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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 132 KB, 356x450, raped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6887067 No.6887067 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6887069
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>> No.6887076
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>> No.6887079
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>> No.6887082


what's the sauce of this?

>> No.6887083
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>> No.6887084

Rape is just shorthand for "giving her what she doesn't know she wants."

>> No.6887085
File: 203 KB, 730x1100, 1295895371743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the difference if she didn't got her daily dose of semen and spirits instead?

>> No.6887088

japan is costantly doing the same thing to me, when i discover another weird fetish they invented

>> No.6887090

Aww...Now I feel sad.

>> No.6887118 [DELETED] 

That's Nounai Kanojo. Read them in sequence. That's the third one.


The rest are searchable on Meiling's fileshare.


>> No.6887116


Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?8g7kg3e47hb27hi
Password: allhaillolitannia

>> No.6887123

Ergh, sorry. That's an invalid link.


Better one. It's books 1-6.

>> No.6887214
File: 68 KB, 800x534, 1251005143339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...the spirits of the computer?

>> No.6887233
File: 566 KB, 741x1034, 15205910_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where are they

>> No.6887259

Who wouldn't cum in Youmu?

>> No.6887270
File: 475 KB, 693x1000, 1292185379656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of raping her I'd rather take her home

>> No.6887274
File: 87 KB, 495x331, reimu men are fucking disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what japanese men actually believe.jpg

>> No.6887284

I'd like to take her home, clean her up and feed her some delicious food, watch movies with her and keep her warm at night. Then, a few days later once we've become comfortable around eachother, I'd cum inside of her. Cumming inside of her would be an ongoing thing. I'd save up all week and cum inside of her every Monday.

>> No.6887286
File: 187 KB, 742x743, 142345677654323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6887309

but she would probably become pregnant very soon. then she starts to get fat, moody and comands you around while she's puking into the toilet. and don't forget that having a child is rather expensive today - can you affort all that shit or do you rather use a rubber?

>> No.6887316

I'm not that guy, and Youmu isn't even my waifu, but I would definitely do anything for her. Are you some kind of fag?

>> No.6887317
File: 159 KB, 350x521, youmu gardening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to do all that except skip the cumming inside thing. For as long as I'm her guardian it's my job to ensure she remains innocent and unsoiled for as long as possible.

>> No.6887323


To have a wondrous family with Youmu sounds great. Too bad something like that will never happen. ;_;

>> No.6887326

I was thinking about that. For me, the easiest thing would be to drive down to Mexico and buy a large supply of birth control, enough to let me keep cumming inside of her for years to come.

She would still get fat though, wouldn't she? I wonder if there is any way to get around that.

>> No.6887327
File: 466 KB, 964x1370, cc55cb182e760ba6d994f286aa6038c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6887333

you can forcer to teach you swrodsstuff all day. that way you can get rid of the damn faggots who bullied you in school AND prevent her from becoming a lazy fag

>> No.6887336
File: 230 KB, 800x709, patchouli reading fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6887339

I don't like the way you type. Are you from another part of the site or are you just European?

>> No.6887343
File: 44 KB, 183x195, 1293616026448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tired from 20 hours of internetz I'm sorry ;__;

>> No.6887346


Now I am frustrated. I just want someone to look after. Damn my protective feelings.

>> No.6887355

It would be hard to take care of a Youmu when you cannot even take care of yourself, anon. Are you ready for the challenge of bettering yourself for your waifu?

>> No.6887356
File: 136 KB, 850x960, sample-3a9a93e6473da0d420d8dfa0385ce0c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know those feels. I know them well.

>> No.6887360
File: 152 KB, 600x600, 0330c2d1c2f5ee6e30d35ed304386c7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There couldn't be a more powerful motivating force in the universe.

>> No.6887366


It's not even necessarily for a waifu. A daughter, a family, whatever. I'd wrestle with oni and headbutt youkai if I had to protect them even if they never knew about it.

>> No.6887373

you just made me hnnnnnnngh, call the ambulance

>> No.6887376
File: 173 KB, 975x727, 87308e0390ac5c68f35eb3da744cca33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6887379

I don't know about that. I don't think I could muster up the motivation to do all that for some 3d slut. It just wouldn't be worth it, ya know?

>> No.6887384
File: 157 KB, 600x800, 1f89301d805c593bcca2fd605a93cfef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your daughter ends up a slut it's entirely your own fault.

>> No.6887386


It wouldn't have to be for a slut, it would be for those you love. I could easily do it if I was fired up enough. I felt that enough to headbutt the wall. It really hurt though, maybe not a good idea.

