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File: 517 KB, 640x480, newtouhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
686589 No.686589 [Reply] [Original]

So I just played this, my conclusion:
ZUN has lost his fucking mind

This may or may not be a good thing

>> No.686606

The face on that ghost is awesome.

>> No.686607


>> No.686604


>> No.686613

Reminds me that you should TAKE IT EASY!!!

>> No.686619

Anyone managed to get the 1280x960 mode working? I just get a 1280x960 window with a 640x480 subscreen at (0, 0).

>> No.686626

>>686619 (0, 0).
For a second I thought that was an emoticon.

>> No.686631

Any bets on final boss?

>> No.686637


Works fine for me..

>> No.686642

Giant mole loli.

>> No.686645

Why the fuck can't he just use the character art from SWR? Seriously, his art looks like shit.

>> No.686649

Yeah i get the same...

>> No.686656

ZUN has entered a chronic state of intoxication.

>> No.686658


>> No.686667

No one knows why.


>> No.686695


He admitted he was drunk during most of Imperishable Night's programming. Can't imagine what state he's in now.

>> No.686728

Sorry /jp/ I missed it last night. Where can I get the demo?

I already got SWR from /rs/, is it there too?

>> No.686735



>> No.686749


>> No.686777

The man has gone insane or genius, I can't tell which. Level 2's boss is so different from any other boss in the other games, I don't know what to make of it.

>> No.686867

is the only way to gain a life in this game is by beating the boss spell cards? If that is the only way then it is really fucked up.

Also reimu in youmu mode is just useless. what the use of getting the full power if you can only aim one side of the attack

>> No.686878

What the fuck is the deal with Reimu C? Its pretty, buts its completely crazy.

Marissa A is amazing. Eight levels? Fuck yeah.

>> No.686883

>you can only aim one side of the attack
>aim one side

with 4 you aren't stronger against a boss as with 3, but better against normal enemies.

>> No.686884

best thing about the game so far is the stage 2 music

>> No.686889

When will an /rs/ version show up?

>> No.686891

Yeah, it sets the perfect atmosphere to hate the level two boss, who looks like a noble reverse trap.

>> No.686900

Reimu C seems to be the best for me so far. It is the only one that I could hit the bosses with all the time and not run out of time. The ability to shoot a concentrated blast in any direction is definitely awesome.

>> No.686908
File: 179 KB, 640x480, 1211731758059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, but my money's on Yugi pulling an Alice and coming back as the Ex boss.

>> No.686922

Eight levels? is this confirmed? Does anyone here think that the difficulty has been raised like the older games? From the first three stages it sure does feels like it.

>> No.686954

For me I'm not sure it is harder so much as I am used to Reimu's homing amulets and I have not played a character that has the equivalent yet. Luckily I was able to get the hang of Reimu C pretty quick so I stopped running out of time on the bosses.

I think its just different and I'll probably master it in about the same time as MoF.

>> No.686966


>I am used to Reimu's homing amulet

>> No.686972

I just meant Marissa A has 8 power levels.

>> No.687008

Still on my way downloading, but I have a gut feel that an 8 power Level Marisa would be nerfed, considering that she could "bomb" twice as much as the rest. Kind of like Marisa having to reach Level 2 in order to be in par with the others having Level 1 shots.

>> No.687095

The only reason I admit it is to draw out fags like this.

>> No.687103

that's the whole point to it. its more like she gets to bomb every 0.5 of her power with a max of 4.

>> No.687116

Holy shit! Try holding one of the lower diagonals during the game and watch what happens.

>> No.687118


Getting a new asshole made for me on NORMAL MODO. Sorta odd as I can beat Ran on Extra. I agree?

>> No.687182

That's how I watched lunatic, because I was to bored to die.

>> No.687187

It works in the upper corners too!

What the fucking fuck was zun thinking with Nitori's bomb? No fucking way that's staying in the final version.

>> No.687215

Given the eastern European designs in the game, I figure ZUN has gone from beer to cheap vodka... straight up.

Stage 2's music is fuckin' pimp though.

>> No.687239

Why won't daemontools mount this .img file?

>> No.687257

I could mount it but after install it wouldn't work.

>> No.687271

>is the only way to gain a life in this game is by beating the boss spell cards? If that is the only way then it is really fucked up.
Come back after you've played Banshiryuu.

>> No.687311

It won't even show up in the folder when I try to mount it

>> No.687330

put the iso on your desktop (not the folder), and try then.

>> No.687346

It's a .img file

>> No.687368

Hardest Touhou game ever


>> No.687376

Use Reimu A. Easiest Touhou game ever

>> No.687385
File: 18 KB, 478x215, 1211736683491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this when trying to run th11.

