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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 458 KB, 1280x720, ab11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6886951 No.6886951 [Reply] [Original]

Time for the (new) eroge/VN thread.
Last thread hit bump limit: >>6855117
Continuing here
You know the drill:
What are you reading? What did you last read? What are you expecting? Blabber about what you are reading. Hype stuff you are waiting. Disagree with 2ch opinion of top20 eroges of 2010. Etc.

Now with more drunken air-boat pilots.

Just remember to take it easy and have fun

>> No.6886959

1. Tsuyokiss again
2. Duel Savior
3. Tsuyokiss 3
2ch ranking? idontgiveafuck.gif

>> No.6886972

Chapter 10 of Sora's route.

>> No.6886982

I'm reading G-Senjou right now. Kind of unimpressed so far, but I've only been reading for around five hours or so.


>> No.6886984

do we really need that? It's not like it has to be certified, whoever wants can make one if there's not one already.

>> No.6886987

accidently put it there, pay no heed to it

>> No.6886990

what was that chapter again?

>> No.6886991

Oh, sorry then.

>> No.6887001

let's kill eevry character that isn't ko and Sora!

>> No.6887008

from what VN is that screen from ? Is there any english patch ?

>> No.6887011

I think it's the trial of Artemis blue.

>> No.6887015
File: 489 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that I'm near the end of this trial. But damn this trial is already better some short stuff in emotional depertment. I wonder what kind of stuff the full product will offer next month.

huh, what do you mean they killed Kou too. Untill A.I & Gilbert happened. And just keep reading. Also FUCKING NEUZHEN yeah.

>> No.6887037

I hadn't finished yet because I was raging and taking everything on the virus, they had to be useful at some time, so yeah, now Ko is dead and talking to Mother
>fucking Neunzhen
I agree

>> No.6887249
File: 225 KB, 800x600, Gall2.dat_000036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good games where you play as a girl who gets raped by a bunch of dudes and then turns from a pure maiden into complete slut in the process?

Basically I want something like Touka Chiru or Kyouhaku 2.

>> No.6887278
File: 531 KB, 800x600, daddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still playing Biniku no Kaori. The old man is a frightening character. He'd be one of the last man on Earth whose wife I'd want to steal. It's quite fun game so far.

Expecting? I expect someone to upload Imouto Paradise finally. ;_;

>> No.6887285
File: 98 KB, 1725x2130, 1296246976210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest version

>> No.6887295

Machigurumi no Wana

>> No.6887353

>Expecting? I expect someone to upload Imouto Paradise finally. ;_;
Someone please post about it hear when they do.

>> No.6887361

Well, this here exists:
Kind of been stuck for me since the day before yesterday, but since a few hours ago it's going forward again.
Not sure if it's real though, since I haven't even found anything on PD so far.

>> No.6887403


I downloaded this archive via Share and this shit fucked up my pc when I tried to mount the image. Had to reinstall windows afterwards.

>> No.6887423

Well, in any case on my current network I can't use P2P, so I'll have to wait for someone to upload it to a direct download website. Hongfire will probably do all that once a legit version comes out, I expect.

>> No.6887470

I finished Baldr sky till the credits, awesome end.
But I need to finish it with some plugins activated, isn't there supposed to be some scenario skip or similar?

>> No.6887483

nothing, found it.

>> No.6887500
File: 540 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stupid stupid, stupid trial, stupid trial. this damn stupid trial made me wet eyed, thats supposed to happen in full-product, not in mere trial.

So yeah finally managed to finish trial of Artemis Blue. And it didn't cut-off in bad place either, well thats plus points that chapter based stories have tough. Can't wait to get more. I wonder if I need to pre-order it, have to buy Eustia, code:revise and kamidori when they come too. I really need some good money source that I can buy everything that I deem fantastic dammit.

So yeah, if anyone didn't catch it from previous thread, AB is some great stuff. the writing really flows well, Haru is great MC and other characters are good too and have generally good interactions, comedy bits have some good stuff in them too make you laugh well. The drama doesn't really feel overblown, but more natural considering the characters and their issues. BGMs are nice and fitting, altough nothing overly memorable. Pacing also was good. Can't wait for next month when it's out.

Artemis Blue is great, look foward to it next month.

yeah source is artemis blue trial, and no there is no english patch, full-product isn't even out yet.

Too bad, there will be few more FUCKING NEUZHEN moments, untill you finally get to beat the living shit out of him, ... a.... I'll just stay quiet untill you finish it so I dont accidently spoil anything.

>> No.6887507

Just out of curiosity, did anyone try the Soukyuu no Soleil trial (game is out next month)?
It has this landmine kinda feeling to it I can't explain. I'll probably get around to try it out sooner or later but wanted to know if anyone had impressions about it first.

>> No.6887508 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 800x600, VISUAL_SORA_16B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have refreshed before posted my earlier post.

go to scenario chart and press c over the part where you want to skip to skip there. with the plug in theres small dialogue with sora around chapter 11 I think it was, you should see smal branch point there. and after that beat the that fucker of final boss again to see true end. FUCK YEAH KUU

>> No.6887530 [DELETED] 

So I finally finished the true end of Sora route, excellent way to end it
without it the poor couple that had to go thorughh all that shit went unrewarded in the end, and they deserved it. Both Sora and kou had to save a fucking multiverse in order to be together and they almost don't have a happy end? would have been a great fuck you from the game
I'm also happy they fixed every world, since the consequences were horrible for some character or another and the five girls had a baby and they all wanted to call her Sora, nice one.

That was the best happy end of the game and the best route, lots of action, romance, me having mproblems to kill four advents and a vier gustav taht against Neunzehn and lots of great moments from all the cast basically since they start returning to help Ko against the fucker, also nice to see Makoto saving ko after dying trying to do so
Also was pretty nice to see Makotop being the one to save the 7 pattern thanks to her powers, poor Kurihara, he was a good man.
The only thing that I think went over my head is who was the Sora by the sakura tree in Ko's memories, right in his first dive into his memories

>> No.6887549 [SPOILER] 
File: 98 KB, 802x604, awesome end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I forgot pic and thank god easymodo keeps the posts
So I finally finished the true end of Sora route, excellent way to end it
without it the poor couple that had to go thorughh all that shit went unrewarded in the end, and they deserved it. Both Sora and kou had to save a fucking multiverse in order to be together and they almost don't have a happy end? would have been a great fuck you from the game
I'm also happy they fixed every world, since the consequences were horrible for some character or another and the five girls had a baby and they all wanted to call her Sora, nice one.

That was the best happy end of the game and the best route, lots of action, romance, me having mproblems to kill four advents and a vier gustav that against Neunzehn and lots of great moments from all the cast basically since they start returning to help Ko against the fucker, also nice to see Makoto saving ko after dying trying to do so
Also was pretty nice to see Makoto being the one to save the 7 pattern thanks to her powers, poor Kurihara, he was a good man.
The only thing that I think went over my head is who was the Sora by the sakura tree in Ko's memories, right in his first dive into his memories

>> No.6887565 [SPOILER] 
File: 378 KB, 800x1364, VISUAL_SORA_E03A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best and fulfilling ends ever, yeah. Normal end was just big fuck you , try again.

