatory cheesy piano pieces, was able to whip up some rather interesting pieces that far outshine anything here.

>> No.6899775


Shit, now I feel bad for mocking musicians and people who know about this stuff. I'm overwhelmed by these arguments, all I can say is that I simply liked the music in this vn.

>> No.6899796

>Funny that you should bring up the SnK soundtrack, as even though I'm pretty sure that the same person worked on the soundtrack, that one turned out a lot better than this. The composer was felt much more in his own element, and outside the obligatory cheesy piano pieces, was able to whip up some rather interesting pieces that far outshine anything here.

This. The Sharin soundtrack was godly and really fit the tone of the game... here the music felt like a complete gimmick. The best tracks are the original ones.

I kept being told G-Senjou was BETTER than Sharin... and it doesn't even come close.

>> No.6899800

>I kept being told G-Senjou was BETTER than Sharin.
Who told you this?
Sharin has better ratings even in egs.

>> No.6899803

Since we have a thread here.
Is there a recommended play order? I vaguely remember there being some agreement about which one was the best one and should be left last.

>> No.6899809


Do the routes as they become available.

If you've already beaten the game there's no point in doing the other routes, although Kanon's is probably worth playing just for Songs My Mother Taught Me.

>> No.6899817

I'm guessing it was the "why are all the good games untranslated?" people between Sharin's translation and G senjou's.

>> No.6899825


That would be them, yeah.

As of today, Sharin and Inganock are the best translated VNs that I've played.

>> No.6899857 [DELETED] 

one time I was playing with my crimrose and ran out of ammo. I went to suicide stab someone with my rapier, but it killed the guy and ended the round.

another time I played 1v30 in epoch for 5 minutes before more people showed up.

the latest would probably be getting game warrior for an epoch round doing nothing but dropping meteors and summoning hippos.

>> No.6899914

The only thing I would personally recommend is to leave Usami's route for last. And to do Kanon's route.

Either ignore or complete the other routes, they can even be considered as side stories. And I say that even though I found Mizuha's route to be the very best. I wept like a girl.

>> No.6899923

I was referring to these two tracks. I hope I'm not the only one who hears the subtle Promenade theme out of them.

>> No.6900185

Hmm, not really hearing it. I guess it has a similar feel to it, but I'm pretty sure that's not the Promenade melody.

>> No.6900212

Honestly, outside of four tracks, I didn't really like most Sharin's OST and most of it felt really unmemorable and not really used that well outside of those few tracks. I also found most of it to be rather unlistenable even during the game.
Though watch out! sort of makes up for that despite being played in only 2 short scenes and having me wake up in the middle of the night wanting to listen to it. Also, that fucking guitar piece that plays at the Extras Menu. It haunts me in my even now, months since the last time I even opened up Sharin.

Conversely, I found G Senjou to have many more memorable songs.

>> No.6900265 [DELETED] 
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Another GM room is happening right now.

>> No.6900312

I found the best 2 tracks of Sharin's OST to be "open all the drawers" and that song that played on the credits. I have both on my MP3 player and regularly listen to them when I ride the bus.

Ahhh, I think I'll replay Sharin no Kuni again...

>> No.6900339

>I also found most of it to be rather unlistenable even during the game.

Well, you just have bad taste then. Granted, a lot of the songs are standard eroge bullshit, but then you get stuff like 'reason to be', 'gallantry', '9th Wall', 'Reflection', the already-mentioned 'watch out', quite a few of the piano tracks, etc.

>I found G Senjou to have many more memorable songs.

For me the only memorable songs were the remixes of the opening theme and of Close Your Eyes, all original tracks. Oh, and 'Noontime Hijinks' or whatever the Beethoven's 9th remix was called.

Carmina Burana doesn't count because it's always memorable regardless of how it's used.

>> No.6900366

3/5 five you listed make up the 4 tracks that I found most memorable. Not even counting the guitar piece. (Mallow, I think it was)

>> No.6900386


Also, not only does Sharin have some really, really good original pieces, it uses them better than G-Senjou does its classical music.