>> No.687389


I only died once in my first play using Reimu A and I suck at danmaku.

>> No.687398


what the fuck

>> No.687400

Reimu A lacks her signature homing amulets

>> No.687413

where is my master spark!!

So how do you gain a life in this game? getting loads of score does not seem the right way of doing it

>> No.687421

gee i duno, maybe collect the heart looking items???

>> No.687424

I got that once when I tried to open 2 instances of it. Check your task manager and make sure there isn't one running silently and not doing anything.

>> No.687426

ZUN has lost his mind.

This is an awesome thing.

>> No.687420

What does Nitori's bomb do?

>> No.687434

NO, get the torrent and stop whining

>> No.687436


>> No.687437

Parsee is fucking me up on normal, but the music's great.

>> No.687440

Hardest in terms of plain old survivability? No.
Hardest in terms of No Miss/Max Grazing/Max Score attempt? Maybe.

All I could notice is the ridiculously weak Reimu'sMarisa's default shot and the ridiculously low amounts of power-ups from shooting them nameless fairies. Hell, you could even end up having MAX power at the end of Stage 1 in PCB under ideal conditions.

>> No.687441

If you don't like torrents, you can get it from Doujinstyle.

>> No.687447

It's an PCB-style border

>> No.687453

Dunno what that means.

>> No.687464

1CC'd (wow all the way through level 3) with 4 combinations on normal so far.

>> No.687466


wtf does that means?

>> No.687469

Every time you shoot down a certain set of health from bosses, they would drop out a purple hollowed star item. Collect five of them to obtain an extra life. Also it is known that the bosses will not drop that item if you failed a spell card.

>> No.687472

Was just very surprised by the amount of bullets so early in the game. But I've just beaten the gamr with Reimu A now.

>> No.687474



>> No.687481

Yamame's theme and the title theme are the best music tracks in the game

>> No.687501


crap, that sucks. Then that means that you have to be good at dodging to be able to obtain a life, but if you are good then you dont need the extra lives.

Zun has definitely lost his mind

>> No.687511

Didn't seem to be the problem.

Any other ideas?

>> No.687530

not really, extra lives will add up to your score and it is expected that you at least have no problems until stage 04, so you can rake in some extra lives while it is still easy

>> No.687597


the Cherry Border (from PCB). When activated, you will get a one-time invulnerability against bullets within a preset time limit. In the SA version of this border, when it reaches the expiry time or your hitbox bumps to a bullet, it will clear all the current bullets on screen. I don't know if it has any effect towards your score while activated, though. But it will surely make you facepalm when you panic-bomb, thinking that a bullet would hit you, only to find out that you managed to dodge it.

>> No.687652

Does hiding in a corner grant invulnerability?

>> No.687665

Level 1 felt like level 3 of some of the earlier touhous, that many bullits were flying about.

>> No.687667

amusingly yes

>> No.687668

Somehow, that question struck something in me ;_;

>> No.687671

If you don't get hit while using the barrier, you'll regain .5 Power.

>> No.687672

Stuff like this is in most arcade-style games, there’s a certain point in getting better at the game where you have an exponential gain. You’re good at dodging the early spell cards now, so you have an extra life for the later sections. This is good because it provides “you’re getting better” feedback.

At least he isn’t making you destroy a boss in the most suicidal way possible for them, damn you CAVE.

afaik if you activate it and don't hit anything before it expires, you also get some power back.

>> No.687679

This is ZUN's new way of letting you beat Lunatic, but you hardly gain points so yeah

>> No.687680


Can you cruise through the game by hiding in the corner all the time and waiting out the spellcards?

>> No.687687


Also, the All Clear remaining lives bonus score.

>> No.687690

Yeah but you won't get any score.

>> No.687698

This demo really felt like a collection of some of the most random shit ever. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I definitely would have liked to see more characters than just R&M again. Maybe Aya so that people would bawww on poolshmer about how she ruins everything.

At least the character portraits looked somewhat better than the kindergarten doodles in Mountain of Faith, even though Reimu and Marisa look a lot like their yukkuri versions at times. Level 2 and 3 bosses looked to be close to PCB/IN level.

Still I fucking wish he manned up enough to admit that he can't draw and let Tasogare or somebody do it.

>> No.687724

>Still I fucking wish he manned up enough to admit that he can't draw and let Tasogare or somebody do it.
I think he's well aware of his capabilities, besides Reimu's new face is priceless so just let him do his stuff

>> No.687727


>> No.687729

But that would be so boring. It wouldn't be the same without the weird artwork.

