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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 436x348, cir no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6894566 No.6894566 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6894571


>> No.6894573

Hopefully people end up going from 4chan to canv.as rather than the other way around.

>> No.6894579

It's worse than I ever imagined

>> No.6894584

>But users stay totally anonymous. Their profile page is nothing more than a gathering of the various content they’ve added to the site.

That's not anonymous at all

>> No.6894598

This is why it's a bad idea to donate money to a guy to develop a website when the only thing of note he's ever done is use someone else's board software

>> No.6894605
File: 36 KB, 250x227, 87209v2-max-250x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this pic: Moot is growing up.

>> No.6894606
File: 386 KB, 630x541, 1296507810842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6894609

I'm sure the facebook crowd will eat this diarrhea up

>> No.6894619

ah yes now i can see exactly how many lols i gather with my witty image macros

>> No.6894623

hopefully this drives away all the normalfags.

>> No.6894625
File: 178 KB, 600x555, 1292113794453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6894638

It doesn't look like facebook at all, it looks more like photobucket with a comments section and "i like this" buttons.

This will not be a substitute for 4chan, forget about normalfags living this place forever.

>> No.6894640
File: 34 KB, 752x701, 1296344426266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Website: canv.as
>Founded: 2010
>Funding: $625k

Where did moot get all that money?

>> No.6894642


>> No.6894644
File: 53 KB, 810x424, 1296508096373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jewish investors.

>> No.6894652

It looks dumb as hell

>> No.6894664

wtf lol

>> No.6894668

Now, via the magic of moot's brilliance, you won't even have to type this. Simply apply the wtf and lol stickers to the image that made you lol and/or say wtf. Truly he is a captain of the industry

>> No.6894669

This isn't supposed to be some all-ages sfw site is it?
How do they expect to make back all of that money they wasted getting it started?
Based on the history of this site, moot seems incredibly good at racking up debt.

>> No.6894675

In the future keyboards will come with dedicated "wtf" and "lol" buttons.

>> No.6894676

Well it's connected to facebook so I'm pretty sure it's not going to be a hentai picture depository

>> No.6894678
File: 9 KB, 516x330, Ilikethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894680

If it's located near the "i" button, it will save me some time.

>> No.6894681
File: 12 KB, 590x132, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6894684

Wow, just wow. Do you think the fact those kikes were bankrolling moot's retarded idea all along had any connection to moot deleting /new/ and putting "Jew" and "Jewish" on /int/ auto-ban wordfilter?

>> No.6894686

I actually like the idea of canv.as because it'll probably be even easier for normalfags to navigate, and-just a big hope of mine-Moot sells off 4chan to some goonie who knows how to bring it back to its "SA without paying 10 bucks" roots.

>> No.6894687
File: 8 KB, 265x191, hooray bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a grand future that will be!

>> No.6894692

He'll either pass it off to one of his friends (who will be a moron, of course) or sell it to j-list or something

>> No.6894698

>bring it back to its "SA without paying 10 bucks" roots.

That'll never happen. It's a shame because the real SA sucks dick

>> No.6894699

A miracle could always happen.

>> No.6894708

The keyboard features will be integrated with the rest of the computer. Holding down the lol button will automatically type lolololololol. Double tapping wtf will capitalize it, and triple tap will put on exclamation points. If you're looking at a picture on canv.as, tapping the keys will automatically add the stickers for you.

>> No.6894713

>facebook invite only

The foundation of the site will be based upon facebook data mining it's initial form?

>hopefully this drives away all the normalfags.
If it is just a bunch of drawin shit and childish poster art, I'm not sure what the point is.

But obviously way too early to review this, I dare not give my facebook information right now either.

It is also pretty stupid to doubt it's potential so early, we shall see how it plays up

>mileyfag !!LYQhj3kfV+Y
Fucking die

>> No.6894720
File: 47 KB, 288x499, whywhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did moot turn into such a faggot

>> No.6894724

I no longer wish to live in this world.

>> No.6894738

He wants money.

>> No.6894739

bye bye

>> No.6894767

You have facebook information

>> No.6894778

Sounds like it's going to be a funnay pictr epic meme xD dump. Good. Anything that diverts the children off of 4chan is right by me.

>> No.6894791

It won't.

>> No.6894795

Of course but I don't believe in facebook's push to entangle the entire social fabric through facebook.
and crafting a hi-tech modernized version of human profiling, it is truly a dangerous thing

>> No.6894803

It looks pretty fucking gaiaish

>> No.6894806

more like bring more children on

>> No.6894817
File: 34 KB, 389x388, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funding: $625k

>> No.6894825

Oh man that picture would get SO MANY lol sitckers on canv.as!!!!!

>> No.6894831

I know nothing about this kind of stuff but that website looks very simple and cheap. I was expecting more features.

>> No.6894832

Mr.Cristopher Poole, it looks like our project for the Canvas website is lacking funds.
I believe it would be a good idea to shut down some of the boards on your website 4chan.
I could even list to you the less profitable boards. You see, there is this small board about Japan....

>> No.6894841

>about Japan

whew good thing /jp/ won't be affected. so what board are you talking about? /int/?

>> No.6894851

I get what moot is trying to do.

He's trying to recreate those awesome threads where somebody posts an image and asks others to edit them, coming out with hilarious images.

For example, that "What Pokemon is this?" image.

I think the whole Facebook connection is wholly unnecessary and he is doing that for another reason entirely. I'm curious to know how truly anonymous users are on canv.as though. He says users are anonymous, but then mentions profiles. Those are mutually exclusive. Only way that could be true is if the profile name/address was just an identity-less number.

>> No.6894853

He means /trv/

>> No.6894864

moot never asked for donations for canv.as. Only 4chan.
And moot never threatened to delete the board if it went to /stormfront/ anyways.
Yes, please, oh god.

>> No.6894874

>More casual viewers can add their two cents by dragging and dropping visual icons – smiley faces, LOL, WTF, etc, to the content.


>> No.6894878

No, users didn't donate money to him, real investors did. Like, company people

>> No.6894893

Yeah, I know. I never said he got donations for canv.as?

