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6868235 No.6868235 [Reply] [Original]

Cosmic Break thread. Old one 404'd or got deleted

>> No.6868285

Signed up for the Netflix free trial and got my 125 Rt. Rolled the 5x Ouka Garapon and got Ellen, Lily Majalis, Maril, Thunder Rod, and Misty Hollow. Really wanted Ouka and Thoarla, but Misty is fine.

>> No.6868311

I went with the gamefly offer, $5 for a one-month subscription (I probably won't be using it but still), and 280 Rt. Thing is I didn't get the Rt, so I contacted SuperRewards support and hopefully should get it soon.

>> No.6868339

Is it just me or are Ellen's arms pretty crappy? I mean, they suck because you can't mount weapons on em.

>> No.6868343

You mean vesca arms, and yes, they suck. Change them as soon as possible.

>> No.6868352


Another thread about somebody quitting and usual RT price complaining might get some attention. Tempura took the time to post in it.

>> No.6868359

Ellen's arms can't be changed either, I believe. Just the drag vines.

The forward spinning binder is much more reliable in enclosed spaces, but without the dragbeam weaponsfire her overall killability isn't really very good.

>> No.6868369

100 Rt left now. Not sure if I should save it when it isn't even enough to roll the Garapon.

I got Misty Hollow, Medi Aide, Lily Rain Majalis, Winberryl Vesca, and a Thunder Rod. Now I have 3 SIN and all the Winberryls.

>> No.6868373

I haven't seen that netflix offer, maybe its not offered in the US where I'm from but that seems strange.

>> No.6868376


>> No.6868380

I discovered the cosmic kaiser head is quite good for art.

Is there a way to export the head polygons? I wanted to resize a head.

>> No.6868416

the game is too depressing to play now. I see all the cool looking robots in the stupid lottery machines and immediately lose interest. I'm keeping the game installed until they add the lily rain eve mission so I can play that and feel bad about never owning one and then I'll probably uninstall.

>> No.6868437


The best offers are the gamefly and web subscription one. They give 280 rt for 6? dollars and 600 rt for 8? dollars.

>> No.6868493

Seems to be a lot of sentiments of the game dieing from some more prominent players in there. When it dies eventually, I hope someone puts a private server up out there and we can relive the good days of the beta and no bullshit RT crap

>> No.6868511

>>6868493 good days of the beta
You mean full autism all the time? No thanks, I have JP server for that.

>> No.6868536


do the rt offers.

>> No.6868604

more like "oh boy a new robot let's spend 100k out of my 6 million trying to roll for it" then you finally get it and realize it sucks except for one arm that you rip off and put on something else.

>> No.6868621

Everyone rich (which was not true, only those who did a very good farm on the earlier tree events) in CB and everything costing UC was much, much better. Imagine the bots we have now that we didn't before during that time, it would be great.

>> No.6868969

Doesnt the web hosting offer require a 1 year subscription?

>> No.6869272

I NEVER had money in beta. I would have to grind for an hour to roll garapon to try for a bot then grind again for another chance. When Ivis came out I spent hours grinding for UC to roll one.

>> No.6869314

I should add that this is why I love current CB. Chances to get anything are even. In beta I never had the UC to compete, now I can put a little money into the game and do as good as everyone else.

>> No.6869324

Hahaha oh wow you gotta be trolling there.

>> No.6869339

No I'm not. Look, in beta tree events were impossible. You shoot trees for 5 minutes and someone else gets the UC from them, rinse and repeat until you're dropped for overwhelming lag. Now everyone is even, no stupid events to decide what bots you can buy. You can get $100 worth of bots for about $20 and if you can't afford $20 what the fuck are you doing on the internet?

>> No.6869351

I managed to make 700,000 UC in the second beta phase with motherfucking Level 2 Hound Dog in a single tree event.

You didn't get any money because you simply suck. You probably hit the wrong trees, didn't found any proper places, couldn't predict the spawning of trees by GMs in clear areas, etc.

Saying that using real money to acquire bots is fair is simply absurd.

>> No.6869382

How is it not fair? How? Seriously, they make money, run the servers, you pay $20, get $100 worth of Rt, buy bots, roll garapon, anyone can do it, that's fair.

Don't tell me you can't get $20 because you have a computer and the internet, you don't live in fucking Africa with no electricity or some shit, you can earn $20

>> No.6869387

The only thing I really want from the garabon is the Ouka-gara Tesladonna.

How does the bazaar work when they put it in? Can you only buy parts/robots from other people for UC, or can you trade bots?

>> No.6869394

>autistic faggot who thinks fairness is all about skills

>casual who thinks fairness is being able to throw money into the game

As someone who shelled out $100 out of my paycheck just for fun and grinded loads of UC in the betas, I guess I'm beating you both?

>> No.6869401

I'm sorry but since I do not work and live alone I can't afford to spend real money on a game.

Not to mention that the person who pays the most will always have more parts, bots, etc. That's not fair at all. They are not playing the game to get it, they are merely dumping real money, it's ridiculous.

>> No.6869403


>> No.6869404

>>6869351 Saying that using real money to acquire bots is fair is simply absurd.
Of course it is fair. Everyone can do it on equal terms.

I don't have to stay up to 5AM to pay.

>> No.6869415

PROTIP: People with lives can't for example grind their bots as hard for EXP. That's one area you've got us beat. I've had a destructor on level 9 for ages now and I haven't had the time to grind it all the way up.

>> No.6869418

Get out of /jp/.
Yeah, because everyone has a lot of money to spend on it right?

Make the RT bots available in UC but in huge amounts and keep the RT prices. Problem solved. (But no, CB needs the "gib moni or no bots for u hueh uehue" approach to survive)

>> No.6869423

So you are basically telling me that it's okay to kill those players that can't afford money but have the time to grind? Oh god.

If people with less time or skill want to pay for their shit okay, let them be. But at least provide other means for those who are not like them like >>6869418

>> No.6869450

Well, considering for one I've done better with my UC winberryl/jikun/destructor/Seraph crim than my RT Saggy/Ouka (ok, my ouka does kill a lot more bots than my jikun, but my Jikun lasts whole matches while my ouka dies in seconds) and other RT bots, I don't see your complaint.

UC bots are mostly fine, and the edge you get from practising will trounce most of the .05 extra damage or speed tuning your bots via money will get you.

>> No.6869452

We have that mean now, it's called survey grinding.