>> No.687733


Damn right it wouldn't be the same, it would be better.

>> No.687746


I'd be happy if he just managed to reach the PCB/IN level instead of falling back to EoSD grade.

>> No.687759


>> No.687771

Matchouli MULTIDIRECTIONAL DANMAKU bbqpwns everything

parsee lol homing lolrofl lame and easy just dance around her while changing colors and watch her (him?) bleed. thank god lunatic mode is quite diffficult.

>> No.687783

I really wonder what the devil is the point of the corner hiding invulnerability, game design wise. It seems almost like talking down to the player. "I know some you bitches ain't MAN enough to get through my game on your own, so here's a hidey-hole for all you pussies to have your period in." (Pulls out Tampax) "On the house."

>> No.687786

so whats the plot so far?
Images of the characters where?

>> No.687792

There's some kind of a mole girl who looks like she's wearing a barrel, a unicorn girl, and the level two twat who looks like she's paralyzed since she never changes her posture in the close-ups.

>> No.687799
File: 137 KB, 600x600, 1211741047401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just meant Marissa A has 8 power levels.

That's how Alice affects people.

Poor Alice, you might have friends if your power levels wern't so high. ;_;

>> No.687800


99% chance its just there for ZUN to test shit and he forgot to take it out, like MarisaBroken in MoF

>> No.687803
File: 157 KB, 1020x600, 1211741073186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't say anything about the quality.

>> No.687811
File: 96 KB, 500x684, 1211741157871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, though of course it's just a bug.

>> No.687824


Is that the story behind MariB? Makes sense.

Has he bothered to patch it away by now, by the way? The time you're about to release a new game would be a good point to have the previous one working right.

>> No.687867

they are going underground so the enemy must be satan this time

>> No.687876

any time you release a game is a good moment to just forget about the previous one

>> No.687886
File: 26 KB, 423x453, 1211741881055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I just thought you guys were being too critical of the art till I played it myself....

>> No.687891
File: 12 KB, 244x231, 1211741901001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.687897



>> No.687906


>> No.687908

meh, the art doesn't really bother me
I usually just skip the dialog anyway (even when translated)

>> No.687936

Even when translated I can't understand what the fuck they're talking about.
It's like they're using some code.
Or maybe it's just too DEEP.

>> No.687940

You have to drink to understand it.

>> No.687943

the ZUNICORN has an awesome face tough

>> No.687954


The translations aren't very good, you have to fill in a lot of blanks for it to make sense. Possibly hit your head against a wall a few times.

>> No.687973


Yeah, he's picked himself up a bit from MoF where all characters were horrible mutants. In SA, only about half of them seem to be.

Still, his "high" point was around PCB/IN, and that was still pretty low when compared to doujin games that have actual artists. StB might have been his best looking game, character-art-wise, but it only had Aya so it's debatable whether it counts.

>> No.687984

Zun art is zuuuuuuuuuuuuuun, I've grown fond of it.

>> No.688007

First time playing a Touhou game and I'm having a hard time on stage3 normal. How hard is SA compared to the earlier games ? Should I just play some earlier, easier game ? say PCB or smtg ?

>> No.688046

you just suck. I already did a pacifist run on lunatic

>> No.688049


If you compare only the first three stages then SA appears a bit more difficult. But usually it's stage 4 that punches you in the faces after three easy levels. PCB was a murder here, we'll see about SA later.

>> No.688051

Definitely harder. Not TOO much harder, but definitely harder. I'm interested in the full game now - historically, Touhou games get much harder on the 4th stage. Dunno whether that's going to happen with this or not.

>> No.688084

Oh well back to grinding normal moudo SA then

>> No.688088


oh u

>> No.688111


Imperishable Night is probably the easiest.

>> No.688130

i cant get the torrent to work for some reason any rapidshare links

>> No.688324


>> No.688365

had the same. just download a random torrent client and use that.

>> No.688379
File: 310 KB, 569x791, 1211747282369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.688380

I can't find a torrent anywhere for either SWR or the SA demo, am I just stupid?

>> No.688382


Hive mind.

>> No.688383


>> No.688387

Why does my shota have tits?

>> No.688390

I'm not seeing them anon

>> No.688670

Anyone find out what's special about Reimu B (Suika)? I picked it thinking it was going to be her typical PERSUASION NEEDLE, but it ended up being this ghosty thing. Funny thing is that I 1CCed Normal with it.

>> No.688676

Stop firing and you auto-collect.

>> No.688727

Why does Marisa have no lasers? And how come it seems there's no difference between Patchy's and Kappa's focused/unfocused shots?