>> No.6894898
File: 762 KB, 937x750, 1259346170809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how many of you follow economics and business, but lately (past couple months) there have been quite a number of people talking about how there will be another dot-com style boom as was in the late 1990s, until it all came crashing down. (Note that people still made millions either way).

Take sites like Twitter and Tumblr; both are immensely popular, but are run by tiny staff numbers and often have no real source of revenue. This is where the investors come in.

moots reason for canv.as? I believe he is trying to push for something that is "Web 3.0" with integrated social networking to get in on this. I no doubt see all kids of cell phone enabled Canv.as apps coming out in the next year for Androids, iPhones and tablets just cause the site will be so accessible to everyone.

I'm skeptical if it will last though. Like someone mentioned earlier in this thread, the only entrepreneurial thing moot has done was take someone elses board software, have some friends do the majority of the coding (he has a degree in Mexican history or some shit, not programming), and let the tide of people propel him to quasi-fame. Canv.as may or may not end up dying because it ends up eclipsed by much more popular websites.

Worst comes to worse, he sells or closes down 4chan itself. This would suck, cause as much as moot fails these days, he has great academic and philosophical reasons for the concept of anonymity.

>> No.6894911

>he only entrepreneurial thing moot has done was take someone elses board software
How is that entrepreneurial? Doesn't he lose more money/break-even trying to hold this site up?

>> No.6894927

Did Sean Parker make money with Napster?

>> No.6894937

Yeah if this becomes popular 4chan will be in for a real swarm of normals like never before. This is not a good thing at all.

>> No.6894941
File: 325 KB, 996x693, 480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you stupid faggots getting upset for? You should be happy Moot made Canvas. You should be happy he's catering to normalfags with Canvas.

Smiley stickers,Facebook,pseudo anonymity,profiles,friend lists etc etc. Normalfags love that kind of stupid shit and they'll eat it up. Some of them might leave 4chan and Canvas will definitely slow the flow of normalfags coming to 4chan because they'll see that all their friends are on this cool new thing called Canvas.

Stop your crying and take it easy. This is benefits us more than you think.

>> No.6894949

>he has a degree in Mexican history or some shit, not programming

Meximoot =/= moot

For all I know, moot is a college dropout.

>> No.6894959

Not really. The reason 4chan is getting swarmed with normals is because it's the cool, hip new thing. Once canv.as shadows 4chan, it will have an exodus of normals not seeing a point in coming here in this out-dated, old website.

>> No.6894963

If that were true, then facebook would have done it.

>> No.6894964


>> No.6894971

That's because 4chan and facebook are completely different. On facebook you have friends, family, that kind of shit. It's a social website.

>> No.6894975

Also: facebook ain't hip enough.

>> No.6894981

But this would be really sad.

>> No.6894993

Honestly, the concept behind canv.as isn't fresh either. A year or two back, I remember a website advertising here which revolved around a combination of photo sharing and social networking. I think it was called Poots or something like that.
I don't know what happened to it, but apparently it has long since disappeared and I guess canv.as will follow the same fate because basically it's just a huge gimmick with a short shelf life.

>> No.6894998

And Friendster came before Facebook, but look at how that turned out.

>> No.6895003

Canv.as isn't directly affiliated with 4chan at all though. I don't see how it's directly going to draw more people here.

A large portion of people come to 4chan soley for the "funny" images. Normals, casual users of the site and children comprise most of this demographic. Canv.as appears to be heavily revolved around the creation of such amusing images these people are after. What reason would they have to come to 4chan if another site better suits their taste?

I'm sure they'd still pop in here occasionally, but with reduced frequency.

>> No.6895022

Canvas doesn't feel like it's trying to cater to 4chan users at all. The majority of Canvas users will probably be from copycat meme oriented sites or people that laugh at /b/ memes on youtube.

>> No.6895029

I agree with you. The people who come to 4chan for the humor really may flock there. I wouldn't be surprised if it catches on among the reddit crowd too.

A potential problem with it could be that it's popularity will be linked to the creativity of the users. If people don't generate "funny" images there won't be any content to keep people sticking around.

>> No.6895030

Well moderation has gone to shit this weekend and today so far, so the boards on 4chan are already taking a hit.

Where the fuck are the new janitors?

>> No.6895033

10,000 applications...

>> No.6895034

I don't expect the new /jp/ janitors to be very good. moot hates us

>> No.6895039

Why is that so?

>> No.6895040

At first I thought this wouldnt be that bad.
Then I decided to check out /soc/, because I figured they would be the target audiance.
Fist page, a gril making a making a kissy face, "question tiem? question tiem."
A diffrent person, this time male, same context "M studying for an exam, ask me anything."

I no longer have fath in the world, these people are everywhere, just look at facebook... Not only that, but we reward their narcasism with comments and smilies..

Canv.as is a horid idea, dont even care if it gets the normalfags off... we cant stop feeding thes people.

>> No.6895042
File: 335 KB, 870x400, moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot is one of those people

>> No.6895044

Are they taking janitor applications, /jp/?

I kind of wanted to apply to be a janitor here. A couple years ago I was among the administrating staff on 7chan which, at the time, rivaled 4chan in size, though it always remained small. I'm familiar with Futaba-style board software in and out but I figure there are probably thousands of people that applied and they probably just pick randomly.

>> No.6895047

You missed them

>> No.6895048

/b/ will probably grow leading to more invasions as well as a spread of population of /b/tards across other boards. moot will probably try to create more /b/ type boards to help control that growth.. etc.. death of 4chan.

>> No.6895050

It'll just associate something more hip with 4chan, drawing more normals becuase it's made by the creator of their favorite new site.

This could be the beginning of the end, the last thing we need is more board 13 year olds on /b/ who think trolling is posting a few image macros and shouting memes, they'll flood into every board, and we same to hold a special place in their collective hearts right now anyhow.

>> No.6895056

4chan died a long time ago

>> No.6895057

>I no longer have fath in the world, these people are everywhere, just look at facebook...

This is a hard reality for many of us on /jp/, the fucking beauty of the 90's and the feel good boom of the early 00's are long gone.

Generational culture changes have advanced so quickly in such a short time, that horde after horde of fucking shit witted, corporate facebook/myspace fed kiddies have become the norm.