>> No.6869459
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Even I don't play this game anymore. Not out of spite, I spent lots of money and got the things that I wanted, but because it's really fucking boring, there's no one to play with. The only room available for my bots when I log in is 30v30 shuffle that only has 10 people on each team.

That is seriously fucked up. Every day I logged in less and less until I only log in now for the daily log in event, get my prize and then shut the game off.

They say that people who paid money will be the only ones left. That's not true. Even I, who paid lots of money, lost my interest in the game. The most important thing to me is not bots or weapons, but people. I want a community. Without a community all the RT/garapon bots and weapons in the game are worthless.

To add insult to injury, they'll never add Bazaar. And *if* they do add bazaar, you will not be able to trade RT, garapon, or tuned items.

クソゲー to the max.

>> No.6869464

About your experience with UC bots and the RT bots is a personal matter and can vary between everyone so it's invalid.

The best builds can't be afforded in the game unless you buy a lot of RT bots to use their different parts.

Tune up is impossible because of Slot Protectors and oh boy they really do make a huge difference.

>> No.6869465

PS: They STILL have not added gifting. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. CyberStep is hell bent on destroying their NA release.

>> No.6869473

I do not think everyone is happy with installing trojans on their computers, or filling their e-mails with spam or registering their cellphones for the same purpose.

>> No.6869517

Coincidentally, I don't think everyone is still using netscape communicator like you.

>> No.6869521
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>> No.6869539


>> No.6869544


Also, won't happen.

>> No.6869549

It cannot get worse, so we should make it better. Essentially, we are sacrificing "free Rt" from CyberStep events to obtain Rt/Gara Parts/Items trading. If players agree with this deal, we cannot argue that it is unfair.

Do you think that this is something we, the players, will agree to?

yes I'll get back to writing my stories next week

>> No.6869560

I hadn't even thought of mentioning it since you were having some difficulty with the multiple choices???, but it's good to hear anyway.

>> No.6869587

I would like very much to have RT/garapon trading.

But this is CyberStep we're dealing with. They WANT people to not get what they wanted. It's their business model. The less you get what you want, the more money they make.

Your idea sounds like a very good compromise, but I wouldn't put it past CyberStep.

>> No.6869610
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If you do see any incredibly glaring problems with it, I'd love it if you posted in the thread about it so we can hammer out the problems and make the compromise more pleasing to CyberStep's vision.

I mean, right now, the balance of satisfaction is extremely tilted towards CyberStep; it'd be a bit better to make a system beneficial to both parties so that we both get what we want and some players will decide to come back. Maybe.

>> No.6869632

I don't see any problems at all with your idea.

Except for undercutting CyberStep's potential profits.

>> No.6869634

Because virtual machine and free mail providers don't exist, right?

>> No.6869896

I think knowing you could possibly trade the unwanted stuff you get would encourage more people to roll. Also, it'll be pretty hard get any kind of profit from whopping playerbase of 50 people.

>> No.6869939
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>hoppers starting up Rt butthurt drama and make a post on -Events- about them quitting

Good riddance.

>> No.6869975

I don't know Cosmic Break's numbers at all. I don't know whether CB is printing money or if they're barely breaking even. All of that is speculation on our part.

I would like to discuss more on this subject, but I really got nothing in terms of facts other than the user base is unhappy and CyberStep isn't budging.

Maybe they'll make less, maybe they'll make more. Considering that CB is designed to be a niche game with small user base in mind, and that CS isn't budging in the RT situation, my educated guess is that they're happy with their current business model.

>> No.6869985 [DELETED] 


>> No.6870022

anyone know where to get Skins for robots? i've seen quite a few good ones in JPCB, wondering if someone has a link to use in in USCB

>> No.6870070

So when are they going to add Lily Rain EVE?

>> No.6870091

it's annoying that people actually think the game will be better if everyone can instantly get the strongest builds with all the best weapons within minutes of playing.

>> No.6870100

When they feel like they've squeezed every penny out of RT buyers in this currently garapon release.

>> No.6870122

I haven't paid anything and I'm pretty happy with the bots I have now.

The game is less fun when everyone can get everything easily, as was mostly the case in beta. If 'rare' bots can be easily obtained they lose a lot of inherent value and there's nothing left in the game to strive for.

>> No.6870139


>> No.6870142

They're not "rare"

Cough up enough money and you get them. If you don't cough up the money, they're not rare, they're unobtainable.

>> No.6870178


same here, my only rtbot purchased with my 10 lolbetaRT, 25rt rank 13 offers, also my UC robot can be competitive without hoppers or lagkuns.

about the disregard of CS I can not say otherwise, its true

>> No.6870195

Make all garapons UC, but make the drop rate of the gold and silver balls extremely low. Put the same bots in a high priced, rt-buyable alternative in the shop.

UC-players can get their bots with effort, Rt- players get their bots without need for gamble. CS gets their money.

>> No.6870213



>> No.6870268


"I want dream"

50k~100k = 1 roll is good for me

>> No.6870430

>but make the drop rate of the gold and silver balls extremely low
I don't think it CAN go any lower

>> No.6870443

A lot of the hotglue beta players, that made hotglue what it is, quit after RT. There's maybe 5 that still play and even then it's not often, (other than Kanbara).

Unless all this RT defending/complaining is from the new hotglue people, I wonder how many people that aren't even from /jp/ are here. These threads have turned into nothing but bitching instead of talking about the actual game.

>> No.6870534

So what's the deal with enemies sneaking behind our lines and destroying all our trees, then just leaving? Are they just trolling me so I can't get any drugs for my support? They don't seem to want to actually attack anyone, even if I'm in red health.

>> No.6870540
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>> No.6870547

How to fix this game's lag...? It's so laggy it's unplayable. 10 seconds to enter garage. Countdown reaches 0, I don't enter game..

>> No.6870552

Both of my rolls in garapon ended up being gold balls.

>> No.6870558

Maybe they are afraid of being pummeled by people re-spawning and-
>red health
That's kind of silly. Maybe they don't even care about you at all.

>> No.6870577


buy a new service of internet

>> No.6870583

I've always thought that was really weird.

My theory is that they do it so that their healers can blow up trees on their own team's side. Sometimes when I play support it really pisses me off when my team blows up all the trees on our side and I have to way for trees to respawn to start building up WB.

>> No.6870585

The Hotgluers who quit are the ones complaining

>> No.6870587

I'm sure my bot is just too moe for them to want to kill me.

