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File: 653 KB, 2269x4325, 1209325171356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
685244 No.685244 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys know if KnK is going to be released on bluray?

I don't know whether I should wait or download the movie now.

(Same with the Eva movie. Eva movie wiki's says no bluray announced, Knk's wiki says nothing.)

>> No.685256

eventually there has to be a bluray realease. the DVD quality is not enough.

>> No.685263


But is eventually like a month or two or 6 months?

Cuz the waiting is killing me.

>> No.685265

BLU-Ray sucks and only HARDCOREAWESOMEELITE people care about it.

>> No.685268

Just download it twice unless you live in a place with retarded internet download limits.

>> No.685269

I know dude I'm totally waiting for the superior HDDVD release.

>> No.685277


>> No.685278


I don't care about keeping it in the best quality.

I want to watch it for the first time in the best quality.

So I don't want to waste my first viewing on something inferior.

>> No.685294


Hahaha enjoy waiting a year or two.

>> No.685296

So you've never watched Slayers or any old good anime? Get the fuck out.

>> No.685305


No, just because something is old means it sucks. There are dvdrips, etc. It's no bluray but it's better than tv-rips.

These movies are different cuz there is a possibility of higher quality.

Old anime doesn't have the possibility of bluray so dvdrip is fine.

>> No.685310


*doesn't mean

sorry typo

>> No.685314



>> No.685318


>Old anime doesn't have the possibility of bluray so dvdrip is fine.

Dragon Ball Z, bitch.

>> No.685319

gb2/hydrogenaudio and discuss your placebo bullshit there

>> No.685332


Yeah I watched the two DBZ movies in bluray, it was awesome.


I have no idea what that is.

>> No.685349

imho they will first finish airing it in cinemas, then release all DVDs, and after that maybe blu-ray. That's 2009 or so.

>> No.685359


Ugh they should just release the bluray the same time as the dvd like they do here most of the time.

Well, I think I'm sick of waiting. I'm currently downloading all releases of Knk and Eva and I'm going to sample them all before choosing.

>> No.685374

>>685349 and after that maybe blu-ray in 2019 or so.

>> No.685387

Holy shit! Just watch whatever you can get you fucking elitist faggot.
There is no visible difference between 480p,720p and 1080p anyway.

>> No.685391


>There is no visible difference between 480p,720p and 1080p

6/10, lol'd hard

>> No.685393

>Old anime doesn't have the possibility of bluray so dvdrip is fine.
Pre-digital anime is recorded on film, which has a much higher resolution than DVDs can hold, so that's not an issue. The only real problem is that there's no 4:3 HD standard, but there are several solutions around that.

>> No.685401


Ok, ok I meant most anime doesn't have the possibility of bluray release cuz frankly nobody cares unless it's a super popular show that managed to stay popular through the ages (like DBZ). Most companies aren't going to redo their shows in HD.

I'm well aware of film having like insane resolution far beyond HD.

>> No.685402

Stop using a 14" monitor

>> No.685404

>just because something is old means it sucks.
Almost had me 5/10

>> No.685460

Stop being a fag. There is no HD animu,so there is no point in downloading 1080p DVD releases instead of the normal TV rips.
Believe it or not: animu characters are not as detailed as real people.

>> No.685475

>There is no HD animu

>> No.685476

Lies and slander

>> No.685509
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1211712538565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same with DVDs, is it not? For instance, 21emon an Alfred J. Kwak still don't have a Japanese DVD release (though the latter does have a Dutch one).
After all, making a DVD out of something isn't just matter of sampling at twice the needed resolution, scaling down, encoding to MPEG2 and punching it on a disc. You still need to clean up dirt and damage, rebalancing colours, resynching audio at points etc. A lot of work. Even so, there's still plenty of DVD releases of older shows that don't come close to Dragonball Z in terms of popularity out.

>> No.685519
File: 241 KB, 620x343, 1211712740931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The KnK movie is incredibly detailed and full of different things you can't just fix by upscaling

>> No.685521
File: 220 KB, 620x342, 1211712832336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.685523


Yes, even the encoding by the subbers suck because of it.

>> No.685525
File: 261 KB, 620x342, 1211712856556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see what I mean?

>> No.685530
File: 185 KB, 620x343, 1211712927267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in conclusion, it's a stupid thing to say you can just rescale it

>> No.685559

No point in rescaling it, but there really isn't much difference between SD and HD for anime. Lines are lines, fills and gradients and fills and gradients, you really aren't missing much.

Fuck, there's little to point to HD live-action stuff.

>> No.685564

Where did I say anything about scaling up? Scaling up is never a proper solution... ever.
I said scaling DOWN, because the analog source has been sampled at twice the needed resolution in order to produce a faithful reproduction. KnK has nothing to do with this, because it's digital to begin with (though it does need to be scaled down, since the source material was made at a much higher resolution than SD video).