The Sora you see under the tree is basically Sora&Kou of world-0/6 who are dreaming and watching over various versions of themselves while they themselves wait their regeneration/rebirth in real world. And while they were dreaming and watching the information backflowed to Kou then, remember there was noise before she appeared.

also did you realize that agent did basically the same thing at the end of makoto route as Sora did while she herself fought tranqulaizer. Its nice way to show that agent truly was one part of Sora and thus Sora was always by Kous side altough Kou really didn't realize it.

Also whats you route order from best to worst if I may ask?

>> No.6887591

Sorry for deleting my post and posting almost the same image
About the first spoiler, is what I thought, so well, good one.
The second I hadn't noticed, and it maes it all mroe awesome, I ended up liking Kuu a lot seeing ehr evolution from an almost rei doll to a full fleged human being was incredible
As for route order
Sora first because her route basically makes the game a lot more worth it.
Makoto second because the pacing was quick yet it explained a lot and the climax was incredibly well executed.
Nanoha 3rd because her route was fulfilling, a bit short but it didn't suffer from it.
Rain ties with Aki because, despite her route being good, it was the introductory one and it felt too much like it at moments, it was kinda 'here you have the setting, you can also fuck Rain meanwhile'
Aki ties with it because, even though I like Aki a lot and is my second favourite heroine, Sora snatched that place from her during her route, the pacing was ultra slow as I've complained before, and it tried to compensate lacking 6 chapters with length, and didn't work well. I kinda liked her Nirvana end more than her true end, kinda sad but beautifully executed
And lastly Chinatsu, her route was greaty towards the end, but Chinatsu was a bitch during her route, the ONLY route she behaves like that and ehr edings weren't really fulfilling.

>> No.6887604
File: 197 KB, 800x600, VISUAL_SORA_H08C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, forgot to meantion it too. But most people probably had more trouble with that fight you mentioned. Me included.

Now go read diveX, it has some nice stuff to add to overall storyline with the merc year story and bound of seventh. and some funny shit too. Altough it has way too much Rain in it and way too little of Sora (wtf not having Sora h-scene, no Kuu didn't count in this case for Sora), dammit, stupid nips and their tastes.

>> No.6887626
File: 150 KB, 800x600, Sharin fandisk Saburou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharin fandisk

Way to name the translation patch v1.02 when it only translates the Houzuki chapter. I went on extracting stuff thinking I did something wrong.
Anyway, it was kind of like the original. The protagonist was interesting, but the story had quite a few weak points. At least it made sense some of the events in the original story, which was very satisfying.
Wakamoto also had some awesome moments despite having only a few lines.

>> No.6887648

This is just some anecdote but, Rain reminded in her deign of Takano from Higurashi a lot, when she's with her balck coat and hat, Takano has an almost identical one.
Same happened with Makoto and Hanyuu, purple short hair and horn-like ribbons she could remember parallel worlds to boot
Just annecdotal things

>> No.6887649
File: 206 KB, 800x600, 00233_VISUAL_TREASURE_04A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

argh I really should try refreshing pages before hitting reply.

haha, same route preferences as mine, and for pretty much same reasons

And yeah, Kuus development was nice. It was also nice one in that she was also basically Sora when she grew up. she really was at the sametime different and same person. Thus more making me convinced that agent was the same and Sora was by Kous side always.

Also in last chapter one Kuu shows up and starts kicking ass together was awesome. Also the Eiji&Kou combo was nice moment too.

Still would have liked some kind of route where merc Sora and merc Kou meet properly and would have be together whole route and start to wreck dominion to pieces while being all raburabu (yeah I and my dreams), also 0-route would been awesome, hope they'd do it someday.

>> No.6887659

Yea, I agree, some Sora kicking ass instead of Ko, I kinda give up the hope they meet as mercs since if one lives the other dies in the gray christmas, with her awesome sumicram, my favourite after Makoto's
And about your post here>>6887604 isn't it probably because Rain had almost njo role in the academy years,s he's pretty much neglected in favour of Sora.

>> No.6887669

To be honest, Sora being my favorite heroine is 7 parts Kuu and 3 parts Sora.

Sora route Kuu, basically

>> No.6887680

Kinda agree.
Kuu is the true heroine of Baldr Sky.

>> No.6887702

But she's almost the same as high school Sora, just a bit more crazy.
But I agree.

>> No.6887717
File: 491 KB, 1600x1200, 3_1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me I kinda link all three of them together: Sora = Kuu = agent. And see them being same person in different stages of life. And my love for her comes equally from all of them. Still my favorite eroge heroine from all VNs I have read.

yeah, it's understandable that Rain didn't have that much academy years so they wanted to show her more in that setting, but there is limit of how much focus one can get and making other charas neglected. really the fandisk is really Rain oriented (it also didn't help that route-7 is basically for Rains part (which is about half of it) is rehash of her route-1), and Cris who was new character didn't nearly get enough screentime too, and she was pretty awesome in her own way.

But Sora is my waify and that will not change in loong time if ever.

>> No.6887729

Well personality aside, circumstance was a big factor too. The fact that she's always there for you as your partner during such a trying time and just the fact that they were both Simulacra, and when Kou finds out about it it's like, well, 'Kuu is one too, you're not alone buddy' kind of gives them this cute little bond, imo. And then her moment during the ending when Kou and Sora are having their last moments, etc. I don't know, maybe I'm just sappy.

Sora herself is still good of course, especially since she is the way she is to serve as a contrast to Kuu to show just how much she's changed, but it's not like she's happy about it. Makes it a nice well-round, tragic character.

>> No.6887750

I also started DiveX a while ago but kind of stopped near the beginning when I heard Sora doesn't have much of a part it in.

Super buzzkill

>> No.6887825 [SPOILER] 
File: 377 KB, 806x632, Clipboard07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPOILER Don't click pic if you haven't finished diveXs main story.

Well Sora doesn't have that much role in it is true. She's there in the background. But Cris makes up a lot, altough she too has bit too little screentime. But still her antics are best, who here doesn't like insane sadistic trolls. big spoiler also Gregorys daughter, there really should have been bad end where she lops Rains head off in this scene (see pic).. And some of those side stories can be amusing, and the serious parts contribute nice tidbits to story. And you can also finally use other simulcrums in gameplay parts, and theres mother fucking nira quest too in diveX. all that makes diveX still worth to play imo.

>> No.6888336

AQUA and Custom Maid 3D are finally out, downloading with the speed of light.

>> No.6888354

In the new releases topic, has anyone stared bloody rondo?

>> No.6888574

Why exactly was this considered the best OP of 2010 by 2chan? There's literally nothing special about it. At least SubaHibi had awesome piano and vocals.

>> No.6888640

Do you have a link to the list or can you post the top 1o (if tehre's one and they don't just vote for the best)?

>> No.6888673

I only have this:
>Scenario – Subarashiki Hibi (Kero-Q)
>OP – Suzukaze no Melt (Whirlpool)
>BGM – Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~ (light)
>Graphics – Prism Rhythm (Lump of Sugar)
>Character design – Tasogare no Sinsemilla (Applique)
>Renai type - Natsu no Ame (CUBE)
>Ero type - Amatsu Misora ni (Clochette)
>System - Ikusa Megami Verita (Eushully)
>PG - Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo (AkabeiSoft2/Palace)
>3D - Baldr Sky Dive2 “Recordare” (GIGA)
>Fandisk - Hoshizora no Memoria Eternal Heart (FAVORITE)
>Low price - Majino Complex (light)
>Ero (dark) - Touka Chiru (AIL)
>Promotion - Shin Koihime Musou ~Moeshouden~ (BaseSon)
>New brand – Twinkle
>Media support - Kagura Douchuuki (Debonosu), Bishoujo (Tanuki Soft)
And now that I've double-checked it, it wasn't a 2chan poll, but Moe Game Award 2010. Doesn't make this choice less weird, though.

