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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.6890161[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

You know what's worse than a little girl that's depressed?

A little girl that's apathetic about being depressed.

Also, have you ever made a loli depressed?

>> No.6890172

I make my little sister depressed sometimes. But I'm mostly a good onii-chan.

>> No.6890179

I once made my niece bored. She started coloring with markers instead of paying attention to me. Not that I was really doing anything, I was just sort of standing there.

>> No.6890224


sounds kinda creepy bro

>> No.6890237

I tried to teach a loli how to play poker, but I wasn't very good at explaining it and I think I made her feel bad. It was awkward.

>> No.6890238

Never, my nieces and one nephew like me as I actually play with them and talk instead of sticking them in front of a TV or a video game.

>> No.6890244

My sister seems depressed sometimes. Other times she's full of cheer.

>> No.6890247

Yes, she didn't like it went I groped between her legs.

It wasn't like in my hentai manga at all.

>> No.6890249

Probably shouldn't have started with strip poker.

>> No.6890256

I made my little sister depressed before. She was twelve and I sixteen. She still lived in her fantasy 'prince charming come save me on your valiant steed/I'm a princess in distress Disney phase. I told her all that mess is pure fantasy and she should grow up and get over it. Time to wake up. We were having an argument about something and I said this.

For a few weeks she was silent and reserved, always demure and withdrawn. Later I peaked in on her crying into her pillow one nigh as I had heard noises.

It eventually led to me reading her dairy and realizing that............she thought of me as her prince charming and white knight. I had smashed her fantasy.......

I felt like shit.

>> No.6890263

Way to go asshole. I felt bad merely reading that.

>> No.6890264
File: 222 KB, 1600x1200, 1279212092425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true, you suck mate.
You should of fix'd that shit.

>> No.6890275

Well, that's sad, but she was becoming a teenager soon, anyway, so it's not that bad. She would have given up on her fantasy soon, anyway.

>> No.6890279

That's kind of funny, I hope your sister hates you and has since become a slut going from one cock to the next ever since you destroyed her fantasy of her prince charming.

>> No.6890281

All sisters end up that way, stop implying otherwise.

>> No.6890289

And then you rushed in and had sex with her like in one of your porn comics, right son?

>> No.6890293

Why would you have sex with your own sibling? That doesn't make sense. Are you some kind of nerd freak that watches those chinese cartoons with siblings doing nasty shit?

>> No.6890299
File: 73 KB, 700x992, hellyeahmotherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890307

Hey, hey now. I may have done all that but I mended it. I eventually apologized for being such an idiot older brother and gave her a tender hug. I also had purchased Cinderella (her favorite. Go figure) since her VCR ate the last tape, made both of us some popcorn and watched it together. I saw my little sister in a different light after this.

>> No.6890319
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how sweet Anon, I somewhat daaw'd

>> No.6890323

Onii-chan... I feel something pressing against my butt!

>> No.6890326

How did your sister turn out?

>> No.6890357

No Anon, she sat next to me.
Decent I guess? I mean, she has a head on her shoulders and uses it.

But we're older now. She's nineteen and I'm twenty-four. I've moved out and talk to her on the phone every now and then.

Maybe I should go see her and bring that story up again....

>> No.6890362

I am a depressed loli though~...

>> No.6890376

We're all depressed loli on /jp/ so we all know that feel.

>> No.6890384

That's why this thread is a bit odd, don't you think? Oh well.

>> No.6890417

I have an older sister that routinely comes to hug me and cry on my shoulder at night after her last boyfriend of 2 years ago raped her.

Does this count as depressed?

>> No.6890419

What a pussy, I was raped and I never cry about it.

>> No.6890424

Instead, you brag about it on the internet.

>> No.6890425

Shes not a loli. Nobody cares.

>> No.6890428
File: 30 KB, 640x480, sister8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's mean.

>> No.6890438

That's the point of this thread though to brag about our accomplishments in life.

>> No.6890460

I think this one loli was a bit depressed after I had sex with her, she didn't really get the whole thing.

It's okay because it didn't really happen though.

>> No.6890468

That's odd, when I had sex with an imaginary loli she was happy after it.

>> No.6890493


I had sex with my sister once...

Today she's a lesbian, and emo. How should I feel?

>> No.6890500

Like you should give her a good dicking to bring her back over.

>> No.6890507

You should definitely have sex with little girls.

>> No.6890516

It's not rape if you enjoy it.

>> No.6890533

It can be if you tell a basketball team to do it without telling you when.
