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6893256 No.6893256 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand why people are mad for the lack of an answer:

- He ALWAYS said he was not going to reveal the full truth
- He spent all of Chiru arc explaining how the catbox works, the characters motives, the possible scenarios, what happen when the adults find the gold and what happens when they don't. Together with the first 4 arcs it's not that hard to guess what happened on Rokkenjima Prime, at least to me.

So /jp/, why are you mad? I can understand that some people wanted to check their answers, and i won't lie that i wanted too, but i'm also fine for what we got.

>> No.6892712 [DELETED] 

Dear god, what the fuck is this?

People treating Hotglue like it's something really special to the game. Also, for fuck sake Hotglue is not made of 3 people, even if the old players that are left are few.

>> No.6892745 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 1000x1044, 1296485480905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You serious? It's one of the best carts in the game. The less time an air has to spend on the ground the better.

>> No.6893166 [DELETED] 

Considering hotglue was arguably the most influential/strongest clan before release, I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.6893240 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 800x600, 1296495311991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have dipped it in ink.

>> No.6893255 [DELETED] 

>how do you aim
with the powers of your wallet and autism combined

>> No.6893259

because one can make its own absurd truth instead

>> No.6893260

People in Japan aren't really mad about the lack of answer.
Only because episode 8 was really shitty, because R07 kept insulting calling them goats and because he used fuzzy logic to run away.

>> No.6893262

>So /jp/, why are you mad?

Because /jp/ didn't read the episode

>> No.6893268

Yeah only /jp/ hates episode 8, it definitely doesn't have a 50 on egs or anything.

>> No.6893269

>People in Japan aren't really mad about the lack of answer.
According to the reviews in EGS, they are.

>> No.6893271


But Japans hates it for different reasons rather than "bawwwww, i wanted to be spoofed about how Kyrie small bombed everyoneeeee"

>> No.6893283

Only some.
Episode 8 was just too bad.

>> No.6893288

Well episode 8 did have one good thing, the layton stuff.
He should have done this since the first episode

>> No.6893298

people kept believing in something (this varied from person to person) overlooking how bad some of the episodes were because everything would have made sense at the end (not specifically talking about the solution, just "closure").
Then the last episode came and lo! no closure and a shitty "let go of the past, look forward" message.
So it's not just episode 8's shittiness, it's also all the previous episodes' overlooked and pent up shittiness, released all at once.
If this was all there was to it, half the episodes would have been enough.

>> No.6893329

So what's this extra episode gonna be about?

>> No.6893332

Mediocre ending to a mediocre series, not surprising.
Fucking move on already.

>> No.6893360

This makes me feel glad I dropped it early. I enjoy reading and am pretty well-read, but couldn't stand all the wordswordswords. It feels like the writer was just spamming to make his story longer. By 7 episodes. Sure as hell wouldn't want to wade through all that for a shitty non-ending and no answer.

>> No.6893390

one Anon in an earlier Umineko thread described it well:
Because Umineko is fucking designed to make you mad, moreso in E7.
If you accept everything and stop thinking, you are a shitty reader
If you think onwards and demand a confirmation of whether you are right and wrong, you are a goat.
Therefore what you should do is spend time on something completely meaningless and be alright with it, making you a faggot by one of the many definitons.

>> No.6893479
File: 363 KB, 640x456, later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great battle between Lambda and Auau, that she promised to write later.

>> No.6893485

Except NONE of the episodes are bad except in the terrible land of /jp/

Except that just means you're not going to see the end of a good series.

>> No.6893500

Only episode 7 and 3 have a good rating in Egs.

>> No.6893507

>NONE of the episodes are bad except in the terrible land of /jp/
wow. Just because you only frequent Umineko circlejerks that doesn't mean it's the general opinion on it, you know.

>> No.6893536

Battle between her and Lambda? Isn't that just, you know, Higurashi?

>> No.6893544

There's no Lambdadelta in Higurashi.(c)R07

>> No.6893562


Is it really that hard to gather the current clues and find the truth?
There are no really many theories that fit at this point

>> No.6893583

How many endings in episode 8 btw ?

>> No.6893588


>> No.6893607

There's more than one.
It doesn't matter how many more than one there are, but as long as there's more than one, it's badly written.

