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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6855117 No.6855117 [Reply] [Original]

Time for the eroge/VN thread.
Continued from: >>6812289 as it hit the bump limit.
You know the drill:
What are you reading? What did you last read? What are you expecting? Etc...

Also the 2ch top eroge poll results:
1 Subarashiki hibi 234
2 Tasogare no Shinsemia 176
3 Ikusa Megami VERITA 167
4 Noble☆Works 133
5 Real Imouto ga Iru Ooizumi-kun no Baai 110
6 Hoshieora no MemoriaEternal Heart 109
7 Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu Fan Disc -Asu no Mukou ni Mieru Kaze-- 85
8 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 76
9 Shiei no Sona-Nyl -What a beautiful memories- 67
10 Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru ~Futari no Elder~ 63
11 Kimi no Nagori wa Shizuka ni Yurete 58
12 Akatoki! -Yume Koso Masare Koi no Mahou-- 56
13 Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete56
14 Amatsu Misora ni!! 59
15 Koiiro Soramoyou 60 45
15 Kicking Horse Rhapsody 64
15 Saishuu Chikan Densha 3 47
18 Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai~AfterStory~ 42
19 Acchi Muite Koi 45
20 Evolimit 40

>> No.6855126
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>2 Tasogare no Shinsemilla 176

>> No.6855134
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Reading 化石の歌. Surprisingly cool game so far.

>> No.6855149

Is that the first âge work?

>> No.6855157

No, the original version of 君がいた季節 is older. This one's from January 2000. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with the "âge universe" from Kiminozo, Muv-luv etc.

>> No.6855173

>Aki being a mix of Kou's and Seira's DNA
That's not a clone then. Again, this is applying the real definition of clone.

>> No.6855176

Okay, since you isnist I'll give it a try

>> No.6855190

>8 WHITE ALBUM2 ~introductory chapter~ 76
Oh come on. It wasn't that good.

>> No.6855206

>4 Noble☆Works 133

This pleases me.

>> No.6855208

>white album
no, really?

>> No.6855214

that's how I remember it was explained, and I think it was because that small tinkering from Seira that Aki was not compatible as connector. Altough I really need to replay it and get my facts straight.

Don't feel bad tough if you drop it at some point. It isn't for everyone (I'm bit of hardcore deviant, so it might ahve made it for me easier). And to fully enjoy and understand the plot yoyu still need to see some disturbing shit. But overally I found it pretty nice read, people have too much pre-judice against it, hell it's even in my top10. But if you don't like horror and are to fluffy happy stuff, then definately it isn't for you.

>> No.6855215

You are looking too hard for plot holes, everything you mentioned there is explained or easily understandable.
Aki was considered as a clone because Seira conceived her as a fake connector. People had to believe she was a 1/1 clone of Kou's mother. Truthfully she is more like a science baby of Kou's mother and Seira.
For Kou's memories of his mother, he remember her, but he was just a kid it's normal his memories aren't that vivid. And he met Aki as a kid as well, he was basically used to her looks. Also she is supposed to be a cousin and their personalities are very different..

>> No.6855236

oh thanks of reminding of that bit. had completely forgotten that the clone business was about Seira trolling Gregory.

>> No.6855245

>What are you reading?
Rewrite trial. I thought /jp/ was just hating on R07 because of Umineko but god damn, Lucia's scenes really stand out like a sore thumb. Akane is awesome though, I wonder if golden eyes have some special meaning since Shizuru also has one and she covers it.
>What did you last read?
Sekai de ichiban dame na koi. Pretty great, one of the few games where I loved all the heroines. Main character was really nice to follow, story was interesting, ero heartwarming and endings satisfying. Couldn't really ask for more.
>What are you expecting?
Nothing in particular this month. May check out AQUA depending on how it's received or that yakuza game, delicious kansaiben must(ry

>> No.6855273

yeah, the style changes are pretty noticeable in Rewrite. I never really have paid attention to possible style shifts, but in Rewrites case they were pretty noticable most of the time and first time I paid any attention to them. Shizure scenes felt Key like, while everything else felt like Romeo, I probably don't need mention Lucias case. the writer change is most noticeable in humor scenes, as each of the 3 writers have their own senses in them.

>> No.6855282

>You are looking too hard for plot holes
You might be right. I have to cut the game some slack, the plot is extremely convoluted and it's a nearly impossible task to close everything perfectly. A few deus ex machina and forced plot devices are expected.

>> No.6855304
File: 436 KB, 921x669, buノーコa_幽霊_sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Axanael didn't even make it to top 20 makes me sad. Sure, it's far from being the best Nitroplus title, but surely it's better than some of those other titles. Maybe it's because it was released at the end of 2010, so people didn't have enough time to evaluate it properly.

>> No.6855322

It's probably because Noble Works pretty much overwhelmed every december release that went up against it, even Sekaijo didn't make it and it's far from being a bad game.

>> No.6855331

well Noble☆Works was released even later and it made to no.4. So I doubt that was the reason.

>> No.6855416 [SPOILER] 
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Probably because Axanael wasn't really that good. Although I will concede and say that Noco was waifu material.

>> No.6855420

I think Sekaijo's art made it lose a few points.

>> No.6855425

No doubt.

>> No.6855551

I remember this, it was pretty great.
There is a lot of titles released in the 2000-2004 period that seem crappy at first glance and with low ratings in egs I ended up loving

>> No.6855886

Is it really that good? From what I read about it before it was released, it seemed pretty average.

>> No.6855930

Let's put it like this, it's as entry-level as it gets, but what it tries to do it does really well (all the characters are pretty cute and charming, sprite change mid-sentence, protagonist is mostly alright and not the average indecisive fuck, routes have your average obstacles the protagonist has to overcome but are really heartwarming, etc)
It really hasn't any really glaring faults besides being of one particular genre, I don't know if you get what I mean.

>> No.6856092
File: 706 KB, 799x597, tropical kiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally pushed through Princess Bride by holding down the ctrl key. That means I kinda finished it. Not a fun VN.

Now I'm playing Tropical Kiss. It'll be worthless but cute.

>> No.6856119
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Oh my god, little sister adorable

>> No.6856475

So basically, it avoids trying to do anything too ambitious, and instead it takes simple formulas that work and improves on them?

>> No.6856528

Somehow managed to finish all December releases I wanted to play (Hello Good-bye, Axanael, Noble Works, Hatsukoi Sacrament, Umineko ep 8, Sekaijo). All were good read but nothing outstanding so I'm surprised to see Noble Works that high in that poll.
Now moving onto Tenshi no Inai 12-gatsu and Real Imouto, both are short so I should finish this before January releases.

>> No.6856681

Dear lord the MC desperately wants to bone his sister. The only thing preventing him from doing so is saying she needs to age another 10 years. I don't think she's winable in any way though because she doesn't appear in the opening credits or on the official site.

Meh. Probably for the best, she's a bit young.

>> No.6856826

None of these erogame available in English yet, right?

>> No.6856855

nope, and probably never will be.

>> No.6857716
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So I start playing Hitomi My Stepsister, looking forward towards Milf-and Pseudo-incest action nakige


>> No.6857722


Come on, you have a flowchart in the game!
It was pretty easy to guess that route was going to lead to Bad Ends.

>> No.6857746

I knew that one of the choices would lead an end. I just didn't expect Takahiro and Hitomi to meet Mr. Knife

>> No.6857786 [SPOILER] 
File: 128 KB, 590x724, whatwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I wondered how Yoko's good end would work, if her bad ends were messed up.

So Hitomi regresses to a four year old who lacks toilet training. The dad's left, so Takahiro gets Yoko, with Hitomi on the side. Of course, he feels that the entire situation is a giant mess but is afraid to do anything because otherwise Yoko will Yandere-murder him.

What the fuck.

>> No.6857820


Its kinda of a give away, then again you played it first.

You should play schoolmate route and see both endings, its the best route.

>> No.6857959

I have such a huge backlog of VNs I want to read. Finishing up Axanael (yes its not the greatest ever but it is entertaining), after that I'm not sure. Maybe I will look into some of the stuff in that list up there.

Also, what do you guys watch/read to find out about eroge that are coming out/just released/etc? I was thinking about just seeing what has been uploaded to PD recently and researching from there but if there is a much better way I would be interested.