>> No.6900404

/jp/ where i can download this VN?


>> No.6900421


>> No.6900435

Both Sharin and G-sen had terrible music in general.

>> No.6900448

>terrible music.



>> No.6900453

You have a bad taste in music.

>> No.6900474


Easy to access list of G-Senjou's soundtrack and originals.

>> No.6900510


Don't mind me.


>> No.6900526

I'm truly convinced this is what hell must sound like.

>> No.6900537


Can you get it out of your head? I can't. Demonic powers, indeed.

>> No.6900543

At least the music isn't as bad as Umineko.

>> No.6900548


Totally making this my ringtone.

>> No.6900560 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6900563


The fandisc has even better stuff.


>> No.6900566

Fairly ordinary and was used badly. One of the decent ones though, would've liked it more if the scenes it was used in weren't so cheesy.

>> No.6900587

No sir, those two are incomparable. One is a song that will haunt me until the day I die or it drives me insane, and the other is Gallantry mixed with a lot of noise.

>> No.6900598

Great. Now we just need somebody to get proper recordings of those songs.

>> No.6900665 [DELETED] 

I mean the music in chapter 5. The cheesy hero music.

>> No.6900670

You mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_pdJIn-uRI ?

>> No.6900698

You both.

See >>6900670

also >>6899405 is Jesus and knows everything Ever.

>> No.6900726

Just finished this. Wow, so much better than Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.6900731


Might be the same person.

>> No.6900736

Just started Sharin no Kuni and I'm a bit underwhelmed so far. I don't really care for these characters nor can I quite grasp the concept of obligations or Special High Class individuals.

Well, I guess it'll get better over time

>> No.6900737

Holy shit, there was Orff in the soundtrack? I didn't fucking notice. Felt like a fairly generic electronic bullshit to me

>> No.6900748


You know the cheesy sentimental scenes in G-senjou? Get ready for that times twenty.

>> No.6900769


>>6900698 is >>6897730

>> No.6900789

>nor can I quite grasp the concept of obligations or Special High Class individuals

It'll all be clearly explained, although it'd probably help if I told you that SHCIs are sort of like super parole officers, and obligations are like terms of parole.

They don't have prisons in this world, which I think is a very good idea considering the hilarious recidivism rates in ours.


Funny, I actually cried during some of the cheesy emotional bits in Sharin, whereas in G-Senjou...

>> No.6900800

From my experience, there's a fair gap between Sharin and G-Sen among the Japanese audience(they prefer Sharin). The western audience seems to side a bit more with G-Sen, although the gap there is much closer. They're practically 50-50 if vndb is any indication. Although it seems the forums I go to G Senjou is preferred over Sharin by the majority who play VNs. Maybe I just go to the wrong forums, I dunno

>> No.6900807


>the forums I go

Why would you do that?

>> No.6900809
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>> No.6900812

It's because G Sen is new, hip and trendy translation.

>> No.6900823

This. Kids are loving it.

>> No.6900833

G-senjou has more substance than Sharin if you ask me because of the writing and Mizuha's route. Sharin of course has the superior setting.

>> No.6900878

The only "problem" with Sharin was that by the end I was sympathizing with the government and Houzuki's views. Sure, Natsumi's case was a tragedy, but what about the people who truly committed crimes and were rehabilitated? I started to hate Isono by last route.

>> No.6900879

I agree, but let me stress that both are excellent visual novels.

>> No.6900883


In Sharin, it's clear that Looseboy knew exactly what he wanted to do from the beginning.

In G-Senjou, it's even more clear that he didn't.

>> No.6900889

I enjoyed SnK more because the protagonist is much more likable. Kyousuke is a douche.

>> No.6900891

Playing G-Sen I had the same problem as with Sharin. I found myself much more interested in another heroine rather than the main one.

I wish there was something more featuring Touka and Mizuha...

>> No.6900892

True and the fact that he wasn't Maou in the end means that he is little more than a corporate thug.

