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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6885618 No.6885618 [Reply] [Original]

With this, Neets can now bask in the light of the sun!


>> No.6885624

Still don't know what NEET means, eh?

>> No.6885628

Dude I go outside every day, talk to people, have friends and I'm a NEET

>> No.6885635

You're a very successful person by /jp/ standards.

>> No.6885660

Successful people by /jp/ standards live with their parents, who in turn live with their parents, which was inherited from a generation above that. They were likely born in that house and have not left even once likely with the aid of "homeschooling". At an age of 10-12 they retreat fully into their rooms until the day that they themselves inherit the family refuge. Incest allows the cycle to continue almost indefinitely. However, every two generations a second born son is created in order to kidnap new DNA to slow down degradation.

These people will never work, as they have simply been investing the same small fortune for nearly a century. However excess siblings can sometimes be used to supplement these funds.

>> No.6885670

Parks are great places to say hello to the children.

>> No.6885672

State parks are fine, but neighborhood parks are not. Don't listen to this guy. I've had many bad experiences at parks with children. It's horrible. Staying inside is best for people like us.

>> No.6885673

It's a Japanese acronym (or an english version of it) that loosely means "antisocial pedophile hermit using social services".

>> No.6885678

I think this describes me far better than the traditional acronym.

May we now operate under the assumption NEET is in reference to this?

Changing what I call myself would be a huge hassle, and would cause something of an identity crisis.

>> No.6885687


>> No.6885688

What happened to you? Did you make a little girl cry?

>> No.6885692

An overprotective parent happened to me. State parks are much better anyway. They're huge and you will almost never come into contact with anyone else while in one.

>> No.6885693
File: 38 KB, 376x474, dawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember why I love /jp/. I may be a NEET living in his mom basement, drinking wine alone on a Saturday night but there is always someone out there to call me normal because I have friends (and we didn't even see each others in 2 weeks). Other boards might always call /jp/ the meanest board but they don't know. They don't know about how full of love it is.

>> No.6885705

Huh. I live in a safe neighborhood, so it's not that odd to see little girls walking their dogs by themselves.

>> No.6885711
File: 80 KB, 351x339, 1291600463830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET means Not in Education Employment or Training, and was not a term mad by the japanese, but instead in the U.K.
Faggots gotta get their shit right.

>> No.6885714

Back in the late 90's I would talk to children in low rent stores like Walmart. From time to time I could get them to leave the store with me, we'd take short walks and exchange almost meaningless banter as I fought my every urge and instinct.

I was so close my friends, sometimes I wonder if I could have gotten away with it. I still think back on it today, but I feel the opportunity has passed me by, this day and age makes these things so troublesome.

I still a small tug at my heart everytime I see a little girl smile, and say something nice. Now I only smile back, and think only to myself, "so close".

>> No.6885722

I am black and I live in a predominantly white neighborhood.

>> No.6885728

It's fuckers like you that made my little brother cry at night. ;_;

>> No.6885753

>I've had many bad experiences at parks with children

same here. I've been harassed a couple times for relaxing in the park down the street from my house. Apparently a lone male has no legitimate reason to be in a park near where kids play.

>> No.6885770

Well fuck, now I'm going to start feeling like shit and guilty again. Fuck you you asshole.

>> No.6885778

what is?

>> No.6885779

I am still waiting for my The World.

It kinda makes me sad that quite possibly the first MMORPG to reach that level of technology advancement is going to be WoW.

>> No.6885782

I did the same thing at a local grocer, the thrill, the anticipation, the worry, I love it all! I haven't felt as alive or anything near since the last time I ALMOST snatched a child.

Every year it would get harder, and instead of relief on the parents face when they would find their precious offspring helping me load the cart or eagerly running off the spend the quarters I tempted them with it turned to concern and worry. Towards those last days those looks became knowing, I started noticing things like how much attention they paid to my face, and lingering in the parking lot hoping for a look at my car (didn't have one).

Even with all this happening I couldn't stop, the thrill the excitement it only got more intense. I got older and I could no longer hide what I was going, the manager had spoken to me on the matter and I moved to different stores, only finally stopping after I found too many cameras to keep up my escapades noticed and having a brief visit from a concerned father at my doorstep.

I don't go out much anymore, life seems rather dull really, I wonder if I'll ever get another chance, and if I do will I go all the way that time.

>> No.6885799

Oh /jp/ how I've missed you.

>> No.6885817
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And suddenly.