>> No.6858102

For what's going to be released, I often listen what other people talk about and check trial to find out what's worthy to note. As for when stuff get's released, one I prefer to use is getchus monthly release calendar (http://www.getchu.com/all/month_title.html?LIST_GENRE=0)), it nicely shows what gets released each month and is simple/fast to understand.

And if you are looking at that list up there, atleast top3 is quality stuff there, I also can vouch UshiMirai being good, atleast if you like the themes it explores.

>> No.6858115

Hey thanks a lot. Time to get reading I spose.

>> No.6858468

erogmap has a list of titles released within a week or month with links to the erogamescape pages, official site, company site, and every blog entry ever that mentions the game, it's pretty useful for information on upcoming titles.
As for info on brand new title announcements, I just follow a couple of bloggers who update regularly and a dozen or so of developers twitter accounts. There was also a pretty big site for eroge rss but I never learned how to use it properly and forgot the url.

>> No.6859053


>> No.6859084

Anyone has that link to the video with the VN releases for the next few months?
There were afew I was interested in, but I can't remember the titles for shit.

>> No.6859091

this one? new one is usually made at begining of each month

>> No.6859092 [DELETED] 

this is just january, but he's making them every month, just wait for the rest

>> No.6859105

I think that was the one... though I think I watched another that included march/april releases (more like future relesases for the first quarter of the year)

>> No.6859119

I haven't seen such one, and there really wouldn't be much point in making one as not all releases from march/april have had their OPs released, hell not all what will be released are out yet considering the ammount that has release date then which is pretty low, so no doubt that more will be announced (or companies are relucant to release stuff then due to august, alicesoft, eushully releasing their big hitters then).

>> No.6859121

Things get delayed so often that I wouldn't think anything more than monthly is worth having. There are also a couple blogs that provide a decent wrapup of all the titles every month that I pay attention to.

>> No.6859196
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dropped. I don't want to see some guy mooning over his little sister, admit to the girls around him that he's a siscon, kep telling himself how he just can't wait for her to grow up so he can have sex with her, and make her unwinable.

That's just damned annoying.

Now downloading Angel Ring simply because I know there's an incest route. YOU DROVE ME TO THIS TROPICAL KISS!

>> No.6859207

Actually .... how do you guys like Real Imouto? I see it's highly rated. Someone was going to play it I see.

>> No.6859215


No imouto route is the greatest crime in eroge

>> No.6859220

Not everyone likes incest.

>> No.6859244

Dropped it after 30 min.

>> No.6859258

Imouto mani--.. I mean Takajun just recently reviewed it. http://yandere.gray7.com/?p=1170
definately it doesn't have bias at all

>> No.6859259

Well that sucks, what happened?

I'm cool with no imouto route in most VNs I read but don't go out of your goddamn way to set up a guy with his sister and NOT PUT OUT. That's just mean.

>> No.6859266

No Axanael? I know Japan has bad taste but it cannot be this bad. Two of the top ten are fandiscs, while two are franchise extensions. Sure Axanael wasn't a strong nitro+ title but not make the lower 30?


>> No.6859340

>Average game doesn't make top 30, they must have bad taste

>> No.6859366

The FD of Ruitomo was amazing, heck I would say the second half is better than anything in the main game.
And the FD of Hoshizora had plenty of Mare and Yume automatically making it high tier.

Axanael doesn't compare.

>> No.6859373

butthurt Nitro+ fanboy detected. Not everything they produce are shining masterpieces like some of you seem to believe

>> No.6859384

But it is a fandisc, not even an all new title. Of course the fans will more likely vote for it. But then again, opinions.

I actually like the past year more because most of the eroge listed were new titles. This year was a year for fandiscs. 2010 is indeed weak for eroge.

>> No.6859388

Yeah, while Axanael wasn't bad I can't think of a single thing it did better than the other games (characters, art, direction, text...).
Add to that a late release and you have a recipe for forgettableness. I don't see why people are so hung about it.

>> No.6859392

Just finished Steins;Gate. Absolutely loved the true ending, where everything comes together in such an awesome way.

Next I'll be moving through more of my backlog and playing Baldr Sky.

>> No.6859539
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Nekonade Distortion's trial had me wanting more of it by the very end. For something that at first glance didn't look that appealing, it was surprisingly engrossing. I'm still undecided on whether I think 'Kotoko' is eerie "oh, don't mind me, I'm just coming back from the dead" or not with her nonchalant way of going along with the obviously fucked up situation that has happened to the family. Agreed with the anon in the previous thread who said that it was SubaHibi lite.

Has anyone else given the trial a spin?

>> No.6859600

Yeah, though I pretty much had the same "oh wow this is so bizarre I want to read more" reaction. I don't know what else to say, besides that I'm slightly wary about having your cat and your mother as heroines. It's easy to slip into plain bad taste when dealing with things like that..

>> No.6859776

Thanks for the link to erogmap. It looks pretty good so far. Especially since it covers releases for psp and whatnot. I was amused by their "all foreigners get out! (but if you know Japanese, you're cool)" front page.

>> No.6859925

>I don't see why people are so hung about it.
Because it's the only proper Nitroplus release of 2010, and people want to believe that they didn't wait for 14 FUCKING MONTHS for nothing. That includes me, and honestly, I'm liking Axanael a lot, especially for its storytelling and experimenting with the genre. Its language is also pretty simple, so I'm sure I will be recommending it to anyone who's looking for an easy VN to read.

>> No.6860038
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New Himawari?
On blank-note site

>> No.6860136

Cosmos story please

>> No.6860138
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A pair of stalker Yandere twins? One that breaks into my bathroom while I'm taking a bath to brandish a knife and ask me to go out with her?


>> No.6860160

I'm really interested on reading it, the OP was really awesome. Do you guys think someone will pull out a hook code to make things easier for the shit tier readers like me?

>> No.6860215
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Now I've been bound by her twin sister, blindfolded, gagged with her panties and being raped. This is the best eroge ever!

>> No.6860218
File: 31 KB, 320x240, tenina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Tenshi no Inai 12-gatsu, way shorter and way worse than expected. God damn it, I never hated main heroine as much as here. No matter what route you choose, she's there and whine how poor she is. It's first time I was so irritated playing eroge.

>> No.6860229
File: 240 KB, 800x600, daikon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that game is cute.

>> No.6860230

Why does Squid Girl have two right hands in that reaction image?

>> No.6860475

About to finally start up my first eroge in Japanese. So far, the plan is to use AGTH+Rikaichan for anything I get stuck at, but I'm wondering if there's any tips or anything I should follow.

>> No.6860478

What are you going to read?

>> No.6860487

And people still wait for a translation.

>> No.6860489

whining about it in this thread is not going to accomplish much, considering the average poster

>> No.6860491

An anon recommended that I try out the Sonohana series for practice, and since I've already read the first one (albeit in English), I'm gonna give Watashi no Ouji-sama a shot. Start off nice and simple.

>> No.6860496

Yeah, good choice, do try shuffle too, pretty simplistic and axanael if you feel like improving your listening skills.
But try to figure our the word instead of just using the dictionary, there's no use if you just copypaste the translation if you want to learn.

>> No.6860513

You're making me want to start reading in japanese as well, but considering I only just under 600 kanji, I doubt I'd get that far.

>> No.6860569

Godspeed to you Anonymous. Hopefully one day I can follow down the same path, as just finished writing down another lesson after two hours of studying.

Mind you if I ask you for how many time you've been studying now?

>> No.6860572
File: 923 KB, 800x600, fire eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that game is short as hell. I was disappointed that the twins agreed to step aside for each other. I was more hoping for trying to not get killed while two crazy twins took turns trying to rape me. Instead I got one twin that raped me and another that said it's ok so long as I chose her now then they agree they'll lay off once you chose.

Still, they're crazy even when you get them pregnant. I wonder if there's a harem end? There were only two choices in the game so it's doubtful.

>> No.6860574

Could anyone answer this, please?

>> No.6860577

Well, I'd assume so.

>> No.6860583

Probably, if it gets requested on hongfire or it's easy enough to find out. IT might even not require one at all for all we know. Asking that before the actual game comes out is a bit pointless.