>> No.6870600


>> No.6870625
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They should have Morizo draw mechs and Wakaba for girls.

>> No.6870668
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Combined two skins for this, took a few seconds.

Just can't use it because it needs some color properties to work ingame, if you can make it work you are free to use it.

>> No.6870727
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feels good man

it was a lvl5 room and we were only 5vs5 though

>> No.6870794

I only ever seem to get awards when I do handicap matches

>> No.6870838

>use chibi
>spam heal
Or use ART, and get last kill.

>> No.6870859

I think I lack some sort of killing instinct for the last kill. I've shot up plenty of enemies to near death, but my volley always seems to stop at the last moment and they escape from me. I also sometimes get too excited about a near dead guy and the prospect of last attack that I'll make huge mistakes and end up getting killed myself.

>> No.6870871


It's much easier to get an award than that.

9000+ contribution, guaranteed leadership every match.

>> No.6870889

fuck off, hopperfag

>> No.6870922


You sound frustrated

>> No.6870966

I sound however you choose to read my words

>> No.6871304
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Not a rewards page, but well, something from a few days ago. Man, snailbotting Tundra Wall is great.


This. I agree with this. 150k+ per bot or something whereas you can just shell out $5 and get it instantly if you wanted. Could make money selling alternative hair color versions for RT only too. I would definitely buy multiple Ivis with different hair colors when they come out.

>> No.6871420
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anyone can tell me how modify a image for set in a flag/poster,?

pic related for example

>> No.6871438
File: 961 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101115_0032_36_390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Travel through time, to the second beta phase period and be on Hotglue, then wait for them to win the tournament and get the customizable flag.

>> No.6871621

You guys are missing a huge, glaringly obvious reason as to why CS will never implement the trading of Rt items:

Almost all of the profit from CB comes from the Garapon. People spin the Garapon because there's one thing that they want, and they just keep on spinning it until they get that one thing. If people could trade away the stuff they don't want from the Garapon for stuff they do want, they wouldn't have to charge Rt to spin it so much anymore, and profits would decrease drastically. Yes, it would make the game a lot more fun, but that's beside the point.

>> No.6871753
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>> No.6871958

if you get demoted maybe you can get the rank up rewards again

>> No.6872397


how long after the sign up did it take to get the RT?

>> No.6872478

Why is Shino so bad?

Compared to Jikun, being so big and clunky with useless wheels kind of defeats the whole fast land thing.

>> No.6872486


The shino exroad to success
1. katana max lg
2. shortboost
3. quickland
5. 8000 score

>> No.6872673

1. Get a red squealer with dual shields and dual spike bit
2. Play defensive/kill trees until your bit is full
3. Rush enemy powerspot
Sword master!

Even better if you got repair kits.

>> No.6872689

No idea, I actually watched some stuff so didn't relog to check right away.

>> No.6872758


I know it took more than an hour for me. Less than 6 though. About an hour after signing up and logging in every 10 minutes or so to check to see if I got any Rt for the surveys I was doing, my internet cut out and came back a few hours later when I got it.

Just 100Rt left now and there is nothing that I want with it that isn't in the Garapon. And I'm pretty sure I did every single free offer already. Just need $20 to get $100 worth of Rt now as long as the game is updated for something nice.

>> No.6872763

361, 1, 1700 damage, frag, cost
-483 score
-1190 negative score from cost
707 points from damage and frag

-761 Score
106 extra damage
-1680 negative score from 2400 cost
919 new points from damage and frag
212 points from 106 extra damage

Damage=2 score(needs testing) Points from first frag and damage are inconsistent.
Cost=-0.7 score
1 frag=39 score(needs testing)

Well here's my results from that rudimentary scoring equation tests we just did.

Cost is -0.7 score for every point that I'm sure of now.

Damage and frags are a bit confusing though and more testing needs to be done.

I should also look into melee.

The proper damage test should be to have someone shoot somebody, but not kill him. And then have another person die not killed by the first person. So you'd only get score and damage for the first person.

Frags and melee can only be figured out after damage is figured out.

Testing support would be someone purely healing and then somebody dying and reporting their score and support.

Testing contribution would involve everyone just targeting each other until the game ends from timeout. Would be boring, but then we'd only have the contribution and score to look at.

I wonder if the complete scoring equation has already been discovered and I'm doing all this for nothing.

>> No.6872771

Addendum, I put the wrong points for the frag. It's actually -15 points for that 1 frag which is rather confusing.

>> No.6872777

so the bonus for killing someone is only worth 20 damage? I always wondered why the guy with 9 kills would be down in 7th place a lot of the time.

>> No.6872796

Assuming damage equals 2 score per point then 1 frag gave me negative 15 points worth of score lowering my score. Which is just plain confusing.

>> No.6872804

either way I've seen plenty of games where the guy who gets destroyer isn't even top 10. that's why I've always said that scoreboard whoring is a dumb metric of skill since it only rewards certain ways of playing.

>> No.6872813


I'm pretty sure that damage done by a cheaper bot gives you more points. So testing with a Frog Lander doing the damage and something else with tons more cost should be done. Also melee damage might be worth more than ranged damage. And score for support points should be looked into.

I still want to know how that all guard works too. And if it makes a difference depending on the other guards you already have.

>> No.6872833

>A lot of the hotglue beta players, that made hotglue what it is, quit after RT.

If you mean the noticeable image of you getting your ass handed to you by a number of Hotglue players, that is neither what Hotglue is nor was, rather it was just the part you were paying attention to.

>> No.6872837




I'm going to roll Garapon so hard. Hopefully we also get some good weapons like the ABR or a railgun too.

>> No.6872846

Hmm, this I'll have to look into. I think I was in a precisely 500 point Laz-chan for the 106 damage.

I guess I'll prepare a 250 cost bot, 500 cost bot, and a 1000 cost bot for the next test.

>> No.6872849

Aww, son of a, please do not be putting in Lily Eve before I have time to completely and properly quit. I do not want to spend any more. ;_;

>> No.6872857

Is it just me, or is the only difference that there are only 3 channels now?

The server is back and the game says it updated, but the launcher is the same and the title screen seems to be the only difference. Maybe they screwed up and brought the servers online early?