I enjoyed Umineko too, but it's still heavily flawed. I don't care if he says it was never a mystery or we shouldn't just stop thinking or whatever else stupid excuse he's gonna come up with next. It's written like a mystery, it's obviously intended to be solvable, so no matter what label he slaps on it it is a mystery. And if a mystery has more than one theory at the end that fits with all the clues and rules, it's badly written.

>> No.6893611

By the way, has the PS3 OP single actually been released? Can't seem to find it anywhere.

>> No.6893619


What about the one from the fighting game?

>> No.6893631

What, this?

>> No.6893639

That's all ? So much for the Endless / catbox thing.

>> No.6893650

Endings don't involve catbox at all, that stays closed for general public anyway. They involve Ange's future and her beliefs.

>> No.6893744

I get lost to the fact Yasu is Shannon, Kanon, Beatrice, and Lion.

>> No.6893751

>It doesn't matter how many more than one there are, but as long as there's more than one, it's badly written.

How so? Many stories rely on the fan discussing about it and filling the holes, i could find many!

Beside, as i said there are not many theories that fit at this point. I doubt any theory that doesn't include Kyrie and Rudolf as the culprit can explain everything.

The problem about Umineko fags is that they bitch about the truth and try to find alternate theories no matter if they are not supported by characterization elements or ignore red text and clues.

>> No.6893800

Did you possibly miss that Kyrie and Rudolf have no motive, no FORESHADOWED motive, not motive by which you could guess them pre-E6, leading to them being unfitting as culprits for the reader, since so many other adults are fitting instead?
Also, you can still use Asumu or Grandmother assasin theories since the head count doesn't fit without assuming the writer is absolutely retarded.
Not to mention, annoying as it is, as far as I know even E8 didn't refute Moon-chan. The catbox ending is open enough that yes, it's entirely possible.

>> No.6893808

>Many stories rely on the fan discussing about it and filling the holes, i could find many!

Stories, yes. Mysteries, no.
To mysteries, there's one solution, and if you're good you're able to find it before the detective. That's just how it works. And as I said before, it's a mystery, no matter how much R07 tries to bullshit his way out of that.

>> No.6893862


We got a MYSTERY. That's Beatrice heart.
Who, why and how.

>Also, you can still use Asumu or Grandmother assasin theories since the head count doesn't fit without assuming the writer is absolutely retarded.
>Not to mention, annoying as it is, as far as I know even E8 didn't refute Moon-chan. The catbox ending is open enough that yes, it's entirely possible

That's Umineko problem. You guys with your shitty theories that doesn't fit ANYWHERE.
Jessica doesn't have anything to do with anything THERE WAS AN ENTIRE EPISODE DEVOTED TO WHY BEATRICE, YASU, SHKANNON, DID IT.

If you want Moon-chan, then you should discharge all these things. Geez, you should discharge all of Jessica characterization. You should explain why did she kill her Dad, mother, hide letters and created closed room.
I'm sure you can, using some bizarre character-motive that doesn't fit anywhere in anything we saw in ep 7 episodes.

>> No.6893885

>I'm sure you can, using some bizarre character-motive that doesn't fit anywhere in anything we saw in ep 7 episodes.

And they wouldn't be any worse than the shit R07 came up with.
And keep in mind only the first four episodes are important when it comes to the motives, since he claimed you could solve everything at the end of episode four.

The mystery extends to all the murders and all closed rooms, not just Beatrice's heart. Her heart is part of the solution, but nothing more.

>> No.6893963

Actually, Jessica's motive is pretty good compared to Yasu. Especially compared to her. She has contradictions in characterisation and the way she acts, and these just go well with mystery. It's not some Christie "I know! It was the wrong hand!" actual good shenanigans(which is what ShKanon would be in an actual good mystery), but it's still the story being slippery enough for you to fall on your butt when going through it.
That is, if what Battler thinks about Jessica's life is true and not what his youth was like.

And person X assasin theories while someone is still responsible for the killings, well, isn't that motherfucking Orient Express?

>> No.6893996

I haven't even gotten past episode one but I have to say this: there is no way Shannon is Kanon. One is a busty maid and the other is a quiet young boy. You might as well ask why Battler isn't Rudolf or Ange or Beatrice. Or speculate that a wizard did it.

I'll admit Christie did pull that trick once - disguise and impersonation is a frequent trick in mysteries, but a long-term stint is really implausible - however it wasn't THAT awful.