>> No.6900894

Yeah, what I found a bit weird was all of the routes implied that Kyousuke was indeed Maou, and all of a sudden his brother who has never been mentioned is miraculously revived and is Maou. I mean, even in Kanon's route, Maou "coincidentally" found love at the same time as Kyousuke, and decided to stop being Maou.

Also, it seemed that everything was going to lead up to a Touka route, but they decided fuck it and just settled on ending it with Usami.

>> No.6900895

I thought that was a great twist, especially if you played Kanon's route before doing Haru's.

>> No.6900897
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best character in the game

>> No.6900901

My main problem with Kyousuke isn't that he is a douche. But that he is absolutely useless for the most part of the plot. Shit, sometimes we don't even see him for a pretty long time.
It's pretty much a story about Haru vs Maou duel that happens to touch some other girls.
MC is just there for ambient until the Grand (shitty) Revelation.

>> No.6900909

most predictable plot twist ever, or most predictable plot twist ever?

>> No.6900913


yes, I'm frustrated. Looseboy went with one of the worst possible options for fucking anything.

>> No.6900916

No, I mean that I liked Kyousuke because he seemed to be daring and intelligent as fuck living a double life and all. But when you trace back all his actions keeping in mind that he isn't Maou, there isn't much going on for him.

>> No.6900930
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This, after we found that out, Kyousuke lost lots of his appeal. Just look at the opening, he was supposed to be a boss, but he turned out to be a money grubbing faggot. granted, he does man up from time to time and eventually gain salvation. On that note, there are several parallels between this and "Crime and Punishment.'

>> No.6900935

Kyousuke's uselessness in the story really is a shame.

This VN could have easily written him off and been "The Lesbian Escapades of G-String"

>> No.6900936

I just glanced past this thread while scrolling down.

Use spoiler tags please. Going to be hard to enjoy this VN now.

>> No.6900939

Looseboy is probably a Dostoevsky fan. Forget Haru reading Crime and Punishment, the tsunderes are proof of it.

>> No.6900943
File: 272 KB, 804x600, sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches doubted me at the very end.

>> No.6900946

Your fault for being a slowpoke.

>> No.6900952

Stop being retarded please.

>> No.6900993


Hell, you could write out pretty much every single character except Haru and Maou.

That's honestly how little of the game is devoted to the central plotline.

>> No.6901002


How was it predictable?

>> No.6901016

Seriously, with all the hours spent trying to convince you that Kyousuke was maou, you'd have to be stupid not to expect it.

The shock didn't come from the twist, it came from whether or not they were dumb enough to actually try and pull it off.

>> No.6901038

I was expecting some sort of twist from the beginning, but as soon as they revealed that Kyouhei died without leaving a trace, I knew it was fucking him. Looseboy pulled the same shit in Sharin when flashbacks revealed that Ririko is alive with the maximum penalty under Houdzuki's watch.

>> No.6901050


Congrats to you for noticing it, but it's hardly obvious when they only mention him once or twice.

>> No.6901122

That's the thing, though!

It was only revealed that Kyouhei died without a trace midway through chapter 5. Hell, Kyouhei's existence was only revealed at the very start of chapter 5, with the letter from Kyousuke's father. Unless you guess that the author is going to pull a shitty evil brother plot twist, it is impossible to predict the twist in the first four chapters.

At least there were some clues about Ririko, whereas in G-Sen, everything pointed to Kyousuke being Maou; some scenes don't even make any sense without the assumption that Kyousuke is Maou.

>> No.6901149 [DELETED] 

I've personally stuck with the theory that Kyousuke was Maou for the first four chapters, then some weird parallel universe shit happens and Kyouhei's Maou only after you bypass Mizuha's route (because then you're set for Haru's ending). Things make more sense this way.

>> No.6901158

I've personally stuck with the theory that Kyousuke was Maou for the first four chapters, then some weird parallel universe shit happens and Kyouhei's Maou only after you bypass Mizuha's route (because then you're set for Haru's ending). Things make more sense this way.