>> No.6888697

>Graphics – Prism Rhythm (Lump of Sugar)
You have to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.6888723

it was in last thread, copy pasted:

Also the 2ch top eroge poll results:
1 Subarashiki hibi 234
2 Tasogare no Shinsemia 176
3 Ikusa Megami VERITA 167
4 Noble☆Works 133
5 Real Imouto ga Iru Ooizumi-kun no Baai 110
6 Hoshieora no MemoriaEternal Heart 109
7 Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu Fan Disc -Asu no Mukou ni Mieru Kaze-- 85
8 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 76
9 Shiei no Sona-Nyl -What a beautiful memories- 67
10 Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru ~Futari no Elder~ 63
11 Kimi no Nagori wa Shizuka ni Yurete 58
12 Akatoki! -Yume Koso Masare Koi no Mahou-- 56
13 Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete56
14 Amatsu Misora ni!! 59
15 Koiiro Soramoyou 60 45
15 Kicking Horse Rhapsody 64
15 Saishuu Chikan Densha 3 47
18 Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai~AfterStory~ 42
19 Acchi Muite Koi 45
20 Evolimit 40

>> No.6888750

So far it's a lot of slice-of-life and too little of vampire shit.

>> No.6888786 [DELETED] 

what's that new virus which happens to be in Cross Days?
Is it in other eroges?

>> No.6888831
File: 416 KB, 805x606, usamisktech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished G-senjou no Maou.

AB2 once again did not fail to impress me.

>> No.6888832

That's too sad.
Is the MC voiced or something?
I kinda like voiced MCs.

>> No.6889177

Good to hear. You've successfully got me all hyped for it.

>> No.6889316
File: 198 KB, 800x600, tsundere otaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Imouto Smile

Unique. You meet 6 girls one day, then toward the end of the day another girl shows up and says, 'soon you will have the little sister you've always wanted' then you choose one of the 6 girls and she shows up at your house as your younger sister.

According to the site they're all your blood related sisters so no matter which you choose it's an incest route but they don't explain why all of them have different last names, at least, not yet.

I chose the tsundere otaku imouto first. I like her already.

>> No.6889368

> tsundere otaku imouto
> blonde twin tails
Enough. Picked up.

>> No.6889465
File: 124 KB, 1280x718, Snap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just slowpoke but I didn't know anything about this loli title. Paint me excited.

>> No.6889469
File: 248 KB, 800x600, tsundere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's SIX GIGS too. Also there appears to be a lot of animation from the trailers but I haven't seen any myself.

Right from the beginning it just asks which sister you're going to have. The options are normal, genki, quiet, tsundere, tsundere otaku, and mysterious.

>> No.6889523

I'm a pretty big imouto guy but Imouto Smile was pretty meh. I mean it's ok at first but it just drags way too much, some routes have decent comedy and dialogue but for the most part it's in short supply so it gets pretty boring.

>> No.6889648

Finally almost finished with hanahira, quite a funny/cute game. 8/10

If I ever translate anything, I will translate it first.

Dunno what to play next, I want something that's pretty simple vocab wise, and isn't too ridiculous with narration text (I lose interest super fast reading that shit, cuz my vocab is kinda weak)

Can /jp/ suggest something simple to read? I have decent Japanese, I just hate reading TEXT WALLS.

I hear schooldays is simple, anything else? (SD = meh)

Preferably something interesting, and not a moe moe game, unless it's hilarious.

>> No.6889668

According to the people who played it, Axanael is pretty easy since it's mostly dialogues. It's also pretty funny if randomness is your thing, I guess.
It's considerably longer than Hanahira, though.

>> No.6889790
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>> No.6889796
File: 129 KB, 650x488, LRFD_cg01l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are four sample CGs for Hotch Potch up on the official site, in case anyone is interested. I'll probably stay away from this until I've completed more LS titles.

>> No.6889855

Gokudo is pretty amusing, I'm liking it

>> No.6889872

Just wait until you reach the routes' endings, then you'll facepalm so hard you'll leave a crater.

>> No.6890082
File: 311 KB, 816x638, bloodyrondo4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope everyone in the harem is a transfer student!

>> No.6890398

Waiting for imouto paradise, as the only copy we have now is a fake with EVIL VIRUS FROM HELL 666
Will play Bloody Rondo after the torrent finishes and maybe Anekano if i have time enough.

>> No.6890423

Recently read:
Majikoi - Yukie route - between the references, parodies and general humor I had a great read. this may be one of the few VN's where I wish *everyone* had a route, I just like the cast that much. looking forward to the rest.

Osadai - Putina route - like Majikoi I'm enjoying the humor here and Jun being an outright perv makes for an entertaining MC. Putina is also hnnggg in dere-dere mode. I remember reading there's a bug with the un-QC'ed patch that makes doing the Ran route impossible?

>> No.6890426 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1366x768, Full Metal Daemon Muramasa_ NOT THIS AGAIN WHYYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890473

slowpoking through episode 4 of umineko. Rosa is a witch. Maria is an angel. I miss Gohda.

>> No.6890813
File: 559 KB, 804x605, 3bars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldr Sky

I downloaded a save with all the weapons unlocked from sagaoz. For the weapons that depend on how much your heat gauge had already filled up like the gatling gun and the weapon pictured, they somehow instantly fill up 3 heat gauges when they're used.

Is this a plugin or because the weapons are maxed or something? Can I turn this ability on and off?

>> No.6891006
File: 320 KB, 980x569, imopara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's out!!

>> No.6891038

You cheater! You should suffer like the rest of us grinding for levels and using shit weapons for most of the time.

>> No.6891069

I hate the weapon level grinding system. Especially when you load up a bunch of shit weapons and 5 battles in, you realize you're screwed.

Maybe I just suck, but even if you have all the weapons at your disposal, putting the game on hard makes some battles still fairly challenging.

>> No.6891097

Oh yeah, the 3 instant heat bars makes those weapons over powered. But now for some reason I lost that ability in my save. If I load up the save I downloaded, it's there, but just not in my save. I guess it was a hack or something? Hmmm...

>> No.6891112

Currently playing Ore no Imouto.

>> No.6891252
File: 1.16 MB, 1044x618, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Nekonade Distortion's trail version, kind of reminded me of Subahibi a bit but that's probably because both of them likes Wittgenstein.

Nekonade is however nowhere near as grimdark as Subahibi, at least not yet but Subahibi wasn't exactly grimdark during the trail version either.

Also great BMG, think I'll try it out when it gets released.

>> No.6891609

Downloading at the speed of one thousand suns. I hope by the time I'm finished some wizard class hacker cracks it and I can go boning my imoutos.

>> No.6891846
File: 248 KB, 1024x600, Snap1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Vermilion trial, they definetely put money in this, production values are pretty good. Also, I was surprised by the use of comic baloon dialogues.

>> No.6891868
File: 352 KB, 1024x600, Snap3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't help though that so far all the dialogue's been mostly the main character talking down to a newbie, articulating how they're not your average vampires, still weak even while being superhumans and all that sort of philosopical talk.
I hope it's just prologue exposition.