I was expecting this to sort of happen in my country but never so completely and thoroughly, most of these fucks don't even understand what a true sub culture even means. And the method of discussion has been so distorted and fucked out by horrible rap culture stereotypes that you couldn't even untangle the shit if you tried.

>> No.6895058
File: 41 KB, 738x268, bnp_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jews are taking over the Internet. They currently control several of the largest websites in the world, facebook, google and youtube. But that's not enough for them, they want to spread out and take over more websites. They're like cockroaches. What's the "Final Solution" for Jews in these modern times?

moot has been bought.

>> No.6895060

moot deletes /jp/ and someone creates a mirror site like they did with /r9k/ & /new/

would you be happy with this?

>> No.6895061

>Funding: $625k
The fuck?

>> No.6895062

If things go to shit, where are you guys going to go?
Say Moot pulls the plug on /jp/ or 4chan entirely. Where else is there like here?

>> No.6895063

So why are you still here?

>> No.6895064

Let's face it. They're on the internet now and they feed each other, nothing we can do to change that. The best thing to do is to draw their attention to other sites and away from 4chan. Canv.as seems to be able to cater to those kinds of people, and it'll also have the funny pictures they like.
The mods are probably still looking through all the applications, when they finish we'll probably have much better moderation.
The site seems to promote creativity as much as possible, so I think they're probably going to spawn some content to keep the users interested.

>> No.6895066

Plenty of other chans.

>> No.6895069

Yeah, tell us!

I also want to know! :3c

>> No.6895070

There's already a few /jp/-like sites. /bun/ and tohno come to mind

>> No.6895075

Why would moot delete /jp/?
The only boards he's deleted recently were boards he said he'd delete a long time ago, moot has never indicated that he'll take down /jp/. Besides, he probably knows that as soon as that happens /a/ will go back to "TOUHOU HIJAKK LOL".

>> No.6895076

Both slow as fuck.

>> No.6895078

It's a hypothetical.

>> No.6895080

He's got investors.(JEWS).

>> No.6895081

Maybe we can go to Bunbunmaru as I see that a few of us are already there because I saw a few posts there a while back that mentioned /jp/. It seems like a decent place.

>> No.6895086

The guy who runs /bun/ is a massive faggot.

>> No.6895088

My favorite /jp/ like site has been down for months without any news. I get the feeling it won't come this time, as 80% of the userbase left last time this happened, even if it comes back there'll be like 5 of us there.

Personally, I think /bun/ is shit and won't be bothering unless /jp/ makes a mass exodus there replaces the board culture.

Tohno doesn't exactly seem promising either. My other alternatives are far, far slower than those.

>> No.6895089

Get out bun devs

>> No.6895090


Bunbun and Tohno-chan are the most /jp/ like of sites. The post activity is slow these days, but they're nice niche communities. Most of them have great IRC channels where most of the actual talking goes on, and it's kind of better that way.

There are also a million *chan clones. 7chan, 420chan, desuchan, ichan are some of the bigger ones with high activity. There are also sites like Wakachan that host an index of a bunch of smaller, specific boards but it feels like you're browsing one site. You won't find a site as big as 4chan these days because 4chan is massive now, but there are dozens of small ones.

>> No.6895095

Whenever i go into the tohno IRC there's only like 3 other guys and they aren't saying anything

>> No.6895096
File: 58 KB, 400x400, 15702032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's a streamlined Danbooru with normalfags?

>> No.6895097


Are you on the right IRC network? I keep my IRC client idle 24 hours a day there, and there is usually 30~ people when I check. You can't just pop in on IRC and expect people talking it's not MSN, you gotta log on and just keep the program open and people will eventually talk.

>> No.6895099

>The guy who runs /bun/ is a massive faggot.
Who, Jewowns?

>> No.6895100

Oh I never bothered to check out Tohno-chan before. Yeah I think that's the perfect place.

>> No.6895101

I don't like real-time talking anyway

>> No.6895107

tohno-chan is nice because it has a /so/ronery board which decent discussions.

it's pretty slow though, at least post wise

>> No.6895109

Except if you could add shitty smileys. "LOL" and "OMG" to the pictures.

>> No.6895113


Yes, except it's got font smoothing and stickers.

>> No.6895114

It isn't though because there are so many boards. All of our shit is contained in one board here, not spread among 10 or more so it is very slow moving.

>> No.6895118

speed isn't really important. it's better to find video game stuff in the video game section than have to go through a bunch of pages

>> No.6895122

Yes, we already talked with tohno about this, but he prefers it that way.

>> No.6895123
File: 35 KB, 477x323, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunbunmaru circa 1944. Good times.

>> No.6895131

Are you sure? In the IRC are usually about 30 people and they are all most of the time pretty nice.

>> No.6895135



>> No.6895136


>> No.6895137

+1 wtf

>> No.6895139

haha lol!

>> No.6895143

See? We don't even need canvas!

>> No.6895146

Tohno looked pretty slow but if most of /jp/ moved there (in the event of a hypothetical 4chan shutdown) it could be pretty nice.

Trolling and shitposting would probably be nonexistent considering there's no /b/ or /soc/ next door.

>> No.6895149

It's sped up quite a bit lately, really. I don't really want a huge population surge though because more people usually means lower quality

>> No.6895151

>– to add content on 4Chan all you have to do is write something, upload a file and complete a captcha.

>and complete a captcha.


>> No.6895154

It's already way faster than /bun/.

I don't understand why /jp/ is always talking about /bun/ when they talking about alternatives. Tohno is by far better.

>> No.6895155

better than having anontalk spam. I don't see why we still need flood detection though

>> No.6895168

No, because it has worked perfectly for its purpose, it isn't that hard to fill in unless you're a robot, it makes you think about your post and has been the cause of some moderately original stuff on other boards, with the whole captcha comics thing.
Disadvantages? It takes 3 seconds longer to make a post and it's not exactly the same as how it was before.

>> No.6895171

Stay here, nobody wants you boring cunts shitting up /bun/ and tohno with metathreads all day long. They're fine like they are.

>> No.6895180

Don't be mean, Tohno. We like you.

>> No.6895185

Get out bun and tohno devs. Your sites suck balls and will never be remotely comparable to /jp/.

>> No.6895211

What happens when there IS no /jp/? Nobody is a fucking dev here. If you have a better idea, post it.