>> No.688745


Alice has lasers

>> No.688749

Hit Shoot+Focus at the same time with Patchy. There are 5 different configurations for her options that you can cycle through. 1 for each of the Chinese/Japanese elements (fire, water, wood, metal (gold), and earth).

>> No.688804

Oh, that's pretty cool.

>> No.688911

I'm now see how homing amulets have spoiled me. I usually use them so I can focus on dodging but this game is forcing me to both dodge and shoot since there does not seem to be configuration with the same trade off this time.

I'm not complaining though.

>> No.688943


>> No.688952

Oh shiiiit. I did that once by accident and got very confused.

>> No.688964

Focus button is now all about slowing down and revealing your hitbox, nothing else. ZUN agreed, don't even bother him about it.

Gawd, PCB and IN has really spoiled us.

>> No.688980

Not as awesome music and graphics/atmosphere-wise as MoF, but I liked how ZUN expanded on his Gradius weapons in MoF even more.

Fuck yeah Marisa/Nitori force field

>> No.688998


right click -> run as Admin

>> No.688999
File: 362 KB, 600x400, 1211753380836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, destroyable kidney stones and rolling yinyang options.

>> No.689006

Where does it show my bombs? I never actually played MoF yet so I'm not used to these new kinds of bombs.

>> No.689012

Bombs are based on your power. Using a bomb drains 1 power level.

>> No.689014

What the hell, go play MoF before playing 11.

>> No.689015


>> No.689018

It don't, brah. You lose 1.00 power for every bomb. You can't bomb below 1.00 power.

>> No.689026

Yeah, I guess I should do that. I was going to wait til I could actually 1CC normal mode on PCB before I tried MoF but when SA came out I forgot about that completely and played SA

>> No.689035

Reika is the closest you're going to get

>> No.689081

Oh God what the fuck.

Also, I won't be able to play 'till Tuesday. Someone upload some screencaps.

>> No.689096


I'm uploading a video of a full run-through of Normal SA by me right now, I'll post it in 10-20 minutes when its done.

Warning: I suck badly.

>> No.689106


She can see into my soul anytime, if you know what I mean.

>> No.689111

Every time I sit down with Touhou I try to learn more about how to play thank you for the advice though.

>> No.689130


Rolling yin-yang option Raymoo is fucking overpowered

Her bomb grants like 3 seconds of god mode, AND clears the screen.

>> No.689177

And you can teleport from side to side.

>> No.689182


It's probably the first time we can actually use her special ability to its fullest though; her 'float above reality' trick.

>> No.689199

Alright, /jp/.
I'm just done downloading, installing and giving it a first spin. Time for a question: what's that gauge similar to a cellphone reception indicator for? Granted, I've still to get the hand of most of the new gameplay tweaks, but I can't seem to figure out any purpose for it, much less why the amount of bars highlighted increase or decrease.

>> No.689202

It never cleared the screen for me nor in any video's i've watched. The bullets are not effected at all.

>> No.689203
File: 82 KB, 400x300, 1211755230376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat that, Mega Crush!

>> No.689212

It seems to be indicative of how much each bonus item is worth, or rather, the value of the multiplier. To fill it up, I think you either kill, kill, kill or graze, graze, graze. One way to fill it up to max is to go to the item collect line.

>> No.689231


Raymoo and Marisa use it to communicate with their youkai allies on the surface.

>> No.689242

Does anyone else find Marisa being assisted by Nitori fucking awesome?

>> No.689261

Anyone being assisted by Nitori would be fucking awesome.

>> No.689268

Reimu A

>> No.689292

So anyone have played with Nitori yet?

>> No.689302

Huh, I didn't notice that before.

That's pretty useful.

>> No.689303
File: 119 KB, 503x468, 1211756111544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then that means....

Anyone being assisted by Alice...

...would not be awesome.

>> No.689310


>> No.689319


You forget that anyone being assisted by Alice is also being assisted by Shanghai.

>> No.689337
File: 9 KB, 300x242, 1211756446806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its obvious now nitori would work

>> No.689371

Shitty doll laser is shitty.

>> No.689562


I see. Therefore, I might as well pay no attention to it, right?

>> No.689572

Where the hell's the rapidshit for this game?

>> No.689633

Actually that's wrong

>> No.689636


>> No.689674
File: 39 KB, 642x513, 1211759189734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one fix this? I can hear sound and when I hit enter the menu pops up but I don't see anything.

>> No.689800


Dunno if one's up yet, but if you just want a direct download there's http://tarball.us/Subterranean_Animism.rar

So, is there a comprehensive list of all the abilities for each shot type? I had no idea about the auto-collect or Patchy stuff until a few minutes ago...man, I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

>> No.689858

bump for rapidshit

>> No.689854

Massive slowpoke here, but is my auto-focus option gone for good? It's irritating to have to use three buttons rather than two.