>> No.6860586

One year of proper studying, plus countless years of watching subbed anime and the like (which helps a lot, believe it or not).

>> No.6860591

You don't need one.
Just create a shortcut of the exe and write something like
C:\agth.exe /C /KF
The first part should be the location of your agth.and by the way, it hooks your lines doubled. For example
But there's little confusion.

>> No.6860604

Just a year of studying? I'd expect it to take longer than that to reach a level where you're reading full eroge in Japanese.

>> No.6860615

You're right, it was a silly question.

Thanks a bunch guys.

So one year huh? I'm on my second month, almost finishing the advanced grammar on Tae Kim's guide, so hopefully I'll be able to be on your level by December.

>> No.6861140

Best piece of advice I can give is that, if things are progressing slowly, don't feel bad and give up. It's your first time reading a significant amount of text in the language, so of course you won't be used to it. That's how it was for me, and I assume that's how it was for everyone here as well; you'll start off slow, and it might stay that way for the first few eroge that you read, but if you keep it up you'll gradually notice your speed picking up bit by bit.

>> No.6861208

>10 Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru ~Futari no Elder~ 63

Why will I never be able to play you..

>> No.6861527

If anyone's looking for an easy game to practice Japanese with, I recommend Hanahira. The language is really simple and it has a loli tsundere voiced by Kitamura Eri. (No H-scenes though.)

>> No.6861621

>look at top games on poll
> no 信天翁航海録
>nihonjin confirmed for shit taste

>> No.6861646
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it didn't even make the top 20.;_;

>> No.6861675

That's because it was kinda bad.

>> No.6862091
File: 492 KB, 809x634, baldrsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Baldr Sky. So far so good. I'm hoping all the individual stories somehow converge and come together in Sora's route.

Can someone explain to me what "search dash" and "normal dash" are? Also, what are some basic strategies and weapons I should aim to upgrade?

>> No.6862106

I'd recommend you make a separate save every time you get seemingly important information. It will help you when you're trying to connect all the dots.

Dash == Move, press arrows
Search Dash == Using booster (D button, shift)

>> No.6862116
File: 1.28 MB, 1437x810, axanael10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever get to see what the rest of his shirt says?

>> No.6862164

eroge everyday

>> No.6862197

>It will help you when you're trying to connect all the dots.

Does the story get completely convoluted later or something?

>> No.6862235

He's just scaring you or something. Personaly I didn't it hard at all to follow the story as it builds on itself. Stuff you learn in earlier routes still apply to later routes and expand on their meaning, so you dont forget the important points. it builds nicely, and just remember to pay attention to seemingly important bits. There's just craploads of foreshadowing and red-herrings thrown about that might sometime make you wonder which is true and which is not, but you should understand whats true and whats not well in the end. There's just one bit which might make you confused but thats at the very end. And if you need to check something in the game there's always the scene jump you get once you finish the game so it's easy to jump to any point to in game and confirm.

Also enjoy one of the best eroges ever (my opinion), if you need help just ask here, I'm around to help.

>> No.6862278
File: 978 KB, 1600x1200, bs_12_1600x1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't find it hard...
damn typos and sorry for bad english just woke up and brains are not working correctly yet.

oh yeas forgot to mention that Sora is mai waifu so hands off.

>> No.6862340

Yes, at least in my experience. You'll be getting bombarded with just little bits and pieces of unconnected information and situations where you don't even have the slightest idea of what's going on.

That's why I'd recommend you to save whenever you think you've gotten a good piece of information, even if it turn out to be a red herring later.

I'm not scaring him. Just voicing my opinion.

Oh and talking about this I remembered something. Who was the Sora who used to watch Kou from afar in the school days?

>> No.6862374

Since this is a VN thread, can you guys help me decide which VN to read first? I'm having trouble deciding between YMK (inb4 babby first VN), G-String, and Aoi Shiro.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.6862396
File: 1.28 MB, 1600x1200, bs_03_1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess each one have their own way of doing things. I just think that it connects the all the dots pretty well in the end and it refereshes your memory on the most important bits pretty often as they are almost always on the spotlight and being expanded on.

and that spoiler, world-0/6 Sora&Kou who are "dreaming" and watching over the various worlds.

I probably would go with G-senjou, YMK is good too altough I didn't like it.

>> No.6862407
File: 1.22 MB, 1275x720, himekoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characters are only sometimes animated. No older sister, no younger sister, no mother routes. What happened Swaneye? You used to be cool.

>> No.6862525

しる☆シルっ!! ~潮吹きお嬢様はHすぎますっ~ was great Swan game in my opinion. I really liked the 'femdom-ish' routes and was pleasantly surprised about how many animations it's using.

>> No.6862669

I remember that one, it's an older one but I played it 2 years ago I think.

I got Himekoi because I'm looking for one like Haramin, Harakano, and Harachuchu. You know, their blood related mother/sister impregnation games that I thought they would keep making. This one was disappointing.

I just hope they didn't fall victim to that stupid no rape/incest rule the eroge companies decided on last year.

>> No.6862682

Nothing because my Windows partition is fucked over, my laptop doesn't work, and I now have to rely on my 10gb Linux partition which I finally managed to make work with my retarded network problems (disconnect, reconnect, disconnect, reconnect... disconnect... reconnect... disconnect...).

Also, I'm disheartened, in general, by VNs and more plot-ish eroge because no matter what, I won't really be able to read it in it's natural language until I've managed to actually take my studying of the Japanese language more seriously (and actually find a course or something for it in my area that I can somehow take and learn without having it interfere with my use of Kanjidicks and hate for useless crap like stroke order, and even then, I won't be able to read at such a level for *at least* 4years, and well, that alone I might be able to put it aside somewhat if not for the fact that translations are hard to come by and most translations are done by fans who don't understand that in order for it to be good and worthwhile, you can't just try to translate all the Japanese perfectly and leave it at that, you have to fucking write.

You have to do far more than any random group of idiot fan translators can do (and who are probably trolling you any way)...
besides just understanding the intentions of the author, you also have to find some sort of tandem between their styles and your style. You have to do a lot of brainwork with translation and I don't want to try and go through the trouble of having to find, download and set-up rare, pirated, foreign software just to read through someone taking a huge shit over the original author without me necessarily knowing and possibly ruining any chance of liking it as best I could if I hadn't already read it with the bullshit translation...
I wish I wasn't such a prick /jp/. It would be so much easier to just be an indiscriminate, predictable, corporate manipulatable weaboo freak than a picky douchebag like me. Sigh...

>> No.6862720

I barely know Japanese. I know shit like IKU, KIMOCHI II, and DAME!

I still play Japanese eroge because I use AGTH and Rikaichan. I do pretty good.

>> No.6862730

>Went into S route
>Got yandere waifu
Everything went better than expected

>> No.6862782

If you want to know japanese just to play eroge - Fuck kanji and learn words, then use agth with some program that convert you kanji to hiragana or romaji.

>> No.6862798

Reading / Playing :Noble works, Tenshin Ranman PSP (masochist goddess route).
Expecting : Mashiroiro symphony PSP.

>> No.6862920

I was away from /jp/ for a couple months and I kinda forgot, but 世界征服彼女 came out last month right? Was it any good, worth grabbing?

>> No.6863005

It's pretty good, nothing groundbreaking, but genuinely funny. The script flows nicely and never really drags on, characters are interesting, art is really bad at times.
Also all the heroines' routes more or less are connected with the main heroine, and the true ending is her's, so if you don't like Yumeko the game might not be for you.

tl;dr pretty good love comedy, don't expect oretsuba

>> No.6863095

Yes, you do. It says "I love AHB".

>> No.6863252
File: 275 KB, 800x756, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No mention of Flyable CandyHeart, huh?

I'm tentatively excited. On the upside, more FH+more Noizi Itou is always a win. Megumi and Dendou now gettable + Nanatsuiro Drops/Alice Parade/Peace@Pieces cameos.

On the downside, this is gonna be the third game in the series in less than three years, and something about that preview art feels off to me...


>> No.6863328

I started dislikling Noizi Ito after noticing his sameface syndrome.

>> No.6863333

I'm at chapter 8 of Chinatsu's route.
WIll she stop behaving like a bitch at some point?
She hasn't appeared much in most of the route and when she has i couldn't stand her.