>> No.6894081
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>Actually, Jessica's motive is pretty good compared to Yasu

Nope, there is not. There are no reason why she would kill everyone. She's incapable to do these tricks. She doesn't have help. And she doesn't any fucking reason.

Beside, we got a solution. An entire episode devoted to Yasu. How she did it and why. We even got told how the catbox work.
There's no sign of Jessica, anywhere.
All she does is fake coughing.

>> No.6894090
File: 83 KB, 400x304, X6p7h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you possibly miss that Kyrie and Rudolf have no motive, no FORESHADOWED motive
>Episodes show us all the adults are greedy bastard
>Kyrie came from a shady family with shady business
>Entire of ep IV showing inconsistency with Beatrice game board behavior

>> No.6894109

So Yasu is a mentally retarded person that fell in love with some dude, thrown a bitch fit because he couldn't remenber her, setted up a time bomb, then escaped with the same dude via a WWII submarine, which would need at least 10 men to pilot the damn thing.
That sounds perfectly plausible and ass pulled.

>> No.6894118

>That sounds perfectly plausible and ass pulled.

None of these things happened

>> No.6894119

>Did you possibly miss that Kyrie and Rudolf have no motive, no FORESHADOWED motive
Yes, because from EP4 Kyrie's family is angelic and not totally batshit homicidal and greedy

>> No.6894121

Which makes it all so sad.

>> No.6894147

In reality nothing changed, everyone died, Battler is nothing but a shadow of his former, Ange will never find her true brother.
In his dying moments Battler enters the Golden Land with all the characters he created there.
And it ends, reality sucks, fiction is better.

>> No.6894154

>he created there.

Meta is still ambiguous

>> No.6894183


Add to that Kyrie being incredibly nuts herself and Rudolf having a very seedy job where he's probably killed before and the both of them being pretty ruthless when it comes to getting stuff done. I'd say it's reasonable to think they'd do it.

>> No.6894184

Yasu stole her whole life. Herp.

That's her family, it's not like she was naughty to Kasumi personally or anyone else for that matter, derp

>> No.6894209

>That's her family, i

Didn't Kasumi say Kyrie was "trained" too?

>> No.6894206
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>Yasu stole her whole life. Herp.
>Had crush on a (possible) reverse trap for 3 YEARS

>> No.6894247

She didn't want to have anything to do with it.

>> No.6894331

>The mystery extends to all the murders and all closed rooms, not just Beatrice's heart.
That's just what you want to think. This isn't supported by the game itself.
>Did you possibly miss that Kyrie and Rudolf have no motive
Everyone has a motive, you idiot.
>In his dying moments Battler enters the Golden Land with all the characters he created there.
Battler didn't die at the end of the episode.

>> No.6894370

Do you come in these threads completely clueless or what?
The crush on Kanon is the smallest thing that the Yasu issue has done to Jessica.

>> No.6894374

The "Yasu issue" did jack shit to Jessica, Moonchanfag.

>> No.6894394

>get beaten up and closed in closets because you are going to become the family head
>get confined to an island for life and have your life choives incredibly tight because you are going to become the family head
>your mother is a delusional pride obsessed freak, delusional to some pretty damn high degree and she believes you are going to become the family head so she's horrible at you because you are going to thank her after you become the family head
>all of this leaves such a deep impact on you that you are doublethinking as the family head as shown in EP4
>turns out your maid is going to become the head instead

>> No.6894409

>not only that, she was always supposed to be the head to begin with
>the majority of people on the island, if not everyone, more or less knew that you weren't going to become the head, but didn't prepare any other career choices for you. Also everyone is alright with lying to you. And they pull stupid pranks on you because you aren't going along with an autistic game of pretend.

You know, it was actually pretty handy for Jessica that she died there. It's not like she could have done anything else in her life than be Natsuhi II.

>> No.6894419

>That's just what you want to think. This isn't supported by the game itself.
And that's exactly the problem, he's bullshitting his way out of it.
They should be part of the mystery, but no, they're not, let's just ignore 90% of what actually made this a mystery in the first place.

>> No.6894436

>None of that ever happened.

>> No.6894444

I never said it did.
It's the matter of character portrayal. That, not menioning that that sentence can dismiss any part of the game including the final meta part, leading to meta-meta-meta, IRL, in which the point of the game becomes that we should all stop caring about this bull.

