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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6890538 No.6890538 [Reply] [Original]

Is it safe to assume that all youkai are stupid?

>> No.6890542

Genetically they are closer to other animals than humans, so they all have a lower IQ and brain span as well.

>> No.6890546
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>> No.6890549

Your mother is stupid.

>> No.6890552

Most not all youkai are pretty stupid.

>> No.6890554

stupid, dumb
youkai scum

>> No.6890559
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Young youkai are pretty dumb. Especially fairies. Note that young means <200 years.

>> No.6890595

Touhou made me spot something interesting about Japanese culture - look how in Japanese fantasy (especially traditional one) you nearly never have races that are equal or stronger to "humans" (implied to be japanese) as opposite to other cultures where fantasy races co-exist with humans, have own societies, religions, diplomatics, are equal to them or are even stronger in some aspects. Japs are truly fucked up mentally nation because of their isolation on their shitty island.

>> No.6890606

>Personality: very intelligent,

>> No.6890610

Marisa is obviously American just look at her and how she acts.

>> No.6890615

Anata ga shibō o tōsaku wa, mune ni nite iru pikuseru no taba ni tada mitsumeru o okonau! Chikan basutādo o kuso!

>> No.6890616

She knows how to use a camera, she must be smart.

>> No.6890620

Do the humans often to always win in traditional Japanese folklore and fantasies?

>> No.6890621
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>> No.6890626

Youkai are welcome here
*grabs cock*

>> No.6890627

Its not that hard to turn a dial and press a button.

>> No.6890628

and look how she is described and compare her to ZUNs perfect "eastern asian" waifu - Reimu. Which has sooooo many "good" traits and looks like poorly written Mary Sue.

>> No.6890634

>*She's extremely intelligent and is much better at math than any human.

>> No.6890638

>much better at math than any human.

So's my calculator, and that one autistic kid.

>> No.6890641

What would Ran ever use Math for?

>> No.6890647

For budgeting how much she spends a month on feeding Yukari and she probably has to feed Yuyuko too sometimes.

>> No.6890654

She has to keep track of her tails.

>> No.6890660

Maintaining the border, calibrating gaps, budgeting expenses. That kind of shit. Ran is a hardworking single mother, you know.

>> No.6890667
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>> No.6890673

>Maintaining the border, calibrating gaps
Why the fuck does she need math when it comes to magic?

>> No.6890692

Making functional gaps takes a ludicrous amount of equations and math mumbo jumbo to actually work. No normal human could compute fast enough to produce a gap of any substantial size.

>> No.6890715

Because WE see it as magic, something incomprehensible. Ran, being a non-human and also being close to Yukari, sees it differently. Maybe math IS involved in gaps and such. Determining coordinates in space and time, I would assume, must be pretty damn hard (and then you have that gap between the living and the dead).

>> No.6890718

Someone's mad.

>> No.6890719

/jp/ - Secondary Culture

>> No.6890733

It was once said that if everyone is equally smart, then everyone is equally stupid. And if all Youkai are stupid, does that mean we are all Youkai?

In fact, I'd risk saying humans are the special ones, and we, the Youkai race, are just a bunch of dumb monster fucks.

>> No.6890756

No, we'd all need some sort of special power to be youkai. Though your logic amuses me, being called youkai pleases my ego.

3 out of 10, and a slight applause.

>> No.6890761

You think the amazing brand of autism displayed by all members of /jp/ isn't a special power?

>> No.6890775

I think the amazing brand of autism displayed by all members of /jp/ isn't exactly a special power. More like a side effect due to prolonged exposure to certain elements of real life/internet. Stupidly incredible lust for 2D girls and a conscience completely devoid of guilt though, now THAT'S a special ability.

>> No.6890781
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>All A are B.
>All C are B.
>Therefore, all C are A.

>> No.6890782

>Stupidly incredible lust for 2D girls
Please do not mock the pure love between a man and his waifu.

>> No.6890791

>Making functional gaps takes a ludicrous amount of equations and math mumbo jumbo to actually work.