>> No.6895213

Yeah, shithead. Only bitching around and watching the Titanic sinking won't help.

>> No.6895216

I'm no dev I just found the sites and made a suggestion. Please don't kill me oh great and perfect god of /jp/.

>> No.6895226

Someone should just start a website called /jp/ that is a single imageboard. But these threads come up every week or so after a raid or whatever and everyone just stays here anyway.

>> No.6895231

Thumbs up if you think this will be a good idea to make /jp/ upset xD.

>> No.6895246
File: 346 KB, 1050x746, sgt hawkes monitors 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why I should be upset.

>> No.6895255

So basically a deviantART 2.0?

No thanks, mootles.

>> No.6895256
File: 167 KB, 940x554, Tohno-chan_1296525746987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you Tohno-devs stop it with the Tohno-chan myth.

-The board is named after (and ran by) a tripfriend from post split /a/. Not to mention it has the durr, "-chan" suffix to it. A+ for originality.
-Most of its users are from neo /a/. Just from judging by their punctuation, capitalization and grammar, they're not our kin.
-It was originally hosted on some (weird) free board host, that only a kid would sign up for. (Baby's first webhost no doubt).
-The admin doesn't know a thing about programming or Futaba-like software in general. He's the type of person who'd install KusabaX for its hilarious, lol-random features. At least with the /bun/ devs they know what they're doing. (I've seen Jones hax someone's anus with javascript--javascript for fucks sake!)
-Tohno made the classic iichan mistake of creating a website with several hundred niche boards, but not a big enough userbase to populate said boards. Now instead of having one active board, you have several inactive boards. Another plus for /bun/ devs for not making that mistake.
-Tohno is a relatively polite tripfriend, but he's kind of hard headed when it comes to taking other people's advise.

Bunbunmaru is better but I still don't fully endorse it. The friends of the admin, i.e., the people who hangout at #bun have issues. I've seen them ban people for kicks and giggles. They'd all have to go before I go any where near bunbunmaru.

>> No.6895269
File: 56 KB, 838x983, 1295721460517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6895272


Anyone watching the top story on that website?

>> No.6895285

Who is opposed to me making some kind of chan in my spare time?

>> No.6895289

Out of all the stupid bullshit that comes from other boards these are always the funniest.

#/bun/ is /bun/ only problem and the fact that people constantly samefag hate on it here leading people to actually believe that it truly is terrible.

>> No.6895290

I'd lurk BOOFchan

I'd lurk it a hell of a lot more if ZUN!bar goes there too

>> No.6895292

What would the boards be, a copy of /k/ and a copy of /jp/?

>> No.6895296

Tohno seems like a pretty nice guy to me. The only problem I've ever seen there is when he added snow on the main page for Christmas but it kind of fucked up some stuff (the problem lasted less than an hour). I don't know about the other shit you're talking about, but I do agree the guys at /bun/ are pretty terrible

>> No.6895298

I'd come along, BOOF.

>> No.6895301

You're the only person on this entire board who actually makes good original content and contributes to the community (aside from meiling) so why not

>> No.6895303

There's enough chans

>> No.6895306

I approve of this.

>> No.6895307
File: 86 KB, 350x1460, 1231052794965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ah yes now i can see exactly how many lols i gather with my witty image macros

Pretty much.

>> No.6895312

I'm not opposed to it but I would probably never go there since it would probably be awful

>> No.6895315

What Tohno-myth?

WTF are you talking about?

The anime or videogame boards on tohno are by far faster than the whole /bun/. Just look at the dates.

Also we have less trolling and most users are actually quite friendly.

Just because he's not that acknowledged with the chan-software doesn't make it the site shit.

The users are the important part of a chan and tohno has a very nice atmosphere.

>> No.6895319

Tohno-chan is the only -chan with a waifu board. I think it's fun.

>> No.6895320

The guy bought two HD 5770, of course someone like that couldn't make a good decision.

>> No.6895322

Even if #bun isn't /bun/ it still doesn't change the fact that the admin of /bun/ is close to everyone who frequents #bun. Let's just put it this way, if janitor applications were ever started on /bun/, the regulars at #bun would get the job without trying. And I've seen first hand what they're like, so don't even go there. I wont name any names. but if I'm tempted I can (and will) post logs as proof of their abuse of power.

>> No.6895325

Get out Jones

>> No.6895327

i hereby tempt you

>> No.6895334

Do it, faggot.

>> No.6895341

Before Fermi was released and ATI owned the GPU market, buying 2x 5770 was the best bang for buck.

>> No.6895345

Someone should make a site that's almost exactly like that and release it before him. I mean jesus it's not even original at all

>> No.6895350 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 947x643, 697008976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this bullshit.

>> No.6895360 [DELETED] 

canv.as looks like danbooru but for shitty memes

So moot went from ripping off 2chan to booru

>> No.6895358

ATi was never the best bang for your buck when you include the terrible drivers, the fact the GF100 and GF104 were around the corner, and the horrible vendors associated with ATI that never gave real deal support.
Relying on crossfire is just suicide if you want a stable system.

>> No.6895359
File: 440 KB, 1350x900, I am tempting you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this tempting enough?

>> No.6895364
File: 196 KB, 267x308, duck_l_orange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp, 4chan's a scam, the government's a scam, nazi-ism was a scam, "capitalism" and "communism" were a scam together, everything's a damn scam, why is everything a fucking scam?

suck my fucking dick, world

>> No.6895369

wait should i have not bought an HD 5770?

>> No.6895373

Christmas is a scam.

>> No.6895374

I made a small niche -chan board that gets a few hundred hits a day but it wouldn't really be a good place for a /jp/ refuge ;_;

>> No.6895375

All the reasons someone already stated, there is literally nothing AMD/ATi does right and that includes the horrible HD 5770.

>> No.6895378

I have a single 5770 and am able to play all modern games on max.

>> No.6895385

Go away, IN Elite.

>> No.6895389

Me too. I had a problem a few weeks ago where "drivers stopped responding" or whatever but it hasn't happened since

>> No.6895391

I'm guessing the post that got you banned was something like.

>> No.6895395

Because there are so many paranoid fuckers out there.