>> No.689863


>> No.689871


>> No.689870
File: 74 KB, 913x686, 1211760592632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me, or is this really fucking strong, even at low power?

>> No.689921

At high power its weak because 50% goes behind you.

Also Marisa A is the best. You know why? Because she gets the heart piece from a spellcard even if she bombs it.

>> No.689928

I got the same with ReimuB

No I don't play it because of homing.

>> No.689958

I like it that way because it's easier to aim when you have little room.

>> No.689965

Teleporting with Yukari is fucking awesome.

>> No.690036


Uh, how do you do this?

>> No.690040

Disregard that, may be true for more people (or everyone)

>> No.690069

If you're playing on Vista, it's probably a Vista problem. If you're playing on a boot camped iMac, then ditch the iMac and get a PC, the graphics cards fucks itself in Boot Camp. If neither of these, try updating your drivers and/or DirectX.

>> No.690075

Okay, since after reading this thread people still don't seem to know what is what, I'll help you out.


Yukari's special feature is that the options/orbs will cross over the to the other side of the screen. Basically, you're thinking with portals. If you move all the way to the left side of the screen, your orbs rotating around you will then show up on the right side of the screen.

When you stop firing with Suika, she auto collects all items on the screen no matter where you are.

With Aya you gain super high speed movement as long as you are not holding down the fire button. Just keep tapping the button and you will zoom all over the place. If you hold the button down, you will move normal speed.

Alice has nothing special to her other than she lets you use more spirit energy than the others. Marisa using Alice can get up to 8.00 power. Whereas everyone else only has 4.00 power

Patchouli allows you to change the arrangement of your options by typing Slow/Focus+Fire at the same time. Just tap it. Don't hold it down or else you'll just enter Focus mode.

>> No.690092

I am loving the changes. Stage 2 music is fucking awesome, the Russian loli with weird ears is one of the most unique boss fights ZUN has thrown at us in a while, and I shat my pants when the stage 3 boss STAYED ON SCREEN SHOOTING FUCKING LASERS after you beat her as a mid-boss.

It got me really god damn pumped up for the whole thing.

>> No.690111

>Yukari's special feature is that the options/orbs will cross over the to the other side of the screen. Basically, you're thinking with portals. If you move all the way to the left side of the screen, your orbs rotating around you will then show up on the right side of the screen.

If you could actually warp between screens yourself that would be so amazing.

>> No.690118

That's an option only for the DS version

>> No.690147


You can warp from one edge of the screen to the next, if that's what you mean. And it's awesome.


why u do dis ;_;

>> No.690221

>I shat my pants when the stage 3 boss STAYED ON SCREEN SHOOTING FUCKING LASERS

Same here. My tiny mind nearly collapsed in on itself.


>> No.690321

This is Reimu A we're talking about right? And no you can't...

>> No.690346

Marisa B hurts my eyes.

>> No.690352

The options around her can. And for simplicity sake it is ReimuA, yes. The youkai she uses is Yukari.

ReimuA - Yukari
ReimuB - Suika
ReimuC - Aya

MarisaA - Alice
MarisaB - Patchouli
MarisaC - Nitori

>> No.690360


Tap in that direction while at the edge of the screen, and make sure you're not firing.

>> No.690389


Hurr. I meant double-tap.

>> No.690395

Just tried this. OMG

>> No.690424

This is madness!

>> No.690466


It's fucking sweet, though wonder how useful it'll be in actual gameplay; there's a bit of a delay after you warp.

I was always weak against force-you-into-a-corner shit myself. Hopefully this'll be a good evasive maneuver against those cards.

>> No.690478
File: 9.00 MB, 2626x890, 1211765427214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.690503

Where are my scans?

>> No.690515


Holy shit.

>> No.690687

I'm so glad Graze is back. And in a big way.

-Grazing increases the multiplier next to the cell phone bars. .01 per 100 grazes.
-Grazing increases the bars on the cell phone bars too (.05 per bullet, though it drops very fast) If you graze a lot of bullets at once and raise the multiplier to >1.00, you'll auto-collect everything.
-There are lots of opportunities to graze. I got 600+ after stage 1 and ~2000 at the end of stage 3.

Supergrazing is gonna be awesome.

>> No.690738


Wonderful. ZUN made a GRINDAN GAEM

>> No.690755

Graze was always shit and useless

>> No.691036

Next game needs to make like Castle Shikigami and power up your shots while grazing.

>> No.691326