>> No.685587

Even a straight line has detail that can't be seen on lower resolutions, if it has been made by human hands.

>> No.685608

Well KnK is all CG so that point it invalid.

Besides, why the hell do you care about missing some infintesimal detail on the edge of a desk or whatever?

>> No.685622

what is this KnK you speak of?

>> No.685641

KyounareKa faggot

>> No.685644



>> No.685648

Are these people saying that theres no difference between SD and 1080p anime even watched it on anything besides their 17" computer monitor? I can see a huge difference on my 1080p 52"

>> No.685654

Why the fuck do you even HAVE a 52" screen? There's no goddamn reason for it.

>> No.685662


That's like asking, why the fuck are you here on /jp/?

>> No.685666

>Well KnK is all CG so that point it invalid.
No, it's not. It's CG in the sense that it's inked, painted and edited on a computer (by humans), but it still is drawn by humans on paper, after which it's scanned in at a resolution higher than full HD.

>Besides, why the hell do you care about missing some infintesimal detail on the edge of a desk or whatever?
You know why 3D animation integrated in 2D animation stands out so much? Of course, the comparatively smooth motion and consistency is part of it, but you can still tell it apart even when the screen is frozen, because the 3DCG is lacking exactly THAT.

>> No.685669

Not really. Being on /jp/ is free (assuming you have the internets, which isn't much of an assumption these days). Owning a 52" TV is fucking expensive, and offers no advantages over a more reasonable 28"-32" screen - unless you count needing to watch from further away as an advantage, or you have a love of HUEG pixels....

>> No.685675

And since when does CG standing out actually matter? Shit's long since dropped into the uncanny valley, and it's gonna take a lot more than smooth lines to bring it back out again on the other side.

>> No.685682

Because I have a disposable income and can afford it. Happy?

And Pixels? I'm using this thing to browse 4chan on my couch atm and I can read everything just fine.

>> No.685684

that's not the point here. it's like saying "Why have a 20x32 inch poster of a piece of art when I could have the exact same thing on a piece of printer paper?"

>> No.685689

I love the idea of a nearly empty tiny apartment with a 52" inch television.

>> No.685690

Uncanny valley is a myth.

>> No.685691

Maybe my way of putting it was a bit roundabout, but am I really expecting too much from people to understand my point from that?

>> No.685696

Two screens with the same resolution but different sizes will have different-sized pixels. The smaller screen will have the smaller pixels, and will thus look less pixellated and thus look BETTER.

Screens should be sized appropriately for the room they're in. A cinema you sit a large distance away from so a large screen works (actually it works the other direction in this case but meh), while in a living room you sit fairly close so a smaller screen is better. ~30" is the ideal size for most living rooms. If you happen to live in a mansion, maybe up to a 40" would work. Anything beyond that is retarded.

>> No.685699

No it isn't.


>> No.685705

Pretty sure they announced they would be releasing Eva on Blu-ray, who knows when though.

>> No.685707
File: 16.00 MB, 4121x2795, 1211716215931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the TV guy...

but do you see this 4000x2000 pixel scan? It's high quality, right? Wouldn't you rather have this, which has the same amount of quality as a smaller picture but it's larger altogether, than a 640x480 version?

also, most people have a monitor that's at least 20 inches nowadays. I bought my 22 inch LCD monitor for 230 dollars, you know.

>> No.685708

Oh yay. Yet another release of NGE. What number will this be? Fifty-seven?

Fuck I hate that show, and the retards it has spawned.

>> No.685712

>Wouldn't you rather have this, which has the same amount of quality as a smaller picture but it's larger altogether, than a 640x480 version?

That's a rather shittily-scanned, fuzzy-as-fuck image to use to back up your point. In fact I'd rather have it less fuzzy and half the size.

640x480 is getting ridiculously small.

>> No.685713


>also, most people have a monitor that's at least 20 inches nowadays

You don't go out much, do you? (except to buy that 22 inches monitor, of course)

>> No.685715

oh man theres just no dealing with you is there.

>> No.685718

>Hey guise! I have an XBAWKS HUEG television on which I watch my animu at! Lulz am I cool yet?
I'm watching my animu and everything else I download on my 15.4" notebook and it looks good enough for me,be it 480p or 720p,I don't see much of a difference.

>> No.685719


Why do I see something that looks like white stuff on her hair?

>> No.685723
File: 22.00 MB, 3000x1816, 1211716559293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this, then?

>> No.685724

If we could erase but one series from existence.. Some people revere it as if it was some holy scripture or something.

>> No.685726


Of course because it's 15.4"

>> No.685727

There's plenty of dealing with me. I just think you're wrong. Bigger != better.

>> No.685730


Moar scans would be nice.