>> No.6895397
File: 57 KB, 439x480, taiga_suitably_freaked_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6895398
File: 72 KB, 698x658, tsuruya bwahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6895399

At 720p I bet and under 30 FPS I reckon.

Get used to it, CCC is like a root canal that never ends.

He posts on /g/ and this is /jp/ therefor I am not IN elite.

>> No.6895402

That is not how periods work.

Go back to /soc/.

>> No.6895405

>ripping off
Why do people call it ripping off? The code was available to the public and moot probably didn't have anything like profit in mind, or else he'd have shut down this website at the first sign of loss.

>> No.6895421 [DELETED] 
File: 472 KB, 800x600, 1296528172509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must say this is rather unfair for Goten. And the dialogue is so cheesy.

>> No.6895412

IN Elite posts on /jp/ too.

Also, fanboyism is the cancer killing everything. Who cares what company made what. If it works and does what you bought it for, then what's the point in arguing with someone over the internet?

>> No.6895425

Why don't you try the IRC?

Chatting with some nice people and and posting stuff on our little chan. That's how it works. Once you're used to it, you'll not miss /jp/. It feels like a nice little family.

>> No.6895426

You know there are times like this where it be a good thing to just stop posting and realize that there are things that are actually going on in the world right now.

Like Egypt uprising and Chinese kids making all the electronics you people all claw each other over for minuscule little mistakes in drivers

>> No.6895428

We're not hip at all though, 4chan is only popular because you can act unrestrained on here.

I can't talk about my desire to make love to Flan-chan on my facebook.

P.S. 69 and onan in my captcha. I feel this is a good sign.

>> No.6895430

If you don't make all of the mistakes that Tohno-chan and /bun/ made then sure. I've already listed Tohno-chan's mistakes. Bun's mistakes can be summed up in the following:
-When your website is first starting out do not, under any circumstances ban people--unless they are blatantly spamming. I've seen people's posts removed for reasons as insignificant as "using proxies." (As if, people want shady /bun/ devs like Jones tracking their IPs.)
-With rumors of authoritarianism being practiced on /bun/, the admin thought it would be a brilliant idea to add IDs. These are the same type of upperclass, New England, elitist who lobby for IDs on our babies.
-Another mistake /bun/ made was creating an IRC channel. All the problems with IRC channel's apply here. /bun/'s reputation went into the gutter after they allowed the boundary between #bun and /bun/ to become ambigous. Also, /bun/ devs should have stopped feeding the haters and just let the haters hate.

And because I know you're reading this Jones. You wrote code for /bun/. You are by definition a /bun/ dev--even if you're not a part of the moderation team. You're too wise and conniving to be trusted in a position of power. People will always be suspicious of you, your family and your acquaintances.

>> No.6895438

Seriously, you get camera lenses sent by 10 ups ground and those cost a shitton compared to figures in a much smaller box size. Oh, you feel this is fully a good sign.

>> No.6895445

On the one hand moot is clearly bending to the whims of these jews, on the other, /new/ is just a board where /b/tards went, like /int/. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.6895447

>I can't talk about my desire to make love to Flan-chan on my facebook.

>> No.6895456 [DELETED] 

what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.6895462 [DELETED] 

Anyone else find it disturbing that even with 600k funding he could find a way to launch a new site with a new staff, he pulled all of his mods out of 4chan to help with the other site.

I know he'd one to keep a few insiders with him but still...

>> No.6895463
File: 14 KB, 213x277, Sion's favorite reaction image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a Facebook account, so I couldn't care less about moot's new Facebook app.
I was under the assumption that you also don't have Facebook accounts for the most part, so why are you kicking up such a fuss?

You should be careful about calling random people me. Speak of the devil and he appears and all that.

>> No.6895466

what's wrong with KusabaX

>> No.6895467

Anyone else find it disturbing that even with 600k funding he couldn't find a way to launch a new site with new staff, he pulled all of his mods out of 4chan to help with the other site.

I know he'd one to keep a few insiders with him but still...maybe we are just left in the hole right now

>> No.6895468

That's the beauty of touhou H-doujinshi : most of the times, I end up fapping to someone I have never cared about and suddenly she becomes one of my favorite characters.

>> No.6895470

>I was under the assumption that you also don't have Facebook accounts for the most part
I want to believe.

>> No.6895479

Jones-sama lead me to the promised land

I'm finally ready to follow, my eyes are finally open!

>> No.6895482

I don't have one, and never will

>> No.6895489 [DELETED] 

I will seriously come back to this game if they're doing GM transformation events again.

>> No.6895494

Learn how to program and try reading its source, Tohno-dev. Wakaba is your friend.

>> No.6895497

I once got a facebook account to view an old contact's details in order to use them for a job application. Of course, I wasn't hired, and long after that I kept getting emails about how people I had never even heard of were adding me to their friends list. I deleted it a while back. They actually try to hide their delete function, and if you log on at any time 2 weeks after you use the delete form, it will cancel the delete. Of course, that wasn't a problem for me, but I imagine it sinks its teeth into normals and never lets go.

>> No.6895501 [DELETED] 

I autism all the time on CB, but somehow these events only happen that one time when I decided not to log on

>> No.6895505

so I should install wakaba instead?

>> No.6895517

>so I should install wakaba instead?
>Who is opposed to me making some kind of chan in my spare time?
Read this thread:

>> No.6895526

One can learn by reading, by watching, and by doing. Nitori is a friend to everyone, except those dirty satori youkai.

>> No.6895537

I have a facebook just for communication between some family members because no one uses anything else. I pretty much made last.fm my internet home.

>> No.6895541

okay I just checked out Tohno-chan, because some people were saying its decent.
...its fucking Kusaba, that shit should have died out by now. Fuck this shit, if /jp/ dies, I'll just go to iichan.

>> No.6895545

Everyone in my family but me has a facebook account. I'm 100% against ever having pictures of myself on the internet so I don't know what the fuck I would even put on it

>> No.6895551

>minuscule little mistakes in drivers

Because not having the ability to use crossfire due to ati's incompetence is totally minuscule, right?

Get out ati dev.

>> No.6895554

I don't normally call people out on autism but jesus christ

>> No.6895555

That was a hypothetical, I got rid of my facebook account when they allowed high schoolers to join.