>> No.6863334

... another fandisc?
Hope they don't turn into another Circus.

>> No.6863336


>> No.6863337

Circus has reelased a fandisk both in december and january.
you can't possibly milk more a franchise.

>> No.6863343

Do forgive me, her.
There's something about the name it always makes me type with male pronouns.

>> No.6863349

Kiminago wasn't a fandisc though?

>> No.6863353

how many da capo related games aare there already?

>> No.6863366

unfortunately no, well she'll mellow a bit later, but still bitch. In my opinion the worst character and route. Best parts of her route is the bar fight, bad end and the insert song fight at the end.

>> No.6863369

Oh well, I'll try.
She's the only obstacle left fro Aki's route.
I want to fuck her hair.

>> No.6863373

Fuck Chinatsu

Sora > Rain > Makoto > Aki > Nanoha > Chinatsu

>> No.6863375

Chinatsu has one of the best end game, it was awesome

>> No.6863395

Twenty or so, with more to come after Da Capo 3.

>> No.6863406

yes, it's that routes biggest saving grace is the ending parts.
It still isn't the best ones tough

>> No.6863409

Are they actually making Da Capo 3?

>> No.6863413

You doubted it?
Also cue anime project two months after the release.

>> No.6863414

I hate Kou on Chinatu's route so much I started laughing on the bad end. He get what he deserved.

>> No.6863418

They seem to have built a fanbase faithful enough to buy games just because of the Da Capo name and be actually satisfied with them. Considering the unpredictability of the eroge market I'd say they're doing a smart move as a company.

>> No.6863438

The biggest saving grace of that route are the Rain and Chinatsu cat fights, imoimo

>> No.6863756

Was pretty close though. If I'd bothered voting, chances are it would've been the 20th.

>> No.6863764

Honestly most games in the top 20 are pretty good.
Some surprisingly so like Ataoki

>> No.6863767

Albatross could be a pain to read.
I should finish it some day, but it gives me headaches.

>> No.6864296

Okay, just finished chapter 10 of Chinatsu's route and has been revealed she's a cyborg, I didn't understand well if she was a complete one or just partially

>> No.6864426
File: 378 KB, 800x600, 0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was that only thing that remained of her was her brains and spine, everything else is a cyborg.

Also this whole scene is the best scene in Chinatsus route.

>> No.6864445

girl in vest and necktie?
I may have to bump this higher on my backlog

>> No.6864450


Normal end is best end, considering the whole picture.

>> No.6864456

Insert songs and the last fight in the bad end are the best parts of the route

>> No.6864461

okay, you are right, but that definately was the best comedy scene in that route.

>> No.6864513
File: 149 KB, 515x385, rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, I'll drink to that.

Chinatsu route was more of a lesser Rain route for me than anything else. The parts with Rain were my favorite.

>> No.6864624
File: 381 KB, 800x600, rain12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that most people pretty much agree on that.

>> No.6864626


Just started reading the FH now

hope it's すごい!!!

>> No.6865212

I pretty much liked all the girls in Baldr Sky, save Aki. Chinatsu's route wasn't bad.

>> No.6865460 [DELETED] 

>I barely know Japanese. I know shit like IKU, KIMOCHI II, and DAME!
Alright, I said that wrong when I mentioned eroge...
Let's just pretend I said 'VNs' alone.

I have tried playing an M-size game I forget the name) before by half-assing the Japanese, but it still didn't make too much sense.

>I still play Japanese eroge because I use AGTH and Rikaichan. I do pretty good.
But that means you rely on short, supposedly literal translations without any explanation of the nuances for a language with many words that don't even have an equivalent in English.

I've discovered while learning about kanji that as far as artistry is concerned, you won't really understand it completely if you don't know the pronunciation of the kanji, the other words that use kanji that either look like the kanji or use some of the same radicals or the same kanji, etc...

Converting it romaji or kana seems ridiculous any way.
There are a lot of words that use the same kanji, they're not all pronounced the same, their won't necessarily be any context clues to say which it means... then there's compounds, okurigana... my head's starting to hurt coming up with these reasons, but it's just too complex...
I don't see how it's any better than AGTH and some auto-translation tool.

(And, no, I'm not just learning Japanese to play eroge or VNs. I like the language and my reasons for learning it are fairly complex)

>> No.6865492

I thought Chinatsu's route had one of the best romance.
And the second to last fight was really intense, one of the best fight in the series.
It also introduced lots of important things to the plot.

>> No.6865586

>I barely know Japanese. I know shit like IKU, KIMOCHI II, and DAME!
Alright, forget I said eroge then...
What I meant was, if it has a good, worthwhile plot, I don't want to read a shit translation.

>I still play Japanese eroge because I use AGTH and Rikaichan. I do pretty good.
But that means you rely on short, supposedly literal translations without any explanation of the nuances for a language with many words that don't even have an equivalent in English.

I've discovered while learning about kanji that as far as artistry is concerned, you won't really understand it completely if you don't know the pronunciation of the kanji, the other words that use kanji that either look like the kanji or use some of the same radicals or the same kanji, etc...

Converting it romaji or kana seems ridiculous any way.
There are a lot of words that use the same kanji, they're not all pronounced the same, their won't necessarily be any context clues to say which it means... then there's compounds, okurigana... my head's starting to hurt coming up with these reasons, but it's just too complex...
I don't see how it's any better than AGTH and some auto-translation tool.

(And, no, I'm not just learning Japanese to play eroge or VNs. I like the language and my reasons for learning it are fairly complex)

>> No.6865670

Basically what you're saying amounts to "Japanese is haaard~ and I can't take it easy~".

How the hell do you think anyone learns a language? What do you think learning a language even means?!
Stop trying to make everything more complex then it needs to be, you stupid fuck.

>> No.6865980

Hell yeah finished Chinatsu's route.
I liked the climax of all the ends a lot, even if both good ends are kinda underwhelming, unlike the horribly depressing bad end not as depressing as Nanoha's your brain in a jar, but still.
I mean, the true end of Chinatsu is basically fuck her as promised then timeskip to loli clone body Chinatsu, a bit too fast. The spaceship one was fast too but it didn't have so many changes
And the wait for dive2 must have been horrible, so many unanswerred questions all centered around the same plot point, I mean, all the things that appear in the video must be answered in dive2 and look really interesting.
My main complain with Chinatsu's route was the overly long chapter 10, it felt like it was never going to end, really. That and not being able to skip old text because is a differently named chapter.

>> No.6866076


If you paid attention, you'd notice that I wasn't responding to anons trying to learn the language, I was responding to anons who said nothing about intending to learn Japanese, rather relying on crap translation tools (Kanjidicks explains the nuances of words. Rikaichan does not).
These anons are not telling me to learn Japanese, at least not to the level I want, and they said nothing about using the mentioned tools to learn it.

The only thing they've said in that way is that I should just learn words and not kanji.

The point I'm trying to make in that post you quoted is not that it's annoying to learn Japanese.
What I'm basically trying to get across is this:

1. Reading it in it's original language is better than relying on translation (without apparent intention to learn)
2. Learning kanji and kana is better than just trying to read in kana and/or romaji.
3. I'm reluctant to try to learn Japanese *by* using *potentially good* stories because that means I won't be able to later experience the story fully in it's original form without knowing some of the things to expect beforehand. Translating while reading it is fairly hard work not intended by the author and the intended effect will likely be lost because of the work. This does not mean I do not want to learn Japanese.
Translating Japanese conversations, instructions, casual jokes etc. is not, in my opinion, the same as translating a work of literature. The two shouldn't be compared.

>> No.6866162

Which is why it's best to just read a bunch of simple eroge to get a hang of the language and how it works, and one you can read at a decent pace without having to translate everything, you can move onto the things you really want to read.

>> No.6866203

Thank you.

>> No.6866282

>as far as artistry is concerned
Invalid to 99,9% of visual novels. And even in rest...
> pronunciation of the kanji, the other words that use kanji that either look like the kanji or use some of the same radicals or the same kanji, etc...
... aren't important enough to disturb enjoyment of reading them. For God's sake, visual novels aren't written at classic literature level.