>> No.685732

Because you do. Shitty scan is shitty.

>> No.685733

It's true. Most people who don't have a computer that's three years old or so buys something from 19 inches upwards.

I mean fuck, unless you have a laptop, why would you get anything smaller?

>> No.685736

That's cheating, it's a raster image generated from a vector image. It'll be as high-quality as the resolution allows.

>> No.685738

You're looking at this the wrong way. We're talking about the same resolution at different physical sizes. A better analogy would be to take a small image and upsize it, THEN compare the quality of the two.

>> No.685742
File: 76.00 MB, 2405x3413, 1211716896413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what about this then?

>> No.685744

>A better analogy would be to take a small image and upsize it
That would be a good analogy to an upscale. Not so for a true HD image, though.

>> No.685748

Well,my cousin has one of those HUGE LCD screen.
When I first saw it I thought "Oh wow! Let's see how awesome stuff looks like on it!",then I turned it on and was like "Wait,that's all?".

Btw. that notebook screen here supports 720p.
If there was any (notable!) difference between 480p and 720p,I would've noticed it.

tl;dr: HD is overrated.

>> No.685749

OP is back.

Not sure yet about Eva, but I've decided on the rakkyo release for KnK. I compared it to the other one and it has better colors and maybe a better translation.

I guess it's good enough for me to watch. Very good encoding. Looks fine on my 26" lcd tv.

I shoulda known though that any mention of HD would cause a shitstorm. I really don't get how people can see something in HD and not be absolutely amazed.

>> No.685750

There's no other way I know of to approximate increasing the size of the pixels, uless you count using the Zoom function in whatever graphics editor you use.

>> No.685753

>I really don't get how people can see something in HD and not be absolutely amazed.

Because HD doesn't really make that much of a difference. VCR->DVD was a big thing, but DVD is really all the quality that anyone could use, and DVD->HD is minor.

>> No.685757


You must need to get your eyes checked because I see a very notable difference.

>> No.685760

Some slightly-lessened fuzziness does not awesomeness make.

>> No.685761

Are you saying your eyes can see the pixels on a ~40dpi screen? If so thats nice, but mine can't at around 4ft away which is my viewing distance sitting on my chair at my desk.

>> No.685763
File: 85.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1211717511719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.685766

No it's just your imagination. Media tells you that stuff is supposed to look better in HD,so you think it does.
And I bet you also save your music in FLAC format,because it's lossless and is supposed to sound much better then MP3/OGG.

>> No.685767

I wave shit eyesight (eight-year old glasses need serious updating) but I can see them just fine from ~15' away. Maybe you should see an optometrist.

>> No.685769


People won't say they can't fucking tell the difference between 5k and SD.

>> No.685775
File: 35.00 MB, 1920x3256, 1211717721937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.685776

This backs me up quite well, I think.

480p -> 720p = big visible difference
720p -> 1080p = minor visible difference

>> No.685779

>I have

Fucked if I know how a "w" got in there.

>> No.685780

15 inches is a foot away from your screen, dude.

Go back from your screen 4 feet and tell us if you can still see them.

>> No.685781

No difference between 1080 and 720. 480 is a little blurry compared to the others,but I wouldn't consider it OMG UNWATCHABLE UGLY SHIT WHERE IS MY 2160p!!

>> No.685784

Look at this

>> No.685785

Fifteen foot, not inches.

>> No.685789

Yeah, I mistook it for inches at first too. Thats how you know he's bullshitting or he needs to define seeing pixels.

>> No.685786

ITT we assume everyone has exactly the same level of eyesight and perceptive skills.

>> No.685796

Fifteen feet? Are you shitting me?

...oh wait. If you have an old monitor or laptop, of course you would.

On a newer computer, the pixels in a monitor aren't even really visible until you're like less than 7 inches away from it.

>> No.685857
File: 606 KB, 1280x720, 1211719574982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.685862



>> No.685867
File: 4.00 MB, 1280x720, 1211719797602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.685871

I would be content with 720p
While 1080p is nice and all, I find 720p enough

>> No.685875
File: 6.00 MB, 1280x720, 1211720007169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.685885
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1211720182787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.685898

Fuck yeah,credits in 720p!
It's upscaled

>> No.685922

lol people believing upscaling to 1080p = HD.

>> No.685941

Maybe with most anime but with actual movies the upgrade from 720p to 1080p is greater than SD to 720p.

>> No.686033

OP here. I doubt 1080p is as much of an upgrade, but I really can't compare since my computer can only handle 720p.

Anyways I just watched KnK.

It was wonderful. A bit "LOL DEEP" but I guess I should expect that when it comes to Nasu.

Tsundere Shiki is hot and sexy. Seeing her try to open the ice cream with one hand was turning me on.

I can't wait for the rest of the movies.