Yeah, sure, if it were a product of human technology. Gaps are powered by Yukari's innate power over boundaries and gaps between things. Most likely she doesn't have to think consciously about doing it. This is the essence of magic, after all.

>> No.6890810

Congratulations, you missed the topic of the thread. Ran cannot spontaneously make gaps via innate magic. She needs to use equations, and calculate shit for it.

>> No.6890821

Wait, Ran can make gaps?

>> No.6890835

Okay, went and read the Bohemian Archive article. I'd missed or forgotten ZUN's mention of Yukari using advanced mathematics. Silly me.

>> No.6890837

But of course. She is the shikigami of the gap youkai and was properly trained. Gaps are a natural resource, you know. It's just that they take a incredible amount of computational power to properly calibrate them. A herculean effort that can only be defined as superhuman. It's why only Ran and Yukari can use them, cause they are so smart.

>> No.6890842


Does that mean she can use long division?

>> No.6890849

Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red mentions nothing about math being involved with gaps in Yukari's interview. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense does say
>In addition, she is possessed of superhuman intellect, and is especially good at mathematics.

>> No.6890861

Then why is it that others can't pass through Yukari's gaps? They're clearly sustained by her special abilities as "youkai of gaps and boundaries".

>> No.6890876

>others cant pass between her gaps

What the fuck are you talking about. Shit passes through her gaps all the time. And of course Yukari's gaps are powered by her innate magic, but that shit don't run on sparkles and belief. Yukari needs to calibrate each and every gap she makes, manually computing the coordinates between space and time in her head. Its why shes so amazing, no human could do that.

>> No.6890881


I should have paid attention in math class.

>> No.6890895

You are discussing about how mathematics are related to gaps when shit clearly made, makes and never will make any sense anyway. You should all feel bad for starting this pointless argument.

>> No.6890898

Youkai are dumb. They should all be exterminated.

- Reimu

>> No.6890900

Probably in a human manner of thinking.

But in a yokai manner of thinking we're stupid.

But Yokai don't rule the world so fuck their science.

>> No.6890901

If Yukari is so smart why couldn't she conquer the moon? Why did she even try?

That's pretty dumb. Youkai dumb.

>> No.6890915 [DELETED] 

If Hitler was so smart why couldn't he conquer Russia? Why did he even try?

That's pretty dumb. Human dumb.

>> No.6890921


You're admitting Yukari is dumb, then?

>> No.6890936
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Says the girl who set up spellcard rules so any deaths would be avoided.

>> No.6890947

>Says the girl who set up spellcard rules so she could win all her battles.


>> No.6890958

She was winning even before the spellcard rules. She's a natural.

>> No.6890963

That would be so if she hadn't won all her battles before spellcard rules were invented. Then canonically lose a ton of times in PoFV and the 3 fighting games together.

>> No.6890972

Sometimes extermination just involves beating people up and stealing their computer science textbooks.

>> No.6891001
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I guess a gohei in the buttocks is worse than getting your ass sent to hell by the yama.

>> No.6891014


>> No.6891035
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>> No.6891204

I believe it is very safe to assume that no youkai could ever match humans in terms of intellect. Maybe in raw computing power, but we have tools that could far surpass yukari any day.

This is taken from Bohemian archive, Sakuya's interview. Please excuse my copy paste lazyness.

私は新聞記者です。真実だけを知りたいのです。どうなのですか? 月に行
I'm a news reporter, and I seek only the truth. So how did it go? Did you go to the moon?
In the end, we failed. The magic of the outside world is too complex. It would be futile unless we concentrated all of the powers in Gensokyo. But what Sakuya ended up bringing me was not liquid fuel, but the message of the turtle, which I understood instantly.

>> No.6891220
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>> No.6891257


lol. This is what's wrong with weeaboos.

>> No.6891277

and notice how in western fantasy, the only 3 races that live in harmony are white, while the rest are animals and negros and some shit

>> No.6891310


So they have a greater ability to process and retain information, but not as high innovative or deriving capacity?