>There are a lot of words that use the same kanji, they're not all pronounced the same, their won't necessarily be any context clues to say which it means... then there's compounds, okurigana...
Never had problems you wrote here, neither in France Shoujo with 3000+ unique kanji or simple nukige. Then maybe programs I use are better than
>AGTH and some auto-translation tool

Many ways to learn Japanese, definitely there are better than mine but that's easiest way to read visual novels and actually understand them without losing that much as in translations.

>> No.6866571

(>>6860475) reporting in.

Seems I overestimated myself a bit, cause I'm reading incredibly slowly. Not gonna give up though, as I'm able to make sense of and understand what I'm reading, it just takes a bit to put all the info in each sentence together coherently. Practice makes perfect!

>> No.6866997


>... aren't important enough to disturb enjoyment of reading them. For God's sake, visual novels aren't written at classic literature level.

No, I just fucked that up.
I was referring primarily to ease of reading and certainty with what was said when using bad translation tools.
I did mean to mention artistry too, but it wasn't supposed to be the main part of what I was saying.. Goddammit... Now how do I explain.
Alright, forget I wrote that whole artistry bit. What I mean is in addition to the *possibility* of some level of at least simplistic literary techniques, there's also, and far more importantly, the fact that the translation tools mentioned are imperfect and are likely to have you coming up with entirely different words.
With it being a good VN, you don't want to screw up as much.

Ah... this conversation is all fucked up now... at least for me it is.
I can't think any more.

>> No.6867058

Since I can't think and I'm leaving, here's what I was going to write before I realized that error I think I made:

If it's worth reading, it requires learning of the language as far as I am concerned.
I will not know for certain the quality of the writing or plot in VNs unless I know Japanese.
I can't just take your word for it and say they all don't use techniques that are difficult to understand without knowing Japanese.
I feel that it's a disservice to the author to rely on someone else's words to write their own story... For all you know, they might have blatantly lied about a lot of things.

Even if it's simply written, you have to go back and forth between translation and reading and it just doesn't seem right to me.
I was only using the kanji thing as an example, by the way. I mean, if you write a simple piece of literature in English, you can't just not use any descriptive adjectives, for example and if you read a translation of them, it might not seem the same.
The words a writer use create images in people's heads... I'm not sure how to explain my opinion here, but basically I just think that trying to read VNs as translations is a little like opting to stay in the U.S. and directing someone to travel through Paris with a camera hooked up to the internet instead of going yourself

Even if you're learning Japanese as you go alone, it's simply not the same as if you had known Japanese all along and was reading it in the exact words of the author.
Japanese doesn't have all the same words as English and vice versa.
Different naunces.. Maybe in one language you can say a well-known, often used, convenient and simplistic word that translates as ugly, but implies it has some sort of strange beauty, yet the other language has no such word so it doesn't come off the same.

Either way this is my preference and I don't feel like changing it.

>> No.6867082

This. My first raw eroge was DCII, I picked it up becasue it was
1. New.
2. Otome rules.
3. Knowing DC, the plot and the writing shouldn't be too difficult to understand.

>> No.6867207


I happen to have similar feelings along the lines of 'defiling' the original work so of course as make my way through things with AGTH+ATLAS I try to pick titles that seem simple or maybe not all that great to begin with.

If you stick too strictly to a purist mentality then you'll never read the works at all. Even after decades living in Japan someone could make the argument that you weren't born there are will never fully comprehend all the intricacies and connotations that only a person born and grown in the culture could.

Of course it's an individual preference to decide when you're 'ready' for a particular work. And of course people who try things before they are ready will brutally mar the original's quality, but as long as they realize this and don't start criticizing the author for it then we should probably let those people do as they please.

>> No.6867524

yeah do tell me about the six month wait for dive2 that I had to go trough. I pretty much couldn't get it out of my head and tried to figure out how the hell they will go and explain all those things. And it pretty much killed my interest in everything else as I ccould get my self to start anything else untill I know the end of the story.
Turned out that all my theories were pretty wrong.

Yeah. and enjoy your Aki route now.

>> No.6869115
File: 37 KB, 597x256, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell froze over or something

>> No.6869140

Enjoying my Aki route, though there's something really wrong with some of it , just on chapter 8 butthe fact that you have to learn about Ko's mother for that route, Eiji's reactions after seeing Aki as a grown up and the existence of cloning in relation to Seira's comments 'your mother was my most loved person' kinda foreshadow something horrible, really horrible.

>> No.6869240

speaking of baldr sky, is there a way to keep the music looping when alt tabbing? even in windowed when the game goes out of focus the music stops

>> No.6869247

Minimize it by clicking on it on the taskbar.
Usually it works for me.

>> No.6869254

Well the thing is I use this one program to keep the window on top, so there's really no need for me to minimize it when I look up words

>> No.6869255

So much for
>A game 100% without NTR are so boring. Sometimes, I play pure love games without NTR, but, games with some kind of NTR are ALWAYS much more interesting than games without any NTR.
Damned betrayer.

>> No.6869267
File: 168 KB, 1407x379, fsdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

facepalming so hard at this guy

>> No.6869288

I've always thought that fhc was kind of dumb.

>> No.6869295
File: 338 KB, 800x600, 0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do ho ho ho ho

minimize maximize and minimize again. that work most of the time. sometimes it just works just by tabbing too, its kinda random.

>> No.6869299

I don't know the guy nor do I follow the hongfire forums. I do however get my eroge torrents there and somehow his stupid comments always pop out

>> No.6869307

Ah yeah, I laughed hard at that part.
With Aki-nee, I understadn, but the father just killed me here.

>> No.6869362
File: 923 KB, 800x600, youngest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hell yes. Playing 絶対★妹原理主義!! from Nounai Kanojo. Incest game, you have 4 sisters, you run a doujo. One comes home from training and wants to turn the doujo into a maid cafe. She fights you for it, you lose. She starts trying to get into your pants, this gives the other sisters ideas.

Won with the youngest sister. Got her bad end first which SUCKED. Now her good end. Holy shit YES. 3 kids with my sister? Sign me up please!

>> No.6869364
File: 571 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, that scene was just golden. But I was mostly laughing on fact that you have no idea where some of the stuff you mentioned will lead to, yet.

I myself just started reading the trial of Artemis Blue, nice to have female protagonist for a chance. mmmm.... dat ass.....

>> No.6869369

The third chapter is godly, make sure to read it.

>> No.6869379

I just like started just now. And intended to read the trial fully. But it has atleast 3 chapters+prologue in trial alone? how long this will be?

>> No.6869385

About 4-5 hours.
If you like the writing in this be sure to check the Ashita no Yukinojou series.

>> No.6869490 [DELETED] 
File: 538 KB, 707x1000, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh, the game of the year is uploaded. I hope my body can handle it.

>> No.6869505

Downloadan at the speed of of my imouto.

>> No.6869590

>Won with the youngest sister. Got her bad end first which SUCKED.
Nah no way. The femdom ending was the best part of the game if you have that fetish. But yeah I quite liked her good ending too. I only did her and the oldest nee-san. I didn't quite like the other two sisters.

>> No.6869596

That Chaos Head spinoff is out on PSP now so I guess I'll play that.

>> No.6869618
File: 615 KB, 800x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's frightening how well Japan knows me and gives me what I like.

Getting tied up and left out in the park at night to get raped by homos is not my idea of a good time. If you like femdom I guess it would be cool but SHE NEVER LETS YOU FUCK HER ONCE in the bad end. That's just MEAN.

>> No.6869635
File: 787 KB, 240x174, fagglets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6869664

Goddamit, It was a fake file though unfortunately, fucking uploader didn't test it. You can stop your torrents (I deleted my post too for that reason). It makes me mad.
>Getting tied up and left out in the park at night to get raped by homos is not my idea of a good time. If you like femdom I guess it would be cool but SHE NEVER LETS YOU FUCK HER ONCE in the bad end. That's just MEAN.
You didn't read the scene? He was never raped by them. He was only scared to shit, because that anal vibe was pushed in so deep that no one could pull it out. And they have sex there a lot, it's just you are the one getting fucked, which makes it even better for me.

>> No.6869783

As soon as I realized what was going on and once the first guy showed up I ctrl'd through the scene as fast as I could. I expected my sister to leave me out there awhile before coming back and laughing but guys started showing up and I went OH SHIT, OH GOD NO, NO NO NO NO NO. and skipped the scene.