>> No.6872858



>> No.6872860

New items added to the Login Campaign

- 7DAYS Accele Roll
- 7DAYS Air Loop
- Reset Cartridge ALL
- Limit Remove Lv5
- Limit Remove Lv8
- Cosmo Harmonics DELTA
- Slot Protector Alpha
- EXPx2 Ticket Alpha
- UCx2 Ticket Alpha

Login everyday for a chance to receive one of the above item


>> No.6872895

>>6871304 Man, snailbotting Tundra Wall is great.
Credit to the team

>> No.6872932

Someone go roll the UC garapon a 1000 times and tell me what's the chance of getting 1Rt.

>> No.6872948


Considering I've only gotten maybe 5 gold balls from uc garapon and wasted at least 70k-100k, I would think not so good. And it's also 1 RT meaning you would have to spend a lot of uc to buy anything.

>> No.6872975

Spend ~40k UC just for 10 cents.
Only idiots would actually think this is good.

>> No.6872992

People who play F2P MMOs will do ANYTHING to avoid paying real money for something.


>> No.6873134

3 rt from spend 100k ut how about that

>> No.6873154


So you need 1000000 UC to get 30 Rt to get blue balled by the Garapon. Good luck with that.

>> No.6873331

>flint musket 14 rt
I had like 30 of those damned things from trying to get other stuff and I never even considered using them once. this is like a slap in the face from cybershit. at least give us good weapons like auto beams and punisher swords.

>> No.6873335
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>in the shop

>> No.6873336


Wow this shit isn't actually too bad
I think I'll log back in and give it a go, assuming no one changed my password on me

>> No.6873467

public int getScore() {
return fightPoint + attackPoint / 5 + killPoint * 80 + swordPoint / 8 + supportPoint / 3 - defeatedCost * 7 / 10;

It's from the game's source code. You nailed the -0.7*cost.

>> No.6873498

Why won't you fuckers ever say how you're managing to decompile the source code? I can't get it to work with a regular java decompiler.

>> No.6873506
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242 + 835/5 + 5*80 + 0/8 + 143/3 - 0*7/10
why doesn't it equal 2427? is there more to it than that?

>> No.6873535

Florette is back? I saw him talking in a shuffle room

>> No.6873559

Using a low cost robot makes you rack up score faster, not just lose less when you die. That's why using a 500 point crimrose is a good idea for beginners.

>> No.6873567
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Guy who was doing that study on score earlier. Looking at one of my previous screenshots I've got the scoring figured out on it.

However it doesn't match the scoring equation that was just posted.

It's contribution+damage*2+frags*160+support/3-cost*0.7 for this screenshot.

It works perfectly on the score I have in this screenshot.

Rounded to -899.

However it doesn't work on yours. More testing needs to be done it seems.

>> No.6873594

Doing a bit more calculations. It seems your damage is multiplied by a 1.6 multiplier.

Using the same equation from my previous post with the damage multiplied by 1.6 instead it works out near perfectly. Near being the keyword. It's off by one point adding up to 2426(2425+2/3, but it rounds).

Which is really curious.

>> No.6873595

I just found my comment when I posted the formula ages ago:
No wonder I couldn't find it, it was on /a and not /jp.

Also I just found this:
((TextFigure)CustomComponentUtil.find("num_totalscore", this)).setText(String.valueOf(result.score));
((TextFigure)CustomComponentUtil.find("num_dodge", this)).setText(String.valueOf(result.dodgePoint));
((TextFigure)CustomComponentUtil.find("num_atktotaldmg", this)).setText(String.valueOf(result.attackPoint));
((TextFigure)CustomComponentUtil.find("num_atksworddmg", this)).setText(String.valueOf(result.swordPoint));
((TextFigure)CustomComponentUtil.find("num_kill", this)).setText(String.valueOf(result.killPoint));
((TextFigure)CustomComponentUtil.find("num_support", this)).setText(String.valueOf(result.supportPoint));
((TextFigure)CustomComponentUtil.find("num_lostcost", this)).setText(String.valueOf(result.defeatedCost));

Seems that contrib points are called internally dodgePoint so they're not used in the formula to calc the score.

You need to get first a .kar reader/unpacker. You can get the relevant classes from the game executables. But you'll need some reverse engineering knowledge to get them.

>> No.6873672

>Also, Lily Rain EVE will be coming out next week!
It was fun playing with you guys, see you in some other MMO.

>> No.6873734

What's wrong with EVE?

>> No.6873754
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>Lily Rain EVE
Invisible Jikun incoming.

I'm more annoyed about CyberStep pulling surprises out of thin air thinking it's a solution that will keep them afloat. "Hey let's translate Lily Rain EVE as quick as we can so that people will think we're getting better!" And then they pull random robots out of garapon to make them look good compared to the Japanese server and not tell anyone why they even did that besides "I don't know! Yeah! We're awesome!"

I expected them to get Lily Rain EVE out by two months. Apparently, CyberStep is estimating that they might not last that long? Can't really tell.

>> No.6873764

But what's good/bad about Lily Rain EVE?
It looks like she's pretty much a Small sized Saggy.

>> No.6873767

Lily Rain Eve is CyberStep's last few attempts to steal money from us before closing down.

>> No.6873772

CS is going to use EVE simply because they want more money since the game is dying. People willing to pay will certainly pay it.

>> No.6873787

But I've already got extra RT waiting to be burned.

>> No.6873802

Good for you I guess.

>> No.6873807

>Eve Gara
>Lily Rain Eve along with 1000000 useless junk and 3 times the amount of blue balls than normal garas

Stealing money from BRD was never so easy.

>> No.6874168


>> No.6874199

Is HotGlue recruiting on Dos?
If so is it a "pros only" or can someone who started a few days ago get in?

Currently I'm a Jikan with double shields and a Crimrose with wide beam.

>> No.6874212
File: 549 KB, 800x600, 10292263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MoDs been recruiting recently with the intent to help train new players before the other clans absorb them and allow them to continue the trend of fuck horrible DOS players.

>> No.6874216


hotglue is on wiz, You can try mod on dos.

>> No.6874283


Heh, its kind of funny but in the few(2 or 3) days I have been playing I already noticed that.

Maybe the hotglue I saw on DOS was in a shuffle or there is a small group of fakers.

Guess I'll see about MoD, thanks guys.

>> No.6874284

have fun with eve it from gara just like how you get ouka

>> No.6874292

>"pros only"

Why do I get the feeling that some of these people here aren't /jp/ers?

>> No.6874303
File: 24 KB, 342x207, lol cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god cyberstep, desperate for people much?