>> No.6885822

Maybe I had it wrong all along, those of us who can go outside and do lust after 3D may be the strongest of us all.

We may not share the same beliefs, but I wish you the best of luck on your journeys. May the parents be inattentive and the lighting be poor.

>> No.6885845

The fuck is wrong with you; seek help.

>> No.6885851

/jp/ has always been my favorite becuase of the culture. I'm honored and moved to count you amongst my peers.

>> No.6885864

Bring a book or newspaper with you next time. People love to read in parks.

>> No.6885896

I've always wanted to get into this, but I freeze up whenever I try to make my approach.

Any tips from the pros?

>> No.6885906

What? Visiting parks or kidnapping children?

>> No.6885907

Don't use a vehicle unless you're sure that the route is safe enough to drive on.

>> No.6885914

preferably both, just with more detail on the latter as the former is easy enough to figure out with practice.

>> No.6885935

I've begun breaking out, I've wanted to wash my face for weeks.

Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.6885938

Do it tonight, you lazy bastard.

>> No.6885946

Parents are home now, no can do!

>> No.6885953

Well, I guess it's tomorrow then. You might as well.

Unless you want to wash up for the sole purpose of looking presentable so you can kidnap children. Then maybe not.

>> No.6885955

Wait until they aren't looking and then head to the bath.

>> No.6885958

I don't leave my room if the house is not empty, it's just a thing of principle.

Not going to let several years of tradition die out on a whim, not after so much time spent finding a reasonable way to shit in here, nuh uh!

>> No.6885968

I am not strong enough to kidnap children ;_;

>> No.6885972

i actually found a website based around this sort of thing. It has tips and tricks sections, a DOs and DON'Ts sections, guides and forums. It was kinda creepy tbh, though i'm sure most of /jp/ frequents it.

>> No.6885978

>not after so much time spent finding a reasonable way to shit in here,
Please do share your method. I'm too stupid to figure one out.

>> No.6885980

>Not going to let several years of tradition die out on a whim

But it's like building up a big tower of dominoes and then knocking it down. It's fun.

>> No.6885984

Not when you have autism

>> No.6885999

I experimented with various "chamber pot" designs at first, and it mostly worked, but then I stole another anon's idea of using plastic grocery bags. Simply store them in the gap between your window and the storm window if you can't stand the smell of just leaving them lay about.

>> No.6886007

I've been doing this too since I saw someone post the method, all three of my windows now have an impressive foot tall pile of frozen shit blocks in them.

>> No.6886018

I don't envy your neighbors in the summer

>> No.6886025

Nor I, I think they'll all be thawed out by then.

>> No.6886028

I don't know. That seems sort of...extreme, I guess. I think I will just stick to my usual fare.

>> No.6886037

Today was a good day

This was a good thread

Goodnight /jp/, stay dry

>> No.6886035

Having an indoor garden and using the shit as fertilizer?

>> No.6886069

Thread of the yearr

>> No.6886092

Molesting kids isn't Otaku Culture or Japan/General, you deluded fucks. No one wants to read about your sick fantasies except the half a dozen of you that need it in order to rationalize your mental illness. Stop posting or get the fuck out.

>> No.6886098


>He thinks this board has anything to do with it's title

>> No.6886108
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Best thread on a Saturday night.

>> No.6886115

why didn't moot close down this shithole again?

>> No.6886147

Although molestation is probably on par with death in a sense, at least let the kids live, /jp/. Even if you don't think you can get away with it unless you do, just please, have mercy.

>> No.6886154


>He thinks because there's four other creeps like him on this board that everyone here is a child predator.


>> No.6886179

Death is a liberation, not a punishment. Killing them IS having mercy, especially after rape.

>> No.6886191
File: 56 KB, 531x531, 1293984312544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the candy necklace /jp/!

>> No.6886197

>He's a normalfag posting on /jp/
Go away. Molesting kids is part of /jp/. Let me say it in words you will understand.
Deal with it.

>> No.6886198

Because it is a shithole. And what happens when you close a shithole?
People shit on themselves because there is no where to shit.

>> No.6886201

>molestation is probably on par with death

>> No.6886252

Fuck off Butters.

>> No.6886257


>He's mad as fuck because there are holes being poked in his self-concept. Calls anyone that's not an evil bully that hurts children a normalfag.

Deal with your inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, 3D lover.

>> No.6886298
File: 19 KB, 427x366, 1294106321009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are trolling the heck outta me