>> No.6895561

That thing is an eyesore.
Whatever, as long as there's /jp/ all's right with the world.

>> No.6895562

What the fuck is kusaba

>> No.6895566

I use Facebook to make snarky comments, nothing more. I only have a single profile picture, I wasn't the one who uploaded it, and it doesn't show my face.

I can't imagine using it to brag or show off pictures of myself, but that's probably due to low self-esteem.

>> No.6895571

an imageboard software. Some people really hate it because it used to be really badly coded. I heard it got better though.

>> No.6895577

I use 4chan to brag to anonymous posters.

>> No.6895582

>I use Facebook to make snarky comments, nothing more.
Get out.

>> No.6895586

I've been going to tohno for a bout a month and it's pretty much exactly like 4chan as far as usability goes.

>> No.6895589

>he pulled all of his mods out of 4chan to help with the other site
[citation needed]

>> No.6895608 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 243x264, 1296530316970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revision of >>6889392

Can't decide on the color of the arms.

>> No.6895609

Kusaba is the one that sucks. Kusaba X (what Tohno-chan uses) is a lot better.

I'd personally recommend Wakeba/Kareha though since !WaHa is a bro.

>> No.6895615

Facebook isn't a way to connect with friends. It's a public place where your every action is subject to scrutiny. The entire point is only to reveal to others those aspects of yourself you want them to see, and as long as everyone accepts that and is aware of it, I don't see it as particularly objectionable. That doesn't mean you should openly fish for compliments. That's simply bad manners.

>> No.6895617

That's because the ridiculous premise for the thread encourages posters to respond with hyperbole, sarcasm, and bizarre non-sequiturs.

>> No.6895622

It should be noted that tsunku is one of the most brilliant song composers of all time though you also have a ton of respect for perfume and capsule, but again, completely different groups. /jp/ is a board where things that are Japanese, yet not related to one of the other boards go.

>> No.6895630


You and every "chan" out there. To me, single board website are the true way to go. Like Poolswimmers website.

>> No.6895652

I guess I should try to remember my olf Facebook account information then.
I only used it once to contact my relative living in the USA and to tell him about his father's death. I'm such a bringer of joy.

>> No.6895662

If I for some unfathomable reason had a facebook, I wouldn't want that interacting with my life on /jp/ in even the vaguest way. I'll be lynched.

>> No.6895672

Not only that but it became popular with a lot of /b/tards who started their own *chan clones. Just the fact that most of them didn't have the latent ability to think of a name that didn't have a -chan suffix in it, is a testament to Kusaba's base. If you read the support pages for some of the kusaba spin-offs, the most requested feature was spinning-dick gifs. If only that was an exaggeration. To a non-techsavvy guy like Tohno, Kusaba (and that shitty webhost he used) probably seemed like good a good idea at the time. Not that I have anything against the guy. Babby's first imageboard software without a doubt. If it wasn't for Kusaba's braindead install files, websites like Tohno-chan wouldn't exist.

>> No.6895677

didnt facebook remove the delete function alltogether
im pretty sure it only suspends your account and other people can still view it like normal.

i have a facebook, i made it maybe 2-4 years ago when i got an email to sign up and never used it since

>> No.6895687

This is why you keep your actual identity as separate from it as possible.

>> No.6895688

It's not so odd for a website to not have a delete function. The majority of profiles I have on websites can't be deleted unless I contact the admin.

Facebook is just annoying since it has your real life info.

I deleted mine long ago though.

>> No.6895699

I'm pretty sure you can delete it. They just hide it, making you think disabling it is the only option.


>> No.6895722

I'm adding one last problem with Tohno-chan. The admin makes the mistake of being active on, and off his website. Hint: there's a reason why moot stopped allowing mods to post with identities. Once people start getting to know you they, more often than not, start acting differently around you. This sometimes leads to conflicts of interest and undue criticism. Julian Assange ring a bell?

Also, many people don't like it when a person (in a position of power) is breathing down their necks. Imageboards are for having fun and taking it easy. If I wanted someone who's in a position of power breathing down my neck 24/7, I'd visit my boss's house more often.

>> No.6895747

Mods and janitors and shit are always around "breathing down our necks" and fucking with us anyway. What does it matter if they have names or not? You can tell it's them.

>> No.6895751

Tohno never does anything annoying though. If it weren't for the site sharing his name I wouldn't even know he was the boss

>> No.6895767

Because every thread they post in will start to revolve around them.

>> No.6895773

That doesn't happen on Tohno. Not that I've seen anyway

>> No.6895810

It doesn't happen anywhere. 4chan is the only messageboard I've ever been on where people flip their shit when an admin posts.

>> No.6895811

also SA

>> No.6895820

>Tohno never does anything annoying though. If it weren't for the site sharing his name I wouldn't even know he was the boss
That still doesn't justify the naiveté of his behavior. It's like saying a dictator's position is fine if a nice guy is in the seat of power. Being a lightning rod is almost universally deemed as a bad practice. This, on top of all of the other amateurish mistakes, makes me question Tohno's ability to manage a board of /jp/'s size. He needs a lot more training on the rudimentary of common sense.

>> No.6895879

sup popo

>> No.6895892

I'm from tohno-ircayu smells, we're watching your shitty thread and,

who even said we want a population big as /jp/? We already have too many users and the site is moving too fast. You can all fuck off, please don't bother coming and whoever is advertising, please stop.


>> No.6895903

fuck grover and his lets jerkoff paid killers subforum.

>> No.6895905

Half of all mentions of other boards on /jp/ are disparaging anyways.

>> No.6895909


Slower speeds means more thought out posts.
quality over quantity.

We don't need or want a daily threads with a random touhou and a comment asking what sex with them is like.

>> No.6895910

What is sex with a touhou like?

>> No.6895912

>the site is moving too fast

How fast? Last time I went on the /fig/ board there were hardly anyone posting.

>> No.6895913

ayu, why would you insult yourself?

>> No.6895919
File: 40 KB, 704x400, Noda sparkling eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6895920

See, That's your problem, it's a site, not a board.
but only going to certain boards you're pretty much doing it wrong.
everyone there f5's the front page all day, which shows posts as they are made.