>> No.6874327


I know that hotglue is about "taking it easy" or "having fun with bros" or whatever, I just never joined the bandwagon and shifted games with /jp/.

Unlike when everyone started playing AIKA, CB has been out for quite awhile and I didn't know how serious hotglue might be about the guild at this point, even if the game is on its last legs.

>> No.6874335

What? These have been standard in the JP server for some time.
Except the Delta harmonics.

I hope you don't expect you'll be getting them every time you log in.

>> No.6874363


It's hard to play seriously without things like clan tournys, though sometimes they stack rooms for laughs.

It's pretty much just about taking it easy now.

>> No.6874366

None of these updates solve any fundamental problems. They still haven't even added UC rocket launcher.

>> No.6874383

Yeah, I was facing a hotglue stacked room last night, it was a learning experience to say the least.

>> No.6874396

And they won't. What are you, retarded or something?

>> No.6874416

I'm lost.

Who is lily eve? I know she has some kind of laser, what's the force on it?

>> No.6874448 [DELETED] 



>> No.6874458


Not a laser. It's more like a railgun than anything. You can quickly shoot enemies with it to do something like 80% of the force, wait a second or 2 with them locked on to do 100%, or wait a few more seconds to do 133%. She also has a boost ability in her head part so she can charge it up faster. It has 35 force, 140 ammo, 320 range and 400 speed according to the /jp/ wiki. No idea if it upgrades with the core though. Her psyguns in the booster have 5 force * 6 shots and 540 ammo, 320 range, 140 speed, and an interval of 1200. The main gun's interval isn't so important because you will probably not fire every chance you get anyway. There should be a mission released at the same time as EVE next week so you can try her out like the Ouka mission.

>> No.6874487


Smells like a new maxis.

>> No.6874494

Lily Rain EVE (Entropic Vector Energizer) is a new robot. Not a promotion of Lily Rain, but rather, Lily Rain utilizing the awesome power of Eihwaz.

Psyguns are changed into six homing lasers, her slicers are removed, and her funnels (or whatever those are) can form a short timed shield. You use her core weapon to change her right arm into the Eihwaz, a huge railgun that charges depending on how long you keep a lock-on on a certain target, up to two lock-ons. Head part speeds up lock-on speed and increases max lock-ons to four.

>> No.6874505
File: 135 KB, 410x512, 2546532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, where can you get Rainbow Chips?

The JP wiki claims they can drop from Gigan Busters, on all difficulties, but I haven't seen a single one drop so far...

>> No.6874506
File: 311 KB, 496x459, lolwetrolu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image sums up everything.

>> No.6874514

Bastagant Boss Quests are the way to go. One star can drop them, but very rarely do you actually encounter that drop set, unlike if you did them at three star.

>> No.6874522

Bastagant. I've never seen rainbow chips or any of the other rare materials from missions.

>> No.6874535

Thanks, time to go kill some bees, then.

>> No.6874564

I guess I missed taking a screenshot, but last week I was quite surprised when I managed to pull 2 rainbow chips from one region in arcantus exploration, then another in the next area.

>> No.6874576
File: 21 KB, 536x124, whatadeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, this is probably the best offer up at the moment. You would have to be an idiot to pass it by.

>> No.6874581

So apparently double beam gun only shoots double shots every 2 single shots.

So it's double-single-single repeat....

>> No.6874661

And I was just about to buy one too... Oh well.

>> No.6874698

I don't recommend buying one. The Magnet Gun is actually much better. 10 Force and it homes. Of course, it has terrible speed, but that's to be expected of a psygun.

>> No.6874710

Did they add new Arcantus drops again? I just found the blue glasses.

>> No.6874742

Actually I might go with a twister fan. Should be fun to cause some chaos on the enemy lines with my air.

>> No.6874750

Twister fan is shit.

>> No.6874780

I don't know what's with you guys and your hatred against EVE being the new Jikun and ruining the game/etc. Personally, I've tested her out in jpcb's mission, and she sucks pretty damn hard if you don't use her skillfully. Unlike Jikun, Ouka or Ivis, simply right click spamming wouldn't get you a high score. While her stats are nice, her cost is pretty damn high too, and all her body parts are locked. Also, enjoy rolling her in garapon because it'll be a money sucker.

>> No.6874815

Bosses, and looks like arkantus mode drops them after the update.

>> No.6874844
File: 20 KB, 352x240, 1287092074349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6874944

>I've tested her out in jpcb's mission
Theres your problem

>> No.6874950
File: 36 KB, 260x317, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this?

>> No.6874955

What the damn video in the website.

>> No.6874956

Some harpy chick that appears in a couple of the official trailers but hasn't appeared in the game yet.

She appears to be evil or at least fighting against Lily/Crimrose/Ivis

>> No.6874957

What are the difference of twister fan rt and garapon?

>> No.6874958

I think CS low the drop rate of Midoro Cosmos in Bastagant, normally I get 1each 5-7runs, now nothing, anyone can confirm?

>> No.6874966

anyone interested in an account? lot of garapon stuff on it... from what i recall

saggi maxis lv10
seraph crim lv10
swimsuit jikun long
lr majalis
misty hollow sin
ouka dayu
aigis baltheon
herr vktor
medi-aide pink
sigma clock
soljetter parts
cross raptor parts
king gigaton maxim parts
2x tornado fan
2x blast bazooka
1x assault rifle
crimrose am3/am4

would probably sell it for something in the range of $25 via paypal if anyone is interested

>> No.6874972

3 channels...

>> No.6875118

whats ur reason for quitting cb?

>> No.6875343

when lily rain eve comes out I'll probably try to get that 800 rt from gamefly and the other one and use it all rolling for her. if I get one I'll start playing again, if I don't I'm uninstalling.

>> No.6875440

Get out

>> No.6875487

I only really enjoyed this game when I was hurting people. Now that most everyone has quit I'm finding it less enjoyable.

>> No.6875488

Eve isn't game breaking like ivis. The railgun can hit pretty hard but just like sag she stays back and snipes. She can't rush to the front lines and own people.

If it's going to be anything like jpcb she's going to be pretty rare and expensive, too.

>> No.6875528
File: 497 KB, 600x900, 4065110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope they put some new stuff in her gara and not the same old Moebots. Astro Mariah would be cool to finally get.

