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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6874367 No.6874367 [Reply] [Original]

In case anyone is interested, Mangagamer is going to be selling hard copies of some of their games. For right now it looks like the only title will be Da Capo but it's got a few neat extras.


>> No.6874379

Well, they're finally doing something right, I guess.

Still, get out mg devs etc

>> No.6874393
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This is me giving a fuck.

>> No.6874397

MG can fuck off until they release Koihime Musou.

>> No.6874399

So Shameimaru Aya is my girlfriend was Kouryuu all along? well shit

>> No.6874419

sure lets rerelease old shitty game. money? who needs this shit?

>> No.6874426
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Nope. I wish I had a job and I wish I knew Japanese well enough to not have to rely on translations.

Just sharing the news. Don't consider this an endorsement.

Otome not really related because they're selling the wrong Da Capo.

>> No.6874466
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Yes, Mangagamer hates money. I don't know why. It's rather curious but they do indeed seem to have an aversion to it.

Yayoi is unrelated.

>> No.6875030

Now if only the Koihime Musou delay was because they decided to release hard copies.

>> No.6875113
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Doubtful. It says Hendane isn't interested in Koihime because of "the content and the voice issue". By content, I'm guessing it's the issue of little girl porn. I think they threw in the lack of voiceacting just to guilt-trip you into buying it to reach lol2000.

>> No.6875938

Well, what do you know... Looks like MG's actually gonna get some of my money.

>> No.6876997

Would the physical copies be without DRM? Because I'm still reluctant to buy things that require cracking in the end.

>> No.6877019

Why Da Capo? Why not something good, like KiraKira. I have a burning desire for a hard copy of that game. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

>> No.6877028

>a burning desire for a hard

>> No.6877045
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Stop that, both of you.

>> No.6877075

Now if only they did it for a game I don't hate.

Jokes aside, KiraKira has had physical copies on Hendane for a long while, they just eventually ran out of stock http://www.hendane.com/shop/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=2

>> No.6877088
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A limited edition run with neat little extras make me think they're trying to get the select few people who have already bought or pirated the digital version that want to own the real deal... so I don't think they'll bother. You never know, though. Mangagamer is kind of dumb, sometimes.


Da Capo is prettier, maybe? I don't know.