>> No.6895932

That will never happen because you are talking about Touhou fanbase here. And most of it will want to talk about having sex with touhous.

>> No.6895934

Your awkward indention and capitalization reminds me of stuff I'd expect to see on neo /a/. If you're a typical Tohno-chan user then I want nothing to do with that place. Please see your way to the exit.

>> No.6895935

>everyone there f5's the front page
That's like saying everyone on /jp/ manually reported posts all day (Pre-Captcha)

This is 2011. There are scripts for these things, man. All you gotta do is stare and wait. Or, Pre-Captcha, right-click and queue.

>> No.6895936

Sup /jp/ Quality Control. How was your day?

>> No.6895939

>we're watching your shitty thread and,
You sure are hostile.

I don't want anything to do with Tohno-chan anyway. It always struck me as strange that some people mention it alongside bun as a /jp/ refuge when Tohno is from post-split /a/, as someone else pointed out.

>> No.6895945

Calm down, Tohno devs. You know, if I were in your position, I would welcome and propogate any negative rumors about Tohno-chan. God knows that you don't want any more immigrants from /jp/ at this point.

>> No.6895958

The correct way of browsing tc is by refreshing the front page and reading whatever looks interesting in the recent posts. Staying on one board is stupid, there aren't different communities on each board like here.

>> No.6895963

Which is why it's stupid for them to have different boards in the first place.

>> No.6895971


You fags are the reason why Tohno is not better and faster, you guy should post more instead of circlejerking all day.

>> No.6895975
File: 96 KB, 776x370, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facebook thread is still on the front page? For shame, /jp/, for shame.

If you like Facebook so much, here!

>> No.6895976

What? Each board is for a different topic. It's not really that hard to figure out

>> No.6895977

It was slow and boring. It's always amusing to see devs defending their shit though.

How about you anon?

>> No.6895978

Yeah, I can't post there in good conscience now knowing that they'll all be laughing at me from behind some close-knit IRC. Not that it's any different from /jp/

>> No.6895980

Yeah, tohno-chan was founded by post split /a/ users while bunbunmaru was founded by seasoned /jp/ers. It's pretty obvious where we'd flock to if given the choice between those two. I think the Tohno devs and users would be better off selling their product on, I dunno, /a/. The board where it originated from.

>> No.6895985


Reported for ban evasion, enjoy your ban you fucking retard.

>> No.6895991

Excuse me?

>> No.6895992

Actually it keeps it more organized in my opinion. You don't have to read through a huge backlog of threads, just go to the corresponding board and you might find another thread that you like about the same topic.

>> No.6895994

what are you even whining about?

whatever, just keep your masked 4chan internet-whacko "project" "protests" shit the fuck away from me

>> No.6895998

Make it more obvious you're from /bun/, please

>> No.6895999

Also, if anyone here actually has a facebook, let me know if it works!

>> No.6896010

If the guy in charge of /bun/ is seriously tracking people and using exploits and shit then there's no way in hell I would go there

>> No.6896011


I'm not a regular user of any of those imageboards but /bun/ is utter shit, the moderators are utter shit and it has never been a secret that the irc faggots from that board are the ones spamming /jp/.

Tohno is 100 better than shit, /bun/ is also full of normalfags.

>> No.6896018

Oh dear god bun and tohno devs. Stop fighting each other in here, we don't want to go to your image board so please stop it.

>> No.6896019


Did you hear, persons who visit /jp/? Go to /bun/!

/tc/ is for fags.

nem is cute

>> No.6896020

It was a decent normal day.

>> No.6896023

But by having one board, the posts will just stagnate. Look at /bun/, people never bother making their own threads and only bump the old one's with 300+ posts. It's pretty intimidating for someone new to read the whole thread just to make sure what they're gonna post hasn't already been discussed. Besides, having more boards promotes more detailed discussions.

>> No.6896025

Agreed, /bun/ is nothing but shit.

Tohno, while not great has much more promise.

>> No.6896028

At least one of the TC irc faggots spams /jp/ with Kuroko because it's funny.

>> No.6896031


It "works" but it says "unable to connect to 4chan bla bla"

>> No.6896035

no he doesnt

>> No.6896036

Actually, he isn't active on IRC. He just pops in once in a blue moon.

>> No.6896038

Hope you didn't have any credit card info stored anywhere in your browser

>> No.6896040


Kuroko spammer is not from Tohno.

>> No.6896052

Oh my, did you just run something that came from Jones?

You poor, poor soul.

>> No.6896062
File: 42 KB, 540x432, hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch me acknowledge the superiority of Tohno-chan, and not give a fuck.

>> No.6896068

Oh, those are more complex than just digg-esque links?
Go figure. I just copied it from a news site and altered the link.

>> No.6896079


I have no idea, it says "i don't like this anymore" and then "error", first time using facebook i don't know if that's normal.

>> No.6896088


I wouldn't worry too much about that, their IRC is mostly discussing currently airing anime or league of legends / other games that they're playing. If an interesting discussion does start in there, they seem to move it over to the boards where more people can join in.

>> No.6896095

lol, oh well.
At least it makes for amusing screencaps.

>> No.6896113

>If the guy in charge of /bun/ is seriously tracking people and using exploits and shit then there's no way in hell I would go there
Calm yourself youth. I was merely jesting when I said that. If Jones wants your anus he's going to get to it by way of the ``backdoor''. Oh, and admins don't need exploits to track people. A simple "select * from imgboard where IP = ''" query will return everything you've ever posted on /bun/, tohno-chan and easymodo.

I got banned for "using a proxy" on /bun/ a long time ago and haven't been back there since. It's no secret that /bun/'s experiment with moderation was a failure, but from what I've heard they've changed their policies. The problems with /bun/ are small compared to the problems with tohno-chan. It's like comparing a full grown house cat to a lion.

>> No.6896174 [DELETED] 

Just got in canv.as beta

Anyone want screenshots or something?

>> No.6896182 [DELETED] 

>>6896174 here

Oh my god. This is fuckign awful. I can't describe to you how shitty this place is.