>> No.6892253

Looks neat enough.
And I always like some speech bubbles.
Whenis it coming out?

>> No.6892261

Sankaku covers Imopara's patch, which alters the script and makes the imoutos bloodrelated. What I'm guessing is that they forgot that getchu's character page for example outright states Aya is blood related, so after noticing this they corrected this with this patch, so it'd be according to what they promised, but somewhere along the lines they wanted to make them non-blood related.
Do you know by chance who's the writer? The Dies Irae writer is busy with their other game, and the guy credited for this appears to be a newcomer, but I find it hard to believe they'd put someone newbie for such a game.

>> No.6892275
File: 491 KB, 1024x600, moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's two writers actually, looks like this is their first game.
Anyways, it kind of lightens up after the "prologue", but there's still that "look, cool people doing cool things at night" feeling.

>> No.6892312

Official site too
> 兄がずっと昔から男性として好きで、恋人同士になりたいと思ってい


>> No.6892747

I've been thinking about playing Sorechiru but I heard it was unfinished.
Is it still worth playing? Anyone here read it?

>> No.6893358 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, Picture 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Tsukumonogatari right now. The premise seems interesting, and character designs are pretty, so I see no reason to drop it so far. Though it'd be nice if MC was voiced (as my Japanese is not that good).

The battle system looks confusing right now, partially because I've collected tons of photos and kotodamas, which all have different traits to try out. Also, gathering kotodamas leads to some interesting dialogue choices - you don't care about getting some flags for a girl you like, all you care about is her telling you a proverb or something like that.

>> No.6893371

It sounded interesting, and I have a PSP, but not hacked or anything.

>> No.6893385
File: 239 KB, 1024x725, tmg_20100826_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Tsukumonogatari right now. The premise seems interesting, and character designs are pretty, so I see no reason to drop it so far. Though it'd be nice if MC was voiced (as my Japanese is not that good).

The battle system looks confusing right now, partially because I've collected tons of photos and kotodamas, which all have different traits to try out. Also, gathering kotodamas leads to some interesting dialogue choices - you don't care about getting some flags for a girl you like, all you care about is her telling you a proverb or something like that.

>> No.6893512

Oh my god, fuck yes. I just entered this thread to ask about this. I'd say some witty remark about my downloading speed of this, but my net is currently fucked up. Goddamnit.

>> No.6893634


Best eroge of 2010 ranking in video

>> No.6893722

I have a question about ToHeart 2. I was looking through the HCG, and it looks like the H-scenes are pretty much the endings since there's only one per route it seems. One of the scenes was surprising though: the MC fucks 3 girls in the bathroom. I thought ToHeart 2 was just a standard romance eroge, but there's some nukige-looking ending in there, so I was just wondering what the story was behind that. Who are those girls? And is this ending any different than in the PS2 version?

>> No.6893735 [DELETED] 
File: 534 KB, 1277x716, vn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the prologue of 失われた未来を求めて. Are there any other redeeming qualities other than the CG and mouth/eye movement? I might just finish this for the awesome art. However the prologue was pretty average and some girls specifically Kaori seem a tad boring. I'd be grateful if someone familiar with this title could give me some hints as to which routes are interesting and which are not.

>> No.6893742

I seem to remember "one" of the heroines is a couple of twins, I suppose that's the reason of a 3P scene?

>> No.6893745
File: 534 KB, 1277x716, vn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the prologue of 失われた未来を求めて. Are there any redeeming qualities other than the CG and mouth/eye movement? I might just finish this for the awesome art. However the prologue was pretty average and some girls specifically Kaori seem a tad boring. I'd be grateful if someone familiar with this title could give me some hints as to which routes are interesting and which are not.

>> No.6893746
File: 576 KB, 1040x638, imopara01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a happy man.

>> No.6893954
File: 636 KB, 1280x774, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the playing route is forced and the two first routes are kinda boring imo. But Nagisas route which is third is pretty good and I absolutely loved the Yui/True route, well it's dependant bit on if you ike the themes they explore on them tough. Altough you dont really understand what the plot is about untill you finish the first route, after it it comes more interesting.

It's worth it just for the two last routes imo

>> No.6893960

>playing order of the routes

>> No.6893987

>the playing route is forced and the two first routes are kinda boring imo.
Well crap, guess I'll have to play all routes then. Thanks.

>> No.6894000
File: 478 KB, 1280x720, ushinawareta_mirai082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>6893954 said. The first 2-3 routes are kinda character driven as the main thing of what the story is about can't be explored so early, however the last two routes, Yui's stuff was well worth to play. I also thought Nagisa's route was okay because she was a good character too. But Yui was the one character I loved the most myself. The story and her stuff you read during the true route was excellent and didn't regret bearing through the mediocre first 2 routes.

>> No.6894015
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 夜明エイム.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing アヤカシ right now.
Absolutely love Yoake Eimu, she's like a more murderous version of Ayanami Rei and her voice actress is awesome.
Going with 織江's route first though, simply because it's shorter and she's the 2nd-most interesting girl in the game for me.

Story has been pretty predictable so far, but fairly well-told. Fight-scenes are well-done and some of the music is very catchy.

>> No.6894086
File: 18 KB, 244x320, manly_tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That Chapter 5
>That Epilogue

>> No.6894088

I've been wanting to play the Artemis Blue demo since the last thread. Where are you guys getting it from? It looks like the official site is blocking foreign IPs or something since it keeps giving me a 403 error.

>> No.6894108
File: 575 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyseal is your friend man. Remember that site, it's mirror for pretty much everything official like patches, demo movies, trials, etc.

Here's the artemis blue one:

>> No.6894117

Hey thanks a lot!

>> No.6894166

no problem, nice to see that atleast some people got interested in it. I have this feeling that it will be somewhat under noticed title, altough it's good thing that it comes in february when there are no bigger names take the spotlight, so it might actually do well.

>> No.6894369

It looks like AQUA is getting good EGS reviews for its scenario. I'm tempted to play it, if only my backlog weren't so huge...

>> No.6894380

I also downloaded it today to after the reviews, my proxies used to work, fucking akabeisoft2.
But I have no time to read it, sadly.

>> No.6894397

I hope it does well, there have been like 2-3 new companies releasing this month and would be kinda sad if they failed.

>> No.6894404

So far the only bad reviews are form a guy butthurt because Akemi? wasn't a heroine and another because he had the impression he had seen the scenario before.

>> No.6894414

Akemi and Fuu?, forgot about the other one.

>> No.6894420

how is 70 points a "bad review"? Also good job on calling someone butthurt from a review title without reading the whole thing.

>> No.6895956
File: 295 KB, 1027x596, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally they understand.

>> No.6896014

At last. I can't understand why would you stain all the clothes and sheets when you can use that technique and keep everything, save panties, clean.

>> No.6896687

Technological advancement sure is impressive.
Though, I don't know if I'm going to really use it, seems like it'd hinder fullfilling my OCD-like urge to get all the cg.

>> No.6897132

Whelp, I finished Ore no Imouto Portable (7.5/10) now I'm starting Chaos Head Love Chu Chu

>> No.6897175

Just started playing Kimiaru, and also decided to pick up Majikoi now that the Yukie route is translated (I was gonna wait for Momoyo's route, but I'm not sure how many months that will take).

>> No.6897219

Playing Bloody Rondo, I'm still at the very beginning but I'm enjoying it so far. The protag is badass.