>> No.6869864

Yeah well, as I said he never gets raped by them (I'd have been surprised if Noukano goes over that line), they tried taking the anal vibe out but she pushed it so deep and he's so shit scared that it's impossible to pull out so they give up in the end. After that scene IIRC she also implied that the guys were arranged by her. Still, the pegging scenes made that ending pretty good for me.

>> No.6870098

I'm looking for a VN with gameplay, like Ikusa Megami or Baldr Sky, but I want to avoid long games.
I can read Japanese a little. Any recommendations?

>> No.6870114

Kagura Douchuuki
Kagura Gensoutan

>> No.6870131

hmm... maybe Baldr Force, it isn't nearly as long as Baldr Sky is. Himegari if you like SRPGs, Venus Blood -Empire- is pretty good too, it's bit like Rance in gameplay. None of those aren't too long either. Duel Savior, might be good too, altough I haven't played it yet muself so don't know how lenghty it is.

>> No.6870989
File: 49 KB, 800x600, helloworldfullcomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Hello, world.

It was well worth the long playtime.

>> No.6871001
File: 245 KB, 1019x810, mai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 Real Imouto ga Iru Ooizumi-kun no Baai 110

>> No.6871015

Mad jelly. Been wanting to play it for a long time now, but my japanese definitely isn't up to scratch yet. Perhaps next year I'll be able to read it.

>> No.6872088

Just a quick bump.

>> No.6872224


>> No.6873386

bumping the best thread on /jp/

>> No.6873497

How did it turn out, anyways?

Waiting for Tsukumonogatari right now, I need some PSP goodness.

>> No.6874100
File: 576 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't have that much time to play Artemis Blues trial yesterday, continuing it now. But have to say from the little I have read so far Haru is pretty great protagonist

>> No.6874117
File: 510 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

argh the this drunken wominzer stole my first kiss, damn him to hell

>> No.6874854

How long did you guys study jap for before playing un-TL'ed eroge? I've been studying for about half a year now and I'm getting the urge to start playing some. Might try out something simple to see whether or not I can manage it.

>> No.6874869

I didn't study at all. Playing untranslated VNs was my studying.

>> No.6874897

so what is this game about?

>> No.6874898



>> No.6874906

look it up on the archive, we had enough OT language posts in these threads as it is
Artemis Blue, it's written right there.

>> No.6874928
File: 486 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haru watch your mouth, good ladies don't use such language.

read the thre... oh right, it was in last thread the explanation, which prompted me to check this out.
Copypaste from last thread:
Basically the story takes place in the future, around 2060.
20 years prior there was a mysterious phenomenon called "Artemis' hymen" that covered the earth, it's an unbreakable membrane that basically forbid flying at more than 500 feet.
Of course air lines have suffered a lot as a result with most airports closing.
The game starts with the main heroine and protagonist who go to an interview to become a copilot for one of the last company that still do air transport, and the story goes from there.

It kind of feel like an otome game, especially considering the love interests seems to be guys only but it's not marketed as one, pretty weird.

But the writer is pretty great so it's probably going to be good.

>> No.6874954

So basically, the earth got stuck in a giant space girl's vagina

>> No.6875047

Plot doesn't seem to be bad, but damn me if this isn't otome game. On top of that all heroines are above 19. Definitely won't play.

>> No.6875051

It's not an otome game.
And one of the main heroine is a loli, really adorable.

>> No.6875207
File: 319 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, tough that the trial would end after this scene as it would been fitting. But it seems to still continue, well I'm off to the sleep, continuing tomorrow.

Have to say tough, if you judge from the trial so far Artemis Blue has been pretty great. Definately looking foward to full product. Altough I first didn't see in first months anything special, but have changed my mind, damn this year has some great start, 2011 might very well beat 2009 when it comes to great eroges if this trend continues till the end of the year.

>> No.6875244 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 801x602, aki being ultra cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Aki route in Baldr.
Godamn if she wasn't cute during the whole route, she and her semi incestuous thoughts getting flustered when called onee-chan. My enjoyment of the route kinda skyrocketyed thanks to her.
The Nirvana end was pretty sad ko was hit pretty hard by Aki's death, and the worse part is that he's trying to kill Chinatsuwhereas the Aki end was pretty funny thanks to thanks to Seira behaving like Aki, more of a human
And as far as info and revelations go I was compleetely wrong with the Arc plan, I initially thought it was related to the whole Dominion faith about the world not being real, and the Arc plan was basically to transport souls/whatever from the fake world to the real one
Kinda happy to see that Kurihara didn't go mad just because, there was actually a foreshadowed cause, I thought it would be just some kind of schizophrenia, but this explanation was more satisfying
Now I still need to find out what are the points, according to Agent, it's probably a gate to where her superiors/the people that created are? They're quite interesting
And then Agent itself, it's also the first route I think she hasn't taken out the pendant and counted, oh yeah, the pendant with increasing numbers, that's also pretty interesting and could be related to dominion's doctrine
Because it's weird as hell taht in Chinatsu's route, where you know she's an agent, she takes it out herself and counts instead of Ko noticing like in teh first two routes

I also liked ronery Aki creating herself a boyfriend, also there's probably some importance in the fact that he has a simmulacra that channels his thoughts

>> No.6875258

The art for Dive 2(and expecially DiveX) took a bit of a change in style and it ended up giving Aki this really dopey looking face in a lot of the CGs. It's a cute dopey face though.

The style change fits Sora/Makoto/Nanoha/Aki well but I think Chinatsu and Rain work better with Dive 1 style

>> No.6875281

I kinda agree, I lie Aki's sprites better than most of her CGs. Sometimes her face is kinda off.

>> No.6875592 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 1032x627, imoutoparadise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished reading the trial for Imouto Paradise.

Well, it's pretty much your average nukige. Unusual situation, buncha horny females lusting for your ち〇ちん, somewhat amusing hijinks and rather fappable h-scenes. All in wide-screen, how nice.

But I think the most important is the feature that tells you how many screens are left until the character ejaculates. Seriously, how did no one thought of that before?

>> No.6875636

you really don't miss that many nuances i think
Rikai chan, for example, often gives multiple words as a translation. If you read them all you can often understand the nuances and feeling of the japanese word. If its still hard, you can just look at a couple japanese to japanese dictionaries.

>> No.6875652

Looks that everyone got 7 years younger in Dive2/X

>> No.6875675

How old are they supposed to be anyway, 25?

>> No.6875699

Early twenty I guess.

>> No.6876453

I think you just missed the dice count somehow, its shown on everyroute.

also were you suprised that the first simulacra was actually made of Kou? it was nicely foreshadowed imo. Also it's a big hint towards certain twist later.

Also if you didn't notice, but you need to read all of the reminisences to unlock Makoto route now. Also enjoy Kou actually acting like a mother fucking mercanary he is in the Makoto route.

>> No.6876945

I stopped playing through Makoto's route sometime last year, I should really get back to it.

>> No.6876948
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There are a very few games which are using that feature. Sexmate and Ichapri comes to mind, or that clockup game 癒されご奉仕 .
Anyway reason I'm looking forward to it is because Michika is fucking awesome imouto, she's like totally tailored for my tastes based on my fetishes, and every line of hers in the trial was golden. Koharu seems decent character too, and maybe Rio's route will also have femdomy stuff I hope.
Moreover the ero should be animated for the most part (I hope), even though the trial didn't have animations. I dunno about you, but it easily outclasses "your average nukige" in my opinion. It's no coincidence that they sold EVERY preorders in most of the major shops, and their website's been 503-ing due to the unexpectedly major traffic for days now.

>> No.6876990

way to miss two of the best routes in the game.

yeah, thats kinda suprising.
And where the hell are all uploads? Only 黙って私のムコになれ! and 極道の花嫁 have gotten uploads so far. Where the HEL IS MY IMOPARA and Custom meido

>> No.6877004

I was just really burnt out. I didn't like Aki's route, and I hated that I had to read through all the high school stuff to get Makoto.

>> No.6877297
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What does Tsunota mean? It's describing the imoutos you can pick from, futsu imouto (normal, duh), tsundere imouto, genki imouto, kamoku imouto (silent/shy), tsunata (ツンおた) imouto, and finally mysterious imouto.