>> No.6896186

Yes please

>> No.6896194

make a new thread for it because this one is dead

>> No.6896196

Will this allow me to see if my facebook friends joined canvas? I am actually pretty decent of a person in real life, besides the figures, paranoia of social discriminance, pedophilia, etc. I tried hanging out with the type of people you would find in /a/ or /v/ before at uni, it literally made me want to quit school and just become a NEET because I didn't think people like that actually existed.

>> No.6896204
File: 24 KB, 500x335, trollleen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6896174 00:02
>>6896182 00:03

>> No.6896208


>> No.6896216 [DELETED] 

New thread here:

>> No.6896280

Fine, I'll just come out and say it. Tohno is 200 years too young to compete with Jones-sama. Or any of the users on #bun for that matter. Hell, half the people on #bun are automated bots. The #bun devs code them for shits 'n giggles. Tohno, is a good admin, but I don't think he has the experience or intellectual curiosity to run an imageboard. The guy's fallen off the tree of *chan mistakes and hit every branch on the way down. Let's review:
-KusabaX and not Wakaba.
-Free webhost (or whatever the fuck that thing was).
-Redundant chan suffix in his domain name.
-An admin who actively posts and brags about his website; a website that just happens to be named after him. Which, in my opinion, is just begging for undue hardship. (Case literally in point.)
-A bad ratio of boards to users. Instead of having one active board he has several inactive boards. The illusion of board activity is crucial for encouraging newcomers to contribute.
-Userbase is post split-/a/.
-Admin couldn't code to save his life--which means you can forget about having features that are unique to Tohno-chan.

Why are you guys advertising an /a/ spin-off on /jp/, anyway?

>> No.6896325

It's really obvious you are the same bun guy posting over and over, which is both funny and pointless because this thread is dead and nobody gives a shit about tohno or bun or whatever stupid things that come out of your mouth

>> No.6896330

/jp/ IRC is just terrible. Bonesy has to be the most irritable faggot on the planet, king in yellow talks about the most inane shit, zetzunyan or whatever the fuck his name is is a little of both. I really dislike the general frequent IRC users. I guess the whole anonymous thing has pampered me into having a good expectation out of ever post I read, rather than already expect shit since I've seen that guy before.

>> No.6896346 [DELETED] 

so /bun/ mods are intolerable faggots and tohno is apparently stupid.

>> No.6896349

You don't seem to understand the absolute cancerous nature of those people,
they literally attach their face to everything around here, they leech off the imagery and concept of /jp/ day in and day out and when the board is threatened to waltz in proclaiming their alternative site is a legitimate website and the devs are not megalomaniacs

>> No.6896354

It's unleashes, you shit eating monkeys.

>> No.6896406

>they literally attach their face to everything around here, they leech off the imagery and concept of /jp/ day in and day out and when the board is
That might be the dumbest thing I've read all day. Images from pixiv and proper posting etiquette is apparently a registered trademark™ of /jp/. Even though /bun/'s userbase consist of /jp/ers, they're not allowed to use /jp/'s content™.

Who's a manchild! You're our little manchild!

>> No.6896422

It says unleashes everywhere else except the url.

>> No.6896442

You must be pretty stupid to think I would dare touch that link, reported.

>> No.6896444

> have some friends do the majority of the coding

Like shii, who studied theology and not computer science, or something akin to it.

>> No.6896444,1 [INTERNAL] 

/bun/ is actually terrible.
/photos/ on the other hand is actually quite promising. Just need more lurkers and traffic and we could get it back to 2008 /jp/.

>> No.6896444,2 [INTERNAL] 

if /jp/ dies a billion people will make a billion different boards and they will all die within two months.
in the end everyone will flock to pooshlmer or desuchan

>> No.6896444,3 [INTERNAL] 

During the early days of /bun/, I was once "banned for proxy" too--even though I've never use proxies! I believe it was just some mistake.

#bun is... well, it's an IRC channel, so faggotry is expected. No one should bother going there unless he needs to report something on /bun/ to the moderators (but there enough people already there who can/will do that), or he's looking for people to play LoL with.

Anyway, the only way your posts will be deleted in /general/ is if you're Losstarot, bael, or VDZ.

>> No.6896444,4 [INTERNAL] 

Can you tell me more about those 3 people? I see their names a lot.

>> No.6896444,5 [INTERNAL] 

Losstarot apparently has Schizophrenia. If that's true, I'd almost feel sorry for him since it's beyond his control, but he shouldn't be allowed on the Internet.

bael is (or was, until recently) some underage poster on /jp/ and /bun/ that liked to try to incite board rivalry. He formerly posted under the name "Bunbunmaru Elite". He's extremely racist, and just plain stupid.

VDZ used to host an FTP with a lot of visual novels and other /jp/-related content on it. He's also a musicfriend. His problem is endless whining on /bun/ and easily getting incited over small things. Recognizable by always having contrary or dumb opinions, getting defensive over CLANNAD, bringing up Remember11 and other KID games for no real reason), treating EGS scores like the holy grail, obsessing over Kyou, derailing threads due to one of the before-mentioned reasons, etc. etc.

>> No.6896444,6 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you.

>> No.6896444,7 [INTERNAL] 

Advice: Avoid things heavily related to or influenced by IRC.

>> No.6896444,8 [INTERNAL] 

I left tohno-chan forever because it sucks cocks.

>> No.6896444,9 [INTERNAL] 

I left tohno-chan forever because it sucks cocks.

>> No.6896444,10 [INTERNAL] 

I left tohno-chan forever because it sucks cocks.

>> No.6896444,11 [INTERNAL] 

I left tohno-chan forever because it sucks cocks.

>> No.6896444,12 [INTERNAL] 

You must be on dial-up because you suck cocks too.

>> No.6896444,13 [INTERNAL] 

I left tohno-chan because i suck cocks.

>> No.6896444,14 [INTERNAL] 

/bun/ 4 lyfe!

>> No.6896444,15 [INTERNAL] 

I like both

>> No.6896444,16 [INTERNAL] 

I'd try out moot's crappy new site, but I don't see it being better or nearly as popular as 4chan. We'll see though.

>> No.6896444,17 [INTERNAL] 

/photo/ is worse than current /jp/.

>> No.6896444,18 [INTERNAL] 

This site is so bad that even the most retarded /soc/ posters won't find it funny. It'll get overrun with literal 12-year-olds and the normalfags will still stay here.