>> No.6897545 [SPOILER] 
File: 547 KB, 1024x600, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh yes.

>> No.6897565

I had never read quartett at all, and I needed something lighter after Bladr sky, and was really enjoyable.
Loved this song 咲き誇る季節 with both quartets.

>> No.6897574


>> No.6897587

What's it about this time?

>> No.6897611

If the artist's twitter raving are anything to go by, the setting seems to be a mamono school that recently started accepting human students. He talked about four archetypes so far (human-hating honor student, her best friend, kind senpai, teacher), though they're still in the initial phases so the content may be subject to changes.

>> No.6897850 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 797x599, fha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still playing FHA...
FINALLY i got to meet her during day time!!!

looking forward to doing WHITE ALBUM2, Steings;Gate and G-senjou no Maou

>> No.6897969

Meh, to be honest, Vanadis just doesn't really have the resources to make a game with 4 different heroines. I doubt it. Probably just him musing for ideas

>> No.6899256

Started to play ImoPara, time to give some delicious imoutos some hot dickings. Hopefully my body can take this.

>> No.6899310 [DELETED] 

Yamiyo ni Odore caught my attention with the "Boy/girl" part in the snappy OP. I assume this means a boy/girl option.

Since it's a damn shame it isn't released yet, does anyone know of other eroges with such an option?

>> No.6899321

Yamiyo ni Odore caught my attention with the "Boy/girl" part in the snappy OP. Does anyone know for sure if the girl option is yuri?

>> No.6899350
File: 66 KB, 456x640, 007_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>122 posts
Ctrl f + G-sen only found 3 hits, nice job guys, seems most of the /a/ posters are back at their board for now.
Anyway last read
Really wanted to read a classic that I missed even after reading clannad Little busters ex, and air. Key is key.

Currently rereading symphonic rain because it is my favorite novel. Holds the same charm as the first time I read it, loving everything about it, again.

>> No.6899360 [DELETED] 

Why spoil air?
It's the best seller of PC sales only.

>> No.6899377

Well, battles->love increase->new abilities, so probably yuri considering your party is female.

>> No.6899401

This by the way saddens me, sine it seems eroge writers won't just write a sex scene from the PoV of a girl being fucked by a guy if it's aimed at guys.

>> No.6899409

There are plenty of eroge with ero written from the POV of the girls.
Lots of nukige have a female pov, some scenario-ge as well.
Look at the "What a beautiful..." series for example, every ero scenes are written from the POV of the women.

>> No.6899470

>Look at the "What a beautiful..." series for example, every ero scenes are written from the POV of the women.
This series (and LS generally) has a bigger female fandom, it has had more female leads than male ones.
And I didn't mean all, I meant most.

>> No.6899473
File: 50 KB, 480x300, c697478sample6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic form getchu

>> No.6899552

Hell yes, thank you.

>> No.6899557

Tried playing Symphonic Rain, and Kira Kira. They both seem lifeless.
Mostly because I played Quartett this week.

>> No.6899582

I've had the same problem. I need to wait some days/weeks after playing a GOD TIER vn before I can play any other one.

>> No.6899658
File: 71 KB, 806x625, i wonder why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, finished up Sonohana 2. Feels good having read something completely in Jap for the first time, despite taking me quite a while (6 days) to do so. I feel that my reading pace definitely started to go up slightly once I was a few days in, so I'm looking forward reading and getting more experience.

Dunno what I'm gonna play next though, it's a choice between Parfait, A Profile and UshiMirai.

>> No.6899673

I had that problem with Symphonic Rain personally.
Couldn't play anything for 2 weeks after finishing it, it was just too fulfilling.

>> No.6899707

Seriously? I find Quartett to be lifeless in comparison to Symphonic Rain and Kira Kira (SR especially). I think it's the incredibly fast pacing; I just can't really seem to care about the characters at all.

>> No.6899783

I'm currently in the process of reading the Eustia Trial, G-Sen, Flyable Heart, and RuiTomo, with some ImoPara on the side. Literally. I set it to auto on my second monitor while I surf the web and don't give a fuck about reading the narration.

I last finished DCII, in which Otome route somehow made it all worth it. That and skip function for half the game.

I'm looking forward to Eustia, it is pretty much exactly what I look for in a story. It's got a well thought-out setting with interesting and believable characters. And production-wise, this game is just amazing. The detail in all the backgrounds, the music, the opening theme, just bowl me away every time I stop to appreciate them. Although the game does have quite a few bitches and whores.

>> No.6899830
File: 36 KB, 800x600, juni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played Kira-Kira, but I found Quartett! drew me in a lot more than Symphonic Rain, and I didn't really find myself caring about the characters in the latter.
I guess liking the characters is a matter of taste though. But Quartett! definitely has the better music.

>> No.6899852
File: 110 KB, 800x600, 61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good writing, as expected from the Ruitomo guy.
Hopefully it will be a bit more solid than the latter scenario-wise though.

>> No.6899900
File: 98 KB, 480x272, screenshot_0005..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the only route in Chaos Head らぶchu☆chu! that I cared about. It was kind of short, but I felt better about it after the end than I did after I played Chaos Head. I didn't really understand the ending either but oh well.

Don't have anything else on my list to play until Rewrite comes out.

>> No.6899902


>> No.6899911


>> No.6899918
File: 240 KB, 1600x1200, 44501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing Flyable Heart to improve my nihongo.

Just about 3hrs ago I finished Yui's route and it made me painfully aware of the fact that media is extremely lacking in straight selfcest.


>> No.6901983


>> No.6902066
File: 2.77 MB, 3536x2500, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played PP Pianissimo? Thinking of giving a try because of how jazzy it seems, and I love the art in the other Innocent Grey games I played. How does Pianissimo compares to those, and how's its story?

>> No.6902069

It was pretty stupid. Genious girls making machines to manipulate people.

>> No.6902548
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x800, 1280x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, Okarin's single is both hilarious and awesome. Wish there would be more than four of them uploaded - the rest should be pretty great, too.

>> No.6902589

reading fate stay night, question actually, how much of the game is left? im at the part where illya is over ryouku temple to become the grail

>> No.6902612

Do you have a link?

>> No.6902626

It's on TT.
Also comes with a nice screensaver.

>> No.6902632


>> No.6902668

I got myself a new screensaver

>> No.6903231

Is there any good guide that explains well
- the mechanics
- the stat distribution
- how do the routes split
of Ikusa Megami 0?

>> No.6903309
File: 381 KB, 800x600, CG000005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IM Zero is mostly linear story, there are few minor branches which can effect some minor stuff. some of what I remember you can change is whatever that one barbarian village survives or not in chapter1or2 (officially it survives), and later in chapters 6-7 theres one princess character of whoms fate you can decide (officially you dont do anything weird to her), those two are what I remember top of my head. But all major events will happen, want it or not.

Gameplay mechanics, well tutorial covers them well enough, and if you have ever played any RPGs there should be no problems as everything thats not covered is self-explonatary. if you cant figure some then ask again here and I'll explain.

And build Serika as you wish there really isn't any super bad builds as long as you focus atleast to one stat strongly, just don't neglect hp and raise it regularly.

>> No.6903437
File: 355 KB, 640x480, gaml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Yeah Motherfucker!

>> No.6903452
File: 364 KB, 1286x825, f53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trial of Rewrite was unexpectedly glorious.
Fuck yeah Romeo.

