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688056 No.688056 [Reply] [Original]

Suppose you were gonna die tomorrow, what would be your biggest regret?

>> No.688064

No regrets this is the only path

>> No.688060

In before over 9000 roneries.

>> No.688070

Not having found any real purpose.

>> No.688077

I regret nothing. Better sage this thread so I don't regret not doing that if I die tomorrow.

>> No.688074

Having never cured my Boneitis

>> No.688075

That is a joke as there are many paths, friend.

>> No.688066

I have no regrets
This is the only path
My whole life was unlimited NEET works.

>> No.688067

Never seeing Katawa Shoujo getting finished.

>> No.688080

I have no regrets
This is the only path
My whole life was unlimited hikikomori works.

>> No.688098

My whole life is full of regrets.

Living would be my biggest regret.

>> No.688093


>> No.688107

You can't regret living, you never really chose to be born in the first place. More like, you regret not killing yourself sooner.

>> No.688113

...that I couldn't take the entire world with me, screaming madly as I stand atop a rollercoaster made from human misery, spiraling downwards toward hell with a bacon cheeseburger in one hand and my ex-girlfriend's severed head in the other.

Oh, I wouldn't get to see the other KnK movies or see how Macross Frontier turns out. That would suck as well.

>> No.688125

Greetings from Seneca to his friend Lucilius.

CONTINUE to act thus, my dear Lucilius - set yourself free for your own sake; gather and save your time, which till lately has been forced from you, or filched away, or has merely slipped from your hands. Make yourself believe the truth of my words, - that certain moments are torn from us, that some are gently removed, and that others glide beyond our reach. The most disgraceful kind of loss, however, is that due to carelessness. Furthermore, if you will pay close heed to the problem, you will find that the largest portion of our life passes while we are doing ill, a goodly share while we are doing nothing, and the whole while we are doing that which is not to the purpose. What man can you show me who places any value on his time, who reckons the worth of each day, who understands that he is dying daily? For we are mistaken when we look forward to death+; the major portion of death has already passed, Whatever years be behind us are in death's hands.

Therefore, Lucilius, do as you write me that you are doing: hold every hour in your grasp. Lay hold of to-day's task, and you will not need to depend so much upon to-morrow's. While we are postponing, life speeds by. Nothing, Lucilius, is ours, except time. We were entrusted by nature with the ownership of this single thing, so fleeting and slippery that anyone who will can oust us from possession. What fools these mortals be! They allow the cheapest and most useless things, which can easily be replaced, to be charged in the reckoning, after they have acquired them; but they never regard themselves as in debt when they have received some of that precious commodity, - time! And yet time is the one loan which even a grateful recipient cannot repay.

>> No.688127

You may desire to know how I, who preach to you so freely, am practising. I confess frankly: my expense account balances, as you would expect from one who is free-handed but careful. I cannot boast that I waste nothing, but I can at least tell you what I am wasting, and the cause and manner of the loss; I can give you the reasons why I am a poor man. My situation, however, is the same as that of many who are reduced to slender means through no fault of their own: every one forgives them, but no one comes to their rescue.

What is the state of things, then? It is this: I do not regard a man as poor, if the little which remains is enough for him. I advise you, however, to keep what is really yours; and you cannot begin too early. For, as our ancestors believed, it is too late to spare when you reach the dregs of the cask./a Of that which remains at the bottom, the amount is slight, and the quality is vile. Farewell.

>> No.688135

I have no regrets.
This is the only path.

If I had the chance to do it all again, I'd be the same failure I am now.

>> No.688138

>a rollercoaster made from human misery, Spiraling downwards toward hell

Somehow I can imagine Kaiji's Narrator describing this in increasingly pointless detail.


>> No.688140

Same here. Given the chance to redo things, I'd end up exactly the fucking same.

>> No.688160

That I was born in the first place.

>> No.688177
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>> No.688188

Emofags go in /b/

>> No.688191

Regret? Hell no! I'd get reborn as Japanese, the world's strongest race!

>> No.688205

I'm not emo you fucking retard, I just hate myself(Which is quite easy to do and not be emo, too bad you haven't enough intelligence to realize that.).

>> No.688207

lol emo attention whore.

>> No.688211

>>688205 I'm not emo you fucking retard, I just hate myself
Fucking lol

>> No.688214

haha oh wow

we all hate ourselves/our lives here, it doesn't make us "emo", I hate you.

>> No.688215

I never fucked a girl ;_;

>> No.688218

Most of you guys have boring regrets.
You're gonna die! Sky's the limit.

>> No.688226

I can;t fight the gears of fate. I will enjoy my last day.

>> No.688231

Not having the biggest Jun Watarase pic collection in the West. Well, probably.

>> No.688234

I still haven't beaten PCB in...

>> No.688235

lol emo kids

>> No.688241


>> No.688242

God only knows why you would hate yourself. You had reasons for every choice you ever made; everything is justified.

You listen to other people too much.

>> No.688248

My biggest regret would be that one day is not enough time to kill everyone who has it coming before I die. But by god, blood will be shed.

>> No.688254

>>688242 everything is justified.
Sup I just killed 6 million jews

>> No.688255

Grandmother would be crushed that I died not only without a spawn, but before her.

That'd be awful.

>> No.688256

Good work

>> No.688257


>> No.688259

If you made that call, it's obviously justified, unless you were forced to do it.

>> No.688262

Taking everything into consideration, the simplest solution would be for you to rape your grandmother. She would then be pleased and relieved that you never spawned any offspring.

>> No.688271


Actually, I knew a guy who justified that. And not in the internet sense of "lol killing jews is always justified".

This dude believes in reincarnation, and he says Hitler did too, so while the killing may have been wrong his intentions are not as bad as just wanting to wipe out all the defectives. He was giving their immortal souls the chance to be reborn into a perfect Aryan body. Hitler was a pretty nice guy.

(as for me I just think killing jews is never a bad thing)

>> No.688272


..I walked right into that one. fuck

>> No.688273

Holy shit... He's right.

>> No.688277

Give this man the medal of honour

>> No.688282

I would regret not taking showers before going to bed. Seriously, five minutes, it's not that much of a hassle. I know you're fucking tired, but it's so much better when you're clean.

>> No.688287

>>688271 (as for me I just think killing jews is never a bad thing)
Who does?

>> No.688292
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I never got CAAAZYYYY

>> No.688299

>>688292 I never got CAAAZYYYY
Cazy? Well you could just change your name.

>> No.688302

I never truly lived.

>> No.688326

