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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 597 KB, 1100x688, 1295943163684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6864229 No.6864229 [Reply] [Original]

Naturally, I know about the assassins.

>> No.6864239

Is that an everyone is a loli mod?

>> No.6864263


They're standing right next to an old man. Get your shit together, Anon.

>> No.6864269
File: 390 KB, 800x800, 42cc878f8e9d70c8ba8e2e7edca60a8768d02136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This... wat
HOLY GRAIL of Oblivion mods.
Anyone have links? Guys?

>> No.6864268

Well, obviously Patrick Stewart would have immunity to such a mod.

>> No.6864271

>Naturally, I knows the assassins

Fixed that for you, OP.

>> No.6864314

This mod also takes the liberty of entirely replacing all of the game's black people and orcs with white and delightsome lolis. You can thank the author at a later date.

>> No.6864341

shit, why did i deleted oblivion and all my mods

>> No.6864385

>>Naturally, I knows the assassin

Fixed that again.

>> No.6864398
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>> No.6864417


And you're pretty flat, what of it?

>> No.6864419

You just reminded me that the Dark Brotherhood's Night mother was an old lady and not some hot daedra piece of ass.

I hope you burn.

>> No.6864420
File: 437 KB, 1400x1050, fo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Vegas has mods like that

>> No.6864436


Why don't you have a seat over there?

>> No.6864438

Loli mods are the only good thing about Bethesda games

>> No.6864440

This picture makes me feel sad

>> No.6864442

>hot piece of ass
on the Gamebryo engine?
boy were you deluding yourself

>> No.6864449
File: 390 KB, 1400x1050, fo78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a short LP thing of the game this way on tohno-chan somewhere

>> No.6864453

Sure have her face that way, so you can't see she has adult breasts.

>> No.6864455

I would thank the author after I knew where to get this mod

>> No.6864459

A GHOST old lady. And I agree, it was disappointing. At least Sithis is safe though, right?

>> No.6864460
File: 434 KB, 1400x1050, loli and rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really

>> No.6864462

It's also said that throw their games in a lake and then bathe in the water, all your injuries will go away.

>> No.6864467 [SPOILER] 
File: 549 KB, 1600x900, obliv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6864471

That mole rat is on it's period

>> No.6864473

All the mods I seen for it use the adult body type, they just make her shorter. She's still facing away from the camera, by the way.

>> No.6864476

she isn't in this one but that outfit might be hiding the boobs

>> No.6864482

the mod makes them more like anime 14 year olds than lolis. There's other mods that give them child bodies though

>> No.6864487

I hope Skyrim doesn't make modding a pain in the ass or something

>> No.6864491

But you assassinate the nightmother in Morrowind.
Does the title pass on to the next powerful female in the ranks or something?

>> No.6864502

You can't choose your race in it, I know that. I don't know if that matters though

>> No.6864507

I wouldn't believe anything Bethesda says about it before it comes out. You might get radiant AI'd.

>> No.6864508

>rakes carpet

>> No.6864514

A man in a world of lolis

>> No.6864522

Skyrim will be a mediocre at best game that is literally worthless without mods, just like every other game they've ever made

>> No.6864529

Screw you, morrowind was amazing.

>> No.6864538

I heard that there was a mod that makes oblivion basically a 3D Violated Heroine. Anyone know what that is?

>> No.6864689

I want an assassins creed mod where you play a loli

>> No.6864704


...in every department except for gameplay

>> No.6864706
File: 122 KB, 410x410, 1291354329335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has gotten decent lately, less Saten and more threads like this and Roman tsunderes.

Anyway, if anyone knows where I can find the mod, that would be great.

Even with the mods I have that make people look better, they still look hideous.

>> No.6864717


>> No.6864747
File: 4 KB, 126x126, morrowind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, man.

If you have a attention span larger than a gerbils, the combat is fine and the other aspects of gameplay amazing.

Keep an eye on this blog.

>> No.6864751

What mods are these and where can I download them?

>> No.6864756


>> No.6864764

i enjoyed travelling and the world in morrowind, but fuck the combat system was horrible and being a slow ass on the road was a pain, i always end up taking the steed sign, it was the first time i liked to be a mage

>> No.6864767


morrowind was a great game don't get me wrong but lets not dive into fanboyism here

>> No.6864782

The combat system was fine. It's just that you chose a mage and expected to be able to use a war hammer effectively when you had no skill in hammers. They could have done the dice rolling system better, like KOTOR, but it wasn't horrible by any stretch of the means.