>> No.6887389

but i'm the only one allowed to fuck her?

>> No.6887391

I envy you. I can't muster anything besides apathy for my loved ones at this point. It would honestly take something fantastic, like a waifu, for me to get that fired up.

>> No.6887394
File: 638 KB, 800x800, god created man, sam colt made them equal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously you'd ensure that she waits for the right candidate to emerge, instead of just letting some random guy to have his way with her in her mid-to-late teens.

>> No.6887396
File: 295 KB, 1036x800, a8ba7a44ed8c0c39972613dcf1b55d2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're apathetic about them then you don't really love them

>> No.6887398

I don't think I'm capable of love. I always hear everyone talking about the love they have of their waifus, or whatever, and I just don't feel it. I pretend, sometimes, but it's not the same. I'm a terrible person.

>> No.6887401


I can feel like that for anyone, although it's easier to do it for someone or something I care about a lot. I tend to burn out quickly though, so I'm not of much use. I hope I could stay strong for a waifu or daughter or someone like that though.

>> No.6887404
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 1295305433147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you scare me /jp/

>> No.6887409

It's kinda unrewarding though.So maybe you are better the way you are

>> No.6887410
File: 378 KB, 600x700, e076f7438b4136ea3f931b6aa7125551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afraid of fatherly love?

>> No.6887414
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1100, 1264339146648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becoming a better person is a reward in itself.

>> No.6887417


To me seeing other people happy is a reward. I've always admired those characters that could sacrifice everything they had to make sure that others could live a better life. I wish to be able to say I could do that for at least one person.

>> No.6887421
File: 465 KB, 510x574, bda6724588552289b3f5c81a877b691586d58a5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the purest form of love?
Father/Motherly love?
The love of a couple?
The love of two silblings?
Or the love of a pet for its master?

>> No.6887424

The love of two men.

>> No.6887425

I used to want to be like that. After reading FSN all those years ago, I even tried to emulate Shirou. Being a better person to my family, trying to be genuinely helpful, doing everything I could for them, all without asking a thing.

After a while, they even took notice. They started treating me better, giving me money, talking to me more. I was really happy for a little while. In the end, it just wasn't worth it though.

Easy question. It's the love you feel for your waifu.

>> No.6887426
File: 87 KB, 350x115, pills_minesse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not contraceptive pills?

safe cumming inside, my sexfriend loves it and i love creampies, condoms are horrible

>inb4 >sexfriend gtfo: feels better than doing it by myself

>> No.6887429

Baka.The love of a homosexual couple is no different from the love of a normal couple.

>> No.6887430

Siblings. Pet/master and parent/child scenarios have a sense of responsibility on one half and a view of authority on the other. A couple shares of their past history only what they wish, making the acceptance only of presented traits. Siblings know each others' dark secrets, have fought and held grudge against each other many times, have little obligation to care for one another, yet can still manage to give everything they've got to help each other.

>> No.6887432

>Father/Motherly love?
>The love of two silblings?
It's not love, all animals that posses a little intelligence care about their family to propagate their genes.
>The love of a couple?
Same as above
>Or the love of a pet for its master?
This one is tricky, but this is still relationship of mutual profit.

These two gentlemen are right. Love that is not related to blood connections or leads to sexual satisfaction is the only pure love.

>> No.6887438

> Love that is not related to blood connections or leads to sexual satisfaction is the only pure love.
Then it is the pet master love.I like how pets love their masters no matter what even though the pets are just toys or objects for most people.

>> No.6887453


I believe any love can be pure love so long as it's not solely for any benefit. But love seems so difficult to define that I probably wouldn't understand it based on words alone.

>> No.6887466

>Love of one singularly, with desire to be singularly beloved, the passion of love. - Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan

According to definition of love above, I doubt that animals want to be beloved by their masters, and it's not their form of repaying kindness of giving them home and food.

Yes, I know that I may sound like a jerk, but it's that I can't fathom the concept of love. My waifu is an ideal that I adore, but if she existed as a person I would probably be unable to give her my feelings once she stopped being an ideal. I'm not even talking about my family that thinks of my as a cold son of a bitch that hates everything. Probably asking what is love would derail the thread, but I'd want to hear opinion on love of fellow /jp/ers.

>> No.6887485


I honestly...Don't understand it much. I'm admittedly stupid, sadly. However, I'd like to think of love as caring for any being without strings attached, without feeling obligated to do it for that being, but simply because you want to. Being able to protect and care for someone just so they can be happy even if they don't know why it's happening. Of course, there's also love for beliefs and whatnot as well. I doubt my explanation is very good, but it's the best I can muster.