Now going to try the trial of Kagura the Murasama rip-off from Light that was released with Paradise Lost.

>> No.6903466
File: 199 KB, 797x594, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your answer, my main question would be these two stats.
I more or less understand what the rest do, (they more or les raise a determinate stat), but these two just seem random.

>> No.6903489


Ending song of Rewrite, don't think it was posted yet.

>> No.6903508

I'm gonna cry with this, for sure.
At least it isn't like Song of Saya.

>> No.6903591

I think both were all around stat raisers, in that they raise every stat a bit (you need put more bit points to them to see the raise as they rise slowly), but other was bit more focus magic stats and other in physical stats I think it was. it has been while since I played zero but I think those were it. just have bit more exp points in storage and drop lot in one to see which had which focus.

>> No.6903639

I just started the game myself so I don't know too much about what they affect, but from what I've seen, raising certain attributes can affect multiple stats, and you can particularly see that if you're like me and level up after gathering massive amounts of exp.

For example, I've managed to increase no. of attacks (stat which is valued at 5 in your image), by raising strength (topmost), as well as Charisma?(the bottom one).

Second-last stat is something like willpower and I think it's to do with the defense stats.

>> No.6903660


>> No.6903669

>Now going to try the trial of Kagura the Murasama rip-off from Light that was released with Paradise Lost.
wait, the trial for that is out already? well fuck, downloading, it may be a Muramasa wannabe but I'm a sucker for ancient japan settings.

>> No.6903677

Are there any eroge where you play a slutty female? That is to say that she gets what she wants by fucking whatever necessary?

>> No.6903695

Ah, I shouldn't have been so focused in zero
Has the increases in Verita which should be similar to the ones in Zero (plus two stats that don't appear in zero about lowering the casting time)

>> No.6903702

/v/irgin here, would ask on the homeboard but its too early for a VN thread there...

are there any VNs similar to kana but with a happy ending?

>> No.6903703

Anyone know some short, entertaining VNs that are scripted in KiriKiri?

>> No.6903706

Kanon, Clannad, you know the gist.

>> No.6903710

Yeah, Clannad's the first thing that comes to my mind when I think short.

>> No.6903713

like key as in neccasary/everyone should play it, or is it some kind of genre/type of game?

>> No.6903715

Didn't specify.

>> No.6903718

in what aspects similar? absolutely similar probably there isn't atleast translated. Well, I'd say stuff made by Key is quite similar I guess and they usually have good ends at the end.
And /v/ has VN threads at certain time of the day? at what time?

>> No.6903719

Visaul arts/KEY is a Visual Novel company that usually makes emotive/emotionally moving games.

>> No.6903726

VNs are /v/ related past 9pm eastern, weve had a thread or two every night for almost 4-5 days now

>> No.6903733

Now that I think about it, Air is the saddest main KEY VN.
That fucking end.

>> No.6903734

to clarify: i meant similar along the lines of...siblings, the road to recovery and the protagonists attitude
again, though id prefer a happy ending

>> No.6903745

Then, nope.
You can have a good deal of drama but incest and terminal illnesses are a bit scarce to say the least.

>> No.6903746

someone hasnt finished kana yet
one of the paths is a happy ending

>> No.6903748

incest isnt that scarce...though its usually done differently

>> No.6903756

I meant coupled with terminal illneses.

>> No.6903761

Clannad is still the saddest. Air is some ;_; shit, but it doesn't STICK ITS HAND THROUGH YOUR CHEST AND CRUSH YOUR STILL BEATING HEART IN ITS GRIP, like the fuckin first end of After Story does.

>> No.6903773

But in Clannad you know that Tomoya and Nagisa will live happily ever after
Now think of Air's conclusion for Misuzu and Yukito.

>> No.6903775

Clannad has happy end in the end, Air does not. It makes quite difference. And Clannad can do that because it knows that it does happy end so it can do as much forced drama because of that.

>> No.6903776

im cool with missing the terminal illness part
less chance of a crushing end

>> No.6903779

You'd probably hate rumbling hearts/kimi ga nozomu eien.

>> No.6903803 [DELETED] 

Oh, I love Clannad, don't get me wrong, and I love KimiNozo too. I'm a huge fag for nakige in general.

>> No.6903817

looked it up on VNDB, yeah doesnt sound like my cuppa tea

brass restoration isnt bad, if it had sexytiem id probably be playing it right now

>> No.6903821

I have a general eroge question: Why was ToHeart 2 so popular? It just looks like a run of the mill galge to me.

>> No.6903829

This is like asking why was Da Capo popular enough to get more than 20 related games.
It clicked with the fanbase.

>> No.6903839

Never played an eroge before, /jp/ gonna choose what it should be.

>> No.6903845

run of the mill means it's more widely accessible. Not everyone wants to read 50 hours long heroic tales, for the casual eroge player as long as the heroines are cute and the game is light-hearted it's enough.

>> No.6903855

i dont see the point of romance VNs with no sex
if your gonna do a VN, and not involve sex, then why not do another genre? mystery and investigation is popular, but why not branch out? id play a half life visual novel of some voiceless scientist trying to escape black mesa...

>> No.6903859

thats too broad. if you want help, then tell us what you would like. do you want something story or ero focused, genres you like, lenght, etc.
Or you can try looking one of the many recommendation charts or search vndb for what seems interesting.

>> No.6903865


A nice balance of story and ero if possible, not ridiculously long. Never completed a VN before, so an intro to the medium would be nice.

>> No.6903866

some of those reference pics are kinda old though
and the games are hard to find
I.E im still looking for symphonic rain(refuse to use erogedownloads and their fucking half hour wait-time between files)

>> No.6903869

VNs are filled with cliches for a reason, it's because the people who make them aren't exactly the best authors in the world.

>> No.6903872
File: 155 KB, 480x800, 4e6f6873a06fcc092b421f45df25671c3fdeb854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanko to kuraso

>> No.6903873

>an intro with some ero
Yume MiruKusury is as much newfag-friendly as possible.
Kinda short, nice balance between ero and story.

>> No.6903877

/tg/ is making a VN using all their fanart 40k characters
bricks are going to be shat

>> No.6903887
File: 47 KB, 640x480, galaxyangel_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blowing shit up?

>> No.6903895

if you think about it, VNs are really just text adventures with big eyes

a VN of a knight exploring an evil wizards tower or dungeon might b cool

>> No.6903899

Now that's been mentioned.
Reading Air, Misuzu route, 27th of July, Misuzu is about to die and Akiko goes and travels to an onsen resort, fucking retard.

>> No.6903905

>fucking retard
if any two words could be used to describe most male protagonists...

>> No.6903909

Maybe some people don't like to sex up their girlfriends till after they're married!

Or if the heroines were lolis, you want to wait till they grow up.

>> No.6903915

>implying either of those things have ever stopped a protagonist before
i could be wrong, but i doubt it

>> No.6903919

I'm not getting the connection between "ToHeart 2: X-rated" and "ToHeart 2: Another Days". Do they just share the same characters, but the storylines are completely separate?

>> No.6903920
File: 176 KB, 1024x768, 4051342920fe87fad6817b7c46bedf436de977ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go play ever17
thats kind of the premise

>> No.6903926

Yes, Another Days gives more of a spotlight to subcharacters, while keeping some of the fanfavorites
let's refrain from using that kind of meme, alright?