By deriving, I mean using one point of knowledge to create hypotheses and new points of knowledge.

>> No.6891314

Because they were white in their mythological origin you silly fuck.

There were no brown people in asgard

>> No.6891317

I took that to mean that Patchouli is aware that the outside world has had ten thousand scientists working day in and day out for years on end to develop develop space shuttles that won't explode, and Gensokyo doesn't have that kind of technical labor available.

>> No.6891366

>Gensokyo doesn't have that kind of technical labor available.
What about the kappa?

>> No.6891371

Keep in mind, this is Patchouli Knowledge, intellectual, sage, and magician, speaking about how she cannot personally build a working Saturn V from wood and iron, working off of a few non-technical descriptions, if I remember correctly, in a timeframe of a few months.. You can't possibly generalize from that statement to her in her entirety, to all types of youkai.

Not to mention that the ability to synthesize knowledge should be common to all creatures of human-level intelligence, which almost all named youkai appear to be, at the very least. I would say rather that they simply aren't very technologically oriented (besides the kappa, naturally). Their powers flow from nature, and so they are disinclined to build on those powers to a significant extent. Patchouli and Alice would seem to be exceptions, since they are scholars who study magic almost full-time.

>> No.6891382

It's mentioned in a few different texts that "youkai on the outside world are known as 'computers.'" Having computational powers doesn't necessarily mean they're always going to be reasonable or wise in their decisions.

I'd guess, just like a computer, it's probably easy to fool most youkai into doing what you want for you.

>> No.6891387

I always interpreted that as ZUN having fun with concepts and how people might interpret computers if they were raised entirely without technology. I bet he's using "youkai" as a metaphor for "strange power".

I would be extremely careful of stretching the metaphor backwards and applying computer characteristics to youkai.

>> No.6891390

I guess that if the kappa really wanted to, they could bring Gensokyo into the industrial and eventually the modern age in terms of science without taking too many years if really they wanted to, but that would take time. But then Gensokyo would just become the outside world and that would be indescribably lame.

Pay no attention to the nuclear reactor beneath the surface and Kanako's cold fusion project.

>> No.6891396

Youkai murdering pigs killed my grandson, how long are we going to let these filth walk among us ?

>> No.6891411

Gensokyo wouldn't resemble the modern world at all. Its population is simply too low for division of labour amongst humans and most youkai would rather screw around and shoot coloured lights at each other all day than bother working on some huge engineering project. Not much of an economy, either.

>> No.6891456

>cold fusion

Oh yeah that'll really go places. Not. That is unless she essentially breaks the laws of physics with her reactor. I guess maybe a particularly powerful god could do that?

Nitori and the kappa by themselves really couldn't do much without the proper infrastructure and materials built up in place as well. I mean if you knew precisely how to make a phone or an incandescent bulb or some other modest start for a Gensokyo tech tree, they don't seem to have the materials to make such a thing feasible. The best bet would be for Yukari to gap in a bunch of machinery, teachers, researchers, professors and engineers and force them to modernize the place.

>> No.6891475
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>That is unless she essentially breaks the laws of physics with her reactor.

Yeah, uh, about that.

>> No.6891500

>I guess maybe a particularly powerful god could do that?
Good thing we happen to have about three of them on hand.

Actually, it's canon that Reimu got the god of metals to pitch in and help with that.

>> No.6891510

Seriously, though, I'd be surprised if she had the fine control necessary to fuse individual atoms, although she appears more than capable of just willing fusion to happen.

>> No.6891521

I'm not sure how you people can take Touhou so seriously. I guess there might be a certain appeal to make the utterly silly into something less silly... but I don't see it.

>> No.6891559

What I'm getting from this is "all youkai are autistic".
You assholes.

>> No.6891729

youkai don't exist

>> No.6893019

Thanks for the reality check. It's important to remember once in a while that it is first and foremost an all-girl series of shooters made by a drunkard.

>> No.6893117

Just think, that just means /jp/ posters are uniquely situated to gain entry into Gensokyo!