>> No.6875562
File: 771 KB, 840x1200, e14c798e187d5edf59c6abcf40d26586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting stuff on pixiv

>> No.6875606

nope, lolololololo

oh btw everythings fine owns you guys

>> No.6875611

I thought she was more of a mid-range shooter than a sniper

>> No.6876108

non-eve upgrade is. Besides, you can always hop with EVE.

>> No.6876130

I heard that float dash is better on eve

>> No.6876169

What's the other "hotglue" clan? I saw Reinforce the other day with the beta-emblem.

>> No.6876242

Notglue? Reinforce just stays there because that's his emblem I think. I also heard that he gave his account to someone else, but I'm not sure on both of these.

>> No.6876262
File: 525 KB, 1273x883, LilyRain_Eve_stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily Rain EVE doesn't play like a Maxis. Her shots are about half the speed; roughly the same speed as a musket or armor breaker. Much easier to dodge.

Kithril, a NPC boss bot that you fight in the Eve mission.

>> No.6876287


Notglue. It was a temp clan before we figured shit out. Reinforce is the only active guy left in it and is too lazy/doesnt care enough to switch over.

>> No.6876288

That might be true. He was playing like shit today when I was in his rooms.

>> No.6876302

quick question

does going into EVE mode just turn your main weapon into a railgun and disable the actual weapons you equip on the arms?

>> No.6876307

look at the previous picture dumbass, the railgun isn't a main weapon.

>> No.6876404

I assume it works the same way ivis' sword does

>> No.6876501
File: 1.76 MB, 1200x848, 14946796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eve comes out right as I was planning to do a final RT charge for a while. Here's hoping for good luck.

>> No.6876508

So what, is this like an MMO or somethig?

>> No.6876603

Yes, cosmicbreak.com for all the info you need.

It's fun, but people seem to find bitching about the cash shop to be more fun.

>> No.6876623

Wow. AND she still keep her fucking psyguns.


>> No.6876665
File: 444 KB, 737x878, LilyRain_Eve_pix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way Cyberstep would not milk her for all she's worth. They even spent money on making that anime intro clip.

>> No.6876674
File: 1.15 MB, 1769x984, LilyRain_Eve_pix2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, meant to reply to >>6876501. Have an extra pic.

>> No.6876773
File: 218 KB, 900x881, 8112817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo /jp/, what are the offers you guys tend to do over and over for RT? Is there a trick to doing them or is it just doing the surveys until you don't get an unqualified message? Thanks.

>> No.6876801

You can't do the same offer over and over again. Though I did notice that the Peanut Labs or whatever is offering to do the Blockbuster promo as well. I might try and sign up for that a second time and see what happens.

>> No.6876833

>>6876262 Her shots are about half the speed; roughly the same speed as a musket or armor breaker. Much easier to dodge.
The speed and bullet size increases with each charge level, plus you can tune it, unlike the railgun.

>> No.6876839


Tempura finally noticed the tune DERP

>> No.6876846

What a clown.

>> No.6876873


>> No.6876877
File: 191 KB, 1814x1225, Ivis promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha oh boy is it MS paint robot ideas again?

>> No.6876881

Go ahead and tune Eve's cannon from speed 350 to 630 then. Good luck with that.

Oh, Tempura, you wacky kid you.

>> No.6876912

350 * 1,45 * 1,33 = 675

Except you don't fucking need so much speed because the projectile is the size of Titan bazooka's.

>> No.6876928

I would, for extra rape.

>> No.6876931
File: 39 KB, 960x720, dat amuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't I hold all these funnels

>> No.6876946

I wonder if the psyguns are decent anti-air. the ones on normal lily kind of suck but maybe 6 of them is better.

>> No.6876978

The ones on normal lily are great again teleporting jikuns and circling AIRs. The only thing that sucks is that there's not enough fucking ammo to last a match.

>> No.6877003

he used correction fluid on pencil drawings?

>> No.6877008

I don't think I've ever gotten shot down by a lily shooting psygun bullets by themselves. they're just too easy to avoid. they seem like they would be really good for missions though.

>> No.6877022

No they suck. I own 2 magnetguns, and the only people you will hit for significant damage either have below 20 fly or have to land.

>> No.6877027

I think it's just a case of not noticing. Psygun to take out, they do damage when other guns can't do damage. They're not big damage guns. Just for doing damage to annoying bots that are seemingly unhittable, ie. teleporting jikuns and circling AIRs

>> No.6877049

They don't suck. They're just different. I enjoy them

>> No.6877078

The reason it's so shitty is that there's no advertising, or arena is too hard. It's a relatively hard action game for its kind, not to mention for some reason cyberstep never does any collaboration stuff with major game companies or franchises to boost up their fame. This game is very pvp centric, but without people willing to pvp all the time, it's bound to die eventually. And it's already dying very fast. They really should learn a thing or 2 from how capcom marketed monster hunter. And oh, make this game a console game or handheld game, and it really might make a difference. Maybe.

>> No.6877092

Why do people in /jp/ go on about this game so much? It looks like ass.

>> No.6877103

Consider the art of /jp/'s favorite game series of all time.

>> No.6877115

But those games have something going for them, like the pretty bullet time effects.

>> No.6877134

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6877600

So, on the JP server they are apparently going to implement a player rating system next month.

The question is, though: will it ble- work?

>> No.6877689

Did they increase the arena drop rate with this last update? Or is the RNG just being kind to me today? In maybe four hours between yesterday and this morning I've gotten two Intelli Greens and one Intelli Blue compared to only one Intelli Green in over 200 hours before the update.

>> No.6877706


Shuffle or Union wars? I've been trying to get *any* kind of glasses since the beginning. Hundreds of arena matches and Frac runs, no glasses.

>> No.6877718

I've only got one myself

>> No.6877731

I found 2 blue and 1 green in one run on Arcantus yesterday.

>> No.6877739

Intelliblue, slotted and unslotted versions drop decently in the questing areas, probably as a part of the drop changes. I went through the whole gauntlet and got to the last area, and got 2 1slot intelliblues. I mostly went through to see if later levels drop anything good (they don't) so you can just grind the green hills and snow areas since its easiest to kill things there.

>> No.6877747
File: 526 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110128_0625_37_010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember for the two greens but I just got the Intelli Blue in BRD v WIZ union room. The greens came from either shuffle or union wars, not epoch or any of the bosses or Arctanus. There isn't some sort of drop log like there is for stuff you buy in the shop, is there?