The character description says otaku imouto, guess it has something to do with that.

>> No.6877306
File: 296 KB, 447x768, 10404597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Kanbara, from #hotglue, she answered it perfectly.

Tsunota would be tsundere otaku. BRILLIANT.

Here, have an apple.

>> No.6877542

Oh, I really had no idea, honestly my first time seeing that in a game.
But yeah, you're right, considering the fact it will be animated, it looks way better than most nukige. Michika was awesome indeed and most of her lines were sort of hilarious, but even though Aya was kinda boring and generic, her whole WE ARE SIBLINGS SO DO ME IN THE ASS thing made me fap harder.

But yeah, it was my first game in jap using ChiiTrans after two months of studying grammar, so I can't say I grasped every single detail of the story. Then again I don't think there's much to grasp.

>> No.6877827

That feeling you have when the eroge company you just followed directly thanks you and you can't answer you're looking forward to the launch like everyone else because you can't/won't buy it.
I'm sorry devs. One day I'll have disposable income to afford import fees.

>> No.6877878
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Vermilion trial release is out.

>> No.6878047

New eroge are being released, what are you guys expecting?
AQUA seems good, Imopara seems mighty fappable.

>> No.6878157
File: 606 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn molester, what the hell are you doing you drunken perv. Have some manners dammit.
This trial is longer than I tough, or I'm just way sloooow reader, and it feels long.

out of this months releases, kinda looking foward to ImoPara, Custom Meido and Soushinjutsu0. Next month there is Artemis Blue. In march there is Eustia and SG CODE:Revise, and april there is Kamidori, Daiteikoku, Rewrite. and then there is few good looking nukiges too. Strong start for this year definately.
In order of how much I look foward to:
1. Aiouku no Eustia
2. SG CODE:Revise
3. Kamidori
4. Artemis Blue
5. Daiteitoku
6. Rewrite

>> No.6878702
File: 582 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha oh wow, what the hell. I'm in stiches here. this damn scene.

First I was like hmmm...
Then I was like no wait a moment, this can't be happening right?
Then I went holy shit it wasn't joke after all, it's actually happening
... ... ...
Then I fapped
damn girls these days

>> No.6878928

Waiting for Imouto Paradise to be posted so I can finally nail Michika.

>> No.6878944

Can you name those good looking nukiges.
I want to play some.

>> No.6878986

Sisters I think is going to be fully or mostly animated, definitely looking forward to it, saw the demo movie and came buckets just from that.

>> No.6879124
File: 374 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah finally finished the second chapter of Artemis Blues trial, and there's still third chapter... this is pretty long trial considering the size is only 442mbs, and being full voice and having quite number of CGs.
I guess I'll stop here for today, but damn this thing is just full of suprises, I went pretty much with zero exceptations this, with only knowledge that it seemed to be interesting from last thread. And have to say that I'm extremely positively suprised and enjoying this a LOT, up there with Eustias and CODE:Revises trials imo.

I must reiterate, this year will fucking awesome eroge wise.

nukiges depend lot in person, and my nukige tastes goes to /d/ direction, so they don't really fit for everyone. Besides the thing mentioned in my post there will be new ones from anim, bishop, tinkerbell, whose past works I have quite enjoyed. But considering your post you have not played much nukiges so check their older works, so you don't need to wait.

>> No.6879150

Inoue is the most underestimated eroge writer out there.
I pretty much knew that Artemis Blue would be awesome when I learned he was the writer.

He is also the author of Elfen Blaze by age, that fucking long eroge (around 15mb text, twice France Shoujo the current longest eroge) that has yet to be released.
He announced during summer the scenario was completed.

>> No.6879204

>15mb text


>> No.6879205

Actually it's 17.3mb of text.
FSN is at 3.90 for a comparison.

>> No.6879207

>Elfen Blaze
>around 15mb text

It's something like epic fantasy, right?

>> No.6879221

I feel urge to screaming AAAAAAAAAA very loud now, but it's deep night here.

>> No.6879234

It's a faithful adaptation of the entire Wheel of Time series.

>> No.6879237

What does that make the full game size, like 20 gigs?

>> No.6879249

>It's a faithful adaptation of the entire Wheel of Time series


>> No.6879257

There is next to no information about it.
Only that Inoue started to write the scenario and went to several companies in hope of being published, age accepted.
He announced the completion of the scenario last year and went to write Artemis Blue.

Funny that Artemis Blue will be released first

>> No.6879266
File: 575 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your the the person who recommended checking this out in last thread? Yeah, thanks a lot, been great. And Elfen Balze is written by this guy? originally was intersted in it due the humongous script, but now theres more reasons to look foward to it. Hopefully in will not be another forever project tough, âge seems to be bit lacking in their time management lately. What other stuff this writer has written? maybe throw some of his stuff in my backlog.

But more people should check Artemis Blue out, it's good stuff and fun to read. Haru also makes some great expressions.

>> No.6879271

He did the Yukinojou series

Especially Yukinojou 2 is amazing.

>> No.6881061

ok thanks, maybe I'll check the second one then at some point atleast.

>> No.6881348
File: 102 KB, 1030x648, ScreenHunter_0370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muv-Luv Alternative Sadogashima Arc translation patch is 100% complete, but I can't find it on /jp/, and amaterasu will not officially release it since they began talks with age..

>> No.6881412

No point in playing the partials until the full thing is out, you're just going to get cockblocked. I have no real idea why Ammy even decided to do partials.

>> No.6881438

So, how high is the chuuni level in this one?

>> No.6881442

Playing the second one without the first would be stupid.
They are directly related and you will miss a lot going to the second without the first.

>> No.6881451

> I have no real idea why Ammy even decided to do partials.
It's pretty clear actually, but I don't want this thread to turn into another Alt bitchfest so I'll drop it.

>> No.6881605

Okay, a question.
I'm going to download diveX since it's quite big and want to have it ready by the time I finish dive2. I'm using this torrent
It contains a bonus disc, what is it about exactly?

>> No.6881669
File: 474 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute loli comes to your door and reports that you are her dad, are you man enough to take the responsibility /jp/.
Probably going to manage to finish this trial today, if nothing big comes up.

noted, I guess I'll look on them both then.

It has your usual bonus material such as wallpapers, etc. some weapon look change patch which changes how some of your FCs look like. It also had trial for Jinkis VN. If I remember those were what was at the bonus disk.

>> No.6881677

Thanks for the input. The jinki trial is separated, at least.

>> No.6881703

so much hype for this, but is there porn?

>> No.6881724
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more like me alone here blabbering too much about it and trying to raise interest. one person being vocal doesn't really count up hyping to me. And yeah there is porn in it, trial has had 2 scenes so far.

>> No.6881750

Sounds good, but I think I'll wait for the full game.

>> No.6881757

why is she asking for more when her cup is already full

>> No.6881766

The girl's outfit on the right puzzles me.

>> No.6881768

She is a call girl

>> No.6881802

Is the protag a virgin? I do not want to play as a slut.

>> No.6881814

Wait, the main character is into girls? Dropped.

>> No.6881821

She is a virgin, and straight.

>> No.6881835
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still a virgin.

no she isn't, stuff happened and she ended up drinking with her.

>> No.6881851

Why so gay, fag?

>> No.6882069
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I started playing 媚肉の香り~ネトリネトラレヤリヤラレ~ yesterday. I have to say it's pretty damn impressive game so far. Really pleasantly surprised since I haven't expected anything. Did anyone here play it?

I finished Evolimit since last thread, but yeah I didn't think it was very satisfying. Kazuna's route climax was the best, but the main route's climax just was too abstract and overboard to really feel anything in my opinion, and I wasn't a fan of the outcome either. Damned bastard never dies. Probably the best of the three endings where when you disregarded Kokoro's suggestion so she won't be sacrificed on the road of evolution, and just leave Shizuru to go fight with the bad guy. Then you go into Akasha's box waiting for her for 500 million years, and observe humanity what happens with it during that time until finally Shizuku comes back and opens your box. My favorite scene of the game was probably Phantom Killer vs Maya/Tyrone/Dimitriy without their patches so they are just normal, vulnerable humans. I thought that was the best of the game. Also is there any theory what happened with the Earth? It was never stated and I was hoping for an answer on that during the entire game...
Anyway, there were quite a few great scenes in this, with some good fights and nice characters, but it was not on Ayakashibito's or Chrono Belt's level in my opinion unfortunately.