>> No.6903931

my bad, greentext stuff is fairly common back home

but yeah, from what im hearing it doesnt sound like theres that many different/unique VNs...
is it just a small genre? or are very few translated?

>> No.6903943

writers are lazy

>> No.6903952

There are many VN genres, really.
For mystery and investigantin, you have things like cratagra or kara no shoujo, for example.

>> No.6903956

Any really romantic eroge?
Not in a moege way, they are dim of a dozens, just an eroge with a really well developed romance.

>> No.6903975


are there any more...lovecraftian VNs?

>> No.6903982

Kusarihime, kinda.
Demonbane, of course.

>> No.6903984

Same here, didn't expect it to be released this soon, either. I mean, Vermilion is going to be released in Spring, while KKK is set for Summer, but their trials got released pretty close to each other.

I just hope that it will be closer to Muramasa than to Dies Irae.

>> No.6903988

Supreme Candy

>> No.6903997

findan demonbane RIGHT THE FUCK NOW

>> No.6904002

erogedownloads doesnt have it

>> No.6904006

It's not translated yet. Official release should be out soon.

>> No.6904009

good luck with that

>> No.6904041

Any info on it? Been waiting for the translation for a while

>> No.6904042

fuck, the first VN ive gotten legit excited about and it isnt even out yet...

>> No.6904046

engine work was over, real progress was made. I think mangagamer dev said he wanted to aim for a 2nd quarter release

>> No.6904088

fa/tg/uy here
idea for a VN

human private investigator type is a member of a hunter vigil, organizations of humans dedicated to dealing with supernatural threats. the protagonist is part of a branch of the society dealing in reforming "monsters". his daily routine is visitting the creatures in his care while they live among us, and helping them deal with normal life

>> No.6904097


what kind of monsters we talking about here? werewolves? vampires? demons? liches?

>> No.6904126
File: 40 KB, 640x480, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Orie's route. Thought to myself, "This is run-of-the-mill shounen stuff. Why the fuck am I crying so much? ;_;"
Good thing I went for the True End, I checked out the Normal End and it would've been a bit disappointing.

>> No.6904139

i think im nearing the end of kana
one thing though
im about to fuck her, but didnt the doctor say if she loses more blood she could die? will popping her cherry push her over the edge?

i refuse to make this decision until i get an answer

>> No.6904144

yeah but this really isn't on topic, you might want to try the original content thread

>> No.6904153

Is there a term for the eroge where it's basically just one girl's H-scenes per playthrough, or the only H-scenes are the endings for each girl? Is it "galge"? Basically, I'm trying to just look into those. I'm not interested in the ones where the guy fucks anything that moves for whatever reasons, which I think are called "nukige".

>> No.6904160

There is an extra if you finished the normal end.
Go to the scenario chart in the extra, you can open an after story that way.
Focus on the loli.

>> No.6904165

If there's an option for porn, go for the porn! I bet there's going to be some magical loophole where it ends up being okay.

>> No.6904214

pure love or late sexual content tags on vndb should be what you're looking for

>> No.6904287
File: 225 KB, 640x480, ayakashi015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I didn't quite like Orie's route and Hitomi, the seiyuu voicing her my favorite seiyuu (hence I went after her first). I completed Emu's route after her, which was much much better in my opinion, with a great final fight and granting proper fulfillment to the reader. Pam's wasn't so good either (too much silly emodrama for me, and the stuff with the dog was a dick move). Didn't care for the childhood friend chara.
Anyway do Emu's next. Hers the best by far.

>> No.6904290

He mad.

>> No.6904302 [DELETED] 

Http : //wwwmangaupdatescom/serieshtmlid15707 says there's one, your download isn't finished, so you don't know for sure if you got the raw or the scanlation, but judging from the file size, you think you grabbed the raw? We should apply much better thinking. I like all sorts of flowers and green plants.

>> No.6904314

Thanks, but I know, and for now I'll be busy going after Eimu in the main storyline anyway.

>fucking retard
>if any two words could be used to describe most male protagonists
Heh, I was just going to ask about whether that's normal, but I guess it is...
This is the first VN I've read through, and I'm used to quite a bit of shit due to watching >50 animes. But the protagonist in this is so fucking retarded on so many levels (including the social), I actually found myself throwing cursewords at him at some points in the game. Well, maybe that's actually part of the point.

>> No.6904343

>Personally I didn't quite like Orie's route
For the most part, me neither actually, although 十郎太 made for a few fun moments.
But the end still teared me up.

>> No.6906179

Damn, the torrent I found for Paradise Lost is too damn slow, considering that I only want the demo of 神咒神威神楽. Is it possible for someone to upload it separately to Mediafire or something?

>> No.6906191

The demo disc is bigger than the actual Paradise Lost one (1.2 gb).

>> No.6906216

But the torrent I download is about 2 gigs in total. I guess I'm downloading the wrong one, after all. Can you give me the correct link? I've searched Hongfire for both Paradise Lost and 神咒神威神楽, but found only one torrent that may be related.

>> No.6906224

If you're downloading [110128] [light] PARADISE LOST 新装版 + 特典 [1.99G] it's the right one. Paradise Lost is 900mb, demo is 1.2 gb.

>> No.6906235
File: 822 KB, 1280x960, 1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Okay, thanks.

>> No.6906240

My only problem with Eimu's route is that she gets NTR'd and there's nothing you can do about it. ;_;

>> No.6906331
File: 103 KB, 816x638, mai_hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Mai Hime. Was kind of unsatisfied with the ending, but still a pretty decent VN.

>> No.6906483

...why do people always forget to put spoilers on things I'm about to play?

>> No.6906614 [DELETED] 

You kiss the girl you are aiming for. /spoilers

>> No.6906629

By the way, that cg I posted is not the end or anything, in case you were interpreting my post that way.

>> No.6906638
File: 182 KB, 709x990, 操心術3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished playing Soushinjutsu 3. Didn't expect anything from it at the start, but in the end I loved this game. Awesome characters, interesting plot, many fappable h-scenes, several mind-fuck scenes... damn, this game was pretty good.

Time to play Soushinjutsu Rei.

>> No.6906642

Oh, sorry then.

>> No.6906674

Finished reading G-Senjou, tossing up whether to start on Family Project or Cross Channell next.

>> No.6906840

bro taste man, I myself started just playing Soushinjutsu Rei too. 3 was pretty nice I agree, myself was suprised too when I played it as I didn't go excepting anything else than to see what kind of stuff some hypno eroge would be, and it ended up giving me slight hypno fetish. It can be pretty hot and hilarious at sametime. Hopefully Rei will be atleast as good as 3 was.

>> No.6906844
File: 232 KB, 848x1200, 1296734889349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nishimata quality

>> No.6906852

I'd advise checking out 1 and 2 also, if you're actually reading it. Ties in the entire series pretty well.

Denpa no Dorei is another hypno game by the same developer, but it's more porn with plot than vice versa.

And if hypnotism has piqued your interest, Blackrainbow bases almost all their games on it.

>> No.6908222

Not the guy you quoted, but thanks for the recommendation.
I enjoy hypnosis unless it's some fat fuck doing it, opr an old guy.
It's like the only thing she has improved at is in that it looks more modern now.

>> No.6908256

Played KKK trial for a bit. I'm afraid I'm probably going to wait for a hook code before playing the full game. I could manage the dialogue with Ryuusui and the others, but the dialogue between Rindou and Mikado Ryuumei raped me hard and made me like it.