>> No.6877766
File: 188 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110128_0635_21_444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6877775


Thanks. Guess i'll go run some Arcantus then.

>> No.6878108

>It's fun, but people seem to find bitching about the cash shop to be more fun.
Yup. It's like...
*puts on sunglasses*
...getting two games for the price of ten.


>> No.6878172
File: 278 KB, 1024x768, ETF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, really?

>> No.6878181

you aren't helping your case by posting that image

>> No.6878202

Herp derp balance handicap

>> No.6878222

The only really good thing about this game was the community. The GM interactions, the events, hell even the Radios that were just mainly Canaan insulting every new player who asked a dumb question. Now there are barely over 300 people on at a time, and finding a match in arena that has a full complement of players can be annoying. Over a month after the game went official and there is still no calendar of events. Most of the people who are left seem to be Gaiafags posting their own bot ideas, although they seem to have all flocked to the art contest now. There's no point spending money to play a game nobody else is playing. It might be the prices. But I think more people would be willing to pay the prices if there were people to play against.

>> No.6878243

How the fuck does that guy have 3800 score

>> No.6878273

>plus you can tune it, unlike the railgun.
You mean the maxis railgun?

Don't you tune it by increasing the core weapon with a cartridge?

>> No.6878278

Upgrading the internal does not technically count as tuning.

>> No.6878284
File: 175 KB, 800x600, 12381754_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how exactly do you tune stats on a weapon?

>> No.6878294

Oh come on now.

You simply tune them, like normal tune ups.

>> No.6878303

You shove it in. Really hard.

Besides Lily Rain EVE has three slots on all parts (which are all locked meaning that you can reset them I think).

>> No.6878323

Attacking the PS, probably.

How long did it take you to get your RT? I signed up for the gamefly thing as well but haven't gotten anything yet.

>> No.6878325

Yeah, yeah. I know.

I just thought that added stats to the bot. I never noticed any change in the weapon stats. I'll go look over it all again, I'm not big on tuning much with the full release because I dont like broken slots and some of the cosmos are hard to find.

>> No.6878400
File: 138 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110128_1053_27_230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only see the core weapon changes if you click it and examine the stats on the bottom right.

>> No.6878409

I'd shove it into her three slots really hard, if you know what I mean.

By that I mean tune up her weapon, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6878421

I would tune up my weapon with her if you know what I mean

>> No.6878458
File: 971 KB, 1500x1500, 15117024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mightybyne vs. Okua

Both untuned

Support your answer.

>> No.6878493

Depends on how well the Ouka player can flank the Byne. If it's one on one the Ouka can run around, pop out of nowhere, get a few hits in and run back out.

>> No.6878520

Does anyone know how to get 15Rt quick that doesn't involve direct charging or shoving UC down the UC gara until something pops up? I have 30Rt and that final stretch to Jack Gadget 1 is really tough.

>> No.6878543

actually pretend I didn't ask, I just got it FINALLY

>> No.6878670

lol buff, you are less clever than that crim

>> No.6878679

I've gotten my ass kicked by ouka several times. With the stunning combos and my poor reach, it was nearly impossible to hit her.

>> No.6878780

This is fucking stupid. I've done like 5 offers and I still haven't gotten nothing. Even the Install RealPlayer one, which should've been really easy and non-faked. Seriously, what the fuck? Fucking scams.

>> No.6878820

Everything'sFine is made of:

75% HK players
24% iHop fags
1% LOYALTY fag (unconfirmed)

Also, Everything'sFine > Hotglue and Snowflake combined.

>> No.6878836

Why so butthurt?

>> No.6878845

this is so true because there are only like 4 hoppers in HG and Snowflake nowadays. Eat shit and die, competitive /jp/v/a/

>> No.6878846
File: 477 KB, 500x280, 1295727386540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1% LOYALTY fag (unconfirmed)

You got my attention.

>> No.6878848

>75% HK players

Nope. They all left. iHop hijacked that clan.

If you want to see who owns who in a level playing field, just look at the beta tournament results. You were buttranged.

>> No.6878880

>1% LOYALTY fag (unconfirmed)

it could be Apple or the chinese characters cardfag

>> No.6879020

More like HG consists of 3 people that are actually good and Snowflake is still a piece of shit

>> No.6879080

HG hoppers are bad compared to Everything'sFine

>> No.6879109

You're probably right, I wouldn't be surprised if they did spend more than Hotglue and Snowflake combined.

And yet Hotglue won the only fair competition that will ever occur in Cosmic Break. Quite a shame that they will never get a chance to win based on skill instead of money.

>> No.6879157

Even then, I'm sure if some of the older Hotglue came back into a tournament, they would still be able to beat the cashwhores using UC builds. Albeit they wouldn't be very "Skill" UC builds, totally cheap ass builds, but it's altogether possible.

>> No.6879164

Speculation aside. Old members of hotglue don't want to come back to game because it's simply stupid now.

>> No.6879190

True. Speculation aside, Hotglue would get it's ass raped by any other clan members. There are just too many newfags and newbies messing around. I feel like they are casuals, they don't listen.

>> No.6879195

I'm kind of confused. You are saying hotglue would lose because of new members?

>> No.6879206
File: 313 KB, 800x600, Untitled-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mina and Florette is still around. Kanbara is still autisming it. Three hopping faggots are enough to beat a team composed of half pubs.

P.S. You will never get to rest your head on Azurite's lap ;_;

>> No.6879242
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 1295837048635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the leader of Hotglue anyway? If it's some elite clan then I want in

>> No.6879244

You are definitely not getting in.

>> No.6879285
File: 126 KB, 644x582, 1293948883903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fill out enable survey thing for 100 RT
> finish it successfully
> get no RT

>> No.6879298

someone post that video with byne vs ouka with crim-chan

I wouldn't want to cause lazflamme is dumb and you cut her horsey legs off you guro freak

>> No.6879302
File: 160 KB, 1200x1600, 7282801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6879307

BOOF on the right, World of Tanks on the left

>> No.6879315

It's ok, once the game is finally released people will play it again.

>> No.6879316

CB devs on the right, CB on the left

>> No.6879330

Why the fuck is every survey requiring valid cell phone number so they can send you a 4-digit PIN?

Seriously, what the fuck. I'm NEET. I don't use cell phones. And this survey isn't even marked with the "Mobile" tag, what a fucking scam.