>> No.6887486

I feel the same way, so I will ask for you. What is love /jp/
And if you give me baby dont hurt me, so help me god I will kill you.

>> No.6887490

My mom nearly died from blood clots caused by those, I don't think I'd want my girlfriend to take them.

Condoms aren't so bad.

>> No.6887491

I'm the same as this guy, so I can't answer what's love.

>> No.6887492

>Or the love of a pet for its master?
Hm. If I recall, a cat's meow is pretty much only used to communicate a need or desire to its mother--or more often nowadays to its master.

So in a way, a master/pet relationship (at least with cats) is kinda like a parent/child relationship, only the pet doesn't entirely grow up.

>> No.6887494

So what you're saying is...couples ALWAYS keep secrets from each other, and siblings and parents/children never, EVER keep secrets from each other?

You're off by a long shot.

>> No.6887498

Well it's a retarded question(I don't mean to offense you) so one must expect retarded answers.

>> No.6887504 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 400x300, 1253561734341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6887519

Somehow I knew this was gonna come up...

>> No.6887527
File: 267 KB, 597x1014, 1284401429651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6887538

Love is an illusion we keep around to believe we are not animals. Don't be sad you don't understand what an imaginated concept is about. It's like God: will never exist, but the concept of god do.

>> No.6887539
File: 1.54 MB, 400x225, 1295937234781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to think how well this thread started with soft rape.

>> No.6887545

It exists. I know from first-hand experience.

Don't write off what you haven't experienced. Keep an open mind.

>> No.6887552

Haddaway was cool guy so was Jim and Roxbury.

>> No.6887562


Holy shit, I had no idea this joke was so beaten to death.

>> No.6887574
File: 170 KB, 500x500, get out of PUDDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some jokes never die.

>> No.6887579

Who's to say I have never felt that illusion before?
I analyze everything I feel, compare it with what other felt, what they write about it, what it stand for in a given society.
Love is not real, not the way it is told.
Infatuation is real(initial love, to fall in love with), as is the mutual thrust and chemical response over time (the love you build over time, a chemical dependence)
It's nothing to write home about, and nothing you can't emulate by yourself.
Why are we so desperate to be special?
We don't have a special thing no other animal have.

>> No.6887593
File: 182 KB, 584x542, 1296049432146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what this is from? the way it's drawn makes me think it's a shoujo mango.

>> No.6887658
File: 26 KB, 488x314, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, leave me alone with that teenage nihilism shit, I've got enough problems as it is.

>> No.6887663

The OP's pic is Nounai Kanojo
title : Part Time Job with Youmu at Hakugyokurou
.... go search it in google.

Erghhh, hey Kuro Vi Lolitannia why are you here?

>> No.6887666

If love is just chemicals, then why can't we get a drug to simulate the effect? I'd pump myself full before my galge sessions.

>> No.6887674
File: 60 KB, 759x416, island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the few things dirty Coreans can agree about with japanese. Picture related

>> No.6887694

If love isn't what you described there, what do people say it is? Because that's exactly how I've heard people describe it..

>> No.6887749

not a teenager nor a nihilist, been around, tis all. Once you discard the concept of "Love" as false, you don't have much to angst about and can see relationship clearly. (not with your emotion)
I'm pointing That the concept of "Love" is a mismatch of unrelated behavior. That confusion is perpetuated to set us apart from "lower" animals. As such, being unable to feel love is not a disability, but rather the fact that we look for something that will never exist.
If "love" exists, is it the same thing when you are female or male? When you are young or old?
My experience indicate that it is at best an ill defined behavior.
tldr Love, we shall do science to it.

>> No.6887755

>not a teenager nor a nihilist, been around, tis all.
No no, you don't understand, you don't stop being a teenager when you drop out.

>> No.6887788

>I disagree with you so you are a teenager.
>It's better to belittle someone if you can't use your >intellect.
I'm dropping it, I'm not here to "win" an argument. I just wanted to expose my point of view.
If even 1 person will think about it that's good enough.
Going out now.

>> No.6887881


Thanks for the link, anon. That was a very enjoyable read.

>> No.6887889

I've known true love, or atleast gotten close to it.

And he people here are right, love isn't true if it has a benifit to either person, married people dont love eachother (at least most dont, my grandma loved my grandfather truely).

But true love does exist, I have expirianced it, its rare.

>> No.6888189

women are submissive creatures, anime merely builds upon that fact

>> No.6888195

It's funny because otaku are all submissive and pathetic, which is why they need to have rape fantasies. They need someone even more pathetic than them, so they imagine that women are so absurdly inferior that they are thankful even for being raped.