>> No.6894445
File: 72 KB, 354x438, ep7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>get beaten up and closed in closets because you are going to become the family head


But Jessica loves his mom so fuck you

>get confined to an island for life and have your life choives incredibly tight because you are going to become the family head

She's not confined, she goes to school, even sleep there sometimes and has friends

>all of this leaves such a deep impact on you that you are doublethinking as the family head as shown in EP4
>turns out your maid is going to become the head instead
>not only that, she was always supposed to be the head to begin with
>the majority of people on the island, if not everyone, more or less knew that you weren't going to become the head, but didn't prepare any other career choices for you. Also everyone is alright with lying to you. And they pull stupid pranks on you because you aren't going along with an autistic game of pretend.

What you don't know can't hurt you

tl;dr: Jessica is a rebellious teenager that lead a strict but rich life, not a murder that solved the epitaph discovered a bomb and chose to kill everyone instead of fleeing to Hawaii with her cousins and lesbian maid

>> No.6894450

>Battler didn't die at the end of the episode.
Thats just my interpretation of the ending movie.

>> No.6894454

I really love the way Jessicafags blatantly make up shit to make Jessica's situation worth murdering over, instead of accepting that she didn't want to be the head because it was a pain in the ass and would have been fine being a normal girl if someone was to take it from her. And even if she wasn't, Yasu had no interest in taking the position from the family and gave it back to Krauss as soon as she learned she was the successor.

But by all means, continue with your fanfiction.

>> No.6894459

come on, you are already off and I haven't even started on Moon-chan

>> No.6894460

Only someone that couldn't read anything before it could come up with that interpretation. So congratulations.

>> No.6894475

What happened before dosen't mean anything, meta, IRL its all a clusterfuck, thats how the series ended, Battler (18 or whatever he is called now) died in a dream like sequence, and thus reaching Heaven/Paradiso/Golden Land.

>> No.6894480

>the majority of people on the island, if not everyone, more or less knew that you weren't going to become the head, but didn't prepare any other career choices for you.
She goes to school, you stupid fuck. She would get an education and later go to university. Top class university, no doubt, probably outside of country. That's all the fucking career choices one would need.

>> No.6894534

No, he didn't. The entire sequence before it was about how Battler and Touya were totally different people. Seeing the orphanage allowed Touya to let go of his memories of Battler. He didn't keel over and die.

>> No.6894541

The congratulation scene was about Touya connecting with his "old self", not about him dying.

>> No.6894550

Except the culprit is George.

It was mentioned that George had a large influence over the servants.
Yasu stated that if Battler returned any other year no one would have to die - George's proposal.
Eva survived and adamantly protected the truth. She isn't the culprit herself and I don't see why she would be so stubborn if it wasn't because she knew her own son was responsible.
Motives are implied as love and jealousy. He also chose the last option in the EP4 test with apparent conviction.

>> No.6894608

>She goes to school, you stupid fuck. She would get an education and later go to university. Top class university, no doubt, probably outside of country. That's all the fucking career choices one would need.

She can't do any of these things now, though

>> No.6894615

>Eva: I'm sorry Ange.. Joji is the culprit
>Ange: Noooooooooo *is now burger*

>> No.6894626


Why doesn't Joji kill anyone in ep 1-4?
How does he solve the epitaph and discover the bomb on Rokkenjima prime?

>> No.6894630

>She can't do any of these things now, though
Yeah, it's not like Yasu gave everything back to her dad or anythin...oh, wait.

>> No.6894633


Fuck you, they have schools in the Golden Land! ;_;

>> No.6894672

>Why doesn't Joji kill anyone in ep 1-4?
He got servants to do the dirty work.
>How does he solve the epitaph and discover the bomb on Rokkenjima prime?
He doesn't, which is why he dies. Or Shannon uncovers everything for him. R07 didn't spend so much time on their relationship on a whim.

Mind you, I'm still waiting on w-h to read ep 8 and read only a handful of spoilers, indirectly.

>> No.6894683

>Joji: Shannon, Genji, kill everyone. Not only Battler, but everyone
>Servants: ok

>> No.6894690


EvAngeLion ending?

>> No.6894704

Doesn't mean it's not possible. Perhaps Shannon accepting the wedding ring gave him absolute power over them.