It's not like it's a huge RT-giving survey, it's just fucking 5 RT.

>> No.6879337

Why did you make her wear a sports bra WTF.

>> No.6879349

Make sure you read the requirements before you do the surveys and make sure you fulfill all of the requirements. Most of the surveys are scams so avoid them.

>> No.6879361

I'm saying that the new members would make us lose, yes. In multiple epoch battles, or simple clan vs. clan battles, they fail to uphold directions, getting themselves killed with their stupidly high cost bots.

>> No.6879364

Goddamn, where are people like >>6879190 >>6879242 coming from.

I hope none of you are running around spouting things like "we're from /jp/ xD". Look at what's being attracted here. "We're not recruiting." should be the only information you hand out to random people.

>> No.6879375

In my experiences with surveys peanut labs recommended surveys not the ones at the bottom gives rt more often when you finish them. But they are limited to only 2-3 then you have to wait another day

super rewards gives ok rt thru their offers usually the install stuffs and facebook, I just use a vm to install those and a throw away facebook account
so far I've earned around 220 rt

>> No.6879523

I don't know shit about VM, unfortunately. This sucks, I just need 25 more RT. I'm not gonna spend 10 bux just for that little amount of RT

>> No.6879545
File: 137 KB, 341x353, notplayingseriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I suck at hopping ;_; I need my adorable moebot to come out soon, otherwise I'm going to play terribly all the way to Crown.

>> No.6879908
File: 34 KB, 650x535, democracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majority vote says that this will win by a landslide.

>> No.6879920
File: 24 KB, 558x476, 1295237318795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pissed because they can't put their cash only monster bots in level restricted rooms so their cash advantage means nothing.

>> No.6879951

I only support the removal of 30v30 because it's always 7vs21. Level 5 rooms can stay. Also, are they getting desperate for playmates or what?

>> No.6879978

>it's always 7vs21

This. I don't know if this is still true, but I remember fucking WIZ pubs coming into these rooms in droves to get stomped by lik 5 or 10 BRD/DOS.

In this game, numerical advantage is a huge disadvantage.

>> No.6880003

brd buttmad :3

>> No.6880056

What is to stop an experienced player from taking their brand new Ouka/Lily EVE/Ivis into a lvl 5 room and just dominating? Like they suggest, rank restriction is much better at protecting new players from experienced players and powerful Rt bots. It isn't perfect, but a triangle or diamond restricted room would be droves better than the current lvl 5 rooms.

>> No.6880078

Get out of /jp/, please, gtfo. You have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.6880081

sup vyolets

>> No.6880093

you realize level 5 rooms are for testing bots AND cartridges, right?

>> No.6880096

Not wallet carried enough, faggot? If anything, there'll be even more broken combos because of the more limitless tunes and combos one can muster up, making the gap even worse.

Make rooms where non garapon and limited tune ups are allowed, then maybe people might bother playing with pitiful fucks like yourself who've spent 400+ on this game.

>> No.6880104

How about rank *and* level restricted rooms? Locks out all the autistics and limits the damage they can do with alt accounts. Make it so, Cyberstep!

>> No.6880128

add size limit rooms and we've got a deal

>> No.6880143

if the room was restricted to triangle though only new players and faggots with smurf accounts would be able to join though.

>> No.6880208

Why are you guys mentioning /jp/ in your posts? We don't want more BRD faggots making this cesspool worse.

>> No.6880215
File: 117 KB, 500x600, 12371010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got this Psycho Formula that everyone was raving about in beta.

So what do I do with it? Is it a hopper? Moves way slower than my Lily.

Also, does Moving Burst combo with Short Boost? Like, does Moving Burst reset every time your touch down on your Short Boost hops?

>> No.6880392

What's the difference between the seraph crimrose upgrades? is it just graphics or do they actually have a slot/stat difference.

>> No.6880399

just different colored hair

>> No.6880502

So what games are the people who quit this shit playing? I've spent way too much money on this game to get NOTHING, and playing it now makes me feel absolutely disgusted.

>> No.6880540

Bug found:

F12 Matching does not discern the fact if you have any level 6 or higher robots in your commando and will automatically enter you in level 5 and under rooms without any objections.

Try it out!

>> No.6880672

Lately i've been wondering.
Is it worthy to put a short boost cartridge on Ouka?
Mine is level 6 and i don't have any idea of what cartridges to put on her...I only have
4 raise capacity, blast guard and boost run
Any recommendations to which cartridges to choose for her?

>> No.6880712


Take it's legs off and mount them on bugsy.

Alternatively, invest in a ton of slot protectors and tune the thing into a ridiculous monstrosity to take advantage of it's third highest art capacity in the game(Beaten only by destructor and toybox, and toybox is shit).

Alternatively, drop 5 bucks for 2 asura arms and mount 4 shotguns/4 misside arms for the mother of all bee killers

Alternatively, wait until gathima ams are in the game and make a copy of Gaijin's old Gathima-Psycho

>> No.6880735


If I remember right Vyolets and Tekreligious are /v/ and /m/ browsers that just use these threads.

Not like everyone didn't already know that nobody from /jp/ or hotglue actually posts in these.

>> No.6880769

Stop mentioning /jp/ or any 4chan board you faggots.

Thank you.

>> No.6880778


>> No.6880806

You have bad memory. Just saying.

As you wish.

>> No.6880845

Ouka is so incredibly bullshit. Her melee combos never end or have very small small interval between combos. I swear to God. If one of them gets you, you will NEVER get away.

>> No.6880847

taetaes butthurt is so large...

>> No.6880897

Somewhere between beta and official release, something happened to the quality of these Cosmic Break threads.

>> No.6880930

Most of this thread isn't by /jp/ posters, I'm quite sure. I don't know what idiots were running telling people to come post here, but I wish they'd stop that.

Clearly too late in this case, though.

>> No.6881160

gathima is already in the game

>> No.6881171
File: 980 KB, 1280x720, 1282613953319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same person here

anyone still interested? will take offers.

>> No.6881180
File: 39 KB, 685x484, dotheimpossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll probably never see this.
32 RT here I come!

>> No.6881252

CS needs to implement rooms where you have to be at least a hexagon or higher. Tired of shitty players. Restrict them to rooms pentagon and lower.

>> No.6881255

New thread: >>6880850

>> No.6881267
File: 196 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110128_0000_34_578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dramaoff: Micro bazooka with 3 slots, suggestions?