>> No.6864794

I want a Sci-fi game like this. Just totally open ended space shit, preferably as a loli

>> No.6864805 [SPOILER] 
File: 910 KB, 1440x900, m9lxz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6864823

It's a lot better if you use the Boots of Blinding Speed. Just try to get a large amount of magic resistance (temporary is fine) before equipping, then turn up gamma. If you can get 100%, even better. IIRC there's a very nice heavy armor in one of the Telvanni towers that gives 60% magic resistance, constant effect. Once wearing the boots, if the magic resistance goes away you still keep your vision.

>> No.6864824

Fallout is of Sci-Fi to an extent.

>> No.6864839

Fallout doesn't feel very SciFi, in my opinion.

Also, while we're talking about Oblivion, has anyone figured out a way to play a good warrior-type character? I just can't bring myself to stick to melee characters very long, when spells hit far harder and can be shot from absurd range.

>> No.6864850
File: 49 KB, 447x526, wizardknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spellsword, man.

>> No.6864861

See that's my problem though. I feel like spells are so much more powerful than melee that I'd only ever use the sword part to occasionally parry attacks. If possible I'd like to be able to play a straight two-hand sword wielding fighter, with my only magic usage being the occasional heal. But when I try doing such a setup I feel so weak.

>> No.6864857


>> No.6864878

You need a fucking huge enchantment on your blade. Later on in the game enchantments do like 80% of the damage, also you need mysticism at 25 or prepare for a lesson in frustration.

>> No.6864879
File: 9 KB, 350x228, strangelove1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll use it plenty, man.

Look at Dremora, they're spellswords and they can break your face pretty well.

Block, Counter and Blast.

>> No.6864886

>Also, while we're talking about Oblivion, has anyone figured out a way to play a good warrior-type character? I just can't bring myself to stick to melee characters very long, when spells hit far harder and can be shot from absurd range.

Easy, don't advance in level at all.

>> No.6864894

do a warrior with enough mp to heal, i made a stealth character with a race naturally specialized in magic and once, i was out of arrows and i was against a skeleton hero, i never used a blade before(like, 10pts in blade for a level 20), so i fought the skeleton with magic shield and large heal, my character had a lot of mp and a fast magicka regen, i killed the skeleton after 10 minute and i gained more than 6 pts for blade and light armor skill, try magic skill with your fighter (restoration, alteration) except if your race is retarded about magic

>> No.6864895

the only way to play is a stealth character with bows, get it to 80 and you can shoot an enemy from behind/the shadows constantly for crits... unless they get too close and spot you

>> No.6864907

Vanilla Oblivion is fucking retarded. You either need to be a destruction mage (easiest) or a soul gem burning warrior (annoying). Just try to use marksman effectively at high level.

>> No.6864909

What are some good touhou and loli mods for Oblivion?

>> No.6864919

stealth overhaul make it more efficient (or the A.I too retarded) i can do 3 sneak attack without being seen at all, but i find the A.I pretty retarded with this mod, i was sneaking in front of a bandit (1 meter at least) and he wasn't able to see me

>> No.6864916
File: 27 KB, 215x203, 1292445040006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is denying it, man.

OOO and other mods/patches are a necessity.

>> No.6864926
File: 234 KB, 1024x768, 1290245360591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know of any.

Ask /v/, Bethseda=Lolis for them outside of Morrowind.

Fappan gaems.

>> No.6864930

for some touhou stuff, for loli mod you can type lop ears elf on google or download the mod on the website

>> No.6864936

Your loli will never be able to wear any kind of headwear (or certain hairstyles) without it clipping horribly.. ;_;

>> No.6864937

... or be a perma-level 1 fighter, like I said.

>> No.6865010


high end stealth and bows is great... as long as there are shadows

>> No.6865050

>/jp/ has gotten decent lately,

Not really, this is off-topic and /v/ material.
But /jp/ won't admit it, since we hate /v/ and /a/.

>> No.6865138
File: 176 KB, 1024x768, 1295750425333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use weakness to elemental/magic enchantments
Also vanilla Oblivion combat was horrible and magic quickly outpaced melee since there were no reliable melee counters to magic.

The worst part about Skyrim is that I know Bethesda will never make a game with as much potential as Oblivion ever again, so we'll be stuck with inferior and uncreative rehashes from now on, and I'm sure at some point we'll lose the ability to create custom mods as well.

>> No.6865152

>I'm sure at some point we'll lose the ability to create custom mods as well.

As if they'd do something so dumb.