>> No.6888206

That's wrong.We want to be the submissive little girl.

>> No.6888228

bitchy bitch bitching about bitches detected.

>> No.6888235

get out /a/

>> No.6888248

/jp/ - Pointless bitching

>> No.6888256

take it easy anon. Im posting and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.6889374
File: 96 KB, 810x636, YMK_90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impregnation is one of my fetishes.

>> No.6889408
File: 835 KB, 1120x1600, [Higashiyama Show] Gift_ch01e_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and fuck me you precocious loli.

>> No.6889411 [DELETED] 

>We don't have a special thing no other animal have.
Yes we do.

I mean, it's not love, and anyone who just spouts "lol teenage nihilistic bullshit go back to /angst/" at it thinks they're more mature because they've found "love." Completely backwards, actually believing in the ridiculous popular concept of love is the immature thing, although it's true it doesn't exactly take a genius to see that, so many teenagers share the same view.

Getting a little of track there, but we're special compared to other animals. You know, how we're overwhelmingly superior and all.

>> No.6889432

>We don't have a special thing no other animal have.
Yes we do.

I mean, it's not love, and anyone who just spouts "lol teenage nihilistic bullshit go back to /angst/" at it thinks they're more mature because they've found "love." Completely backwards, actually believing in the ridiculous popular concept of love is the immature thing, although it's true it doesn't exactly take a genius to see that, so many teenagers share the same view.

Getting a little off track there, but we're special compared to other animals. You know, how we're overwhelmingly superior and all.

>> No.6889441

>It's funny because otaku are all submissive and pathetic, which is why they need to have rape fantasies. They need someone even more pathetic than them, so they imagine that women are so absurdly inferior that they are thankful even for being raped.

Explain why 50% of women have rape fantasies. Well, it's 50% who admit it. More like 100% who really have them.

>> No.6889452

>I pulled numbers out of my ass!

>> No.6889585
File: 444 KB, 883x1000, 1290043283476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I'd rather be raped.

>> No.6890198

There is nothing wrong with rape when it's the kind the girl ends up liking anyway.

>> No.6891211

>>6890198There is nothing wrong with rape
No need to add unnecessary words.

>> No.6891242

How would you feel if you were raped by someone you find really gross?

>> No.6891255


You are both femanons. This is now a fact.

>> No.6891261

It depends. If she starts liking it because of mind break or something, it's not ok.

>> No.6891263

I could not be raped by someone I didn't like because I am not a faggot.

>> No.6891270

I don't give a fuck about any girl raped over the age of 12. Women should be treated like the sub-humans they are.

>> No.6891372

You mean we got lucky to develop Hands AND a brain who can hold memories AND a larynx to communicate?
If you meant that, I agree completely.
If not, I don't really see what you want to say unless we enter metaphysic.

>> No.6891377

It's not really the hand that's important, it's the opposable thumb.

>> No.6891395

I want to help a raped girl get over her trauma and learn what real love is.

>> No.6891400

Is it still called hand without opposable thumb?

>> No.6891403

Ok, but first we need to rape her.

>> No.6891415

Rape is bad. It destroys peoples minds, as well as their purity, if that had any.

>> No.6891416

Since we are nice we will help you.
Provide the asl of the target, and the preferred method of rape. Should we leave some holes untouched? completely destroy her?

>> No.6891422

/jp/ can be such bros sometimes.

>> No.6891425

Damaged goods moe is the best kind of moe. Of course, the circumstances of said damaging are key.

But I think everyone here knows that already.

>> No.6891428


>> No.6891429

Love isn't a real force in the universe, but just because something only manifests in human feelings and human behaviour doesn't mean it should be discarded from consideration.

That didn't make any sense, but I hope I got my point across.

>> No.6891431
File: 54 KB, 450x600, hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6891432
File: 20 KB, 464x355, another.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's another.

>> No.6891433

That would be wrong, though. There is enough evil in the world already; I have no wish for more evil to take place just so that I may play the hero.

>> No.6891455

That's the point.
Are these feeling we group together and call love unique to us?
We don't even try to look if other species can have these kind of emotion, but still claim it as "Human only" and then ascribe it a set characteristic which don't ever cover the full range of human attraction.

>> No.6891459 [DELETED] 

They do, actually. So far, the only thing they have proved is that dolphins like to masturbate.

>> No.6891468

It's not evil, we're saving her from being just one more drone.

>> No.6891485

If not prehensible, they are not hands.
1st pic, maybe, 2nd no way in hell.