>> No.6882179

Personally I hated most of the fights in Evolimit since they were just asspulls after asspulls, "need a power up? Well time to climb some stairs". Felt really ridiculous and anticlimatic.
Honestly the only thing I kinda liked in it were the characters interactions in general, especially Kokoro and Shizuku were golden.

>> No.6882213

The main character is a woman in that game.

>> No.6882226


New Muramasa doujin, oh god Kaka-sama

>> No.6882239

Wait, she's straight? So it's an otome game?

>> No.6882268

It's not an otome game, just an eroge with a female lead who is straight.
Focus isn't on romance anyways.

>> No.6882312

He's still asking for a hairy testicles, though.

>> No.6882561

You've certainly got me hyped for it anyway. Hopefully I can get some more reading practice in before it's out, so I can just jump right into it when it's released.

>> No.6882796
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Yeah I had many issues overall, but character interactions were fine. Personally I didn't like all the tsukkomi stuff with Shizuru/Shiranui (ie most of the humor wasn't my taste), but Kokoro and Tsunami had great interactions. Kokoro was my favorite character of the game overall. That's also why I liked Kazuna's route's climax because it involved his nii-san fighting the guy who has her heart implanted. Also that fight there wasn't so bad regarding evolution asspull, because most of the participants in the affair weren't evolving. But yeah I agree that this evolution stuff wasn't really good, especially disliked when one's forced giving up on Kokoro.

I find it kinda shame Shizuru won the popularity poll by a hairbreadth from Kokoro. Oh well.

>> No.6883273

I'm currently reading Soshite Ashita no Sekai Yori.
I first tried it a few years ago but hated it for some reason, now I'm giving it another chance and find it much better.
I guess taste can evolve, the characters aren't anything great but I'm really liking the writing.

>> No.6883313
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Loli vs. Adults
4 - 0

Ally is pretty hngghhhhhhh... inducing

good then if even one more person got interested in it, I feel fullfilled.

>> No.6883359

Eroge. Female protagonist. Straight.

Are you the girl who gets fucked by an array of suitors to choose from?

>> No.6883421

Finished Makoto route a while ago, now reading the last route. Impressions, more or less.
Makoto was ultra cute during her whole route, but she was kinda overshadowed by Agent during ehr climax, seeing her showing emotions in such a manenr was really good and was also well executed, so I can't complain
The endings were kinda good, her bad end wasn't as bad as the rest, and her good end was actually pretty fulfilling seeing the actual results of Kurihara's project was interesting
Also Chinatsu was actually tolerable/likeable the whole way through.
Also liked a lot the pacing, short but well packed chapters which remind me of Nanoha's route, Chinatsu's was really long at times adn so was Aki's, I understand it needed to be long to compensate for 6 chapters, but still
The one thing I still don't understand is how the fuck Gregory works
And as for the last route, currently on chapter 5 I don't even know what's going on, the girls have memory problems and know things from different 'patterns' as Agent called them (like Chinatsu remembering her loli end) that would clash with each other considering the situation
Also that Sora replaces Ko in her world? is quite interesting, also ko seems to know info about other patterns, he's remembered bits from most

Can't wait to finish.

>> No.6883455
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And here I thought I was going to go a route where I wasn't going to get bitten by one.

>> No.6883466

Any good?

>> No.6883478
File: 136 KB, 816x638, bloodyrondo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started so I can't really say. Good thing is that they've established that the MC is capable of being badass. That's already a plus.

>> No.6883513

Mako route has good end.
Sora route has sequential good/normal/true end. Which is only 1 ending with 2 extra scenes (good/true end).

>> No.6883590
File: 633 KB, 1280x776, Clipboard36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah pretty much agree what you said about Makoto routes ending. the resolution agent had was suberb, its even better when you can connect it few more tidbits you learn from Soras route

About Gregory, there will be still more explanations in Sora route about him.

As for rest of route most of that stuff you mentioned will be solved and you already have information why they might happen, you just need to connect the dots or wait till they are explained.
Also how did you like the few first chapters of Sora route? I personaly almost found them to be the best part, being confused as fuck on what going on and the sense of isolation, were suberb. Also Kou thinking that hes going bonkers due to hearing Kuus voice was just golden sometimes, like the time he jumped down that damn shaft, hurray for shortcuts.

basically no, there really is only one love interest for MC, and I doubt that changes as it feels integrated to plot. Other males do get H-scenes tough with other womans tough. But really its not romance focused.

>> No.6883641

I'm liking it a lot for now

Like you mentioned the jumping part was awesome but teh best part undoubtely, is Ko telling off both Rain and Chiantsu after the fight while arguing with Kuu, they both went as 'he cracked'
I just wonder when the real Sora will appear, I want to meet her

As for other irrelevant stuff, I love the green beams weapon, a pain to level up but my most useful weapon coupled with double submachinegun

>> No.6883654

Line laser?
O found that the best mobbing tool is the magnetic field and the photon blaster. Then get a 5 rush or more when you finish them off with the giant hammer whose name I've never bothered to read.

>> No.6883669

oh right forgot that part, yes it's great moment too. Real Sora should be appearing soon if I remember correctly, after you get the gang together, soon after it. I wo... well I'll speak about that scene later when you have seen it.

>> No.6883800

Smasher canon
I hope so.
Also I forgot my favourite moment Makoto-wise when guards are threatening Ko to catch Makoto she basically tells them she'll suicide if tehy do it and starts going all kill kill kill in her thoughts
Great moment

>> No.6883837
File: 453 KB, 806x632, Makoto_Kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, good scene

Personal style how I used weapons when I played was, I pretty much had always with me doubele machine guns, missile launcher and chaff (this let me clear stuff in tigh pinches pretty well most of the time). Everything else always was random setup of weapons that wasn't lvl3 as I was always leveling them up, and once weapon maxed I swapped it out. This lead me to discover some pretty weird ass combos, of which some are horribly inefficient but workable. Also made me realize how much of the weapons suprisingly flexibly combo with each other, sometimes in quite suprising ways too.

>> No.6883873

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v03CZDylPL8 became one of my favorite songs because of that moment

>> No.6883894

And Sora's route man. I don't know, probably one of my favorite routes in a game. I really liked it.

It single-handedly brings Dive 2 over Dive 1 by a full point for me.

>> No.6883910

I hear you man, that BGM is probably one of my favorites from any VN. It just so perfectly fits the mood to the relationship those two have. Melancholic and Hopefull at same time. really beatifull track.

>> No.6883937

I also recommend listening to the full version of Jihad after you finish the game and pay attention to the lyrics.

It's a surprisingly accurate depiction of the game itself

>> No.6883962

hmm.. never really paid attention to jihads lyrics. I remember checking the first OPs lyrics tough, which too fit quite nicely to certain characters.

>> No.6883968

Wow, someone should have told me パンドラの夢 would be so fucking good, I didn't finish the game yet and I already cried my heart out once.
And goddam that ending song

>> No.6884059

Finished Reona's route in Damamuko. Protagonist is completely idiot. Yurie should be send to mental hospital as soon as possible, fucking crazy shotacon yandere slut. I never wanted option to turn off voice of certain character as much as here, 1/10 for system.
First eroge released in 2011 turned out to be landmine, I'm out of lack lately.

>> No.6884208

checked it out, yeah they fit very well to the game overally, why didn't I realize it.

>> No.6886558


>> No.6886807

Is it incredibly short or something? I've seen people finishing routes not even a day after release.

>> No.6886873
File: 109 KB, 806x628, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gothloli vampire is the greatest.

>> No.6886881

does she use 妾 and such? I might play it just for that

>> No.6886891

so whats that game about? other than gothloli vampires? and is it good?

>> No.6886894


>> No.6886896

Finished Rin's route in 3 hours and I'm actually slow reader so yeah, it's pretty short.

>> No.6886934

Why does she look so delicious?

>> No.6886944

by the way thread is at bump limit
goes to make new thread...

>> No.6886954

New thread: >>6886951