>> No.6908275
File: 326 KB, 805x632, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, even kissing scene can be highly fapable with nice hypno background. so far so good.

not the same person, but thanks for the point. putting those names in memory when I next time start graving some hypno game after I finish this.

>> No.6908310

STILL working on Spitan, finally on the last route which has the most text of all. After that have the fandisc of the fandisc with routes for the non-loli spirits.

Waiting on GA: ML full patch, and after seeing the reviews of it here, I'll be looking forward to Artemis Blue as well.

>> No.6908409
File: 924 KB, 1280x1024, SNAG-0349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majikoi right now. Really enjoying it.

But this made me fucking mad. Hideo doesn't even compare to Kojuuro's badassery.

>> No.6910799

bump for justice!

>> No.6910850



Hideo is a bro

>> No.6910888

Majikoi was fine for me until that stupid tournament. Why did it have to ruin everything, it was so darn dumb.

>> No.6911315

I think Majikoi was basically an anime project from the start, it started as eroge to secure a dedicated fanbase and go up from there.
I agree that the tournament really does stand out in a bad way, especially when the final part of the routes are all character-focused.
But I guess where we all like the character romance and dislike that "shounen"-like gimmick, to the authors it was the opposite, that stupid tournament was the focus and the thing they're going to feature in the anime, and the character romance was just fan-pandering and is going to be dropped.

>> No.6911619

So, out of all the VNs released last week, anyone has any opinions?

>> No.6911640

Only did Imopara and Gokudo.
Gokudo is so ridiculous it's kinda charming at times.
Imopara is a masterpiece among nukige.

>> No.6911644

>Imopara is a masterpiece among nukige.
It got a blood related patch, right?

>> No.6911646

Kagura and Vermilion looks like they will be good.
I guess this is where I'll get my chuuni this year

>> No.6911673

But it's not like they hide the fact they were really blood related, you can see it in sites like getchu

>> No.6911679

This is good news for the Steins Gate fans
>Steins;Gate confirmed for more than 1 cour
I don't know if it had been posted, but makes me happy.

>> No.6911683

24-26 episodes seem too much for me.
Pacing will probably be kind of slow

>> No.6911686

Who knows, a couple of eps per chapter seems fine, if they can also adapt the alternate routes.

>> No.6911700

So I'd have to wait for a second season to see the conclusion of the series? Seems kind of silly. The VN really wasn't that long, don't know why they can't do it in one shot.

>> No.6911714

Because C;H was squeezed into 13 episodes, even though its storyline is even shorter. They're learning on their previous mistakes, and I'm fine with that. They could've also air it right in the next season after the announcement (like they did with C;H), but they've been developing it for two seasons instead.

>> No.6911720

Two cours means `probably it will run for 24-26 instead of 13, which is a normal cour.
So you won't have to wait.
Now if oretsuba got the same treatment...

>> No.6911745

Can't wait to see Oretsuba squeezed in 12 episodes.

>> No.6911751

>Gokudo is so ridiculous it's kinda charming at times.
I was fine with the bloodline powerups, I was fine even with Anastasia, but powered armors and bunny-eared lifeforms in my mafia eroge were a bit too much. What were the writers even thinking when they did Amelia's route?

>> No.6911753 [DELETED] 

Don't forget it's done by Daume, creators of masterpieces such as Kampfer and Sola.

>> No.6911763

Don't forget it's done by Nomad, creators of masterpieces such as Kampfer and Sola.

>> No.6911781

The tracklist for Axanael OST is out.
I don't know what confuses me more, the cum-like letters on Sakura's face or gratuitous amounts of katakana.

>> No.6911817
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>> No.6911830


>> No.6911845

I like the style.
Is this the trial of Kagura, right?As anyone finished the vermilion one?

>> No.6911852

Yeah, pretty good as far as production values go, but the text does have a tendency to go all "check out this long-winded paragraph on how cool we are" at times.

>> No.6911855

Ah, I know that feeling. The authors (I think they were two) were new if I'm not mistaken, just hope the script is good enough.
I think I'll read both Light VNs, I usually like their production values even if they have a tendency to... pay homages.

>> No.6911861

Kagura is more like Dies Irae in ancient Japan rather than a rip-off of Muramasa, even if the system is pretty similar.

Too bad, I would have preferred something neared to Muramasa myself.

>> No.6912531 [DELETED] 


>> No.6913016

The imoutos in "Imouto Paradise" are blood-related, right? I think I'm going to give that one a shot next.

>> No.6913047

They are once you apply the v1.01 patch from the OHP. No, really.

>> No.6913451
File: 70 KB, 800x600, tanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Jingai Makyou.

It was good but didn't think it was anything amazing, except for the art and the OST. It also feels kind of incomplete, I'd have at least liked to know how the protagonist "lost his heart". They also never did anything with Makimoto being Fantastica. Feels like there were more routes planned originally (as implied in the bonus chapter after you get all endings), oh well.

Also Yukinori and Tanaka needed more screentime. Who knew a vampire salaryman could also make a good butler.

>> No.6913568


That guy looks slick. Do you get to play as him?

>> No.6913570

For anyone that hasn't checked it, there's now a voice patch for Quartett! and a translation project for Eustia trial.

>> No.6913575

Is Charlotte voiced by Kugymiya?

>> No.6913587

Ai shimizu
Yuni is Ryoko Shintani and Shuhua Hitomi Nabatame.
MC is Takahiro Sakurai

>> No.6913591

I can't be the only one who thought Charlotte was a perfect Kugymiya tsundere loli character

>> No.6913596

She's too overdone as a tiny DFC loli.

>> No.6913618

Good gosh /jp/, a complete VN general in a week?
Makes me proud

>> No.6913667

I've been meaning to play this as well. How long is it? 15 or 30 hours?

>> No.6913696
File: 97 KB, 800x600, gotosleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you get to play as him.

>> No.6913705



>> No.6913708

Took me 39 hours but I'm slow as shit when reading japanese. Don't think it'd take more than 30 for the average reader.
Script is 1.97mb, if that helps.

>> No.6913727
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>> No.6913732

He kills people with that ping-pong paddle, right?

>> No.6913742
File: 61 KB, 800x600, pingpongseriousbusiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, Mineyuki was a pretty damn good "best friend" character too.

>> No.6913809

I'm guessing those voices are from the All-ages PS2 version?

>> No.6913814

I don't think there's a normal version for ps2.

>> No.6913833

For Quartett!, vndb says that there's a 15+ version for PS2, and then of course the PC version is 18+. Don't tell me those VAs did the 18+ version?

>> No.6913843

ps2 doesn't have ero games, pc version didn't have voices. You piece it together.

>> No.6913872

PS2 versions can have voices that are then made into patches for PC versions. For example, this was done with Utawarerumono.

>> No.6913876

Hell my eyes are hurt because of old Nitro's small-sized font.

>> No.6913926
File: 71 KB, 800x600, doublechainsaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's pretty small. And Gekkou was even worse.

>> No.6913954

This thread is a pain to open.
Now that we've hit the bump limitb can we start a new one?

>> No.6914001

Yeah now that you mention it, does anyone know whether there is a greasemonkey script or some neat extension/add-on which would give the ability to only open the last 50 replies in a thread?

>> No.6914033

new thread seem to have been made: >>6914014

>> No.6915328
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>> No.6915392
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